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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 5, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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i'll just tell you again, biden betrayal of israel, it does great damage to israel's national security, does great damage to our national security and a + four iranian terrorism,
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that's how awful it is. anyway, i think liz mcdonald fix the story when she gets going. >> we will take that on, you're right. it's an outrage. see in november so donors funding other primary seasons and the got to
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turn around the trunk now and now we are in this battle and we started this year with republicans way behind in fundraising, last year was a terrible year for fundraising. trump did not have access to the rnc apparatus because there job.
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if you go back to the jobs numbers, i will wait a month until they revise them
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>> record 8.5 million americans
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with multiple jobs to make ends meet under dark inflation, 19% compounded under biden due to spending. the white house issued a new rule making a wants to size back, watch the value of working hundreds of thousands of government workers work from home. >> this country was built on hard work, talent, added value minute. you do something that matters. [applause] we have too many people pushing the quality of outcome independent of input. if you got somebody sitting home eating 2000 he gets the same outcome as somebody busting their fleet all day long, it's not a good deal. [applause] quality of opportunity, a model over that. get it. >> doctor phil playing out.
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ned, your thoughts -- diversity, equity and inclusion all over government, di, go ahead. >> a couple of things biden took office, we seen an increase in americans holding multiple jobs increased by 33% i think donald trump should he went in november, the first thing he needs to do is start to downsize their 800,000 nonessential federal employees from a they should be start to downsize government. >> that's a lot of people, 800,000 nonessential. final word? >> i think that is exactly right but what biden wants to do is make sure he cannot do that which is shocking. why are we protecting federal employees? i don't get that. >> from a president whose never worked in the private sector. liz peek, ned ryun, thank you so much both of you. thank you so much. this story coming in, israelis
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reportedly calling president biden's ultimatum intolerable. victory for hamas terrace calling for an immediate cease-fire in gaza and hamas never obliged by cease-fire israel evacuated embassies and navigational signals over tel aviv raising four potential attack by iran. we got one of the bravest most courageous warriors author, lucas tomlinson lived with the details. >> moments ago officials are the white house said president biden contacted leaders of egypt and qatar to ask them to press hamas to release roughly 100 hostages inside gaza including americans. president biden on his way to baltimore today said he seemed pleased with actions israel has taken hundred threatening yesterday in the wake of watched drone strike. >> stopping military aid to israel.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] met earlier today israel defense forces will responsibly for the drone strike saying it was quote a great mistake stemming from serious failure due to taken identification, errors in decision-making and in attack contrary to the standard operating procedures. similar drone strike took place during the american withdrawal from afghanistan in 2021 which included my killed ten civilians including seven children. pentecost declined to punch underwent involved what john kirby downplayed the comparison with martha maccallum. >> completely two different militaries involved with two different change of command so i
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think we have to be careful comparing both events to closely there was no need for personal accountability we had but did find the u.s. military needed to make systemic changes. as you mentioned, israel's disease worldwide repair for potential counterattack from iran is really was carried out during strike in damascus, syria a few days ago killing senior iranian commander, another officers association with islamic hard-core. >> thank you so much, have a good weekend. let's welcome back to the show deputy national security advisor under president trump, victoria coates, it's good to see you. your reaction to lucas' report there? >> good to see you, too. this is ridiculous, it's like a schizophrenic kind of policy where one day they are hostile to israel, the president demanding prime minister
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netanyahu support hamas with the cease-fire and then the next day insisting he is pro-israel, kirby's bizarre assertion despite the fact that the united states army made systematic changes after that botched attack in kabul in 2021. there's no comparison that happened in israel earlier this weekend no one in the united states should be held accountable the way the israelites had. to get with the israelis had in their estimation is far worse so no consistency with the administer she needs to learn to speak with one voice, support israel, stand with israel, understand we need to destroy hamas and anything else is going to be disastrous in the middle east. >> the president biden, his accusers making transparence, transparently political move as a boycott vote against him grows to more u.s. states. victoria, he demanded cease-fire, hamas doesn't abide by cease-fire. cease-fire in effect the day
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hamas massacre 1200 innocent on ten -- seven and took 150 hot hostages. hamas is accused of creating famine in gaza stealing food aid and 300,000 tons of food and beverages delivered to gaza since october hamas is stealing it. would love to get your reaction, the son of hamas founder on doctor phil, he grew up in the west bank and his father was a cofounder of hamas terrace group. listen here. >> we have the problem with pro- palestine giving hamas cover, participants in the crime. since october 7, i personally don't differentiate between hamas and augustinians. there is no palestinians if they did not have israel as the
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enemy, they would kill each other. this is the reality. it's a human problem. it must die. enough is enough and now it's proven and you are helping hamas proven to the world. this is not acceptable we are not going to agree. i'll tell you for ten or 20 years the palestinian will pay the bill hamas today. most likely in blood. >> it's hamas that's the problem, not israel. that's the sign of a cofounder of hamas saying it, what you say? >> a hero and i hope he has a lot of security around him because he's telling the truth and it's a hard truth for a lot of people in the united states and palestinian to hear which is there's one play to and bloodshed tomorrow to end suffering in medicine for hamas to lay down for armed, we've civilian enclaves pursue peace because they have lost, they've
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lost this war and that's where the biden administration is playing out double game. >> are you hearing biden white house standing up thing we are not going to negotiate with you, hamas, release the hostages now. are you hearing back? president biden sank hamas, you are terrace, stand down. we don't negotiate with terrorists, what do you here? >> what i'm hearing is pressure on the newly elected government of israel from the president on down including chuck schumer. they are arguing for regime change in israel, not gaza which is outrageous and the other thing is the fact that there are americans observing over the weekend six months in captivity and gaza. the horrendous circumstances and resident doesn't even seem to spare a thought for them, he's very much more concerned with humanitarian plight of palestinians in gaza who have been to the tune of 70% according hamas for the last 15
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years so it makes no sense. >> thank you much. it's good to see you again, thanks for joining us. coming up, a lot of new stemming and. we will break it down for you tonight with anna paulina luna chris call back and political commentator sarah beth fred. why is former attorney general bill barr free market growth warning a chokehold on you in the u.s. economy? a new senate report only about half a dozen biden's climate change rules cost you in the u.s. economy nearly a trillion dollars. we will break it down former president trump bank to get rid of that if reelected. also, can 20 states when their
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new lawsuit to stop the biden white house trying to the u.s. secret flights 360,000 unvented illegal migrants yearly. voter backlash against biden's student loan bailout expected to try to do that again circumventing the supreme court and congress to buy the useful but are they stepping up? it looks like they are not. we got mark biden gas and blunders hundred new full this time from marquette university completing biden. reports of the white houseor-m getting desperate for us, federal prosecutor taking on new
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york ag flotation james goingti after topic in theon right legal standard reasonable doubt stop the trump cases in their tracks. office coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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the company the ceo his company secure the bond says trump offered cash for the broadest collateral but the court could still have questions about cash, where it started who has access and the court is giving ten days to provide more information about the bond and scheduling a hearing for later in the month. an attorney for the former president called the move yet another witchhunt saying the attorney general seeks to stir up faceless public oral and desperate effort to regain relevant but if the court is not
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satisfied the bond is adequately secured, experts say the bond could be invalidated. mike left on the hook to cover it and attorney general letitia james could possibly go back to enforcing half a million dollars judgment it's back to you. >> formal federal prosecutor kt, we love your legal mind, we have listened to you and regular work, what is your reaction to what was just reported? >> letitia james is desperate to seize trump's assets for the purpose of a bond is to ensure if a litigant fails on an appeal they can cover the judgment and obviously here is not a significant concern so even though there are technical
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confirmations that need to be alleviated by the court, i don't think it's a real issue, the appeal will proceed without her moving had seizures. >> do think they are pushing the envelope, that it is a stretch? i think she's upset the appellate court reduced bond which is in their discretion to do so. this was unprecedented in the overall purpose of the bond is to ensure it could be paid which is not really an illegitimate case so he is upset she lost the appeal. >> let's turn to the other hush money case, georgia 2020 case, is it reasonable doubt a big hurdle in the cases? we see jack smith attacking judge cannon talking about instructing the jury, telling the jury to consider the presidential records act and trump having the authority under that law to have classified records, jack smith and trump with 32 counts of violating the espionage act.
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isn't it reasonable doubt a hurdle for all to surmount? >> absolutely. reasonable doubt is the highest standard in the locket much different than a standard in civil trial so we can't lose sight, these are criminal trials. with respect to the classified documents issue, jack smith is caught in a catch-22 because he wants the case to go before the election on an arbitrary client but the issue with the jury instructions is at the crux of the case and if they allow for the idea these records could have been considered personal records and of the presidential records act in that case is as good as lost. >> what you're saying, don't juries have a straight think that case? this one sounds murky not so clear-cut jury to consider, that could spell trouble for jack
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smith, watch this. >> he really can't appeal that your jack smith. this is why jack smith is concerned, although he one in the sense that the court did not dismiss charges, i think smith feels the same way, i'm worried about this going to a jury because it is confusing, complicated, technical and prosecutors always want to tell simple straightforward story and dependence want to look things up as much as i think it is a minute, it could confuse a jury in a way that would worry the prosecutor hush money case, it's all confusing to a jury. sensor for attacking canon, what you think of what they just said there? >> i agree to a large extent is a good strategy behind straightforward presentation for what i disagree with his the idea that there is a clear answer but records president is
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entitled to. a president can declassify classified records, no particular procedure have to go down to do that so there's a lot of problems in this case and that is the least of it. >> if smith wins, it would overturn power by the executive branch was never seen in u.s. history. thank you so much, we appreciate you. coming up, can 20 u.s. states stop the biden white house in its tracks and a new lawsuit for flying in 360,000 illegal migrants yearly into the u.s.? many unvented. colorado community threatens to find indices buses drop off illegal migrants into the neighborhood saying no more reloading plus for the congresswoman anna polito luna, we are excited to talk to the
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congress woman in whiteville far as a free market group warning liberal agenda is putting a chokehold on our american economy. taking it on on "the evening edit" next. ♪ to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. —last one everyone. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick—and—mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio 1 to studio 3. when you start small you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card. make more of what's yours.
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congresswoman anna paulina luna, it's good to see you again. we have the free market business group legal unit led by bill se. >> you brought up natural disasters, you need gas vehicles to rescue people, electric vehicles breakdown in salt water and lithium batteries relight
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again and again think? >> what's worse is corporations benefiting from tax credits and policies he's pushing, they turn around and will donate to the democrat fundraising it's absolutely about hurricanes and natural disasters. to immed.
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but the statute
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the amnesty. and by the way, these parolees, these aliens with parole admission, they can get a work permit as well. and
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then they can apply for a green card as well. so it's become a separate gateway, a virtual amnesty. in fact, it is. he's he's breaking the law. this is against the law. again, this is the lawless biden white house at work. this is what you're saying is this is a, quote, visa free immigration system with minimal to no vetting. i mean, the federal judge, i think you guys point out in texas found illegal migrants in this program at approved at a nearly 90% rate that's guaranteed
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for collapse. the biden white house has vanity project when u.s. taxpayers p higher out higher taxes because these individuals will common they have minors with them will have to pay.and
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healthcare costs and taxpayers have to pay meant public benefits that go to these individuals. we'll have to pay for it immigration system is supposed to get a visa scrutinized before you come to the united states in the visa process case by case. almost irrelevant schools, why bother with that when you can get oral income into the u.s. get a work permit immediately, you know how to specifically apply for work visa, outrageous the mark chris, thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. coming up, congresswoman from house education, we are excited to have the congresswoman on. they want the student loan phallic, circumvent congress and the supreme court again using your tax money to buy the boat despite desperate attempts,
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corporals joe biden is not getting voters younger than 35 years old. first, dagen and sean, what's coming up next hour on the bottom line. >> good to see you. one of the ways joe biden is hell bent on destroying america, victor davis hanson care to discuss as well as irvine california restaurant security foot of bills to protectwh customers from criminalsat. it >> ej antoni to talk about wille biden moving tfoo prevent biden moving tfoo prevent president trump an president firing bureaucrats. make more than people in the private sector cap/cheltenham washington post thing squatters and squatting has become right wing talking points. it's so rare from acquire they worrying about it? because it's real. the our. ♪
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families trying to fill out forms for federal student aid and they have been totally distracted by this desire to give their liberal elite friends tax present cuts for the col college. it's working families having to pay for this, liberal handouts for college education. the biden a penetration things third times a charm, already found unconstitutional, the keep trying and swinging at it, who will keep fighting it because it's unfair. >> it's a plague effort by the youthful, that's what tricks are saying when it does nothing to stop tuition gouging at the front end by fatcat and academics in lockstep as intuition because to operate tax-free on the taxpayer nickel. we have this axios will ten voters below 35 think they might not even vote this november, an average of one intent democrat voters saying we may vote uncommitted from others
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underwent under the age of 30, they may do a boycott vote against biden so that's what's happening. it is really the story about the president losing the youth vote slipping away from him. >> it is slipping away from him and it's clear his policies are leading to that. this is so out of touch, it's unbelievable we have literally millions of students unable to access federal student aid because department of administration failed festival
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rollout and they have three years it was supposed to be simple. i'm a mom of college students it's the farthest thing from some of the occasion, a completo paid their loan back.
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we got people left out of the right way and they have scold tr
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operator or to move the script back with. again, heavily scripted campaign appearances, teleprompter s. but he battles and fights with the teleprompter and still makes
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whoppers. how is he going to do the presidential debates when this stuff goes on? watch this. the pinocchios on that a false claim about -- [audio difficulty]
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[no audio]sword, right?
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if trump sets the expectations low for a biden performance, and the union, and biden gets, you
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know, complete sentences out, then expectations, i do think it's a reflection of the fact that biden voters are dissatisfied, democrats are not happy with their stand bearer, republicans


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