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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 5, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> jobs don't cause inflation. people working doesn't create inflation. too much money chasing too few goods causes inflation. >> quote-unquote, defenders of democracy are doing anything possible to insure that democracy is not actually an option, that you really only get to vote for joe biden. >> if you want to actually get a ceasefire, the only way to do so is to put pressure on hamas. they never talk about the five
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americans that are still being held hostage, they don't talk about bringing the hostages home. a ceasefire could happen today if the hostages were brought home. >> you've got a real concern here. the biden administration if knows this. they have the same data, the same metrics, and yet they continue to do very little, if anything p along that border. >> the democrats never sue to get information on their own guy unless there's an agenda. they're not suddenly interested in the news. ♪ ♪ ♪ seven long years -- stuart: okay. i don't care about the music at this moment. i want to tell you about the earthquake. [laughter] it's an alert. yes, it is. new york city just experienced an earthquake. yes, indeed. it's rare around here, but we had one, 10:23 a.m. eastern time this morning. it's been updated back to a magnitude 4.8 earthquake. now, we believe the epicenter of this quake came from lebanon,
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new jersey. the governor of the state has activated its emergency operation center. the governor is urging people hot to call 9111 -- not to call 911 unless you have an actual emergency. the faa says airlines should expect delays flying into new york city. the new york police department deputy says there are no major impacts, i prefer the word effect, at this time. there you have it. of. [laughter] i don't like the word with impact -- lauren: i know you don't. stuart: it is 1 success eastern time,1:01 right now, friday, april 5th. 11:01. the dow is up 223 points, the nasdaq is up 200 points. that is a clear-cut rally after a heavy week selling despite the fact that interest rates are rising after a strong jobs report. look at this, the 10-year treasury yield has moved up -- [background sounds] lauren: the emergency alerts on our phones. stuart: sorry about that. lauren: residents are advised to
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remain indoors. stuart: thank you. the 10-year treasury, this is a live action show, ain't it? what's it say? lauren: residents are advised to remain indoors and to call 911 if injured. a 4.7 magnitude earthquake has occurred in the nyc area. stuart: there you go. all right, folks. excitement if of the day. now this. vote buying has a long tradition. to a a politician, taxpayer money is easily spent especially if it brings in the votes. president biden has a new, giant vote-buying program that he hopes will kick in right before the election. he's making a second attempt at forgiving student loans, and it will be on a vast scale. his first try was rejected by the supreme court. well, he's back with a new legal strategy. "the wall street journal" says his team is racing to set new rules that will pass legal muster. no details yet, but we are told millions of student borrowers will get some relief.
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millions. biden is focusing on young borrowers. no surprise there. biden is getting far less support from youngsters than he did in 2020, and he can't win without their full support. apart from the dubious nature of vote buying, there's a lot wrong, just plain wrong, with this. it's clearly unfair to people who didn't go to college or who worked their way through and took no loans. we should also consider the cost. we're talking hundreds of billions of dollars, money which we do not have, money which has to be borrowed and added to the already gigantic national debt, $34 trillion and counting. we should consider the morality of this too. since when has it been okay not to repay your loans? you may be struggling to e pay your mortgage, or your car loan or your rent are, but that's no reason for politicians to step in and cancel your obligation request. without student loans -- with student loans, it is so obviously a ploy to buy the youth vote. guaranteed income programs in dozens of cities, free money,
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that's vote buying. e reparations for slavery, i'll call that vote buying. governor newsom, gas rebate, 23 million californians receive between $200-1,050 even though the state has a ballooning deficit, that's vote buying. biden is desperate. he can't win in november without the full support of all the the demographic groups one his coalition. that's why he's handing out your money. vote buying. third hour of "varney if" starts now. ♪ ♪ stuart: perfect time to bring in that man on the right-hand side of the screen, his name is clay travis. all right, clay, do you think the democrat vote-buying schemes are going to work? >> i appreciate you having me, glad you guys have survived the great earthquake of 2024 in new york city. and appreciate the fact that you've got warnings going out so i know. look, no, i don't think it's going to work.
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i think it's desperation if from joe biden, and i was just looking down at my phone because i'm utterly fascinate filed the thing that i hear about the most, stu, which is how much things cost now compared to what they cost before covid. and i think a lot of people are angry. you know, gas prices just hit a 6-month high, but the average grocery bill in 2020 of $100, what you could buy for $100, now that will cost you nearly $140. a great write-up in the "wall street journal." and i feel it every day. i've got three kids. every time i go through the chick fill lay drive through, i can't believe what it costs for me to buy sandwiches and drinks and fries for the family, and i know everybody feels that. and so when people talk about the economic realities of what the larger scale numbers might reflect and how people feel; that is, what does it cost for what you buy, there's a profound disconnect there.
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and i think biden is reaping the whirlwind there for that disconnect. stuart: you're right. that was a very good rundown in the wall street journal. i'm move manager on to the attorney general of -- moving on to the attorney general of new york, letitia james. she can sue nassau county over its ban on transgender athletes in sports. a federal judge blocked james from interfering with their rules. now, clay, i believe you're a lawyer. if letitia james sues -- >> that's right. stuart: -- how would that lawsuit play out? >> well, i'm not an expert on what the procedural posture would be in this particular area, but i do think this ties in with the biden re-election question which you asked me right off the top. think about the state of new york is suing to allow men to compete against women in public facilities on long island. we know how much long island has moved in the direction of the republican party. it's one of the reasons why republicans took back control of the house. but it's also a symptom, i
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think, of how radical left-wing ideas have taken root inside of the democrat party. i'm a sports guy too in addition to being a lawyer. i've got three kids. i've coached little laying baseball and basketball. not great, by the way, at either, but i have coached. and i can't imagine how -- i know exactly how the parents would react if when i was coaching 12u baseball if i showed up with a 15-year-old and tried to pretend that he was actually a 12-year-old. every parent would say that's ridiculous. well, men and boys are bigger, stronger and faster than women as soon as they've gone through puberty. the idea that the democrat party orthodoxy is we're folk to fight to allow men pretending to be women to be the women's champions, i think it strikes 80, 85 a, 90% of people -- anybody who's ever played a sport -- as fundamentally wrong. yet this is embedded in the democrat party core belief. stuart: i think we're in agreement, they travis, each though you are a lawyer. clay, you're all right. [laughter] you are all right. the earthquake too.
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clay travis -- >> i appreciate it. good luck with the earthquake, stu. stuart: thanks very much, clay. check the markets, please. earthquake or no, we've got a rally. dow's up 220, nasdaq up 177. jon than hoenig withs us this morning. you have got a warning about growth stocks. okay, lay it on us. >> well, they're starting to falter, stuart, and it's not where the action is. a stock like tesla is back where it was in last may, even apple which was a growth stock and a value stock is trading where it was in october. so, look, i'm happy to see a rally today, but i think as they say, you know, you have to go where the action is when it comes to stocks. and last year's growth stocks simply are not cutting it anymore. i'm looking at the market bouncing today, but i'm looking, for example, at a gold busting out to new all-time highs once again. i'm much more interested in commodities. that, to me, i think is the beginning of the next big bull market rather than just a bounce in growth stocks -- stuart: kudos to you, jonathan, you got gold right. i remember you recommending gld
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some time ago, and it's paid off. it's friday, jonathan hoenig's on the air, gives your exotic investment of the week, please. >> yeah. it's in that same milieu, stuart. commodities tend to take 5, 10, 15 years, bull marks. and and even as a gold, orange juice, cocoa are at all-time highs, the ratio of commodities to stocks is actually near 40-year lows, so commodities are cheap. dbc is a name i like, david boy with charlie. it's an index of commodity, student. a rising tide lifts all boats. you don't have to pick any particular one, and clay travis hit the nail on the head. inflation isn't going away, in fact, it's heating up for everyday americans. we're paying more, and this is a way to play that trend. stuart: got it, we'll take it. jonathan the hoenig on a friday, thank you very much. >> be well. stuart: new york city just experienced a magnitude 4.8 earthquake. this is video of the moment when the quake hit while lauren and i were on the air.
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if you look carefully, you can see the desk shaking just a little, and the camera was definitely shaking. and we were talking -- [laughter] with a four-starred, retired -- four-star retired general. c.b. cotton is with us. do we know if there's any damage caused by this quake? >> reporter: hi, stu, good morning x. that moment of you on air during this earthquake was just remarkable. [laughter] and good proper british fashion, you stayed unfazed. [laughter] i was very impressed. people down here in our newsroom, i'm told, were look at each other in shock and disbelief that an earthquake had a just happened. i was told it was 20-30 seconds of really steady shaking right here in the newsroom. the good news, stu, is that right now -- this is from the mayor's office a -- they say their preliminary if assessment shows no signs of major damage, but they are still assessing the aftermath of this earthquake. i can tell you it's starting to look like there may be some traffic impacts. of course, this was felt across
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the northeast. right now we are hearing, right now no major traffic impacts here in the city, but we are told -- let me look to my if producer right now. where did we just hear those impacts? new jersey transit is saying there are delays of up to 20 minutes in both directions due to bridge inspection following the earthquake. again, felt across the northeast, here in new york city all the way to connecticut, boston, maine. i've got some context from somebody who lives in connecticut who said their friend described his computer monitor shaking and book with in the bookcase falling over -- books in the bookcase falling over. i talked with some people who live in brooklyn in new york city, one person telling me his building was shaking for 20 seconds, and he was worried that the scaffolding in front of his building was going to come down. and then also a in my -- people where i live in midtown east, they say this was so strong,
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they thought a huge truck had slammed into the building because there was just thisser persistent shaking for about 20-30 seconds. but, again, stu, right now it seems like the good news is that there are no, you know, no damage reports coming in at this hour. but of course we know with mother nature things can change so very quickly. it seems like right now the big story coming out of this could be some of those initial traffic impacts which we are closely monitoring. like i mentioned, none here in new york city. but outside the city we're starting to see some of those traffic impacts. and, again, just continue to monitor the reports coming out on social media. people just in hock of what's taken place -- in shock of what's taken place this morning. and again, my hat's after off of to you for remaining so calm on on air while this happened. did you know what was going on? stuart: we tried to figure out, c.b., we really did. we felt the shaking, and i could hear a sort of rattling noise.
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first i thought it was construction, but then the it dawned on me, you know, this is probably an earthquake. at that point, well, we were talking with a four-star i tired general, so he kind of bailed us out of our anxiety. c.b., great report. i know you're going to stay on it. i'd love to hear anything else. >> reporter: thanks, stu. stuart: there's the an outbreak of 23werbg at my grant camps in chicago. we'll can ask a chicago alderman what's being done to stop the spread. president biden now calling for an immediate ceasefire to protect citizens in gaza, but does a ceasefire let hamas if win? and what happens to the hostages? foreign relations committee member senator bill hagerty takes it on next. ♪
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stuart: we're getting alerted again, new york city -- the whole area, actually -- can experienced a magnitude 4.8 earthquake. the epicenter was in new jersey. the governor of that state has activated the emergency operations center. the fa a a has just issued a ground withstop is at jfk and newark airport. airlines' delays flying into new york are expected. at this time new york officials say there are no major with effect. by the way, we just got this video. can you show ittous, please in this is inside the united nations as the quake occurred. you can see it shaking. you can see people looking around a -- [laughter] what is going on? hey, what's going if on? that was 10:23 eastern time this morning, and that was the u.n. when this 4.8 earthquake struck. all right, move being on. we'll update this later in the show. netanyahu promising to increase aid to gaza after his
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rather tense phone call with president biden. lauren, did biden specifically ask netanyahu to do that? lauren: he sure did. they're now going to open three humanitarian aid corridors. israel says it's necessary to continue fighting and to achieve their goals in the war. into on that phone call, president biden told netanyahu that the israeli strike that that killed the aid workers which included an american was unacceptable. that's a quote. obviously, netanyahu is under enormous pressure even from people inside if israel, domestically, because of this war. and his opposition, benny ganz, wants early elections, two years early, in september for the 1-year anniversary of october 7th. stuart: president biden thinks an immediate ceasefire is necessary to protect the civilians in gaza. i want to bring in senator bill bill hagerty, republican on the foreign allegations -- relations committee. would an immediate ceasefire if let hamas win, in your opinion. >> i certainly think that hamas
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will declare if they've won, stuart, if that's the case. it's been interesting, president biden at the very outset of this war basically said the right thing, the united states stands with israel. but what's happened is his far left has continued to pull and pull and pull, and what we've seen is u.s. support erode. it's very, very disturbing to me to see us not standing strong. president trump was always clear, put maximum pressure on iran. they are the funders of this. put max maximum pressure on hamas. we did not have this kind of challenge. hamas has used humans as shields in gaza. they've created a humanitarian disaster. that was part of their plan. that maas has diverted aid, hamas are responsible for this, and i think they need to be put out of business and put out of business quickly, and joe biden should stand behind that a plan. president trump certainly does. stuart: do you think hamas if ever are -- will ever release the hostages?
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>> i was shocked to hear the call for the cease fire didn't include the release of hostages by a maas. we need to hold hamas responsible for this. stuart: mr. senator, i'm going to change the subject for a moment because you are formerly, you have been america's ambassador to japan. president biden is going to host the prime minister of japan next week. it's an official state visit. now, what's the significance of this visit? is it a rea alignment of our relationships around the pacific? >> it's not a realign. , but it's a continued showing of our relationship and how strong it is. this is the strongest alliance that we have in the indo-pacific region. the alliance has been critical to our relationship in that region for decades. when i served as ambassador, we had the first state is visit of the new emperor. he invited president trump to come. again, an important showing of the alliance. this is an opportunity to show that in a a reciprocal fashion. this is also the fifth ifth anniversary of the u.s.-japan
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trade deal, very important deal for america and japan that shows our economic bonds. it's the 64th anniversary of a security treaty we signed with japan. these are strong bonds that need to be reinforced. stuart: i'm sorry, mr. senator, but it's a response to china's aggression, isn't it? because china's being hostile. >> certainly are, china has been hostile and, certainly, before i arrived in 2017 china had been hostile at that point as well. they were all over the south china sea. when president trump came into office, we pushed back hard. we saw things change many that region,now china has, unfortunately, particularly of after the fall of afghanistan, come back with a venn januaries -- vengeance in that ream. i think this is very critical, that we show the alliance and the strength. north korea needs to see it too. stuart: senator hagerty, thanks very much for being us. >> great to be with you. stuart: now to the war in ukraine. russia's top diplomat is dismissing a planned round of peace talks. what's the problem?
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lauren: they think it's all a big ruse to rally support for ukraine. this comes from russia that's foreign minister, mr. lavrov. he thinks uni's allies are trying to get as many as possible to attend it in switzerland for an overwhelming show of support for ukraine. stuart: got it. and we're going to alert this again, the white house is now responding to the new york city if earthquake. the white house says the president has been briefed, and he's in touch with his team to monitor potential effects. the white house says they're also in touch with federal, state and local officials. it was a 4.8 magnitude effort wage quake as you see on the screen. it hit at i 10:23 local time, that's our time, and and we were on the air -- lauren: and if you're flying today, good luck, because i'm keeping my eye on the number of cancellations and delays, it chemos rising. delays today, 1,328. stuart: okay, watch out. all right. coming up, the biden administration is pouring another $20 billion into clean energy investments.
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we'll tell you how that money's going to be spent. chicago's mayor urging biden to give work permits to a hall million migrants -- half million my -- my grants. we'll talk to an alderman from chicago next. ♪
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stuart: updating the big event that took place about an hour ago, new york city and the area experienced a 4.8 magnitude quake. i'm going to show you some video, left-hand side to have the screen, there it is. this is a park in new jersey. you should be able to see the camera sort of wiggling around as people walking around, that's the quake in new jersey and the effect there. i wonder if those people realized what was going on. there you go, see, that's the camera shaking. that was the earth quack, 10:23. -- earthquake. 4.8, by the way. i don't know if that's good, bad or otherwise, but it was shocking all around a. back to the markets. i want to know about tesla which is, well, big rally for the dow and the nasdaq, but tesla's down. lauren: down sharply. reuters is reporting they've canceled the so-called model 2, the low cost car. stock's down 5.25%. because of chinese competition.
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i mean, byd, their main and bigger competitor, is making a car that starts at a, like, $99 500. they can't compete on price. i guess they're not reportedly going the even try to. instead, reuters is reporting they're focusing on self-driving taxis. stuart: really in that's a big deal. down3 5.5% dub 5.5%. western digital. lauren: one of many chipmakers that are higher today. you got that really strong forecast for a.i. chips coming from samsung. but separately, rosenblatt upgraded to buy. they're giving western digital a $115 price target. that's a street high. they were at 65. so they went from 65 to 115. their saying this company has huge market share in memory chips for hard drives and other products. stuart: okay, got that one. let's get back to -- going to switch gears again. the mayor of chicago, brandon johnson, he thinks the migrant surge is an economic opportunity for his city. he wants to give migrants work permits. how will it work?
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the. lauren: yeah. okay, so he's pushing the president to grant work permits to a half million illegal immigrants in the state of illinois, and that would apply to all undocumented immigrants. not just migrants, all undocumented ime grants. people who have been in illinois for years. if you are a supporter of this plan, you say that makes sense, it makes sure that the workers get fair if pay, benefit, it gives them a sense of dignity. it could also help them find housing if they're in the shelter system. there are reportedly 480,000 undocumented immigrants living in illinois. together they contribute $1.5 billion in taxes. the mayor claims chicago could, quote, conservatively welcome9 another $400--- 400-700,000 illegal migrants into the city, and they're going to contribute to it. how -- what about all the freebies that you're giving them? stuart: right. and are there apartments? are there houses? isn't there a housing shortage
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there? lauren: yeah, absolutely. and they're e going to the parts of the city where americans who are struggling are getting less services. stuart: i don't see what you're going to do with them though -- lauren: it's a weird argument. stuart: i want to bring in chicago alderman raymond lopez. thanks very much for coming on the show. where do you stand on giving out work permits to illegal migrants? >> well, i think one of the things that we have to be clear about is if fact that we have two different categories. we have the asylum seekers who are automatically going to get social security numbers and work permits eventually, and then we have those undocumented individuals that have already been in our cities who have been waiting for a pathway forward. i believe that if we are going to have a true conversation, that we don't immediate e to conflate the two because it's very disrespectful and insulting to those communities that have been waiting for a pathway forward to legitimize their residency who are now being leapfrogged by the asylum seekers. stuart: the asylum seekers, you're telling me that they are going to get social security
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number, work permits eventually? is that the case? >> right now we are seeing at least 2,000 migrant asylum seekers in the city of chicago alone who have gotten both social security numbers as well as work permits for their stay until their merit hearing. stuart: okay -- >> so we know the administration is working to provide that for them. stuart: but do you approve of that? there are illegals, not got their court hearing yet, but they can work. do you approve of that? >> no, us e disagree with the fact that secretary mayorkas and president biden brought us to this point. i think that we know flat out that wanting work, which is the number one reason a vast majority of these individuals are here, is not, not grounds for asylum in the united states. and we're just perpetuating the inevitable that they're all going to be found as not having merit to be here and then expect them to fully at a some point self-deport, which we have seen historically never happens. i believe that congress should have stepped in months ago to
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put an end to this, to force the biden administration to secure the border and to do what was necessary to protect the united states and our country. in this moment. stuart: there are new calls for the democrats to cancel their convention in chicago because of biden's support for israel. protest groups are threatening mayhem. they don't want a repeat of the 1968 chicago convention which actually lost the election for hubert humphrey. you're a democrat. do you want the democrat convention in your city? >> first off, i'm a democrat who stands in full support of israel's right to defend it. i believe that the democratic national convention should come to the city of chicago because we are the most american of american cities. and it's outrageous that some of my socialist colleagues are supporting organizations like behind enemy hiness that a actually want to see our -- lines that actually want to see our city fall into chaos worse than what we saw in 12968ing. there are parts -- 19 of 8. already parts of our city that
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have never recovered from the riots and devastation, particularly on the west side where our mayor is from. and anyone who advocates for the destruction of communities and for the chaos that will ensue isn't fit for office, let alone standing and say that they are for anyone if else's rights elsewhere. stuart: you might want to have a chat with your were mayor about that. [laughter] also aerman, seriously, thanks very much for joining us. >> thank you, guys. stuart: i've got to get back to the new york city 4.8-magnitude earthquake. new video shows cracks in the road in new jersey, participants of new jersey. sean you have duffy's on the phone with us. did you feel it, sean? >> stuart, i think i was about 7-10 miles away from the epicenter. i was in my -- my kids are home for spring break, and we were all a sitting in the living a room. i've got the tell you what, it felt like the rumble of a train, like something had hit my house. i definitely felt it. i jumped up and, you know, went to the door, opened it up and started yelling -- i've got a
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lot of kids, stuart, yelling at my kids to get out of the house. i didn't know what had happened. i didn't know if there was a gas line explosion. i had some guys working on my house, i didn't know if they had hit something on the house. i got all the kids out, and by the time we were outside the house, it stopped shaking. and i went and talked to the guys, and they were like, listen, your whole house was swaying, the trees were swaying. so, no, we were very close and definitely felt it. stuart: did you -- were the kids scared? >> they were confused, right? as a dad, i didn't know what it was, but i know that it wasn't normal, and, you know, you kind of go into reaction mode. i was -- literally, i was screaming at them to get out of the house. [laughter] and i'm standing by the door, and they think dad's a little freaked out. but when you don't know, you want to protect your family. and so absolutely did that. and you know what, stuart? we did a little praying after -- [laughter] showing gratitude that weapon all safe, and we hope everyone
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else was watching. we haven't heard reports. stuart: i don't know whether you can see it or not, but we're running video of when lauren and i and general keane were on the air during the earthquake. the set was shaking. i think we made some headlines around the world on this one, actually. hey, sean, thanks very much for jumping on the phone like this. we appreciate you telling us what it was really like. good stuff. sean duffy. see you again soon. coming up, a new report is warning the cup coming eclipse -- upcoming eclipse could be a major test for our solar infrastructure. we'll try to explain that. the white house continuing to push the narrative that electric vehicles are both affordable and selling well. consumers are clear, they prefer hybrids. jeff flock has the full story from pennsylvania next. ♪ many. ♪ ♪ take your fat off the brake, let's just put it in drive ♪ we are fast cars on the inside. ♪ there's no turning back with on the highway of life ♪
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stuart: hybrids are now the hottest cars on the dealers' lots. jeff flock's at a dealership in pennsylvania. how many hybrids are they selling right there, jeff? >> reporter: in terms of the share, would you believe it -- by the way, we're at david jeep, chrysler, dodge in pennsylvania. this is the wrangler hybrid. would you believe that half of all of the wranglers sold in the first quarter were hybrids, believe it or not, as opposed to gas-powered, 50% gas-powered. and it's not just, you know, wrangler. that's the best selling plug-in hybrid in america. this is a grand cherokee here. this also has been a big seller. and, you know, hybrids used to be kind of red-headed stepchild if i can still say that politically correctly of the car world, but now they're exceeding evs in terms of sales. take a look at the numbers, the hard numbers. stellantis had been kind of slow to the party on battery,
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electric vehicles. maybe strategically though. their sales were down 10% in the first quarter, but hybrid sales for stellantis up 832%. and the two i showed you -- 82% -- the cherokee and the wrangler, up 75 and 333% respectively -- 33% respectively. and i tell you, stuart, even the "wall street journal" editorial board has said maybe i've got to rethink this. i quote them now, the biden administration effort to push drivers into evs is, quote, unrealisticking says "the wall street journal" editorial board even though they support the president's climate goals. they say that hybrids can match 80% of, or more, of the carbon i emissions out if out -- i put out by full evs. we asked our grady trimble yesterday asking the president's press secretary, are they rethinking their plans. here's what she said.
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>> reporter: do these types of developments make the administration rethink their ev policy? >> when it comes to ev sales, they are reaching record highs. evs are more affordable than ever, and that's because of the work this administration has done. last year ev sales sur passed 11 million for the first time ever -- surpassed. >> reporter: and i leave you with one thing that i had brought here especially for you, mr. varney. when it comes to stellantis, that is a chrysler or pacifica van that is a hybrid as well. and that is one of the top sellers as well. i know you were a van man back in the day. don't have as many young children to ferry around perhaps as you used to -- [laughter] stuart: that's true. >> reporter: but i thought you might be amused by that the because you like to save money, i know that. stuart: quickly before we go, i think you're about two hours away from the if epicenter of the earthquake which was in new jersey. did you feel anything, jeff? >> reporter: i haven't felt
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the earth move -- [laughter] significantly for some time, as a matter of fact. [laughter] today was no exception. stuart: you know what you're talking about, the earth move. okay, i'm not going to get into it. thanks so much, jeff. you're all right. >> reporter: thank you. stuart: i won't press you on that. next case, the biden administration is granting $20 billion for more clean energy projects. lauren, where's the money going? lauren: to help fund green projects in low income communities. the vice president, kamala harris, made the announcement when she was in north carolina yesterday. she said the goal is to are retrofit homes to make them more energy efficient and affordable, and the government will dole out the money to eight a different nonprofits, and they can use it as they wish. where does this money come from? well, it's part of a greenhouse gas reduction fund that was part of the inflation reduction act. stuart: i believe the expression, the earth moved in "for whom the bell tolls" novel -- lauren: i've read that, but i
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don't remember. stuart: i shall move if on. let's get -- a solar eclipse. you know about this. it's coming monday. law lauren it is. stuart: well telegraphed. will pass in front of the sun, the moon passing in front of the sun. there's going to be a large shadow over much of the country. surely, solar companies are prepared for it. stuart: lauren: the yankees postponed the start time of the game by four hours because of it. but -- stuart: people want to watch it. lauren: it's going to be another 20 plus years before we see something like that again. but this has been tracked for years. solar companies have had time to prepare. they're setting up backup generators to make up for this dip in energy production that is going to happen -- stuart: how long does it haas for? lauren: i'm not sure. oh, it's the trivia question today. i feel like i've read that answer, i'm trying to jog my memory. but what happens is the solar companies' output will dippy by half -- dip by half during this
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time. they've coordinated with neighboring grids to get the energy they need, but you've been warned. a lot of people will be outside looking up. [laughter] stuart: look at the dow 30, please -- okay, that's your phone again. lauren: new yorkers can continue their usual activities. [laughter] stuart: the script written by the phone here. the dow 30, up 365 points, almost 1%. don't go anywhere. friday feedback is next. we want to know if you felt the earthquake. ing we'll be back. ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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♪ ♪ let's give 'em something to talk about. ♪ stuart: from bonnie rate. what we're talking about -- bonnie raitt. we're talking about the earthquake. lawyer a lawyer yeah. i've never felt one. [laughter] just did. stuart: that's new york city. at 10:23 there was a 4.8 plaintiff magnitude earthquake, okay? we've covered it well, i think.
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it's time for friday feedback with. ashley oring lauren, let's get started. the first is from jeff -- [laughter] this is a good one. in california a 4.8 would be considered nothing more than an earth burp. get back to work. [laughter] you've never had an earthquake before? lauren: i'm concerned about aftera shocks. no, i never have. stuart: fair enough. ashley in. ashley: yes. i lived in southern california, and the northridge earthquake, my family lived there, and with we lost a lot of stuff. i've felt them. stuart: i think the gentleman is right, 4.8 in california is a purpose. i think he's right there. next one, hiam, i'm not giving up, period. i know many people who still have a land line. i don't. lauren, do you have one? lauren: we just gave it up but my participants have one. stuart: ashley, you got one? ashley: a gave it up a long time ago, stu. stuart: me too. all right. this is from bill. on your show tuesday you missed the opportunity to respond to whoopi's memory issues comment. in 2016 she clearly stated that
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she would move out of the u.s. if trump was elected but, unfortunately, she's still here. you know, a lot of people -- lauren: they're all still here. stuart: does anybody know of one celebrity who threateninged to move who did move? ashley: no. they all threatened to move to canada. [laughter] stuart: if trump wins this year -- ashley: and who saws -- stuart: i'm just dying to see what the liberals do. i want to see that. this is from gloria. love when you play any beatles' song. do you have a favorite? mine is the night before. mine is i should have known better with a girl like you. how about you, lauren? lauren: lucy in the sky with diamonds, which i ought thought was about lsd but, yes, i know, you've given me the well story. i can't remember it. stuart: i'm not going to do it now, we don't have time. ashley, favorite beatles' song? >> i love 'em all, get back, back in the ussr is another classic. stuart: okay, stu, says, mike, we know about carhart and the tractor, what is the chain saw of your choice?
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lauren: oh, boy. stuart: i like that. steel. i use stihl chain saws. they are the most dangerous piece of machinery on a farm. lauren: yeah. because they can push back -- stuart: you can have trouble with that one, yeah. next is from tom. stuart says he wakes up at 2:45 every day without an alarm clock. how does he handle when time changes for daylight savings time? what time does he -- okay, two answers for you. first of all, i can out put in my head wake up at 2:47 a.m., and i will wake up at i 2:47 a.m. it's like i've got a glock that just won't quit. -- clock that just won't quit. and as for going to bed, i've bot to be asleep by 7:30 at night. lauren -- lauren: do you want me to comment on that? stuart: why not? lauren: captain no fun. [laughter] stuart: that's true. that's terrible. lauren: you don't set an alarm clock at all in. stuart: no.
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lauren: not even for security? stuart: i've never set one. i just don't need it. this is from mary ellen. what to you view from your news desk besides the cameras and how has it changed over the years? lauren: that's a good question. stuart: can we put that the up on the screen? that's -- lauren and i sitting on the set, that's what we look out on. lots of monitors. i've got one, two, three, four, five monitors -- ashley: duct tape. stuart: no, no duct tape, ashley. lauren: if you look this way, you see people walking on the streets -- stuart: yes. and if we they get rowdy, we close the screens. i think we're done. keep them coming, please. now is the time when we go to the friday trivia question. what is the longest amount of time monday's solar eclipse will last? 1:54, 2:49, 3:31, 4:228? the answer when we come back. ♪ ♪
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stuart: what's the longest amount of time the solar eclipse will last? your first. ashley: i think it's the shortest amount. a minute and something. doesn't last long.
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lauren: i'm going with ashley. i read the question wrong the first time. stuart: i will go with the longest, 2 minutes and 28 seconds. the answer is 4 minutes and 28 seconds if you are in mexico. for everyone in the centerline, you will see it for 3.5 to 4 minutes. back to the earthquake in new york, 4.8 magnitude. aftershocks have just been reported. the epicenter came from central new jersey, one of the largest earthquakes on the east coast in the last century, buildings are being inspected throughout the city, no reports of damage. governor hochul warned new yorkers to stay out of high-rises. how do you do that in new york city? we are out of time. coast to coast starts now. ♪ i feel the earth move under


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