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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm EDT

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the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at >> it's forcing those people to pay off the college loans of other people's children, and nothing, that kind of hypocrisy and that kind of unfairness is
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so obvious. >> the priority is to eliminate and eradicate a terrorist organization of hamas and go into final city down there, which is rafah and that's what they need to do. we need to stand up and let them finish the job. >> listen to the american people. every single poll for the last two years has shown that about two out of three americans say their finances are worse off today than they were four years ago. >> one of my favorites here. look at this kid here in his rocket costume. dressing for the occasion. stuart: when the moon hits the sky, wear your special glasses, folks. that's amore. good stuff. that's sixth avenue. it's usually deserted. i suspect there's a lot of people staying at home today and not coming into the city. they want to watch the eclipse. am i right?
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it's 11:00 eastern time. this is monday, april 8, i see some green developing here. dow's up 68, nasdaq is up 68 and the s&p up 13. little green. show me big tech. they're all up except meta and app and will apple down 169 and amazon and alphabet on the upside. 10 year treasury and yield is creeping up today, 4.43%. lot of investors don't like that but the yield is up 443. now this, victor davis hanson is a leading conservative, intellectual and articulate and doesn't like the way america is going. in fact, he goes so far as to say this country is being destroyed and that's his word and essay is titled and if you want to destroy the u.s. then dot dot dot dot dot. here's what to do. first he says, you would surrender our energy independence. that's what biden did on day
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one. cut back oil, make war on coal and nuclear, restrict drilling and pipelines. we had energy independence, biden destructively threw it away. second. print trillions of dollars, bring on inflation, impoverished working people and blame the rich and get away with it. third, hanson says end america's physical boundaries. that's the open border. bring in 3 million illegals a year, no border, no country. four, destroy the public trump-eras in elections. render election day irrelevant with mail in and early balloting that cannot be audited. five, redefine crime, you're poor so take what you need. no consequences. you're rich? tough, you deserve to have it take frohn you. six, forget the melting pot and unit as americans behind common american values. oh, no, instead separate out into racial, gender and sexual identity tribes. opposing the great enemy, white
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privilege. embrace out enemy and all for voting back home and america is a shining city on the hill. eight, abandoned free speech, declare free expression hate speech. nine, demonize half the country, call them fascists, insurrectionists and even domestic terrorists. division spells destruction. ten, use covid to ignore the bill of right sos you can mandate vaccinations, mask wearing and quarantine. never mention the origins of covid. hanson lays all of this at biden's door. it's on his watch. it has encouragement and support. may not agree with every point and may think that biden is right to do what he's doing and there can be no doubt this country turned in a different direction. one that takes away from the constitutional republic once a beacon of direct, unity and freedom, victor davis hanson is right. third hour of varney starts now.
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steve forbes with me this monday morning. destroy america. that's a very strong word. do you think our country is being destroyed. i do. what say you? >> there's a group out there that want to order the basic tenants of the country back to the declaration of >> everything they do undermines the traditional strengths of the crown triple-demic but the fact they wrote that essay and people are reacting to it and saw during covid, parents taking back education from the bureaucrats and the unions and see it too in the red states versus blue states on taxation and people are moving and this country, most people want to take the country back and i think you'll see it in november
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and afterwards. stuart: new survey of the sacrifice people make for housing and one if five skipped meals or worked extra hours and one in six delayed medical care. steve, that's a pretty grim picture that's on the screen at the moment. i want to balance this. middle america has derived great advantage from the stock market rally and the sacrifice is in one section and i got it. but middle america is doing very well in the stock market and 50% of individuals in america have an exposure to the stock market. i don't think we should ignore that. >> no, you shouldn't but underscores the tale of two economies and a lot of people living from paycheck to paycheck and economy is handing points scout pushing you backwards rather than forwards and people are maxing out credit cards and home ownership not made easy, and it's an excuse for the government to become more powerful. biden says we need 2 million more homes. i don't want the government
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involved. i i want them to remove the obstacles for building houses and made more cheaply than they are now if you get politicians and zoners out of the way. that's how you get this country moving. trust the people. not people like biden. stuart: the people that are making sacrifices used to vote democrat, but i suspect they're now voting republican. that's a chip in politics. santa claus rally that's in 2016 and they fear the world and see america's weak, irresoluted home and no guardrails anymore and they don't like it. stuart: you ran for the presidency sometime ago. somebody else accident would you change your mind other than biden? >> i want to see who they put up and how that candidate fares. stuart: we leave it at that. >> there's going to be another candidate. i stick with that.
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stuart: why? >> biden is visibly declined and running behind trump and all the legal troubles that trump has and tells the democrats they can't take a chance with ole joe and republicans remind them you're voting for kamala for president. that's not what people want. lauren: there are reports that democratic operatives put out memos to the nonprofits to sign up and register young people to vote. stop doing the outreach and young people are republican. stuart: a look at markets, i have green. dow up 70 and nasdaq up 57 on a monday morning. jason katz with us today. you don't think the fed is ready to cut interest rates but the market rallies, what gives? >> the fed is going to have to move the goal post, and that's
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because the economy is on solid footing. this higher for longer regime is predicated on an economy that's doing well. this 2% inflation target is completely and utterly arbitrary. i was talking about this in the green room with steve forbes. some bankers in new zealand came up with the target of 2%. they'll reconcile trading off resilient economy for modestly higher inflation is something they'll have to succumb to and i think you'll have to see inflation target goes from 2-3%. stuart: okay. ai. i don't think it's yet played a significant role in healthcare. i may be wrong about this. you tell me whether i'm right or wrong, i don't think it's hit that sector yet. will it and what will it do for it? >> right. so you look at census bureau and
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they surveyed over 1.2 million firms here in the united states. only 7% have actually used ai in one way shape or form. so the use case for ai is still unproven in the early innings and i have the sneaking suspicion virtually all companies will embrace it and who do we talk about on your show? it's the companies that provide the ai and companies that leverage the ai? healthcare in particular. it's going to enhance the discovery of medicines in diagnostics and personalized medicine and it'll simplify procedures and healthcare companies and actual humanity it system and you're looking at tremendous cost savings, time savings, operational efficiencies. what this translates into is much greater rnd budgets, which translates into more medicine, which means we live longer and more productive lives and you
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have another 20 years hosting the show. stuart: nice out there. i need an etf in healthcare to spread my risk around. jason, thank you. will you please put taiwan semiconductor up on the screen, they're up and getting a lot of money from us. lauren: commerce department awarding the chip maker 11.6 billion in subsidies and in grants to build out its arizona factory to make tens of millions of chips for artificial intelligence by the year 2030. stuart: out there in the future. okay. kroger. lauren: they were cut to equivalent of sell saying the grocery industry is tough, the stock is going to 48, which is a decline of 16% from friday's close. stuart: ferrari, don't tell me they're coming up with an electric car. lauren: yes. fourth quarter of 2025, it'll be the first fully electric super car, but china might beat them to it. byd is also working on this. bloomburg is reporting that
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ferrari is opening a new lab for lithium battery cells to launch the world's first full ev super car. stuart: byd is not ferrari. never will have the name. lauren: they unveiled high performance evs to take on ferrari and lamborghini. stuart: i can't wait. thank you, lauren. coming up, la laura trump said there's five key states donald trump is zeroing in on for 2024. which states they are. the coach of the university of south carolina women's basketball team says trans athletes "should be able to play". jennifer se launch adeline of clothing to protect women's sports and she'll respond to that coach's comments. speaker johnson preparing to unveil the ukraine aid plan. what's in it? a full report from the state department is next.
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stuart: speaker johnson promising to act on ukraine aid as soon as congress returns from recess and that's this week. jillian turner at state department. jillian, do we know what's in the aid package? reporter: so, stuart, got a flag for you that secretary blinken is back from his overseas travel. providing aid is more crucial than ever in the ongoing war with rush and you know getting the aid package through is a whole lot of conservative republicans lining up saying that's it. they don't want a single dollar more aid going to ukraine. take a listen.
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>> we reaffirm that had ukraine's future is in nato. our goal now is to create a bridge to ukraine's full membership. offering additional support and better cooperation to make changes necessary to join the alliance. reporter: blinken says ukraine's government is doing everything it needs to do in order to qualify for nato membership. >> exports through the black see equal aggression through the black sea in 20226789 ukraine is attracting violent accession and the onslaught. reporter: kyiv officials say they desperately need more weapons and warning the u.s. now, ukraine will be defeated if the biden team does not step on the gas. pressure is on congress to get the aid package done this week
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and the sticking point is a whole lot of republicans opposed to anymore ukraine aid. speaker johnson for his part says the plan now is to push through a somewhat modified version of the senate's $95 billion aid package including a series of provisions known as repo act. >> you know, if we called use the seas to assets of russian oligarchs to allow the ukrainians to fight them, that's poetry. we're setting it up to provide it back when the time is right. reporter: the timing on this aid package moving through the house, stuart, is unclear because speaker johnson is up ahead against a whole lot of other priorities like reauthorizing fisa, foreign intelligence surveillance act and we're trying to get a better sense of time line for ukraine succession into nato that's very merky. officials are not saying a whole lot about it right now, but it's a top tier priority for them.
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stuart: jillian turner at the state department. i want to bring in congressman pat fallon from the great state of texas. the washington post said this package, $60 billion in aid from ukraine from the original senate package going to be included and it will be loans rather than grants would you vote for that? >> it's a step in the right direction and a lot of folks don't realize ukraine has fourth most natural resource of any state in the nation. when they have piece and in a few years where their economy grows and integrated into the e and you recollects they'll be wealthy and pay us back. the thing that other republicans and myself have a concern about is joe biden is prioritizing securing ukraine's border over our own southern border here in the united states. stuart: again, i know -- i'm sorry to interrupt you, congressman, but if the
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ukrainians don't get the aid, they could lose and putin could win. that is a problem to me. >> i do not -- stuart, i fully agree. i do not want putin's aggression to be rewarded and i want to support ukraine. we can do both. i've said on the record repeatedly that we're in divided government, it's about compromise. as a texas congressman, if we could get wait in mexico, i would trade wait in mexico for more aid to ukraine. i would like to see that in the form of lead lease but nonetheless i would -- that's called compromise but joe biden won't even do that. he could do that unilaterally without anything from us. stuart: what do you think of the support for the package? >> sometimes democrats get things right. i do think in supporting -- we should support ukraine. i would like again to see it with -- in the form of loans rather than grants and american
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taxpayer, we're in a -- you know that, stuart, we're spending 1-$2 trillion more than we're taking in right now and we have to prioritize americans. i think it's in america's best interest to have ukraine win. >> one reason the u.s. economy is doing so well is the texas economy is doing so well. the growth economic product in texas is going twice as fast as the united states. we have fastest growing economy of any large state in the united states. texas is decreasing illegal immigration while the very same time adding more jobs and growing our economy far faster than the entire country. stuart: congressman, do you give, a, the credit for this booming economy >> no, the
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policies and limited government and low taxes and attracting people to vote with their feet. the texas economy and population has grown dramatically and growing as governor abbott said while at the same time illegal immigration is down 72% in the del rio sector alone. it accounts for the great policies and pro market philosophy that we have in texas. stuart: got it. congressman pat fallon, always a pleasure. regular guest on the program. come back soon. thank you very much. come back soon. stuart: local officials in southern california have a grim new warning about the border crisis. ashley, come back in and tell me what they're saying in california. ashley: yeah, what we've always known, stu, that we have no idea who's coming into this country and exactly where they're ending up. the san diego sector alone has seen an 85% increase in
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encounters in february compared to the same month last year. border patrol agents are simply being overwhelmed with so called give ups, people that walk across the boarder and claim asylum so they can be detained, processed, and then released into the united states. authorities are releasing by the way between 600 and 90 people on any given day but so called transit stations where they simply disappear into the country. even liberal californians are pushing back. i say that again. even liberal californians are pushing back. a poll taken by uc berkeley showed two-thirds of respondents believe the border is not secure enough. no kidding is what i would think. stu. stuart: even liberal californians. incredible, isn't it? ashley: even, even, yeah. stuart: thanks, ash. we're talking to a donor that attended donald trump's palm beach fundraiser this weekend. did trump give hints or clues about treasury secretary or
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perhaps more importantly his vice presidential pick. can't make it up, some scientists are saying wearing jeans is killing the planet. jennifer se is the former brand president of levi straus, the jeans people. she'll join us next. ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch
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[honk!] they're all yours! we're here! hey, i knew you were comin'... so i weatherteched the car! can we get ice cream? we can now. kid proof your vehicle with american made products at stuart: wear ago pair of jeans just once is equivalent to driving a car 6.4 miles. joining me is jennifer see, executive director at levis. you know all about jeans. are they destroying the planet? >> given that weariness told even breathing is destroying the planet, i tend not to listen to these alarmist headlines.
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the product is made not to last and be obsolete and feels like paper on your skin and it's not made ethically in terms of the environment or people that manufacture l product so i try to stay away from those products and lean towards brands and products that are going to last a long time and i can wear a listening time. stuart: women's line of clothing designed to protect women in sports. what's special and what way does it protect women in sport s? >> xxxy athletics and you had me on on launch day and we're standing up to protect women sports in spaces and giving them a platform brave enough to do so and this is not a gimmick and here to make high quality products and i learned from the best at levis and high quality
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product that's made to last. it's soft on the skin and made ethically and made first drop of product in peru and third party certified and that's important. it's worth investing in pieces that will last a long time. that's the best thing you can do in terms of protecting the environment and in terms of the clothing that you buy. stuart: the south carolina women's basketball team clinched ncaa basketball championship. listen to what the coach said attack transgender players a day earlier. roll it. >> if you're a woman, you should play. if you consider yourself a woman or -- and you want to play sports or vice versa, you should be able to play. that's my opinion. so now the barn storm of people are going to flood my time line and be a distraction to me on
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one of the biggest days of our game. i'm okay with that. stuart: jennifer, she seems somewhat reluctant to say it, trans women should be able to play because she knew the backlash was coming at her. where do you stand on this? >> everyone should be able to play but women's sports and the women category needs to be protected and be for female athletes. i'd like to ask her which of those star players on her team is she willing to kick off the team or bench or take their scholarship away in order to give their spot to a trans identified male born player. no one is arguing they can't play. create an open category and protections across all types of sports. heavyweights aren't allowed to box in welter weight and male bodied athletes are strong -- athletes are stronger and faster and it's compassionate to
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stapedius muscled up for women and girls sports in spaces and she avoided answering the question. the long pause at the beginning was kind of evidence she was not going to say what she really thought and she basically avoided answering the question and truthful way. it would have been more respected to say i'm focused on the game ahead so let's talk about it later. she didn't say that and she'd be attacked if she said i believe in protecting women's sports in spaces. stuart: she didn't really seem willing to say what she wanted to and kind of forced out of her almost. jennifer sey, thank you for joining us. always a pleasure. come back soon. thanks. >> thanks for having me, stuart. stuart: former women's basketball star speaking out against transgender athletes in women's sports. what's she saying, ashley? ashley: yeah, a two time national champion at stanford making feelings known about transgender participation in women's sports very clear and
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posted on x "a lot of my basketball sisters feel differently, but trans women do not belong in women sports, it's not fair nor safe for biological women. there has to be another solution for trans women to be able to complete athletically beside having them compete against biological women". by the way, those comments follow that statement you were discussing by south carolina head coach dawn stalely on transgender athletes, many people including whiting, disagree with what dawn stalely said. stu. stuart: that de-pate is heating up. ashley, thanks very much indeed. back to the markets and green on the screen and dow up 30 and nasdaq up 40. i believe, lauren, amazon earlier hit all time high. >> first one since july of 2021 and stock at 18641 now.
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>> trump media selling off more lauren: yeah, taking it down 3 billion to 5 billion when they went public two weeks ago and stock at 36.65 and that's a decline of 10% and opened at $70. i think that was 26th or 27 of the march. stuart: we're going to talk to one coffee shop owner in the path of totality ask created a new drink for the occasion. why not? president biden clamming donald trump's florida fundraiser saying it was for hedge fund billionaires. we have someone at the seventh we'll find out if it was for just a bunch of billionaires.
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stuart: the republican national committee is laser koenen focusn winning five key state this is election. ashley: arizona, georgia, michigan, pennsylvania, and wisconsin. here's what she told fox news. take a listen. >> pennsylvania is absolutely one of those states. we also have to focus on states like arizona, wisconsin, michigan, a state that was a huge win for donald trump in 2016. i think we can get back under our belt. georgia, a state that donald trump also wants to focus highly
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on. you'll see another huge fundraising halt out of that state next week from president trump and listen, all the battleground states were highly focused on. there's 19 key counties around the country. we must win in order to ensure donald trump becomes the 47th president. ashley: biden has a more solid lead in pennsylvania. stuart: thanks issue ash. the trump campaign said it raised more than $50 million at its fundraiser held over the weekend in palm beach. palm beach is the wealthiest place and they're democrat. this drives me nuts.
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lauren: former president making stops in atlanta, orlando, bucks county, pennsylvania, hoping to build on that momentum from the major fundraiser saturday night. last week before the event, the trump campaign ended the rnc announcing they ended march with $93 million cash on hand. okay, biden campaign had $192 million kicking off the new month. with the new round of fundraising, trump is closing that gap. stuart: got it. lauren: seven months remain. till the election. six and change. stuart: may, june, july, september, october. you're right. lauren: 210 days? stuart: sometimes you have to do math on the show. president biden scorned on president trump's record breaking fundraiser. watch this. >> folks, you know trump is down in florida today raising money from a bunch of hedge fund billionaires that want him to cut social security and medicare and their taxes. this campaign is scranton versus
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palm beach. this is a grassroots campaign of nurs and teachers and fire fighters and cops versus donald trump and a couple billionaires looking for tax cut. real people that know the stakes of 9 learfield img election and rolling up to pitch and you're making a real difference, folks. they called the trump donor at the fundraiser a bunch of billionaire scammers that are extremists and racist and want to cut medicare and social security. would you lake to comment on that? >> i'm not a billionaire and started my own business with three of my partners 17 years ago with my own bun. i didn't have a positive net worth till about 30 years old. i'm there because it's a time
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for choosing because i don't like the economic policies of this administration, and i very much don't like the way the country is moving culturally in terms of its attitude towards work, terms of attitude towards law and order so i'm not going to be offended and that's part of the program in politics. but to describe the people thanksgiving there is people just looking for a handout i think grossly mis-characterizes what happened in that evening. stuart: the hypocrisy comes in when you consider last week in new york city three presidents: biden, obama, and clinton held a fundraiser at new york city -- radio city music hall jam packed full of wall street billionaires and extremely wealthy people. isn't that hypocrisy here? what's going on? >> you're not kidding. i mean, i guess the difference is we had one president bring in $50 billion and they had to use three presidents to bring in
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$25 billion. what does that tell you? they also needed entirety of radio city music hall and this was a dinner that had about 100 people. this was a lot of talent and diversity of thought in the room, but the one thing people were unified about is that this was a need and thirst to have a direction of change in the country. stuart: trump made a presentation. did he offer any clues as to who his treasury secretary might be or more importantly, his vice president? any clues at all? >> none at all. none at all. i think we're all, all of us who were there are very much have enormous confidence in the president to make those decisions at the appropriate time. i would say the good news is
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that there were a number of people in that room that would be terrific choices in both posts and so i think that is en-- to me it was very encouraging to see just again the array of talent that was in that room. stuart: jason, thank you very much for being with us this morning. thank you, sir. >> thank you, sir. stuart: you got it. show me the dow 306789 it's kind of a split -- dow 30. it's kind of a split market and i can't do the math. some up and some down. this is the sellers at the moment and dow down 13 points. hours away from the total solar eclipse. people are spending big to see it. we have a live report from bloomington, indiana, which is in the path of totality. whoa, that's next. ♪
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stuart: this is total solar
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eclipse day and tourists are spending big bucks to get a good view especially cities in the path of totality like bloomington, indiana. that's where kelly saberi is. a lot of people have to be excited. what's the mood right there? reporter: well, clearly a lot with how loud it is here. the biggest event to come here are a, graduation, b big 10 football games and this will be ten times as big for this small college town. they're expecting about 50-$1 million in revenue generated over the past few days and they're also welcoming captain kirk, actor william shoot fertilizer and welcoming in the eclipse in a few hours and i sat down with him just a little bit ago. take a listen. >> there are natural events taking place in the world all the time that attract our attention. we unfortunately take the magic
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away and given a scientific explanation, but there's still so much that we don't understand. reporter: this may be the most watching eclipse ever expecting over a billion in the entire us and some transportation and emergency manage officials prepped over 2 years for this day. grade schools in the path of totality and here at the school closed to watch the eclipse and the path of totality is 150 miles wide that . means some 32 million people live in that path alone and another $4 million people are expected to travel into it. last total solar eclipse in 2017 and only lasted about two minutes and a half. now it'll be two memberships longer and a lot of cash will be generated. stuart: you've got a brief period to get your voice heard in the band was piping down but now they're firing back up again. that's why.
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they're excited i can tell. kelly, thankers, have a go ahead time. tesla and metany johnson is -- tammy johnson is here and owner of the coffee cup in indiana. your shop is in the path of totality. how are you preparing and how many people are you expecting? >> well, hi, there. we've been preparing by first of all our special drink, everyone is excited about it. the eclipse twister hags a mix of red raspberry, blue raspberry and shimmer and everybody is loving it. stuart: why did you decide on blue raspberry and pink or whatever is in there? >> it's tropical and it's a twitter drink on the menu and energy from green caffeine. it's super yummy and delicious. otherwise we've got eclipse
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glasses for everybody. we've been passing them out. stuart: this is a financial program. therefore how much is your oklahoma twister special eclipse drink? >> $6. stuart: really? i'm very interested in it. what's the alcohol in it? >> this -- that energy you get from this is from caffeine. no alcohol. stuart: oh, no alcohol. oh, dear reigns leading me. okay. how many? >> unless you add some when you get home. stuart: home people do you expect in your coffee shop? >> you know, maybe about 200. you know, it's give or take. our customers that are here every data committee, they've got probably the prime spots already to be honest with you. we've got activities for the kids and they've been painting rocks to remember this event, sorry, little nervous here.
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kids are down there with coffee and bubbles and drinking twisters. stuart: you don't have to be nervous on this show. you're doing all right. >> thank you. stuart: tammy, i hope all goes well and hope you make a fortune and hope the eclipse works just right and weather holds perfectly and you've got a good pair of glasses to watch it. i hope all goes well. >> yes, we have safe glasses here. stuart: don't be nervous on fox. >> cloud cover is good, we have good viewing and skies are great. beautiful weather. stuart: on fox, we're with you. tammy johnson in por poto, okla. have a good time. it's the monday trivia question. had to be with the eclipse of course, how often is a total solar eclipse seen from the same place? good one. once every 100, 375, 500, or 725 years? the answer when we come back.
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11:59 am
stuart: before the break we asked how often is a total solar eclipse in from the same place
12:00 pm
every 300, 375, 550, ashley, you are first. >> 550, number three. >> laurent. >> i was going with number three, once every 550 years. >> so was ii was going with number three, can we see it in the answer is 375 years, let me explain solar eclipse are actually relatively common on average of two happen per year end during the totality you can spot venous in jupiter. now you know, that's pretty good a very good question producers, well done. lauren, ashley, thank you indeed. we will see you tomorrow. "coast to coast" starts in three seconds. ♪


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