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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 4, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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helping the small stand tall. this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow.
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well president biden spoke with israeli prime minister netanyahu and showed no support for an unconditional israel victory against the hamas thugs, a most unfortunate development. we have one of senior israeli cabinet members in a few moments. we're taking a look at donald trump's lead in swing states. among young people. >> and the great claudia tenney weighing in on life, liberty and pursuit of happiness and art laffer and david bahnsen on the economy. the dow is down 54. >> president biden called netanyahu today from read out we received you would never know about israel is america's greatest ally, and which side of the hamas war is mr. biden on.
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and bad call. mr. biden emphasize over and over humanitarian situation and lectured netanyahu about need for specific concrete and measurable steps to address civilian harm, humanitarian suffering, the safety of aid workers. at-this-point i would say what about safety of israel? what about the fact that hamas and grandmaster iran, want to destroy israel? and for that matter, america too? israel is fighting an existential war for it its very existence. biden says u.s. policy with respect to gaza will be determined by his assessment of israel's immediate action on these steps. period. close quote. this is like a school marm lectures a kid. put it mildly this is
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disrespectful to state of israel and long time prime minister benjamin netanyahu. of course, biden along with. >jiesh jewish senator chuck schumer have already interfered that by itself was disr disrespectful. and now biden is essentially ordering israel to negotiate with hamas, ordering israel to negotiate. but, minister barkat told me, how do you negotiate with someone that wants to kill you? did we forget last october 7, hamas horrifically slaughtered twis 1200 people, including israelis, americans and europeans, one of the worst massacre in mystery, have we forgotten fundamental evil of hamas, chopping off heads, killing the elderly, raping
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children, have we for forgotten this? now one rialto overlooked by the white house is that israel has overseen food deliveries to gaza that are running about 80% above pre war levels. another thing that reports of civilian casual dee ties or deaths are inflatedded by happen as run gaza while ministry andu awrong. israel has taken actions to avoid civilian casualties. in civil war, remember, general u.s. grant. insisted on unconditional surrender. in world war ii,
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fdr insisted on uncondition surrender, this is what the biden white house should be calling for right now. let israel be israel. they must finish the job in south gaza and rafah. it is hamas, it is hamas, who should be wiped off the face of the earth. that that is high view -- my view, we'll talk with the minister who is a senior guy. he is economy minister but a key adviser, he was very critical of qatar, and critical of this phone call between biden and netanyahu. and i will also say, off the record, on the record, if there say new election, in next year, our minister will
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probably run for prime minister but we'll see, stick for this great interview, but first, and important conversation. with our own peter doocy live at white house. i know you are covering this phone call with netanyahu. z and other things, thank you for helping us, what can you tell us? reporter: call about half an our and read out from white house side is not anything president biden is doing on camera, but a paper statement about what they call quote israel's unacceptable actions that is the thing, it is going to paper that has obama alum, flagging this onx, saying that president does not get credit for being privately enraged he refused to use leverage, these stories make him look weak. there are about 180 thousand more anonymous letter writers appealing to president with notes by the box dropped off at white house gates, white house officials not ready to announce a firm policy
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change, but what they say are different from october 7, when president biden said, his israel support was quote unwavering. >> how is his support unwavering but you are reconsidering policy choices? >> both can be true. >> they cannot be, they are different. >> no, no -- >> it -- he is wavering. >> come on. >> how is he not wavering. >> eq. >> come on support is iron clad, not stopping or wavering but -- perhaps be policy changes we might have to make if we don't see policy changes out of israel? reporter: if israel does not presents concrete steps to alleviate suffering and gaza in coming hours or days sounds like this will be a change in president biden's position and some u.s. aid to help their war against
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hamas will be pulled back. larry: peter, you have a great dialogue with security white house security guy. they say policy changes, if israel does not do what we think we -- i'm sorry what biden administration wants it to do blah, blah, blah if they don't follow their road map, does that mean that we will withhold u.s. money withhold arms? or withhold weapons and ammunition is that the implication here? reporter: yes. but, that would be -- sounds like nearly tailored to their efforts against hamas, there are on going threats that israel faces from iran, and the u.s. from what we hear, at podium, would still be helping israel protect itself from iran this effort against hamas particularly as israeli insist they have to did into rafah -- they have to go into rafah where
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the civilians are stuck. president biden does not want to see it happen, haphazardly. no one from israeli side have presan presented a clear plan with how to protect those people. if that happens,. because they are not satisfied with what they hear in coming hours and day it would be specific to israel war against hamas. larry: all right, got it peter doocy thank you so much. >> all right, now while ago i spoke with one of leading members of israeli cabinet. joining me now ta talk about whole israel i situation mr. nir barkat. welcome back we appreciate it. >> thank you, larry.
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larry: biden talked to netanyahu today we have the notes and read out, it looks disappointing to me. with respect to israel. one of the points i'll make, mr. biden said he made clear u.s. policy with respect to gaza will be determined by our assessment of israel's immediate action on the steps. then he talks about the need for the prime minister to empower his negotiators to conclude a deal without delay to bring the hostages home. down see anything there -- i don't see anything in that that favors israel or says that u.s. will continue to help israel. but what do you make of this? this breaking news. >> our expectation from our best friend in world. the united states of america to support us fighting the nazis, the nazis that are
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holding these girls captive under the tunnels, that get raped every day. i spoke with the family of the victims, we are expecting will united states of america to understand that biggest enemy we have ciciis iran and qatar, they a are -- funding all over the world and against muslim brother hood, attack on october 7 was brutal. raping women -- no, cut heads off soldiers and played soccer with them, they put babies in the ovens. these are not angels they are evil, terrorists. they are jihadists that want to kill all of the israelis all jews and we're small satan, the united states is the big satan. we have a common enemy, and we anticipate and expect to see alignment together against evil. we don't need to be lectured
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about human lives and innocent lives. we will do everything we can do make sure that people that are not engaged not involved minimal damage, we will do all we can, we don't need to be put on the spot. because we're on the same side. we need america to be on hour side, after things like this, you know happened with hamas, they are happy, they toughen the negotiations, and they give candy to everyone. larry: they still would exist. what troubles me as i hear biden and a antony blinken, you would have a negotiated deal with conditions. >> who do you negotiate with someone thans to kill you. larry: does not say you have to annihilate hamas that is what we agreed to. >> you don't leave a quarter of the nazis you, you finish
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the nazis, nazi propaganda found in houses in gaza. translated to arabic. these are evil people, they want to destroy us. tell me, if you were a businessman, would you negotiate a deal with someone that wants to take you out of, they want to y there us from israel, out of sea, that is their charter. that is what they did when they surprised us on october 7, comp i -- committed those co atrocity. larry: you want unconditional surrender and you have to go through southern gaza to rafah, you have to take that part out. i understand that. but what down understand is the biden position, he is not saying that unconditional surrender, he is not saying, go and take rafah and the whole south of gaza, this -- i find very
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troubling. >> israel sucker is united to finish the job, huge majority of israelis know we need to eliminate hamas, it -- i was in the emirates about a month ago, you speak with people there, they understand. that the evil alignment, of iran, and qatar, funding terror in the world, do unhow much blood they have on their hands, they buy their way into america they buy with capital, which is blood capital. evil capital, they want to destroy, they are playing two hands, a wolf in sheep's clothes. larry: you said that in another network. you are very skeptical about role of qatar. >> they are an enemy, they are part of the muslim
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brotherhood alliance, they are spreading shia law all over the world, there is no more gray, it is black and white, you are either part of the align alignment against the g jihadists or you are a part of it, time for world to recognize, qatar is as big of an enemy as iran. and they invested in isis, they invest in hamas, they invest in -- by the way they are buying in all over the world to try to tilt public opinion against israel and the west. >> is -- are these reasons why israel took out this commander of qud forces are you expecting iran to
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retaliate for this? >> we have war with iran, they are using proxies, we havure eyes open. we understand that the plans -- by the way they took responsibility for the october 7 massacre. they took responsibility. we see the footprints of iran all over our region. so we understand that this is a str strategic way for them to fight israel. and we're the small satan, u.s. is large satan. larry: the u.s. has not imposed sanctions on iran, they have allowed iran to sell oil to china for example, and get foreign exchange reserves to 70 billion, when trump left office, they were broke. and oil was 40. now they have 50 or 60 or 7 billion and oil close to 100 that gives them resources to finance the hamas, and hezbollah, this is an
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incredible story. >> that is the point -- larry: people in united states, who are behind israel, are aghast, jaw dropping, that the biden administration has backed off from the absolute, i say absolute defense of israeli state hood, the existential effort to maintain state hood abide up has backed off on that, i don't get it. >> we need bipartisan support, i think that october 7, actually opened up an opportunity for ern to understand whos real enemy is. larry: and chuck schumer saying you need new elections, how does that -- that does not help you? >> it helps hamas. >> thank you. >> the fact that hamas thinks, that there may be differences of opinions between our best friend the united states, we want to thank so much up if support we do get, they give candy out, because they think that the -- they could out last the war.
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the pressure put on israel, instead of them is helping hamas. toughen the negotiations. and you have qatar laughing from the sides, because they don't want to deal, they want h hamas to win, we're all, getting carried away instead of uniting together, against evil. that is what we must do, we have no other those choice, these girls, their families, to come back home. and only way to bring them home is to put pressure on hhamas, i did not hear one word demanding hamas to surrender. i -- expect people to say, hamas surrender. we will hunt you all over the world, qatar we will hunt you, you have to choose sides,. larry: i must ask before we leave, we're hon tow honored to have you back, will the prime minister, yourself and cabinet, will you engage in negotiations
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with hamas? that mr. biden said today, in his phone call with netanyahu? >> we did negotiate through proxies to bring numerous people women, not -- not all of home first round, we only were able to get a reasonable deal on the table because we pressure z hamas, and pressure has to come not just from israel, unfortunate we had friendly fire and people were killed, there is a tragedy we're very sorry, and doe all we can to express that feeling and more than 30 israeli soldiers were killed, we didn't do that on purpose, 3 of hostages, that escaped hamas, were killed by our troops. by accident. so, this is not deliberate, we're very sorry they are 99
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nfnght innocent good people who were killed, but who did kill deliberatesly is hamas, they are evil. we will do everything we can to go after hamas, we want neighbors leaks emirates, saudis to change their education system, years ago they changed education system from being negative for peace and love. and so did the saudis two weeks ago. we want to see the palestinians next to us, train their children to love, not to hate. not to kill jews, they are paying a million dollars for palestinian that kills a jew, we have to change that, we have to eliminate hamas and propose new neighbors or new behavior of the
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palestinians, that is the backing we are expecting and we want from the american administration. larry: administer barkat you have many friends mere in u.s.z we appreciate your time. >> thank you, my friend. >> are very busy. larry: all right, that was something else, i'll tell you. did way, next up, i'll talk about live liberty and pursuit of zucker bucks with claudia tenney, stay with kudlow.
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larry: we have great claudia tenney here. so, talk about other things, zucker bucks. you saw the interview with minister what did you. >> under president trump we had abraham accords.
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we are now enables and emboldens hamas and our enemies that is what that feckless weak policy from biden administration is doing, this dangerous. in middle east we were on the way to peace and prosperity is now a powder keg. larry: i don't know if linkage is right. but as biden has blundered through this biden and schumer and blinken. as they have blundered through this price of oil has jumped up markedly. but from 70 bucks to 90 plus, up again today. i don't know what brent crude was maybe 95 or toward 100. use it as a measure of potential for some kind of a blow up in the middle east. usually see in oil markets. this is unbelievable. let me come back home.
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zucker bucks, a big roll in 2020 election. ruled out in wisconsin. right. what do you think of that, to you think that will move the country do you think zucker bucks is out of new york. >> now but i love that they voted to eliminate that private -- put in by mark zuckerberg focused on swing states to ensure that joe biden would be able to win, . 2020 election decided by 42 thousand votes that caused ruin of united states over last three years, reversing our great trump policies. and great thing about this thing with wisconsin, some states have done it governor desantis did it in florida, the danger that we're facing now, is yes
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this special, it is wisconsin. there is an executive order and fore all nerds, 14019 that bid en put into play, they cause all agencies, health and human services, hud, all of them are now tasked with a job of collecting ballots and getting their people. using taxpayer money that is ele election it is illegal. >> people that work at hhs is go out and count mail in ballots that sun believable. >> guidance came down, we have ja javier javier ab. >> why, they should be focused on their mission.
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when you hear word drop box that is cheating for democrats, and i just say it to people with a drop box, if you win lot we, do you -- lottery, would you put your winning ticket in a drop box, no work have to make voting great and sacred. larry: there sthoor federal thing. biden has proposed aid the billion dollar climate corps. they get a lot of benefits, including canceled students loans. 8 billion, 50 thousand people, 50 thousand little climate people, i'm saying, that will be harvesting. they will go out and harvest their little climate off. >> they will be. they will be vote
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traffickers, the whole mission is to make sure that joe biden wins again and do everything and anything well lawfare and malicious prosecution happening to trump and now creating bureaucrats to go out and engage in ele electioneering that is not legal. larry: this is aimed at trump. >> yes, it is aimed at power. winning for the democrats. taking over country abuse of power. larry: last one. >> on this related subject will illegal immigrants in country, i don't know how many there are 8 or 10 or 15 million, will they be able to vote. >> how will we know, they will be assigned ballot that get in the box, while republicans focus on policy, which we must, we need to be
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focused to process, get those ballots in the box. that is what we have to do focus on, that and democrats are doing that using our taxpayer dollars, through bureaucrats of new climate corps, and all over the massive federal agencies, they will collect ballots, you watch there will be a huge effort in swing states. larry: that is darn truth thank you so much. >> claudia tenney, i told you. >> next up, bad story, stocks crashing again today. what is happening we have art laffer and david bahnsen weighing in and liz peek and joe concha on trump's new voter coalition pushing hip ahead in swing states as great claudia tenney suggested. i am kudlow we'll be right back. i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question.
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a new toothpaste from parodontax, the gum experts. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first. (other money manager) but you still sell commission -based products, right? (fisher investments) no. we have a simple management fee structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) huh, we're more different than i thought! (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. larry: well, stocks crashed today down 530, it got worse
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as day wore ogerri willis sheer with the story. reporter: it was a terrible day, worst in a year, stocks turning negative, crashing and oil prices spiking. that followed a con call between joe biden and israel prime minister netanyahu. the nazdaq off 228, all of this 1% and more. that was an 800 point swing biden calling for an immediate ceasefire in gaza and demand netanyahu take immediate steps to address civilian harm. meanwhile reports that iran was threatening a strike on israel in next 48 hours, possiblily drone, also unsettled traders and markets. on those worries west texas
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intermediate hitting highest level since october 20. brent moved through l level of 90 bucks a barrel. fed governors talking this afternoon, weighing in on prospect for lower rates most calling for a pause before rates are lowered. that fed can keep an eye on inflation, tomorrow the jobs report. keeping an eye on that. larry: i think your linkage between the stock market, oil and the middle east and ceasefire biden, you are -- brilliant, you are 100% right, something is cooking it is not good, we appreciate you. >> thank you. larry: we'll bring in our guest, we have david bahnsen, what is his book i'm skipping through. to it. look. -- book. wait.
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managing partner, author of full time work and meaning of life taxes have condition consequences art laffer. i know it my heart. >> you got it. larry: my friend. david, we're here. stock market going down, gerri willis made i thought interesting connects, i don't think if this is about the economy but it could be fears in middle east. >> it is interesting, bond yields came down and stock markets down, we have a correlations. today was opposite. oil was up but not that much, it was you -- 87 it has been up, at 75, and now over 85. i think that there is permanent instability in most middle east, it is heightened. and i don't think that markets know what to make it of, reminding people, that
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markets went up the week after that horrific hamas attack, markets have never known thousand price middle middle eastern instability. larry: all right. art laffer, greg ip, a good reporter, what is wrong with the economy, he flames people, you not the data, said joe biden should have higher approval ratings because the economy is very good. and the people out there, who keep polling that the economy is not good, they are dumb little bumble bees, we should not listen to them, who is right and who is wrong? >> i think article is wrong. in saying the people that are at fall. not the economy. -- at fault not the economy, prices are not rising as fast as they were but we're up 19% since biden came into office, and. am, to population. the participation rate, that is a very low level.
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even it may be rising a little bit now, it is really not doing well this is a worker less economy to be honest. interest rates are high. 4 1/2%. and but the one i like to look at most of august, layer,y that shocked me is gold price and crypto currency bitcoin, the dollar is falling, very sharply relative to gold, it up to 2300 plus, that is real very high. and if you look at crypto, the crypto prices are all-time highs. the dollar is all-time low we're strong relative to other currency that's means that where they -- the tallest midge it in the crowd -- midget in the crowd as they say, i'm worried. >> interesting on your price level indicators which we all used to ice in the days of wayne angel and man lmanly johnson, the
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crb index is way up. david bahnsen with the greg ip article, he a start guy. high just says -- he just says that economy is strong and people who poll in surveys they are incorrect. i would raise another point. borrowing costs, are very high, not in the cpi it used to be. mortgage rates over 7%, if you buy a new car i think that 9 percent, and a used car 12%. and credit card rates with 25% plus, i think that it has something to do with pessimism among people who up to their eye balls in debt. >> the most subjective answer that i can. not meant to be partisan, problem for people who expected it last year, a big resolution -- reso
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recession is no one is paying the higher borrowing costs. people are not, the most people are still paying 3%. and a lot of companies didn't need to go to bond market. because they had borrowed back when rates were lower, i think that fed knows this is coming there is a quiv out there for buyeros costs, they have gotten away with it. larry: expiration date on that. j. powell is back in the news, everyone is you know speculating about the fed, but, listen i'll take the article, greg ip, the gdp related date has been stronger than many people expected, including me. and this slowdown, that bahnsen talked about never happened. prices are still rising. labor markets are strong.
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i don't think that there is any reince, art, any nonlinonpolitical reasons for feds to cut interest rates, if they do, i believe they will be accused juicing the economy. for joe biden's political election. >> i don't think you are right about the economy being strong, if you look at if former president trump trending. we're way below where we would have been without pandemic, but i think you are correct own rates, given their model of the world there is no reason why they would lower rates 2% is way too high, honestly, price of gold is way up. and price of bitcoin is up, inflation is not licked by anyway shape or form, you have energy prices now rising, which will blood into the commodity prices to
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cpi and ppi, you are right they should not lower interest rates given what they believe go the economy. >> we're all backed up. art laffer thank you and david. >> we have joe concha and liz peek and lee zeldin. we'll talk about life, liberty and pursuit of israel, and pursuit of swing state polls, i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. hang around with us. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions
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larry: elizabeth macdonald, joe concha, and lee zeldin. -- liz peek. and should have been govern, play a quick bite for my interview with israel's economy minister nir barkat . >> i did not hear one wo word demanding hamas to surrender. we will00 you, qatar, we'll hunt you from now on.
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you have to choose sides. larry: boy powerful. lee zeldin you have worked on this issue. we talked about the need for unconditional surrender. and need for dehamasification. but i didn't hear it from biden or bl blinken. >> after october 7 we heard moral clarity but they have surrendered what they knew to be right response for what is a pollster, consultant advice of what needs to change to compete in a place like michigan it was a great interview, hopefully anyone that missed it will watch the entire conversation, you can feel the pain coming from what is an a leader of an allied nation. seeing united states throwing israel under the bus to win michigan -- that
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should disqualify you. larry: to win a congressional district in michigan. high will be prime minister, he has a good chance when election come around. liz, changing subject time is short. "wall street journal" poll trump leading in 6 out of 7 swing states. doing very well with african-american and latinos, but well with young people who flocked to biden in 2020, i think that say very interesting hook. >> i think there are two things going on, back to your conversation about israel, young people have been fed lie, a lie, that israel is op oppressor nation and they are believing that hamas is the victim. people in gaza, look. people in gaza are suffering they supported hamas, this is a huge issue for joe biden, it is not just one congressional district, this is young people, there has
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been a swing of 15 points, at least in terms of young people supports president trump, other leg of that stool without a doubt. young people can't buy a car, they can't buy a home, they can't get started in the economic ladder in america? borrowing costs. >> they arer to terrible, the e right. there is. joe concha other side s i was watching i think hannity, mark penn a good pollster. trump has lead among -- but democrats will come home, as election nears. >> really. larry: what is about what mark said. >> he is a smart guy i know him, i think that conditions flound have to change. -- on the gr ground
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have to change, inflation can't keep rising and the crime, and border wide open. in 2016, hillary lead wire to wire, the fact that trump is up by margins in north carolina and georgia, arizona, neffive in, pennsylvania and michigan, that is telling that, he never lead when he won in 2016, maybe undervaluing his support. larry: i think i are asking the right question. what will change. i don't know that -- >> can i interpose. you are -- two swing states that are problem are nevada and arizona, why? they will come home and why there is a abortion is the ballot, those two states, two swing states, they have abortion to bring home young women, young people that something that republicans have to watch for. larry: lee zeldin, i am looking at clock 4:55 we will have a back. all you all back, love you
7:56 pm
all you all back, love you all. >> i am sorry. >> liz peek and joe concha, i'm kudlow. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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8:00 pm
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. discretion is advised. [theme - inner circle, "bad boys reply"] [theme - inner circle, "bad boys reply"] theme song: (singing) whatcha want, whatcha want, whatcha gonna do when sheriff john brown come for you? - get out the car. get out of the car. get out of the car!


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