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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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this is our future, ma. godaddy airo. creates a logo, website, even social posts... in minutes! -how? -a.i. (impressed) ay i like it! who wants to come see the future?! get your business online in minutes with godaddy airo stuart: a little taylor swift on thursday morning. looking at the white house. it is 10:00 eastern time. check out your money, almost half an hour into the trading session, mixed market after
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yesterday's big selloff, dow is down 58, nasdaq up 61. the tenure treasury yield way above 4.5%. 4.55% and oil is down a little today. $85 a barrel despite that tension rising in the middle east again, bitcoin 71,000 and change, back the 70,000, that's bitcoin right now. that's the markets. now this. inflation gets worse and biden says it is better than it was, terrorist cross the door of the border by the dozen and biden says it is the republicans fault. millions cross the border and biden says after three years he is considering taking executive action. texas stops the flow with razor wire, biden sues to stop them. shouts of death to america in dearborn, michigan, biden will not condemn it himself. it is exasperating. america is in deep trouble but
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the president brushes it off. biden created these problems, he failed to deal with them, he's tired and confused, maybe to supers, pride, self-delusion that he won't step aside, he hides from the camera under orders from his handlers who are terrified of his public cognitive challenge, just relies on hope the trump goes to prison, that the federal reserve cut interest rates before the election, hope that hamas survive so he has a chance with muslim voters, hope that the terrorists already here don't act, hope that abortion bails him out. asari story, america is deeply in debt, invaded by millions of migrants, we can the face of foreign threats and led 980 one-year-old who really shows his age. one last thing. this is something the democrats and the president don't want to see. and energized donald trumbull she walked into a chick-fil-a in atlanta, the all black staff greeted with smiles, he asks if
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they are republicans and some say yes, hundreds of smiles. it seems unnatural. biden can't do that. second hour of varney just getting started. ben domenech joins me now. that is a dramatic and drastic comparison, trump's energy versus biden's lack of energy. and that chick-fil-a was always. >> i think the democratic party running with biden on this agenda that says hamas has a right to exist and unborn babies don't is something that is going to bite them in the end and that is because they don't have an agenda to run on. they don't have the kind of experience they can put in front of people and say are you better off now because they know the answer to that is no
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for a lot of people, they don't see their daughters going further, they don't see optimism in terms of the future, they don't see the kind of promises president biden made about returning the nation to normalcy at all. they see a feeble and feebleminded president of the united states who seems completely unaware of the problems of america, out of touch in so many ways and the real problem for donald trump is he has to find ways to get out more and more, to the personal experience level as you just referenced in order to make his affect more about that unless about his legal and personal challenges in courts of law which is what biden wants this election to be about. stuart: abortion may be the republicans achilles' heel. here's what donald trump said about arizona's new abortion law.
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>> streamed out, it is about states rights and we see it now. the governor and everybody else can bring it back into reason and that could happen very quickly. florida is probably going to change. arizona is going to definitely change if everybody wants that to happen. the will of the people. stuart: okay. will trump's change on abortion at he has changed a little, is that going to help bring in voters? >> i don't think so. it's the one thing i think if you are on day 3 of spending a statement it's a good sign that that statement was not well-placed or well-managed. i think the former president is trying to navigate something he doesn't need to navigate at all and if you let things play out at the state level you can say i can have opinions about certain things and i hope they will move the direction that i
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want, but we believe the best way to save unborn lives is the things it should be at the top of the list. when it comes to arizona it's not a new law. it's an old law, one that they can change. something to understand is core to interpret the law as it is, they shouldn't be making it themselves, we saw that in alabama when it came to ibm. we see it in arizona when it comes to this issue. when it comes to this issue going forward i think donald trump needs to lean into offense. he's so good when it comes to playing on offense on this issue as we saw in 2016 in the debate, hillary clinton, leaning into how extreme democrats are on this issue is the thing that helps of the most was when his explain and defend again trying to navigate these things i think that put him back on his heels, he needs to go on offense against president biden on this and i think he will. stuart: see if he has the time to get out and do it, thanks for joining us, see you later.
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president biden's campaign launched another initiative aimed at one particular demographic. whether targeting? lauren: lgbt q plus, the biden harris campaign, the campaign manager of the biden campaign, julie chavez rodriguez calls lgbt q plus a force to be reckoned with and they are organizing outreach programs using elected officials and drag queens to do so. this is an attempt to get the youth vote. gallup polling shows one in 5 agendas the adults identify as lgbt q plus. stuart: thank you. back to the markets please. i see some red ink for the dow, 142, the nasdaq holding onto a slim gain 36 points hire. overall this market is on the downside. gary, hot inflation report yesterday. where is inflation going from here?
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>> i've been amazed the past couple months where the powers that be keep saying inflation is becoming more under control and i'm thinking to myself there butlers must be driving their car and buying their food because i don't think they are in the real world. everything is up in price, everything is sticking in price can insurance costs are skyrocketing, renters up there and as i said a dozen times, watch the 10 year yield, don't worry about the fed. watch the 10 year yield, if it goes higher towards 5%, the market is impacted, exactly what happened yesterday. if it continues to stick up we have some head wind. the other part of the equation. i have to state this was the worst scenario is when jay powell trended $9 trillion inflation, the second worse is what president biden is doing right now.
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we are going to be running the 2 to $3 trillion deficit this year and every year going forward and it gets worse if we go into a recession where interest rates go higher. that is as inflationary as inflationary as can be, he has done on purpose to win back the election thinking it will go to gdp but in the long run it will add to inflation and a big way and watch what gold has been doing, we own gold now and it has gone to all-time highs and persistent on a daily basis, the markets are speaking loud and clear here. stuart: so your answer to this inflation problem is to go into energy and commodities, oil, you are an energy and oil stocks i believe? >> i did not play them. i played the gold but that's what's working. not every, daddy, the grains are we, the crv index of 19 commodities nearing a high of
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2011. it speaking loud and clear, the fed is nonplussed about it, the fed had better watch interest rates. if the tenure goes to 5%, i have to lower rates, didn't have to raise rates. that's not going to have a good impact. stuart: how do you invest in gold? gold bars from costco? how do you invest? >> gld phy s is extended the upside. on the growth guy, technology guy, i can tell you the nasdaq and nasdaq 100 have done nothing wrong and leading stocks like meta, microsoft, amazon, nvidia, and a few others pulled back normally after big runs and if they act well and bust against the upside i will buy them again. i own matter and don't on the rest. i will be ready as we head to earnings season and hopefully
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we get some good reactions to their numbers. we when good to hear. thanks, see you soon. one active stock on the upside is nike, 2.6%. stuart: a got a vote of confidence of bank of america, they got a by close to one hundred $13, they say an upcoming catalyst for nike is the paris olympics. stuart: constellation brands, beer and liquor. lauren: stocks at a record high, 274 on upbeat annual profit forecast helped by resilient sales in beer, not wind. we when i was introduced to runway by someone who uses it. i don't use it but it is up 100 -- lauren: more than doubling. earnings, ceo said this bad economy everyone is talking about isn't affecting us. their customers are buying more and using artificial
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intelligence to help the search. if you go and rent the runway, you have to put in the search terms. stuart: but that's a huge gain on the basis of a earnings report. lauren: they have one hundred 26,000 total but that number has come down. look at that, the stock has halted a couple times. i call that volatility. we one who saw that coming? not me. thanks. the number of chinese migrant encounters at the southern border has surged. border patrol has apprehended 46,000 chinese nationals since fiscal 2020 p, don't worry, secretary mayorkas says there has been one deportation. president biden says he is considering executive action on the border. this is mayorkas admitting there's a crisis down there. is this a real policy change? border guy brandon judd next. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: 45 minutes into the trading session in the dow is down 237 points, nasdaq down 13. border patrol says there have been 1.8 million known got aways since president biden took off the. bill melugin is there in eagle pass, texas. do we know anything about these 1.8 million got aways? >> no we don't and that is why the chief of border patrol said he was asleep at night thinking of those got aways because we don't know who they are or why they are actively invading law enforcement. some of the guys rested at the
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southern border trying to cross he's got good reasons were, look at these mugshots put out by border patrol, 54 convicted sex offenders, illegal aliens arrested by border patrol in the del rio sector where i'm standing just since october 1st convicted of heinous crimes, multiple child rapists, multiple convicted of rapes and incapacitated children, several aggravated sexual assault of children and some too graphic to say on television, this is one of 9 sectors along the southern border. take a look at this video given to us by texas dps, troopers and border patrol arresting this illegal alien from mexico after they saw him come across the river on a jet ski and picked up by human smugglers, record checks revealed he's wanted on a full expedition warrenton okeechobee, florida for charges of sexual assault on a child, child molestation and sexual battery on a child. some are summer in the us.
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look at this last mug shot, border patrol in miami arresting this mexican illegal alien on orlando, florida, record checks on him show he has 3 convictions from listing 3 separate children, back out here live, those are just a tiny snapshot of why there's so much concern about 1.8 million known got aways of the last few years, people seen on cameras or sensors are detected some other way but border patrol isn't able to go out and arrest them. sources tell me the last 7 days we are averaging 550 known got aways at the border every single day. stuart: back to you. stuart: president biden is considering taking executive action on the border, dh as secretary alejandra mayorkas says ice cannot go after and deport migrants, watch this. >> i understand challenges of the border and don't dance around the. >> would you call the crisis?
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>> yes i would. i work every single day with the men and women in the department homeland security to strengthen the security of the southern border as well as the northern border and deployed personnel from different parts of our department whenever the situation warrants and the situation at the border -- stuart: try harder, national border patrol council president brandon judd is with me. if ice can go after, migrants and deport them, isn't that a change in policy? >> it is a change in policy but it will be a drop in the bucket. when you look at the number of people we've released into the united states or have gotten away we are talking 10 million people. there's only a few thousand ice agents nationwide and they can only take into custody a couple per day so you are looking at a small number. you have to have a policy that says if they are in the country illegally, if they absconded
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from their deportation hearings we will put them in jail. that causes self importation. there's a lot of policies that have to take place that if we do it, it would encourage people to go back to their countries, stop the flow coming into the country. multiple things we can do, this is menstruation doesn't do it. they put a band-aid on a very large issue and say look what we are doing, smoke and mirrors. that's what is so upsetting to every law enforcement officer nationwide. stuart: how worried are you about a rush to the border before the election, if people think trump is going to win? >> extremely worried, we can expect to see that but the cartels understand our politics, what the polls say. what they are going to do a polls show trump is winning for the next couple months able advertise around the world and say this is your time. on top of it, look what
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democrats are talking about, amnesty, legal pathway, you need to get here right now. they are very effective in messaging, in selling their services and so we can accept to see a huge rush of the polls show this. stuart: more than 22,000 chinese nationals across the southern border since october last year and here's what secretary mayorkas had to say. >> for the first time i had an engagement with my counterpart from the people's republic of china to ensure the china would begin to accept removal flights and did in fact, one flight most recently, the first time in a number of years. stuart: one flight for all these migrants, what do you say to that? >> that shows the failure of this administration. rather than trying to send the
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back to china our state department needs to negotiate agreements with other countries where we can hurt people. you do not have to bylaw send people back to the country they came from. just find a safe third country that's going to take people back, it's a complete failure on this administration the forward and to think outside the box rather than just going with what the norm is think outside the box, do what's best for this country, affect deportations which will drive the numbers down at the borders. stuart: thank you very much. very interesting story earlier. one migrant from turkey was caught crossing the border in california, smuggled over by a mexican cartel. i want to know, how much did he pay the cartel to get over here, what was his plan once he arrived? >> he so honest about it, $6,500 is what he paid, he tried to get a visa but he couldn't so he paid the cartel to cross him illegally into the united states where he hoped to
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drive to los angeles, he had a plan and know how to execute it. >> if you pay the mexican cartel, might pay 6000, 500. one more today, i stay after, if i do door -- i can fix if us government lets me work i can work. >> he didn't trek through the mexican jungles, he arrived at the border clean, cool, collected, not intimidated by border patrol or worried about any repercussions for entering the country illegally, they are completely emboldened by the millions of migrants who have done so with success.
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stuart: extraordinary store. comes to $6500 fresh across the border, has a plan and he is home. lauren: it is telling border patrol as if it is no big deal. is he trying to claim asylum? he's got a plan. a job. lined up. stuart: a very good story. thanks. fbi director christopher wray issues a stark warning, he can't member a time when our country faced so any threats to national security, good story, we've got it. president biden says our commitment to defend israel is ironclad. the us says a major irani and strike on israel is imminent. lieutenant colonel james cars are afanoh on how we should respond to iran's threat next.
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when you own a small business every second counts. save time marketing with constant contact. with email, sms and social posts all in one place. so you still have time to make someone's day. start today at
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stuart: on the markets one hour into the session the dow is down 260 points the stocks are down sharply, 200 overall, the s&p down 19, nasdaq barely moving up 5. lauren is looking at the movers. boeing 70 one. >> a new annual low, whistleblower has said the
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dreamliner has structural flaws, sections of the fuselage could break apart midair after thousands of troops, obviously boeing is refuting that claim citing its confidence in testing but another bad headline. stuart: how about robin hood. neil: popular with retail investors causing them to sell. stuart: they said sell it. lauren: shares have gotten ahead of fundamentals, robin hood a 40%, the issue is crypto currencies are falling back. that a risk, 13% overall revenue. stuart: 8. lauren: bitcoin minor, jpmorgan is giving the sec approval of a spot in may of 50% chance of improvement. i thought that would be good for bitcoin if it's not approved. that 50/50. we when it would be good for
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ethereum. lauren: it spot was approved for billions of dollars. stuart: okay. now, i am not -- don't influence my judgment. an israeli airstrike killed three sons of a top hamas leader in the gaza strip. has hamas responded to this? >> reporter: good morning. they have not responded though the leader of hamas says it was an honor his sons were martyred. it comes as israel is bracing for the possibility of a broader attack from iran. new threats of this week from the uranian regime. the supreme leader spoke at the end of ramadan saying the israeli strike on the irani and consulate in syria was like an air attack on iranian soil, he called the israeli government
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an evil regime, reports indicate the uranian retaliation could be immanence. this does align with comments from american officials including president biden who tried to send a message over the past 24 hours that the united states stands behind israel. >> president biden: our commitment to israel against iran and its proxies is ironclad. let me say again, ironclad. we will do all we can to protect his relapse security. >> reporter: the head of us central command is in israel to meet with defense officials. 's visit is meant to coordinate joint defense to an uranian attack might look like. there was an understanding on the ground that americans could help in cases relapse air defense systems are overwhelmed. if there is such an attack like this targeting israel directly from iran expectation is that israel will target iranian territory, it would be a major
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step up on the regional escalation ladder. stuart: the us is on high alert when iran signaled they could carry out a strike on israel and the coming days. biden says our commitment israel security is ironclad. retired lieutenant colonel james carsafanoh. in america provide the weapons and support that israel needs? >> i don't think that's the issue. the issue is how do you deter iran? the problem from day one is biden follow the same playbook as obama which is this incrementalism, first you engage the bad guys and give them what they want and when they get aggressive you do just a little more to get them to stop. the opposite is move escalation dominance, these guys are weaker and we are the stronger party so we should be hammering the. everyone is talking missiles and everything else, what would
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really hammer the uranian regime into the ground tomorrow? that is for the us to aggressively seek to cut off all the oil exports. that would send a message but we won't do that. biden won't do that because that would drive up the price of oil and doesn't want to do that before the election. we want what do you think we will do? >> we will do the minimum we can to try to get through this crisis and all that does is provoke the uranian's to be more aggressive. that how you wind up into big giant wars. there's a problem with iran and israel fighting a war with each other and that is a really can't get at each other. that' s a problem for the uranian's because they've got a lot of internal dissent and that could well create a lot of problems for them. if you are iran, the person you want is regime security. you are flooded with cash, the americans aren't containing with you. everything is going your way. you want to get more aggressive and shows tough, sure, great,
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do you really want to get into a war like you did with a rack that gets debilitating? i don't know. stuart: trying to read between the lines. are you saying a direct attack on iran or an uranian direct attack on israel is unlikely because they don't want to escalate that much? >> no. i don't think it is unlikely. i think it is likely because biden created the conditions the uranian's think they can do this and get away with it. israel is going to defend the population of israel. if iran strikes iran israel will strike back. does that automatically means that will lead to world war iii? that i don't think is necessarily true. iran has a lot going for it. exchanging a few missile strikes with israel is okay. the only way these guys can go to war with each other as if they start lobbing missiles at each other. there are countries in the middle, they can't evade each other. i don't know if they want to go that far.
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there's a lot of wrongs on the latter in between that the irani in this can do without going to all out war with israel. stuart: fbi director christopher rae concerned about national security. he says, quote, looking back on my career in law enforcement, i would be hard-pressed to think of a time with so many threats to public safety and national security were so elevated all at once. that is the case as i sit here today. the administration doesn't seem to be doing anything about this. >> i've said this a million times. everything we did after 9/11 to prevent 9/11 we have not only undone all of that, all of it, we have made ourselves more vulnerable to a 9/11 attack today than we were on 9/11. stuart: that's because of the open border? >> it is not just the open
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border. the open border is a complete give me, we've given them a playbook on how to bring a cell here and attack us but it's not just the completely open border. if you look at what we've done with the entire infrastructure including the fbi. they are doing all kinds of things that have nothing to do with securing and protecting us. our department of justice doing political actions, people are demoralized, can't focus on the day job. it's not just that we've taken troops off the northern wall. we have the troops like fighting each other while the bad guys are coming in. it is worse than just opening the border, we neutralized our capacity to quickly respond. stuart: tell us how it is. see you again soon. our own hillary vaughan question rashida tlaib about the death tumor america chance
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we heard in her district. what did she say? lauren: she lost it when we asked her about it. >> at a rally in your district, people were chanting death to america, do you condemned >> i don't talk to fox news. >> reporter: the you condemned chance -- >> i don't talk to people who use racist strokes. lauren: >> reporter: why can't you condemn people chanting death to america? racist? is chanting death to america racist? >> talk about your racist -- you know what you do. you guys got through with what you speak. >> reporter: if fox's racist, what is she? anti-semitic? remember the chants from the river to the sea calling for the genocide of the jewish people? she defended that as aspiration. stuart: she's a disgrace. appalls me she is in -- i will leave it at that.
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don't forget, send us your friday feedback, send your questions to varneyviewers@fox voters frustrated by the cost of living continues to rise. watch this. >> i make over three times the federal minimum wage and i cannot afford to live. stuart: the inflation fight is far from over. grady trumbull has that report next. ♪
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matching your job description. visit stuart: this just coming to us which o.j. simpson has died at the age of 76 from cancer. his family says he passed away yesterday in las vegas surrounded by his children and grandchildren. we have the latest read on inflation this one, producer prices up 2. one% one% in the last 12
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months. that is a higher reading than the previous month and follows the cpi report which came in harder than expected. grady trumbull in dc. do these reports mean that a generate cut from the federal reserve is less likely? >> where less likely. if you ask some economists, one person holding out hope for rate cut by the rate cut. he still thinks we will see one by the end of the year. his administration will help bring inflation down. >> president biden: my opposition just want to cut taxes for the wealthy and raise taxes on other people. they have no plan. our plan is so sustainable. >> reporter: the committee for responsible federal budget says borrowing $1 trillion in six
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months can hardly be viewed as sustainable and is more likely a sign that something is deeply wrong. that's in reference to the monthly treasury report showing the us borrowed one. one trillion dollars in the first 6 months of the fiscal year. the us on track to spend $870 billion. adding 1 trillion to the debt every 100 days. >> his budget, there is not one deficit, they are not making an attempt to project lower deficits. spending like there's no tomorrow. >> back to the topic of interest rates we expect to hear from several fed presidents, couple of voting numbers included, not that they spell out what they are thinking from the april and
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june meetings but might give us a sense what they are thinking in terms of the fight. we when got it. thanks very much indeed. there is a jen z tiktoker getting a lot of attention. what he saying? lauren: we hit jen z a lot on the show but i give them credit for one thing, they know about money. they do. they saw their parents go through the great recession and they are smart about finances. the tiktoker here. >> somebody explain to me in crayon eating terms why i make over three times the federal minimum wage and i cannot afford to live? and i do not want to hear the pull yourself up from your bootstraps night -- work 90 hours a week. that is bull, 1-bedroom apartment, $1,800, two bedroom apartment, $2200. who can afford that? it is embarrassing to come out
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and say that it is a struggle to survive but i know so many people are struggling. neil: i heard him not working overtime but i also heard that housing and gasoline costs are through the roof and those are the big drivers of inflation in march. stuart: it certainly were. he makes the point. we told you how some women in new york city were being randomly punched in the face, people don't feel safe in the city but the city's police commissioner says crime is going in the right direction. we will see about that. 4. . rfk junior trying to get on the ballot in new york, biden charting is a youth vote with student loan hand outs. will rfk take young voters away biden if he gets on the ballot? we will ask the president of the new york young republicans after this. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: check the markets, dow is down close to 200 points at this month, the nasdaq holding on to a 50 point again.
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look at the dow losers. on a day like this are quite a few, travelers, chevron, boeing to, home depot, caterpillar all of them down better than 1.5% down. president biden says he will never stop trying to forgive student loans. come en and gary wax, president of the new york young republicans joining me now. what the effect of student loan handout on young voters, do they go for? do they vote for biden? >> there's a lot of disaffected young voters, the economy being what it is they are not seeing the same opportunities their parents once did. of the biden administration is going to dangle some fruit in front of them hoping some will bite the reality is this will never go through. the biden admin estate recognizes that and most young americans are looking for leadership not handouts. stuart: he has proposed a massive giveaway for student loans. he knows it won't be accepted by the supreme court but they are not going to rule until september or october.
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i tried to help you guys. >> it will move the needle somewhat but a lot of the voters, particularly young voters are already in his can't. she is showing up democratic voters rather than winning new voters, this shows desperation rather than a future impending victory. stuart: if rfk junior gets on the ballot in new york, will he take voters away from biden? he is trying to get on the ballot, the petition opens april 16th. if he gets 45,000 votes, he is on the ballot, does he take votes from biden? >> absolutely. rfk, historically third-party candidates always hurt the incumbent. that's only going to be exacerbated with so many third-party candidates, pulling at disaffected liberals, disaffected democrats, in a state like new york a may seem blue state seymour purple and competitive. reagan won new york during a third-party split in a liberal
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ticket the we have rfk, mls, the more candidates the better so i encourage him to make the ballot. stuart: you don't have to be democrat or independent. new york city's police commissioner. backing adam's claim, crime is a perception. but heading in the right direction for crime. and stuart: his argument is undermined by presence of cameras. i know a lot of women in new york city afraid to walk around alone. people are being punched in the face. it's more than a perception issue. >> he says perception i say gas lighting. they are cherry picking the data. look at the data they are
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throwing around is a big victory transit crime is up year over year, january this year to january last year, 48%. all major indexes of crime, arrests up 6%. they can say everything is good and dandy but look at their actions, sending national guardsmen to the subways, the crime that happening. they can gaslight, new yorkers know what's happening. stuart: why don't more young people go to the republican side? this is my opinion, democrats have failed to run new york city efficiently or safely. the question of self-interest. >> there are trends working our way, we need to do a better job with the party, better job in different areas but we are up against the culture, the mass media, academia, corporate
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america, not an easy fight. there are moves in the right direction for change in cycles to come. stuart: if 2024, in what year will you stand for public office? >> i will run for dogcatcher or something but not looking at public office, just enjoying it day by day. stuart: you enjoy the part of the interview when it is over. lauren: where you nervous? >> going into this you are nervous. little things. stuart: come back soon. florida congressman cory mills on the house sinking speaker johnson's bill to revive the surveillance will, trump saying biden lost control of inflation. nassau county zeta wants to deputize private citizens, that sounds like a militia to me, bruce blakeman with me on the show. ♪
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