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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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universe and how it works. i don't understand how it works but i'm sure there's a lot to be learned. there's fun to think about something that other than all the things going wrong in our country right now. >> that is true great point. >> mike lee are you going to watch. >> probably not. >> i hope your neck would be driving the traffic will be a nightmare people getting out of their cars and trying to look up. >> with earthquake in the eclipse coming. with the apocalypse i'm very happy i'm not missed many sunday churches masses the last few months. >> thank you so much for being here mike lee, liz peek, pleasure. 30 minutes away from the opening bell a market that is higher going into the open, dow industrial 51 let's send it over to "varney & company" next. stuart: good morning, everyone. a lot going on trump has announced his position on abortion, biden accused of butchering israel, trump brings in $50 million in a fundraiser.
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but first the eclipse. in a few hours millions will be able to see the moon passing in front of the sun creating a total blackout of the sun, this is gripped the country. eclipse tourist are crammed into areas where there will be a total shading, watch out for traffic when people stop to see what's going on, get your special glasses, more on this coming up. politics, donald trump released a four minute video outlining his views on abortion. he says it's a state issue not a federal issue. he will not impose a time limit and he says that's up to the voters he draws a distinction with democrats to see says walk abortion up to the moment of birth and beyond. trump held a fundraiser at mar-a-lago saturday night and brought in $50.5 million that is almost double what biden, obama and clinton brought in with their new york city event last week. today the president outlines the student loan forgiveness pro
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program, hardship in your life your debt may be forgiven even barbara said did not apply but the automatic to enter debt relief. to the market a big rally friday, not that much also for today the dow up 70, nasdaq up about 60. bitcoin moving back, $72000 per coin. 72 and change, close to the all-time high. interest rates elevated levels. this upset the market last week, the ten year treasury for 45 in the two-year covington at 4.70%. gas keeps going up, creeping higher. 359 for regular. diesel is a 4.04. look at gold well above $2300 an ounce, 2348 to be precise. on the show today if you wanted to destroy america, what would you do, victor davis hanson outlines what biden has already done a comprehensive lift and we have it for you.
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and the eclipse there will not be another one for 20 years. some of us will be taking her last best chance. monday april 8, 2024, "varney & company" is about to begin ♪ ♪. stuart: it was too easy wasn't it. the total clips, what is the ending, the heart. >> 1995. stuart: i prefer total clips of the sun. >> you are so cool. from the 1970s i remember that. today is a once-in-a-lifetime event. a total solar eclipse is probably the last of my lifetime. i'm not going to miss this thing i'm telling you. >> 2079 is a long way off.
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stuart: good morning. this is gripped the nation. more than the earthquake. >> appearing is quite interesting. there is a lot of excitement around this because 31 million people live in the path of totality that will get to see this when the moon will block out the rays of the sun and usher in a solar eclipse. by 3:25 p.m. eastern today you want to be outside looking up for the show with your safety glasses. stuart: that's if you're in new england, northeast. >> it goes from mexico and goes all the way up but people have been planning to see this rare event for years and they're flooding into communities and totality zones booking hotels renting their b&bs along the path and they're hoping to secure the best seats to cash the action. stuart: i think you dress for the occasion, that is an eclipse dress. >> i would say so. it was intentional.
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>> i was looking through my closet and says this reminds me of the solar eclipse. stuart: moving on. let's talk politics former president trump released a video outlining his policy on abortion. roll tape. >> my view that we have abortion where everybody wanted it from a legal standpoint to stay in tri-state determine by the vote or legislation or perhaps both in whatever they decide must be the law of the land. in this case the law of the state. stuart: charlie hurt with me. abortion is a difficult issue for republicans, what is trump's policy due to his chances in november with this video. >> i think it's a smart move on his part and if you listen to the statement it is a wise statement and probably politically speaking the best place whatever your personal position is on abortion. it is exactly where republicans
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should be which is the idea that ultimately it's up to the people. the problem with the supreme court declaring abortion a right in the constitution which it is not and never has been and never was that was something that was manufactured, the idea that people have to make this decision themselves at the state level is a smart position and the smartest pro-life people that i know are people that make the argument that they want to change the way people view a growing child in the womb, they want to change the personal view of humans, they don't want to change this by a fiat at the national level. this is a smart move on his part and he is right he is exactly where voters are on this issue, they may not love the outcome of it but putting up two people is the wisest way to do it in the
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vast majority do not support the democrat position which is abortion up to the ninth month. stuart: biden released a new plan for student debt forgiveness. it will provide relief or 30 million people as soon the selection time. biden plans to discuss this in wisconsin today. i call it vote by what say you? >> there is no other word for it. it's going to backfire on him. he is forcing, by doing this against the law against the constitution in the first place and secondly against what the supreme court has said but third i think it's going to backfire because he is forcing americans, maybe an elderly mom and dad who cannot pay for their own children's education and had to get their own children to take out loans that they pay back in order to get a college degree. it's forcing those people to pay off the college loans of other
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people's children and not hypocrisy and that unfairness is so obvious and i think in the backfiring. it is nothing other than for buying. stuart: is hundreds of billions of dollars. charlie hurt on a monday morning. we will see you again real soon. biden may miss the deadline to be on a one state general election ballot. it's a big state. >> trump on ohio in 2020 by eight points. the deadline to certify a presidential candidate on the ballot the general ballot is august the seventh. the problem is a dnc is aug august 19. the secretary of state in ohio is warning the dnc needs to move up a week with all of this planning were ohio needs to create an exception by next month. we will see what they do but he potentially could not be on the states ballot. >> they will figure something
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out. check futures, monday morning a big rally friday a little bit of green on a monday morning. jeff sica is with us today. can the bull market keep going if there's no rate cuts until after the summer or no rate cuts at all this year. >> it's as if retail investors and institutional investors are all wearing these colored eclipse viewing glasses because if you look at goldman sachs that just came out with statistics that 48% of household income in america right now is in equity and bank of america came out with a statistic that said the institutions have the low was level of cash since 2006. everybody is all in nobody wants to miss the party like nobody wants to miss seeing the clips today, no one wants to miss the stock market rally. what i see we are seeing so many signs of a market top that this is very typical of a market top
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where the market appears to be melting up and everyone wants to get in and when you have 30% of the gains in the s&p 500 have been seven stocks, you have a highly concentrated investors relying on seven big technology stocks for their future. >> are you predicting a pullback at some point. >> at some point we will have a pullback. i think it's going to come when people finally acknowledge the fact that the fed has not orchestrated a soft landing. we will have what appears to be hardly ending, that will probably be what sets the market off. >> your longtime holder of disney and you have not sold y yet. i'll ask the question they had a record high last week when they hit $120 a share, are you going to sell? >> i've owned disney since i was 27 years old and in 20 days i
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turned 57. i don't know what keeps me in the stock. but i think it's me clinging to my youth. they came out with the shareholder meeting last week, bob iger one he got his directors and pelts lost. he outlined what he's considering making disney a growth company and all they really heard and thought was important is he is going to crackdown on password sharing. in other words he's going to put it on investors. i think what were most likely going to see is a slowdown on disney. my chief investment officer tells me don't get emotional and sentimental about stocks and i violated that at every turn. >> i told you about my sport coat. have captain america, the first
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avenger sewn into my sport coat. the jacket is only a few years old but there has been a couple of times that i wanted to throw the jacket in the garbage but good memories. stuart: your sentimental kind of guy, see you again soon. check futures, the dow up 50, nasdaq and 54, coming up the governor of texas, greg abbott says america is being invaded because biden is playing political gains, watch this. >> joe biden has created an open border policy that is allowed illegal immigrants into our country to appeal to into appease the far left is the democrat party like people like ocasio-cortez. >> thaddeus cleveland is a border county sheriff. he will tell us what it's like where he is.
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as a u.s. abated israel for the sake of domestic politics. as biden betrayed israel, keith kellogg gets into that after this. ♪ hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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students... students of any age, from anywhere. using our technology to power different ways of learning. so when minds grow, opportunities follow. ♪
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stuart: president biden was met with hunter pro-palestinian protesters in wilmington over the weekend, mark meredith is with us. has the white house made any comment about the protest because they falling everywhere. >> we seem protesters pop up pretty much wherever the president goes and while he's on the road in wisconsin and chicago, as she talked about the
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president is facing tough spots politically because you have members of the far left that are urging the white house to bring the war between israel and hamas to an end as soon as possible, let me show you video will resolve the protesters who were outside the presidents wilmington, delaware neighborhood they were pro-palestinian protesters one woman poured fake blood to spotlight the death toll in g gaza. last week the president urged prime minister to do more to limit the civilian casualties in gaza as it hunts for hamas that's called a few days after the israeli airstrike which killed 78 workers and one american, we heard from secretary of state anthony blinken who doubled down for the calls on israel to tread careful. >> as israel pursues any military operations against hamas has to prioritize the protection of civilians, has to make the job number one, too many people been caught in the crossfire of hamas making.
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>> israel said it fired two military officers in the wake of the eight workers in the white house is calling for cease-fire, some republicans argue it's the u.s. that is losing sight of what matters most. >> it's not on the idea for israel which the idf for our listeners is israel's defense which that's what it stands for. it is not on them to cease-fire. as i said they did not start this they did not start the fight on october 7 that was hamas. but it's up to israel in the idf to eliminate the threat. >> later today the president's national security advisor is expected to sit down with the family of american hostages being held by hamas, the white house had the outreach events a few different times and no indication will hear from the families but the white house wanted to make it clear there keep in touch with those trying to get an idea on what's going on with their loved ones. stuart: retired lieutenant general keith kellogg joins me now. it seems to me biden is abandoning israel for the sake of domestic politics.
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i say it's a betrayal of an important ally i haven't gotten real far but what say you. >> thank you for having me, here's where i'm coming from on this the by data administration is trying to have what i would call moral equivalence and there is none. hamas started this by over six months ago. they went into israel and killed thousands including americans, they took over 200 hostages, now down to 130 hostages, some we believe are now dead, the real villain is hamas that is not israel. for us to make it equivalence is flat wrong, we need to stand behind israel 100% and say they have to finish this job. when you hear anthony blinken the secretary of state saying the priority is to protect civilians, no, is to eliminate and eradicate a terrorist organization of hamas and go into the final city down there
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which is the city of 1.44 million assault battalions of hamas and finish them off that is what they need to do. we need to stand back and let them finish the job and by giving the whole issue of moral equivalence, we actually encourage hamas and say were in the wrong side, that is a problem i have with it. stuart: the white house is israel's move to pull troops out of southern gaza which they are apparently doing does not indicate a new strategy, roll tape. >> it's hard to know what that tells us this was an announcement and i would let them speak to their operations as we understand it and to the public announcements. it is about rest and refit for the trip set up another ground for four months and not necessarily that we can tell indicative of a new operation for the troops. they have been on the ground for four months in the word that their tired and they need to be refit. stuart: why do you think israel pulled troops out of southern
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gaza? >> it's basically what i call refit, rearm, israel is not built for a long war, we are in this war has gone on for over six months so they need to get the troops out and dress them and get ready to go back into raw for, you're setting the conditions for the next phase. i agree with everybody saying it's not a withdrawal is to same take a deep breath, the military determines you take a knee, catch a breath and you go back in. they are going to go into rafah they have to do it. if benjamin netanyahu does not go into rafah's government falls they have to finish operation. the reason that there slow they believe that is where most of the hostages are, there's going to be a fight in that city. you put them at risk and i understand what they're trying to do. it's callous it is sounds callous as well but the primary effort needs to be the eradication of the hamas assault battalions eradication of leadership and offered to finish the job and that he could step back and say what are the next steps. it's hard but what war is all
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about. stuart: will we allow israel to finish off hamas and finish the job at this moment. i don't think we will. we have to ended there. i'm out of time but will have you back really soon. prominent democrats worry that bidens images is being undermined by benjamin netanyahu of israel, which democrats and what are they saying. >> bernie sanders, tim kaine and others are pushing the white house let's call and abrupt shift and posture which is what you are talking about the general in the war before you finish the job before hamas is defeated they're worried that cozying up with benjamin netanyahu is bad for politics and they said the call last week threatening to withhold support for israel unless they protect civilians in gaza shows that biden has leverage and power and intimidation of the world stage but internally very worried. gallup holy shows 47% of democrats, not even half approve of how joe biden is handling the
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war, the number is 21% for independence. stuart: he's adjusting america's foreign policy in light of domestic politics especially in michigan and minnesota. that's what's happening in my opinion. monday morning a little bit of green, the dow up 40 nasdaq up 60 read will take you to wall street for the opening bell next. ♪
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this small thing, is the next big thing in diabetes. woah. it shows your glucose, and predicts where it's headed, just like that. it's not magic, it just feels that way. i wanna make you go wow, make you go wow, make you go wow.
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stuart: three minutes to the opening of the market. most indicators are up, dow is up 40, nasdaq up 45. it is the earnings season, who were you watching in particular this week. >> thank goodness we get to get down to real companies and really exciting stuff. i'm looking for two names, constellation nj pm. stuart: constellation, tell me more. >> here's the thing, beer in particular goes up when social mood accelerates. i don't own it but i'm interested in what is happening that the true barometer the needy fed of government that we can pull out. >> that was constellation, what
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is the other one. >> the other is j.p. morgan chase here we going to earnings season, i talk about owning the best in ignoring the rest and the reason that interest the treaty will accelerate in the margins are going to be expanding, 6 - 8% only seo who knows what is going on on wall street. stuart: would you buy j.p. morgan today at 197? >> i own affairs log of it right now. i'm set but all add more if i get any kind of weakness. >> we had a big dip in the market in the early part of last week, you were a dip buyer, will you tell us what you were buying. >> i went after my usual name the microsoft, apple, volunteer because these are great companies changing our world in our short-term dip is just noise three or five or ten years those of be the companies you will kick yourself if you do not own. stuart: the story is not
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changing its big tech powering ahead because they have the prophets, that is the story is that it. >> not only do they have the prophets. if we look at our lives you and i have been on this for a decade, people are becoming more and more tech oriented whether they want to or not when is alaska we used a rotary phone. if we look at that as a microcosm of where were going that is a story for the next decade. stuart: i see apple at 168 under 170, are you buying it? >> again i have a good chunk but i will continue to add to the company because that will be a game changer. >> they have so many problems. >> every company has problems, people bagged all over him as amazon microsoft and yet here they are. stuart: we listen to you all the time. keith fitz-gerald, have a good day. i don't think you can see the eclipse is on the west coast. maybe a good start. no it doesn't you're not the path of the shadow.
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california we can get the ef effect. i'm rambling the dow is only a 38-point gain split among the dow 30, stocks up slightly as bond yields rally. look at the big board. look at the s&p were up five points fractional gain .11%, the nasdaq the same story of fractional gain point to 1%, 1628. big tech not consistent. amazon, alphabet, met up, microsoft, apple down. question for you, do any stocks gained from the clips? >> travel stocks airbnb cell 1000% increase in surges for states in the path of totality the cuts 15 states. alaska air saw a threefold increase in bookings particularly for texas and ohio and mexico where this is starting. delta is running to special flights with extra long windows so you can see it.
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all indirect spending by visitors is expected to be a $1.6 billion boost for the company. stuart: i was driving upstate new york over the weekend on the highways they have big signs eclipse, don't stop. when the eclipse happens you want to pull over to the side and see what's going on. they said don't do it. it could be tough, let's move away from the clips, shares down about 80% this year, elon musk made it amounts bit boosting the stock to present. >> the robo taxi they said the unveil august the eighth full self driving. it seems a long way off but reports say the model to which is a $25000 tesla ends the robo tax on the same exact platform. is there a way elon musk and deliver both, the model to the cheaper car and then the robo
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taxi. i'm speculating but that's what the insiders are saying you watch tesla and elon musk, kathy wood is a bull and she said the robo taxi will generate $100 billion in free cash flow in 2027 because this is services in the licensing. stuart: only three years she things robo taxes will generate $100 billion? >> yes, isn't that crazy. >> do you see yourself getting into a car without a steering will. >> no i don't. >> elon musk using the average family has two cars there spending thousands of month on everything can we get this concept of renting cars healing driverless cars. stuart: i admire his vision but i'm skeptical. >> 2017 awfully close. >> bitcoin had a great week and up 5% over the course of the entire weekend. now it's at 72100. i presume the crypto stocks hang on to us.
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stuart: quite basis higher, barclays increasing the price target is at 257, quite basis 179-2146. micro strategy of 12% in the software company but an indicator of bitcoin because they own so many of them. what the minors are doing the preparing for the having event that we've been speaking about for months is likely happening april 20. they have been upgrading the systems four years ago. since 2020 in the event we've seen an explosion in the number of minors if you look at the nasdaq yet to in 2029 have over two dozen. what comes after april 20 maybe more mergers along the mining companies. stuart: disney's park the biggest moneymaker for the company and i know they're planning to invest a lot more money into the park i think in the next ten years, 60 billion. >> or 6 billion a year,
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$60 billion parks and experience unit that brought in a record $32.5 billion in revenue last year, covid hit and they were decimated in they use the pause and said what is the park in the future, they brought in robots, attractions and similar experiences and they will continue to do that. stuart: you pay an arm and a leg to get into that. i don't even remember. >> taiwan semi conductor has received a big influx of cash from you, the taxpayer in america the u.s. government, how much of what is the money for. >> 6.6 billion subsidies, 5 billion grants all in $11.6 billion to build a third fab at the arizona factory by 2030, this is to build ships that will underpin artificial intelligence tens of millions we talk about 5g for smart phones,
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how about 60 autonomous vehicles tesla in the robo taxi all of this coming out of arizona. tsmc is the largest chipmaker and their customers are nvidia, apple in this is on the heels of what intel got from $20 billion in subsidies and grants. >> the semi conductor every $6 billion to build a plant in arizona. i guess that's legit. another chipmaker is nvidia i know the analyst have been raising their target prices all over the place, keybank thinks it's going where. >> 1200 they say the reason is china do not count china out there channel checks look at the man they say a.i. servers will double china is getting chips with less bandwidth and they seem to me and being huge. next year's server configuration using the blackwell chips could account for as much as $140 billion in revenue in 2025.
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stuart: the stock is up 8080. we have trouble with another boeing chip what is it this t time. >> boeing is in purgatory that's not my words that's what bernstein says that to get to the regulatory issues, the latest is 737 max flow by southwest lost its engine cover. passengers and crews saw large piece of metal ripping off one of the plane's engine then striking a wing flap so the strike at the turnaround for emergency landing this is yesterday morning so you had the faa and southwest investigating but the d.o.j. is investigating boeing criminally for the alaska airlines incident with the door plugged. >> not a good word. >> hence the stock imperfect worry. stuart: 182. biden went after terms fundraiser over the weekend he says it was a couple of billionaires looking for a tax cut. jason tried it was at the fundraiser and he'll be on the
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show to tell us what the event was really like. former obama advisor david axelrod says his messaging on the economy drives him crazy. >> i would not go out there and extolled the miracle of the biden economy. it drives me crazy when he does that. stuart: is obama running the biden campaign? it looks like it. stephen moore all over it. dollar store sales surged two years ago when inflation hit a 40 year high now stores are seeing a slowdown people spending elsewhere, or have they stopped responding, that report is out next. ♪
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see how relief factor can help you feel better every day. call or go online to try it for yourself and get our 3-week quickstart for just $19.95. my wife making me take relief factor literally changed my life. stuart: 12 minutes into the trading session. only the dow in the green s&p
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down to nasdaq down nine multiple dollar store chains will close stores lydia hu outside of the family dollar store in new jersey. you would've thought dollar stores would be a go to with inflation, what's the problem. >> you're absolutely right, the dollar stores were ago to during inflation as people became price-sensitive looking for the deal in dollar general ceo said back in may of 2020 we do very good in good times and fabulous and bad times, here's a problem with inflation it is sticky and persistent and people are becoming exhausted, food prices, 21% higher than when biden took office, yes higher earners are shopping were a dollar stores and trading down but those earning less looking for the absolute best deal between dollar stores and other big-box retailers like walmart, dollar
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general is a same-store sales for 2023 rose two tenths of 8% that is much lower than the jump in 2022 the year before when same-store sales rose 4.3%. a slowdown there. dollar store chains or closing locations. the 99 cents store closing all 371 locations across four states where they operate, the retailer there has been in business for more than 48 years and reasons for the closure include inflation but also get this, rising level of shrink, inventory, lost, damaged or stolen. speaking of the rise and shrink, were standing outside with the seal of family dollar speaking last month and earnings call that he thought shrink with a moderated but there's unit accelerating and rising family dollar is slated to close 600 locations and hundreds more in
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the years to come. stuart: the former biden advisor i think former biden advisor david axelrod is not happy with the presidents messaging. >> i would not go out there and extol the miracle of the biden economy. it just dries me crazy when he does that. the right strategy is to say that we made a lot of progress from when the day i walked in the door as a country and i'm proud of our country back to this much employment. stuart: stephen moore with assist morning. as biden's economic statement drive you crazy? >> it wasn't just david axelrod it was joe biden's former chief of staff ron clay who knows what's going on with the white house and the policies you said the same thing with the policies
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are not working as well as the democrats and the white house are saying. by the way you don't have to listen to axelrod or ron klain. everything opal has shown that about two out of three americans say their finances are worse off today than four years ago so they continue to put lipstick on the pig. i don't think it's working. incidentally it's a sharp contrast to remember when bill clinton ran for president he said famously i feel your pain, now the democrat line is things are wonderful and nobody's buying it. stuart: you think obama is running biden's campaign. it sure looks like it to me. >> there are a lot of people like susan rice that are prominent in the biden administration who served in big rolls in the obama administration. i have to say i don't think
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anybody really knows who's calling the shots over there. when you have dollar stores, i don't love you i hate the story but they're going to have to start opening to in 3-dollar stores not 1 dollar stores because of inflation and inflation i said this last week i want to say it loud and clear again and inflation is not subsiding it is rising look at commodity prices and gold and all of the indicators, gas prices by the way are pushing $4 a gallon again. >> every day week check the price of gas and diesel, gas went down to the low 3-dollar level. now it's gradually crept up, today it is $3.59 rising a couple of cents a day it will be $4 if the price of oil keeps going up you have for dollar gasoline and you will not have any downside is serious move of inflation that's a problem for everybody. regrettably i'm out of time, you know how it is. coming up on a heartbreak, you
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know this business better than i do, stephen we will see you soon. >> great to be with you it'll be down to the wire, this economy i'm worried we have a decent jobs report but all of the jobs where were they, healthcare and government, that is not where we want the jobs we want to make things in america. stuart: we will see you again real soon. many of us are making more and more sacrifices to keep up with rising prices of inflation, what kind of sacrifices. >> the obvious is no or fewer vacations but 22% are skipping meals, 15% skipping out on medical care so all and half of homeowners and renters are struggling to keep up with the monthly cost of housing, half of us skipping out on meals and healthcare. stuart: i feel that we should put into the equation the stock market gains because approximately half of our population has a direct impact
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from the rise in stock market. >> we have all the money on the sideline but fear of missing out half of us are invested that's what he saying 48%. stuart: most of them are doing well, coming up israel has been betrayed by this administration and biden has told the israelis not to finish off hamas fighters and leadership in if they try america threatens to withhold weapons and supplies, biden is responding to domestic political pressure and he needs the vote of the far left, that is my take top of the hour. 30 million people live in the eclipse path of totality millions will try to see it. the indianapolis speedway where 80000 people are gathering, jonathan is there and he has a story of totality after this. ♪
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stuart: it is eclipse day, 15 states and 30 million people
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will see a solar eclipse and they are in the path of totality, the indianapolis speedway in the path of totality, how are people gearing up to watch this? >> everybody is so excited probably not more so than me, it's good to be an extraordinary day first of all were at this incredible sports venue one of the biggest in the world that just opened the gates tens of thousands expected to come in, one of my favorite sincerity here, look at this kid and his rocket costume, dressing for the occasion. as i say 50000 expected here at the speedway to witness totality. we're expecting it to hit us here at 3:06 p.m. at last three minutes and 49's seconds is the precise. it'll be a very stunning experience for everybody and a spiritual one for a lot of people as well.
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it's one of those moments were so many americans, 30 million as you say, millions were traveling and everybody across the country will be able to witness something together and goodness me in these times we need to witness something as one unified nation. although be an extraordinary moment and nasa will do a whole bunch of science stuff there sending up three wb 57 jets flying around 50000 feet far higher than any commercial aircraft as they look to do the research and they will also launch nasa three rockets one before, wondering at one after. what they're interested in is corona the halo that you see around the moon it is the sons atmosphere that we don't normally see because it is so bright. we will see it today and they want to study it and see what they will learn to affect us on earth. we are thrilled to be here in totality and right now we have a beautiful clear sky, we're
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hoping that it stays that way all day and we get to see totality in its real spectacular form. stuart: great report. i see you are into it. you are into this. >> sim. stuart: still ahead, is biden betraying israel for the sake of domestic politics. i think so but up with the question to byron york. jon levine sat down with john fetterman and he says he's not woke. is fetterman trying to firm up the moderate base in pennsylvania, big swing state there. doctor marc siegel will deal with the myths and misconception of today's eclipse including how you can watch it. scientist warned that genes are bad for the environment. levi strauss president jennifer sey says this seems like everything is destroying the planet. oh so true, the 10:00 o'clock hour is next.
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10:00 am
♪ ♪. stuart: bad moon


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