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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 4, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: loverboy sings working for the weekend. is that -- lover boy, good song. there is traffic on sixth avenue. welcome to new york, it stopped raining, come on an. it is 10:00 eastern. to the money, the rally holds, dow up one hundred 50, nasdaq up 144. the 10 year treasury yield, going down a little bit. 4.33%, still that elevated levels which the price of oil, 8539, bitcoin moving up a bit today, $67,000 a coin. that's the markets on a thursday morning and now this. working hard is going out of style. climbing the career ladder is okay as long as it doesn't
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interfere with your work/life balance. ambition must not get the upper hand, don't try hard, your personal life had mental health may suffer. we are surrounded by this propaganda. member quiet quitting good, not doing your best, it's all loaded into social media and our politics and it keeps coming at you. in california at san francisco democrat has a bill in the state legislature that would punish employers who dare to contact their employees after working hours, week 9 to 5, don't call or e-mail at 6:00, the employer could be fined. what happens to ambitious people who want to impress, they are out of luck, they must be held back. from new york university a study from of them. them. your work schedule as a young adult may harm your health decades later. the study finds changing your schedule like a shift change for example leads to health issues later in life. that's a disincentive to moving up the food chain by shifting your working hours.
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the message is try hard and you will pay for it later and bernie sanders wants to mandate a 32 hour workweek with the same pay as 40 hours. getting ahead and bernie's world is forbidden. you may not leave the working class. my point is we are encouraging mediocrity. encouraging resentment of getting ahead. i find that profoundly un-american. for generations people came to this country to word, climb the ladder and bring prosperity to their families. what's wrong with that and what is right about giving up and sinking into lethargic anxiety? second hour, just getting started. brian brenberg is with us for the our.
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when did working hard go out of style? brian: you are talking about people on social media and people who largely live on the coast tour in dc but there' s a whole swath of america who doesn't buy into this, they are out there working hard. if you are in california and want to climb the ladder, you're out of there, go to states in this country where you can work hard, that's the beauty of federalism, don't want the national government the tells us what to do. lauren: put boots on for a living and threatened by this a massive amount of innovation. stuart: pointing my arrow at the early generation. brian: if you are in certain locales may be. and why you, but in middle america there are a lot of younger people working their tails off making a life,
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building families. we forget them because they are not on social media getting clicks. they exist in this country, they are going to run the world when all the lazy people drop out those are the guys who run the world at amen to that. stuart: wish we could get a shot of the control room because there are youngsters working in that control room. those folks work hard, get up early in the morning, never late, never sick, always here. that's a fine group of younger people bucking the trend. i hope they make a good shot of this. let's get serious, this is serious. it has been acknowledged the president wears a cpap machine that helps him breeze at night. he had visible markings from wearing the mask when he showed up late to his own speech and made multiple gaffes. watch this. >> president biden: the
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mechanism, the mechanisms attached to the inhaler found the seasonal allergies are upon us. the republicans cut back on the fact that only, they but it's the only thing they couldn't defeat with seniors which i'm proud of my administration taking on big pharma in the most significant ways ever and wouldn't have done it without bernie. >> senator bernie sanders. [applause] stuart: i'm not piling on, don't want to be accused of piling on. we are doing a public service by showing this. i think voters need to know that he might not be up to do the job for another four years. brian: he makes bernie sanders look sprightly in that picture together. there is no shame wearing a cpap machine are being aged or the later years of your life but you shouldn't be president. that's the thing here.
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it's like acknowledging the sun rises every day. he is infirm and aged and is not up to the hardest job in the world. stuart: he's holding conversations with world leaders, xi jinping in china the other day, today benjamin netanyahu in israel, our president is holding conversations with those people. brian: they are hard conversations to navigate and those guys are looking for their advantage. he supposed to be looking for our advantage, you can't press your advantage if you are not playing your best game. is not playing the best game. stuart: you're here for the our. for the hour. president biden's doctors claim he is in good health. would you know anything about his exercise routine and should we care? lauren: should be care about his exercise routine? absolutely because if the public thinks that he is weak and frail because that's the only information we are getting from his doctors in front of the campaign, what we see on the screen, we see them messing up, we want more information
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was why can't they give us his full medical records? in 2008 when john mccain at 71 years old ran for president he gave reporters over 1000 pages of health records. we knew -- he was 70 one. now you have a president running for reelection at 81 and donald trump at 77, don't give a 1-page summary, show us your up for the task by what you do or give us facilities. biden says watch me. we are watching you. stuart: let's talk about something else. stephen smith is a very well-known sportscaster. he fired back at hillary clinton after she told voters who are upset about the biden/trump rematch get over it. >> stephen smith said there is reason hillary clinton lost. >> i don't think it was a why statement on her part.
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how did that work in 2016? that something we have to recognize. she won the popular vote but she wasn't the president of the united states. you could bring up a bunch of things but at the end of the day the last thing you need to do is do anything that could agitate a potential voter in this particular election. >> he said hillary clinton is detached from the voters and condescending towards the voters and he is no donald trump fan. he says he has not voted for donald trump but he understands why many americans are. we will do you think hillary's comments were repeat of the deplorables comment from 8 years ago or whenever it was? lauren: an attitude like how could you? brian: it's what she really thinks, that's what she believes, that's why she keep saying it. she doesn't respect the voters, she deplores the voter for not voting for her. good political skill right there. stuart: we have our fill. i rather enjoy it. dow is up 150 come nasdaq 144.
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i will call that a modest rally. gary, ready prices are rising. does that mean inflation will come back again? >> of prices going higher means inflation then yes. it it is a worry sign in that everything you hear out of government is inflation is in check, everything is fine. oil prices heading north, copper, gold, silver. the commodity research index of 19, oddities in your multi year highs. watching the bond market carefully, that tells the tale of interest rates head toward 5% that is the market saying worry time. stuart: what is the fed doing wrong? >> they are in business. i don't think they should be
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around. don't know what they do for anybody, they keep saying they engineer the economy. one hundred 50 million of us go to work every day engineer the economy. i think they are overrated and one central bank came out and said they believe we are getting disinflation. every price is going up. seems to me if they sign 18 wheeler coming down the highway they would not be able to see that. they worry me, they have so many things wrong through the years. i hope they stay out of the way and leave us alone. stuart: there's a very influential magazine, the economist out of london that says central banks have shot their credibility. the you agree with that? >> i don't know when they ever had it but they went over the top when jay powell printed $9 trillion distorting every thing in the latest distortion is who wants to sell a house
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that is 3% mortgage when traded in for 7%. %. that 3% mortgage was engineered by one man and his whims and its haunting a lot of the housing market and where it stops beats the heck out of me. i don't think they do anything for anybody. we are the engine of the economy and we do a heckuva job on a daily basis. stuart: got it, thanks for being with us, see you again soon i hope. stocks moving this morning, wayfarer. lauren: they are raise to outperform and an $80 price target basically says this is a company that has its blank together. they've initiated two years, $2 billion of cost cutting and the home furnishing market will recover the second half of this year so it is coming, it's here and wayfarer will be one of the few retails that will benefit from it. stuart: levi strauss, one of the most woke companies in the world.
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they've raised their annual profit forecast. >> because of cost cutting. stuart: 17%. lauren: the cfo said we are feeling good about the us consumer having stabilize. maybe things are getting better. they plan to expand. i like to keep you up-to-date with what's trendy. corsets and denim skirts are very big and you will see them at restaurants. stuart: corsets? lauren: nothing i can wear on television. stuart: we really enjoy this program. >> jeans people going into corsets. stuart: boeing, are they up or down this morning? show me. stuart: they are up almost 5% because boeing paid alaska a lisko -- compensation of $160 million because of the temporary grounding of the 737 max 9 jet to cover loss profits and they expect more. stuart: a fly in the ointment right there.
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coming up. border patrol agents arrested 182 chinese crossing the border illegally. that was tuesday. there's been a 6000% increase in chinese migrant encounters since biden took office. federal agents rounded up three at a squad house in new york city, the suspects were just arrested last week on gun and drug charges released without bail. tom homan deals with that next. ♪ ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: homeland security agents rearrested three migrant squatting in the basement of that new york city house. they been released last week without bail on gun and drug charges and returned to the same home they were occupying. >> federal ice agents arrested three of the 8 squatters previously arrested by this nypd last week, they were staying in the basement of this home in the bronx charged with gun, drug, and child endangerment charges, you mentioned 6 of the 8 were released without bail despite the da requesting in those cases, 7 of them are in custody, one at large. those get this video from yesterday as cameras show hector arriving at this home with a woman and child in his car. ice agents arrested him shortly after this. police in yonkers arrested him
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seven months ago for assault and attempted murder. one of them is unrelated to the initial drug and gun case. ice did this without help from law enforcement. the nypd cannot cooperate with us. the other migrants involved in that original first who were released without bail were rearrested for shoplifting on long island monday just days after the nypd raided the home they were squatting in finding four guns including a ghost gun, drugs and ammunition. >> of 8 people to judge allowed 6 to walk out the door. one of those 6 chased me out with a gun on attempted murder. that is a problem. that is a problem.
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>> reporter: ice agents looking for this venezuelan migrant. jefferson abrego was without bond in spite of the request for a $40,000 bond. in total, three of the venezuelan migrants are in ice custody pending removal operations, four are in local custody and the location of the man you just saw is unknown. stuart: now, three of those guys arrested, released and they go back. there's no consequences. brian: you could strip down a report to no bail, released, rearrested, no bail, released, rearrested. it is an insane policy that insane cities are adopting. look at the consequences. somebody owns that home and it has become of the hideout for what looks like a gang and ice, the on the guys doing anything
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about this don't get to work with the nypd because the city says the nypd can't work with them. lauren: as far as i can tell this is the same judge who released the times square gang who beat up the cops. you've got a da problem and a judge problem. stuart: that extraordinary. stuart: the democratic mayor eric adams who has some common sense. brian: i don't know. adam's messaging, these -- this is not complicated stuff. people here illegally are breaking the law. blue when he's got a city council that won't budget. the city council on the side of the migrants, that's a fact, the way it is. lauren: they embrace crime. stuart: i got an update about the migrant influencer who encouraged border crossers to squat in homes across america. what do we have on this guy?
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stuart: he could be facing firearms charges. he crossed into the us illegally in 2022 but was allowed to stay on a biden administration approved parole scheme. he has come to fame since his social media posts boasting about government benefits, wads of cash he loves to show on his posting and encouraging illegal immigration squatting. that went viral. incredible. the new york post is reporting he could now face gun charges under the gun control act which prohibits people on parole from processing, shipping, transporting or receiving firearms, remain -- morano remains in custody in ohio but another example of the fine upstanding illegal migrants who are allowed to stay. stuart: sarcasm is a low form
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of wit but very effective on occasion. thank you, good stuff. listen to what the white house had to say about the raid. >> an 8 person crew border crossers with drugs and guns are out on bail, does president biden think policies like that are making the country safer? >> anyone found guilty of a crime should be held accountable. we've been clear about that that. >> do you think some big cities in this country have liberal das that are too soft on crime? >> we welcome local law enforcement support and cooperation and removing individuals in this country who pose a risk to our national security. stuart: tom homan joins us. it appears she is okay with ice arresting illegal migrants. did i read that wrong? >> actions speak louder than words. he said if they break the law
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they should be arrested. when you enter the country illegally that is a crime under title viii of the united states code this administration isn't charging them with a crime or prosecuting. they are releasing them. they fly them to a city of their choice on taxpayer time, give them 3 meals a day, medical attention and work authorization which is why they came here to begin with. actions speak louder than words. from day one they have not been accurate on their messaging. this isn't mismanagement and incompetence but design. stuart: one hundred 82 chinese citizens at the san diego border on tuesday alone. 22,000 have been apprehended at the border since october 1st. that's an increase since 2021. listen to what mike pompeo had to say about this? >> we don't have any idea who
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they are. are they mostly got aways? even the venting we are doing is a handful of simple questions and release them. stuart: is the communist party of china flooding america deliberately with these migrants? >> absolutely, china isn't volunteering 30,000 people of military age to leave the country for no reason and here's the issue. dhs say they are vetting against information that's available to us. does anybody think communist china is sharing national security information with us? do they think china will provide criminal data on these people? no. they only that them against information we have access to. most terrorists we don't know who they are except on the battlefield or had a retina scan or you are part of a title iii investigation. we don't know who they are.
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if they haven't commit a crime and you don't have a record we don't know who these people are or why they came here but this is the national biggest security vulnerability. stuart: you are a voice in the wilderness. tom homan, come back soon. still ahead. serious crime in new york city has levels not seen in decades. if you ask mayor adams he says it's just a perception problem. jason rantz on that next. trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders.
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stuart: university of texas cutting hundreds of staff. who is being cut and why? ashley: they are laying off dozens of support staff associated with diversity, equity and inclusion. dei. why? it comes after republican governor in texas greg abbott signed legislation that bans dei officers, just time is of dei duties to employees, dei training and dei statements and hiring.
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it applies to all publicly run colleges and universities across the state. the exact number of positions eliminated is unclear but a statement from the naacp and association of american university professors claims 60 persons received pink slips. chris of the law say it damages the goal of accessibility in higher education but supporters say dei initiatives are ineffective, publicly charged and do not belong in public universities, texas is following florida actually. stuart: brian, that was pretty dramatic, band it like that. brian: ripped that stuff out of the universities. these dei officers are the enemy of excellence and merit and free speech, the enemy of everything the university should do. he didn't do this than the taxpayers of texas and every other state should stop spending money to these places
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because they are antithetical to real education. stuart: that a good rundown of what is going on. public schools in seattle are changing their gifted and talented programs replacing them with more inclusive program. they say the old one was, quote, oversaturated with white and asian students. have added, jason. i don't agree with it. it's not a meritocracy any longer it. >> when the decision was being made several years ago to go down that path, black parents were stepping up saying we've got kids in these programs, you say you're doing this because you want to help our community but you are not helping kids and they were dismissed as tokens of white parents because black parents don't understand what's best for their kids unless a white person at the seattle school board tells them. we are going towards this model that's going to be in every classroom in every school, like a whole classroom model which simply means you will have the gifted students in the class,
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the kids who are just going on their normal route for academic excellence and kids or special needs all in the same classroom with one teacher with no extra funding, no extra training to have to handle those different sets of students, that will fail everyone. rather than work hard to bring up the numbers of black and latino students into gifted programs they bring everyone down. it is lazy. stuart: extraordinary. here's another one for you. crime in new york city spiked to the highest level in two decades but mayor adams claims it's a perception problem. everyone has a camera these days and these crimes are caught in camera and everybody sees it on the news, that's why it's a perception problem. people are scared because of what they actually see. >> it's not just about perception. it's about reality. there's a point to be made that perception can become reality even if it is not backed up by the numbers but the numbers do
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back it up. if you look at certain categories there has been a dip in some crimes but look at other categories like rape, robbery, felony assault, bias incidents, random women getting attacked as they are walking around town, that's going up so people are aware of that. only takes a few high profile cases to get a community upset about the direction of the city and how many high profile cases in the last several weeks. it all adds up. policies and decisions being made like letting people out of jail without bail, those are crimes that eventually happen that were preventable. every crime committed by someone in this country illegally, that's a preventable crime so even if numbers are going down you have a necessary crimes being committed, people becoming victims and creating a scare in the city. stuart: the wealthiest people
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invested in state-of-the-art teams day -- doomsday bunkers that cost millions of dollars. they are called the ritz-carlton's of underground bunkers. what is so special about that? >> where you go when doomsday hits. you don't had to these 1960s cold war shelters. we are worried about world war iii with iran, north korea and civil unrest and power grid failures. bottom line people across the economic spectrum are bunkering up like never before. >> the average person wants to protect their family against what they think could be the world's biggest disaster on the planet and want a place to go. >> reporter: the president of survivor shelters spike in
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demand. for 20 grand, you can get the basic bomb shelter, but dig a little deeper and you get the one hundred grand big boy bunker but billionaires are taking no chances, not holding back. the presence of a group called safe, says they will spend big. >> you have some clients that are professional golfers who want to driving range in their shelter. others who are professional racecar drivers want simulators in their shelters. >> reporter: start thinking about what you're going to build. mark zuckerberg building one, bill gates has spaces in his homes. if i win the powerball i will probably put away bull so i consume when doomsday hits. stuart: if i get when it won't
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have a driving range and it. you are all right. thanks very much, see you soon. the white house wants to spend $8 billion, here we go, to build an army of climate workers. some republicans say it's a waste of money. we have the full story. us companies cutting 250,000 jobs in the first quarter, new data shows manufacturers will need more workers to keep up with demand. jeff flock sort it all out after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ stevens dribbles up the court... he stops!... for the championship!
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stuart: i want to know what's going on with meta. it is up 2. 5%, well above $500 and lauren will tell her what's going on.
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lauren: jeffries raising the price target to 585, they say meta-could capture 50% of a mental add dollars this year and they say they have too many advantages to count but a i, meta this year could be the best year ever, stocks already up 43%. we want i guess they've gotten over the meta-verse disaster. lauren: last year was their year of resetting. what did they call it? today,? the year of -- >> firing people. blue and tell me about blackberry. that assignment secure a software. lauren: used to be hardware company, and out of supper, it supplies profits for the last quarter, stock is up, $2.06. stuart: show me google as an alphabet, they are down a bit. lauren: this is kelly o'grady app store, financial times reporting they plan to charge for premium ai search features
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so some of the search would be behind pay a wall for the first time ever reportedly, second report from reuters they are in talks with advisors about a possible bid for hub spot, online marketing software firm, that stock is up 7%. stuart: new data shows companies planning to cut more than 1/4 million jobs in the first quarter of this year. manufacturers need more workers to keep up with demand. jeff flock is that the electronics manufacturing plant. how many workers do they need. >> i would say 15 or 20 extra workers? >> absolutely. >> the ceo and president of electro soft is here from the philadelphia suburbs, you can't find enough workers. people being laid off out there, you can't find enough. >> manufacturing has always had
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an issue trying to find workers, that some some workers being sent outside this country. now people are reassuring and we don't have the workers to fill their needs. blue when you mentioned at the outset 1/4 of a million jobs. look at the hard numbers, 257,000. that an increase of 120% and it's companies like ford, accounting firms, amazon web services, those people don't fit for these jobs. stuart: it is a skills mismatch. they are in the software side and we are in the hardware side. >> reporter: you have a lot more stations here where you could use workers. you have the work for them but you don't have the people. >> we don't. we even had 4 or 5 organizations looking good for us. >> reporter: not a whole lot of luck. put these numbers up. this is the manufacturing institute. you are not alone in manufacturing.
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3.8 million new manufacturing jobs by 2033, workers, optimistic? >> we are trying to create our own pipelines because we cannot find the employees. >> reporter: they want to go to college and have a fancy job, people don't want to manufacture but that is where -- >> manufacturing needs a sexy makeover. is not the dangerous manufacturing of yesteryear. brian: thanks so much. interesting story. it and work out mtv for you, we have a job for you in pennsylvania. stuart: apprenticeship programs are pretty good. out of time, see you later on the network. florida governor desantis demand president biden end his covert migrant flight program. desantis's those there is no way to trap all these migrants coming in his state.
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mike waltz deals with at a moment. the president will speak with benjamin netanyahu today, the first phone call since an israeli airstrike killed 70 workers including one american in gaza. trey yingst's story from tel aviv next. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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stuart: the world central kitchen, the a group demanding independent investigation into the israeli strikes that killed 7 of its staff including an american in gaza. trey yingst in tel aviv, the latest from there please. >> reporter: as the israelis are investigating that incident they are simultaneously preparing for the possibility of entering in response following a strike earlier this week that killed two top uranian generals in syria. overnight the israeli military called on reserve soldiers to help manner defense systems. this morning the israelis canceled leave for all combat forces. the funerals for those died in damascus are expected to be held tomorrow in iran. retaliatory strikes could happen after that. israel is preparing for the possibility of increased fire
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from lebanon and potential for missile fire from iran. iran's supreme leader address the situation thursday. >> translator: this will definitely continue as well as the desperate efforts like they did in syria. of course there will be something for this action. >> reporter: rising tension as the israeli cabinet meets tonight to discuss these threats from iran. the war in gaza and cease-fire talks. conversations are ongoing for a cease-fire but israel and hamas are holding firm and their demands. israel under pressure to define a end to this conflict after striking a convoy of aid workers monday killing 7 people. the founder of the world central kitchen says his organization had clear coordination. president biden will speak over the phone with benjamin netanyahu and likely to discuss
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the strikes against aid workers and the ongoing threat from iran. stuart: congressman mike waltz joins me now. let's step away from biden for the democrats. where do republicans stand on aid, support, and weapons. >> we made our support loud and clear and on the record. we passed in aid package out of the house for israel, let's reduce some irs agents and help our ally. that the win/win. schumer didn't like that. then we passed one without a pay for that would essentially be added to the debt for israel for their needs. we made that abundantly clear and did it months ago. from the groups that want aid for israel, i encourage them don't call republicans in the house, to call chuck schumer and tell him to pass the aid.
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i want to say this is a tragic strike on josé andreas's organization. this was a major screwup on the part of the idf. it's an accident versus what hamas does which is target civilians and target aid workers cooperating with them. he ordered a bad strike in afghanistan during the withdrawal that killed seven children and three aid workers. let's save the righteous indignation he is directing at benjamin netanyahu because that's about politics. stuart: governor desantis of florida is demanding the administration end migrant parole and release programs. the white house sent 300,000 migrants, nicaragua and venezuela.
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can you put a stop to these? >> we are trying to defund these flights and this program. we've done that out of the house and over to the senate and i encourage republicans in the senate to fight like hell to stop it. rather than these people doing the dangerous journey across the southern border and dealing with coyotes and smugglers which is dangerous, we allow them to fill out a form on a website, and and and through at that since then. it is bursting at the seams. stuart: i didn't know this. we are flying people from
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haiti, cuba, nicaragua, from those companies directly into america. >> that's right. the justification. to illegally cross the southern border. and to the tune of hundreds of thousands. the last administration was 1500. stuart: thank you for that. at that was a great our. you can catch him on "the big money show" weekdays at 1:00 eastern on fox business. ben domenech on a former msnbc host calling just to sotomayor to retire so biden can nominate another liberal justice. china sending warplanes around taiwan after xi xinping.
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doctor marty makary on a tuberculosis outbreak on top of a measles outbreak, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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