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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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want to repeat, i think israel taking off the top rating in general, a terrace leader general is a very good thing. and good for israel. that's all. that good for everybody because david asman is up, even for
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lizzie. >> let reagan be reagan, let israel be israel. there you go. great to see you, thank you very much. i meant for elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" that's right now. americans healing impact of skyhigh inflation and state of the economy but president biden looks at it a little differently. watch. >> the best economy in the wo world, we got to make it better. jobs are up more than they ever ever been. i think we are going to find out what happened in the consequential crisis we have withheld will have a lasting effect. we got to get people to move again. i think the country is ready to come together. i mean that sincerely, i am truly optimistic. >> but are americans feeling as optimistic as the president? joining to discuss from the house budget committee congressman chip roy -- just a
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second, we are trying to get to his microphone hooked up. thanks for being here. the quick answer is no, people don't, all you have to do is go to the polls. 62% of voters disapprove of bidenomics, president biden's economic side-by-side with tr trump, 41% of the people think the question who do you trust in the economy? 11% are more biden, 56% are for donald trump so how does the president expect about the current president expect to turn it around before november? >> great to be on, couldn't agree more with your assessment on israel. like we did -- israel but about the economy, all these things related, the current president doesn't want to acknowledge was
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really strangling the american economy, is his policies. pursuing unicorn energy theory destroying our ability to become positive, it is strangling american household with high cost of living and then spending money we don't have driving inflation to the roof. everyone with a brain knows this, every person i talked to, they feel the pain, the president ignores it. you hear secretary transportation on a show earlier on fox trying to defend the radical -- try to explain how does the american families have to eat a higher bill. do you know what he says? got to do it for the good of everybody going forward. too bad you have to buy an expensive car that can only go 2 miles. these are the kinds of policies american people are tired of.
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pre-pandemic donald trump economy, compare that to today's economy, there's no comparison. >> oil is up $85 today a barrel. we are down 1000 barrels a thatt cannot make inroads on what we should have made but that is wearing away. look at donald trump, attorney general of new york once to rip his property away. look what happened at the top level. at the bottom level you look at homeowners worried about squatters taking over the property. foreigners you deal with must look at the united states, if not with or at least with deep
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concern right now. >> the new york situation was interesting. property rights mentioned over 25 times in the constitution. number one reason we attract foreign capital and have for 175 years. the number one reason we are the largest economy and remains out in the world and also lost in particular the appellate laws, ability to ask the decision in any business is important. that was in trouble for about six weeks in new york and i thought about the american economy like a mother oyster and every once in a while a piece of sand the senate and creates corporal around and spits out and that's what happened in new york. a big problem, adults came in the room and appellate court got involved by reducing it, nothing to do with donald trump, we are all watching the system hopefully work in the house. appellate system adopted down and we have this whole thing will be going from a he's paid 175 million and his property will not get stolen. the american brand is safe and it works.
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>> let's hope so but we have similar concerns with squatters, we -- you retweeted something, a horrible case in the bronx here in new york where eight illegals were armed with guns and illegal drugs wanting in a house, a 7-year-old child in the bas basement, god knows what was happening to him but no sooner were they arrested than six of them released. that shows you how so many elements have to be worked through to correct the situation. we have the border problem, property rights and waters and crime problem because criminals kept getting released in. >> you are right. i think both you and kevin will appreciate milton friedman famously said in the 70s when asked about immigration is all for open borders if you get rid of the social welfare state. that was pre-9/11 world and a
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world in which he assumed the greatest country in the history of the world built on the back of property rights and rule of law we continue to enforce those things. this administration abandoned rule of law where the border security, property rights, squatters are going out underwater for political purposes. go down the line, the rule of law is tossed out the window. it will not continue to flow here if we do not embrace rule of law and underscore and strengthen and support so capital will flow and we continue to be the strongest economy. >> we have one more question for kevin because this is important but we also have the rule of economics, you can't keep spending money you don't have but congress keeps doing it. chip roy tried to keep them in the place of the don't listen and the president says we have this huge deficit because of the trump tax cuts which is not true. since tax cuts, without an
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increase of 48% in tax revenue so it is clear it is the spending cuts causing our huge deficits and they are not doing anything to stop spending so what happens to the u.s. because of that? >> gdp the higher end however the american economy or longest time has proven to things to reduce deficits. productivity, hopefully ai will be the next big thing a second, you do not want to increase taxes, you want to increase economic activity which brings in more tax revenue. this will be one of the bigger topical issues in the upcoming election, higher taxes or faster growing economy, let's see what the outcome looks like caracas the people's choice. >> you deserve a full hour, not just seven minutes thank you for being with us. great to see you both. the biden campaign ramping up ahead of the presidential election but growing dissent
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among democrats could cause serious problems for the president's reelection efforts as more voters are shying away from their party's nominee. watch. >> my political views have changed immensely. i will not vote for joe biden. at this time, voting for trump is on the table. i will not support anybody who is anti- israel, i will not support anybody anti- making america safe at school with the fact that -- i got to show my id at least three or four times at the airport but it takes two minutes to cross the border. i'm not dealing with that [bleep]. i'm not dealing with police officers in the greatest city on earth getting beaten up. >> are you going to vote for biden? >> it's very hard, i'll be back. >> third party candidate gaining steam, biden administration be able to keep their voting base? joining me to discuss, political reporter julia manchester, great to see you.
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those are two anecdotes but at the same time, those are important democrats and you look at the number, the bleeding base of democrats particularly latino voters, extraordinary exodus away from the democratic party. black voters as well, majority will vote democratic but a smaller majority. what you think will happen? how does biden get back that part of his face? >> you see it in various parts of the democratic coalition, latinos and hispanics and we seen trend the past reelection cycles and with black voters we seen some shy away from the biden campaign and less enthusiasm for the president. of course arab american boat which is important in a state like michigan amid israel hamas war and what they say is criticism of biden's handling of the war so there's cracks in the coalition and what you will see i can do is try to do more
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outreach, hispanic, latino outreach and states like florida and important senate races or competitive senate races like nevada and i think you will continue to see him do outreach to the black community. the question is, are these voters going to take that plunge and continue to support biden if they are not feeling the effects of the economy? >> no signs is going to get better in there and i want to talk about rfk as a last question because he shot folks when he said yesterday biden was a bigger threat to democracy than donald trump was and then he expanded on that peeking on fox and friends this morning, i want to roll that tape and get your reaction. >> president biden has done think no other president in history has done which is or media utility social media, facebook, twitter, instagram, youtube, google to censor political opponents. if you have a president can
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center his political opponents, that is a genuine threat to our democracy. >> i was thinking maybe she was trying to pull back some of the libertarian votes he lost when he announced his vp candidate and reach out to more conservative audience but what you think about that? >> he's reaching out to conservative audience but also an audience unhappy with president biden, maybe some democrats sure are not feeling enthusiastic so i think it will be a wildcard from a heel call from president biden could also call from president trump. >> julia manchester, thank you very much, appreciate you being here. former president donald trump secures $175 million bond to guarantee civil fraud judgment during his appeal saving him from paying a fine of penalty until after the presidential election, if at all. this brings up the question, what now? former d.o.j. attorney will
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trump spoken michigan earlier to set to speak in wisconsin in the next hour, posting a $175 million bond today in his new
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york civil fraud case this means he keeps ownership of his properties keeps letitia james alpha business for now anyway. lydia hu is in new york city with what's next for the former president. >> david, comes assets are protected from seizure by new york attorney general letitia james while he challenges the decision by judge arthur and gone found trump liable for fraud. the former president was that on to social class right, i just posted a $175 million bond with the sadly troubled new york. based on crop judge and attorney general who used a statute that was never used for this before. specialty insurance group providing the bond, the chairman of the insurance company tells me his office reached out to jump steam to offer their services. >> it's a big pond to underwrite
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but donald trump came up with all cash so at the end it was an easy decision with almost no risk. a win-win cummaquid win-win. i'm happy to help. >> if trump does not win on appeal, he will be forced to pay full judgment, nearly half a billion dollars. the appellate court's oral arguments in september and local appellate lawyers say addition : four to six weeks later. around the time of the presidential election. david, back to you directly who, thank you very much. let's welcome to the show, former ftc commissioner, hans von spakovsky, a soundbite of president trump in michigan today talking about his fighting, comparing it to crime in general. >> i'm the only one who has to put up a bond. i put on a bond, i didn't do
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anything wrong. i had to put up a bond for $175 million, i did nothing wrong. they could show, kill somebody, walk out of jail an hour later. do think that is a fair policy? it's called radical left. >> he's making serious points but popularized way. it is selective justice though particularly the weight is fine came about, the judge picked the number out of the air. >> he did and it was entirely reasonable and justifiable to radically reduce it and i think they should have reduced it even more because the purpose of an appeals bond is to prevent a defendant with a judgment against him from absconding from the state with all his cash. when all of your assets and new york are real estate, valuable real estate, it's not as if the trump organization is about to us gone from new york so there
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wasn't reason for an appeal bond of any kind. >> but let's be clear, what's happening is the judge is part of this group of democrats and new york who want to drain the campaign resources of this presidency, candidacy. as far as i'm concerned, people call that election interference, i'll have any other phrase, do you? >> well, no particularly when letitia james said as a campaign promise that she was going to go after donald trump before she actually had any kind of evidence of any kind of wrongdoing whatsoever. back to me is blatantly unethical and unprofessional. >> the supreme court has already waited on the issue of excessive fines used specifically against political enemies and none other by ruth bader ginsburg, the state of democrat liberals, she said and i'm quoting her from a
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2019 decision, for good reason protection against excessive fines has been constant shield throughout american history. excessive fines could be used, for example, retaliate against or chill the speech of political enemies and that is exactly what's happening now. isn't that -- didn't she set a precedent with that decision? >> i think she did and if the state courts do not reverse this judgment which knowing the judges unfortunately new york may happen, i think the president will have a good right to appeal this to the u.s. supreme court based on that decision that could they then on no completely that fine and bring it down to zero and chastised the judge for what he did? >> i think they could, i also think there are a lot of reasons to appeal this based on this statute used against him.
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it's a vague, brought a statute that raises serious due process, questions for any defendant. >> the fact that the law was criticized and exxon decision where they tried to use it exxon mobil and failed, letitia james as well. she's everywhere, we got more to talk about her later on, great to see you. appreciate it. we have florida congressman corey coming up, fox news has an exclusive look at the wire wall, texas is installing along the rio grande and el paso amid the growing border crisis. we will talk about with the congressman plus retired chicago area police officer, betty smith is with us and crime is a major concern for voters heading into november for the biden paris campaign again misleading the american people claiming crime has fallen under his current administration. we will talk about the billing of that coming next on "the evening edit".
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about crime and what the biden-harris administration trying to flip the script against former president trump. watch. >> this campaign is going to campaign every day on the truth. as you pointed out, the truth is crime skyrocketed under donald trump's presidency and crime has fallen. donald trump again is the one talking about defunding law enforcement every single day. >> things are getting better, is coming after president joe biden heavily criticized for attending a glitzy fundraiser at music city hall while donald trump attended the wake of slain nypd officer jonathan diller. tragic murder, critics say exemplifies rent crisis and blue cities as a career criminal involved in the shooting chillingly admits quote, i kill people. joining us now, national police
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area spokesperson sgt. betsy brantner smith. great to see you. thank you for all the work you've done as a police officer. i don't know anybody in any city who thinks their lives our families lives or their houses or businesses are safer now than they were before. things keep getting worse but it appears they are massaging it to six to make it appear different, am i right? the mark sure, as they say there lies and then there are statistics. statistics are easily manipulated and we got to go back and look at the incredible crime spikes of 2021 and 2022 to realize that yes, in some areas violent crime is down slightly. we also have to look at again how statistics are many related. for example, in san francisco retail crime is down slightly because businesses keep leaving
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so there's less of a pool of victims. homicides are down, inflations like chicago even though shootings are up because medical personnel are even better so we got to look at the overall picture. no, things are not as safe as they've ever been like joe biden said in his state of the union speech, not true. >> also a lot of das are charging, police are doing their work capturing perpetrators but they go to liberal or classical das that looked amount in the same thing with judges. i have to ask about the contrast last week between president biden with glitzy fundraiser neck president trump, former president trump meeting on a somber occasion, a wake in which he was not only invited but appreciated by the people there, what did you think of the contrast? >> of course, we saw three
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presidents raising millions of dollars, one who use law enforcement, bill clinton and whose wife hated us. we had barack obama who ushered in the war on costs and joe biden who like law enforcement until he didn't and he did call for defunding the police you suppose with donald trump who was invited to come to the wake of a fallen hero and i want everybody who hasn't seen it to look at the incredible speech the young detective's widow made talking about the crime problem and the criminal justice problem we have in the united states. david, you are so right, if a crime never makes it to court but it's like it never happened in terms of statistics. 40% of crimes don't get reported anymore so crime is definitely not down. >> it's of course mostly on the
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local level, a bad city council makes these laws that no bail laws, states like your states of illinois, government signed a new no bail law last august which he claimed was going to cause a wonderful revolution in policing and the streets would be safer going to be safer in your homes. it hasn't turned out that way, has it? this horrific case of the 10-year-old boy who was stabbed to death by a guy who was let out who shouldn't have been let out, trying to protect his pregnant mother. it doesn't appear from the outside, that's a picture of the boy that was stabbed to death, it doesn't appear like things are getting better in illinois. >> no. easter evening we had a mass shooting, five women were shot, one killed. he didn't hear about that because that was a house party on the south side of chicago and nobody wants to talk about.
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illinois is the number one most pled state in the union had a lot of is because of these anti- police policies, pro- criminal policies ushered in to my native state. >> amazing with a barefaced lie to cover came out and said this block will make people safe. it's even more liberal than no bail law your, certain exceptions there, there are no exceptions in illinois. you and other police officers warned about this but it has happened and hopefully things will change. people are pushing back big time about this. we got to leave it at that, thank you so much for coming in, i appreciate it. meanwhile fox news has an exclusive first look at the new wire wall texas is installing your the side of the ambush video 100 the migrants tried to storm the border. matt finn lives in el paso, texas with the latest on that.
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>> for reference, we are standing a short distance from the border wall and exclusive access is often into this space which is where the texas military department is putting up this new wire fencing and wire basically replicating the affected wire barrier. we've been showing you for months in shelby park in eagle pass, texas. now the state is constructing miles and miles of wire fencing and barriers here in el paso. it's a short distance from the actual wall so an added layer of deterrence aiming to prevent illegal migrants from being able to approach the wall at all. >> along the rio grande river, texas military department is installing 8-foot tall sharp anticline barrier fence before a migrant gets to the fence, they have to make their way through all this wire military, it is installing. >> texas has identified at least
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222 migrant from that stampede march 21 not far from where you're standing. governor abbott says deportations have begun and it's a rare move for the united states to make a mass criminal arrest like this along the border. many migrants were charged with rioting, criminal mischief and some with felonies. right now el paso sector was the busiest sector in the united states yesterday with more than 1100 illegal apprehensions yesterday alone the majority of those apprehensions were single adult mexico and venezuela. >> thank you very much for the reporting period more and more americans disapproving president joe biden's handling of the southern border, border authorities say they are overwhelmed by the start of migrant and chuck devore of the texas public policy foundation explains what we did not see in the shocking footage of the border. >> let's go back to the riot in el paso. what you didn't see in those videos was you didn't see the patrol agents because they are so busy processing illegal
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aliens dilating our loss but the only people on the border or texas national guard in texas department of public safety trooper's. all border patrol were in processing. >> joining us now from house armed services and foreign affairs committee's congressman cory mills, good to see you again. chuck devore is right. it isn't what he says exactly what would have happened had the senate bill and the border had passed? we would have had more personnel but they would have been doing more processing. >> you would have more personnel but also what i declare as amnesty bill where emergency responses would not be enacted by the secretary unless it were 5000 occurring in the single day you wouldn't have actually seen this take down the numbers, good to see more border patrol processing more people coming in
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but here's the shocker, while we are focused on the borders thinking about the numbers, 200,000 coming in monthly, he saw in the immigration studies by one of their investigators said there were 326,000 people from migrant areas such as venezuela, honduras, ramallah dumping present loan into our country and thus the number that flew in florida alone so you look at the original numbers reported from eagle pass, el paso and the others now 326,000 coming under this humanitarian parole program, approved by congress, it's adding to the numbers as well so is gary think and unconstitutional and it speaks for the two the senate needs to take seriously the house pass impeachment orders against secretary mayorkas. >> you represent florida and there's new word out that all of the migrants federal government
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has been lying to different parts of the country, 90% of those immigrants land up in texas and florida. isn't that a coincidence? exactly the states he was fingering for sending immigrants to other states. do think that's a coincidence or is it payback? >> it isn't incidents, they call it gluten police work. the biden administration is going after red states and meanwhile ignoring the fact is violating his constitutional oath. imagine if you will for a moment, he planned and coordinated airlift like this into israel and haiti to rescue americans which is what is the job to do as opposed to people like myself going to shame them into it but he's flying through 26000 illegal migrants into the state of florida to add to the already robust numbers in the key is, they want individuals to participate consensus surveys that allows them as the democrat party wanted to pack the supreme
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court and allows him to pack more representatives and hike dense population hodgepodge in areas in rural areas to change the maps. that's what it's about, a replacement theory into my opinion, it's treason and impeachable offenses. >> let me just say, you really are heroic and epcot -- for those who don't know history, i grew up in washington d.c. and saw a lot of politicians, i didn't see anybody go out there and do the work you've been doing rescuing american lives from those americans stuck in dangerous countries so thank you for your service. >> thank you, david. >> and thank you for coming here. coming up, alabama attorney general steve marshall to talk about the gop state attorneys general present the supreme court to take up a hawaii climate change he says is a grave threat but first let's check in with jackie deangelis, dagen and sean to see what's coming up on the bottom line.
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>> if donald trump is going to michigan, not wisconsin, luke wall, we are going to discuss liz peek and tammy booth. >> mike rowe, gen z is becoming a toolbelt generation. we will explain what that means and jimmy failla will be here. one story, the new york inmate who got permission to be able to watch the eclipse because that's >> so important.. >> we will see you at the top of the hour. ay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad.
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it's been two years since president biden dedicated $5 billion to the national ev infrastructure program only four states have opened charging stations funded by the program. jeff locke live in pennsylvania, one charging station awarded grant money so how many charters are on site there? [laughter] >> how many in right? i see gas pumps but maybe -- i don't see ev charters. this is one that got 733,000 federal dollars to build charging stations and you know,
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the practice, nothing has been built yet. pennsylvania to give you a sense of what it looks like, this is emblematic of the problem, $171 million, 34 million already awarded for 55 projects. so far, they've completed one and here's the kicker, where one act was actually accomplishing something. or state have completed charging stations light, new york, ohio and pennsylvania. national ev infrastructure program, he mentioned 5 billion, there's another $2.5 billion programs so seven and a half billion dollars, 80 -- 20 partnership between public and private, 80% paid for by our tax dollars, 20% by partners. they are partnering with companies like a convenient
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store gas station and charging networks like eb go as well as manufacturing companies, ev manufacturers like tesla and general motors as well as gas stations like bp and pilate. the thing is, it's going to slow you might ask why. [laughter] well, a lot of government regulation as you can imagine with government programs, some good, they require everything be made in america, all the infrastructure, everything has to be a fast charger and that's good. there also has to be diversity and equity in the hiring of contractors to build all of this and it's just going slow. i guess maybe when we transition from the horse to the gas powered car, that was probably slow, to but the government was paying for the gas stations. >> because of the government project, everybody knows they do
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things slowly. appreciate it. stay out of the rain, alabama attorney general steve marshall, good to see you. you're leading an effort to ask the supreme court to intervene in the climate change liability case out of hawaii. alabama is a long way from hawaii, how can what happens in hawaii affect alabama's energy production? the mark the hawaii case are attempting to regulate energy policy across our country and the state trial judge in their jurisdiction. clearly that's not something people of alabama want nor is it the vehicle our country is designed to establish throughout our nation. >> so regulators and hawaii could have say over what every other state does? >> not just regulators but trial judge considering plaintiff claims.
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it imposes excessive damages which becomes a de facto type carbon but more importantly is allow relief to the court to dictate how fossil fuel industries conduct the business. it's what the people of alabama want but also contradictory to corporations to their own shareholders. >> i agree with you most but there's something i disagree with, you said the lawsuit is quote an effort by environmentalists to control energy policy in this country. i don't disagree with you on that but i would suggest it's already happening. the environmentalists are the ones dictating current environmental policies in the biden administration, aren't they? >> they are attempting to and one thing my colleagues and i have pushed back strongly on what you see the use of access to capital as a way to try to drive environmental agenda at the ballot box, this case we see dollars filed around the country
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are another vehicle for the left to impose renewed deal. >> good luck to you, sir, thank you for coming on. we are learning more about the disarray like boeing 737 fauci before the mid air door blowout. fauci loss indicate ms. confusion, delays, a lot of bad stuff that shouldn't have been going on. we will talk about it with journalist andrew, extraordinary work going to the locks. he's here to prevent present the evidence coming next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders.
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david: "wall street journal" scam out with a piece about the disarray in boeing 737 factory before that midair door plug blowout. factory logs indicate confusion, delays, during the production of the jet that later burst open, joining us now to discuss one of "wall street journal" reporter who wrote article, aandrew tangle, great stuff, how many works of hours did you do going through the logs. >> it was a lot of work.
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to go through these, we're talking about more than 18 days worth of logs on one single issue with a jet. they capture the worker's frustration and attempts to fix a problem that came to going from pier -- spirit air systems, you see how the boeing staffers kept trying to spur spirit to action, later, really try to w through layers of management. david: a lot of things happened during the pandemic that caused back ups to get back up to speed, a lot of people cut corners, maybe it happened there but the
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bottom line this is about damaged rivets that could h load to that door exploding open, in the log workers,tinged 50 times, estimated time for complete work on those particular rivets. i guess they have to go beyond procedure to get the work done, that is always risky. >> they had to get attention to the rivets. they had to open the door plug, to open the door plug, you had to take out the 4 critical bolts, we now know, were not reinstalled when they put the door back in place. what is the underlying reason why those bolts were not put back in, it is unclear. in boeing like, a lot of manufacturers, in the industrial space and world are dealing with the fallout from the pandemic they had to cut staff in many cases,
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then suddenly, in boeing's case and supply iier case when demand for air travel surged back they had to rapidly staff up that put a lot of strains on supply base and also boeing factory, they have to get people trained and skilled up. david: you can't do that in a hurry. and there is a -- the ceo is announcing he will step down partly because of this, what has been go o on. the whether is it management from up top or workforce and quality of workforce because of who you had to hire during and afternoon the pandemic. doe you think it is oner on the other or a combination. >> too soon too see. it looks like at-this-point for whatever reason. the boeing employees did not follow procedure to right a
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quote, unquote removal. aerospace manufacturing when you remove a part you have to go through a process that will trigger a quality inspection to make sure they part is put back p properly, weather management -- whether it is management. david: you did not find that documentation? >> it did not show up in the logs that we saw, and boeing has tolded ntsd and u.s. lawmaker that does not exist. david: andrew tangle great reporting thank you. >> tomorrow brandon judd and carol roth and charlie hurt, i am


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