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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 5, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: start may up stuart: start me up, song they are playing friday morning as we approach the weekend and i see traffic on sixth avenue. it is 10:00 eastern. it's friday and we get straight to the money. i see green, we are picking up some ground, the dow is up 120, the nasdaq 135 despite the 10 year treasury yield going up. it is up 5 basis points so rates up, stocks up. the price of oil $86 a barrel. bitcoin last time we checked was 67 grand, that's where it is now, 67-numfour. that's the markets this friday.
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now this. august 19th, democrat convention opens in chicago, they don't want a repeat of chicago 1968. the convention was disrupted by vietnam war protesters. there was a riot outside in lincoln park and a near ride on the convention floor. cbs news dan rather was roughed up by security guards. richard nixon campaigned on law and order and won. hubert humphrey lost. the lesson for democrats is a violent split in their convention could lose them the election. this time it's about israel. a sizable block in the party vigorously opposes biden's israel policy no matter how it shifts from his full throated support. they will make themselves heard on the convention floor. outside, there's already trouble brewing. an outfit called behind enemy
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lines, we want to confront some zionists, not the same mass peaceful marches. a chicago alderman standing next to the ashes of a burnt american flag called for the cancellation of the whole thing. the mayor, brendan johnson defended the alderman on the grounds that calling for cancellation is his free-speech right. i can't see them abandoning the convention in chicago. reimbursement of being run out of town will be as bad as a conventional riot. they need to live with a split in the party and they have a mess of pro-palestinians lodz it would be ironic if the democrats lost in 2024 because of chicago riots over israel like the democrats lost in 68 over chicago riots over vietnam. second hour of varney just getting started. ♪ stuart: tammy bruce with us as
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usual. will democrats lose in 2,024 because of israel like they did in 68 over vietnam? >> not specifically over israel per se but both elements, both conventions show lack of control. nixon won, what trump discusses which is law and order which implies control, order, you're being able to live your life even with certain things unknown without having to worry about leaving your home if your child is safe walking to school. we are seeing images that indicate the nature of a rudderless democratic party. that's what you had in 68 and what you have now. in this case it is more severe because americans are watching biden in the democrats throw an ally under the bus. we've all learned, all generations so far except the last one learned we understood about world war ii about the nazis, the holocaust, how can we go down that road again, and
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democrats effectively facilitating that by being angry and our democratic ally in the middle east that had war declared on it is defending itself. the biden position which is my comment today is telling firefighters to stop fighting the fire halfway through because the arsonists are worried about the fire. you don't do that. americans look at this as a moral issue, stability issue and whether or not our values are the same. the american value of law and order, keeping your family safe, we don't throw our allies under the bus and they are seeing the opposite with the democrats and that's the problem with the chicago convention. blue when i don't know if you saw this but cnn filed a lawsuit against the justice department. they want access to recordings of president biden's interview with robert hur.
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maybe cnn is shifting its political direction. tammy:if there was going to be a shift out of biden, it would happen at the convention. i think everyone is looking for -- cnn want the same liberal agenda with a different face in front. you could switch biden for gavin newsom at the convention because certain things they are lining up, why not? that is what this tells you. you are looking -- biden won't let go. he needs to protect his family, the power of pardon. this is what he has worked for his life. others in the party want something different, this could be a symbol of that because democrats never sue to get information on their own guy unless there's an agenda. they are not interested in the news, they are interested in a political agenda and that's part of it and all of this with biden because they are terrified about wisconsin. they are looking at willing to throw everybody under the bus because of the 47,000 who voted
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unassigned in the primary but he's losing the independents in the meantime, losing moderate democrats but that they can't see past the bullies in their own party, the american people. stuart: tammy bruce set us up for the weekend, that's great. donald trump released a fire renew campaign add targeting democrats, details. lauren: i said wow when i said this because trump flipped the script entirely calling president biden and the democrat party the party of violence. >> take him behind the gym. that is what i want. i said no, we are in high school, taken behind the gym and beat the hell out of him. tammy:many democrats feature in that ad. we have 213 days before the general election and its getting uglier by the day. stuart: back to the market.
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the ceo joins me now. a strong jobs report, added to the economy. bearing that in mind, what is your rate cut prediction. >> or factor too much on the rate cuts during the convention you are talking about. you won't see any before the election. you have stock market breaking all-time highs. in the labor market it is where the fed would like it. i am thinking just one. stuart: looking at stocks you like, cybersecurity plays a big role, you like palo alto, crowd strike, why so much attention paid to cybersecurity stocks. >> 24 could be be of the year for cybersecurity whether looking at a company looking at
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sec governed company like myself all they are talking about is what is your cyber policy? what are you doing to fend off a cyber attack, what are your policies if it comes to you. every one of these whether a bank or financial institution a publicly traded company is on the forefront of what we were looking at. stuart: crowd strike, can they prevent cyberattacks? what's the success rate? >> whether they can prevent it or not is yet to be seen but i think the policy they are putting in place, the ability to track and monitor attempted strikes, there's a lot in the private markets but on publicly traded products they are the ones who are the best. stuart: i am interested in nuclear stock picks like constellation energy. nuclear is going to pay apart in the green revolution. what say you? >> couldn't agree more.
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i think nuclear is the forefront of the ai revolution. everyone wants to talk about nvidia, they need energy and the cleanest energy out there is not wind, wind is great but when you look at nuclear constellation brand, they are 90% in the last year and if you look at what people like bill gates are doing and sam altman they are investigating in small nuclear facilities and big data centers amazon and google are welding, people set up for a long time, nuclear with the ai revolution. stuart: good information, thank you, see you again soon. got to look at the movers. i see netflix moving a lot recently. today it is up 2%. neil: pivotal research says it is going to $765, the highest price target on the street. it would be 20% from here, they
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say streaming wars have a winter and it is netflix. stuart: how about disney? lauren: disney plus streaming service will crackdown on password sharing and do so this summer. they see it worked for netflix so they will try too, stock is up. stuart: amazon close to or at an all-time high. lauren: their prime video is extending their rights deal with wnba. it will exclusively scream all 24 games. stuart: a story that intrigues me, $0.99 stores, they are shutting often down. lauren: 371, they are closing in four state and the reason, what is the margin? the store ceo says the last several years presented significant retail environment
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including unprecedented pandemic, rising levels of inflationary pressures for headwinds. this chain is 42 years old, reflective of the larger forces out there. the margin this -- stuart: are they all gone? the whole lot out of business? lauren: across four states, 307 one stores, dollar tree's closing 600 family dollars this year and several hundred in the next several years. stuart: all right, thanks. now this. antony blinken says israel risks becoming and distant washable from hamas terrorist as a democrat senator tries to block israel from getting fighter jets. will details of that coming up. president biden told benjamin netanyahu the us would change its policy on gaza if they don't do more to protect civilians, the president demanding an immediate cease-fire. is biden pushing israel to accept a hamas win? retired 4-star general jacking on that. the general is next.
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stuart: on the market this morning, the dow is now up one hundred 14 points, look at the nasdaq go, 151. even where we had interest rates rising and a strong economy the market is up today. is real has agreed to send more aid to gaza after president biden threatened to end us supportive things don't change. he also demanded an immediate cease-fire. israel just released a report on the strike that killed aid workers and gaza. what do they have to say about it? >> a pretty strong report about the a outspread rage about the
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killing of those aid workers. it mishandle information and violated its rules of engagement when it's drones hit and aid convoy in gaza on monday. that left 7 aid workers debt including an american. two israeli officers were dismissed and three were reprimanded. this is when israel will increase the flow of aid to gaza. it's important to land crossings after pretty tough phone call yesterday between benjamin netanyahu and president biden. israeli security jerusalem is on high alert at the temple mount compound the last day of the muslim holy month of ramadan. 100,000 are expected to attend services. there has been troubled there in the past and israel remains concerned about retaliation effort strike on a double matter compound in damascus, syria that left seven debt
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including two top officials in iran's revolutionary guard. iran has vowed revenge, israel his evacuated many of its embassies in the region scrambling the signals inside israel for its own civilians just in case. no word on the cease-fire. william burns in cairo to speak with his counterparts about the cease-fire and possible release of those hostages. back to you. stuart: jack keane on the set in new york city. welcome back, good to see you. is biden pushing israel to accept a hamas win? >> certainly pushing israel to make concessions to go to a cease-fire but i think behind the motivation of the president and his team is they want the fighting to stop. they are not saying that but that's the implication of it
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and if that happens, underscore what you just said because if you leave multiple battalions effective in gaza and most of the leaders effective in gaza and the war terminates under those conditions, hamas wins militarily in the long run because they are effective enough to re-attack at some point. there objective in conducting the attack is to make the security situation in israel so volatile for the people they don't want to live there anymore. they always value their government, their security services and military services and ability to protect them. the october 7th created a wound that was very different for the people, they were not properly protected and that is what hamas would do again if you give them those conditions. that's the implication. stuart: israel i think lost the public relations battle but
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have they completely lost the military situation, could they still win? >> very much so. they've got to destroy the remaining battalions, there's four of them in rafah. they've got to take their effectiveness away in a couple more battalions operating north of rafah. you saw the big fight that took place at the hospital, they killed 200 and captured 400 to 500 and will process them to see if they are hamas or not. that battle took two weeks and this goes back to hamas and this is underneath the largest hospital in northern gaza. hamas has all of its people using the hospital as a shield. stuart: why does biden want to stop the israelis from finishing off in rafah. they've got the battalions there, the leadership there, why won't we let them go again? >> i can only speculate. on not a political expert but i
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think it is an election year and political pressure on him coming from the left, i disagree with this behavior. what he should be doing is supporting israel to end this war on their terms as soon as possible, given the weapons they need to do, give them moral support they need to do and i have no problem with providing our experts who are urban warfare backgrounds as does opposite israelis and having them collaborate with the israelis and best practices that we have learned as a result, that makes sense but that's done privately, not on television. that makes no sense. stuart: switch gears and talk about russia and ukraine, seems to me ukraine is in retreat and losing and putin is winning. do you agree with that assessment? >> no. what is happening, ukraine is on the defense as they should be. russia is conducting offensive
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operations on a limited scale. they begin spring offensive and we see the beginnings of an and the russians are fighting much as they did in the early days of the war coming down the street, coming down in a single column, ukrainians are engaging them from the flanks, destroying two thirds of their vehicles so the russians haven't learned much but here's the difference. they have more people now because leonard putin mobilized 300,000 pounds. at some point quantity has a quality all of its own. the ukrainians are better fighters. the russians have more people. it puts a premium on getting this equal into them as soon as we can and the russians are conducting aggressive air campaigns because they want ukrainians to run out of air defense systems as quickly as possible and then start carpet
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bombing major cities they did in aleppo where they killed tens of thousands. they are absolutely brutal in doing this. of the one what is required to defend the russians off. >> ukrainians to this day are destroying 70%, 80% of the rockets and missiles in other cities. take that away and the casualties go up rapidly. you begin to break the will of the ukrainian people which is an objective vladimir putin wants to achieve. stuart: always a pleasure, thank you very much. secretary of state clinton seemed to equate israel with hamas. what is he saying? lauren: it's getting hard to distinguish between the two because of casualties in gaza. >> israel is not hamas. israel is a democracy. democracies place the highest
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value on human life. every human life. that our strength. it is what distinguishes us from terrorists like hamas. if we lose that reference for human life, we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we are fighting. lauren: senator elizabeth warren wants to block the sale of f-15s to israel saying congress has the opportunity to act after israel's brutality against civilians in gaza. what we have been saying all show, you have five american hostages being held by hamas so if the us continues to lecture israel about how they should fight their war that doesn't get the hostages out handed also gives hamas a green light to take more hostages. he was equating israel with hamas. because of the way this war is being conducted because of lives lost.
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stuart: lauren, general, thank you very much. still ahead, the mayor of chicago wanting to put migrants to work but with tuberculosis and measles outbreaks in migrant shelters not everybody is a board with that. the chicago alderman, where deceased and on this proposal? the jobs report, 300,000 jobs added to the economy, interest rates rising on that news, what's the chance of a market rally when rates are rising? economist peter morici on that next. ♪ ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds.
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so look, why don't you get the facts like these folks did and see if a reverse mortgage could work for you. call aag, the country's number one reverse mortgage lender. call this number. stuart: an hour into the trading session this friday morning about the nasdaq is up 100 points. some green on the screen. lauren is looking at meta. lauren: almost 3%. starting in may they will apply made with ai labels to any audio, video, or image that contains artificial intelligence. stuart: will everything be labeled ai? lauren: that's the direction we are headed.
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stuart: pulte homes, the homebuilders. lauren: they are higher because citigroup in pre-sing, pulte going to 137, lennar to 198 and told, 138 shy of one%. of the one how about in phase lauren: downgrading to neutral off 6%. they see a slower pace of inventory reduction meaning not much demand for solar equipment. stuart: back to the economic news of the day, the jobs report. 330,000 jobs added to the economy in the month of march, the employment rate did come down to 3. 8%. grady trimble at the white house, what they had ministrations saying? i assume they like it. >> reporter: we move to the labor department and we get president biden's statement when this is a sign that is economic plan is working.
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he didn't use the phrase bidenomics. bile accounts this was a strong jobs report and beat wall street expectations. look at the sectors that are seeing the biggest gain starting with healthcare leading with 72,000 jobs added. government right behind, 71,000 jobs added, leisure and hospitality is notable because it is back to pre-pandemic levels up 49,000 jobs in march, manufacturing was flat from the previous months. i asked julie sue if she's worried that a chunk of these games notably government and healthcare are in that sector, the government. >> does it concern you that government spending is propping up the numbers? >> government spending is important. that's why the president has said we will invest in america like we haven't done in decades and that helped to see growth
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and broad-based economic recovery. one of the areas is reconstruction. we saw huge growth in skilled trade. >> reporter: wages are up 4.1% from a year ago. that could put pressure on inflation and stronger-than-expected report in general could lower expectations for rate cuts in early summer. we should point out there was a revision, february's report down 5,000 jobs but not a massive adjustment like we had seen in recent previous reports. stuart: grady trimble at the labor department. thanks very much. peter morici is an economist. what does the latest jobs report say about the state of the economy? >> it is emigrant driven. that's what it comes down to. if you look at growth and employment in the last year it's largely immigrants.
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what this is is inflationary. mister biden is importing new workers to keep the economy going. it is -- he's not making the conscious connection but that's the reality. the people you see on the streets of new york as they go to work to find jobs and so forth don't want to sleep on the streets of new york anymore or tenant cities, they look for apartments. at the same time, your governor is shutting down the housing supply for rent control and that is why we see despite the outflow of jobs in new york, rent going up in manhattan and other places and we don't see the relief in inflation we were promised in the housing sector. basically, this is going head on into the housing shortage and other shortages, this is why we can't expect it to be possible to lower interest rates going forward. stuart: are these legal migrants or are the illegals working illegally? >> we loosened up again, back
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to pre-pandemic levels, the construction sector, do you think those folks in the construction sector were as described in skilled trades? some yes, some no, some legal, some not. it's easy in the construction sector to do that. it gets hidden. stuart: neil cashkari, it remains robust. you've got an op-ed that powell is too eager to cut rates. >> i didn't say we won't get rate cuts. there's an election coming up and mister powell is not a member of the donald trump fan club and mister powell, when push comes to shove can be very political. remember inflation is transitory? he kept saying transitory, transitory, transitory until president biden said
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reappointment. mr. powell cares about america and the economy but mostly he cares about his hide as we all do. job security. my feeling is if push comes to shove we may get interest rate cut but larry summers is saying it and other fed veterans are saying the neutral rate of interest adjusted to where it was before global financial crisis. the rate of inflation can't settle for 2% in the rest of the environment but focus on the treasury rate here. it is about 5%. remember i was with you after writing an op-ed where i said the treasury rate had gone up and is not coming back down and you said to me it came down today and i said call me when it is below 4%. %. you haven't made that call. stuart: that's very true.
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>> the point is we are probably at the neutral rate in a red-hot economy. look at these jobs. stuart: i've got to cut it short because something unusual has happened in the new york area, really unusual. if you live in new york you may have felt a shake. that's because a magnitude 4.8 earthquake just rattled through greater new york and new jersey area. lauren and i were sitting here with the four star general and suddenly the side of the studio started to rattle. we didn't know what it was. i thought it was construction and so did you i think. you were talking on television looking around and it was an earthquake. lauren: i thought the subway half a block away. it was an earthquake. stuart: i had a friend who said he felt it there. lauren: my parents in staten island an hour away. stuart: one of our houses in the bronx, in brooklyn, 4. 8, we felt it.
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that's highly unusual in new york city. parts of massachusetts felt it as well. it wakes you up on a friday morning, doesn't it? that is it. 4. 8. we got it here in new york. coming up, the wall street journal says the president will launch a new hard scale effort to forgive millions of dollars in student loan debt. looks like another vote buying scheme to me. we are all over that one. president biden heads to baltimore to speak to state and local officials about the bridge collapsed. griff jenkins is there for us. ♪
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marlo thomas: my father founded saint jude children's research hospital because he believed no child should die in the dawn of life. in 1984, a patient named stacy arrived, and it began her family's touching story that is still going on today. vicki: childhood cancer, it's just hard. stacey passed on christmas day of 1986. there is no pain like losing a child, but saint jude gave us more years to love on her each day. marlo thomas: you can join the battle to save lives.
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of kids who need help. saint jude, how many lives they do save is just so many. marlo thomas: charlie's progress warms my heart, but memories of little angels like stacy are why we need your help. please become a saint jude partner in hope right now. [music playing]
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stuart: we are recovering from the mild earthquake around the studio area. more details later. solid gain on the market, the dow is up one hundred 30 can
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nasdaq up 141 points. president biden visits the site of the baltimore bridge collapse, he will meet with relatives of the 6 victims who died. griff jenkins, president biden will deliver some remarks. what do you think he is going to say? what can we expect? >> reporter: good morning. they are set for the president's visit. we expect the president to double down on his commitment to do whatever it takes, we also expect, and to authorize federal dollars to be used for the rebuilding of the bridge which could take years. he will get an aerial tour of the wreckage. and see how difficult the task is to move the giant ship which is roughly the same size as the uss eisenhower. he will be briefed on the
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efforts with the bodies of four construction workers believed underwater. >> the collapse of the bridge was so distinct and so severe with the metal that is so dis-configured and so brought together into pancake to that it continues to make this mission extra ordinary complicated and dangerous. those who are conducting it. >> reporter: biden will mention meeting with the families of those lost workers and those are close to the press. this comes to as the army corps of engineers, some good news, they expect to open limited access channel to allow some to pass before the end of april with the goal of opening by the end of may. every day it is costing millions in lost revenue with the supply-chain. we see what the president has to say about longshoremen and stevedore's worried about
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getting their next paycheck and it will be interesting to see what the president has to say about holding those accountable for this like singapore owners of that ship. all of that happening in a few hours. stuart: thanks so much. the white house is urging companies in baltimore not to cut jobs because of the bridge collapse. lauren: they were called amazon and home depot employers saying don't layoff any employees in baltimore. this is a proactive president as he's visiting the area and he wants to keep up the image of a strong economy heading into november. he doesn't want to see job losses. stuart: we know president biden makes frequent trips to delaware. it is taking its toll on law enforcement. what does it take to protect the president? lauren: he made 30 trips this year. each trip requires 50 officers.
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you need to helicopters, suvs, bomb squads and ambulance crew in case anyone happens to the commander-in-chief. and and can't get the fuel temper. and takes a toll on state police because it is overtime hours, they are not well staffed. stuart: back to the event. there was an earthquake, new york city area experienced an earthquake, updated to magnitude 4.7. governor hochul tweeted my team is assessing impacts and any damage that may have occurred and we will update the public throughout the day. a friend of mine in pennsylvania said his whole house shook and a chair fell over. lauren: this part of the country never experienced an
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earthquake, i never have and working to monday when we have the solar eclipse and it is just a little bit, i don't know what the word is, unsettling for someone like me. stuart: we were on the air at the time of mild shaking in the studio. can you see the shaking get? that is when it occurred. four *general jack keane, you see the desks shaking. you are a trooper, you carried on as if nothing happened. lauren: there was a soundbite in a bill of one of my script and i looked at you in general keane. stuart: i've lived in this area for 40 years. i don't remember anything like this before. a frequent event like this a, not new york. you get over it, folks, at this point, i can't confirm that because we have the whole survey of the area, we have a
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report on that coming up. now this. something lately different. kate middleton, one of the most revered matters of the royal family has an especial out the dives into her life from humble beginnings, not humble, to becoming the princess of wales. abby horner sec will give us details next. ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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stuart: the big event is the earthquake, lebanon, new jersey is the epicenter. the magnitude of the quakers got up to 4.8. lauren: the last large earthquake to hit the east coast happened in 2,011 in virginia. i don't believe this one was felt that far south. this one happening in our area in the northeast, so many people in the area saying of the house shook, the chair fell over. stuart: in northern new jersey, they felt it. i have people whose parents in the new york area felt it in brooklyn and staten island. my friend in pennsylvania who works in the investment
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business, his building has been evacuated. they evacuated the building. new york city will be sending wireless emergency messages to all cell phones in the area. there you have it. we have all the details. i am sure more will emerge. it has shaken us all up. it happened at 10:twenty three a.m. . we were on the air talking to retard four stared general and you could see the desk shake and the cameras were wobbling. it was nothing serious but it is unsettling. lauren: it was 20 seconds. wasn't instantaneous. it lasted a while and we made contact with one another and shock and surprise and confusion. stuart: forgive us for being so consumed with the earthquake. fox nation has a new special out today. princess kate middleton, here
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is a preview. role it. >> public reaction, they were head over heels for kate. she was a stunning young woman. >> what she embodies is the royal family is still a living thing. kate was embraced. >> injection of youth and energy. for kate, it is about striking the perfect balance in a wonderful way. stuart: abby is with us of this morning all over this special. what more will we learn about the princess from the fox nation special? >> reporter: hopefully a lot. when i was doing the show, who am i to tell a brit about the royal family but i will do my best. take a step back and look at kate middleton's life given the recent news of her cancer diagnosis, conspiracy theories around her. wanting to focus on how she went from, or to royalty. her formative years were marked
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by balance of academic achievement and personal growth and she goes to st. andrews and meets this guy named william it is catapulted into this life of royalty and they have a big royal wedding watched by millions. we all remember it and the media frenzy does ensue but despite the spotlight, she maintains her class. she still focuses on the causes close to her heart, mental health, sustainability, fashion, and focus on her family. we tend to look at the royal family like animals in a zoo, we didn't want to do that with this special. will not just here for me but from experts covering the royal family. stuart: do you have anything on the rivalry between kate and megan? >> we don't go into that much. that's in part 2.
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stuart: i am an american, don't forget that. we will wait for part 2 and we will watch the special today on fox nation. thanks. still ahead, senator bill haggerty on the significance of biden hosting the prime minister of japan next week. there is significance there. chicago alderman raymond lopez on the mayor of chicago wanting to give illegal immigrant work permits. paving the way for the attorney general of new york to sue nassau county over its ban on trans athletes on women's sports, the 11:00 hour is next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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11:00 am
>> jobs don't cause inflation. people working doesn't create inflation. too much money chasing too few goods causes inflation. >> quote-unquote, defenders of democracy are doing anything possible to insure that democracy is not actually an option, that you really only get to vote for joe biden. >> if you want to actually get a ceasefire, the only way to do so is to put pressure on hamas.
11:01 am
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