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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 7:00am-8:01am EDT

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good monday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining thuses moi's. usus this morning, i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 8th. time for the hot topic of the hour. migrants waiting to cross the southern bo bore reportedly say they want fiewn get reelected in november because they fear president trump will not let them into the country. the wall street journal writing why immigration is the number onish issue for voters. they say they worry the migrant influx is a affecting other aspects of life, from crime to fentanyl and government spending. i spoke with ohio senator jd vance about the march jobs report which looked like a blockbuster number but take a look at how many new jobs are going to foreign born workers. here's jd vance. >> look not just over the last year, but the last three or four years, much of the job growth from the biden administration has gone to the foreign born, many of those of course are
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illegal aliens. you contrast that with the trump economy which was about productivityen h enhancement, hr wages, more manufacturing, good paying jobs for american workers. with the b biden economy so much has gone to the foreign born and illegal immigrants while american workers struggle to feed their families, buy homes and live the american dream. maria: liz peek, this is such an incredibly important point. on friday we're waiting for the jobs numbers, we get the jobs numbers, we see a market reaction. everybody's talking about it. the white house comes out, they're celebrating. oh, look at job growth is doing great, 303 you thousa -- 303,00s for the month of march. we looked at the report. we realized much of the jobs are going to foreign born or illegals. >> that reality is compounded by the fact that so many jobs are part-time jobs.
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maria: that's right. >> employers are hiring these people, many are here in the country illegally, hiring them for part-time work because they don't want to get entangled in the benefits and long-term commitments that you normally make to workers. so this is disadvantaging people who are just starting out in our done you tri, people -- country, people at the low end of the income spectrum. we haven't heard much about this from the administration because it is really an indictment of their immigration policy but by the way, i would also just remind everybody, it is not just economics. it is also security. maria: that's right. >> when biden sees his ratings among hispanic americans going down, i can tell you from having talked to a dozen hispanics that they are really angry that a lot of gangs and other unsavory types are landing in their neighborhoods, not landing in my neighborhoods or yours but they are coming into the hispanic neighborhoods around new york
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and by the way, every city now is a border city because we've had all these people flown across the country. so hispanics don't like that. these people are bringing crime and drugs and things that are really making their lives difficult. it's amazing to me the white house doesn't get misthis. maria: it's unbelievable. they ignore the fact that all these jobs are going to foreigners, michael. they came out on friday celebrating the jobs numbers. by the way, i'm glad you mentioned the gangs, liz. there are very dangerous gangs now in the country as a result of the open border. just last week i saw that one of the people who were part of that squatting situation that we were talking about, they you sq theyd tried to take over a person's home in new york, he was part of the venezuelan gang, whatever it's called, that dangerous gang that we keep talking about, mike. >> maria, this is just unbelievable a. we're coming up on the 11th
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anniversary of trump coming down the elevator. what was his number one issue then and it's the number one issue now, illegal immigration and it goes so much more beyond the knock-on effects of what illegal immigration does to our society. it's the fact that we are a nation of rule followers, we follow the law, we follow the rules. okay of. .and the reason why hispanics hate illegal immigration so much is because the bulk of them came here by following the laws, following the rules. my wife is a legal immigrant. it costs us a ton of money and it took years for it to work out. okay. it's the same thing as somebody cutting the line, somebody getting an unfair advantage here, unfair advantage here. these people are law breakers and rule breakers and we as an american society hate it. okay. but it's no secret what this administration wants to do. they want cheap labor. okay. and they want new voters. and so why are there all these
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sanctuary cities? so they get a greater population in the next census, more congressional seats, more electoral college votes. and more federal funding for their overall district so it's -- look, it is unbelievable what you see here in new york city, i think it's 10-cents of every dollar that comes into the city's tax coffers is going to illegal immigrants. we're beyond a banana republic now. maria: it's unbelievable. it's stunning. let's take a short break and come back and keep a spotlight on this. we're jut getting started this hour. janet yellen claims relations with china are quote on a more stable footing after her meeting with the chinese premier. she is still in beijing this morning. we'll get into it with the gatestone institute senior fellow gordon chang. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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it's undeniable that the u.s./china relationship is on a stronger footing today than this time last year. and this was not preordained. it was the direct result of president biden's guidance to me and his cabinet to inte intensir diplomacy with china and put a floor under the relationship. that does not mean we have resolved all our differences. there's much more work to do and it remains unclear what this relationship will endure in the months and years ahead. maria: that was treasury secretary janet yellen speaking in beijing this morning. she expected to meet with china's former vice premier later today.
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yellen is claiming her exchanges with chinese officials over the last four days have advanced american interest with both sides committing to hold more economic talks. she's wrapping up her second trip to china with no major breakthroughs once again. joining me is gatestone institute senior fellow, author of the coming collapse of china and china is going to war, gordon chang back with me. great to see you. your reaction to janet yellen in china once again this week. >> when janet yellen says that our relationship with beijing is more stable, what she's really saying is she's agreed to more dialogue, for instance on overcapacity. but as we talk, the chinese delay. as they delay, we do not get to meeting full solutions and they -- meaningful solutions and they continue to the flood our markets with goods that are overly subsidized by the chinese government. this is a disas disaster for u. her words sound nice. we've been talking to china for more than three decades about these issues.
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as we talk, china's actions he deteriorate. this is just not good for us. she should start talking about imposing costs on china and doing is now and then -- and then, maria, we might get somewhere. maria: yeah. and talking china for three dak decades, he they've been stealing intellectual property from american businesses and robbing, replicating and replacing our businesses and that you apparently didn't come up in her conversation. it's laughable that the chinese side is trying to say that it's america that's trying to stop chinese businesses from advancing. >> yeah. i mean, this is absurd. we need to protect ourselves. what china's trying to do is to delegitmize our economy from predatory actions. we need to make it clear we no longer accept that. president trump changed that when he started imposing tariffs for as you point out the theft
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of u.s. intellectual property. we need to go a lot further. trump has talked about increasing those tariffs. that's absolutely what we need to do. janet yellen says we might think about tariffs but what she's really saying is that we're not going to do anything about this because we do not want the chinese to huff and puff and therefore jeopardize president biden's chances of re-election. marrehe'll.maria: meanwhile, td the tesla with a chinese made electric vehicle to compete with a tesla that looks like a porsche. they're doing what they do. is it any coincidence that russia's foreign munster goes to china today while janet yellen is there. he's there for two days of talks on the war in ukraine. the trip overlapping with the end of yellen's visit. over the weekend, yellen warned there will be, quote, significant consequences for china if its companies support russia's war against ukraine.
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i'm sure they're shaking in their boots on that one, gordon. >> yes. you know, from the very beginning of this war president biden has said we will impose costs if china provides quote, unquote, lethal aid to russia for use in ukraine. but from the very beginning of this war, that's exactly what china has done. you know, that is out there. you don't need a cle a security clearance to see what china is doing. you biden doesn't want to acknowledge it. if he acknowledges it he those do something about it. when yellen says we're very concerned if they do something, that's deceiving the american public and deceiving everybody else. the chinese are laughing at us. they're increasing lethal aid to russia for use in ukraine. this is another example of a failed you approach to china. maria: instead of being stuff on the communist party for all of the bad behavior including surveillance balloon, flow of fentanyl, the covid coverup,
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they're showing video of janet yellen and the ambassador to china whooping it up at some bar in china, having beers, after nearly a two year break, u.s. and chinese defense officials met in hawaii last week. they claim they're resuming talks about air and sea safety yamid recent incidents in the pacific region. this was one of the main issues this white house wanted to correct, the fact that our militaries are were not talking. we have no evidence that in fact the militaries are talking again on a regular basis beyond this meeting that i just referred to. your thoughts? >> yeah, if we go back a year or so, china was engaging in extremely dangerous intercepts in the air. they've fallen off last few months. but it's not because we've been talking to them. as a matter of fact, we hadn't been talking. those incidents have fallen off because for reasons we can only guess at, china thought it's not
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in its interest to try to bring down one of our planes at this time. talking is not the way to solve this. have you to look at china and say look, they're doing this for their own reasons. we can't fathom that. we just have to be strong. and the more we talk, the more we delay taking those appropriate actions by ourselves and with our friends and allies in the region. that is the important thing. our working with our friends, not trying to talk to china to do something that they're going to do anyway. maria: cred yesterday i had dn nunes on, he said expect china to get involved in our elections, 100%. obviously they want joe biden to stay where he is right now, gordon. >> yeah. yeah.avril hains was talking abt tiktok's interference in the 2022 midterms and she expected the chinese to do that again during the general election. we know that in 2020 china
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worked very hard to get biden elected. they worked very hard against bernie sanders and the democratic primaries. they worked hard against president trump in the general election. there were all sorts of dirty tricks in addition to their propaganda. this was a multifaceted program and it was very successful in 2020. we cannot allow the chinese to do that in 2024. maria: yeah. liz peek, jump in here. >> good morning, gordon. i'm interested to note that the next ev forum or show, i guess you'd say, by chinese ev manufacturers is going to actually take place in california. i think this is what is going to really bring this whole issue of china oversupplying, manufacturing goods to the entire world to a head. what are the unions in america,s what's the uaw going to do if they really do produce evs in mexico and begin to flood our
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market as they have in europe? i think this is a very visible confrontation and the reason that janet yellen actually had to go to china. >> she did talk about evs. she did talk about green tech. but when she talks about that, she gives the chinese an opening. the problem here is that -- this is to a certain extent elon musk's fault. that what he did was he built his giga factory in shanghai the chinese took the technology and gave it to byd, the chinese car company that's done so well and this is again an issue of theft. what the uaw is going to do, the leadership of uaw has probably been captured by president biden. the problem at the though for president biden is that uaw workers are voting for trump. we can see this in the surveys. they just don't like the administration's policies. so we need a president who will keep china's cars out of our country because those cars are
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built with subsidies that are predatory. maria: it's exactly what we've been talking about with regard to their new vehicle that looks like a porsche that's so much cheaper than the tesla. i said it many times, john ratcliffe termed it, rob, replicate, replace, that's the strategy out of communist china. gordon, always a pleasure. thank you for weighing in on all of that. we'll see you soon. quick break and then house gop delivers two articles of impeachment against mayorkas, they're planning to do so on wednesday at the senate as the open border creates a massive terrorist threat. homeland committee member, kansas senator roger marshall is here with reaction. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. well, the new york post out with a new editorial called biden's open border has created a terror threat and the what ifs are chilling. the post writes this, how many terrorists has the biden administration let slip over our border, nobody knows. joining me now is kansas senator
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roger marshall. senator, it's great to see you as always. thanks very much for being here. do you know the answer to that question, how many terrorists are now in america as a result of biden's open border? >> nobody knows the exact answer to this. we know we've caught over 300 individuals on the known terrorist watch list. what concerns me are the 2 million known got aways, 2 million known got aways, what percentage of those would be terrorists? is it 2,000? is it 20,000? we don't know the answer to that. but we do know that the cartel has more control of the border than joe biden and secretary mayorkas do and that's why we're going to try to impeach him this week. maria: so i mean, do you think that's going to stick? house republicans planning to deliver these articles of impeachment on wednesday to try to oust the dhs secretary, mayorkas. now, you know, the republicans have accused him of failure to enforce the country's immigration laws, obviously. but mayorkas is criticizing governor abt bought in texas
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overrer -- abbott in texas over the use of the razor wire. he claims the wire is not effective because illegal migrants are easily cut canning it. this is his answer to this. >> the world knows, the country knows that joe biden's secretary mayorkas own this problem. the challenge before the republican senators this week is to make sure that we prove once again how joe biden owns this. we hope the good people of montana, ohio, pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, no have taxer we hope they're watching and they realize it would take two senators to force an impeachment trial. right now, chuck schumer is going to try to table this for the first time in senate history we're not going to have a trial after articles of impeachment have delivered but we need to make sure that everyone votes 200 days from now and makes sure they fire joe biden aalong with secretary mayorkas. maria: is it clear to say this is just an exercise to check a box, you're going to send the articles of impeachment, you know he's not going to get impeached?
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>> well, i think that we don't -- it's going to take two-thirds of the senate to impeach people, to impeach anybody so we don't have that two-thirds vote but our job is to communicate to every person especially in the purple swing states that their senator didn't ayou how us to ao have a -- allow us to have a trial. we think if there was a trial that would bring attention to american voters and ensure that joe biden is fired come november and bring us a senate and house majority that the republican party is the party of law and order, we are the party that will secure the border. maria: i want to get your take on the impact of the open border in your state of kansas and throughout the country. we've been talking about this very dangerous gang from he venezuela running around new york according to the nypd, this is trende aragwa. their specialty is human trafficking, we're told. you said there were more massage parlors than starbucks in your state of kansas because they're
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a front for human trafficking. what do you know based on what you've been able to learn on the homeland security committee in terms of human trafficking in america today and where it originates? >> well, the human trafficking of course starts with the chinese triad in china and there's an organized effort to bring people, over 140,000 chinese national as you pointed out over and over again have crossed our borders illegally and in addition to that, of course they're turning anyone coming from south america or central america, they're turning them into basically human trafficing victims as well. we did a crime table recently back home as well and what the law enforcement said is the problem is so bad, we cannot arrest ourselves out of it. the crime is exploding across the country, whether it's drug trafficking or human trafficking and they can't arrest themselves out of it. the cartel has more control of the border than joe biden does. 250,000 americans have now been
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poisoned, murdered by fentanyl. 25025250,000. that's three times the number we lost in the vietnam war. the human trafficking is coming to people's eyes and everyone should keep their eyes around the cocommunities and see massae parlors appearing out of nowhere. nowhere. maria: that's incredible. congress returning for a seven week legislative window before memorial day, had this is your last push before the november elections. are you going to get anything done on that or is this all about money to ukraine and israel this week and next week? >> well, you certainly pointed out, maria, that joe biden's priorities and even senate leadership is funding for ukraine, they're more concerned about the ukraine border than they are our own border but there's a group of republicans here that will be with fighting like mad to get the border secured. that will be our priority. we're not going to fund ukraine, we're not going to vote for
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funding for ukraine until we prioritize our own border. that's the task before us. there's other chores we need to get done but now that we've got the budget passed so-to-speak we need to focus on securing the border, that's been my goal the last two years. maria: okay. so you're going to focus on that. and when this ukraine bill comes to the floor then what? >> it's in the house right now. the senate already passed some version of ukraine funding. now we'll see if the republicans on the house side can stand tall and get prioritizing done and a get funding for the border over to build the wall. hr2 has been there for of over a year now. that's what we should ask, why isn't chuck schumer taking up hr2 which does secure the border. the onus is upon them. again, the d-day is going to be in november, 200 days from now. we're going to fire joe biden, we're going to fire secretary mayorkas, we're going to fire chuck schumer and have republican control. we're the party of law and a order, we're the party that's going to control the border.
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maria: meanwhile, the president is going to wisconsin today, going to outline a new plan to forgive student loan debt even though the supreme court ruled it unconstitutional. this is the second attempt at loan forgiveness since the supreme court rejected the initial plan last year, senator. >> yeah. this is like you said the next rendition of joe biden ignoring the laws of the land, ignoring the supreme court. but i'm telling you this infuriates the union workers. the republican party is the party of hard workers, people who bring their lunch pail to work. the democrats are going after college elitists, people that are woke so-to-speak. so this type of action by joe biden actually harms himself. there are more union workers up there than there are people who support palestine so i think this is once again joe biden pushing the union workers away from him. maria: all right. we'll leave it there. senator, we'll be watching your work. we appreciate your time this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you, maria.
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maria: senator roger marshall in d.c. a big week for markets, we have the march cpi and ppi out this week on wednesday and thursday. followed by the start of first quarter earnings on friday when the major banks report. the word on wall street panel is here with expectations right after this. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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maria: welcome back. former president trump releasing a video on truth social about his stance on abortion breaking news now, lauren simonetti with he details. >> good morning, maria. the former president saying abortion should be determined by u.s. states, watch here. >> my view is now that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint, the states will determine by vote or legislation or perhaps both and whatever they decide must be the law of the land, in this case the law of the state. >> today's announcement after trump suggested last month that he was leaning toward supporting a national abortion ban at around 15 weeks of pregnancy. a cargo ship losing power near new york's bridge pri night, less than two weeks after a similar vessel lost power and caused baltimore's bridge to collapse. it lost propulsion as it passed
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through the shipping lane. three tug boats pulled it out. the ship now fully operational. no word on what caused the outage. a migrant influencer who encouraged illegal immigrants to take advantage of squatting rights in the u.s. says he's a victim of persecution after being arrested. this is an interview with the new york post from jail, that migrant says i came here to the united states because of persecution in my country but they're doing the same thing to me in the united states, persecuting me. we've become an oppressive country instead of a free country. i miss my freedom. he was arrested by i.c.e. in ohio back on march 29th for illegally crossing the border into eagle pass on april 23rd. 2022. maria,s he's talking about the u.s. as his country now, persecuting him. maria: he wants freedom to go and steal homes. >> commit crime.
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maria: he wants freedom to go squat in other people's homes and then steal them. >> that's exactly what he wants to do. that's what he has done. and now we're starting to put a stop to it. it's unbelievable. maria: we hope. it's outrageous. thank you, lauren. all right, time for the word on wall street, of top investors watching your money. joining me is raymond james investment chief strategist, mike horton. mike lee is with us throughout the morning. the big banks are kicking off the first quarter earnings season this week, jp morgan, citigroup, wells fargo, reporting on friday. once we get through the cpi number on wednesday, which is really the main event this week, then we're going to take a look at the major banks having added more net new brick and a mortar branches in 2023 for the first time in a decade. the journal writes the earnings season will test the stock
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market rally. matt, let's get ahead of it. what are you expecting from the first quarter reporting season? >> maria, i've been optimistic on where earnings are going to go this year. i think we're going to continue to see a trend of positive earnings growth. so ultimately this bull market that we've been having really since october of last year. >,earnings are going to be ultimate arbiter of whether or not the bull market continues and i think we're going to see that, so we get the financials, i think what's most important for financials this week, maria, is listening to what the management teams actually have to say about the state of their consumers, the state of the small businesses that they transact with and what their outlook is going forward. and i think that's going to be the case as you get deeper into earning season, especially with respect to some of the sectors i happen to like a lot, more related to the economy, industrials, energy, material companies, we're finally seeing a little bit of light out of these sectors and i think what's going to be really important is
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that we beat, we raise and that management teams have an optimistic view of the future. maria: all right. so before we get there, we've got to deal with the inflation report. mike, i'm reading fund strait, tom lee's very smart note, writes the march cpi is the first clean cpi reading of 2024 because january and february had seasonalityseasonality attached. that's why it's so important for the markets. look at gold. look at oil. all perhaps giving us a signal on the cpi. gold is extending a recent rally this morning. bitcoin is rebounding over the weekend, inching closer to the all-time high of $73,000 and then of course mike, you've got oil, and where oil is which is very close to now, what, $87 a barrel. what's your outlook for gold, bitcoin and what about the cpi number wednesday, mike? >> look. gold, broke out above 2100 in
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early march and we're up about 14% since then. i think gold continues to run and i think what's remarkable about the move in gold, you haven't s seen a dramatic selloff in the dollar that's coincided with it. so with bitcoin i'm more excited about bitcoin, i'm long gold in mying which at this model portfolio for all of my clients, etf, but i'm really excited about bitcoin. there was a tremendous amount of overhang in bitcoin from the ftx scandal. there was a large amount of funds that were recovered in they the bankruptcy proceeding similar to what happened with bernie madoff, that was parked in the trust, there's liquidation as there's payoffs there as well as drama and legal cases with the crypto lender genesis. that's all behind us. and bit coin is starting to break out. the selling from the two nonfundamental related incidents ended in thereafter week or so,
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so i expect bitcoin to break out substantially. we're creating a trillion dollars of new debt every 100 days. so you expect to see gold much higher given how little it's moved since 2011 but we're now starting to get here. and i think the same concept you applies to bitcoin with the daily inflows exceeding the new supply coming on the market, basically since the creation of these etfs that came public as well as the event that's coming up in the next couple weeks which will greatly reduce the new supply. every price fight you've seen in bitcoin has coincided with this having event. i think we're off to the races with bitcoin. as we look into inflation later this week, i think nobody what works on wall street was working in the late '70s and early '80s, the last time inflation was a substantial part of the conversation the way it is today and if they were, they
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were junior in their roles. the thereafter time inflation was -- the last time inflation was really hot, i was born. i certainly was not working on a desk of any significance at that point and so we heard a million and one opinions be. i think the one that really resonated is getting from 3% to 2% is going to be the biggest hurdle, going to be the hardest part. i think we continue to see that this week. maria: i'm wondering if the fed is going to slowly but surely walk back this whole 2% target and maybe say you know what, 3% is okay too. it's going to take -- because don't forget what powell said last week in terms of his commentary. he kept sayi saying over time, r time, we'll get to inflation over time. so does he stretch this out as long as possible to keep saying over time but matt, i want to get your take on the same thing. the cpi number is the event of the week for markets. here's what thomas lee writes this morning, bottom line, we
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see probabilities favoring a rally in stocks post the march cpi report. what's your take on the march consumer price index, matt? >> you know, maria, i think if cpi comes in as we expect, up year over year, month over month basis, i think that sets the market up to rally. we kind of flat lined last week as investors digested a lot of information. but if we get confirmation that inflation is continuing to come down, it's just been a much more difficult battle than i thought a -- than i think a lot of investors thought its was going to be but if we get the numbers we need i think what sets the market up you well to continue rallying because going back to the earnings discussion we just had, earnings are very supportive and i expect them to come in positive for the market. on the other hand, maria, if inflation comes in hotter than expected, i think that's going to set a risk-off tone to the market just because inflation has been sticky. it's a massive, massive issue for consumers in this economy
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and if we can't get it under control, just a path to getting back to 2% or whatever the ultimate number actually is going to be, it's going to take longer than we're thinking. maria: don't forget to join us everybody on wednesday when we get the cpi number out and we've got all hands on deck. thomas lee tells clients today it is going to be a positive catalyst for equities but you just mentioned risk-off. mike, talk about risk-off, how about djt, the trump media technology group stock, it's had a wild ride since going public the last two weeks. last week it ended down about 30%. i spoke with the ceo, former california congressman, devin nunes and he made the case for growth at this company. he discussed the social -- trump's truth social platform and when in fact it could see profitability. watch. >> if you look at the cost what we built truth social our
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beachhead against big tech which he everybody said couldn't be done without using big tech companies, that was built for a fraction of what many of these big tech dinosaur companies were built for. so even if you take the ridiculous cost that it took us to get to this point, we are well positioned. we're coming out of this with no debt, we have $200 million in the bank. we're looking at the whole ecosystem, whether through acquiring technology, whether through building technology, making sure we're dealing with a three year plan here where we can go out and put this whole company together, where we're not relying on big tech. maria: what's your reaction. according to the securities and exchange commission filing they lost revenue last year on ref yrevenue of 4.1 be million. >> they're growing users. they have a powerful base behind them. i look at high quality companies.
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i think there's potential if they're able to harness their base and leverage that into advertising and grow revenues. i think there's a good path forward. i think what's most exciting about this is it helps thaw a little bit of the ipo market, right. we haven't seen a lot of activity of new companies coming to the market and hopefully between this and reddit earlier we start to see more companies enthusiastic that investors are going to he reward a good story and where there's actual tangible growth prospects going forward so i think it's net positive for the market. maria: we will watch it. matt, good to see you. thanks for joining the conversation. matt or ton, mike, you're with us all morning. we're grateful. quick break and coming up the countdown to the total solar eclipse is on, fox business' kelly saveri with all the details. kelly. >> reporter: setup is underway at indiana's memorial stadium where they're going to have a special guest. i'm going to break down the
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billion dollar event and tell you who the guest is, after this. ♪ a change will do you good. ♪ a change will do you good. ♪ i think a change -- a change will do you good. ♪ will do you good. ♪ a change will do you good. ♪ maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, former border patrol chief rodney scott identifying the real threats crossing the u.s. mexico border illegally. wednesday, a key read on inflation revealed with the top economic minds on television. thursday, congressman michael waltz laying out the bad biden energy policy that is fueling our enemies across t the globe, friday, the power hour is back, kellyanne conway and guy benson go head to head on the day's biggest issues. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early.
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people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time. this way is why we're the number one national ltl carrier for quality. for us, this way is the right way which is why it's the only way we go.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. time for the morning buzz, a total solar eclipse will pass north america today, the rare event happens when the moon completely covers the sun temporarily shrouding the earth in darkness. fox business' kellly saberi is live in bloomington, indiana with more. kelly. >> reporter: good morning, maria. we're at memorial stadium, where
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the biggest events really are, a, graduation, and b, big 10 of 10football games. there's never been an event that brought so many visitor from all over and canceled classes. they will welcome william shatner as he hosts the eclipse launch party in a few hours. >> we're here to see the eclipse. how far did you travel from? >> it was about a seven and-a-half hour drive. i split it up from cartersville, georgia, northwest of atlanta. >> we're from baltimore. >> we're from lacrosse, wisconsin, an eight hour drive to get there. >> there's a lot of excitement, a buzz in the air. >> reporter: this isn't just big for bloomington as it may be the most watched eclipse ever. we're expecting a billion dollars to be generated in the u.s., some transportation and emergency management officials
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have prepped over two years for this moment. grade schools in the path of totality will be closed for eclipse viewing with friends and family. the path of totality is 115 miles wide so some 32 million people live in the path with another 4 million expected to travel into it. the last solar eclipse was in 2017 and that lasted for about two minutes and 42 seconds. you can see this one for about four and-a-half minutes in some places, not only is it longer but the path is more populated creating even more incentive for brands to cash in. we'll get a look at the sun's outer atmosphere, the corona. we may be able to see some interesting solar activity, i'm a bit of a space nerd and as i understand we're approaching the maximum solar activity around this time so we hope to see something interesting today. maria: i'm also a nerd in that regard, kelly. thank you.
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great reporting. mike, your thoughts? >> yeah, every time anyone says total eclipse, i go back to the wedding scene in the movie old school, listening to total eclipse of the heart and obviously it was four, five years ago where trump was staring at the eclipse and took the glasses off to the dismay of many cable news experts. [laughter] maria: we'll all be watching today. stay with us. we'll be right back. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ sugar. ♪ oh, honey, honey. ♪ you are my candy, girl. ♪ and you got me wanting you.ot ♪.
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8:00 am
maria: good monday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 8 just before 8:00 a.m. on east time for hot topic of the hour former president trump raising historic more than offer the weekend 50-million-dollar haul at the fund-raiser in


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