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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 9, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: kudos to sec def austin for the charges and kudos to austin ask kudos to david asman who's going to take the ball and run with it right now in the direction. we'll see. david: i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald right now.
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trillions of new spending led to an increase in the deficit says he wants to tax the rich more. but with a top 1% already paying 46% of federal income taxes, will taxing the rich more somehow get us through this explosion of new government spending? in fact, all americans can expect their taxes to increase by 1-4% when the trump tax cuts expire next year unless of course our current tax code is extended. grady trim seatbelt live inside beltway with more on all this. hey, grady. reporter: hey, david. number of exceptions and deductions for businesses and individual filers would go away if the trump era tax cuts expire and here are the numbers you mentioned from our colleagues at
5:02 pm many americans forced to pay between 1-4% more in taxes unless the cuts are extended, revised or made permanent. ceo and founder of engineered tax services says we're in a dire situation in which many american families and businesses are hanging on by a thread. letting the nonpermanent provisions of the tax cuts and jobs act expire could be catastrophic to our overall economy and the wellbeing of many working families. whether the cuts stay or go could largely be dependent on who's in the white house and who
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controls congress when they're set to expire end of 2025. so it has already become a big campaign issue. president biden as you noted wants to raise taxes on the wealthy and it, judy, judy shelton. there she is. going to you first, grover, we saw the figures, the top 1% is now paying 46% of all federal income taxes and how can they squeeze more out of that group and make up for the money that they're losing because of all their spending? >> they can't. it would slow the economy. if the economy went from 3% growth to growing 1% less quickly. less strongly and drops revenue in the government 3.5 trillion over a decade and raising taxes
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slows the economy and raises the amount of debt and deficit. david: judy, talk about the deficit and ceo came out with frightening figures and we are now over the past six months and deficit up to 1.1 trillion and 2.2 trillion annual deficit that we're spending now. that of course bleeds into our debt, which is now at $35 trillion and this is the most frightening for me. servicing the debt now costs more than our defense spending in total. how much longer can we go on with this? >> hey, it's astonishing and it's appalling what we're seeing is such a contradiction in terms and i think that defines bidenomics. on the one hand you have a president who's touting growth and high jobs numbers as indicating a strong economy. but if that's the case, why under the biden administration
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are we running a massive fiscal deficit complete with payments as subsidies to companies and now talking about this massive forgiveness of student debt? all of that puts pressure on prices and that's the main reason for the inflation and the fed to counter has to have surging interest rates and now probably going to maintain them at a tieing level and fueling that deficit so it's just the terrible conundrum. david: grover, the irony is lower tax rates because of the trump tax code actually has increased tax revenue by 48% since 2017 when the tax cuts kicked in. if fact, if we had kept the spending at the same level as we had in 2019, the last full year
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before the pan democrat i, we're now collecting $4.89 trillion in tax revenues and lowering tax rates garnished us much more income than raising them and so they're going to exactly the opposite direction if they're reelected. >> and one of the taxes that most damages growth is capital gains tax that president biden put in writing for a statement he wants to do for policy is take the capital, american capital gains tax to 44.6%. 44.6%. since 1922 when the capital gains rate was first established, it's never ever been that high. close when carter was in and we had stagflation, but we've never had it that high. that would be twice as high as our competitor, china. how about that state to maximize? why does that make any sense at all? david: it doesn't make any sense. judy, you sounded a bit like
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something jamie dimon said in his note to stockholders and jamie said it's important to note the economy is being fueled by large amounts of government deficit stephoning and past symmelus. there's also growing need for increased spending as we continue transiting to a greener economy, restructuring global supply change and battling high healthcare costs and this may lead to stickier and comfortable inflation with higher rates than markets expect. where sin fellation going tomorrow? we get cpi numbers. i don't expect you to forecast what they will be. but where are you thinking inflation is going in general? >> so long as this fiscal stimulus is going we can expect to see general level price levels and commodities going up, energy going up, gold, copper,
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fuel, and the problem is it's become clear that no matter how high the revenues go, that come into the government under this administration they expand all that and more. there's no interest rate high enough for the federal reserve who request fight that kind of inflationary pressure. so long the fiscal stimulus is working against us. david: only a couple seconds, grover, if we raise taxes, do you have any doubt if biden raised tax rates, do you have any doubt that in fact revenue might decrease because economic progress, economic growth would decrease as a result? >> the economy will slow, and you would raise less money than you would without those tax increases specifically the tax increase she's talking about kill growth. david: particularly the stock market and the 401(k). judy and grover, thanks for being here.
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great to see you. turning to congress and breaking news house speaker mike johnson will not send the articles of impeachment for dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas tomorrow following request from gop senate leadership and the articles of impeachment will be delivered to the senate next week. what's going on here? fox news senior congressional correspondent chad pergram is the man we turn to. he's live on capitol hill with the latest i did tails, chad. reporter: david, good afternoon. senate majority leader chuck schumer hasn't said much about how he'd handle an impeachment trial for alejandro mayorkas. he doesn't have to. a spokesperson for house speaker mike johnson said the house will delay sending the articles to the senate until next week. the house aimed to send the articles over to the senate tomorrow night. now they've punted for a week. >> the speaker, we asked him to delay sending over the articles until monday to at least give us a full week. releasee if senator schumer
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honors the extra time. this is unconsciousable, people. reporter: republicans want more time to level pressure against the senate to hold a full trial and not just dismiss the articles, but even the house members who will prosecute the case were in the dark about the plan. they haven't told you, as impeachment member they haven't told you? we're bringing it tomorrow afternoon? >> last thing i heard and i'm an impeachment manager in those articles of impeachment have my name on them, i have to the been told we may be holding them now. you're the one that told me that so apparently you're getting the news quicker than i am. reporter: the plan was to wear in the senators as -- wear in sn the jurors on thursday. there's been a delay. reporter: is there a discussion among republican leaders to talk about this about possibly going to the house for delays about sending over the impeachment
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articles with a senate trial. >> there's no advice to give the speaker about how to handle the issue on either, on timing. reporter: either way, the senate will likely vote to dismiss the articles of impeachment if democrats hold together. john tester of montana says he wants to see the articles first. he face as tough reelection this fall. david. david: chad, what gets me is you had to tell the impeachment manager the breaking news on impeachment story going to the senate. reporter: it was very confusing up here this afternoon frankly. shout-out to my colleague aishah hasnie on this first. she had this first. david: congratulations to all you folks. you give us the latest in the best way possible. chad, thank you very much. with me now is senator marsha blackburn from the senate judiciary committee. senator, why is the holdup? explain why it's being held up and going to the senate? >> what we know is that chuck schumer is doing everything he can do to avoid having a trial.
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he is going to do something we've never done in our nation's history before and that is to table the articles of impeachment. well, we're going to fight back on that and it would be better if we were starting on a monday and had the entire week to work on this rather than getting this on wednesday evening and having only a day to deal with it. we have a secretary of homeland security who does not believe in securing the hope land. we have tens of thousands of people that lost their lives to fentanyl poisoning. women and children that have been sex trafficking. we have human trafficking at record numbers. we have labor gangs and crews and gangs that are committing crimes in communities. our country is less safe
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aurofamilies and communities are less safe because of joe biden's open border policy and the person that has done biden's bidding on this border is none other than than secretary mayorkas. he should stand for impeachment trial in the senate. david: he certainly lied about the border being secure. >> absolutely. david: nobody has any doubts about that particular issue. except perhaps him for some reason. you're a fighter and i wonder if republicans are united. are all republicans for the impeachment trial going down? >> i think most republicans, i've not talked to every single member. i'll do a survey and see what they say but we need to have an impeachment trial. the american people want the answers and, david, here's what we do know is that you have vulnerable democrats they're
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going to lose the senate. chuck schumer doesn't want sharon brand or john tester and doesn't want the vulnerable members rosen in nevada. he doesn't want them having to take a vote on the border. the number one issue with the american people is the lack of border security that we're seeing in this country. this is issue in communities every day. every town is a border town and every state a border state because of this open border and people are furious about it. david: the bottom line is the democrats don't seem to have a satisfying answer because they have to cover up what's really going on with statements like what we heard from the white house spokesperson. do we have that sound bite? let me play a sound byte for you and get your reaction. roll it. >> the president has taken so many actions over the last three years, and he started off putting forth his own proposal,
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comprehensive immigration proposal the first day and first piece of legislation he wanted to move. david: senator, americans are just not buying the fact that president biden wanted a more secure border when in fact it's multiplied by a factor of i've e or six. >> he took 94 executive actions the first 100 days that opened the border and weakened immigration law. the open border is his border policy. david: we'll see what mr. schumer does next week and it is going be early next week when we see the articles delivered to the senate from the house. thank you very much for being here. >> thank you. david: appreciate it. the justice department rejected a request for republicans to turnover the audio reporting of robert hur's recording of joe biden in the classified documents investigation. congressman darryll issa from the house judiciary committee
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discussing lawmaker's next steps coming up here on "the evening edit". ♪ hi, i'm greg. i live in bloomington, illinois. i'm not an actor. i'm just a regular person. some people say, "why should i take prevagen? i don't have a problem with my memory." memory loss is, is not something that occurs overnight. i started noticing subtle lapses in memory. i want people to know that prevagen has worked for me. it's helped my memory. it's helped my cognitive qualities. give it a try. i want it to help you just like it has helped me. prevagen. at stores everywhere without a prescription. shingles. some describe it as an intense burning sensation. or an unbearable itch. this painful blistering rash could also disrupt your work and time with family. shingles could also lead to long—term, debilitating nerve pain that can last for months or even years.
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i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. david: now lets turn to the very latest effort by republicans to get the doj to release the transcript of president biden's interview with special council robert hur who actually decided
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not prosecute biden because he said he was "an elderly man with a poor memory". welcome to the show from house judiciary congressman darryll issa. congressman, great to see you again. first of all, i explain why you need the audio of that conversation with mr. hur if you already have the transcript. >> the question is not what did he say but how did he say it? was he stumbling more? the transcript doesn't give you the pauses and doesn't give you the nonverbal guy and most importantly we want to give the benefit of the doubt about the u.s. attorney was a good one and in it's good enough and polluted to be allowed to run for president and going to be prosecuted and why wasn't he?
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not need ago reminder and it's a reaction. can you roll it. >> seasons are upon us and cutting that back and they're only going to be here and they couldn't defeat was the seniors and now proud of my administration for them >> my father started and suffering from then supra aural headphones and is there declining for him and decisions and more and more we're seeing indications not
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able to make decisions on a realtime basis and that concerns us even more than t the american people and he's making decisions to put our soldiers and sail herreras in harp's sr. sailors in harm's way. david: you want the doj want to be fair and efficient and claiming with them and taking them and asking you to avoid conflict and i would be kind of rich coming from justice department and jailed republicans and going for justice and jobs and ongoing and people on going during the day and talk about ending conflict
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or why you shouldn't talk to rank and file and there's always a reason and remember that eric was the only one constitutional officer of sort to ever hold in contempt and congress and now at a similar situation and there's a lawful subpoena and defying. and going for court. >> very quickly, congressman. david: you're a californian and former businessman and state of economy. go for him breaking the 3 million deficit and what's going on there. >> the highest taxes we're in net out state and leaving with the job producers and decades ago and technology company and leaving for texas by the droves.
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david: congressman, thank you very much if being here and good to see you. coming up, texas congresswoman beth v van duyne with a full pae act in the wall street post that it's trying to escape new york and move to texas. also we have former white house deputy chief of staff carl rogue to discus joe rogan for end of november. this is all coming next on "the evening edit". trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, unlocking the power of thinkorswim, the award-winning trading platforms. bring your trades into focus on thinkorswim desktop
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at creative planning, our money managers and specialists work together to make sure your portfolio and wealth are managed in a tax-efficient manner. it's what you keep that really matters. why not give your wealth a second look? book your free meeting today at creative planning -- a richer way to wealth. david: well, democrats and voters in general are increasing president biden's reelection bid and top democrats panicking behind the scenes as biden's age and mental fitness are among top issues for voters and many wondering if president joe biden will be the nominee in november.
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many don't think so. joe rogan reveals when hinks the democrat party will replace president biden on the presidential ticket. roll it. >> may. >> really? >> may. i think he's got till may. >> no way. >> i feel like right around may, they're going to pull him. >> no way. >> yeah. yeah. >> and newsom comes? >> i think he has health problems, and then the country understands and newsom is going to have his support, fully, and kamala is like i don't want to be president. i'm cool with being vice president. david: well, then the big question of course is if not joe bind, who? joining me is former white house deputy chief of staff carl rove. is joe rogan right? >> yes and no. there is no they. i hear the ru rumors and barack obama is going to step in and tell him to move aside. they don't like each other. he's not going to step aside after joe biden remembers in 2015 barack obama said i'm not supporting my vice president in
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2016. i'm supporting hillary clinton. that's out. the only two people who can convince him not to run and tell him not to run are his wife, jill, and she's not doing it. and his sister valerie biden-owen. get that question of they out of the way. now, let's assume for some reason there's a health incident or he decides not to do it. i think the -- the point about may is probably accurate. by now we have about 74% of the daily getting to the democrat national convention and by aprin chose all those delegates and no normal democrats and by may, everyone that's a delegate at the convention will be in place. but it's not going to be gavin newsom because kamala harris wants to be vice president of the united states and the 12th amendment says you cannot cast the votes, the electoral votes of a state for a president and vice president from the same state and in california.
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david: karl, democrats are not paying close attention to the constitution recently and violating all kinds of tenants of the constitution and i have to ask, let me just ask though specifically about a couple of people. announced newsom saying it's not going to be reporter: for otherrens are i think so. the economy in california right now is falling apart. you said that obama and biden don't like each other, but is there a possibility that delegates will demand for michelle obama to be the nominee? >> no. no. first of all, michelle obama hates politics. read her autobiography and didn't want her husband to run for state senate let alone u.s. senate or president. i know obama, he was my charge in the white house and dealt with each other for three years and he's a smart guy and smart enough to know if michelle woke up tomorrow with a personality change and said i wanted to be a candidate for vice president people would say that's a cheesy way of, a sneaky way for barack obama to get a third term of president and lose the election
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in a highly polarized country. are there democrats that could have the contest? you're right, gavin newsom, california has a different reputation than it had when ronald reagan was the governor. and the country is not going to go for the current governor of california. but there's other democrats who could step in if help deck indicated. but there's no they that's going to make this happen, except if you count they as close family members of joe biden. it's amazing to me that he still thinks he's the best democrat to run in this election. david: let me throw a wrench in the whole mechanism and rfk jr. and question of what role he'd play in the election if it is biden and trump against each other again. his state director schemes to be sort of calling for trump supporters to vote for rf k-during the campaign saying that there's no way in god's green earth that if they vote for trump against biden that trump could win in a state like
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new york, but if you vote for rfk jr., you may sway enough voters so trump could win the state. is that a possibility? >> theoretically, but i doubt it. look, third party candidates will have a huge impact on the election, don't get me wrong. but remember, they are a very small percentage of the electorate and less than 6% in 2020 and less than 2% in 2020 and less than 6% in 2016 and votes determined who won critical battleground states by taking votes from hillary clinton in 2016 or donald trump in 2020. david: yeah, you got to admit, this will be one of the most fade patternsuating elections ever. >> wild. fascinating, totally. david: we love this stuff. karl, thank you very much. good to see you issue my friend. new york city residents voicing concerns over safety amid street and subway violence growing migrant crisis as well and recent murder of nypd officer
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jonathan d dillard and the city officials continue to insist the city is safe. they're losing officers at record rates due to rising crime and few incentives to stay leading to even more community safety concerns but texas congresswoman, beth van duyne has a proposition for these nypd officers that may be feeling undervalued or burned out. she's asking new york police to leave the "purposefully anti-law and order state and relocate to state where law enforcement officials are supported, embraced, and loved". joining me is the congresswoman. any takers yet, congresswoman? >> i'm sure we do. i have not talked to my chiefs. i talked to them yesterday to let them know i was putting this add out and, look, we've had some phenomenal things happen in the state of new york. and the city of new york. how many images of the police being beat down by criminals and
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criminals that are not only hurting officers and apprehended and arrested are being let out without even bail, without even knowing who they are. this is happening on a regular basis at new york city. they're completely disrespecting law enforcement and law enforcement, you know what, these officers that put their lives on the line who cowboy up and they get out there and try to protect their citizens, they've got a which i felt they don't have to put up with it. we have a great state of texas and love and support our officers and want them there and we'll come to texas and find a home there. we've got openings for you and we'd love to see you. david: it's of course not just new york and philadelphia, la, all of the blue cities, dc, washington dc where you hang out these days. they all have blue mayors and blue city counsels and blue radical mayors and judges and let the people out and you have
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people supporting them claiming the crime stats are good news. the president himself is saying that. secretary buttigieg said that recently. let me roll that tape and get your reaction. roll it. >> i can safely walk my dog to the capitol today and that's something you couldn't do when we all got here. david: the guy in the protected bubble by the secret service saying things are great. but the stat some of the states aren't accurate and going for them and working with them and requirements and they're grouping it together and the numbers aren't what's happening and let's face it and talk to people that live here and feel safer four or five years ago and there's areas where in navy yard
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and they're thrown under the bus and threated and it can't happen. come to texas. we'd love to have you. david: good luck but i want my men and women in blue to stay in new york and we need every single one of them. i've lived here 40 years and the city is so much worse than in the 90s when rudy giuliani was mayor and after that with bloomburg. i do wish you a good effort in trying to lure them to texas. 'can understand why they'd want to go. thank you for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you very much too. david: coming up, retired general keith kellogg with us talking about biden administration facing fierce pushback with iran amid escalating tensions in the middle east and getting a stake
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on demonstrators in michigan chanting death to america, death to israel. but first, let's check in with our friends day and sean to see what's they have coming up in the next hour on the bottom line. good to see you. >> you as well, david. thank you. as radical anti-israel protesters take over a u.s. capitol cafeteria, we're talking with mark wayne mullen and hot tapes of interview with biden is he's going to risk impeachment and we have james comer here on that. >> leo terrell sounding off on one liberal rag saying the men, the psychos that are punching women in the face in new york city, this is somehow related to donald trump and maga and cara frederick on brazil coming after elon musk trying to censor him calling out disinformation. is this something to come in this country as we head toward the election. tom of the hour. it's fineeeeeeee!
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: well, anti-israel protesters shutting down the senate lunch on capitol hill today. they say the senate can't eat until gaza eats. this as the biden administration facing pushback on the lift of sanctions against iran. hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with more on this.
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a lot of senators couldn't understand why we'd be lifting sanctions on our enemy; right? reporter: yeah, david, that's true. it was baffling to a lot of senate republicans thinking that lifting the sanctions or issuing waivers for the sanctions giving iran more breathing room in their budget to fund other things like terrorism and this is after the biden administration renewed a $10 billion sanctions waiver in the name of humanitarian aid and this is last week the u.s. transferred weapons they seized from ships leaving iran bound for yemen that included 5,000ak47s and half a million rounds of ammo. those weapons were on their way to yemen from iran to support the houthis but the u.s. seized them and sent them to ukraine instead. that's a clear picture of what republicans say iran is spending their money on. >> money is fungible. any relaxation that allows their economy to they've or survive --
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thrive or survive is for one purpose, for them to carrie out their primary objective. which is spreading terrorism. reporter: secretary of state antony blinken signed the waiver that allows for iraq to pay for iranian electricity through an account and it's food or medicine and suggestion that waiver sends money to iran that's used to fund terrorism and faults and the deputy secretary saying iran cares so little about feeding their people, that's why the humanitarian aid sits unspent because they can't do anything else with it. >> almost none of the humanitarian money is used for humanitarian purposes and they don't care about getting drugs and food for their people, but the difference is the united states of america has made as of values proposition that we're always willing to provide humanitarian relief for people and that's the only purpose of this money. reporter: sanctions are getting tighter, one thing lawmakers are
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very concerned about is the use of crypto iran turned to as a wawork around for sanc sanctionf we don't crack down on crypto, the sanctions that are in place are effectively useless. david: unbelievable. hilary vaughn, thank you for that. welcome to the show, former national security adviser to mike pence, lieutenant keith. israel not pushing further into rafah to root out hamas. here's what he said earlier. he said "we'll complete the elimination of hamas' baaal indians including in -- battalions including in rafah and no force in the world will stop us". general, there's no equivocatin there and direct rebuke of biden's authority. >> there's no option and there's no choice. they have to go in to rafah. that's where the headquarters of hamas still s. there's still
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four battalions and the assault battalions of a has mast probably where the -- hamas and probably where the hostages are. the reason they've not gone in as of right now is i think they're trying to find a way to get the hostages out, those that are still alive. they believe they're still in a range of 1 100 hostages still there and five are americans and they have to go in. it's going to be a hard fight. six months ago when this started, i told everybody on this channel that, look, it'll be hard to watch some of these scenes because when you get involved in a city fight, when you go door to door and you go floor to floor, it's a hard fight. it's a tough fight. there's going to be collateral damage. that's what you're seeing. the israelis didn't start this fight, david. the people that started this fight was hamas -- they raped and killed and murdered and took hostages. david: we knew it was going to -- the hand to hand combat in the streets was going to be very tough and a lot of people in the bombing are going to be killed. it's happened, but while we're
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going -- they're going through all this, the israelis are going and wile the israeli governments going head-to-head and biden administration on rafah, we're rewarding our enemy iran. what is -- what kind of message is that sending? we're punishing our allies and what message is that send something >> there's a moral state like israel and terrorist stithe state like iran. that's a wrong message to send. that's what they've done and can't make equivocation like that and you've got to be clear. we support the state of israel against iran and terrorist subsidies hezbollah, hamas, or the houthis. we haven't done that . we cause part of this problem. what we created, david, is a scene or gap between us and our friends. that should never happen. it has happened. david: maximum pressure of trump administration against iran that
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prevented them from giving money to the terrorists. once they got rid of that with biden, they were able to fund theerertists and that -- the terrorists and helped feed what we saw on october 7, which started this whole horror that we're now involved with. we have to leave it there, jeb. it makes to sense to me and i'm sure not to you either. good to see you, my friend. thank you. >> thanks, david. david: well, a new gallop poll showing americans are not buying ongoing green energy push from the biden white house. congresswoman c kat cammack from house energy committee breaking it all down for us next on "the evening edit". ♪
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david: a new poll shows americans are not buying house's green energy poll according to gallop, just 9% of americans are seriously considering buying an electric vehicle, age is a data, 65 and up would not buy one, for reaction, let's welcome congresswoman c. what do you make of the numbers. what jumps out is house has been trying to jam the electric vehicles down people's votes, americans don't like it when government tells them what to do.
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>> that is it. americans are not buying electric vehicles but not buying the bs that biden administration is trying to shove down their throats this 100% heavy hand of government. with the electric vehicles we know critical minerals that are involved in producing them, we know they are not friendly to the environment, for being honest, only thing that is green about so-called green agenda is color of money they are mass printing and producing to pay for it. all at expense of american taxpayer. no one is interested in this, you can't afford them to begin with. reporter: >> reporter: it is expensive and not having any affect. it is having opposite, their reasons for electric cars, i am told tesla makes a nice car. i like the open window at the top, however. the fact is that americans just don't like -- they are
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not one size fits all people, that is one reason so many americans objected to obamacare. >> lute absolutely, my husband and i took a weekend road trip a year ago and rented a tesla to see what it was like, we had to stop multiple times on the route, plan the trip out to where we could actually charge the vehicle. and in most cases, we spent more than an hour and a half charges the vehicle rather than getting on the road. it was just ridiculous. no one wants to live their life that way, i don't think many people who have time like that, in a state like florida we're hurricane prone and ehevacuations with cat 4 and 5s, they are not economically feasible, they can be dangerous as well, we have a lot to consider. >> another other aspect of their plans. i try to remind pete buttigieg of this, of the
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transportation secretary, i had an interview with him in december, playing a little bit of that tape. >> i don't know a lot of people who think that americans in 2050 are still ggoing to be driving old technology. david: americans like it. >> the question is. david: the americans like it. >> well no, you will not meet a lot of people who'll go back after they go electric, i think that tells you something. david: a lot of ev drivers in chicago after the big chill, i don't think they are go back to an electric vehicle, do you? >> no, as say in the south, bless his heart. my goodness, it is remarkable what people are saying but, as we know under the biden administration, they say one thing, they do another. it is what we saw out of him, where he had a tahoe, drive him 3 blocks away from his office, he gets out,
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pulls a bike out of the back and pedals up to his building to show she is green and for the environment, we continue is smoke and mirrors. people are not buying them, they are not economically feasible and they are not usable for the type of vienvironment that we're in right now, i could bet you any money that come 2050 we'll still be driving vehicles thas that have engines. david: con congresswoman kat cammack thank you for joining us. >> thank you. david: tomorrow tammy bruce and byron york, i am david asman in for elizabeth macdonald, it is time for "the bottom line" with dagen and sean. dagen: thank you, davi


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