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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: good monday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 8 just before 8:00 a.m. on east time for hot topic of the hour former president trump raising historic more than offer the weekend 50-million-dollar haul at the fund-raiser in palm
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beach, florida saturday night new record for republican or democrat candidate president biden though slammed the quote hedge fund billionaires support trump posted on x, this is campaign versus palm beach a grassroots campaign nurses teachers firefighters cops versus donald trump couple billionaires looking for a tax contract. >> i spoke with michael whatley on "sunday morning futures" co-chair lara trump asked about plans to allocate money from this fund-raiser, watch. >> we are going to spend every single dollar that we raise on two key critical core administrations for the rnc getting out the vote, and protecting the ballot, and we're going to make sure that we are focusing on the battleground states districts, where we need to be competitive. and making sure that every
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dollar we raise is going to be putting lead on target. mike: maria, the gaslightingings from biden administration they are the preferred administration of the tech oligarchs hedge still airz to kind of donald trump being party of the rich unbelievable the reason they have to lie like this embar affidavit in new york city with lizzo famous people billionaires to raise half as much while donald trump at the funeral only 2030, minutes away for slain nypd officer jonathan diller, excuse me, it is really unbelievable you can tell with the way they are lying how outrageous it is for them to speak like this, about the realities of what is going on, is they know that they are losing they are losing
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unwilling to admit it. maria: yeah pretty incredible, even republicans who said they would never support trump changeing tune, eric levine said ad age of never say never is wide one due to change in circumstances i will do it reluctantly refshgs decided i will vote for trump in november, yesterday when i spoke with lara trump said number of republicans want change lining up behind 45th president lara trump yesterday. >> we have always seen the support of rnc never one cohesive unit every pen of every dollar will go to highest best use we've come through criminalities vendors making sure getting the best deal on everything election both is vital donald trump
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himself will do for us. maria: elizabeth how do you see it. >> i lara trump poppings xhechts sound of like her father a lot what he campaigned on 2016, 2020 getting corruption, fraud, waste inefficiencies out of government now trying to do that to the rnc good for them this haul 6 money is incredibly important because democrats started the year continue way ahead on you fund-raising, joe biden, has weaponized the entire federal government, to get out the vote, get people are registered i can pretty much understand that all federal agencies this is a fact this is executive order he passed earlier in his administration weaponizing every agency to undertake this kind of activity you can be pretty well sure not going to be doing that in republican strongholds they are going to swing states, going to the cities where democrat voters
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may not be registered or whatever. i tell you what they are going to throw absolutely everything into beating donald trump they are scared to death of another donald trump term. and rightly so trump will undo a lot of the horrible things that joe biden has taken on, since he took office. maria: yeah. i -- i mean look. this is about, power, they know that donald trump is a threat to their continued grip on power. liz: right they will stop at nothing they are trying to put main political opponent in jail, what does that tell you? this is an incredible thing that has backfired in my view because all americans are offended by the fact that this is like banana republican trying to i am prison main opponent does not happen in america should not happen, so, i think that helped trump in terms of fund-raising, in terms of i think voter turnout in november we are going to see people who yes, they may
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not have loved everything that happened during the four years of trump, but they know there were better off economically now angry angry at this administration. maria: yeah. now, i enjoyed the op-ed in journalism last week a disinformation october surprise is coming, because he went through about, everything that has happened in the last couple years from the democrat presidential campaign representing incoming party fabricating evidence, that republican opponent was a colludeer vladimir putin to win election followed up with more nice concocting a new lie to cover-up embarrassing information about hunter biden telling "new york post" it was russian disinformation she is what this come up with this october. mike: at this point wearing thin people can see through this, so the hunter biden laptop still to me ranks as
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one of the greatest disinformation campaigns has ever existed, where the crimes are clear, they are laid out, there is no way on earth some agent from russia pretended to be hunter biden, left his laptop at laptop repair station in delaware, i think people are wise to it the base and main main all-time lows when you can't think it goes lower it will. look. i also have to say that with this leadership change inside r. nc you are seeing a lot of things happen, the rnc was broke until ronna left all of a sudden she leaves things exploded now never interesters supporting donald trump if you read deep in polling throughout entire primary season in itself a half billion waste of money that could have gone to get out vote, that second choice of
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every other republican candidate was donald trump, as falling out of race trump support was going to widen ron desantis voters not going to nikki haley chris christie voters not going to nikki haley some were but bulk going to donald trump. so a great poll new york times a month ago where it talked about trump lost 2% voters from last 2020, joe biden lost 18%, 10 of 18% switched to donald trump. look. we are headed for a new season, coming this fall i think all the factors okay how hard this economy has been on working class, okay. the border chaos, and just total ds regard for the sanctity of law in this country those are going to get worse next six months not better, so, i am hoping for good things. maria: well, the biden administration will tell us everything is great.
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we are just getting started quick break ronny jackson is here, the discussing the ukraine package crisis at the southern border and more you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business we'll be right back. . ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet.
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today's adversaries move fast. crowdstrike moves faster. crowdstrike. we stop breaches. maria: welcome back. house speaker mike johnson projects to bring ukraine aid bill for votes when congress is back in assessing, the senate, this week, congress comes back from two week easter recess the senate passed 95-billion-dollar bill for ukraine, israel taiwan in february. and it did have bipartisan support joining me a member of the house armed services foreign affairs committee former white house physician for presidents trump and oeb, great to see you thanks very much for being here >>thanks appreciate you having me. >> what are you expecting from this ukraine bill when which combs this week or next week as it appears one of the few priorities that are on the
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books in this final push before memorial day. >> we haven't seen seen logical of the bill unfortunate that speaker johnson kind of in a unwinnable position right now tries to come up with a strategy to push this stuff through but we have a lot of leak in our conference, declare what we're going to do within conference undermines the strategy we start over happened numerous times i don't know if going to bring to the floor combined israel and ukraine or pass over vote on that, i think that is a big problem, i think that that goes teeing another issue where we end up having a bill passes out of respective house the majority of democrat votes because going to have to come to the floor of the house under suspension not able to make it through regular order through rules committee if it passes, you know under suspension comes to floor going to need two-thirds vote
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means that it is going to rely honor large number of democrats, probably have overwhelming number of democrats to pass, that has been a big problem every time we bring something to the floor comes to the floor under suspension now the democrats have incredible leverage, to manipulate the legislation put stuff in there that draws most republicans myself included away from voting anything that is on the floor 37. i am opposed to the plans that are out there right now, for ukraine funding, additions 60 billion dollars i talked to minimum people in state department of homeland security of defense what do we get for 60 billion dollars the unfortunate thing 60 billion dollars applies is buys stalemate another six to 12 months we have to have an endgame i think the biggest problem, that a lot of the republicans have with the ukraine aid, is there is no endgame here all we're doing is dumping u.s. taxpayer more than into bottomless pitt at
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this point, with no push from the white house to bring putin zelenskyy to the table to negotiate some peace deal and stop this war. maria: are you poised to vote "no" on ukraine funding bill? >> yes, i am i am poised to vote "no" right now unless something else comes up, we mentioned a million times where is the border security that is supposed to be in there, there were some said we can stomach maybe doing this if we secured our own skurn border that has fallen off democrats won't allow border security anything that would help republicans to a point to potentially vote for something like to taken out by that's like i said coming to the floor in suspension, and they control what we can can't put in there. maria: astounding republicans have not been able to move the needle on securing the border, democrats and republicans slamming biden over his
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response, to an israeli airstrike killed seven aid workers in gaza last monday, and yet we've got you know, israel, front and center ukraine front and center, and here we are still watching the border, not secure. here is a governor of florida with me yesterday, on these migrant flights not only do we have 10 million people coming across the border on joe biden's watch we also have, secret flights the white house is organizing to take illegal migrants into places like miami, watch this. >> did you have any warning that the president was sending 326,000 illegals into miami? >> no, they don't give us any notification on any of that it is not constitutional but he is legallilizing people, when they are in foreign countries, then buying them plain tickets then flying into the united states you could see have a plane landed in miami 200 people on it there may be 8 or
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10 folks that he is illegally legalized so we are suing him on that with other states we don't think lawful we don't think constitutional. >> what is this all about do you have any idea how many people have been flown into various states 326,000 illegal migrants flown directly to miami no advance notice to the governor. tells you all you need to know whether joe biden wants to shut down border he doesn't want to shut down border this is by design if we hut border down in texas working hard with dps, national guard we have shutting our border down in texas, it is going -- if other states try to do that going to -- their hand he wants migrants to come here, there is a there is a reason behind all of this, you know whether they think getting them to vote or effect census
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electoral votes this is by design i think you know unbelievable that he is getting -- we don't know the answer do we know how many they won't share information with us we have to find out via other men's biden administration is being very secretive about what thvr doing flying migrants in country a long time 300 plus thousand in florida i think directed at florida because a state trying to like texas, control the immigration issue. maria: you got joe biden battling red states because there are trying to protect their states, they don't want texas to, you know,, arrest anybody coming in illegally, and they are just jamming people into florida, is this all about because republican led state? >> one hundred percent. i think a huge effort in the white house to punish red states, in particular florida and texas. i think been going on a o long
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time texas we fit billions of own tax dollars texas tax dollars not federal tax drarz trying to do government's job secure our border federal government is just fine with that just fine with that going to do the same thing to florida. >> let me get your medical expertise they del fox digital outbreak of measles tuberculosis could have been avoided if illegal migrants had been vaccinated at border not living in cramped conditions we now worry about tuberculosis outbreaks in chicago, congressman. >> yeah, this is -- this is a public health crisis a public health issue, the border has always been a public health issue i remember maria whenever ways chief medical officer in 2018 president trump sent me to border in san diego, because there were a few cases of measles a fie i am talking fiver 10 detected
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he treated it very seriously, we went downfying out what we could do they've nope a long time all kinds of infectious diseases crossing our southern border with massive numbers, covid, all the rest of us living under authoritarian, mandate with covid the same throughout entire time measles is serious for children for pregnant women a lot of potential bad outcomes from measles outbreak in the united states, in tuberculosis a big concerning migrants come in here have tuberculosis going to diagnose in shelters try to treat them not taking six months of antibiotics end up with drug resistant strain a problem for this country drug resistant tuberculosis a huge threat from migrant population it would be a big public
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health issue for this country if that were to happen, there is they -- they completely ignored this, along with you know the drugs, the cartels that are pushing stuff across the border sex troofking, potential terrorists crossing our border they turned a blind eye to our widespread consistencies day one don't do so despite overwhelming number of a threats. >> now we are worried tuberculosis we've got it in chicago ronny jackson joining us we appreciate your time we'll be right back. stay with us. .
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expecting from wednesday's big number. >> thanks for having me. >> a i think a lot has to go right in order for inflation to turn out as expected i think has given oil price the fact very strong job hiring means window for the fed to cut rates is rapidly closing i think we find out wednesday how close to that window being completely shut for this year. >> amazing, because market is expecting three rate cuts, if we don't get any what performance would you expect from stock market. >> i think stock market is probably not feeling better, officially concern was having tightened rapidly the economy was going to conspiratorial into recession we don't have any since that we're near a recession the moment so i think that so long as fed is still maintaining, a flexible stance willing to cut when it needs to have i think market now has turned more hawkish
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than fed was after months being expecting more cuts from the fed. maria: you know, we are looking at that jobs number on friday, peeling back the onion wait a minute american citizens not getting all jobs, much of the job creation is going to foreign born or illegals i shock with j.d. vance as well as former economic counsel director kevin hasest offer the weekend. >> -- the last year maria, the last three or for years much job growth from biden administration, has gone to the foreign born many of those illegal aliens track with tough economy productivity enhancements higher wages, for american workers, ultimately better good-paying jobs for american workers. with biden economy so much economic growth has gone to foreignborn to illegal
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immigrants american workers struggling to feed families apply homes live american dream. >> is this overcast last year there were 650,000 jobs created only, and also 6 is a,000, 1.3 million were people almost are illegal aliens, aliens for sure people, about 650,000 of them left jobs this year what is going on there is an employment boom that is coming from people streaming across the border. >> jan my question how closely should we read into this jobs number, that appears well blockbluster from headline may not be at all? i think you know there are a number of statistics you can look at wage growth will tell you whether or not labor market is tight just job market there are things
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shelter inflation, fed is going to pay attention to i think going to drive the decision how soon to cut, and one of the things that you are mentioning the available labor pool is that something issue watched closely but won't be single determining factor. >> "the wall street journal" writing about chatgpt, how other a.i. tools, yurgs growth many hesitant to dive for those into ai technology, an ai program for huj fund style analytics for investors financial advisories. >> that is right. maria: you walked us through it tell us. >> we're seeing a tremendous amount of interest from hedge funds larger financial institutions technology to take a plunge to learn through trial and error posed to waiting on sidelines to see when to experiment with this
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but tremendous potential even with, where technology is currently, we're seeing, incredible, energy improvements on productivity side so you can do tap into data like you and i would like to on daily basis to understand what is the economy doing where is the market going so on. maria: i love it. mike jump in here do you see ai changing the way you look at research to help invest. mike: you know, i don't quite know how i am going to complement that into my process yet, maybe my lack of technical acuity, to, progressive read when i talk to would be smart like you i feel at the very beginning, of ai leads me to believe, that the tech, the actual dollars into nuts and bolts of artificial intelligence, there
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is a lot more to come. and the kind of very establish estimates may be way too low what are your thoughts on the tech spend coming to adestiny. >> i think you are spot-on i think, when we're currently seeing so many projects in pilot will stages demand on infrastructure powering all of this the scope of what we're trying to do is absolutely in early stages, but i this natural part you start with something able to use today very encouraging to see that you have hedge funds large banks starting to use this in day-to-day workload, as you said, i think potential for this is actually hard to in entirety today because so much more, that we haven't seen touched. maria: all right. we will be watching that jan exciting stuff thanks for being here jan silagy joining, stay with us. we'll be right back.. .
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president trump campaign raised historic more than 50 million dollars in palm beach, florida at fundraising event saturday night trump beating records for republican or democrat candidates i spoke with co-chair lara trump yesterday on "sunday morning futures" about the money raised. >>ive beep through two previous elections of course, as my father-in-law has run, and look. we have always seen the support of the rnc but never one cohesive unit the beauty of things right now we are. that means we don't need two people to do same job as michael laid out every penny every dollar will go to highest best use. we have come through contracts vendors we are making sure
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getting best deal originally but when you talk about election integrity, it is vital number one thing of, that we are focused on, aside from getting out the vote, of course, donald trump himself will do for us. will the maria: joining me pollster wpa intelligent ceo chris willon former senior adviser to clintons, and mark opinion greats tough thank you for being here we appreciate it mark let me kick things off with you your reaction to fund-raiser the money that the trump campaign has been able to raise still not keeping up with biden's cash haul. >> look, both campaigns are raising a lot of money, this is the money primary now, because people really have to gear up for their campaign. this is going to be the biggest election season in history probably 12 billion dollars, being spent on all elections, . look. i think trump has a wider
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group of people from you know that able to fundraise, i think after he won primary now, i think i am surprised the level coalescence among republican donors biden has got complete democratic money machine behind him money is not going to be the problem in this election. >> how important that is money the trump campaign said they have another big fund-raiser this week, in atlanta. >> i think mark is right probably kind of a red herring presidential general elections i did see could less around the trump people getting sun bied trump it gets down to bottom line november both have plenty of money, by the time to election day, advancing incumbent trump catching up
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plenty of money by the time to the ball mark right about 12, so much spent here not having any issue between candidates how much money they spend tv ads we get to see on tv. maria: chris how would you access state of the race right now six months before the presidential election? >> yeah good question. i think there is a lot of national polls get coverage you see back-and-forth what it gets down to mark well knows, irrelevant, latest polls trump leading enough swing states to retake white house beating biden in arizona wisconsin. >> trump winning michigan better than several swing states a big change from 2016 and 2020 shows much "bidenomics" failing has infomercial restaple map to make biden reelection harder, trump won points in 2020, the
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leading by 35, 40 points, with african americans, 12% african american vote in 2020, he is between 40 and 30, and 40 points with hispanics 20%, i'm sorry 32% in 2020 right now between 38, 59% latest "the wall street journal" poll i think do you see a reshaping of the electorate. >> same question to you, mark the "the wall street journal" is reporting obviously, trump winning in sick out of seven -- >> there is no question, and same thing in the harris poll, i mean we're showing, you know, a trump lead we have lead diminishing a little bit some economic statistics are getting better, the economy as issue is coming down. immigration went up as issue, so that was that was in that -- helpful to trump, look.
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if trump is winning the national vote by several points that will mean typically in swing states he is ahead so it is logical i caution about a lot of polls show the democrats losing, to black and hispanic voter we've seen that before then come election day, particularly the black vote seems to coalesce back among democrats, that is margin of victory trump counting on i don't know there on election day i focus more on suburbs whether or not that vote is really up for grabs. maria: great point that you make mark. now you've got some republicans said they would never support trump appearing to change their tune, saturday night event was all about, the trump campaign called it coming home to trump. republican fund-raiser former nikki haley support eric levine highlighted he is disappointed in biden wrote the ad age of never say never
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a wise one due to democratic change in circumstances albeit reluctantly refshgs decided i will vote for trump in innovative are you seeing a lot of that. >> yeah, i am, i think that at the end of the day here, you know biden's job ratings are underwater i think a lot of people who said they were never coming back to trump on fundraising did come back to trump, after i think he convincingly won nomination i don't know whether suburban women voters come back as easily as you see donors have come back interesting from trump today going to let states decide abortion obviously, not push for a national abortion ban. we will see how that plays out that is not the most i think the critical vote. maria: chris, by the way, we have a new merit poll showing
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president biden former president trump statistically tried biden leading 50% to trump 48% the remaining % did he provided a poll shows latino voters split down a little bit as mark said, black voters have shifted slightly toward trump favor biden we see how that plays you the come november, chris? >> yeah to your point point i made earlier, shows hispanics, 2% in 2020 big dwirns, to make a big impact whether or not trump can gain ground, republicans did not do well in 16, 18, down at 20 i do think telling i disagree abortion is major issue when it gets it to education, crt, school freedom issues like
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that going to drive that vote in suburban areas, women 20, 21 able to -- suburban voters on education, so i think either in play trump doing a good job campaign is doing a good job in terms of bringing back a lot of people with desantis, haley earlier i think sort of effort they brought going really any away caucus come back to bringing republicans together. maria: also focusing on issues that matter to american people right you've got inflation, once again, you know rearing its ugly head oil prices where they are, the open border how important do you believe the open border will be this election. >> you see a fluctuation immigration and economy top two play well for trump poorly for biden stunning as observer
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the biden administration doesn't try to tackle immigration could do it donald trump proved with a couple executive orders they stay on side slooipdz let republicans own that issue food for me good for republicans shocking they don't do more to deal with top issue for swing voters in 2024. maria: a david axelrod has a problem with "bidenomics" and economy are trying to make as though everything is great. >> look. i don't think any question on economic issue, "bidenomics" was a misfire. but it is getting better unemployment is down jobs continue to be strong, not as powerful issue, republicans have to focus on inflation that is a weakness jobs are appear to be you know growing. >> we pressure your time. >> thank you, maria. >> thank you. >> i'llson mark penn, financial planning 101 fox business all weeklong cpa business analyst is here with
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everything you need to know about navigating your financial future you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. . . ♪ . ♪ .
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage?
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back all weeklong this week fox business business highlighting financial planning 101 to help you narrative fm futures for investing any age on minds of everybody whether just starting your career, or getting ready for retirement, joining me now cpa market analyst dan geltrude your top investment tips right now. >> sure you want to start investing as early as possible, maria. because compounding time is on your side. so start early, those 401(k)s when you have matching there is no reason not to take advantage of that next thing
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is that you want to diverse investments spread out risk because when you have all your eggs in one basket what happens to that basket if things go south, of course, what are your goals, are you looking for retirement savings? how about college? applying a home? so you need to stay plind declined focused what you want outcomes to ultimately lee. >> i tell younger generations easiest way to become a millionaire 401(k) use max don't leave money on the table if company is going to match it take it, it is free money. >> yes, it is, you should always have to mind-set of when you are an investor, it is not about working for your money it is about your money working for you. and that is why time is on your side, when you are young. any time you are going to
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mentality to invest it goes back to when is best time to plant a tree 20 years ago next best time today it is never too late to have money working for you -- >> great point recent survey find u.s. adults believe they seed to save mooerl a million half dollars to retire comfortably up from 1. 7 million a year ago a fox news poll finds 46% think they are paying too much in taxes, how much do we need to retire? >> well you are going to need a lot more than what social security or government is going to be able to provide for you that is for sure. so the number out there right now is 1.5 million, listen, if you want to be able to save that kind of money or shall i say earn that kind of money to that point you need to start right now because no one is going to help you. you have to help yourself. >> what is most important issue we need to understand
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aside from 401(k) in terms of saving investing wisely for the long term. >> i think the main thing is to stay focused in on what your outcome need the to be you know what i say, work backwards, see where you want your outcome, then what are things you need to do to be able to get to that point? you can't just say well, i am gonna invest emotionally sound good idea. that doesn't work. maria: i would say add to that one of the most important things is saving pay yourself first every paycheck put money sock it away. >> exactly true, a great point, always think about yourself first when it comes to investing. maria: i like it great to see you. thank you so much, dan geltrude joining us, keep eyes on the sky everything about the solar eclipse makes a buzz you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox
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business. stay with us. .
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>> behold the power of the new york earthquake, there is nothing on earth as powerful as me. >> oh my god it is the eclipse. >> you listen up good eart earthquake, do you want to do is shimmy shake and try to steal my
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thunder, what are you going to do when the solar eclipse runs wild on you. >> time for the morning buzz the big buzz of the morning to natural phenomenon friday's east coast earthquake in today's highly anticipated solar eclipse both special guest on "saturday night live" this weekend. today don't forget your glasses, protect your eyes, the solar eclipse moving across north america today. the path from texas to maine this afternoon, the moon shadow would temporarily cover the sun and bring darkness to the daytime. i think where we are in new y york, best time to view it is between two and 4:00 o'clock. >> i think around 230. i will be watching but i haven't managed to get the right glasses yet but i'll be scouring the upper eastside to see if there are any left. this is exciting it is a teaching opportunity for little
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kids to tell them about the universe and how it works. i don't understand how it works but i'm sure there's a lot to be learned. there's fun to think about something that other than all the things going wrong in our country right now. >> that is true great point. >> mike lee are you going to watch. >> probably not. >> i hope your neck would be driving the traffic will be a nightmare people getting out of their cars and trying to look up. >> with earthquake in the eclipse coming. with the apocalypse i'm very happy i'm not missed many sunday churches masses the last few months. >> thank you so much for being here mike lee, liz peek, pleasure. 30 minutes away from the opening bell a market that is higher going into the open, dow industrial 51 let's send it over to "varney & company" next. stuart: good morning, everyone. a lot going on trump has announced his position on abortion, biden accused of butchering israel, trump brings in $50 million in


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