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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 8, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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not spreadsheets. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit theme worked well for trump at the tremendous smashing fundraise, and i think the unity theme worked well for all americans and here's the message: don't punish success. and someone that punished them is in for liz macdonald. david: i'm david asman in for
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elizabeth macdonald. president biden announcing yet another americans student loan debt with presidential election just around the corner and will this help biden win back some of the younger voter who is are now going for trump? edward lawrence is live in madison, wisconsin, to help us work through the announcement. edward. reporter: yeah, david, the president was here and announced proposing to shoulder hundreds of millions of more tax dollars on expanded student loan forgiveness programs and the new rules on existing programs was done at madison area technical college today. will automatically add people that have not yet applied for student loan forgiveness and forgives loans for undergraduate students that started to repay more than 20 years ago. it will -- for graduate students 25 years ago starts to automatically gets rid of those loans. now, it will include students
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whose units failed to provide adequate financial aid and students with hardship paying back loans and does not define the last two and the president not stopping the spending there. listen. >> we want to make community college tuition loans free. don't need loans and cut in half the cost of going to college. reporter: the rule changes for the forgiveness and president cost taxpayers $146 billion to forgive student debt for some 4 million people. this is not sitting well with the states that sued and won blocking the president's original student loan forgiveness plan with the supreme court. >> the loans must be repaid and
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supreme court said he didn't have the authority and he's ignoring the supreme court's decision and trying to do it again. reporter: president biden is now in in chicago for a campaign event right now or in the next hour or so and goes on to the white house later on tonight and president spent two hours and 15 minutes in wisconsin announcing the changes. back to you, david. david: edward lawrence with me, we got information from maya mcginness and she said this particular batch of student loan debt relief is going to cost tens of billions and she said
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the president already has spent more than $600 billion on debt cancellation and that is as much as federal government is slated to spend on all k through 12 education. we can certainly use the money there. that's why the supreme court said, this is not something the president can do by snapping his fingers and he's got to go to congress to the senate, and the house and you guy haves to vote for it. but he's doing it anyway. isn't he violating a supreme court decision by this? >> yeah this, is a lawless administration and not only the
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supreme court saying that president biden didn't have the authority, nancy pelosi as speaker said he didn't have the authority till he started doing it. this does cost the american taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars and it's money we don't have. it's a very simple and growth index teskying example of -- growth index teskying example of trying to buy votes and i'll point out to the college kids the ones that get the student loans forgiven are happy about it and they need to understand the consequence. massive debt in spending and drive up innation and the dollar under biden is only worth 79-cents. housing prices doubled and
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housing payments doubled and mortgage rates are back down but almost doubled and this damage is done. it's not as direct as getting free money for a fraction, a sliver of the american population. what about all the people that didn't go to college? what about the people that paid off their college loans and it's grotesquely unfair to them to make them shoulder this burden. david: it's unfair to one of the cornerstones of our nation. i thought we were a nation of laws and not men. it's the laws that men have to go by to do whatever they're doing whether president or senator, et cetera. this is a real violation of one of the cornerstones of the nation.
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>> david, federal deficit is frm spending and not tax cuts. tax rate cuts led to 50% increase in revenue. as a matter of fact, if we kept spending at 2019 level and came to federal spending for 2019 fiscal year and 4.49 trillion, we'd have a balanced budget. if we hadn't had all the biden spending programs. that's how good it could have been had we not done what biden has done.
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>> you're exactly right and in 2017 it was $1.5 trillion and the economy grew the tax cut and more than paid for itself and in 2019 $4.4 trillion and because of covid, we had to do something fast and mass and i have we did. that should vascularized ended and gone back to the baseline. we're now spending $6.5, 6.9 and now the president is proposing $9 trillion, 10 year budget forecast of $16 trillion adding to the national debt, never a deficit of $1.5 trillion. that's the problem. it's spending. david: and he wants to balance the budget in hi mind by increasing taxes by trillions more. what will that do to the economy? last answer? >> when you punish success, you get less of it and won't collect the revenue and you'll be impoverished further. david: good to see you, senator. >> have a good night. david: president biden's response to trump's campaign that they raised double what biden did at the star-studded fundraiser the week before.
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biden framing the dualing fundraiser as claman countdowns warfare, listen. >> folks, trump is down in florida today raising money from a bunch of hedge fund billionaires that want him to cut social security and medicare and their taxes. this campaign is scranton versus palm beach and a grassroots campaign and nurses and teachers and fire fighters and cops and versus donald trump and a couple millionaires and looking for tax cut. david: president biden was at the glitzy fundraiser and a few miles away, former president trump was welcomed at wake of murdered nypd officer jonathan dill lard and with me to --
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jonathan, president biden looks like he has the grassroots on their side. >> radio city music hall u all the expense and cost to security and trucks, garbage trucks parked up and down sixth avenue to block off the area and all the expenses that went into raising $26 million, which did not come from fire fighters and nurses and police officers as much as it did from their own billionaires. donald trump at his home and cost and brings in people that coalesce the donors and some support nikki haley and those candidates and coalesce around the presumptive nominee and doubles the figure. that's got to upset biden because the one thing democrats and biden don't want is colessing the coalescing around
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donald trump. the poll power and fundraisers on the way and melania to do another one and law gapping republicans and they're reaching out to the american people and they resinate more with the american people who saw what you just talked about. the boater side of the trump tax cuts versus the worst side of the biden spending and handed out our money, taxpayer money to buy votes from students. david: there's also something that donald trump connects with that i think biden, maybe biden had it 30 years ago and maybe he didn't. maybe it was all false. trump does connect and connected with the cops in long island and he connects with fire fighters when he goes out to see them. he connect withs union workers and the current president, biden claims he's a union guy. but the head of the uaw sean fain admits most of uaw members are going to vote for trump. there's something that connect withs a grass roots to use
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biden's phrase much better than biden does. >> he's had to connect and work as a builder with the blue collar and carpenters and electricians and general contractors and subcontractors so either you know that world, which make it is easier to connect, or you don't which you simply live in washington dc and just pretend to be from scranton when you need it or delaware. d. david: david, i've got to shoe horn one for you and wall street journal had a piece by home and jenkins about a possible october surprise, russian collusion or saying that the laptop was russian disinformation and collusion hoaxes were promoted by official u.s. agencies in exactly the manner of
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mr. putin's russia and also significant likelihood that 2024 we will have something else manufactured by agents and veterans of the national security state as in 2016 and 2020. >> the american people are more immunized to this and more critical and cynical of what we say see coming in politics and especially from the democrats because their lie haves been exposed. david: david webb, great state to see you,my friend. >> thank you. david: texas governor greg abbott says new york city mayor eric adams is "aiding and abetting the migrant crisis by having a sanctuary city cotyledon". local officials in california say mig migrants are overwhelmig the state with no end in sight. congressman anthony
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de-esanthony d'espositowill bre. (luke) thank you. (brad) very clever. (vo) ding dong! (luke vo) homes-dot-com. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading.
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(aidyl) hi, i'm aidyl, and i lost 90 pounds on golo. i struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life. with all the yo-yo dieting i did in the past, i would lose 20, 30, 50 pounds just to gain them over and over again. thanks to golo, i've been able to steadily go down the sizes in my closet and keep the weight off. for the first time in forever, i feel in control. (announcer) change your life at that's her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock.
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so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: usualing president bide ton move on work permits for migrants and a number of foreign-born workers is increasing and number of native workers is falling and grady
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trimble is live on the white house with more on all this. hey, grady. reporter: helping more undocumented immigrants get work permits and the numbers from latest jobs report reveals what you're describing. here are the numbers, in the last year, 1.3 million more foreign-born workers have jobs. during that same time period, the number of u.s.-born job holders has dropped by more than 650,000. >> with the biden economy, so much of the jobs have gone to illegal born and american citizens are struggling to feed their family and buy a home and live the american dream. it's a sad at a time of affairs. reporter: the jobs report is a measure of legal job holders,
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but the bureau of labor statistics said it's likely it includes some undocumented immigrants and u.s. citizenship and immigration services says about 140,000 immigrant visas are available each fiscal year for noncitizens and their families who are trying to immigrate based on job skills. i asked the acting labor secretary julie about this increase in foreign-born workers, and here's how she explain it had. >> you have strong labor market and a strong economy, it brings everybody in. so we are seeing certainly immigration powering the growth that's been true lumisout the nation's history and seeing broad based growth across industries but also growth across communities. reporter: i was curious about this trend and looked back at march jobs report under the previous administration, and what i saw then, david, was that if the number of foreign-born workers went up, so too
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typically did the number of u.s. born workers and it's a recent trend we're seeing play out here. david: so is the open border. grady, thank you. welcome to the show house homeland security committee and former nypd detective anthony d'esposito. thank you for your service and being a man in the blue, congressman. i'm looking at new york times article and not known as conservative anti-open paper boarder and why biden cannot cannotexpedite work permits andy can apply for permission to work in the united states legally. it looks like this is yet another law that's being violated with the help of this administration. >> absolutely. >> that's why house republicans led the charge and happy land
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security committee and over the last 14 mo months and culminated with a vote on the house floor and impeaching secretary mayorkas and much of the legislation that the house republicans passed and got across the floor, we send it across to the other side of the house and sitting on chuck schumer's december and can collects dust. david: i have in problem with people working, but there are many people, including members of my family by the way that have been trying for years to get a green card to work legally in the united states. these people are coming in illegally, getting help to do that. not only are they getting jobs, but they're getting all these freebies from sanctuary cities. $350 a week for food. that's as much as i pay for food in manhattan. come on, they're double dipping. not only getting work permits illegally but getting welfare.
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>> there was a report in new york that migrants are getting more funding each day than veteran who is have fought for this country and defended our democracy, but we have migrants that are coming into the country illegally and getting more resources than veterans and it's insane and putting a drain on the economy of cities and counties in the country. david: and a drain on the police force and buddies in nypd and increased number and probably not the vast majority of them are coming for jobs, but there's a significant minority out there involved in crime and in sanctuary city when ice goes for the bad people and child rapists and doing horrible things and the cops are not allowed to give them any support.
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i mean, that must be very frustrating for your old colleagues. >> i give kudos to the administration down to rank and file on the ground .x commissioner this is what they're doing and trying their best. yes, one of the things we're see is lack of communication between agencies and we saw it firsthand just months back when they decided to put migrants at jfk airport and nypd wasn't communicating or getting any communication from customs and border patrol and talking to port authority at airport. it's communication breakdown that's going to lead to people being less safe. david: it's not the fall of the cops or fall of border agents. the border agents, we're getting word that now a judge is
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declaring that border agents have to take care of all the children that they have in custody. not just processing agents and now working the border agents as nannies. >> look what's come from an oath of protect and serve and you're fighting crime and psychologist and now a nanny on the border. we need the resources to be handling influx of illegal migrants coming into the community and instead we have them taking aim at doing jobs. we've had custom and border patrol agents and homeland security investigators in front of the committee and they've testified that they no longer are conducting investigations because they are making sandwiches for migrants coming along the border. david: crazy, crazy, crazy. the country has gone cadey. thank you, congressman. we have eric burleson from house
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transportation and infrastructure and jamie dimon criticized the biden administration's pause on liquefied natural gas exports that it's wrong and enormously naive and brent sadler on president biden's shifting stance on israel and all coming next on "the evening edit". there are many ways to do things. at old dominion freight line, we do them this way. this way has people who start early. people who care and inspire each other to do things the way they should be done. this way uses technology (♪) and goes the extra mile (♪) to deliver your promises on-time, every time.
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accident in questioner well, president bind struggling to appease some democrat voter withs the stance on israel as he publicly voices discontent with the israeli government while he continues to supply them with weapons. jacqui heinrich is live with more on this.
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water bottles in a display and getting message to the president and calling on biden to condition condition aid to israel and they're republicans are warning it's a very dangerous message to u.s. allies and enemies alike and with all that, it's not sounding like israel is getting plans to rafah. >> we'll wait a few more days and we waited for a very long period of time and hamas now playing with us and egyptians and going with them and we know how to fight and we'll go to rafah. reporter: how soon is unclear so
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the white house cast doubt on the time line. >> we don't see any signs that the major ground operation and it's assuring us in rafah and un-'til we talk to them at greater lengths about the viable options and alternatives to a major ground out. reporter: they're trying to address the hostage situation and cia director in cairo over the weekend working on the negotiation and a proposal given to hamas and waiting for them to respond and here at the white house today, families of u.s. citizens being held hostage and meeting with national security adviser jake sullivan. david. david: thank you, jackie. a spokesperson said israeli military withdrawing all troops from southern gaza and ziti ragaini ellie prime minister benjamin netanyahu saying
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there's a plan to enter rafah saying "we're working constantly to attain our objectives first and foremost release of all the hostages and achieving of total victory over hamas. this victory requires entering rafah and eliminating the terrorist battalions there. this will happen, there is a date". netanyahu prompting the state department saying they can't support such a date. >> we don't think israel can effectively evacuate 1.4 million people and that a full scale invasion into rafah would have an enormous impact on the civilians there and impact the deliver of humanitarian assistance and hurt israel's national security and it's the kind of operation we can't support. david: joining me is former navy nuclear engineer and served our country for 25 years brent
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sadler. brent, thank you for being here. this is a mess. netanyahu going in and we have a specific date for it. then the state department saying we can't support such a date on this. >> they have oomiak a decision for the political reasons and national security and physical safety and it's a massacre of over 1200 israelis and also americans and i think that fact needs to be in the top of mind when our diplomats are second guessing the decision of the israelis to go and put an and to decades of horror. david: absolutely. that's how it all begins and this whole mess began on octobed horribly savagely over 1,000 people as a result of that. then secretary of state blinken and what he's saying and he's
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essentially, he says israel risks becoming indistinguishable from hamas. he had words to that effect last week. again, as you say, this is after hamas and iran, let's not forget the pay masters started this entire episode. >> absolutely it's equating the horrific visit of hamas and sickens and absolutely irresponsible and doesn't fit quite frankly on many different levels. more importantly to lay down the arms and let the hostages that they have. might still be alive to go. david: coming down to politics for this administration and who
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knows, might have happened with other administrations if they want to too and looking at battleground states, michigan and minnesota have a lot of arab voters there, and the administration is playing to them. how far does that playing go though? include cutting off aid if and when israel invades rafah? >> well, i don't think cutting off of military aids is in the cards. it would further alienate and weaken the biden administration's politically here at home. they're trying to have it both ways. they can't have it both ways. david: no, thank you. appreciate it. president biden's term characterized as critics of all out assault of american energy and energy independence which we lost. as joe biden seeps to be turning freeze on liquefied national gas approvals and permanent policy.
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jp morgan ceo jamie dimon slamming the move calling it "not only wrong but enormously naive". u.s. oil production down by 800,000-barrel as day and most recent rea reading from the 2024 from u.s. energy information administration. joining us now from house transportation infrastructure congressman eric burleson. good to see you, kongman. are we going to be actually having an outright ban on lng exports? >> with this in place, we've been jeopardizing hundreds of thousands of jobs in the united states and billions of doll lalashes in potential revenues d tens of billions in revenue coming in to the united states. david: but we're also
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threatening jobs and consumes. we have -- we're looking forward to eight years time with information to 80% increase in consumption and all the things we're plugging into and add onto that, all the electric car mandates they have, mandates to get rid of gas heating in our homes and god knows what else. our electric grids just won't be able to handle all this electricity. >> piling on and attempt to force everyone towards this electrified green new deal plan and compounding the problem and creating a perfect storm for economic disaster. david: yeah and another element to the perfect storm and a
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decrease in u.s. oil production. we are down 800,000-barrel as day from where we were in december. we're going in the wrong direction there as well. i want to focus on something that's election oriented and part of the green new deals, there's a lot of money going out to key battleground states right now. perhaps it's coincidental and michigan is getting $10.8 billion. north carolina is getting $9.8 billion and pennsylvania is getting 16.2 billion. all right before the election. what do you think about that? >> it's crohnism and most americans can't afford an electric vehicle and most don't even want one, the ones that can afford it and we'll take everyone's taxpayer dollars and
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subsidize this industry. to the tune of $8 billion so we'll be funding somebody else's private venture and making a profit david: this all came under the rubric of inflation reduction act. what a terribly named act that's so inflationary. it's extraordinary. congressman, thank you so much for being here. appreciate it. well, one lawyer warns new york attorney general letitia james may begin seizing donald trump's assets and properties. the former president's bond pledger could lack the bonds to pay them. let's check in with dagen and sean to see what's coming up in the next hour on the bottom line. good to see you, gang. >> hey, david. what's at stake in 2024 election and dearborn, michigan, is chanting death to americans and more. we'll ask senator ted cruz. >> rich lowry here stay saying states should chart their own
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path on abortion, which is exactly what the supreme court did with its decision. the justice department stone walls over the audio of joe biden's interview with special council herr and lori on that as well. hur and david axelrod blasts joe biden on his attempt to get to the economy and we dig in whs it's such a loser fertilizer him. hour. there's no limit to how far businesses can go. (♪) we're talking about cashbackin. not a game. not a game! we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're not talking about practice? no. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. not a game! we've been talking about practice for too long. -word. -no practice. we're talking about cashbackin. we're talking about cashbackin. i mean, we're not talking about a game!
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session.
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# david: now ag letitia james says the agency that wrote the bond for tram subpoena not qualified to do so. she's reportedly beginning the process of claiming trump's property. is this ever going to end in > >> i'm calling this an administrative technicality. appears the bond company doesn't have all the requirements necessary in terms of what they provide to the state of new york. they'll be able to work that out. david: it's not that they don't have the money though; right? >> it's not just the money but additional money on top of it assurety for that money and has
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to be certain requirements satisfied if the state of new york and this company comes out of california. i think that as they work that out, the court will have tolerance for donald trump working that out to make sure that that's done apparently and i don't see a building getting seized in the meantime. david: letitia james ran on the basis of trump and she was going to pursue him till she got him in jail and she lost hugely with the appeals court that reduce that had initial find that the judge who was working with her pulled out of the $454 trillion and reduced about two-thirds and is this her way of getting pay back for the loss? >> that took wind out of her sails and she's the appellate
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court taking time and going through the calculations and it's a huge case for them to get a decision before the election. david: bringing down the bond and it's now going to be deciding on the issue of the bond agency going to be used. >> the bond issue is going down to the trial court level and that's a technicality that i'd have to dig a little deeper into but that's a initial issue. ultimately the appellate court deciding the big issue and that's what donald trump's team has gone to appellate court with and filed papers that suggest there are very strong arguments on many issues to include the calculations of damages if not the actual findings by the court in the first place and huge case to get through. david: there's another case that's a big mess and that's fani willis and rico case for election fraud issue down in georgia.
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the judge wants to gag her? >> yes, the defense teams are going to file a motion to gag her. she continues to make public statements. if you'll remember in the judge's decision on the disqualification issue, which she was kept on the case but nathan wade was kicked off the case, the judge made a comment about gagging her and that motion wasn't before the court, but the judge was your critical of the public statements she made. david: ones in church and blamed her race on the problems she's had. >> he called them inappropriate and he's ready to issue a gag order needs a motion before the court to do so. david: will any of these cases and haven't even talked about jack smith. that's a whole other kettle of fish. will any go before court on the election? >> the next one starting next monday and ways that donald trump could try to avoid that and including firing his defense team. it's also a very strong case and i think he may have interest in going to trial next week and getting a victory. that may be. david: finally, very quickly a
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biden-appointed jumped, not a trump-appointed judge blew up at biden's doj for ignoring subpoenas from republicans and said, point of fact there's a person in jail, she was talking about peter that varicose veinsn jail for not appearing and now you're flouting the subpoenas. >> it's a very politicized entity. we have to remember the department of justice works for the president. there may be good efforts but we see politics at play. david: great to see you. we covered water front. boeing under the microscope after engine cover on southwest flight from denver to houston fell off over the weekend and faa is looking into the incident and former moody chief economist john lonski discussing the tech
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atumultuous few months they've had.
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>> welcome to the show, lonski group john lonski. thanks for being here. you've had a heck ochoa lot of trouble. do boeing survive all this? >> that endless list of problems,ty think they will indeed survive.
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it's in the interest of the united states in terms of national security to have a major airplane without question and however who knows whether or not the pain is over for shareholders of boeing. david: by the way, as boeing stock has gone down, air bus, one of the main competitors has gone skyrocketing higher. are they the main b beneficiaris of this? >> i would think so. i mean, a lot of buyers of commercial airliner haves to be thinking twice about making an order, putting in an order for a boeing jet given the problems boeing has had. these jets are taken out of service, that can be very costly for the airline. in particular, our growing deficit, which is getting worse by the day and of course our overall debt is just huge, biden
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blames the trump tax code earlier and in the program, under the trump tax code and more tax revenue than what our entire federal spending was in fiscal year 2019, $4.45 trillion. in other words we would have had a surplus budget by now if not for all of biden's trillion dollar spending programs. what do you make of that? >> well, you know, the biden administration doesn't know when to stop with government spending, my goodness. right now we have the federal budget deficit running at roughly 6% of gdp. a ratio that high is ordinarily associated with a severe recession, why do we have a deficit so high relative to gdp with a full employment economy when we supposedly have a great economy, according to president biden. in fact, need to be honest about
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this and the only reason the economy is strong is because the government is spending so much money and in doing so they're expanding the deficit and reducing financial flex and the when bad times come, we could be in a will the of trouble. david: you know, a lot of people that department like donald trump and a lot of big money friends that were in there and bankers are now supporting him because they realize their companies might not be around if this continues. john lonski, we've got to leave it at that. good to see you, my again. >> thank you, david. cadavid: joining us tomorrow, marsha blackburn, beth van dine and lee carter with us. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. thank you for watching "the evening edit". time for the bottom line with dagen and sean. take it away. >> thank you, david.


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