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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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there may be sectors more benefited by inflation stickiness as opposed to some that may have counted on lower rates earlier this year. liz: well, commodities, you know once they're is momentum to one side, right now it is northward. that may be the opportunity if what i'm hearing you say. great to see you. thank you so much. katy kaminsky. here we go. the bells are five seconds away. we see the dow jones industrials erasing nearly all of its losses. at the worst point down 320. [closing bell rings] making a run for the flat line. down about seven points, s&p, nasdaq, rule sell in the green. same with the transport. tomorrow, billionaire, chairman and ceo mark lastry of avenue capital. ♪. larry: hello to folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. top of the news, arizona supreme court upholds a near total
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abortion ban which could affect the outcome of the presidential race. joe concha, mark simone on that in just a moment. meanwhile joe biden plows on with his illegal student loan cancellations and if that weren't bad enough what would happen if trump tax cuts were allowed to expire? we have steve moore and mike falkander. defense secretary lloyd austin defends israel in a very welcome development in today's senate armed services hearing. he is saying what joe biden should have been saying all along. senators joni ernst, rick scott, they were there and they will join us later on all of this. and just give me a few thoughts on this, i'm moving away from the abortion question because i want to highlight the news in the armed services committee, okay? of all the news out there one item, i don't want to lose this item. important words of defense secretary lloyd austin. austin said at a senate armed services hearing today that there was no evidence israel has
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committed genocide against palestinians during the hamas war in gaza. now the question was asked by senator tom cotton of arkansas and mr. austin said, and i'm going to quote, we don't have any evidence of again genocide being committed. according to reports, cotton repeated the question, and secretary austin replied we don't have evidence of that to my knowledge. further cotton mentioned that austin has been accused of quote green-lighting genocide. mr. austin responded by saying this? do we have sound on this? all right. listen to this sound, please. >> what i would say, senator cotton, from the very beginning we committed to help assist israel in defending its, its territory and its people by
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providing security assistance. i would remind everybody that you know, what happened on october 7th was absolutely horrible and, you know, numbers of israeli citizens killed and then a couple hundred israeli citizens taken hostage. >> american citizens as well. >> american citizens as well. >> you deny the accusation that you green lit genocide? >> i absolutely deny it. larry: okay, i will tell you against the backdrop of recent actions and statements by president biden and his various minions, suggesting that the administration is betraying israel and walking away from israel's commitment from destroying hamas, all the various attacks on israel about civilian casualties and deaths and famine, most of which are not true, but when they are true israel has apologized, but hamas
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uses palestinian human shields and they hamas are the ones committing war crimes, not israel. so defense secretary austin's statement in front of the senate today was a very welcome development in my judgment and senator cotton also mentioned that austin's statement was a lot better than cia director william burns and national intelligence director avrill haines, both of whom dodged the same question at an intel committee hearing last month. now of course, israel is going after hamas because they're cutthroat terrorists and murderers and, as secretary austin just said, what happened on october 7th was absolutely horrible. but israel has no intention of destroying palestinian civilians though unfortunately they are blamed for this by people on the far left who don't know what they're talking about and it is not true. it has never been true.
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i went back and looked up the legal definition of genocide and i found it. section 1091 of title 18 of the u.s. code, defines genocide as quote, violented attacks with specific intent to destroy in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, end quote. israel has not done this. lloyd austin is correct and lloyd austin's defense of israel is just what joe biden should be doing and should have been doing and saying all along. now i'm now waiting for biden to publicly back up his defense secretary. and then we're all waiting for mr. biden to let israel finish off the job by destroying hamas who are uncivillized barbarians and deserve to be destroyed.
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all right. so that's that. we will return to this with senator rick scott and senator joni ernst later in the show. they are both members of the armed services committee. so in case you hadn't guessed i'm in full-throated defense of what defense sec lloyd austin has been saying today and i wish his boss, joe biden, would say the same thing. now, we're going to switch gears again, joining me is mark simone, our great friend, wor hall of fame radio host. joe concha will be here in a minute. i see him over the horizon. he is coming through the door so it won't be long now. we'll hook him up on the fly. mark simone, the other big story, arizona supreme court upholds near total abortion. the court ruled 4-2 today to uphold. this is going back to 1868, if i'm not mistaken. it is incredible. issued a ruling reverting the state back to 160-year-old
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pre-statehood law. i don't know why it applies, that outlaws abortions in nearly all circumstances and criminalizes abortions. the law would mick it a felony for anyone who provides, supplies administers to a pregnant women or procures such women make any medicine, drugs or substance, et cetera, et cetera, unless it is absolutely necessary to save her life but there are no other exclusions here. the law was codified in 1913 after arizona became a state. now we're on the fly on this story as well. we may get a report later or we may not but the attorney general of arizona has said he will not back up this law. i don't know how you don't back up the law. so let's talk about this because this is a big story. it is at the top of all the websites around the country what say you? >> this will dominate the news for days because they think it will hurt donald trump. this issue does not hurt donald trump. he is not against abortion.
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he is actually okay with abortion. he wants that 15 week limit, perfectly reasonable. larry: he didn't say 15 weeks. that is not quoting him. yesterday he had a different take. he didn't say 15 weeks. he said let the states decide. the point i happen to agree with by the what i wholeheartedly, i can't pin 15 weeks on him. >> that makes him the pro-choice candidate. leave it up to the states. let them do what they want. here is the key fact, since the docks decision abortions are up 10% in america. they had been on the decline for years. now they are up 10%. larry: i'm sorry to hear that, speaking personally. >> if somebody lives one in arizona they have to go to the neighboring state. 154,000 people did that last year. it is not an unreasonable position that trump has. larry: joe concha, i'm sure you got wind of it on your phone, in the car, wherever you were coming from. >> the elevator basically.
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larry: the elevator. we've been switching our topics around. you two are terrific the and you're up to the task. what is your initial reaction? the arizona supreme court story is number one on all major media websites right now. what you do i this about it. >> as it should be. abortion, when we see "gallup polling" what is the most important issue for voters, economy or immigration, one, two, crime number three, trust in government five, abortion eight or nine. among democrats this will be number one issue they run out of trump is a demagogue, vote for us because we're good people. all that said, to your point, in the cases where it comes down to the states deciding, that is what the supreme court ruled. and mark makes a very good saying here, term, pro-choice. the choice goes back to voters in those situations. we saw in kansas, for example, which i last check deep red
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state, they held a referendum when abortion should be legal or not, pretty overwhelmingly it was voted against, we want to keep the option. ohio, revved state, same position. trump seems to be one i agree with the supreme court. the supreme court believes people should decide, not a bunch of people in robes, shouldn't be done on the federal level. as far as arizona is concerned yes this will dominate the news cycle through the end of week. larry: the question, 160-year-old law is now enforceable, the opinion read, will go into effect in 14 days. now i'm assuming everybody in both political parties will say don't do it, don't do it, we oppose it. this relic of the past and unfortunate relic of the past. mr. trump's position, remember, not only was to make it a state issue as the supreme court did, helped by his own judicial appointees on the court, but also to say to republicans, you must have the reaganesque
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exclusions, the life, rape, incest and the life of the mother, or the health of the mother. this thing doesn't have those exclusions but, democratic arizona attorney general, somebody named chris mays, all right, i'm just running through, line through this as you are, they are saying the arizona court is unconscionable, affront to freedom. i'm assuming, i don't know, i'm assuming most republicans will oppose this but not all. all democrats will oppose this decision. this is tricky business. how does this play out? >> it hurts trump for a few days, then people start to realize this is not the worst thing in the world. larry: he will come out against this? maybe he won't. remember his point was the legislature, mark, he didn't mention the court. so this is tricky. state supreme court does that qualify as a state decision? >> yeah. it is to be pro-choice. the states can decide.
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if you had to travel to another state to get an abortion, not the worst thing in the world. hopefully this is very rare occurrence in your life. hopefully once in your life. buying a bus ticket to go get it is not the worst thing in the world. >> to your point, carry lake, voice avows arizona abortion. larry: we invited her on. we couldn't get her to come. i'm assuming most republicans come out against this. >> as they did the federal ban. lindsey graham, said we should have federal ban. politically that is suicide. larry: you will never get, you will never get 60 votes for a new federal law in this u.s. senate. >> you wouldn't get 50 votes in this u.s. senate. larry: it is not going to happen. >> it is not. trump had said in the past to mark's point earlier he did favor a 15 week, in other words, beyond the first trimester, when you talk about abortions polling changes drastically.
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people are comfortable 15 weeks, basically one tripolicer, after that, that is where we're uncomfortable with this i think he landed in the right spot. larry: i think he did too, i'm saying. i'm just saying not to take off after you, my friend, trump position has always been to negotiate. now he said let's push it back to the states because in truth it doesn't matter. nothing is going to happen in the u.s. even if the gop picks up three or four seats you will not have 60 votes. >> yeah. larry: the democratic position is, biden says, we want to go back to roe v. wade. no he doesn't. he wants to go roe v. wade. he wants to go into late-term abortions. he wants to go into places where you can actually abort, you can kill the kid after the kid is born. that is in the democratic legislation. >> they're just not pro-choice. they will make the decision. they will mandate it. they will tell you what light bulb you are allowed to do. what car you are allowed to
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drive. they don't believe in choice when it comes to anything. leaving it up to the states is a pretty sensible thing to do. larry: i agree with that. >> i don't think trump wants to talk about it after couple days. in the end he wants to talk about inflation, food prices, gas prices, crime, foreign policy. it is up to the states i'm out of this. larry: what i don't know is this a democratic or republican state supreme court? it might be very interesting if they were democratic appointees. i don't know the answer to that. >> right. they have two democratic senators and a democratic governor so. larry: would be ironic if anything. you're calling me off. we got to get out of here. okay, fellows. great job. a little brit disjointed. i apologize. >> live tv, baby. larry: mark simone, joe concha. did we get joe concha's book in? i wanted to put it in because it does me good. >> it is fine. you got 100 in already, your quota. larry: coming up, joe biden
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plows on with his illegal student loan cancellations. if that were not bad enough what would happen if the trump tax cuts were allowed to expire whole hog? steve moore, mike faulkender weigh in next on "kudlow". ♪. (sounding horns) at enterprise mobility, we never stop looking for new mobility solutions. because sometimes the best road forward, is the one you didn't expect. (♪)
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larry: president biden is touting the economy as he plows on with his illegal student loan cancellations. once again to the breach our own edward lawrence live at the white house with more of this wonderful stuff. edward, good afternoon. >> reporter: you know, larry the president is talking about his budget today, more spending including expanding the child tax credit as well as offering taxpayer funded preschool for all four-year-olds in america. the president pitching this spending as he wants to now expand his student loan bailout. he wants to expand the existing rules to cover 30 million americans, pushing the burden for hundreds of billions in student debt onto the taxpayer. today the president at an official event went farther than spending and this caught my ear. listen to this. president biden: my predecessor and his maga friend, i love the phrase, language he used, they want to terminate the affordable care act. terminate. [booing] guess what?
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killing millions of americans, taking them off of health care insurance is stripping others of services like health care. folks -- >> reporter: the white house press secretary tried to clarify the statements the president doesn't actually believe republicans want to murder americans. listen to this. >> i think you're taking the most extreme, extreme definition or extreme evaluation of what the president said. here's the reality. the affordable care act which obviously started in the obama-biden administration, the president expanded on that, making sure people have affordable health care, that saves lives. >> reporter: the president trying to deflect and remessage the economy to turn poll numbers around. in the gdp report it shows government spending is pushing the economy. >> what's growing in the economy have been government jobs disproportionately and maybe some of the industries they picked as winners but broadly i
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still keep track of it. the economy is not doing as well as they think. >> reporter: since last november full-time jobs in america actually decreased. part-time jobs have spiked. in the fact in the last month up 691,000 jobs. more people also taking multiple jobs. lair back to you? larry: edward lawrence, there you have it. go on to grady trimble on biden potentially letting all the trump tax cuts expire. grady, what you got? >> reporter: larry, many americans will be forced to pay one to 4% more in taxes unless the trump era tax cuts are extended, revised or made permanent. that analysis from friends and colleagues at fox business dote come. if they expire, you pay more. expense deduction for pass-through businesses
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disappears. the standard deduction will be cut in half. whether cut the stay or go, largely dependent who is in the white house and who controls congress at the end of 2025. so it has already become a big campaign issue. president biden as he has made note many times wants to tax the wealthy and corporations even more. former president trump jabbing at biden for that, and he says he wants to extend the tax cuts he ushered in and cut them even more. president biden: the last administration enacted a two trillion dollar tax cut overwhelmingly benefiting the very wealthy and biggest corporations. >> in my first term we built the greatest economy in the history of the world. we had record tax cuts, regulation cuts, rising wages for cities, that's right, totally, totally rising within all our cities. >> reporter: so the u.s. chamber of commerce is pushing to keep the trump tax cuts in place. it also says biden's tax policies would lead to lower
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economic growth, fewer new businesses starting and less job creation. you probably already thought that too, larry, right? larry: i did. i already penciled it in. will continue to pencil it in. grady trimble thank you very much let for more on all of this, steve moore, committee for prosperity, host of "moore money" on wabc radio. michael faulkender, former assistant treasury secretary, economist at fpi. on the side he teaches at university of maryland. none of this is really good. student loans canceled up to 30 million. somebody told me this thing could cost $500 billion before all said and done. it is illegal but the bidens don't believe in legality or the constitution. what are you thinking here? >> i was listening to your fascinating conversation previously about abortion. we don't want to be talking
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about abortion before the election. what we want to be talking about, larry, is tax cuts and prosperity and small businesses and making sure that we have the best economy possible. so, yes, absolutely we have to make the trump tax cuts permanent. and don't forget, one of the most important elements of that which you worked on, larry, you and i were both part of this, making sure it wasn't just corporations but also small businesses, small businessmen and women got a 20% reduction in their taxes. what is the impact on that? universally positive. we got a lot of capital back from the united states. we created a lot of jobs. i don't understand why biden would want to repeal something that would work. with respect to the student loans, come on, larry, 30 million more people are going to get student loan bailouts? what will they do next? bail out people for the mortgages? don't tell people you have to pay for their credit card debt? who are the suckers here, the
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people who pay their loans. they have to pay for the deadbeats that they don't. >> get ready, this is economics in a election year. mike falkander, the corporate tax provision, not all of it, the expensing, will expire, but the 21% corporate tax cut was permanent. in other words, biden would have to overturn it, michael, as you well know, you were there whether it was instituted it. he will never have the votes to do it. individuals across the board, grady trimble is right, as i recall the individual code, you know each bracket had about a 3 percentage point reduction plus you had immediate expensing, plus you had the child care deduction, plus you had the increase in the standard deduction. a all of that, a lot of that stuff will go to middle income people. i don't know if joe biden and his crowd will know that. a lot of that stuff was aimed at middle income people and would be depriving middle income
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people of valuable tax savings. >> that's right, larry. what the tax cuts and jobs act did it actually made the code more progressive. if you look at the most recent tax data that we have the highest income people, the top 1%, made about 22% of the income and yet paid 42% of the personal income tax. because at the end of the day, lower rates mean people actually report all the income they generated. tax cuts and jobs act increased the standard deduction, people could have simple taxes lowered all the rates not just the one at the top f we allow that thing to expire it would very much depress wages. remember what we saw during the 2017-2019 time period. middle eastian household income went up $6,000. what has it done under the biden administration? it has gone down more than $2,000. it is a very clear choice for the american people. liz: larry: steve moore, just on the loan cancellation for a minute.
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it exsexy, we love to talk about supply-side econmics. the whole thing, all these loans should be removed from the department of education. doe should not be able to make any loans or cancel any loans because there isn't a single person in that department, in those horrible looking walls postwar walls, they have never made a loan. they have no credit analysis. they have no expertise in that stuff. this should all be pushed back into the private sector, private lenders, know about credit analysis. whether the student or the parents and so forth and so on. you should put this stuff, it is 1.7 trillion loans should go into the federal financing bank which is run by the treasury department, falkander, nod your head, because you know i'm right and the ffb will figure out a way to work out these loans. >> yes. larry: otherwise uncle sam will realize tremendous losses. losses on the principle, losses
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on the interest, steve moore. in other words what i'm saying there is a way out of this mess but it is totally not what biden is doing. he wants to make it much worse and dig the taxpayer in deeper and deeper and lose a fortune on this where we don't have to lose a fortune. >> i think if it was the obama administration. larry: yes. >> you two may remember. larry: it was. >> converted it into the government running the program. boy they have done a wonderful job of it, haven't they? we got 30 million people not repaying their loans. americans aren't stupid. these young people aren't stupid. they realize if they just don't pay it, you get a biden come along they will forgive these loans. by the way can you imagine if they do this? it will be the death of the student loan program. who in the world would ever right mind pay back a student loan. it is like amnesty. give them amnesty, people will keep coming in. by the way, larry, you have to have my wife ann on this show to talk about student loan, she is like a perfect example, someone graduated from ucla, didn't have
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a lot of money. had a pretty low income starter job. she meticulously every month took money aside from her paycheck and she paid back the student loan. it was a real sacrifice. and now she is so angry, she feels like she is a fool for having done that. and so the people are really being victimized by this are the people who acted virtuously and did what they're supposed to do which you take out a loan and you repay it. larry: mike falkander, that is the other thing. this is election vote-buying. that is the intention, election vote buying we all know this. the only thing transparent in the biden administration is they want to buy votes but the thing it will not pay off because of the ann moores of the world and then there is this, look, most people didn't go to college and most people didn't go to graduate school. they're the ones who don't have these advanced degrees, don't want them, probably don't need them anymore. they're the ones who are going to finance the so-called elites. and they're going to be very angry. this thing will backfire on
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joe biden politically, mike fall can der. that is the stupidity of this. they can't even get the, they can't even get the election incentives right this crowd. >> so, larry, in fear of making you and steve both more upset, let me first start by saying the obama administration nations nationalized student loan market to pay for obamacare. they said it was revenue generator. put it over in the indictment of education. it is about the sixth largest bank in the nation. they don't have a single banker over there. they don't match, they have a bunch of them in the income driven repayment program. they don't check the irs tax file to see how much money these people are making. it is not being done by treasury. it is being done by the department of education. one other thing, larry there is no reform of tuition or college education associated with this. wharton, penn chart ton estimates this will actually
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cost a trillion once you incorporate how student borrowers and universities will respond to this forgiveness. larry: actually, if you can sell the loans and everybody get as freebie, then what happens? the universities just jack up tuition again, we go through the whole thing. there isn't one humanoid in the department of education made a loan or done credit analysis. it has to be removed from the department of education. >> on top of that larry, one pick point. larry: i got to get out. >> universities should be on top for some of this. larry: they should and think will get theirs sooner or later with the populist administration coming. mike fall can der, very good, steve moore, very good. thanks to both of you, as i said in my riff, defense secretary lloyd austin is out there defending israel. they are not committing genocide. what joe biden ought to be saying. why is he handcuffing israel instead? why is he betraying israel, that
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is what i know? we have senators joni ernst, rick scott, will weigh in on that and a couple other things as well. we'll revisit this whole abortion decision out in arizona. i'm kudlow. obey the law. stop canceling student loans foe stop canceling student loans foe heavens sakes. ♪. safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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♪. larry: welcome back, everybody, joining us now our great friend iowa senator joni ernst. senator, welcome. there are two things i want to tackle. one is the arizona abortion decision. just want to get your quick take on that. the second one, you were in the armed services committee today when lloyd austin defended israel. i believe you were in armed services. tell me if i'm wrong because. >> yep. larry: you were there. because i have been defending austin, believe it or not, when somebody gets it right they deserve to get it right but senator ernst first on the arizona supreme court it upholds total abortion, exempt for
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health of the mother. that's all. this law was codified in 1913. it was first enacted in 1864. a lot of people are running away from it. what do you make of it, ma'am? >> i'm a mom, i'm a brand new grandma, i support life. the senate republicans, gop, and president trump worked hard to overturn roe v. wade. we returned that back to the states, that is the law of the land with that supreme court decision. so the states are handling that. but again we work very hard to get this result. now the states will take that up. as it comes to, you point out, lloyd austin and his statements this morning at the senate armed services committee, he is right on. there is absolutely no evidence of israel committing genocide against the palestinians in the gaza strip. so kudos to secretary austin for
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actually stating the truth of the matter. larry: let me, senator, let me play a little sound from that hearing from mr. austin. here it comes. >> yep. >> is israel committing genocide in gaza? >> senator cotton, we don't have any evidence of genocide being created. >> that's a no, israel is not committing genocide in gaza? >> we don't have evidence of that. larry: you know, senator ernst, again kudos to mr. austin, i agree with you, i am glad to hear you say it. you do good no matter what your political stripe is. i want president biden to back up his defense secretary because they have been chipping away, they have been betraying israel, they have been pushing israel back, they have been blaming israel for casualties, civilian, basically they have been blaming israel for genocide when it is completely untrue. >> yeah, exactly. of course after october 7th, president biden and the
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administration came out very strong, supporting israel but, from a week out from then and ever since we've seen biden and his administration basically backtrack everything they have said. i am telling you, we need to support israel. if they do not get rid of hamas, we will see this again and again. so let's, let's talk about the innocent civilians that were lost on that day, including americans at the hands of hamas. president biden, you need to stick up for israel. >> yeah you need to stick up for your defense secretary. you need to stick up for israel. austin is telling the truth. according to tom cotton, your colleague, our friend, cotton said he asked the heads of the spy agencies and they wouldn't, they wouldn't make a statement about genocide. so austin is the first guy to make a statement. you may have been in those intel briefings as well, ma'am, but i'm just saying that is terrific
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stuff. now, why don't we just let israel be israel and the idf be the idf and go on ahead and finish the job in south gaza and rafah? let's just let them do it. >> right, exactly. we would never be okay with another country coming into the united states and saying, hey, i know it's only a week since 9/11 or hey, it has been six months since 9/11, you need to back off of those terrorists. we would never allow that to happen. it would never be acceptable, larry. it shouldn't be acceptable to the israelis to have the american president try and dictate to them how they will run this war. so we need to stay strong. i'm tired as well, tom cotton was spot on but i am tired as well of this administration and their appointed officials doing this fancy tap dance to avoid our very direct questions.
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it needs to end. we need to stand up for our friends and allies and enough of this, you know, baloney, let's put it like that, coming out of this administration. larry: it is baloney. it is biden malarkey, baloney, you're exactly right, ma'am. i have just 230 -- 30 seconds left. do you think on this point biden will withhold arms, finances from israel, if israel goes back into south gaza and rafah? >> well, hey, what i can say is the majority of americans would be absolutely appalled if the biden administration would do that, and he will be dang sorry when the election rolls around. larry: i think still, maybe i'm wrong, the majority of americans want to defend israel. they are a democracy. >> yes. larry: they are our ally. >> yes. larry: that's why i, just coming back to this, i got a little bit more -- that's why i think what
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austin said today was so important and heck, i'm happy to endorse a biden cabinet guy if he is saying the right thing and i bet you are too. >> yes, i am. larry: that is not the issue. the issue is good versus evil. israel is on the side of good. we got to back israel. finally somebody in the biden crowd backed israel. >> yes, larry. amen to that. let's back israel. thank you, secretary austin for speaking truth. larry: all right. senator joni ernst, thank you for coming back on the show, ma'am. we appreciate it as always. >> you bet, larry. larry: folks coming up, everyone is still beating up on israel. we'll talk to florida senator rick scott who just came back from israel and met with netanyahu. maybe we get a sense, mr. netanyahu you know, folks has set a date to go back into rafah and southern gaza and finish the job and take hamas completely out of play, maybe
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mr. scott, senator scott can give us a heads up on that story. i'm kudlow. look, lloyd austin got it right today and i will back him for it. we'll be right back uuu, this looks romantic. [bell sounds] welcome, i'm your host, jacob. hi. how was the weather getting up here? fine but, you know, i think we're, we're just going to go up to bed and— do you believe in ghosts? [whistling kettle sound] no? good! mother is buried in the yard. meanwhile, at a vrbo... when other vacation rentals have no privacy, try one that has no one but you.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: so let israel be israel. let the idf be the idf. joining us now florida senator rick scott, just got back from
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israel and a meeting with prime minister netanyahu. senator scott, welcome, sir. you were in the armed services committee today with joni ernst and others, tom cotton and i just want a quick comment because it sounds very much like lloyd austin, secretary of defense, really did a good thing and defended israel against all these charges of genocide? >> yeah. that's absolutely right but let's look at this. remember when i asked him, is the biden administration going to hold qatar accountable? all the hostages would come home. all the hostages would be released would be over if qatar did its job. we have military base in qatar. we have hamas leadership in qatar. qatar can do this today. what are they doing? that is number one, number two is, secretary austin wouldn't answer the question, why is the biden administration going after israel all right, for how they should run the war when we have a president, biden never won a
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war. on top of that when he was president he had botched withdrawal from afghanistan and he killed through a drone attack an innocent afghan family and no accountability, no investigation, nobody got fired in contrast he attacks israel for making a mistake. israel actually did, they did an investigation. somebody got held accountable for it. this president who never ever won a war, telling idf, prime minister how to eliminate hamas. they have to be eliminated. they don't have a choice. they have to go in rafah. they have to destroy hamas. this president needs to shut his mouth and let them give them the space and give them the weapons they need to go destroy hamas. larry: i agree with that, senator scott, 100%. look, you just, you were over there. you talked to bibi netanyahu and so forth. i'm somewhat confused because the prime minister, who is a good friend, for heavens sakes, and i'm a huge supporter, he said i have a date to go back
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into rafah but at the same time publicly the discussion is, they're going to hold off, he pulled out most of his brigades and they are looking for a cease-fire with some kind of hostage swap. so is he going in or is he pulling out, senator scott? >> i believe what they're doing is they're positioning themselves to destroy hamas and if you look at, i over there met with idf, met with the war cabinet. they are very focused how to destroy hamas. hamas is not just staying in rafah. they are coming up. they killed a lot of hamas at the schiff view hospital recently. so they're still all on board to get rid of hamas. everyone i talked to there is on board. they're going to destroy hamas. the american government needs to shut its mouth and let them go do their job. larry: do you think, i asked senator earns this, do you think bidens, the bidens threatened to withhold ammunition, weaponry,
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got knows what if israel makes final plunge? do you think they would actually do it, the bidens would stop arming israel our old ally? >> i will fight like hell to make sure that doesn't happen. it is a democracy. it is only democracy in the middle east. it is one of our best allies. their existence is threatened what hamas did. think about this, larry, 30,000 people came across the southern border and killed you know, our, bunch of people come across the southern border killed 30,000 americans, would we stop before they were destroyed? no, we wouldn't stop. so we need to let israel do it. they're going to destroy them. we want, what we ought to be doing support our allies. we should support our allies, somebody that attacks us. they should support us. pretty simple to me. larry: senator, well i agree. it is so simple i wanted to manufacturer onto something else briefly. the arizona supreme court uphold as near total abortion ban. do you have a thought on that? >> well, look, what's going to
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happen as a result of the overturn of roe v. wade, as you know i'm pro-life. we'll decide state by state. will figure this out. i'm sure arizona will figure this out. in florida which have constitutional amendment that will help us figure out where we are. this is exactly what should be happening. go through legislative process to come up with a way to make sure we have reasonable limitations but we protect babies. larry: another subject in our last 90 seconds, sir, do you think the u.s. government will ever stop giving iran money that was originally frozen? do you think we would ever stop doing that? >> oh, yeah, we have done $16 billion worth. >> next january 20th. it is going to stop. the date donald trump is sworn in it will stop. until then i don't know the biden administration, they're into appeasement. they appease the xi, they appease putin, they appease dictators in latin america, i
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don't get it. all the money we give to iran what is it used for? to help houthis, hezbollah, hamas. to kill americans. we still have five american citizens alive and american bodies in gaza. why isn't the president talking about this every second. larry: no, he never wants to talk about it. you're absolutely 100% right. in fact the whole hostage negotiations, seem to have gotten off track. i don't understand it. like blame israel. all i hear is blaming israel. and you know, your point about iran, giving iran money, we're running out of time, i'm sorry, senator scott, but the fact of the matter is the negotiations with iran and the unburdening of the sanctions with iran, right, that helped to create this hamas israel war in the first place. it was a complete disaster. i got to get out, rick. >> absolutely. larry: senator scott, i'm sorry i have to get out. thanks for helping us today, appreciate it. folks be right back with my last word
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larry: kudos to sec def austin for the charges and kudos to austin ask kudos to david asman who's going to take the ball and run with it right now in the direction. we'll see. david: i'm david asman in for elizabet


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