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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 2, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm
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l arry kudlow. so markets selling off big. maybe because we're not seeing another rate cut in my lifetime. we'll see, oil prices surge, gold surging commodity index surging we have senator kevin kramer and our own taylor riggs and steve moore. they will weigh in on with irana
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ungar-sargon and alec lace on why the biden is real threat to our democracy. this november. but first update on stock market. economic report issued yesterday that today's sell-off, a survey of purchasing managers, ism manufacturing index came in hotter than expected
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indicates a more robust economy be that level since oo. shares of trump's media company dj t rising 6% after a sell-off yes. larry: how about that gerri willis, we appreciate it. we bring in big money co-host taylor riggs, steve moore, and north dakota
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senator kevin kramer, thank you for coming back on. let me talk to the person in the building that probably understands market best, that is great taylor riggs, by the way, i don't think we'll have a opposite. yields are rising all about rate cuts. or maybe not. rate cuts like we have been talking about. the fed loretta said a huge risk is cutting rates too soon it could restoke some of the big inflationary
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measures that are underway. i think that inflation is a big issue. larry: kevin said it well last week. too much fed yapping. do we need mrs. mester to tell us what the futures market is saying. it is what it is. we don't want to act too soon but really. was there value added from what she said? i don't know if she said it on cnbc, really. >> j. powell was asked this
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question friday. the markets were closed, they were asked are true transparent, he said i don't think so, but sometimes it can be confusing, the markets came in this year asking begging for 6 rate cuts, at least now finally they are looking at 2 1/2. they are getting more in line with what fed. larry: never seen a half rate cut what is that? you have to help me, kevin cramer, you may not know what a half rate cut s but you know about oil, from north dakota. we're seeing a big rally, the best sent december.
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i think or further back in october. west texas yes, brunt crude, yes. what do you make of be confusing as this guy is president. larry: steve moore, do you have an election? -- to dollar show rises in valley, you do not see a case for falls inflation i wish i dpr did. i mean look at what happened
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to crb index in 24 hours it went up substantialy, with higher commodity prices that means that filters into consumer prices, someone show me the case for lower to taylor, senator kramer, for example, i would argue with the oil prices going up and commodity going up and interest rates going up, etc, etc, any rate, cutting by the fed will be perceived as a deliberate effort intent to juice the economy to elect reelect joe biden and kevin cramer. i think that that would reduce down that kind of thinking or that kind of charge or even that kind of appearance. senator cramer would really be very unless there is a clear cut case to lower rates, as steve moore and we have all
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agrees there is no clear cut race, senator cramer, fed will dig its own grave if they move. >> it is already under scrutiny, there are a lot of questions about how independent the federal s and remember, fed chairman always different just before the reappointed than after. i have on say, all in all, i think j. powell has done i pretty good job of creating a soft landing but i think high will come up short, you are right, worst outcome for federal reserve would be perceived, it could become real teenality. that is an additional factor. larry: taylor w. two questions. one, i had a instinct looking at the computer screen, that the commodity runs, might have had something to do with tragedy
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of baltimore bridge and freighter, the trend line started way before that so, i don't think that explains it. and the other thing is, the yield curve is still inverted. the fed funds rate and t-bill rate i'll call it 5. 5%. and 10 years at 4:40. that is a long time for yield curve inversion, does that have a meaning. >> you are getting me excited talking about yield curve, larry. i will say inverted wield curve, that you front federal reserve, is something that they use not as a sign that there say recession but more portfolio a predict or it works as a legal it inverts and 6 to 18 months later is a sign there is a recession, you could note that you get a recession because fed has been too late, in cutting rates that is why it is
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inverted. i don't know i hear from market participants that the inversion is less and less helpful the longer we go on there are structural issues with this economy that are different. >> i prefer that 3 month bill to the 10 -- but whatever. >> now you sound like j. powell. larry: that is new york fed model, by the way worked for about 50 years burke not this time -- but not this time, hotlanta fed, tracker model 2. 8% for first quarter. that sal most 3%. that is not nothing, it sure is not a resolution. >> and loretta mester repeated that, this economy is revised a little bit higher, this defies all logic from the economists that the economy is healthier than we thought. maybe in part, thanks to a consumer that is not pullback yet, despite the inflationary forces. >> steve moore, i know you are a big fan of the ev 's
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and chargers, joe biden, injected a fortune to the ev chargers, supposedly in the misnamed inflation reduction act. or whatever it called, my question, is where are they? >> yeah, i think they built a couple dozen of them with several billion dollars, this is the question. what happened to that money? where of these chargers. you joke with me about whether i bought my iv yet, what is a fascinating no one is buying them. despite the fact they are showering this stray with money, and they are showering, saying buy the things, and you know almost more that biden pushes them the more people say give me my old fashion gas car, it is amazing we have you know, oil demand around the world as high as it has ever been a time when all biden has
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been talking about is we have to stop you know fossil fuel use, another point, we had this discussion on the shows about whether the fed will raise interest rates, single most important thing that washington could do right now to help this economy, and i want senator kramer to listen, cut government spending. larry: too easy. >> way too easy. >> that is horrible. larry: i thought you had a more creative solution. senator kramer, i think that biden is each charger has a billion dollars each [laughter] he put in 12 million and his 12 chargers. the model is broken. the ivmod sell broken. >> very broke broke. larry: the very last word. >> this has been great, i would rather do this. the mod model is broken
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with dig subsidies only rich people can let's an electric people, they don't work worth a hoot in places like north dakota we don't have a grid or transmission or generation, we're closing the efficient you know, power plants in the nation, this upside down and so screwed up, that donald trump can't get in white house fast enough for my taste. larry: the whole story is ass backward. >> thank you, great taylor riggs and steve moore, and senator kramer. all right, coming up big wins for former president trump today. he posted his 175 million and letitia james is not getting her hands on any of his cash or businesses or assets. so there go, deal with it madame ag, we will talk about it c with kellyanne
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lydia hu with details. >> posting his 175 million dollar bond, new york civil fraud case, his assets will be protected from seizure by the new york attorney general while his appeal moves forward, he is challenges un underlying decision by judge engoron, president trump posted this on truth social last night: >> and that 175 million dollar bond is less than half of the 454 million dollars that was originally required and reduced by appellate court last week. knight insurance group is under righting under writing the bond, i spoke with chairman of the company said he would offer that bond to
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everyone but he is happy that his business is serving the former president. >> for us it seize to do. -- it is easy to do, it is what we do, we want an opportunity to expand our business. we feel that the cause justifies it. i had a chance to you know weigh the pros and cons, i think i'm doing the right thing. reporter: mr. hankie said that trump secured that bond with cash, if trump does not win his appeal he will be forced to pay full amount of judgment. and appellate court wants oral arguments in september, and lawyers tell he a decision become 4 to 6 weeks after, that around the time of presidential election. larry: i know. lydia hu thank you. i don't believe it but thank you. couple additional thoughts on this, donald trump posted his 175 million dollar bond, letitia james not taking all
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of his cash or assets or businesses. that is my forecast. mr. trump had two big wins in new york courts one appellate judge knocked down imthe bond. second, trump posted it and make it three wins, of the successful trump media stock offering, i still believe shows great support for the former president throughout nation, it was retail investors not the big boys on wo wall street that bought his stock offering. step back, look at big, big picture, reminder, that mr. trump putting together a new coalition based on typical working folks and their families, who want to a pay raise not a pay cut and close the border not open it up to a waive of biden illegal crime and return to law and order and support police, and appreciate mr. trump's first term tax cuts and deregulations that contrary to biden's constant
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untruths, by far, benefits middle and lower income workers most, they work hard, play by rules they reject the woke culture, and tired of washington bureaucrats telling them thousand live, what cars they should drive, and stove they can cook on and shower heads and es, they favor drill, baby, drill a know turning fossil fuel spigotses back on will reduce prices and increase take home pay, half voters say, they are worse after that than they were in 2020 that include young people and minority voters. they are tired of wide by inweaknesses. you can bet -- of biden's weaknesses. just today in michigan mr. trump talked about garners support from suburban wo women who
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would like a law and order response to biden's crime wave that the democrats continue to ignore. take a listen. >> i'm the only one that has to put up a bond, i put up a bond, i didn't do anything wrong, i put up a bond this morning for 175 million, i did nothing wrong, they can kill mac someone and shoot someone and walk out of jail, how did that, that is called radical left. larry: yesterday, "new york post" famed columnist cindy adams said close that border and get prices down. steady as a rock. trump tough. building a winning coalition. that. >> i take tonight. my friend kellyanne conway is joining me tonight. author of the very good book, here's the deal. welcome back. >> that was something.
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larry: he is going after suburban women's vote. >> yes, and democrats think all we care about is is a borabortion, they speak to us from the waist down, donald trump wants to appeal to suburban women in full, they are worried about kitchen table economics security for families and for now, it is about crime and southern border, all of a sudden crisis of the southern border is in everyone's backyard that is why you see a rise in concern. also, they seem to be paying attention to what is happening abroad, joe biden has brought to us two wars, big themes in november, safety affordability, and fairness, president trump today talked about what was fair and not fair, that how is people look at men and women's sports and tax code and 8 million coming here illegal, they' to know that government is treating everyone fairly.
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that does not mean equal -- equity nonsense eq equality outcomes it -- >> i think that people hate the woke stuff. and around easter, i don't want to go down that but you know. >> it is swinging back now. larry: so phony. >> you said something, you said biden is ignores crime wave, i think he helped to create it. why? to defund police in summer of 2020 is coming home to roost, you see articles out of austin, texas for example they proudly defunded police, and moved over 100 million from policing to quote public safety, an o oxymoron. and you have early retirement among police force, and you have people not able to get their 911 calls answered. they have been articles about this i think that all of this shenanigans from 2020 are hurting the democrats now. also, on border, president trump is right to tell se
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cindy adams of "new york post," this is his first priority, this is the fi first priority of the swing states. and now he has many nontrump voters saying, i agree with you, i'll vote for you. >> we're glad cindy adams is well back. another one trump is doing surprisingly well among young people and biden and his crew can't stand that, they are going berserk, they do voter registration for young people who may be voting for trump. >> a "washington post" argument talk about how democrats are conflicted whether that i want to continue to register voter who are nonregistered by party, it favored democrat by 20 now by 2, the difference is donald j. trump, they will say they will vote for him, he is up
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about 15 points from 33% these got in 2020 because the economy. and safety, if you are a young people you look at joe biden, addition to having nothing in common with him. and his possibly, saying this guy think he's can buy me off, what she going, they tell you, education is top issue, democrat, only time they got excited about education was to mask unlawful us and keep us on our -- masks up all of us. there are many reason that young people are not going to biden, they are going to rfk jr., you look at 5-way ballot. in fox poll, trump's numbers improve in each swing state and nationally because rfk is there to take votes away from biden, he said
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this joe biden is the worst threat than donald trump. larry: can we run -- i know we were playing that clip later. can we run it now for kellyanne. here it. >> voila. >> here it comes. >> it is coming. one second. >> tadda. >> don't have st, well, that is what he said, they need to realize, that young people are going to go on rfk jr., and a are also going to president trump, larry i don' -- young people, hispanics, african-american, women, 4 groups that trump is doing better than in 2020. he has to get pile peal home off, and tell me one thing that biden is doing that get them back. larry: how is his messaging now. >>ed by >> trump.
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>> a policy. >> people' a fighter, fighter does not mean fight with each other it means fight be on behalf of the people, they see him in courtrooms, he fighting for justice and for him, a lot now believe that the cases are politically motivated, even if you are offended by this tr truth social or that tone or you will vote for what affects you. >> down get joe biden's message. >> he has semi smart people around him, i think that prospect of donald trump coming back with a 6 second term makes otherwise intelligence people crazy, to point they say and do naughty things, i don't
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understand their messaging, i don't understand why they don't do something on border to show they are trying, instead, here is what they are doing abide biden is doing at border, they let people come in when you arrive hard working people of america see those taking an easy right, they come here allowed to stay, and staying free of change, they arrive they get clothing, cell phones, and cash, this is not just wrong, people say, i'm working super hard, they are taking the easy way, you are rewarding that? sure some people come here because they are persecuted, or assaulted. but that is not what we see on border now we see people, a lot of men, rushing the border, rushings fence. larry: young able h he-e bodied men. >> we don't know.
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>> you are saying, trump is on message,. larry: i agree. >> he is on message, he is projecting strength. and determination, and very specific, and solution oriented. >> trump tough. >> over 200 executive order ready to go. >> trump tough. >> i like it. >> best messaging. >> best in the. >> thank you biden brittle trump testify. tough. >> biden border crime wave out of control. and president trump chomping at the bit to fix it. and joe biden is the real threat to democracy we'll play the rfk quote from fox and friends this morning back with batya ungar-sargon and alec lace on set, i'm kudlow, we're available as a podcast, episodes every weekday after the show on
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larry: former president trump slamming biden's border blood path in michigan. fox news reporter peter doocy pressed white house about it peter. reporter: we had a nice chance with john kirby in the briefing room as donald trump calls immigration policy a border blood bath, i want to know what they are doing about that policy here? >>l get those 1300 additional border patrol agents down there. >> everyone here knows that bill you keep talking about as a solution is dead. -- >> says you, doesn't need to be dead. >> the bill is dead. >> says you. >> when is the vote. >> you ask speaker johnson. >> the bill is dead there
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are real problems, at the border. while that bill just languishes, the chief of border patrol saying, of 140 thousand got aways, it we don't know -- if we don't know who coming in and their intent that say threat. does president biden agree. >> president absolutely believes that a long that border we have significant national security concerns that have to be met. >> said they think that u.s. security apparatus this inn place can defect and address any threats may come across border to homeland and president biden had a conversation with china's xi jinping first chat since november, they talked about fentanyl, president obama asked him to stop helping russia in ukraine. and they also had a chat about tiktok. the paradox is that biden campaign remains on tiktok while biden white house says they will sign the bill that requires china to divest
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from it. if the democrat control senate ever brings it up for a vote. larry: peter do you think this china, buying russian oil is basically financing the russian war effort? which in ukraine is against u.s. interest. and china buying iranian oil, is financing iran's war on terrorism including hamas on israel. again, 18 the interest of united states i wonder if he asked china to quit buying oil and violating the sanctions. >> well, based on all we know, i would say it helps and it helps. but we don't know how much depth they went into considering that john kirby said that conversation was cordial over the hour and 45 minutes they chatted. so, yeah. we don't know why. they fill they needed to talk today.
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maybe it is some urgent issue concerning threats close by russia or -- posed by russia or iran that china might have some influence over, but they are trying to talk more. so like 1 every 5 months. larry: peter doocy appreciate it. >> folks bring in alec lace host of first class fatherhood podcast, i have a podcast too alec and batya ungar-sargon journalist author of second class. how elites betrayed america's working men and women out today. picture of it right on the full screen thank you. before we get to the elites and others, let's play promised robert f kennedy quote. >> president biden has
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ordered media particularly social media, facebook, and twitter and instagram and youtube and google to censor his political opponents if you have a president who can censor his political opponents, he is -- that is a threat to our democracy. larry: batya he is talking about censorship. and regards biden is a bigger threat than trump. >> he started out by saying that on cnn that was power full, because ha is not kind of messages that cnn audience usually gets. it was powerful for him to tell them the way that other half of american see this obsession with democracy and who is the real threat. larry: alec, it is an interesting thing for kennedy to say, running against joe biden. and democratic party establishment is in a tizzy, that kennedy chose this left wing woman, they think that
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aiming at biden, do you think kennedy wants biden to lose and former president trump to win. >> first, i think it was honest for him to say, we see that, yes, i think he wants biden out, i believe, that 20 years ago rfk jr. would be person running for office. but high lines up more with democrat vision of the future tur country not with the maga republicans, i don't understand anywhere, i think cnn -- if everyone that watches that segment on cnn voted for biden he would lose 10 voters. i think rfk jr. will pull votes away from biden that is the goal. larry: batya, you don't like those elites do you, you just wrote a book about how the elites betrayed america's working men and women, without disagagreeing. what made you write this book? >> it is my view that we're
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told that this country has never been more polarized since civil war that is a fiction. i believe based to research and polls and year i just spent traveling around america interviewing works class americans more unites us than divides us as americans, and t polarization is a elite phenomenon, they get money and powertelling to us hate our fellow americans and truth is that most americans are very united they love their fellow american, they don't believe in hating people over something over as silly as who you vote for, and politics there are huge consensus that unites working class liberal and conservatives. larry: riffed to this earlier, it seems to me, alec, the elites embraces woke, and typical working class families of any color
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do not, they not embrace the woke that's correctly thes dincluding the diversity equieq diversity, equity and inclusion massive affirmative, it is -- you know, it running counter to america's ethose. >> it is the family that parents here, they don't care about this, we. to see our kids be happy and healthy not fail, we just want to be able to go to work raise our family, and go on h vacation, watch the kids play sports and be left alone, but they are jamming that agenda down their throat, and parents will save us. larry: the working folks would like a raise. after inflation wages to go up as they did under trump and have gone down under biden, and out side of would -- cull tra issue
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this is a huge issue give me a raise. >> 100%. larry: this is first thing we have agreed on. it is fantastic. >> no, no. >> like that. >> someone make a. >> i agree with everything you say, larry. >> that is not good, alec, they know a raise. >> if you get a raise, inflation has to come down otherwise that raise is worth less. what good is it if they give more money if everything costs floor that is what happening with bidenomics, that is what will drive the people to the ballot box and vote him out, the border is number one, but rights up there is the inflation, it skilling american families. >> batya ungar-sargon and alec lace, that book up one more time. she does not like the elites. coming up. great mark levin is asking in israel is only one talking about iran. israeli special op veteran
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eric cohen will weigh in on that, on kudlow. repa ir breath freshener. clinically proven to help reverse the four signs of early gum disease. a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ salonpas lidocaine flex. a super thin, flexible patch with maximum otc strength lidocaine that contours to the body to relieve pain right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine. hi, i'm ben, and i've lost 60 pounds on golo. i currently suffer from nerve damage which kept me bedridden for six months.
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larry: great m mark levin said only country talking
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about iran's terrorism is israel, joining us to talk about that erin cohen. >> there is no reason that biden should be funding iran. he doesn't get votes for that. there is no reason that biden needs to go, extent he is going to eviscerate the elected government of israel, and no reason he pounces now on life long ambition to create a terrorist state on in israel ancestral homeland, that will become an iranian satellite state, as if he is purposely taking take i match to the middle east and state of israel. . erin, welcome back, i was happy to see israel took out one of the iran generals. and you know sort of speaks
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to what mark levin was saying what joe biden never seems to want to do, what do you think erin cohen. >> i am with you 100%, we see eye to eye on what he said. the general that israel took out, it takes months, sometimes years to develop type of intelligence that israel needed to be able to attack the general. in syria but that general, was responsible for c coordinating those attacks by hezbollah from lebanon. and including syria and so israel got -- listen, israel survives, israel survivability is 3 factors, accountable intelligence and moment that israel has intel they will be aggressive, they have, to the other piece, really critical, is israel has to preempt, we
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saw is in 67, we saw what happened when they didn't do do it if 63, they have 6 months now they are working at athlete n -- lightning speed, that was a big hit, israel will continue to do it. larry: you know, trump took out soleimani. i would have loved to have seenbini biden administration, they didn't, and israel did it one other thing. i am reading in papers, israel has a different view, this business about a big famine in gaza and people, they are delivering record amounts of food and humanitarian help. and all they get is attacked by the biden administration, and by the u.n., why are we listening to hamas numbers? from gaza hospital, whatever it is called. you know it is bs.
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>> so, larry, it is really bizarre what has been happening with war in hamas, in my opinion in history of modern warfare never seen a group like u.n. take up method s olology and data from a terrorist organization, either they are just complete lying, which i believe they are, or they have no ability keep track of actual numbers and they are as dumb as i think they are as what they can accomplish in the next year against israel. it is -- i everybody laughable at-this-point. i don't know why the u.n. continues to listen to hamas and why biden lets it get in white house, israel has to do the job, they are doing a good job and they will make mistakes but there are 400 trucks sitting on that border ready to. >> aaron cohen thank you.
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but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives. for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the lifesaving research and treatment these kids need now and in the future. jessica: i remember as a child, walking the halls of saint jude, and watching my sister fight for her life. we never imagined that we would come back. and then my son charlie was diagnosed with ewing's sarcoma. vicki: i'm thinking, we already had a catastrophic disease in our family. not my grandson too. marlo thomas: st. jude has helped push the overall childhood cancer survival rate from 20% when it opened to 80% today. join with your credit or debit card for only $19 a month, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. jessica: for anybody that would give, the money is going towards research, and you are the reason my child is here today.
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charlie: i was declared-- this will be two years cancer free. but there's thousands and thousands of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing] dangerous ladders. gutter muck. yuck. no wonder you hate cleaning your gutters. good thing there's leaffilter. our patented filter technology keeps leaves and debris out of your gutters forever. guaranteed. call 833- leaffilter to get started. and get the permanent gutter solution that ends clogs for good. they took the time to answer all of our questions. they really put us at ease. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter,
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or visit today. larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. koorsd - a great man once said, "a poor workman always blames his tools." that man was carl noble. he was my grandfather, and according to google,


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