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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that is it for kudlow. thanks for watching, folks. ♪ maria: good monday morning everyone. thanks so much for joining us
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this morning. i'm maria bartiromo, it is monday, april 8, your top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. futures are mixed this morning as we look ahead to the march cpi and ppi inflation data this week. the dow industrials right now down 25,s nasdaq up about 1 point. it is also the first quarter earnings week, the beginning. we'll begin on friday and then the return on congress after a two week easter recess. the major banks kicking off earnings season on friday but first investors are anticipating consumer inflation of moving markets this wednesday. a look at oil this morning, some say on another march toward $100 a barrel. take a look at where we stand at crude at $86 a barrel right now, everything you need to know. european markets are higher this morning, take a look at the eurozone, the ft 100 is up about 8, cac quarante in paris, up 44, dax higher by 115. in asia overnight markets finished mostly you higher,
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fractional moves across the board in the asian indices overnight. treasury secretary janet yellen is meeting with former chinese vice premier this morning in beijing. back in washington, congress is back after a two week recess with the growing risks of a wide open border front and center. the house gets set to send impeachment articles for alejandro mayorkas to the senate on wednesday. hhear why floridagovernor ron de about his state sues the administration. things are looking up, a rare total solar eclipse will be seen in parts of the united states this afternoon. we're previewing it from every angle this morning. joining the conversation all morning long this morning, column oft and fox news contributor, liz peek, michael lee strategy found r, michael lee. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ what are we waiting for. ♪ what are we waiting for. ♪ why are we wasting all the
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time like someone's making more. ♪ what are we praying for. ♪ what are we saving for. ♪ what if we could be the lying that no one could ignore. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. former president trump's campaign raising an historic haul of more than $50 million this weekend at his palm beach, florida gop fund raising event, trump beating all records for a republican or democrat candidate. president biden meanwhile mocked it posting this video on ex, slamming the quote, hedge fund billionaire whose attended the fundraiser to support trump. >> this campaign is scranton versus palm beach. this is a grass roots campaign of nurses, teachers, firefighters and cops versus donald trump and a couple billionaires looking for a tax cut. maria: i spoke with michael whatly and lara trump yesterday on sunday morning future, whatly told me how he's expecting to
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allocate the money from the trump fund raise r last night. >> we'll spend it on two core missions for the rnc, which are getting out the vote and protecting the ballot. and we're going to make sure we're focusing on the battleground states and districts where we need to be competitive and making sure that every dollar that we raise is going to be putting lead on target. maria: what a money haul, liz peek. your reaction? certainly the rnc and the trump campaign could not be more aligned right now. >> and i think that's actually one of the signals here, maria,s is that the rnc really is energized. i think there was time really the time had come for a change at the top. we've that now. we need to see the rnc get aaggressive on the things they're talking about, protecting the vote, making sure that democrats do not cheat and also frankly getting justice
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involved in early voting, ballot harvesting in places where that's legal. we really need to win this election. i think there's huge historic money haul is a test nonet the fact that -- testament to the fact that even people who don't like donald trump's personality are aaware of how terrible joe biden is and how his policies are really causing havoc in this country and also by the way internationally. so i'm really happy this happened. trump has been behind on the money raising side. now i think we can get a little more optimistic that he's going to catch up and that a lot of the disparate factions in the republican party are going to come home. they need to come home. we need to win in november. maria: that was the theme of the event saturday night, coming home to trump. some republicans who said they would never support trump again aappear to be changing their tune. republican fund raise r and former nikki haley supporter eric levine said the addage of
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never say never is a wise one due to the dramatic changes in circumstances. with reservation i decided to ve for rum in november. here's lara trump, co-chair of the rnc. watch. >> we have always seen the support of the rnc. we've never been one cohesive unit. every penny of every dollar will go to its highest and best use. we have combed through contracts and vendors. we're making sure we're getting the best deal on everything but when you talk about election inat thing gray i at this, it is vital -- integrity, it is vital, the number one thing we're focused on aside from getting out the vote which of course donald trump will do for us. maria: mike, your reaction? >> this never trump crowd has not won an election of significance since 2004. okay. and in the previous nomination cycles, many of us who were more conservative or didn't like this never trump crowd when they were the true conservatives or gop
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establishment, whatever you want to call them, we were told to hold our nose and vote for john mccain, hold our nose and vote for pierre dilecto. it's time for everyone to start rallying behind what is likely to be the next president. the billionaires are giving money to donald trump because they like him or support his policies, per se. the reality is, like when you were at davos earlier this year, there's an acceptance by the global elite that donald trump is going to be the next president. he's the hands on favorite. a lot of people are he donating money because they're in for the next four years. maria: it's largely because of policy. they feel the impact of what we've got now. >> hays why donald trump is winning -- that's why donald trump is winning. joe biden devoid the quality of life for the bulk -- destroyed the quality of life for the bulk of americans across the uncountry. he's got historic low approval ratings. the polls have moved almost 10 points. if you looked at the last
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election, trump was down 3 to 5 points nationally, now he's up 3 to 5 points nationally. we're in for a wide ride this election cycle as people put their arms around what's likely to happen. so i'm excited. maria: but the president is still trying to play this i'm from scray ton and i have nothing -- scranton and i have nothing game. he keeps pulling that out. >> he just had a fundraiser at radio city music hall. who says manhattan more aggressively than radio too is the venue. we can't tell you which billionaires were at that event. they won't tell us. they kept the list secret. maria: good point. >> this is so baloney. look, americans bought the whole biden line in 2020. now you they know better. maria: yeah, right, amtrak joe. we're just getting started. a big week for markets on deck, inflation data, earnings season, congress is back, where investors are putting their money now.
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even prominent democrats admit president biden's economic messaging is missing the mark. don't midon't miss it. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ we're going home. ♪ if we make it or we don't. ♪ we won't be alone. ♪ when i see your light shiny i shine, iknow i'm home. ♪ be if you wait all your life, you won't ever go.
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ppi on thursday and on friday the major banks will kick off the earnings season for the first quarter. this week's inflation data coming after friday's headline number which was better than expected in the march jobs report. the strong jobs report has investors concerned over the federal reserve's next move. will the fed cut in the face of strong hiring. the wall street journal writing that the brisk hiring bolsters fed's cautious stance on rate cuts can. joining us now, anderson capital management chief investment officer, peter anderson. thank you for being here. when you strip out that jobs number, you realize a lot of the job ration is going -- job creation is going to foreign born, not american citizens. overall the headline was good. do you think that affects the federal reserve's thinking on rate cuts? >> i think every does right now, maria. the fed is in a very, very tough spot. because of the immigration numbers. that's a new twist, isn't it, with the data. so that just distorts more data
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for them and i think they're going to have a very, very tough time. on top of that, we've got the spector of higher oil prices so the fed is not in an easy stroll. i think we thought the fed was going to be very easy going after these tremendous rate hikes. but it's not looking very clear for them and i expect they will be very frustrated for the next several weeks as they try to figure out what is going on with the economy. maria: i would imagine that if we don't have rate cuts, we're going to get a sizable selloff in the stock market. let me bring mike lee in on that. mike, so far the market is expecting three rate cuts. >> maria, to me this is the remarkable part about the rally that we've had. we're up over 20% since the october lows. at that point we were expecting six rate cuts. we've moved down to three. and those three are looking a little shaky at the moment yet here we are. this leads me to believe this is more than just rate cuts. there's a lot of buying behind
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this market that doesn't look like it's going to subside any time soon. maybe we have small pullbacks here and there but i think we're probably in a -- we're in the mid-innings of a kind of extended bull market. what are your thoughts? mar maria: peter. >> if you're asking me, i agree with you, yes. the rate issue is one thing but since i can't predict which direction rates are going to go, i tried to i bypass the whole question by looking at stocks that might be immune to rate cuts and i think there are several industries out there that look very, very promising and have continued -- i mean, in the past they were promising and they continue to be promising so if you could kind of bypass the question of rate cuts, you'll se yourself a lot of frustration. let me give you an example. cyber security, that isn't going to go anywhere. with the more recent announcements of some of these
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hackings by ransomware, i think that's a great place to play, your major positions in your 34r0*e right now. maria: when you look -- portfolio right now. maria: when you look at national security, it opens up to different ideas. you're talking about drone technology. you're talking about border related companies what specifically when it comes to security and national security would you look to invest in? >> well, first off, i mean, we've kind of downplayed the past hackings that have happened. i mean, most recently hca ransomware and we learned that reddit last month was hacked and it just went public. people are not paying as much attention as i think they should. i'm expecting, sadly, there will probably be some high profile national hackings this year and how do you invest in that? i mean, it's a horrible thing to say that you can make money off that but you can by investing in companies like palo alto, cyber
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security, fortinet. these hackings, when you look into this, these are not by highly organized groups. instead, imagine this, it's some frustrated 20-something that is maybe upset that he got over-charged for a bounced check but they're so smart that they can come in and hack a major bank. so thoses are some of the things, the scenarios i think are indeed more likely now than ever and on top of this, you throw artificial intelligence and we've all been very happy and excited about on the positive side. once the hackers get involved in that, can you imagine the level of sophistication they will present to us. you can make money off that by investing in cyber stocks. maria: totally. i could totally see all of that playing out. let's take a look at what could throw the market off the rails and that is inflation. oil prices this morning are right now at $86.13 a barrel, that is down almost 1%.
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you're talking about oil now close to 90 again. p brent is already at 90. a lot of people say oil could potentially reach $100 a barrel again. you've got the cpi number out on witness. it could be hotter than expected. oil is underpinning lots of the inflation that remains elevated so what are your thoughts on the data take that's coming this -- data that's coming this week and what do you do with brent and crude at $90 a barrel again. >> as liz peek mentioned in her op-ed, this will present a speed bump to any of the fed calculus that's out there and as oil prices rise, certainly there's going to be an interpretation of that as inflation. so once again, how do you avoid getting caught up in that argument and i would say you could invest in artificial intelligence stocks. we've all been fans of nvidia. i continue to hold that. i think it may be a little bit over-enthusiastic about the outlook for that name but i
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still am a core holder there so once gone, if you can't figure this stuff out, maybe there's some ways to side step it so at least you won't feel the tremendous pain that others will, for instance, if you're a pure commodity investor. very, very, difficult to call the future low prices. maria: are you expecting a selloff on a hot cpi number? >> i think that the hot cpi number will definitely temporarily sell off. the general ini i did sees. but it's still not going to do away with the -- indices. but it's not going to do away with the threat of hacking. whatever direction the interest rates go in, you still will have robust interest in those industries. maria: peaker the, thank you. your morning mover is tesla. it is up they the premarket, climbing after elon musk said it will unveil its robo taxi on august 8 and denied a report that tesla would scrap plans to build a lower price electric
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vehicle to instead focus on the robo taxi. the stock is right now trading up 3 and-a-half percent. quick break and then the house is set to send alejandro mayorkas impeachment articles to the senate on wednesday. florida governor ron desantis tells me he's ready to sue the administration again for its dereliction of duty at the border. texas congressman randy weber is here with the house's next steps to secure the border. back in a minute. ♪ no more mr. nice guy. ♪ no more mr. clean. ♪ no more mr. nice guy. ♪ they say he's sick,s he's obscene. ♪
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administration flying illegal imigrants into america. did you have warning that the president was sending 326,000 illegals into miami? >> no. and they don't give us any notification on any of that. it's not constitutional. but he is legalizing people when they're in foreign countries and then buying them plane tickets and then flying into the united states and so you can have a plane that lands in miami with 200 people on it and there may be eight or 10 of these folks that he's illegally he legalized so we're suing him on that with other states. we don't think it's lawful. we don't think it's constitution constitutional. maria: there's some people who think the administration is flying people so the numbers at the border look better hand they are. joining me is texas congressman randy weber, a member of house energy and technology committee. thank you for being here this morning. >> thank you. good morning.
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maria: so you wrote a letter to biden and major ca mayorkas tryo hold them responsible for the migrant flights. tell us about it. >> what we basically said was what constitutional authority do you have to bypass congress to do this and i know you know this but last week in ohio, yet another illegal was arrested charged with murder. these advanced travel authorizations, for folks who may not know, biden has given cbp for nine countries all of which are on travel advisories, haiti and venezuela on the level four which says do not travel with emphasis. biden b bypassed congress, by passed the constitution and as ron desantis said they're sending people into our country illegally so they don't have to cross the border and who is
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paying? american taxpayers. there was another killing again in ohio as i mentioned. how many americans have to die before we get mayorkas out of office? maria: this is quite you astounding, sir. ron desantis told me he had no information whatsoever about this flight coming in with 326,000 people, all these flights coming in. and they went directly to miami. where else is biden sending people? how many people would you say overall is this administration flying into the country in various states? >> you know, it's hard to know. the interesting part of this, maria, is that they want to tell texas what we cannot do to protect the border that they're not protect. we can't get information from them on anything. they have not responded to the letter. the house spent impeachment over
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to the senate. mike johnson is doing a good job. we think mayorkas should be impeached. when trump was in office, they impeached him over a phone call with ukrainian president, if you remember that. maria: that's right. >> and yet we've got them letting illegals in, some that are committing heinous crimes, even murder, and they aren't accountable y according to them for any information on that. it's unbelievable the hip you pock consider sigh. hypocrisy.maria: there's a heae liquefied gas export began, rogers calling it a political decision that hurts the economy and undermines mines us abroad. it's not just that he's trying to send in all these illegals, potentially to impact the census
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and congressional districts. he's also putting this policy down in place which is actually becoming not just an economic issue but a national security one as well. >> absolutely. that's my district. we're the first four coastal counties, seven ports. we have three lng plants, soon to be four. port arthur lng has gone through phase one. they're now getting ready to go on phase two and when biden put a halt on everything, it not only hurts jobs over here, maria, but think about this. there are nations across this world that would rather be buying america's lng than dealing with russia or anybody else. so he's hampering jobs, killing exports and hurting other nations which is absolutely contributing to the global insecurity based on america's weakness as viewed through biden. maria: liz peek jump in here. >> good morning, congressman. it's also the case that lng
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exports from the united states helps the climate because you're helping china to divert away from burning coal. so it is incomprehensible to me that this administration is going to continue to block these plants. we have 86 year supply of natural gas in the country. with we are sending natural gas exports to china, south korea and japan with whom all three of those countries we have a very big trade deficit so it's instl in helping the balance of payment swipayment situation. what's the argument for not exporting lng, nothing but virtue signaling by the climate obsessed white house. is there any other possible explanation? >> well, liz, you're absolutely right on track with that number but don't forget, this is an election year. he's pandering to his base.
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there's a new real -- religion t there, i say, it's save mother earth. they think they ought to kill fossil fuels. he said running for president he would kill the fossil fuel industry and he's right to keep his word. maria: we will leave it there. this is all just aastounding. thanks very much for being here. >> it is. maria: thank you, sir. quick break and we're staying on the border all morning long, national border patrol council president brandon judd is here. he's next on how california is becoming overwhelmed by the swell of illegal migrants. look to the skies, we've got the rundown of how to watch today's total solar eclipse. don't miss it. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. president biden is headed to the swing state of wisconsin today. he's expected to announce new plans to cancel student debt for millions of young people. lauren simonetti with details. lauren. >> very convenient, maria. good morning to you. this is the biden administration's second attempt at wide reaching student loan forgiveness after the supreme court overturned its first plan last year. the white house remaining tight lipped on what the proposal entails but it's hoping to chip away debt for over 40 million american borrowers. the plan likely to face opposition and appeal when released but so far, 4 million borrowers given some sort of debt forgiveness by the president. a total solar eclipse will pass over the united states this
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afternoon, this rare event happens when the moon completely covers the sun temporarily shrouding the earth in darkness. in new york, upstate will be in the path of totality, beginning at 2:00 eastern with full totality at 3:26. a reminder, do not look directly up at the eclipse, it's better to use special glasses with solar filters to keep your eyes safe don't miss your chance, the next total solar eclipse is not until 2079, bringing excitement, bring the glasses and expect some weird stuff to happen. more trouble in the skies after -- this is a tragic story -- an engine cover ripped apart on a 737 forcing an emergency landing. passengers and crew noticed a large piece of metal ripping off a plane's engine during the takeoff. the flight was immediately turned around for an emergency landing back in denver. the faa you addressing thes
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incident saying, quote, southwest airlines flight 369 returned to denver international airport after the crew reported the engine covering fell off and struck the wing flap. southwest said the incident was caused by a mechanical issue. both stocks trading down 1% in the premarket. no one injured be but another iy event happening in the skies. the south carolina g gamecocks e the champions. they're the first undefeated since yukon in 2016 and 109-3 over the last three seasons. clark prepping for the wnba draft. yukon huskies are bidding to become th th eighth team to wn
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consecutive tconsecutive titles. when caillin walked off the court, what a moment for number 22. she doesn't have much time to think about i she's going to go to the draft next week. maria: so exciting. california officials are slamming president biden's border criese crisis as the sano sector is seeing a surge in illegal migrants. the supervisor says there's no end in sight, this is a new norm which i think we'll get a rude wakeup call some day. the mayor told fox the border had, quote, always been a problem but the federal government always made efforts to prevent bad actors from entering the u.s. now he says, quote, the gaetz are wide open and we're no longer even trying. joining me is national patrol
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border council president, brandon judd. brandon, great to see you. thank you so much for being here. do you agree with that, we're not trying anymore in terms of weeding out the bad actors? >> yeah, we're not. we just don't have the resources. when you look at the total numbers we're dealing with, if we're apprehending 4,000 people per day and that's just the border patrol, not cbp wide, but if we're p apprehending 4,000 per day, we don't have resources to vet the people. i don't want people to think that all they have to do is give us more border patrol agents. that's not going to solve the problem either. if we give them more agents we just process people through the system faster. that's what dhs set up. that's one of t the reasons alejandro mayorkas must be held to account. every person that enters illegally, we can't properly vet them, and we release them. that's why we're seeing so much
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crime taking place throughout the united states with the people that are being released. maria: this is a national security issue front and center. it's also an economic issue in terms of taking jobs from american citizens. i s spoke with ohio senator jd vance on sunday morning futures and we were talking about the march jobs report which by all accounts the headlines looked really strong, 303,000 jobs. the problem is, the number of new jobs going to foreign born workers and illegals is soaring. here's what he had to say. watch this. >> look over the last year, over the last three or four years, much of the job growth% the biden administration has gone to the foreign born, many of those of course are illegal aliens. you can rack that with the trump economy which was about productivity enhancement, higher wages, more manufacturing and better, good paying jobs for american workers. with biden economy, it's gone to
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the foreign born and illegal immigrants while americans struggle to feed their families, buy homes and live the american dream. maria: wow. this is just incredible, brandon. your reaction? >> yeah, this is what we call the magnet, this is why so many people cross the borders illegally. every time we take somebody into custody we have to interview them, try to find out the reasons they're coming, where they're going, the purposes for being in the united states. the vast majority of people tells us they're coming because of the free social benefits they're going to get and also coming because of the jobs and so as long as these jobs are available, these people are going to continue to come. s that's one of the ways we shut off illegal immigration. the if you stop the magnet that draws so many people across the borders illegally, you can then control the flow but if you don't do that, if you continue to offer them stuff, if you offer them free social services, if you offer them jobs, then they're going to continue to come. so every single time you hear new york city mayor eric adams say we need more money, when you throw money at this problem
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you're just encouraging more people to cross the border illegally. it's not a money issue. it's a policy issue. it's a rule of law issue. stop that and you stop illegal immigration. maria: well, i mean, liz peek, jump in here because the bottom line here is if you are an illegal migrant in america today, you probably feel better today than you did four years ago. not so if you're an american citizen. >> well, yeah, i mean, what we're seeing is increasingly new jobs being created are going to foreign born workers and no one has been able to say are these people who are in the country illegally, are they people being -- who eventually have been processed and legally working. it seems a coincidence that you have a tremendous tilt toward foreign born workers in terms of job additions at the time that we've you allowed 3 to 5 million people to come into the country illegally. i wonder at what point union
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workers and other sort of americans in low skill jobs are going to start saying time out, i want these jobs and i'm not able to get them anymore. we've also seen by the way wage increases slow down a little bit. i assume that's because you can hire someone who is here illegally for not much money. i'm wondering what brandon has to say about that. >> yes. so when you look at the unions and that's one of the things that is so very frustrating to me, to all law enforcement, when you look at that, you have to look at the upper echelon, the top of the unions. they're not looking out for the benefit of their members. what they're trying to do is they're trying to buy favor with this administration to get meetings, to get face time and all of that. if you truly looked out for your members, you would try to push the jobs to them, not towards illegal aliens but then you also have to understand that these unions are also trying to
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organize i illegal aliens, lookg at that as another base for dues paying. it's incredibly insane to think we're going to throw the american people under the bus in favor of people that are coming from other countries and they're doing it illegally. maria: yeah. i know. but that's exactly what we're doing, brandon. it's crazy to think about it but that's exactly what the country is doing. on the national security threats, what do you make of the chinese nationals coming lieu? what's your take on the -- coming through? what's your take on this? why are they here? >> whetheren you look at china, we know ha they want to do us hy want to usurp everything we stand for in the country. when you look at the military age chinese men crossing the border you illegally you have to ask why. on top of it, china won't take them back. if we try to deport of these individuals, china is saying no, we're note going to take them back. this is a scary situation about border security. it comes down to biden. if he had a proper state
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department we could force people to take these people back. trump was able to do it. other administrations have been able to do it but nobody fears joe biden around the world and right here in our own country. it's very dangerous what we're seeing with the number of chinese nationals knowing china doesn't like us, they're our enemy, yet they're sending so many people to cross our borderses illegally. maria: thank you very much. brandon judd joining us this morning. thank a, sir. quick break and prominent democrats admit president biden's economic messaging is sorely missing the mark. it's making a buzz this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ (vo) sail through the heart of historic cities and unforgettable scenery with viking.
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people couldn't see my potential. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper.
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>> i wouldn't go out there and extol the miracle of the biden economy. it just drives me crazy when he does that. i think he needs to put himself on the side of working people in their economic fight here. maria: time for the morning
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buzz. that was former obama advisor david a axlerod saying the white house needs to stop celebrating biden's economy, saying the president's strategy is not going to work and the president should put himself on the side of, quote, working people. your reaction, michael? we know the obama group and biden group are not necessarily getting along so there's some of that in there as well but interesting to hear axlerod criticize biden about how he's celebrating this economy. >> the reason they don't get along is because the biden administration is essentially the jv team and stupid people from the obama administration. maria: yeah. >> right? and david axlerod is much more politically in tune than anybody in the biden administration and there is nothing people hate hearing more than the economy is doing well while they are individually struggling. yes, the economy is doing okay
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if you have a nice stock portfolio or you own real estate, things are great for you. if the you're outside the top 10 to 15% of the economy this has been a devastation. the cost of living, particularly for working class people who by the way decide the election because of where they live in the country and the significance of the electoral college, this has been devastating for them. absolutely devastating. and for biden to come out and a tell you had this is a great economy is a slap in the face and by the way, this economic growth we're having is coming at a significant cost. we're adding a trillion dollars of new debt every 100 days so it's not all roses in the economy either. maria: well, look at these job graphics that we have, liz. it shows exactly what we've been talking about. the bulk of jobs on joe bidens' watch have gone to either illegals or foreign born who are here in america. not american citizens.
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>> yeah. it's pretty amazing of. as we discussed in the last segment, the fact that no one's talking about this, no one is protecting the low income, less skilled worker in america and to mike's point they are going to decide this election, maria. how do we know that they're struggling? credit card debt through the roof and delinquencies up 50% last year. who borrows on a credit card, paying more than 20% interest rates, except people who are kind of in trouble and we're seeing that happening right now. also, bank of america came out with a report last week about spending for the lower half of the income spectrum in america, spending is stalling. why? because they just don't have enough money. they they've been -- they got a big slug of money because of the covid payments and now that's gone and now they are really hurting and again, everything's fine unless you lose your job to somebody who is being paid less and by the way that wage gap
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that was narrowing under donald trump is now expanding again, again because of foreign born workers. a lot of whom are here illegally. this is not right. and at some point someone has to speak up for the american worker. maria: it's like a stick in the eye. >> it is. maria: not only did you lose your job but you lost is to someone who crossed the border illegally. look, biden's policies are impacting business across the country. 99-cent only stores now shutting down all 371 locationses across california, nevada, texas and arizona due to inflation and theft. the chain starting the process of shutting down, liquidating and tossing their inventory on friday. michael, 99-cent store had to come to the realization you can't afford to sell stuff for 99-cents anymore. >> look. i think trump was going on truth social bout this over the weekend, that grocery prices are up 50% in the last three years.
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but i think that is a low estimate. the cost of everything has gone through the roof. all of this government spending, all of the illegal immigration, all of the regulation, and the poll numbers for joe biden, these are all inextricably linked. you're seeing it right in front of your face with the 99-cent stores closing so they can tell you whatever you want. they can tell you that inflation has subsided. but look, it isn't like no matter what they say, it's not going to reopen the 99-cent stores. maria: exactly. for starters, i will say it's resonateing with people. you look at what's going on they in pennsylvania, they're talking about this fracking boom weighing on biden's re-election chances. they're feeling it in pennsylvania. they want change. we'll take a break, when we come back, mexican migrants reportedly saying they want biden to win the election because they fear trump will not let them in anymore. we're talking about how illegal migrants are becoming a
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cornerstone for voters this year, it's the hot topic of the hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ take a load off, fannie. ♪ take a load off for free. ♪ a take a load off, fannie. ♪ and you put the load right on me. ♪
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