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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 10, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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we're a little underweight there into some of these value names. to some extent we're taking profits. it is real on the large cap growth side of the market but even there i wouldn't be too aggressive. those stocks are still pretty solid in terms of fundamentals. remember, whatever tomorrow's number is, friday is the earnings season. >> right. >> it will be pretty good. the bar is set pretty low going into earnings season. >> we have some of the banks including jpmorgan friday. great to have you both, steve auth, mark lopresti. here come the bells. [closing bell rings] markets close off session lows, not as ugly a session as we saw at the beginning. tomorrow rent the runway ceo jennifer hyman and kevin murphy. that will do it for us. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. so biden-flation coming in hot for the third straight month a
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major blow to mr. biden's re-election hopes and dousing any chance of a fed rate cut probably for the remainder of the year. maybe for the remainder of my lifetime. unfortunately stocks plunged almost 400 points and we're going to try to cover this story best we can. we have our own edward lawrence in washington, d.c., gerri willis here in new york will walk through the stock market story. "breitbart"'s john carney and for example media chairman steve forbes waiting in the wings with all of details of this inflation shocker and we have, i think at the beginning we are going to welcome back texas senator ted cruz but we don't have him quite yet. we have and all points bulletin out for him. so we'll see. we can see if we get ed lawrence. if we can't get ed lawrence, i'm going to do the thing. hold on a second, it turns out now, let me see -- all right, we got mr. cruz. anyway as it turns out we're up
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19%, we're up 19% for the three years and one quarter under joe biden and it is something like 6 1/2% at an annual rate. that is the highest inflation rate since 1983. that meaning what, 41 years ago and real wages and real earnings are falling again according to the newest calculations. so, could we get senator cruz? he is almost locked in. i want to get his comment on that because i know he is a smart fellow. he went to princeton, harvard law school, i don't know he must have learned some economics along the way. where are you, mr. cruz? there you are. i want to see his picture to know that he is good. there is senator ted cruz. >> larry, how are you doing. larry: a good friend of mine, senator ted cruz. in all seriousness, i don't want to make light of these numbers, i finally found my cpi sheet. this is the third month in a row as you probably know inflation
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was much hotter than wall street expected. the numbers jumped to 4 1/2% at an annual rate for the last three months. i will read you this other number. since january of 2021, so during the biden tenure, the consumer price index level is up 19.4%. that is a very big number and if i annualize that, sir, over the 38 month it is 6.1% at an annualized rate. that would be the highest since the early 1980s. the only difference was, in the early 1980s ronald reagan was bringing inflation down from 15%. >> yep. larry: right now, inflation which had come down a bit on year to year change is going back up again and meanwhile working folks are suffering declining real wages both hourly earnings and weekly earnings are down. what do you make of this? there is an economic take here, sir, but there is a political take also? >> well, these are terrible
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numbers for joe biden. they're terrible numbers for the senate democrats and house democrats t speaks volumes the white house is no longer using the phrase "bidenomics." they tried to roll that out there. they thought it was a good thing. the american people said wait a second, "bidenomics" is a train wreck. larry: it is a disaster. when you look at inflation this is what happens when you spend trillions of dollars you don't have, when you print trillions of dollars you don't have, borrow trillions of dollars that you don't have, inflation and you and many others at the time democrats went on spending spree, you will get inflation, will drive costs up. they said nope, they had all the talking points, it was transitory, it wasn't going to happen but it has been persistent. tell you every family at home if you go to the grocery store, buying food for your family is extra 100, $150. if you fill up your gas tank you
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certainly notice the difference at gas pump. if you pay your bills, health care, electricity, credit cards, everything has gone up and i tell you two groups really feeling the pain of "bidenomics," one is seniors, who are on fixed incomes, discovering their costs, everyday monthly costs are going up and up and incomes are not keeping pace. it is really hurting seniors badly. the second group being badly hurt by "bidenomics" are young people. you have a lot of young people coming out of school. they have never known inflation. suddenly the cost of their rent they barely can afford a young married couple want to buy their first home. they're discovering they can buy half the house they thought they could because 2 1/2% interest rate on a mortgage is very, very different from a 7% rate. this is what "bidenomics" is. larry: i knew it. i knew you could go right through it. by the way, just saying, grocery prices up more than 20%. energy prices up close to 40%,
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senator as you probably know. gasoline now heading back towards four dollars nationwide. a lot of these states out west and so forth are well over five dollars. anyway, thank you for that run-down. the stock market got whacked also. senator, let me go back to some of the biggest news yesterday and today. the arizona supreme court made a ruling to uphold a near total ban on abortion. let me play to you donald trump had a comment on that. you know came out and said it should be up to the states. let me play quick sound from donald trump on this arizona abortion ruling. >> thank you, sir. mr. president, did arizona go too far? did arizona go too far? >> yeah they did. that will be straightened out. it is all about states rights. that will be straightened out. i'm sure the governor and everybody else will bring it back into reason. it will be taken care of very quickly. larry: all right, senator cruz, two questions, number one do you
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agree with mr. trump that arizona went too far, and secondly, do you agree with mr. trump's new generic position which he announced sunday, that essentially arizona is states rights, abortion is a states rights issue? >> well listen own the first question i think that's a question for the voters of arizona to decide and i had been saying for a long time that issues like abortion, this is what the supreme court said in the dobbs decision, those are issues on which people of good faith disagree and disagree strongly, passionately. it's a very personal and emotional issue. i'm pro-life. there are many people passionately pro-life. many people who are passionately pro-choice. the supreme court said on issues like that the constitution leaves it for voters to decide. it shouldn't be nine unelected judges issuing a edict for the country. rather every voter should decide. what that means right now, in
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bright blue states, states like new york and california you continue to essentially have unlimited abortion on demand. in redder states you get more meaningful restrictions, the particular place the line is drawn, what nature of those restrictions are varies depending on the values and mores and citizens of those states. this decision from the supreme court of arizona will not be the last word. the voters of arizona will decide. the governor of arizona already called for legislation. i can see the arizona legislature acting, to decide what the rules will be in the arizona. what our framers wrote in the constitution, on issues where we have sharp disagreements on this, it ought to be democracy making the decision, not a decree on high. larry: basically you think republicans, i'm just thinking republicans rate now will fall in behind mr. trump's view, that states should decide as per the
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dobbs decision by the supreme court? >> listen, i've been saying a long time it is a question for the voters and it will be decided primarily at the state level. there is a place on the federal level for the outer extremes. so for example, i and many others have voted in favor of banning partial-birth abortion. partial-birth abortion, overwhelming majority of americans don't support. at the extremes congress may act but in the senate it takes 60 votes to move any legislation. so the only legislation that will get enacted federally is something that could command 60 votes which means other than the extremes, it is going to stay at the state level, state by state. other than banning some of the most horrific practices that are really beyond the pale and beyond the conscience for the overwhelming majority of americans. larry: let me move on. i have a couple more for you, sir. i want to talk about immigration and crime for a moment. big story in today's
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"new york post," okay, new york city, sanctuary city has had so many problems. so you have five venezuelans robbing a target store, a big target store on 70th and third avenue, which is a very fine neighborhood. so they robbed the store. >> yeah. larry: cops came in, first of all, they started banging up the cops. that's point number one. they finally got busted but four of them were let out with no bail. the fifth one was let out with a very small bail. these are criminals. they are repeaters. they are recidivists. this is the thing so amazing to me. they get let out with no bail. no problem. turned back on the streets. donald trump did nothing, with no victims was charged $500 million to get out of his bail. they will probably get, venezuelaians get 10,000-dollar refundable debit card, get health care, food care. senator cruz, it paves to have
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venezuelan mask on or something. all they do is get loss. my question to you, hasn't the time come for the united states policy here to deport criminals, pure and simple? >> of course. larry: you make a crime, you get deported? >> larry, of course. and what it happening, what happened in new york, what's happening every day in new york is an outrage and i feel for the citizens of new york who are victims of violent crime because of democrat policies, number one, joe biden and every congressional democrat that supports these open border policies that are releasing violent criminals into america. they're doing it day after day after day. number two, sanctuary city policies from democrat politicians in new york and elsewhere that release violent criminals, usual lip without bail, after they have committed crimes. a couple weeks ago i and several other senate republicans force ad vote on the senate floor whether we should deport illegal aliens who violently assault
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police officers. now listen, any sane world that ought to be 100-0 vote. that ought to be a no-brainer f you ask people on the street, ordinary people, if you are criminal alien, physically assault a police officer, we should deport you. every single senate democrat voted no. a straight party-line vote. this is where today's democrat party is. given a choice, between protecting you, the citizen or standing with the violent criminal, they side with the criminals. it is making our streets much more dangerous. larry: yes, sir. last one i want to get to, i don't understand, what part of the supreme court decision which was made in english, as you know, supreme court typically put their decisions out in the english language, what part of this language does president biden not understand as he now attempts to cancel student loan. >> yeah. larry: a ticket another, that could come to 500 billion doll
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dollar cost, a half a trillion dollar cost, if he gets his way? can you explain this to me? there is a constitution. there is the supreme court. they write in english. they couldn't be clear that he does not have the authority around yet there he goes again. senator cruz. >> you're a scholar, legal scholar, a supreme court clerk, et cetera, et cetera, what don't they understand? >> he understands perfectly what the court said. he just doesn't care and this administration doesn't care. this decision is a tritech at that. it is doing three things at once. number one, blue-collar workers, working class men and women, most consequential political shift of the last decade the republican party has become a blue-collar party. we're the party of truck drivers and steelworkers and copes and firefighters, waiters and waitresses, everyone with callouses on their hands who works. the democrat party has abandoned blue-collar workers, abandoned working men and women.
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what this decision is doing robbing blue-collar workers f you're a truck driver. if you're a waitress what biden is saying we're going to take money from you, either in the form of higher taxes on we're going to borrow, make you pay off that debt, but either way they're taking it from you to pay off the debt of a debts of woke gender studies majors, that is who the democratic party listens to. that is number one. they're screwing blue-collar workers. this decision as you noted is utterly lawless. the supreme court struck it down. the biden white house knows what they're doing is lawless. you can't give away $500 billion or a trillion dollars without congress passing legislation. they don't care. they know it's lawless. they're doing it anyway. number three, they are selling young people a bill of goods. joe biden's doing this for the same reason he did it two years ago. to try to buy votes. to convince young people i'm giving you free stuff but here's the thing, they know this will be struck down in court. so they're lying to young people. they're trying to dupe young
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people in making a promise that they know will never be delivered upon because the courts will strike it down but the biden administration thinks young people are not very bright and they will be fooled by this political ploy. i don't think that will happen. larry: that is the beauty of this story you know. judging from all these polls coming out, the younger folks aren't buying this at all. >> yeah. larry: they're walking away from biden. i don't know if they're ready to go for trump, maybe they are. but they're walking away from biden left and right. so i agree. by the way, did you know, senator, you may recall this, during the obama years they nationalized student loans, stopped private lenders. >> yep. larry: put them into the department of education where there isn't a single person with banking or credit experience in order to make loans so the interest would finance the interest revenues would finance obamacare. >> yep. larry: obamacare. that is the greatest irony. >> that is exactly right.
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larry: the greatest irony. now they're stopping interest expenses so they bankrupt obamacare as well as the rest of the country. go figure. i don't know. senator cruz, good to see you, sir. >> thanks, larry. larry: well done on the economic questions, very well done. high marks. folks coming up here on "kudlow" , biden-flation back. there will not be another interest rate cut in my live time. we've been saying it. john carney of "breitbart" has been saying it too. steve forbes with john carney. we'll talk on set about the whole cpi story. unfortunately stocks down over 400 points. real wages are down. prices are up. mr. biden's kind of in cold soup today, is that right, cold soup, not good. i'm kudlow. always good. thank you, mr. cruz. we appreciate it. ♪.
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her uncle's unhappy. i move so much better because of cosentyx. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. larry: inflation came in hotter than expected, third straight month a big blow to president biden's re-election. we'll cover this left to right. let's get to our own edward lawrence at the white house with much more. edward what have you got down there? >> reporter: larry, food and energy prices driving some of this increase in the overall inflation. now this could push off the possibility, the data we're seeing, for a hike until
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possibly september. federal reserve is looking at this data month over month and specifically looking at these numbers. inflation on a trend up for possibly about the last five months. now it is up .1% last october. continuing through march, .4% up in the march report. this is more than just numbers. it's hardship. >> the average american out there doesn't really give a [bleep] if i can say that about what the cpi print is because they're living a real inflation story that is totally different. >> reporter: yeah, they're living price increases like this. food at open up 2.2%. all energy up 2.1%. car insurance up 22%. now the president want people to look how the rate of price increases has come down from 9.1% a year after he got into office but then he said this today -- president biden: we have dramatically reduced inflation from 9% down to close to 3%. we're in a situation where we're
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better situation than we were when we took office. where inflation was skyrocketing and we have a plan to deal with it. >> reporter: but inflation was 1.4% the month president biden came into office. the federal reserve members i spoke with were worried inflation remained too low foretoo long. president biden said this in front of the japanese prime minister, the two leaders announcing a stronger agreement on defense and security cooperation. they agreed to send a japanese astronaut to the moon. the two world leaders agreed on significant research partnership in a.i., quantum computing, semiconductors and clean energy. the president trying to countermoves by china they're doing in the indopacific and he wants to extend the u.s. relationship over there in the indopacific. back to you, larry. larry: edward lawrence thank you very much. let's bring in our market expert gerri willis on today's selloff. gerri stocks down, bond rates up. >> reporter: that's right. ugly picture today. stocks selling off, bond yields soaring on inflation news.
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you just heard described all three major averages falling about 1%. we saw the dow down 422 points, the s&p up by 49, the nasdaq falling 136. ouch that's all about 1%. real estate stocks taking the worst hit down 4% but other rate sensitive sectors, they were getting hammered too like utilities and financials. it looked like some folks late this afternoon were already buying on the dip after the stocks fell so hard earlier in the day. nvidia shares moving higher at the end of the trading day. markets now pricing in just a 19% chance of a rate cut in june compared to 57% before the cpi report was issued. outlook is cloudy. traders saying every day we get closer to november the more the fed will be forced to sit on their hands. of course even if stocks tank today, bond yields pricing. 10-year topping 4.5% for the first time since november. the two-year closed in on five.
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a very big day for investors out there and we'll going to have to wait to see about tomorrow. larry, back to you. larry: gerri willis, thank you very much. joining us john carney "breitbarts" economics editor and coauthor.
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larry: steve forbes, maybe the most famous, distinguished commodity price person in america, that's you, commodities rising significantly last three months. gold rising significantly the last three months. not only does that stuff bleed into the indexes but it shows weakness in the dollar which i learned from steve forbes and his book is the ultimate inflation cause. fair, right? >> yes. rising prices are a symptom of inflation. it's not the cause. weakening of currency is the cause. that is something the fed can control without trashing the
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economy raising interest rates. all this phillips curve -- they're giving us unnecessary austerity but at the same time they have gummed up the credit markets. you're going to see mortgage rates start to go up again. they should back off to let the economy recover by itself and announce explicitly their goal is stable value for the dollar. they will look at commodity prices which are up 17% this year as you pointed out. gold is soaring again. that is another red light flashing of trouble ahead. so they're setting up real monetary inflation for later this year around early next year. they announced they want a stable dollar and get rid of this phillips curve stuff and the idea they can control the economy, i think you would sigh a rally in bonds,. larry: yeah but we've seen selloff in bonds pretty much year-to-date. >> us pa the fed doesn't know what it is doing. larry: market rates, market rates have been drifting higher. the 10-year is drifting higher. two year breaking forecast
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inflation tips is higher. up 80 basis points year-to-date. so, john carney, this leaves, i put the politics aside for a minute. we'll talk about that in a political panel but this leaves the fed economic between justs once again at the short end of the stick. they were priming us for rate cuts and what's happened here? the story is reversed? >> they made a tremendous mistake. remember, larry they invented the number, core services ex-husbands. that was supposed to persuade us there was no inflation? occur services ex-housing is up 8.5% in march. it is through the roof. ian the number they invented to show there was not really inflation -- larry: three month change, let me interrupt. three month change of that measure. >> 7.8. larry: 8.2. >> yep. larry: four-month change is 4.8. this is supposed to be jay powell's favorite new core, core index.
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>> that's right. they made a tremendous distake. they thought inflation was going away. they promised a rate cut. that is a form of monetary easing. when they tell the market hey we're iting rates. the market prices that in. that was mistake. it helped accelerate inflation. it will be looked at the fed's biggest mistake. the first one whether they said inflation was transitory to being with. larry: i mean overall, 38 months of joe biden, the consumer price index level is up 19.4%. that is a very big number. that is 38 months. so that's three-years plus. for all donald trump's term, i call it the first term, prices only went up 7% in for years, 3.1 annualized. biden's annual rate was 6.1. steve forbes that is the highest since the mid '80s, actually 1983 you about in 1983 they were bringing, reagan and volcker
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were bringing inflation down from 15 to two. this thing is wobbling back up again. >> it was larry summers, a democrat, former treasury secretary points out. larry: yes. >> if you put in the cost of interest, you pay on mortgages high was nine t was 18%. the 3%, 4% they bandied around today is more like seven or eight. given what is happening now with mortgage rates going up, car payments going up, credit card payment interest rates going up, guess what? people have to pay that. that is a cost of living that the government ignores. larry: thank you for reminding me. you know, summers, that was nber, national bureau of economic research piece of work with some other economists. so you're right, thank you for that. john carney, spot on. i'm just going to listen to you, forever and ever. all there is to it. folks i have to jump out. i'm a little short on time. thank you very much. coming up here on "kudlow," president trump is not only unifying the gop, he is unifying the entire country and his best claim is success.
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success is the best revenge. so we're going to talk about that with senator tim scott. he is a hot pick for vice president by the way. bad day for "bidenomics," bad day for biden's re-election. a great day for charlie hurt and giano caldwell. they will weigh in here on "kudlow." all that when we return. ♪.
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larry: one person spoke at that event, south carolina senator tim scott. welcome back, sir. >> thank you, larry. larry: the president, he talked about success and he it was essentially, i looked at it, i wasn't there, i don't have a
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billion, i'm working on it, senator. with your opportune zones. help, working folks get their real wages up again. did he talk about that stuff, saturday night? you were there. >> larry, you're brilliant number one, so you know what you're talking about. here is what president trump said agree 100%. success breeds success. one of the most fantastic parts of the first term you will see in his second term, a fake focus making sure the economy helps every single demographic in the country. the poorest americans saw the wages grow faster than wealthier americans. we saw businesses see taxes go down. so they were globally competitive. we saw single mother's taxes go
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down by nearly 70%. larry, president trump promised $4,000 on average to each household. he only delivered $44,500 on average per household. that kind of success doesn't just unify the gop. it unifies the usa. every single american was better off. every working class american was better off under donald trump. let's have four more years, four more years of success. for hour years of low inflation. four more years of low unemployment but four more years of enthusiasm. larry: senator scott, good to see. it has been a while. >> thank you, larry. larry: today, another lousy inflation report. inflation has actually stopped falling. it is now rising. during mr. biden's whole term, inflation almost 7% at an annual rate. 19%, almost 20% on level of prices.
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the working class coalition, whites, blacks, late inches hispanics, kids women, they're losing real wages. they are losing real wages, senator scott. now that's not nothing. i mean that's the soft underbelly of something called "bidenomics" and i think that's the strong suit of mr. trump's policies? larry, you know this as well as anyone, we went 52 consecutive paychecks where inflation outpaced wages. that means you got a pay cut under joe biden, a pay cut. let'sen i was raised by a single mama. a 40% increase in gas prices. a 30% increase in food, a 25% increase in energy costs means she is broke. she is doing all she can in this economy, 60% of americans do not have a thousand dollars in their savings account because "bidenomics" destroys america's
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economy. larry: yes, sir. >> it's that simple. larry: got one more for you, a minute to go, senator scott. ted cruz said this earlier in the show, i want to put it to you, biden wants to cancel all these student loans. now this is working folks, right, non-rich, non-elite working folks. 70% of the population, more or less, paying for 30% of the population that got into this graduate school with loans or good public on private colleges with loans. >> yes. larry: this is the opposite. this is working folks getting penalized by the upper crust. it seems to me that is one more reason to oppose the student debt cancellation. >> 1000%. the way i look at it, is my mother who made, never made more than $20 an hour, is going to pay for the student loans of someone who makes six figures? are you kidding me? the coalition of working class
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americans, whether you're union or non-union, you believe if you sign the contract, you pay the bill, not us. larry: that's right. >> under joe biden he lies to us. you sign the contract and the poorest americans pay for your student loans. larry: yep. >> that's called ridiculous. larry: that's right. it is called bad economics, bad politics and it is called ridiculous. i like that. senator tim scott, thank you, sir, great to see you again. >> good to see you. god bless. larry: folks i will bring in political editor. charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor. giano caldwell, fox news political analyst. gentlemen, welcome back. charlie hurt, inflation up, "bidenomics" down? inflation up, biden presidential race down? i don't know, maybe i'm making too much of this but it is the headline story of the day.
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stocks are crashing all the rest of it, all the websites, "new york times" is running at top of their website saying it is doing damage to biden's re-election campaign. what you think? >> oh, i think it's terrible and you know the idea that he is going to be able to turn it around in a quick few months seems pretty impossible to me but you know more about that than i do. we talk about all these other issues a lot. we talk bill legal immigration, the open border, talk about some of the stuff going on overseas and obviously a lot of that stuff cuts against joe biden but nothing ever trumps the economy in an election. nothing ever trumps the economy. styles security can but security trumps the economy only if the economy is doing okay. if the economy, if the if people feel like the economy is bad and people are hurting, and that is what is going on right now, people are paying, inflation, has taken a giant chunk of cash
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out of people as pockets, it has been a massive tax on everybody, hurting the poorest people the most because that's the way tax like that works, it, it's devastating for, then you had joe biden talking about today that he is speculating on another rate cut before the election which, you know, you know, i'm not, i'm not, you know, constitutional scholar but that seems pretty crazy to have a president predicting something like that in the middle of an election. larry: yeah. he is having a moderately terrible day. gianno, i want to play for you some sound from obama campaign manager david axelrod about "bidenomics." take a listen, please. >> i wouldn't go out there and extol the miracle of the biden economy. it just drives me crazy when he does that. he needs to put himself on the side of working people in their
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economic fight here. larry: gee ahn -- gianno, the obama guys are pretty smart. they whipped us twice. more like bill clinton, feel your pain. joe biden is saying best economy in the world. then he gets three straight bad inflation numbers, blah, blah, blah. what do you think about this, gianno? what do you think about what axelrod said and what biden is saying? >> i do agree flipping the switch for this campaign will be incredibly difficult considering the circumstances we had across the country economically. talk about the israel, hamas conflict. you think women think about immigration. think about 15% of electorate, those qualifying for voting are latinos, have trump beating biden by 6%. african-americans are coming to trump frum in significant enough portion in swing states where he can actually win.
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joe biden is between a rock and a very, very hard place. there is no way for him to get out of this. there is no flipping the switch that i think any of us can predict from this particular, this during this particular time. i think joe biden right now should be honest with the american people about what the status of the economy truly is because people are feeling the pain whether it be at the pump, the grocery store, when they go out to eat or buying their everyday groceries or whatever that may be. so at this time the only way you can break through is being honest like you said. i feel your pain but i don't think that he is willing to do that. larry: no. >> he is not shown that kind of honesty or that heart, that passion for the people said he would have when he ran in 2020. larry: i agree. i think axelrod is a smart guy. fellows i would like to talk more but i'm out of time. charlie hurt, giano caldwell, joe biden's having a rough day and i don't know what's going to change between now and november but we will see.
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folks coming up later on again i want to talk about the inflation jump that is hurting working folks. i want to talk about student loan cancellations hurting working folks. we'll talk about all of that with congressman byron donalds. what is the future of speaker mike johnson? will he be kept as speaker mike johnson? byron donalds up next. if you have wet amd, you never want to lose sight of the things you love. some things should stand the test of time. long lasting eylea hd could significantly improve your vision and can help you go up to 4 months between treatments.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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larry: we welcome back to the show the great congressman byron donalds. buy rohn, how did he do -- i have to play some tape. donald trump in not atlanta, georgia, inside of a chik-fil-a. check this out. >> 30 milkshakeses. give them out to the people. take some for ourselves. okay? they could very well. they are closed on sunday. >> the lord's chicken. >> that is the lord's chicken, you're right. good chicken too. larry: byron, you have to love that. the lord's chicken, number one. number two, he bought chicken, we have even more tape. he bought chicken for everybody around. and one of the ladies there, threw her arms around him. i don't care what the media says. i want a hug. she went and hugged him. you know what? that kind of stuff, you can't make that stuff up. you either have it or you don't. >> totally agree with you,
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larry. either you have it or you don't. donald trump definitely has it listen i was in the president in my district in north miers. about a year ago. went to a house downtown pizza in fort myers. great pizza, if you're down here, go get a slice. when he hit the pizza shot, the place goes bezerk, goes bananas. bought a bunch of pizzas, handed them out. i've seen him do this before. the president is trying to make sure he is keyed in all the time with what is happening in the real world, with the american people, not just the politics and going on to washington, d.c., so he has that connection. that is going to continue. larry: i think you're right. nobody does it better than he does. buy rohn, come back home. big vote coming up on ukraine and/or the border which, and the house hr.2 which is quite a good bill. speaker johnson is rumored to include seizing russian assets.
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there is not a lot, only five billion in the u.s., making some of the aid a loan, which was a trump idea and reversing biden's lng export ban, which is always a good idea. but byron, what is your feeling about a ukraine bill, about the border bill, and i guess it is kind of all wrapped up and will speaker johnson remain speaker johnson? >> well, first, let me tell you what it comes to ukraine specifically these are going to be major issues for the speaker of the house to try to get through. you have a majority of house republicans that do not want to support anymore ukraine funding is the border is not secure. there has been no movement from the white house on this. and no movement with the senate on this. so that's a real problem. number two, if you want to take repo assets, that is one thing, but giving a loan to a country that frankly doesn't have an economy right now is something that is not going to work long term. how are they going to pay that
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back? i say, i don't think, this is something where our senators who brought that idea to president trump and so there are senators who want to do that because they want to give more money to ukraine. if there is anything we should do, we need to be talking seriously about some of the rare earth defoss its that that in ukraine if we help you maintain your sovereignty at a minimum, the united states should have access to some mineral rights so we can repay our debt in the united states incurred on behalf of ukraine. but i'm telling you right now, without the border being secured, there is a majority of house republicans that will not vote for another dollar to ukraine. larry: and i assume because he is a bright guy and he is awful nice guy, speaker mike johnson knows that, he knows that. so the stakes are going to be pretty high in the next couple weeks. i hate to put you out on a limb but right now, we'll have you back men of times, we always do, how do you this playing out, byron? >> what i think will happen is
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typical of this town, larry, it will go to the 11th hour, at some point a deal will get cut, unfortunately it will probably be a bad deal. but the fact of the matter remains joe biden left our border unsecured. you can't go secure another nation if you're not going to secure your home first. we need to take care of that business here in america. if we do that, it would clear the pathway for a funding bill for ukraine. larry: you know, just last 25 seconds, hr.2, which is your house border bill was a very good bill i thought, a very good bill. the senate won't deal with it. >> no, the senate won't deal with it, larry because they want open borders. the democrats have wanted this policy. they have it now. they're not going to stop it unless they're forced to stop it to take care of the american people. so we have to hold the line in the house to make sure the white house changes policy and reverses course. that is in the best interests of america. larry: byron donalds, great to see you, look forward to you. appreciate it. folks i have will be right back with my last word.
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5:00 pm
larry: biden inflation on its we suffering again. did someone say it's time for c. david: larry, tram inflation ish luna


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