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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 3, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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ld... depreciation is really heating up you think... hoooold!!! hooold! hooold. hold! we just dipped 2.5%! hooooooold!!! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. “look at all those snacks, you must be a king!” “i did just pay 60% less for my ticket with the gametime app.” “it's the best place to get last-minute deals on tickets.” “i guess i'm just a better fan than you.“ "(crowd cheering) i've got to get the gametime app.” “download the gametime app to get great deals on last-minute tickets.” larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm
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l arry kudlow. so 64% of americans think that taxes are too damn high. of course, they are. they are right. tragically joe biden wants to keep on raising them, and bidens can't get their own irs to attack rich people, we will have vivek ramaswamy weigh in, we have skyrocketing oil price now they want to spend 8 billion for 15,000 green army climate corps. we will ask north dakota governor about that. and senator bill hagerty with breitbart economics and bright john carney,
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and tammy bruce and rich lowry why selling bibles is not only godly but patriotic. first up. 64% of americans say their taxes door damn high -- are too dam high, i agree, our grady trimble is live in dc with more tax burdens. >> good afternoon. an interesting time they want government to lend them a hand versus leave them alone it ticked up during the
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pandemic and stayed higher. tax policies coming up a lot on campaign trail, two different visions, president biden saying he wants wealthy people and corporations to pay more. and president trump said that would be catastrophic. >> if biden is re-elects he promises to impose 6 trillion dollar tax hike that would destroy the u.s. economy, i never heard of a guy campaigning where he wants to raise taxes. >> he talks about the debt, he exploded it more than any other president with his d tax cut that benefited the wealthy. and the biggest corporations in america. reporter: look at this from
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"wall street journal" editorial board, saying that irs's most. ed, middle class americans, and sites a report from treasury inspector general for tax administration saying 63% of new audits targeted tax payers wincome less than $200 thousand a year. larry: they can't get it right. thank you grady trimble. we appreciate it. >> all right, so, couple thoughts, 64% say their taxes are too high. that is a record complaint, as grady trimble just wanted. no surprise. because all joe biden does is run around the national every stop telling folks he
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is going to raise taxes. corporate taxes, individual taxes, capital gains, defdents could death tax and exsmall businesses, he always tells us he will only tack rich people -- tax rich people and he talked billionaires then caveats if you make 100 million, you qualify as a billionaire, it turns out his profit to tax people making everyone $400,000 is also phony look at fine print of any of his legislative tax hike p proposals, it would decimate the economy, one reasons that economy has not been decimated so far is despite biden's untruthful rhetoric,
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the tax cuts have not been repealed. study afternoon study has shown. folks know whenever politicians particularly left wing politicians, big government socialist politicians, when they talk about tax cuts only for the rich, middle income folks know what a lie that is. and how their tax will be gored as much if not way more. by the way just for the heck, the truth is the top 1% already pay over half of the federal income tax, however, the payroll tax, which supports medicare and social security is largely shouldered by the middle class, and that is why donald trump is taking a preliminary look at some middle class payroll tax
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relief. meanwhile, if luke at biden's most -- look at biden's most recent budget tax revenue share of gdp goes from 16.5% last year in 2023, all the way up to 20.3% at the end of this budget window in 2034, that would be a record, record high. that is one massive tax hike. to support biden's massive big government spending plans, and they come won believable recession latary string -- regulatory strings attached to them, that will throw a lot of sand in our economic gears. >> irs would spend 80 billion to hire 87 thousand new irs agents. but, the treasury inspector general for tax administration shows 63% of the new audits last year were aimed at the middle
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class. with incomes of less than 200 thousand according to "wall street journal" editor call today, instead of hiring 3700 new agents in one year, with this dumb plan, it turns out that irs has hired 34. and first 6 months. dollars. they are chasing after the middle class. how is that for big government efficiency, and they get great benefits, including s salary $125 grand a year, and 60 thousand in student loan forgiveness, of course, student loan forgiveness, even though the supreme court said that is illegal, wait, i saw that provision ssomeplace else. , joe biden's domestic agreement army climate corps. spending 8 billion for 50 thousands new people. no, no, these will be new rabid green new deal climate activists, won't they. >> the public service climaclimate get benefit for child care and
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important and health care and transportation and hang on. you guessed it, student loan forgetness. i just knew it. with a little dei as a side order of fries, that is what biden is gunning for, my bottom line, what you have got here is the potential for 50 thousand little climateers who'll be first thousand mail in ballot activists harvesting their little green new deal as fast as they can, better than zucker bucks, and more crooked with uncle sam's socialists in charge. a few modest opinions on my side. >> now joining us great vivek ramaswamy. former 2024 presidential candidate copounder of strive asset management. author of nation of victims, identity politics that death of merit and passing back to excellence. welcome back vivek. can we talk about this 8 billion and 50 thousand person climate corps, they get fabulous benefits and student loan cons --
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colcollapsing as one of the benefits, vivek, i think you look at an army of mail in ballot harvesters, what does vivek ramaswamy think about climate corps? >> it is based on a false premise, there is no climate emergency in the world. earthed that is at a low of carbon dioxide, relative to most points in human hist history, and carbon dioxide is plant food. and by the way for every 100 people that died in 1920s of a climate related disaster, do you know how much die today, it is 2, advance is powered by fossil fuels, the climate change agenda is
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absolutely a hoax. it has nothing to do with the climate and everything to do with greater dominion and control of the government and china is laughing every step of the way as people who want to call for climate ko corps volunteers here to place like china where they're not saying a peep, this anti-american at its core. this is a problem. it shrinks the economy, and washington, d.c. starts spending those tax dollars on regulatory agendas that impeded the economy twice over, this is a double whammy, we need to put an end to this. larry: if trump wins he will zero it out. if i too cynical, you launched a climate corps, 50 thousand people with all kinds of benefits. come on. these guys will be ace mail
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in ballot harvesters, better than zucker bucks. it is zucker bucks on a grand federal scale. >> i don't think you are being too cynical, a step further, a lot of biden policies are oriented toward what maximizes the chance of reelection for biden this fall, this is why we're not seeing deportations, they are potential long run voters for democrat, so we're seeing soft border policy, this is not a wild theory, democrats about 10 years ago said loose border policy are a big way for deckcrat to secure lasts majorities look at their incentives, to win election are tied to so many things they are doing today that are destructive for america. larry: steeks much deportations mr. president
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trump spoke yesterday in grand rapids, michigan. >> when i am president instead of asking you to cram illegal aliens into our homes, i will till you that the illegal alien trespassers must go back to their homes, no country with stand this invasion, this is wrecking our civilization, destroying our country, day one i will sale the border and we'll -- seal the border and begin darkest deportation operation in the country. >> vivek for all i know you could be secretary of homeland security. i mean you are qualified. what do you make of his pledge, largest domestic deportation operation? history. >> i think it is common sense, if you have the largest mass illegal migrant into this country, in
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american history, it stands to reince we require -- reason that we require largest domestic deportation as well. i think they will work in trump's second term as well. and the trap that somehow media has led the public to believe this is not compassion, that is cruelty to americans and to many of the hispanic communities in america who came legally to this country who are suffering sunk of crime and other adpeks of that illegal mass migration, people in inner-cities that are suffering black, white and brown and everything in between. democrat and republican includes, south side offing which -- chicago converting local high schools to encampments for the illegal migrants, this is the compassionate thing to do, both for americans and to stand for the rule of law, it is logical.
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stop funding the sanctuary cities, military -- it is not climate corps it is putting our own military on our own southern border, that is how we end this border crisis and mass deportations are the moral thing do for americans, we're on root side of history. larry: got it. other thing, latest fox toll shows about 22 thirds of americans -- 2/3 of americans believe they are over taxed and mr. biden, he always said he will t tax rich, middle class, here, politicians guard their wallets they pay bulk of taxes. are americans over taxed? what should we be doing about it? >> we need to make trump tax cuts permanent as a starting point. on one hand you could stimulate the economy by
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putting more component in people's pocket -- more money in people's pockets,ing, what we're failing to down -- to do under biden. when you have more money throwing to washington bureaucracy. soy look at it in reverse, we need so slash and bush the federal bureaucracy, down size the size of federal government and you will need a smaller tax base to pay for it the other thing, reduce the complexity of tax code, most people have no idea what sort of subsidies or deductions are baked in. simplify the tax code, bring down the rate, and that is how you slim l -- stimulate the economy that is the fair just system. >> you know vivek, well put,
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i love that simplification. broaden the base, lower rates. art laffer, whom you know, ctalks about, if you had that tax reform flat tax oriented reform, lowering rating and simplifying code and reduce brackets, the point is, it would reduce tax av ark -- avoiding. >> even for those democrat friends on other side of the aisle it reduces affects much crony capitalism, i think this is fairest system for competition in america
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allows anyone to achieve maximum of their potential and economic success with their own hard work and dedication, that is what america is founded on. we want tax rates not to just stimulate the economy but it is an expression of who we are as americans, the boston tea party they started it for a reasons, we have to remember that sp spirit today. larry: i know, i am so old, i was there at that boston tea party, they were talking about the laffer curve and how tax cutses will generate higher tax revenues, anyway, vivek ramaswamy. the best of the best. thank you for our wisdom appreciate it. >> thank you. larry: all right coming on kudlow, oil prices are spiking. but is there a bigger price explosion in the future? we'll have north dakota governor doug b burgum about that. you can catch kudlow here at
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4 p.m. on fox business, if you can't text your favorite 9-year-old, she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a laffer curve, i promise, i'm kudlow and we'll be right back. try dietary supplements from voltaren, for healthy joints. moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection. at the first sign, call your doctor, start an anti-diarrheal , and drink fluids. before taking verzenio, tell your doctor about any fever, chills, or other signs of infection.
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larry: price of west texas crude oil to over $85 a barrel, and brent crude, is now about $90 up $20 in the past couple months. so one question is how high are oil prices going and why are they going there? more on this we welcome back governor doug burgum and great oil and gas producing tate of -- state of north dakota. you are watching oil prices i'm sure. you produce a fair piece of it in your home state. what is driving them up? how far do you think they will go? >> larry, part of reason that oil prices are going up is because the markets understand it the way that consumers that put gas in their tank understand that biden administration has a full on assault on liquid fuel in u.s. not just oil and gas but ethanol and
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biofuels, when you shut down the u.s. energy industry, take out what could be the world's largest producer of liquid fuels, take it out of market place with government red tape, the markets go up. under trump it is upset -- opposite, we were supporting this biden's energy policies are emboldening iran, russia and venezuela it makes no sense for america. larry: sometimes the bidens say,. >gee wiz, we had a lot of oil production in december, they got up to 13.3 million barrel ofs a day, but, as you know pre-pandemic in late 2019 early 2020, under the president trump policies, we produced 13.1 million. my point in 4 years, sir, we have an increase production,
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we should be 14 million a day or more but not holding at 13. that is because they have taken as many leases off as they can and ruled as much land in alaska and new mexico and elsewhere off limits for drilling and fracking, we should be produces vastly more, trump said drill, baby, drill that would allow a lower energy prices, right? and lower the whole inflation rate, ni because energy permeates the economy. >> right, larry. in north dakota we're fighting 27 different biden rule making efforts anyone of which could have a serious downturn affect, judge the must gas and oil but electricity, if we have every car being an electric car, they are selling less than 3% growth rate over
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last year, a year ago they were 50%, electric vehicles they have hit a wall. >> so, and other thing, is you know, if more people bought electric vehicles, we have to have more electricity. because they put you know, the bidens and the governor newsom, our dpre friend in california, they are trying to shut down electricity, as best they can, i don't know how we without get out of that dilemma. i believe you mentioned iran or china or russia before; that as you know probe probe talked to president xi jinping. on the phone. telephone call. my question is, nobody can
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answer me, probably never raised, china, we the united states, not saying anything, at least publicly, china is financing two wars against the united states by buying russian oil. when they are not is upy on thed to because it is sanctions and iranian oil, not supposed to because that is sanctioned. we're allowing china, we don't make a public stink about it or raise their tariffs or punish them, or take actions, they are financing two wars gain the united states, why doesn't this administration do something about that? >> i don't know they are going, to that is where this november election makes such a difference with biden's weakness whether iran, and russia or venezuela, and you mention china,. they are filling petroleum reserve. and they are filling theirs, and biden drained ours before mid terms, he turned reserve to the political patrolling preserve by draining it now they announced they will not refill it because the prices door high, at the same time we're -- too high, at seem time canceling by fiat
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building of lng export facilities, everyone in western europe would be thrilled, russia and kremlin are celebrating. it is not only that he is not sanctioning china but his energy policy was designed to help china and help russia. larry: you know, just talking about that. some numbers. january of 2021, beginning of mr. biden's term, the strategic petroleum reserve had 640 million barrels in it today. as of most recent month, this is january of 2024, it was down to 363 million that is about a 50% kurt cut. they will not refill it okay, they missed their window when oil went down to $65 now back to 85, they have wrecked a national security and energy security
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method. >> absolutely, we know that you could go to world war ii, wars that are won and lost by who controls the energy, this is not just price at the pump that matters because biden's policies drive inflation for every american, raising cost of food and electricity, their inflation is killing everyone, but strategically as we head to world of conflict created by biden and his weakness, iran, largest funder of terrorism in world, they pro providing drones to russia, the wiem people experts energy are supporting our adversaries this is why we need donald trump back in the white house with strong leadership. the world is safer lace, that is why we need president trump back in november. larry: governor doug burgum
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thank you, sir, appreciate your wisdom. >> all right, coming on kudlow senator bill hagerty and breitbart a john carney on why tariffs are negotiating tactic and why donald trump may be a free trader, probably done think of that -- didn't think of tthat. >> and remember kudlow is a podcast right after our show, spotify, apple and fox business podcast, i am a podcast.
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larry: guess what, trade tariffs are not the end of the world or economy as some would have you believe, but they are an purpose negotiating -- important negotiating tactic for an american first, economy in america's interest. and guess what else, donald trump may be a free trader.
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put that in your pipe and smoke it. let's talk about it with tennessee senator bill hagerty, former u.s. ambassador to japan's member of our china trade group under mr. trump and john carney, breitbart economics and finance editor. welcome. to both of you. john carney. just because you wrote this great piece i'll start with you, march 28, we talked about it on the radio. tariff is back. the mostly people on lift, some on right, that you could have cited but does not. that tariffs are the end of the world cause consumer decline and destroy the economy. so, mr. trump, using tariffs as a purpose negotiating tool against china. i'm a free trader but i supported china tariff effort because we have work to do with their unfair practices, stealing ippei
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m intellectual property, the end of economic world did not come, it did not come, i don't know whether -- you know we succeeded with china to the couthe -- extent we wanted to. >> right, they said, right from the beginning, this is going to cause inflation, driving up the price of cars and televisions, that is not happen. we had almost no inflation throughout trump years. in particular we had no inflation on very things that tariffs were place oplaced on. the would record did not -- old record did not work first time they will try it again, it will not. i think one of most important things, president trump said a lot was, word reciprocity. i like that word reciprocity, if you are fair with us, we will be fair with you, but if you put up
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trade barriers from the united states then we will put them up against you, you have do that, if you play the sucker at the card table, e everyone will cheat you, that is the role that united states has been put in. >> senator hagerty you were an integral part of china trade team. you heard trump talk about reciprocity, that is key. >> it solves so many problems, think about people complaining about the chinese buying land in america, would we be able do this in china, reciprocity would solve that, we have the largest economy in world and lowest weighted trade barriers, we should be using our economy as a tool, we don't have reciprocity, you could think about world war ii. we should have kept in terms of time.
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we're in a situation today where many countries, have a moramore -- adv advantageous trade set with china than we do. larry: we gave them a license to white and st steal, so-called undevelop side economy. -- undeveloped economy, they were allowed to have higher tariffs, more nontariff barriers and no one could do anything about it there was no adjudication, that is the way the damn thing of set set up, and president trump said no. the point is that reciprocity can work two ways, let's assume in case of japan, we had a small trade deal with japan. japan lowers some barriers and we did too. we can work that way, on other hand in some country,
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not names names but germany for example has terrible trade barriers with automobiles. >> it is enormous, you can sell a car f -- from america to german, you can account a 10% tariff, they sell a car here that is 2.5%, that is not reciprocal. that is what president trump was delivering at. fair terms. >> john, you know what else, away from trade game, mr. trump who is quite a good negotiate or, never gets credit for it from his critics, to the open border debate with mexico, mexico would not help us in 2018, 2019, trump said fine, ill put 100% tariff on your manufacturers and auto
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exports, suddenly they saw the light. and lord shined down on them, they put 25 thousand troops at border and ado adopted our remain in mexico that is tear tariff negotiates. >> we built the greatest economy in the world in united states we can use that power to make the world's better place, say that whether our trade partners about trade barriers or other countries about policies that we have that we don't like, like you said mexico's attitude forward migrants -- toward migrants, we can say look, we need help, you want to comply with policy goals. when they don't we say this not a free ride. larry: you are right, i heard trump say many times, i wrote sill r -- several
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op-ed pieces. on eve of g-7 and g-20, i said he is a free trader who wants to see a world of zero tariffs, zero nontariff barriers, and . >> i remember that. larry: i wrote it up, high he signed off on it kind of drove lighthizer a little bit crazy but we love lighthizer that say different story. >> i think that we can't forget we have a huge wh competitive advantage that is the size of our market. tariffs is am a means of
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achieving that. we need to look at reciprocity to use term that president trump used, to look it every level. larry: i negotiated, i had the european side, what a mess. >> even in -- >> just saying. >> you think that china was bad. i have run out of time. j. powell, our hero spoke today. two things that came out. give us a snappy comment. i didn't hear anything new about lower interest rates. and what i liked he said this once before, the job of the fed is not climate change. >> right. larry: do i have that right. >> right, he r really put foot down on idea that federal reserve should be a climate cop and police everyone. he said we're n noting doing that, it is not our job, if it were our job we
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would lose fed independence we would then become a political body, he is defending the fed and their independence, and on interest rates he said something important, he said that we need to see numbers had don't mean they will cut. what -- that gives you a baseline, unless the economy starts to sag, fed is not cutting. larry: i tell, we're keeping this option open, it a non-- what summers called it a nonzero probability that next rate will be higher, bill hagerty, to finish it off. under these circumstances, with durable economy and inflation above target, if the fed were to cut rates now they would be accused of goosing the economy. >> this ensure that current administration stays in power, that is a precarious position, they have to remain data driven, as they
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have said, and chairman powell needs to toe the line. >> he had a good day. >> rafael o bastic said now cut until after the 4th quarter. larry: waller is in that camp too that is after the election, senator hagerty, a pleasure john carney always, thank you so much. >> thank you. larry: all right, coming up on kudlow, tammy bruce, and rich lowry, hang on, why selling bibles is not only godly but patriotic as well, stick with kudlow, you're going to love this one. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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trump's endorsement is a very american book, the american book. >> yeah. absolutely, might be ship's carpenter on m mayflower brought the first copy. millions moved, you would not have william faulkner without the king james bible and you would not have martin luther king out the king james bible. larry: why is the left so crazed. >> god forbid, pun, intended. they don't want anything, big government, they want to be the thing you look to, the entire idea of socialism, they are god. if you look at something outside of structure that reguard value and future, the power that the government has is lost it is
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christ or your faith, it is beyond government, they cannot stand that. in addition to, that trump selling a bible is a regular guy thing to be doing, not presidential, right, you have the sons or brothers to do selling of things, this is what trump does. it takes him into people's kitchens and living rooms, while the left is sitting on highest mountain in world looking down on the highway pa loy. there is donald trump reaching in and being able to relate to the average person. >> a lot of the special bibles, i have an idea for you, supply ci side bible, you steve moore, and art laffer, you get it and. larry: i'mo it tonight. >> you mention king and faulkner, is that people say, it is you know william
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shakespeare who set tone of all of the theater of all of novels. the great romance stories and murder and everything eleeligible, -- >> it the bible, and bible forms shakespeare it forms all our story telling regardless of your faith, if is a great book, the best selling book. larry: i think it is the best selling of all-time. >> tammy bruce biden beats out trump -- trump bi beats out biden in 6 of 7 swing states, arizona, georgia, michigan, north carolina, nevada. no biden ties in wisconsin. >> wisconsin is real rough. larry: do we believe the numbers. >> we don't like polls, here is what you take. after years of condemning donald trump, as the 6 coming of state an. of state --e
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arrests and mar-a-lago thing and white supremacists and terrorists here, is not only neck-and-neck with the incumbent, it is the trend of that is what this statement of that is. so, when we think we can't trust it, i do n -- i think that is signal it is not noise about the american people saying we have seen what you are doing, we see you. and we don't like it. this is what we'll do. >> the factor. larry: almost a biblical story. >> well, people are looking at in the poll, trump's retro active approval rating is higher than bidens, you can tell what you think, we care about he did a better job. and you win georgia, win arizona. and then he needs one of those wisconsin, michigan or pennsylvania ahead. >> he will get it, it's in the bible, i'll telling you,
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rich lowry and tammy bruce. >> thank you, sir. larry: i'll be right back. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. this looks like an actual farm. it looked cute on the app. ( ♪ ) meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals aren't what they're cracked up to be,
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try one where you'll know what you get. angel: on october the fourth, my daughter was diagnosed with a rare malignant rhabdoid tumor on the spine. when i received the diagnosis with my daughter, my hope was gone. when we first headed to st. jude, my baby couldn't sit up on her own at all. the tumor had pressed up against her spine to the point where it basically paralyzed her. she couldn't feel her feet or anything like that. and just to see her start to make those steps after treatment...
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take your time, one step at a time. eri'elle: take my time. take my time. ♪ andra day, "rise up" ♪ good job, baby. ♪ i'll rise up. i'll rise unafraid. ♪ ♪ i'll rise up. ♪ ♪ and i'll do it 1,000 times again. ♪ it was just like a miracle. it was amazing. i was like, thank you, god, for st. jude.
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8:00 pm
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. >> news is first draft of


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