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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 10, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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it's also true that over three million americans are making a pretty good living in the pipeline industry right now. many of whom did not attend a four year school. they simply got the training they needed to get to work. there are tens of thousands of open positions today in the pipeline industry, many of which provide a straight path to a six figure career. if you think i'm going to suggest you explore those opportunities, you are correct. you'll find them at not pipe dreams, real opportunities to make a great living. check 'em out. see you next week. larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. all right, really top of news arizona supreme court up holds near total abortion man that could affect
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outcome of presidential race. joe concha, mark simone on that and just a moment. joe biden plows on with his illegal student loan cancelation, and what happened if trump tax cuts were allowed to expire be we have steve moore and mike faulkender. and defending israel in today's arms services hearing, he says what job jobe should hjoe biden should have said all along. they will join us later, give my a few thoughts i am moving away from the abortion question for now, of all news, one item, i don't want to lose it important words of defense secretary lloyd austin, austin says in a senate armed services hearing
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today, there was no evidence israel has committed genocide against palestinians during the hamas war in gaza. now. the question was asked by senator tom cotton of arkansas. mr. austin said, we don't have go evidence of genocide being committed. now according to reports, cotton repeated that question. and secretary austin repleaded we don't have ifd of thevidence of that to my knowledge, and cotton mentioned that austin has been accuse of quote green lighting genocide mr. austin responded by saying this do we have sound? all right. listen to this. >> what i would say senator cotton from the very beginning is that we committed to help assist israel in defending its
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territory and its people by providing security assistance, i would remind everyone that you know, what happened on october 7, was horrible, and you know, numbers of israeli citizens, killed. and then a couple hundred red israeli citizens taken hostage. >> american is the citizens as well. >> you deny the accusation you green lit genocide. >> absolutely deny it. larry: i tell you against the backdrop of present actions and statements by president biden and his shares mainions -- various minions suggesting that administration is betraying israel and walking away. all various attacks on israel, about civilian casualties and dates a deaths and famine, most of
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which are not true, when they are true, israel has apologized and hamas uses palestinian human shields, hamas is the one committing the war crimes not israel, today secretary austin a statement was a welcome development, and senator cotton mentioned that austin statement was a lot better than william berns and of haines who dodged same question at an intel committee hearing last month, israel is going after hamas because they are, hamas are cutthroat terrorists and murderers and as secretary austin said what happened on tate date october 7 was horrible, israel has no intention of destroys palestinian civilians. those, unfortunately, they are blamed for this by
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people on the fa left thatten to know what they are talking about, it has never been true, i went back and looked up legal definition of genocide, and i found it section 1091, title 18 of u.s. code, defining genocide as, violent attacks, with specific intent to destroy in whole or in part in national ethnic racial or religious group. israel has not done it. lloyd austin is correct. lloyd austin's defense of israel is just what joe biden should be doing and should have been doing and saying all along. i'm now waiting for biden to publicly back up his defense secretary. then we're all waiting for mr. biden to let israel finish off the job by destroying hamas who are
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uncivillized barbarians and deserve to be destroyed. all right. so that is that. we will return to this with senator rick scott and senator joni ernst later in the show, they are both members of the arm services committed. in case you had not guessed, i am full throated defense of what defense secretary lloyd austin has been saying today, i wish his boss joe biden would say the same thing. now. we'll switch gears again, joining me mark simone, great friend, worhall of fame radio host, and joe concha will be here in a minute, i see him over the horizon. not long now. we'll hook him up on the fly. mark simone, other big story arizona supreme court upholds near total abortion court ruled 4-2, this is going back to 1868. issued a ruling tuesday reverts state to a 160-year-old prestate hood
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law. that outlaws abortions in nearly all circumstances and criminal eyes abortions, make it a felony for anyone that provides, supplies or ministers to pregnant women or procure such women to make any medicine, drugs or substance, et cetera unless absolutely necessary to save her life, the law was codified in 1913. after arizona became a state. now we're on the fly on this story as well. we may get a report letter or not -- later or not, attorney general of arians saarizona said he will not back up this law, let's talk about this. this is a big story. at top of the web sites. what say. >> you it will dominate the news for days, they think it will hurt donald trump, this issue does not hurt donald trump, he is not against abortion he is okay with
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abortion, he wants that 15 week limit. larry: he -- that is not quoting him, yesterday, he had a different take, he said let the states decide. >> that -- >> i agree with that, but i can't pin 15 weeks on him. >> okay that makes him the pro choice candidate leave it to the states. the wthe key since dobbs decision abortions are up 10% in america. larry: i am sorry to hear that. >> we don't want to see any. larry: speaking personally. >> if someone needs one and they live in arizona they have to go to neighboring state, 154 thousand people did that last year. >> joe concha i am sure you got wind of it on your phone in the car or whenever you came from. >> the elevator.
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larry: we've been switching our topics, you are terrific. what is your initial reaction, arizona supreme court story is you know number one in all major media web sites. what do you think about it. >> as it should be, abortion, when you see gallup polling, what is most important issue to voter it goes economy, immigration one or two, crime is 3, and election integrity 4 and trust in government 5, abortion is 8 or 9, however among democrats this is their number one issue they will run on outside of trump is bad, to your point in cases where it comes down to the states deciding that is what supreme court lo ruled, and mark makes a very good term, pro-choice, the choice goes back to voters in those situations, we saw in kansas for example, last check is quite deep red, they held a referendum on
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whether or not abortion should be legal, it was voted against in terms of yes, we want to keep the option, ohio, a red state, same. trump's position seems to be one that says, i agree with the supreme court. the supreme court believes that people should decide not a bunch of people in robes or not on federal level, as for as arizona, yes, this will be dominating news cycle. larry: the question, 160-year-old law is now enforceable. the opinion read and will go to effect in 14 days, now, i am assuming everyone in both political parties will say don't do it. we oppose it. thithis is a relic from the past, mr. trump's position was to make it a state issue, as supreme court did, helped by his own judicial appointees on the court. but also, to say to republicans, you must have the reaganesque excluses,
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this one does not have those, democratic attorney general chris maze, i'm flying through this saying that air ar cou arizona court is unconscionable and a threat to freedom. i assume all republicans will oppose it but not all, this tricky business. >> it hurts trump for a few days then people realize this not the worst thing in the world. larry: he may come out against it, oh, no maybe not. remember his point of lem legislature. >> it is to be pro-choice, states decide. if you have to travel to another state, not the worst
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thing in the world, hopefully this is rare occurrence in your life, maybe once. if you have to do it, buying a bus ticket is not worse thing. >> to pour i don't know, carkari lake disavowed arizona abortion. larry: we could not get her to come on. most republicans will equipment out against t -- come out gains it. >> as they did with federal ban. lindsey graham floated around we should have a federal law that is suicide at-this-point. larry: you will never get, look, you will never get 60 votes for a new federal law. in this u.s. senate. >> you wouldn't get 50 in this u.s. senate. larry: not happening. >> no, and trump said in past to mork' mark's point, he did favor 15 week, beyond first trimester, when you talk about abortions polling
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changes, after that, they say, wait, that is where we're uncomfortable with this. larry: i am saying, not to take off after you, but he trump position has been negotiating, and but now he says let's push it back to the state. in truth, it does not matter, nothing will happen in the u.s., even if gop picks up 4 seats ul not have 60 votes and democratic position, is -- biden said he wants to go back to roe v. wade, he does not he wants to go beyond that, he wants to go to late term abortions to places where you could actually aborted -- kill the kid after th the kid is born, that is in democratic legislation. >> they are not pro choice, it is -- they will till you what light bulb you are allowed to use and car you
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are allowed to drive, they will never be pro choice.. >> i think trump does not want to talk about it after a couple days, in the end he wants to talk about inflation, food prices and gas prices and border and crime 'policy, he will say, this is up to the states. >> is this a democratic or republican state supreme court, it would be interesting. if they were democratic appointees. >> they have two democratic senators and a governor. >> it would be ironic. our call me off. we have to get out, okay. you did a great job, dischointdisjointed, i apologize. >> live tv baby. larry: mark simone and joe concha. >> we're not getting your book in. >> fine, you have 100 in already, you hit your quota. >> coming up joe biden with his illegal student only
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cancelations, if and what would happen in trump tax cuts were allowed to expire, steve moore and mike faulkender weighing in on that and more next on kudlow. (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) how so? (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: president biden touting the economy as he plows on with his illegal student loan cancelations. our own edward lawrence is live at white house with more of that stuff. reporter: good afternoon. the president is talking about his budget, more spending, including expanding child tax credit and offers taxpayer funded
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preschool for 4-year-olds in america, and expand his student loan bailout, pushing burden for hundreds of billions in student debt on to the taxpayer, today president at an official event. >> my predecessor and his maga friends want to -- i love the phrase, the language you use. they want to terminate the afor abthe affordable care act, te terminate, killing millions of americans, taking them off healthcare. reporter: white house press secretary trying to clarify the statements. >> i think you are taking the most extreme definition or evaluation much what the president said, here is the reality. the affordable care act which started in the obama and biden damage obama administration -- >> saves lives. >> president biden trying to
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defle deflect and remessage economy, government spending is pushing the economy. >> what is grown in the economy has been government jobs disproportionately. and theab some maybe some of the sprees they picked -- industries they picked as winners, the economy is not doing as well as they think. reporter: since last more full-time jobs in america have decreased part-time jobs spiked. in last month, up 691 thousand jobs, more people taking multiple jobs. larry: all right edward lawrence there you have it, to grady trimble. on biden potentially letting all trump tax cuts expire. what you got? reporter: many americans will be forced to pay between 1 and 4% more in taxes unless trump era tax cuts are extended, revised or made permanent that analysis from our friends and colleagues at they would revert to 2017 level, paying more. the 20% tax deduction for many pass through businesses disappears and standard
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deduction cut roughly in half, whether they stay or go could depend on who is in the white house, and who controls congress at the end of 2025. it has already become a big campaign issue, president biden as he has made note, wants to tax the wealthy and corporations mor and former president trump jabs at biden for that, he wants t i e extend the tax cuts he issued in. >> in my first term we built greatest economy in history of the world with record tax cuts and regulation cuts and rising wages for cities, that is right, total, rising within our cities. reporter: the u.s. claim of come sers pushing to keep trump tax cuts in place and said that biden's tax policies would lead to lower
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economic growth, fewer new businesses starting and less job creation, but you already thought that. larry: i did, can i have penciled it in, and we'll continue to 10 ill it in. grady trimble, thank you very much. >> for more on all of this, let's bring in steve moore, committee to unleash prosperity, and most of moore money. and -- host of moore money and michael faulkender. now, chief economist at afpi on the side high type ofs school at university of maryland -- he typ teaching school at university of maryland. >> someone told me that it could wind up costing 500 billion before it all said and done. the whole thing is illegal, but the bidens don't believe inly galty in the constitution. >> i was listening to your conversation about abortion, and we don't want to be talking about abortion, you
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know before the election, we want to talk about is tax cuts, prosperity, and small businesses, and making sure that we have the best economy possible. so, yes, absolutely we have to make the trump tax cuts per remember permanent and one of most important elements of that we worked on, was making sure that it was not just corporations, but also small businesses, small businessmen and women got a 20% reduction in their taxes, what was impact universally positive with a lot of capital back in the united states, we created a lot of jobs i don't understand why biden would want to repeal something that works with respect it student loans, come on larry, third mi 30 million more, they will do what bailout people for their mortgages or they don't have to pay there are credit card debt who will pay for it the suckers are those who pay
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their loans, they have to pay for the deadbeats that down. larry: this bidenomics in an election year, mike faulk endeafaulkender, the corporate tax, 21% tax cut of the permanent. biden would have to overturn it. you know. he will never have the votes to do it. but, individuals across the board, grady trimble is right, as i recall, the individuals code you know each bracket had about a 3 percentage point reduction. plus you had the expensing and child care dedicti deduction, that will go to middle income people, i don't know if joe biden and his crowd know that, it was aimed for middle income people and would deprive
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them of a valuable tack saving -- tax savings. >> it made the code more progressive, looking at most recent tax data we have, highest income people, top 1% made about 22% of income, paid 42% of the personal income tax. at the end of the day lower rates mean people actually report the income they generated, and as you said tax cuts and jobs act increase standard deduction so people could have simple taxes it lowered rates all of the rate brackets, and if we were to a well you that tokto expire it would very much depress wages, remember during 2017-19 time period, median hose hold income was up 6,000 dollars, and under the biden administration it is down more than 2 thousand. it a very clear choice for american people. larry: steve moore, on the loan cancelation for a
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minute. it we love to talk about supply side economics, whole thing, all of these lines -- loans should be removed from the department of education, doa should not be able to make any loans or cancel any there is not a single person in that department, in those horrible looking walls, postwar walls, they have never made a loan, they have no credit analysis or expertise, it should all be push pad stock private sector, private lenders know about credit analysis, you should put it stuff, 1.7 trillion in federal financing bank run by treasury department, and ffb will figure out a way to work out the loans, otherwise uncle sam will realize tremendous losses. on the principle and
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interest. there is a way out of this mess. but it is not what biden is doing he just wants to make it much worse and dig the taxpayer in deeper and diaper and lose a fortune on that. and we don't have to lose's fortune. larry: i think if were obama administration, you may remember, that -- >> converted it to government running the program, they have done a wonderful job of it. we have 30 million people not repaying their loans, american are not stup ed stupid, they realize if you don't pay it, you have biden come along they will forgive the loans, if they do this, this is the end of student loan program, who would ever payback a student loan. like amnesty, and people keep coming, you have to have my wife ann on the show to talk about student loans, she is like a perfect example someone that graduated from ucla, did not
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have a lot of money, a low income starter job every month she took money aside from her paycheck, and she paid back the student loan. it was a real sacrifice. now, she is so angry, she feels like she a fool for having done that. the people are being unvictimized by this. you take out a loan you repay it. larry: that is it this is election vote buying, this is the intention, only thing transparent in biden administration is that i want to have to buy your votes, but it will not payoff, because of the ann moores of the world, most people, did not go on college and most people did not go to graduate school. they are the ones who don't have these advance degrees or don't want or need them anymore, they will finance the so-called elites and very angry this will
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backfire on joe biden politically. mike faulkender that is the stupid tie oity of this they can't get the election incentives right this crowd. >> larry, in fear of make you and steve more upset, obama administration national i'd student loan market to pay for obamacare. right. >> right,.. >> that right. >> revenue generator, right. then they put it over the department of education, it is about the 6 largest bank in nation. and they don't have a sick a 6 -- they don't have a single banker over there they don't check the irs tax file to see how much money they are making it is the being done by treasury but by the department of education, there is no reform of tuition or college education associated with this, warton estimate its cost a trillion, .
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>> then, actually -- actually, if you cancel the loafns, whloans, the universities jack up tuition again, there is not one humanoid in department of education that made a loan or done a credit analysis, that is -- >> one quick point. >> university should be on tap for this stuff. larry: they should, and they will get theirs, sooner or later also. with a populous administration coming in mike faulkender, good and steve moore good, thank you, both, coming up, defense secretary lloyd austin out there defending israel. saying they are not committing genocide. it is what joe biden should be saying, why is he handcuffing israel. why is he betraying israel.
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we have senator joni ernst and rick scott to weigh in, we'll revisit the whole abortion decision in arizona, i'm kudlow, you know obey the law, stop canceling student loan ♪ the road to opportunity. is often the road overlooked. at enterprise mobility, we guide companies to unique solutions, from our team of mobility experts. because we believe the more ways we all have to move forward the further we all go.
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larry: welcome back joining us now, great friend, w w iowa senator, joni ernst, two things, to tackle one is arizona abortion decision ansecond one, you were in com committee today when lloyd austin defended israel. i believe you were there. >> yep. larry: i have been defending austin. but senator, first on arizona supreme court. up holds near total abortion allows i think for health of the mother, a lay codified
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in 1913. and was first enacted in 1864. a lot of people are running away from it, what do you make of it. >> i am a mom, i am a brand-new grandma, and i support life. and senate republicans, that g.o.p., and president trump really worked hard to overturn roe v. wade we turned it back to the state that slaught the law of the land, with that supreme court decision, the states are handling it, we work hard to get this result, now the states will take it up. as it comes to you point out lloyd austin, and his statements this morning at the committee he is right. there is no evidence of israel committing genocide against palestinians in gaza strip. so, kudos to secretary austin for actually stating
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the truth of the matter. larry: let me senator, just play a sound from that hearing. >> is israel committing genocide in gaza. >> senator cotton we don't have any evidence of genocide. >> we don't have evidence. >> senator joni ernst, kudos to mr. austin, i am glad to hear you say it, i am glad. i am just waiting -- i want president biden to back up his defense secretary. because they have been chipping away and betraying israel and pushing israel back, they have been flame blame -- blaming israel for genocide. when is untrue. >> right. so, after october 7, president biden and administration came out very
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strong supporting israel. but, from a week out from then, and ever since we have seen biden and his administration, backtrack everything they have said. i am telling you, we need to support israel. if they do not get rid of hamas, we will see this again and again. so, let's talk about the innocent civilians that were lost on that day, including americans. at the hands of hamas. president biden you need to stick up for israel. >> yeah, stick up for your defense secretary and for israel, austin is telling the truth. according to tomca tom cotton, he said he asked the heads of spy agencies they would not make a statement about genocide, austin is first to make a statement. you may have been in those intel briefings but i'm saying that is terrific.
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now, why don't we just let israel be israel and idf be idf and finish the job in south gaza and rafah, let them do it. >> right. and so, we would never be okay with another country coming into the united states and saying, hey, i know it is only a week since 9/11, or hey, 6 months since 9/11 you need to back off of those terrorists we would never allow that to happen. it would never be acceptable. it should not be acceptable to the israelis, to have the american president try to dec de detective tate t -- dictate how they will run this war, i am tired as well tom cotton of the spot on, but i'm tired of this administration and their appointed officials doing a fancy tap dance to avoid our
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direct questions it needs to end, we need stand up for our friends and allies, enough of this you know bologna out of this administration. larry: it you are right. i have 30 60s, on this other point, do you think that biden will withhold arms weapons and ammunition from israel? do you think he will withhold it, if israel goes back into south gaza an rafah? >> i can say that majority of americans, would be absolutely appalled if biden administration would do that and he will be dang sorry when the election rolls around. larry: i think still, maybe i'm wrong, majority of americans want to defend israel, they are a democracy, they're our allies, unthis -- that is why i just coming back to this, i have a little bit more time, i mean, that is why i think what austin said
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today, was so important. and heck i'm happy to endorse a biden cabinet guy if he says the right thing, i bet i are too. >> i am. larry: the issue is good versus evil, israel is on the side of good, we have to back israel. finally someone on the biden crowd backeddize yale. israel. >> amen to that. larry: senator joni ernst thank you. >> all right,. >> coming up everyone is still biting up on israel, we'll talk with florida senator rick scott. who just came back from israel and met with netanyahu, and maybe we can get a sense that mr. netanyahu now saying, that he has set a date to go back to rafah and southern gaza and finish the job, and take hamas completely out of play. maybe mr. scott senator scott can give us a heads up
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on that story, i'm kudlow, lloyd austin got it right today i'm backing him for it we'll be right back. ♪(relaxing music)♪ (♪) (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere. (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®. business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: let israel be israel and idf be the idf, joining
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us no now florida senator rick scott. welcome. you are in the armed services committee today. which joni ernst and others tom cotton, and i just want to quick comment. it sounds very much like lloyd austin secretary of defense really did a good thing and defended israel against all of these changes of genocide. >> yeah, he -- that is right. but, let's look at this, number one, i asked him, is the biden administration holding qatar accountable. this would be over if qatar did its job, we have a military base in qatar, and we have hamas leadership in qatar, qatar could do this today. what are they doing? number two, secretary austin wouldn't answer why is biden administration going after israel for how they should run the war we have a
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president that never run a war, when he was president -- he had botched withdraw from afghanistan and killed through a drone attack an innocent afghan family, with no accountability, no one was fired, he attacked israel for making a mistake, israel did the investigation an you aren't held accountabled sr it. but thisld accountable for it t this presis president who never won who has never, evera war trying t won a war, iso teld prime mi trying to tell thenister how td prime minister how to eliminate hamas.o eliminat theye hamas, they have have to be be go and they dn choice. they have tod de gostro in in rafah.y hamas, this pr they have to destroyesident o hamas. this president needs sho mouth and give them the shut his mouth and space and weapon let them give thems they need the space and giveto destroy h. larry: them the weapons they i agree o go destroyh that hamas. 10. so i agree0%. you just - with that, senator scott,- you. look, you justr there, you were over there, talking you talked to bi netanyahu and so forth netanyahu,. i'm just somewhat confused the prie because the prime ministerminister -- f , who was a goodmine. he s friend, for heaven's sakes, and i'm a huge
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supporter, he said, i have a date to go back into rafah. but at the same time, publicly, the discussion is they're going to hold off. he pulled out most of his brigades and they're looking for a cease fire with some kind of hostage swap. so is he going in or is he pulling out? senator scott, i believe what they're doing is they're positioning himself to destroy hamas. and if you look at, you know, i was just over there, i was met with idf. i met with the war cabinet. i mean, they they are very focused on how to destroy hamas. now, hamas is not just staying in rafah. they're coming up. that's why they you know, they killed a lot of hamas at the, sheba hospital recently. so, you know this, there's still all on board to get rid of hamas. everyone i talked to there is on board. they're going to destroy hamas. they the american government needs to shut its mouth and let them go do their job. do you think i asked senator ernst this do you think that biden's i mean, biden's have threatened to withhold ammunition and weaponry and, god knows what if
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israel, you know, makes the final plunge, do you think they'd actually do it? the bidens would actually stop arming israel, our old ally. i will fight like hell to make sure that doesn't happen. we look, it's a democracy. it's the only democracy in the middle east. it's our one of our best allies. their existence is threatened. what hamas did think about this if, let's say, 30,000 people came across our southern border and killed you know, killed our most people come across our southern border and killed 30,000 americans. would we stop before they were destroyed? no, we wouldn't stop there. so we need to let israel do it. they're they're going to destroy them. and we want what we ought to be doing and support our allies. we should support allies. and if somebody attacks us, i mean, they should support us. senator, it's pretty simple to me, well, i agree, it's so simple. i wanted to move on. just something else. briefly the arizona supreme court upholds a near-total abortion ban. do you have a thought on that? well, look, this what's going to
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happen as a result of the overturn of roe versus wade? and as you know, i'm wade, we'l decide if state level, airsz airi am sure arizona will figure it out, in florida we have a constitutional amendment. this is what should be ought happening. to be happen, ought through to be going througha legislativ a lee process to come up with a way to make sure we have reasonable limitations, but we protect babies. all right, another subject in our last 90s, sir, do you think the us government will ever stop stop giving iran money? that was originally frozen? do you think we'd ever stop doing that? i think we've done about $16 billion worth. gonna stop. yeah. next january 20th, it's going to stop the day donald trump is sworn in. it's going to stop. until then, i don't know the biden administration. i mean, they're into appeasement. they appease the xi. they appease putin, they appease the ayatollah. i don't get it. they appease the dictators in latin america. i
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don't get it. but no, look at all the money that we've given in iran. what they're used for. it's used to help the houthis and hezbollah, hamas kill americans. by the way, we still have five american citizens alive, and we have american bodies in gaza. why isn't this president talking about this every second, yes or no? he never wants to talk about it. and he's and you're absolutely 100% right. in fact, the whole hostage negotiations, seem to have gotten off track. i don't understand it. it's like blame israel. all i hear is blame in israel. and you know, your point about iran giving iran money? we're running out of time. i'm sorry, senator scott, but the fact of the matter is, the negotiations with iran and the unburdening of the sanctions with iran, right, that helped to create this hamas-israel war in the first place. it was a complete disaster. i got it, absolutely. i got to get out. rick, senator scott, i'm sorry i got to get out. thanks for helping us today. we appreciate it, folks. be right back with my last word. on this tiny home trend.
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