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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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♪ it's been a hard day after night ♪ and i've been working like a dog ♪ stuart: it's going to rain for three days. hard day's night by the beatles. it is 10:00 eastern. straight to the money. the dow is having its worst day since february 13th, down 479 points, 1.5%. the dow is down one. 2%, nasdaq composite down almost one. 5%. 10 year treasury yield keeps going up and that is a problem for investors who have a 10 year yield at 3.439, 4.40%. price of oil, $80 a barrel range. bitcoin is down again, $65,000. the latest on job openings, we
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just got the number. lauren: 8. 75 million jobs left in february, the last day of february. slight decline from january. still tight job market. and now this. biden's democrat party has trouble with christians and christianity. the president seems confused. is catholic but his party supports abortion on demand up to the moment of birth. christians who support even modest restraints on abortion have no place. stepped outside the conformity mandate and you will be drummed out as a political heretic. you are deplorable. saturday night, pro-palestinian protesters disrupted mass at st. patrick's cathedral in new york city. they held upper banner and
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shouted about the cease-fire in gaza. they did this on easter and president biden did nothing, said nothing but the transgender visibility sunday and band religious sales of the easter egg roll. christian democrats are in a difficult alliance with muslim socialist palestinian democrats. a split poses a serious threat to biden's reelection. the wisconsin primary, anti-biden, 20,682 and committed right in votes, very precise number. biden beat that number of votes, they are trying to show they have the balance of voting power for biden's election, very important swing state. biden's problem, trying to hold onto his fellow catholics while leading a party that is increasingly left-wing.
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you can't hold it together if you don't speak out when mass is disrupted. the president can't just say nothing but the other way around, if christians or any other religious group disrupted services in a mask, the president would be all over it. his silence about the easter outrage speaks about the split in his party. second our of varney getting started. ♪ charles hurt joins me now. welcome back to the program. why do democrats have a problem with christianity? >> it is all part of this game where they are trying to divide the electorate indifferent groups, they do it with religious groups, they do it with racial groups.
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they do it through gender and pit everybody against one another. it's an effective strategy for them. your monologue is spot on. you point out, you oppose religious bigotry you have to oppose all religious bigotry. when the president stands by silently and allows religious bigotry toward christians on easter and even promulgates it himself with naming easter sunday trans whatever day and banning religious symbols on the easter egg hunt, that's an attack on religious freedom and what's interesting about it is if you are going to attack christians now, it's no different than attacking muslims or attacking jews. there is no difference. either you stand for religious freedom will you stand in
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league with religious bigotry. they've gotten in league with religious bigotry. it is a losing strategy. i pray it is a losing strategy. that is what they are stuck with. stuart: squad member pramila jayapal issued this morning about the ongoing war in gaza. >> this particular issue on gaza is breaking our coalition. we need that coalition to come back together but this is a moral issue for people. there's not a lot of time to fix it. the worse it gets, the harder it gets to bring people back in. stuart: the divide is deep bending. does it pose a serious risk to his reelection? >> we are seeing it in michigan and other states but doesn't
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have to be -- you just have to have deflation of democrat support by a couple thousand votes and it can turn an election. this is what happens when you try to have politics of division where you pick people against one another as opposed to looking at what happened october 7th in israel as a terrorist attack and go after terrorists. it's not a religious political talking point. all civilized people including muslims, jews, christians, everybody, we are against terrorism. you will pay a price and we will hunt you down and we will kill you. that has to be the message unless you are one of these democrats and president biden is one of them trying to play politics. stuart: a political divide. thank you very much. 2024 presidential candidate
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robert f kennedy junior says biden is a bigger threat to democracy than donald trump. did he explain that? lauren: what he said is why the biden campaign is putting so much money and resources into taking them down. this is what he told fox and friends this morning. >> president biden has done something no other president in history has done which is to order media, social media, facebook, twitter and youtube to censor his political opponents. they had to make up a new term called mao information that is accurate but nonetheless inconvenient to politically inconvenient. if you have a president censoring his political opponents, he has license for anything. that's a genuine threat to our democracy. lauren: that accusation flies in the face of what the biden
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campaign is supposed to be about, democracy and truth and now democratic opponent saying he's a bigger threat to democracy and donald trump is. neil: quite a punch, isn't it? back to the markets. quick look, left-hand side of the screen, 435 on the dow, nasdaq down 1.3%. scott shelladdy, this is the result of higher interest rates. what say you? >> the result of the higher interest rates is surely the folks who have been in business who missed it, 0% interest rates are realizing might get those rate cuts demanding for the government for the last six months. interest rate cuts might not be coming because numbers that keep coming, if you are the
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fed, doesn't demand a cut, low interest rates, this is them or at least there toys and other things. stuart: does this selloff continue in a meaningful way. could we go down 5%, 8%. >> wouldn't be a bad thing, the nasdaq just reported. we have celebrated these all-time record highs. inflation helps with a lot of that but most asset classes are doing well because of inflation. other things at record highs but they are bad like credit card debt or auto loan delinquencies, repossessions. other things on the other side
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of the ledger. i say to you, you can't have both of those exist at the same time. everything can't be all-time record high go door all-time record high bad. something has to give. that is what you see. when i come to this realization for rate cuts they have been buying a market on will not come to fruition but see the data looking at. that is going to be a disappointment and rightly so. 6 or 7 cuts, down 2 or 3. stuart: i can see that coming. thank you very much, see you again soon. lauren is looking at the movers. starting -- neil: big medicaid plan provider, stocks down 5.3%. the final medicare advantage payment rates and not increased, that's the reason many insurers are doing that.
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stuart: exxon mobil, i presume that is up. lauren: brent is close to $90 a barrel. tomorrow the fed meets, not expected to make any decisions with everything going on. you have a nice rally. stuart: coin base, crypto stocks are falling. bitcoin is down 66,000. lauren: you are seeing coin base, but also robin hood, digital currencies. down 5% too. stuart: actor michael rappaport lambasted progressive lawmakers and democrats. the new yorker says he will not be voting for joe biden because he is anti-israel. we have the story. democrats are reportedly stressing over losing support from young voters and minority votes. james carville says they are
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leaving the party in droves because they can't afford anything. hillary vaughan has that report next. ♪ ♪ ♪ (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: they are all heading south, nasdaq is up 250. rising interests a big problem today. unitedhealth, microsoft, and home depot, those stocks down sharply taking 275 points off the dow industrials. president biden's campaign
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worried about his support among youngsters, 29% of those under 30 approve of his handling of the economy. hillary vaughan in the white house was what are they doing to fix this? >> reporter: they are not worried about the economy. at the easter egg roll the president says the economy is the best in the world. >> president biden: we had a great easter egg hunt. we had to put some dollars and from. >> people i think i am feeling my book isn't going as far, what do you say to those folks about the economy? >> president biden: we have the best economy in the world, we got to make it better. >> reporter: public he biden says he's optimistic about his campaign but privately democrats are stressing how to bring in new young voters without accidentally encouraging young trump voters. a confidential memo circulated among top democratic donors warning them that encouraging mass new voter registration of young voters might come back to
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bite biden by signing a potential republican saying, quote, if we were to blindly register nonvoters and get them on the roles, we would be distantly aiding trump's quest for personal dictatorship. the memo warned of another changing reality, some people of color are shifting to the right saying the cost of targeting nonblack voters of color like latinos is more expensive because it scoops up so many non-democrats and the advice, just focus on african-americans who are more likely to turn out for biden, quote, african-american registration is a prime opportunity but clearly the president is confident about the state of his campaign but some democrats are beginning to smell trouble. stuart: actor michael rappaport is a staunch critic of donald trump in the past but he's going after progressive lawmakers big time. what is he saying? lauren: he might vote for donald trump because he doesn't
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like the squad. he calls them dangerous can't artists who hate israel. >> my political views have changed immensely. i will not vote for joe biden at this point, voting for trump is on the table. i will not support anybody who is anti-israel. i will not support anybody who is anti-making america safe, that is cool with the fact that i got to show my id three or four times at the airport but takes two minutes to cross the border. i'm not down with of that. i'm not down with police officers in the greatest city on earth getting beaten up. lauren: that interview, he's been to israel several times. stuart: quite a switch for the guy. lawmakers in new york city want to provide taxpayer-funded mental health services to migrants who arrive in the big apple. free mental health from
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migrants, john levine is here, who is going to pay? >> is that even a real question? shake you until the money to your pocket. stuart: city money as opposed to federal money. >> at the end of the day it comes down to us. at the low end it is $15 million, that is the low end most conservative estimate we can come up with. people call me after this saying you were too low, this is a nine figure situation. it is in the process stage, giving migrants free healthcare, free food, free cell phones, this would be the next thing on top of that. it is unclear if the therapist would make house calls. stuart: it is unclear if there are enough therapists to go around because they would probably have to speak spanish. >> probably swahili and some dialects of zulu. stuart: it's ridiculous.
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>> there's a shortage of therapists in new york. now have given free therapist to migrants who have no real right to be here, stressful for the rest of us. stuart: don't you ever worry about new york city? >> i worry a lot but somehow we keep going. i'm in new york city patriot but i do worry. stuart: i've been here 40 years. it is getting worse. stay there. in new york, critics of president biden are pushing democrat voters to cast ballots to protest the stance on israel's. these ballots in new york, don't they show the split within the democrat party? is the profound enough split to affect his reelection in november? >> the split is real. i thought people democratic parties like austria and hungary from the olden days, conglomeration of different groups that have nothing to do
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with each other, shoved together artificially for some reason. you've got wall street bros, black churchmen, lgbt drag queen story our people, hamas people and all the same party for some reason. the contradictions are breaking it apart where you have openly pro-hamas democrats like in michigan threatening to vote on committed saying they won't vote for biden. jewish democrats, 80% vote democrat every year. that is untenable. if your anti-israel and supporting hamas you won't get those voters. the contradictions are breaking apart the democratic party. whether it is enough to tip the scales for trump is unclear but they are real these contradictions. stuart: speculate what proportion of jewish voters will vote for biden? >> a dangerous speculation.
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>> a huge open question as much as 50/50. that's possible, on the table. continuing sales of arms and hard munitions to israel, if that changes, many miles to go. stuart: if similar defections on the part of other groups, these are brought to gather into this coalition. they are at cross purposes and you see the split happen. lauren: the governor of texas, nor greg abbott is in new york city. $1250 fundraiser. stuart: i didn't know that. lauren: talking about the border, big issue for new yorkers. 40,000 of them and the texas bus company because of these lawsuits say they will not be doing this.
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new york is changing because of what abbott did and i was here raising money. be one to take money out of that. >> and see his fine work. stuart: exodus from new york city continues. which borough of the five boroughs was top of the exit list? lauren: bronx. 7.2% of the population since 2020 followed by brooklyn, queens and manhattan, each around 5%. four of the five boroughs have seen residents in large numbers, searching for better quality-of-life including tax rates, safety and weather. stuart: we don't know they are leaving new york city. they might be going to the bronx, to queens. thank you very much indeed. whoopi goldberg said some voters felt better off five
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years ago than they do today. she says those people have a faulty memory. >> why is it some people are having short memory issues? there are plenty of other reasons to feel good about where we actually are. stuart: jimmy failla will join us in the next hour. president biden broke from his doom and gloom campaign style speech to share a message of optimism. he says of the us has the best economy in the world. is he right? we will get into it next. ♪ ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade,
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♪ ♪ ♪ stuart: on the market this morning the dow was down 400, nasdaq down 220. the reason stocks are down, it keeps going up, 4.36% on the 10 year right now and check out the two year, that is got about 470. that's a sharp increase in rates in the market does not like it. start with dr horton, something
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to do with building homes. lauren: where bush doesn't like dr horton or lennar. the reason the gross margins are declining. the homebuilding industry is normalizing because no infantry is slowly being added. where bush says that the negative catalyst for these names. stuart: a fashion brand. lauren: the parent stock is down 20%. it is down 6% to 7%. smaller orders. stuart: petco not doing very well but now what? lauren: doubled down grade all the way down to sell. price target is up from $5. bank of america says petco lost much of its competitive fight. stuart: thanks. let's get back to the latest
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read on job openings, the joint report, 8.75 million job openings in february down a little from january. what does this say about the state of the economy? >> a continuation of the downward trend beginning in march 2022 so we continue to see the labor market weakening and if we look at the level of job openings but also the rate of job openings we see we are well below the pre-pandemic trend having spiked above the trend after the economy reopened. things softened and will continue to do so. stuart: listen to what the president said about the state of the economy, roll tape. >> president biden: we've got to make it better. jobs are up more than they've ever been, the lowest unemployment rate in 50 years.
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we will find out, the crisis we had in health had a lasting effect. to get people to move again. the country is ready to come together. i means that sincerely. stuart: the best economy in the world. >> try to make sense of the jumble of words from the president but explain if we have the best economy in the world, why is russia growing faster than we are? many of our friends and allies have lower inflation rates at home. of things are so good, wise at the american people are getting two or three jobs just to make things meet. that's doing wonderful for your payroll figures because every
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time a person goes out and gets a second or third job, it's increasing the headline number without increasing the number of people employed. stuart: you are worried about the selloff on wall street, interest rates rising, stocks coming down? just for two days, you think it might be the start of something bigger? >> it's a symptom of something bigger. spending trillions that we don't have and borrow the money to pay for it, that will put upward pressure on interest rates, the treasury sucking oxygen out of the room in terms of the market. stuart: you see a debt problem coming soon. >> absolutely. sometime last year, you and i talked about the fact you see not just the size of the national debt relative to the economy but more portly the cost to service the debt relative to the size of the economy hitting record highs in the near future, the white
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house's own statisticians are agreeing with that forecast but it will continue to get worse whereas there is a lot of rosie assumptions like we will have no recession ever again which will help reduce the figure in the future. stuart: a little negativity but we will take it if that's the way you see it. thanks for joining us. see you again soon. more people are starting to pay cash to buy their homes. not talking about people putting down a stack of hundred dollar bills but people who by the house full price with a check. they don't need a mortgage which how many people? lauren: 34. 5% of homebuyers, one in three homeowners paying the equivalent of cash, near an all-time high in the month of february. the implication of that to be his home ownership is confined to not the first time home buyer but the wealthy.
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they have the money and they know how to avoid high interest payments. the other thing that's happening for the rest of america, if you can pay all cash you're making a larger down payment, by putting more money down front your monthly mortgage bills are smaller. it stood at $56,000. it is up $11,000 if they want to pay more up front. interest rates near 8%. stuart: the market is so strong, people borrowing money using stocks as collateral to buy a house full cash. it works. lauren: it is legal and fair but feels unfair to young people. stuart: still ahead, grounding $380 million in border security funding, going to countries in the middle east. why is that not being used on the southern border? darrell i said deals with it later in the show.
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tesla reported a sharp decline as ev demand slows in america. kelly o'grady has the story after this. ♪ ♪ (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app.
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stuart: a big drop at tesla down 6% as we speak. they reported a sharp decline in sales in the first quarter. kelly o'grady joins us, take me to the numbers. >> reporter: this was a big in this on deliveries than expected. analysts were predicting for the 220050,000 range for deliveries. it came in at 387,000, lower than any estimate.
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it was 8.5% versus the same quarter last year, 20% drop against the last quarter. factory shutdowns and arson attacks on the uighur factory in berlin contributed but must warned in the earnings call at tesla would face no growth rates when building their vehicle but despite cutting prices, the company is facing week demand, one of the worst performing stocks in the s&p this year, down 33% year-to-date and their facing broader headwinds, lack of info structure, customer hesitancy regarding the range of price but the biggest challenge is china. the global plug in market, evs and hybrids, three of the top five are chinese carmakers, tesla had 13% record share, and it stayed relatively flat versus 2022 where the why the group significant in 2,023 come markets seeing a number of new
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entrants including a smart car. next up, tesla will report earnings at the end of the month. we will see how their margins are. they raised their model-emac prices by $1000. we when it will be an interesting call when it comes out, the stock is down. thanks very much. take a look at nvidia, well below $900 a share. angelo ziti jointly now. last time you are on the show you gave nvidia a target price, have you changed it? >> we did increase the target price $2,000, look at the target price, low 30s, multiple 25 estimate and still blow where stock is historically traded but right now from nvidia and other chip names out
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there is unsustainable but the open ai momentum, specifically in 2025 looking ahead, looking at increase from the biggest providers of net prices of 25%, looking for another 10% to of spending in 25 so it is sustainable at the end of next year. we like the name and other related names. stuart: amd, your target price was $200. what is it now? >> it's $200, they will be a shared taker related to gpu space with a revised estimate as far as gpu is concerned as we go into earnings season. a name we like a lot.
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stuart: micron technologies, 121, price target is 130 or 230. >> it is. this is a name that had a strong move in the last week and 1/2. the most underappreciated story and that ai theme is the content you will see on the memory side and micron will be the biggest beneficiary in that, the greatest content will come from within ai, it will be it will be a multiyear story, in the process of getting rated, potentially upside 230. stuart: the three stocks on screen, you like them all but the biggest gain comes from nvidia going from 880, $200,000
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a share. is that right? >> from a risk/reward perspective, that the name we like the most. i wouldn't say it's probably the most upside over the next 12 months. the secular opportunity, long-term tied to those names. stuart: angelo, straight on it, thanks very much for joining us, see you again soon. open ai just shared a preview of one of their new artificial intelligence tools. what does it -- lauren: clone voices really well. all it needs is 15 seconds of an audio sample to perfect the fake. this is scary stuff. the technology is a voice engine, so good that open ai is calling it scary. they recommended banks and
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other industries ask for a voice sample to verify that it is you, open ai's telling some banks to reconsider your voice authentication because our stuff is so good, your voice can be manipulated. there is no specific regulation on ai audio so the company is putting guidelines on it. if i want your voice, i need your consent and to show the audio was manipulated. think of the bad things that can happen. it's great, instant conversations but -- stuart: bad stuff. the white house tries to dodge blame after a judge ordered the release of migrants involved in a riot at the border last month. they blame the border chaos on trump. lambasted for the coverage of jonathan dilley's funeral, the times neglected to include pointed comments by dillard's widow.
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stuart: 10:51, brian kilmeade joins us. the new york times getting a lot of criticisms for its disgraceful coverage of officer dillard's funeral. they didn't cover his speech during the service. it seems looking back on it that this is a political turning point in new york as far as crime is concerned. do you see it that way? >> i i doocy it and the overhead shots are awe-inspiring, i don't know if you q them up but they show tens of thousands of police officers and everyday citizens and veterans, where donald trump was the day before, they showed up, most of them had never met, 31-year-old jonathan dillard and new york times put it on and 21 at which time they took the part of the speech from stephanie, the widow, the talked what a great guy jonathan was but what was also
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in that speech was this doesn't have to happen, you're responsible for this, you don't back the cops, that's why my son doesn't have a father, why i don't have a husband and his parents no longer have a son. they left that out because she opened up fire. about the criminal first attitude in new york city and carl hastie, the left-wing speaker of the house pushing back against bail reform, when do stiff penalties deter crime? if you put them in jail they can't commit crime. stuart: it's not a question of harsh penalties but putting them in jail when they have done something wrong and not letting them out the day after they did something wrong. brian: one of the guys, the driver in the courtroom to be arranged. the other guys recovering. the bullet he got in the back, this guy told the queens da, i
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shoot people when asked he had a gun in the glove compartment. there is no remorse. he doesn't feel bad. this is what they do. they are out among us trying to create havoc. then they take their shot. since when is that okay? stuart: i want you to listen to how the white house responded when asked about the release of those migrants on the border last month. >> most of the border crossers in a riot last night released on their own recognizance. why does that make people in a safer? >> i refer you to justice and dhs on that. there's a challenge at the border. immigration system has been broken for decades before this president became president.
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they put politics ahead of the american people, we have seen chaos. stuart: it was broken when biden took office, in my personal opinion, not ten years ago but three years ago. what say you? brian: just laughable to think you think donald trump by doing the remain in mexico, first country to come into you you have to apply for citizenship, take away your aid, ecuador, el salvador, guatemala, unless you keep sending your people here, you won't get anything from us and follow every dollar to make sure it goes to programs, not politicians pockets. since when does that not work to put 20,000 on mexico's southern border, that's not politics, that's taking a patchwork system and trying to make it work and desperately build a wall despite nonstop
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court cases, and to build a wall that not everybody admits works. it is not foolproof, it delays, it stops. it funnels. we need that fix and america lapse of those excuses, no question about it. we all know mayorkas was bragging about the executive orders at the border, took pride in unwinding donald trump's. we got the tape and we see the results. stuart: thanks for being on the show. darrell isa, op-ed questioning amagee republicans will block the bridge in baltimore. montana attorney general from hawaii trying to hold but is liable for climate change. jimmy failla on california's decline under governor newsom's watch.
10:57 am
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>> start seeing where the coalitions start coming together for trump and they're going to be


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