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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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you did alex ramsey become the 1 woman to drive across the united states. i know what i'm going to say and i am sure i am right. >> i will say number 3. stuart: you are totally wrong. it was 1909 and i will tell you why i am sure. alice ramsey was 22 years old when she left new york on june 9th when two sisters in law and a friend drove over 59 days on august 7th, she took the trip as part of a sponsorship to prove that durability of their cars. that is really cool. thanks for being with us for the hour. and coast-to-coast starts now.
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ashley: ahead on cavuto coast-to-coast, taking a tumble and how, 500 points as traders lower the odds the fed will cut rates in june. our crack market guru will walk through the market mayhem. plus, we have breaking news about our call between president biden and xi jinping. i am ashley webster in for neil and you are watching cavuto coast-to-coast. first to our top story, this is the market selloff. all major indices falling as they continue the rocky starts to accord with rising bond
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yields adding extra pressure, the dow was off 500 points, the nasdaq down 1.3%. this makes sense, hedge fund manager jonathan ho nagin and investment banker carol roth. sticky inflation, interest rates are here and higher longer, may be also after such a great first quarter some profittaking. what say you? >> one of the things that we are contending with here, the beginning of april, we have amassed a tax day ahead of us.
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we see retail profittaking to raise cash to pay for that. the data is suggesting get the fed will back off of their data dependent, one of the things, the fed's ability to be data dependent, and a fiscal situation which was continuation which is worse and worse, and the government keeps spending a current trajectory and see interest of $1.6 trillion on an annualized basis by the end of the year. and that will leak into rate
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cuts and qe. ashley: at one point we were talking six or seven rate cuts of this year. that has gone straight out the window. this is remarkably resistant economy and sticking. >> interest rates were 10% higher this year. all this talk about transitory inflation by the administration is proving not correct. we see gold up near an all-time high, energy commodities, agricultural commodities it two week highs. the growth names that led the market are leading market lower but this will be more difficult environment, and inflation is the number one culprit and the rates that led the market lower in 2,022 and you see that in 2020. neil: let me follow-up with you but what opportunities do you see on the side of technology in this environment? >> it is outside of technology. names like apple and tesla who overvalued stocks, not what the market is looking at now. it's looking to commodities.
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and name like gold and track the price of gold, all-time highs, and and they see the same type of spite. ashley: what about the commodities, interesting gold is at a record high and oil continues to rise, pretty messy world, is there an opportunity there? >> when you see the yields rise and gold is increasing, that is telling you something, to the us fiscal foundation, they settle commodities, for all these countries to take the commodities and use dollars to
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pay for them. you see more and more over that and gold breakout over the $2000 resistance level, all things being equal, higher as well. ashley: they do four corrections, have we not? we said you can't fight the momentum but at some point the correction is healthy, right? >> we seem two element of the markets that are healthy. one could be a correction, another is a broadening. it has only been those ultra high technology stocks, magnificent seven leading the charge. in recent weeks it has been international, small-cap and mid-cap and like the early decade of the 2000s whereas the
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major indices flatlined where small-cap value international did well. that was the time investors have to be on guard. the issue isn't wall street as long as spending continues, inflation continues. ashley: spend spend spend is all they know. thank you for being here. probably check back in later on as we follow the selloff today. we should mention breaking this our president biden speaking with president xi today, first time world leaders shared a phone call since july of 2,022. hillary vaughan is live with details on this. >> reporter: a senior administration official says the point of this call was to prevent conflict between the us and china and seek tensions and a check in on the call. senior administration officials
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say biden raised the issue of artificial intelligence, risks and safety concerns around that and cybersecurity. biden was expected to raise concerns about hacking on critical us infrastructure, and product concerns around counter narcotics as most fentanyl coming across the border is produced in china on the global front, biden press china over russia confronting him on china's support of russia's war against ukraine supporting the defense industrial base. on taiwan, biden express to xi that peace and stability is paramount. president biden called out xi over unfair economic issues and a readout from the white house, president biden raised concerns about the prc's unfair trade policies and economic practices which harm american workers and families. the president emphasized the us will take necessary actions to
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prevent advanced us technologies from being used to undermine national security without limiting trade and investment but no mention of tiktok as the apps is facing an effort to ban it in the us. this call follows the in person meeting between biden and xi last november in california. the senior administration official says they welcome another 1-on-1 sit down with xi they don't have anything to preview at this point but this week janet yellen is going to china. she will meet with her counterparts there and continue this conversation about the economic issues between the us and china as well. the biggest headline at least from the readout of the call in the briefing of the expected report, no mention of tiktok but we don't know yet if president xi brought it up because it's a huge economic interest for china as well. ashley: as hillary mentioned,
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this call comes ahead of a visit to china by janet yellen this week. and in the last year, let's get a read on this from gordon chang. great to have you with us this afternoon. and and what do we see about face-to-face accomplish in your mind. >> what we accomplish is a delay, while we talk we don't impose costs. pleading with china to do the right thing or act responsibly. we've been doing this for decades. three of them. what we need to do is go after china for an acceptable behavior. it won't change until we get
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incentives to it to change. ashley: we mentioned these trade issues. to your point, china will do what china is going to do. you can talk about climate change. they continue to be one of the biggest polluters in the world. the only positive is at least they are talking. >> if we talk, we basically give incentives for the chinese to engage in further bad behavior. we have seen this. for instance, one of the things that was not mentioned was china in the philippines. twice last month the state department issued written warnings the united states was prepared to use force to discharge our obligations to the philippines pursuant to mutual defense trading. china ignored all of that. this is what we are, one
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incident away from a major war in east asia and the biden administration has told china they can't do these things. ashley: to pick up what hillary was reporting, absolutely no mention of tiktok which is a big issue but i would imagine no matter what you say to xi it won't change the chinese approach. >> you have to create those incentives which means imposing those costs. china realizes it cannot continue with the conduct of predatory trading practices, stealing american intellectual ip, going after all sorts of our friends and allies in the region especially the philippines but also taiwan, japan, this is across-the-board belligerent behavior and it shows there's real problems
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inside china right now that the united states, we have these approaches but sound like they should work. and we know there's almost irresistible momentum toward. ashley: and election coming up, interference through the internet. that's going to happen. as with regard to the result of the election assuming it is a trump/biden race with the chinese prefer biden over trump? >> they did in 2020, they preferred biden over trump in the general, the director of national intelligence a couple weeks ago said they would be using tiktok mess in the 24 election cycle. neil: no doubt about it.
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gordon chang, terrific stuff, thank you very much for joining us today. still ahead, china may have something to do with this next story, tessler sales plunging with stock taking a hit down 4% to 5%, kelly o'grady will break it down next. ♪ ♪
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(jennifer) the reason why golo customers have such long term success is because we focus on real foods in the right balance so you get the results you want. when i tell people how easy it was for me to lose weight on golo, they don't believe me. they don't believe i can eat real food and lose this much weight. the release supplement makes losing weight easy. release sets you up for successful weight loss because it supports your blood sugar levels between meals
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get real deal speed, reliability and power with xfinity. she shoots from here? that's kinda my thing. ashley: tessler shares tumbling along with broader markets, sales of evs more than expected. kelly o'grady joins us to break it down. >> reporter: the evmake reported delivery numbers that were significantly worse than expected to analysts predicted something in the 460,000 range. tesla announced 386,000, lower than any market. there were a couple of 1-time
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events driving that miss. by environmentalists factory, even elon musk warned of lower growth this year while ramping up production of their nexgen vehicle and you see investors not liking this, stock is down 5% and you today one of the worst performing stocks on the s&p 500. it's down 33% or so because tesla had broader headwinds facing the us market, we talk about lack of charging infrastructure and hesitant. >> lawmakers got ahead of themselves trying to reuse these markets. they are growing but a bit of a slowdown because we are going to the next phase of the market which is the mass-market. this group of evil have more questions and concerns. they need to be convinced this technology will fit into their everyday life. >> reporter: analysts agree the biggest threat is china.
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the global plug-in market sees three chinese companies in the top five. they have really been meaningfully challenging tesla. the biggest question out of today is how delivery numbers impactful your estimate, initially predicting 2.06 million, that is down but remains to be seen of tesla can meet the 23 number of 1.8 million. back to you. ashley: not the greatest numbers. i want to bring a terrific guest, bob nardelli, you were ceo of chrysler 2,007-2,009 which if i'm not mistaken was in the middle of the financial crisis so you have a lot of experience in the motor industry but regarding electric vehicles, still feels to me the general driving public doesn't
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want to be forced into driving an electric vehicle. what say you? >> exactly correct. with chrysler, let's reflect for a moment, obama and biden issued the café standards where they are trying to do what biden is doing now, the average mileage had to increase significantly limiting the number of trucks produced to produce smaller cars. consumers said no thanks and they defined it offramp then. the installed basis is 278 million cars. when i was at chrysler the average age was 11 years. it has grown to 12.6 years. consumers say i will make the decision on what i want to buy.
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administration another debacle with evs, won't force me to do that. we heard from kelly how tesla missed the number in the first quarter but they were up 301,000. if you look at rivian, these people lost $5.4 billion. they are having a heckuva time. one more point. you experienced this on your trip. 64,000 ev charging stations compared to 196,000 gasoline stations was 1.8 million stations in china. did the pump work? sure. on your trip you have a lot of problems trying to get the vehicle charged to get to new york city.
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this is just another debacle by this administration trying to create a revolution as opposed to an evolution. this would happen. you can't force it down consumers throats. ashley: exactly right. switching gears to the broad economy, mortgage rates high, gas and oil on the rise, but president biden still able to maintain his bright outlook. there is a disconnect between how he describes the economy and how the people tell you. >> president biden: we have the best economy in the world. jobs are up more than they have ever been, the lowest on employment rate in 50 years maintained. they will find what happened, the consequence of the crisis in health had a lasting effect. getting people to move again.
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i think the country is ready to come together. i mean that sincerely. i'm optimistic. ashley: he can tell you till the cows come home how great it is but i hear how expensive groceries are, you've got mortgage rates hi, people can't get into the housing market. don't know what economy he is describing. >> reporter: it's not the economy i live in every day. let's look at another debacle. first thing he did was give up energy independence. he then put out -- lng. if we could export lng, one of the biggest vehicle things we could have working with germany to supply them with energy versus having to buy from russia. ideal in fortune 500, lower middle market and i would tell
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you the tale of inflation continues to haunt us. interest rates killing middle-market, interest payments go from 2 million to 12 million, one particular company relative to inflation rates and the rates we are seeing. we may be the best economy in the world but we are under tremendous stress and continual layoffs. if you look at the government employment record they were the second largest creator of jobs, i don't see any return as a taxpayer, you may see that as that point of view. but hospitality, travel, and manufacturing job which is at the heart of the economy. ashley: a privilege to talk to you today and always plenty of common sense. thank you for joining us.
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thank you. coming up. donald trump's new york real estate assets safer now after paying that bond. now he is hitting the campaign trail in two huge swing states. we will talk about his strategy in a live report. ♪
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ashley: donald trump hitting the campaign trail after posting that $175 million brand. mark meredith as the latest. >> reporter: donald trump posted his bond but is not happy about it. she still blasting everyone in the civil fraud case which can still support him to pay millions more. a legal filing showed trump posted $175 million bond with the help of la-based night insurance company. trump is venting about all this, posted on social media the case was a fabricated election interference conjure on, so bad for new york where businesses are fleeing and violent crime is flourishing. trump was ordered to pay the penalty after the judge ruled he fraudulently inflated his assets. trump is appealing the decision unlikely to talk about it today as he heads to two different
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battleground states. 's first stop, grand rapids, michigan, expected to address ruby garcia was found dead near a highway allegedly at the hands of an illegal immigrant from mexico. democrats say they are ready to talk about immigration and crime but on their terms. the biden campaign vowed to make the selection all about character. >> this man is not a person who cares about crime which is only interested in solving himself. the campaign will make sure the american people understand that every day. >> reporter: trump is going to michigan. next stop, wisconsin. president biden getting ready to head up there next week. ashley: thank you very much. by the way, shares of truth social, despite the selloff, up today, the broader market trend for sure, the company trying to shake off the implication, up more than 4%.
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charlie gasparino here has the latest news on donald trump's business dealings of which they have that. charles: for the average person out there, or average fox business viewer looking at that. you better think long and hard. with truth social land donald trump media. trading under the symbol dj t which is hard to find on the internet because whenever you put $ dj t you get dow jones transportation. kept coming up as dow jones transportation index and i was like what is this? 15,000? be that as it may, if you want to make a campaign contribution to donald trump, if you think
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what is going on legally is unfair and some of this stuff is absurd, his running for office and has to face judgments over stupid stuff. buying the stock probably is not the way to go. i'm not a financial advisor and don't give financial advice but you don't invest in politics, you invest with her head. the gentleman who is a trump support who wrote the bond, approved the bond deal. got a lot of collateral, donald trump paying interest. he's going to be fine financially. no one is making unkind contributions with their finances. tried not to do that. the meme stocks, we can screw short-sellers, hedge funds come
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make a lot of money and amc fell 99% trading on a post. the reverse with it, $0.30 stock. down from a high, if you factor it in first 70. if you put in the split it's a $3 stock, 10 for one. it traded as high as $720. that is where it went to 313. game stop and other meme stock did not do well. my bigger point, talk to warren buffett, interviewed the best traders around, steve cohen, interviewed ace greenberg, they never bet with their hearts but
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with their heads. and invest with their heads and i would do the same. shortselling has not begun. the stock goes down, a trading technique, hasn't kicked in. not a lot of float. that will put more downward pressure on. finances are not very good. ashley: always with sensible advice. thank you so much. now i want to move on to this. against all odds president biden's campaign says we have a shot in florida, donald trump won that weight twice but the biden campaign says it has a pathway to flip the sunshine state. let's have your response to that. does president biden have a shot in florida? >> i wouldn't say it's a good one. president biden is running neck
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and neck with donald trump in michigan and pennsylvania, two states he can't afford to lose and behind in arizona. the notion that florida which trump won by three points is in play is a bit laughable especially when you look at the trajectory of florida in the last four years, donald trump wins the state by 400,000 votes and one year later for the first time ever florida has more democratic registered voters the republicans, republicans overtake democrats in registered votes, now that margin is up to almost 900,000. 200 of which just came in the last six months. the state is getting redder, trump is up by 6 points in florida even in polls that don't include rfk junior who is cutting into biden's lead and trump is up 17 points with hispanic voters in florida. it is that a good use of the campaign's time? probably not. ashley: when you pull back a
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little bit, biden's campaign will boast they have a bigger ground game which i think they do. as far as fundraising goes, beating trump almost 2 to 1. will that have an impact? does the trump campaign need to catch up here? >> hillary clinton managed, wildly outspend trump and trump won that campaign, trump is a juggernaut, tons of earned free media but the crucially the fact trump is running a disciplined campaign this time around compared is 2016 bid or his 2020 bid, a tight ship. we are getting the same level of leaks and a lot of money is going to his legal battles but outside of that if you look at stake ground games, arguably a little more decisively than president biden has, and barack obama and steven colbert, they
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are still getting shut down by pro-hamas protesters. money isn't everything. party unity matters, fundamentals in florida where they care about immigration, busloads of haitian migrants coming into the state. that does matter. ashley: do you get any sense, how critical will the running mate picked up by donald trump be? we know the criticism of kamala harris, democrats themselves have a lot of reservations, assuming trump is the nominee, how critical is that? do you have any idea who could be the favorite at this point? >> next to president biden donald trump is no spring chicken but donald trump is 77 years old. that average male american life expectancy so his vp pick does matter, mike pence solidified
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the evangelicals, this time around i think outreach to suburban women will matter, the lease stefanik -- someone who's a whip on the hill, something mike pence was. a name we are hearing a lot is senator tim scott of south carolina. someone who not only helps with a creature of the senate, knows how to write a bill, pass a bill, make deals and shake hands but good outreach for black men the trump campaign is courting and all trump needs is an extra margin of the black vote democrats have taken for granted over the years and president biden, his coalition falls apart. ashley: it is fascinating to follow, we have a long way to go. the gift that keeps on giving. thanks for joining us with your excellent insight. appreciate it. to the markets and your money. the selloff, we will talk about it after the break, when
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investment down 6%, market watchers jonathan honecker and carol roth, we will be back after the break. ♪ ♪ (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. we love being outside, but the sun makes our deck and patio too hot to enjoy. now thanks to our new sunsetter retractable awning, we can select full sun or instant shade in just 60 seconds. it's 20 degrees cooler under the sunsetter
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ashley: take a look at bitcoin plunging, dropping from 70,000 yesterday to 65,000 today, 6% on the downside. hedge fund manager jonathan koenig and former investment banker carol roth have come back. it is always a wild ride. 6% today. >> it is up dramatically. some profittaking. what worries me about bitcoin is its speculation, not currency, 2% of people who owned bitcoin use it as a currency. nothing wrong with speculation if you are an asset that is appreciate. i would rather own gold, bitcoin is the digital gold but
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only gold is gold. despite the enormous run for bitcoin, towards that side of the road given the volatility. ashley: it is easy to bury gold in the backyard. are you are fan of bitcoin? it is not for the faint of heart. >> invest in what you know, i could explain but you get to the block chain, i can make it but it is not assets. when looking at speculative assets, funds are better suited for somebody in my position and having a diversified portfolio and i'm with you on the gold trust the there is something you can hold on and it's the gold standard for a reason. it's gold. ashley: as we start the second
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quarter, is it time to look at more defensive sectors? certainly energy has been doing well but nothing wrong in that. >> value stocks, 3 am at a 52-week high and the real issue here is debt. the average jen xer is one thousand dollars in credit card debt and us government interest payments have risen 26%. %. as long as the debt keeps going and interest rates keep going up, you see growth struggling. talk about total down today, apple down year to date, value is taking over where growth has been for some time. ashley: when you look in your crystal ball for the second half of this year where do you see things going? that's a difficult question but are we going to have a hard landing or soft landing, the
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fed trying to thread the needle fighting inflation and a strong economy which seems counter, fighting a strong economy but where do we go the second half of this year? >> potentially there is no landing. i push back a little bit on the strength of the economy. the economy has been window dressed with the debt jonathan has been talking about on the government side, incredible deficits we normally don't see. last year deficits to gdp were two times historical average which never happens during an expansion and we know the consumer's balance sheet is wrapped as well, personal savings rate going down, household debt is going up. a lot of windowdressing and they will do everything possible to turn that out, but that will continue to create the fiscal dominance issue and
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become more tenuous. the multi-trillion dollar question, can that hold out until the election, there would need to be a change in policy before that. ashley: we have to leave it right there but thank you for being here on a busy day in the market. a lot of selling going on. your expertise is appreciated. coming up, congressman mike waltz says an old threat is becoming a danger once again and heading our way. he will be here to tell us about it after the break. ♪ ♪ less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way.
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>> it doesn't come up automatically. she's trying to send a message. i share her frustration but the
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way to fix that is to grow the house majority in the way to do that is stand united on the agenda going forward. ashley: house speaker johnson on marjorie taylor greene's efforts to kick him out from his spot. florida congressman mike walton joins me now. there are republicans who are very frustrated with one. $2 trillion spending plan and call it a betrayal. how does this play out? >> i share the frustration and voted against it. the debt alone and the interest alone eclipsed our entire defense budget. we have to get it under control. what speaker johnson is trying to balance is a whole spectrum of our conference for the
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majority all of them have opinions and democrats know that if we don't stand divided, fighting 3 against one against house democrats, senate democrats and the entire administration that wants to continue to spend on their priorities. my heart goes out to speaker johnson. it's a tough job but we all share frustration about the out-of-control spending. ashley: let's move on. i want to get into this issue. you want about president biden's border policies leaving the country vulnerable to an attack from isis or other terror groups. it has been wide open for a long time. what kind of threat does this pose? >> the intelligence community, the fbi director, me and others are ringing the alarm bells. we are going back to 2014-15
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when obama and biden yanked us out of iraq too soon. we didn't have a follow-on plan, they went to 0 for political reasons and what do we have 3 years later, and and you layer that with a wide-open border with millions coming across with 170 countries over 300 people on the terrorist watch list. my fear is it's just a matter of time before we type suffer the type of attack we saw in moscow and over half a dozen forwarded in europe from vienna to sweden to germany to the notre dame cathedral in france. ashley: we are watching a live picture from eagle pass, a
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young family across the rio grande. many of these people coming into our country are young, single, adult males. >> the field office in miami, an iranian operative, iran is in cahoots with maduro. in cahoots with cartels to infiltrate the country and the operative was recruiting assassins to go against trump cabinet officials. couldn't be more seriously we've got to close and secure the border. before something literally goes boom. ashley: let's hope not. thank you for joining us once again on the show today. we appreciate it. that does it for coast-to-coast. taylor riggs and the big-money shark here to take you through the next hour. taylor: hello, i am taylor


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