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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 11, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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the all new godaddy airo helps you get your business online in minutes with the power of ai... ...with a perfect name, a great logo, and a beautiful website. just start with a domain, a few clicks, and you're in business. make now the future at larry: evs are lemons. biden should stop spending a trillion dollars on these lemons which raises inflation and reduces worker wages. get rid of it. and david asman in for liz
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macdonald. david doesn't like lemons either. david: i hate 'em. larry, thank you very much. i'm david asman if in for elizabeth macdonald, and "the evening edit" startings right now. wholesale inflation heating up again last month, a new ppi report showing prices for wholesale ors up 2.1% year-over-year after a yet another hot consumer inflation read yesterday. with me now to discuss is former home depot ceo bob far if deli and "forbes" media chairman, steve forbes, all here today. great to see you both. bob, your reaction to the wholesale inflation report. >> yeah, david, it's great to be with you and especially my good friend there, steve. i'm not surprised at all. i've been seeing several months now there's a long tail on this inflation. and we're starting to see that take place right now, dave. i mean, personally when you look at home insurance, for example, mine went up- 10% -- 9-10% if
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you can even get it. if you think about all of the other issues that are driving inflation, we just heard larry talk about one that's near and dear to my heart, what we're spending on something that the consumers don't want, evs. we look at the repair of automobiles, well, it's not surprise. there's 278 million vehicles on the road in the u.s. and, david, the average age is 12.5 years. that's up a point and a half over the previous 4-5 years. so the people that were really doing well on the revenue side are the auto repair stores like o'reilly and so forth. everywhere you look there's the tail of inflation if continues to haunt us, and it will continue to haunt us now with oil prices going back up again. the cost of fuel, and when you look at core cpi, of course, it takes out the most important things, fuel and food -- david: right. exactly. and, steve, let's talk about food. the worst thing about the inflation tax is that it's so regressive and hurts most of the people who can afford it least.
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the lower 20% of more thans are now paying over -- americans are now paying over 25% of their a salary on food. 25% of their entire salary is on food. that leaves them with precious little else. >> well, the whole hinge about food for, as you know, for over a century is that it's become a smaller and smaller or part of people's budgets. so what they've done is reverse a centuries-long trend, it and hurts the people with the least. now, let's remind ourselves, whose wages went up most when a certain individual was occupying the oval office a few years ago? lower income people were starting to rise up. now they're stopping -- david: right. >> how is it these people call themselves tribunes of the poor, end up harming hem? david: yeah. and, bob, you mentioned housing before, house insurance. but just buying a house is close to impossible now. you compare it to when president biden came in and the costs for monthly payments because of the prices not only of houses going up, but the prices of mortgages going up to close to 7% now on
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the 30-year mortgage has doubled, literally doubled the monthly principal and interest payments from $1,000 a month in january 2021 to $2,000 in february 2024. and, of course, the number of houses being sold are way down. 2 million, more than 2 million less. this is really hurting the person dream. the american dream. >> yeah, there's no question, david, the american dream is gone certainly for the younger generation who a aspire to be able to buy a home, have a backyard and enjoy the same standard of living that they did when they were growing up with their parents. but that the inflation rate and that fed rate not only is hurting housing, it's hurting rent, but it's hurting the auto industry too, you know, having spent many years at chrysler. when you look at the fica score necessary and the interest rates, again, it's no wonder people are keeping their automobiles much longer. not only they don't want evs, but they can't afford to get into a new automobile, so they're preserving what they have. so we see this.
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again, it's plentiful across almost everything you deal with today. i deal with big companies down the middle and lower-mid market, interest rates in some cases have gone from 2 million to 12 million. basically, all free cash flow is going to pay interest. they can't do r&d, they can't expand, and you're looking at 40% wage increase just rolling through the organization. stellantis laid off, you know, thousands of white collar people the try and offset the inflationary if rate of the labor workers. david: yeah. and, steve, you have the president responding with made-up numbers, this false view of the way the world works, or particularly the way the united states is working now. you've heard it before, i've got to play it again. what he said about inflation yesterday, roll tape. >> oh, i do stand by my if prediction that there'll be a rate cut. this may delay a month or so, we're not if sure of that, we don't know what the fed is going to do for certain. but, look, we have dramaticking
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canically reduced inflation from 9% down close to 3%. we're in a situation where we're better situated than we were when we took office where new york stock exchanges was skyrocket aring. and we have a plan if to -- inflation was skyrocketing. david: soest he's claiming inflation was skyrocketing when he first came in which, of course, was not true, it was 1.4%. it's now more than twice that, but that first part where he's talking about the fed, could it be that jay powell, the chairman of the fed, will do what arthur burns did for richard nixon for his re-election; that is, giving the economy a false boost by lowering rates? >> i think he'll be tempted to, but i think the very fact that you're calling him outen it, others are calling him out on it, he's going to be hard put to do it if it likes like these numbers are staying up -- looks like these numbers are staying up. by the way, the president double lied on that. the other thing is these
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numbers, as larry summers -- former treasury secretary under a democrat, he's a democrat himself -- has pointed out these price indexes leave out interest rates. david: yeah. >> so if you put in the interest rates on mortgages, car payment, credit card payments, he and other economists calculated the height was not 9 percent if, it was 18. it's not the 3% he's citing today, president biden, it's the actually 7%. so they're pick about the whole numbers, and they're fibbing about everything else. david: bob, you only get about 15 seconds, but you know the american consumer very well. you've dealt with them in many different products that you've sold. they're not buying this, are they? >> they are not buying it. and we're seeing it in every -- i mean, we're seeing people shift in these polls, they're definitely moving away from this bidenomics thing. one other point, david. you know, they're not going to lower rates in may based on the april number, then they really only have june-july, august is out, september. you only have three more board meetings because they can't do
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something in october right before the election, they just cannot. a. david: well, let's pray they cannot. remember arthur burns. [laughter] they said he couldn't do it either. bob nardelli and steve forbes, thank you very much. well, president biden isn't the only one pallsly claiming inflation was -- falsely claiming inflation was skyrocketing before he took office. democrat congressman james clyburn had this outrageous claim as well. watch. >> and i do believe just from my own observations from the conversations i've had with people, there are concern about things like inflation. but what we've got to get them to see is that inflation today is about a 40% of what it was when joe biden took office. and so the inflation rates are down, and people's incomes are up. david: well, again, democrats putting up complete distortions of what was really happening. facts are inflation was at 1.4%
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in january 2021 while yesterday's cpi showed a read of ability 3.5% for march 2024, more than double what it was the when biden took office. with me now to discuss is fox news contributor joe concha. joe, of course, there was no pushback by the correspondent, the host of the program that clyburn was on when he said these things, but everybody knows it was completely false. >> the ultimate bias of mission, right in just to sit there like it's bobblehead, oh, yeah, you're right. sure. look, here is the bottom line if your really peel the onion off here, david. today u.s. consumers are paying 20% more for mil, about 30. maria: for bread and about 50% more for eggs than they were four years ago. those are facts. and i'm not spinning anything here because everybody watching at home maybe is shaking their head, because they all know this. every day these are the things they go out and they have to buy. then you add in higher rent, then you add in higher gas pice,
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then you had -- prices, and this is a feel election. so our media can try to either cover for democrats or avoid pushing back on guys like clyburn and biden all they wish. people know what their savings accounts look like right now when they have to dip into this because, let's put it this way: two-thirds of americans, david, can afford a $500 american. i'm sorry, can't afford a $500 emergency right now. more than comes along, two-thirds of americans say, i'm sorry, we're living paycheck to paycheck. imagine what this is doing, all these food prices going up, to the american consumer. that's why inflation is a number one issue right along with immigration and will decide this election despite what the media's telling then. david: while biden is losing the middle class on this because the lies have just become so obvious, donald trump seems to be picking it -- he knows how to pick things up when he sees a good thing down there. and he's picking up the middle class. he showed that at a chick-fil-a meeting.
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i just want the play that and get your reaction to it. roll tape. >> can i have 30 milk if shakes and also some chicken? i want to take care of the customers. the is this good? if making -- business good? making a lot of money? [inaudible conversations] >> everybody get -- making a lot of money? >> we took air ca of -- >> i don't care what the media a tells you, mr. trump -- >> we love out -- you. come here, let me give you a hug. [laughter] [cheers and applause] david: it just sure looks like trump is picking up what -- the people, the middle class, the middle and lower-middle class who biden claimed were his own, these were the people biden was fighting for. they see donald trump as the one who's going to save them. >> a thoughts astounds the me when i watch video like that. here you have donald trump, a billionaire, right? real estate mogul, been in the
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public eye since the early '80s, and yet he is completely relatable in a chick-fil-a. meanwhile, joe biden, scranton joe, comes off as the elitist. he goes to nantucket or lake tahoe or st. croix. so that video, that says a lot right there. in the end, the election comes down to six statements, mr. asman, georgia, arizona, wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania -- david: can you're right. >> -- and north carolina. david: all right. they're giving me the wrap, but i have to give you 20 seconds at least on o.j. simpson and his death and your with thoughts about how that case reshaped television newsment. >> it basically created the whole reality tv genre, right? 95 million people watched the slow speed if chase. 100 million people watched the verdict, and this was before social media, david, this was all by word of mouth. and since then we've seen televised courtroom proceedings over and over again. so he created, basically, the
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reality tv drama. but we cannot forget that two people were brutally murdered by this man, and hopefully he's burning in hell as we speak. david: we won't know that for a while, my friend. joe conchaing thank you very much. a new report estimating health care for illegal migrants cost florida over $500 million in just 6 months last year. this as dhs secretary mayorkas belatedly admits that the border surgery is a crisis. it's about time -- surge is a crisis. carr process jimenez will break it down for us next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪
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and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. her uncle's unhappy. i move so much better because of cosentyx. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...”
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so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: as costs for dealing with millions of illegal migrants surge, florida governor ron desantis signed a new law that a tracks the medical costs of migrants. dana marie mcnick ifing old is live in miami with the very latest. how much are these migrant health care bills costing taxpayers? >> reporter: david, that's a great question, good evening. the state of florida estimates that these visit es by illegal migrants to their hospitals cost the state about a billion dollars in 2023. now under a new law signed by governor ron desantis, public hospitals are required to ask patients about their immigration status when they check in. based on those answers, 54,000
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illegal legal migrants disclosed they visited a hospital from june to december in 2023 costing florida an estimated $566 million if in just a 5 months. now, it is important to note that dollar amount is based on the assumption that all illegal migrants did not pay for their health care after these hospital visits. immigration advocates say that's a deceitful assumption to make. the report states over 480,000 patients refused to answer a questions about their ingration status. the florida immigrant coalition spearheaded a decline to answer campaign. >> we certainly did the work to let the community know that their immigration status is their business, or you know, and not the government's business. >> reporter: but because of that, the state health care officials say the overall cost of illegal migrant health care is likely much higher than reflected in the report leaving hospitals on the hook for unpaid
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wills -- bills. >> direct effect on the burden on taxpayers. this is, again, uncompensated care. so somebody's got to foot this bill, and it's usually going to fall on the backs of hard working floridians. >> reporter: and florida is believed to be the only state tracking this type of data. now, fox did crunch those numbers, and they told me that there's too many variables at play to get a good estimate of the yearly costs for unpaid health care for illegal migrants nationwide, david. david: unbelievable. thank you very much. let's welcome to the show from house homeland security congressman carlos him ne.z congressman, good to see you again. i remember in 2020 that democrat debate where all of the candidates were aligned including joe bide, said would you support -- joe bide, would you support complete health care funding for illegal migrants. every single one of them raised their hand, and now the pay is coming home to roost, isn't yep. and i believe that that number
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in florida -- [audio difficulty]
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last time we had a lot of deportations under president obama. he had help from local authorities with ice to deport those people. that sort of cooperation doesn't exist
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anymore. so we need to pass laws as soon as president trump becomes president, we need to have the house. we need to have the senate pass the laws that will work against those sanctuary cities. so that's what we need to do in order to help president trump do what he wants to do. congressman carlos gimenez, great to see you again. congressman thank you very much. appreciate it. well, president biden has vowed that the nation's commitment to defend israel against iran is, quote, ironclad as concerns rise that significant iranian strike could happen within days. plus we have former deputy assistant attorney general tom dupree on what is next for former president trump after an appeals court rejected trump's latest request to delay monday's hush money trial. all of this is coming next on the evening edit. the bottom line with dagen and duffy on fox business we viewed the world the same way. i'm sure we'll have some disagreements. but you don't want to get her mad. no you don't. the bottom line with
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trials should be rescheduled. so far it hasn't worked and by all appearances, it does look like things are going to get started on monday in new york. well, there are so many reasons you
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can count the reasons of why, it seems kind of ridiculous, even even of a completely if there is one, a completely objective viewer would look at this and say, wait a minute. this case was very old. the witnesses were very sketchy. you know, people like michael cohen, etc, and beyond that, it was a misdemeanor that suddenly poof became a felony. i mean, what about those particular issues? why why wouldn't the why wouldn't the appeals court take that into consideration? yeah well, those are issues that would be taken into consideration. i think if and when there's a verdict in this case. and i think one very interesting thing to watch in this trial, david, is how much the prosecution makes use of michael cohen. he is not a good witness for the prosecution, to put it mildly. he's a liar. i could see many jurors being very suspicious of his testimony. and so i think what the district attorney is going to try to do here is do what he can to corroborate. michael cohen, bring in other witnesses, because, look, trump's going to be in a very strong position to
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defend this. if this becomes the michael cohen show next week, let's switch to letitia james. now and her so-called fraud case against donald trump, the this new he did come up with the money. but now letitia james is saying the bondsman that was used in this wasn't a proper bondsman, that the i's weren't dotted, the t's weren't crossed, may not have the right jurisdiction in new york. and she says she may move ahead to take over his property. could that really happen? i mean, if it's just a, you know, a sort of a bureaucratic detail. well, look, i think it's pretty unlikely. and there is a long, long, long way to go before she could actually seize any of former president trump's properties. i think what she's doing right now is, as you said, she's kind of kicking the tires a little bit on the bond. she wants to make sure that it's a licensed entity and that the amount is sufficient and that sort of thing. but that's ultimately a decision that the court will make. whether or not the bond is sufficient. and if the court decides the bond is not sufficient, i think he would
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give trump another chance to post a bond that is sufficient before allowing the attorney general to go and seize any sort of property. i want to go on as special counsel. jack smith's cases we've got the question of immunity is, is being brought up there the criminal immunity for the president, for all presidents, really. and what do you think about that, whether whether or not a president deserves immunity for his actions as president is does the president have the former president have a case at all here? well, he has a case to the extent that there definitely is an argument to be made for giving presidents immunity. i mean, look, trump is right in that if presidents had to worry about getting sued for every action they took while in office, it would be almost impossible to do the job. but at the same time, let's be fair that the president's version of immunity is very aggressive. the supreme court hasn't approved immunity on that scope, and they're going to have a lot of tricky constitutional issues to chew on. all right. tom dupree, you covered the waterfront.
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thank you very much. appreciate it. turning now to tensions in the middle east continuing to escalate, ten days after an israeli strike against the iranian consulate in syria that killed iranian generals, now president joe biden, cautioning that iran is threatening to launch a, quote, significant attack against israel in retaliation. while relations between israel and the us appear strained over the war in gaza, joe biden is vowing to support israel in the event of an iranian attack. watch as i told prime minister netanyahu, our commitment to israel's security against these threats from iran and its proxies is ironclad. let me say it again ironclad. we're going to do all we can to protect israel's security. joining me now from house armed services and house intelligence, georgia congressman austin scott, congressman, good to see you. thanks for being here. good to see you too. president biden says he has an ironclad commitment to israel in the same week that he's talking about giving a waiver on on iranian sanctions. i it does seem like
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there's a there's a conflict of stories going on here. no. oh, yeah. no, i wish that he were i wish that he were telling the truth, that he had an ironclad commitment to the people of israel. he simply has shown gaps in that relationship and that alliance between the us. and that is an israel. and that has created, a problem for our for our, our country, our allies in israel. so he needs to be consistent with what he says there needs to be that ironclad commitment to israel and that that commitment is key to peace in the middle east. well, president trump seems pretty clear about what's going on here. let me just roll a tape of what he said about it yesterday. rolling biden has totally lost control of the israel situation. he has abandoned israel. he's totally abandoned israel. and frankly, you know, he's a low iq individual. he has no idea where he is and who he's supporting.
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he doesn't know if he's supporting the palestinians, but he knows one thing. he is not supporting israel. he has abandoned israel. and any jewish person that votes for a democrat or votes for biden should have their head examined. do you think he has abandoned israel entirely? well, i think he supports whoever's in front of him. and so if people who support israel are in front of him, then the you know, the president says he's going to support israel. if people who support the other side are in front of him, then he says he's going to support them. and i'll tell you, i hope americans will look long and hard at this proposal that he's put forward to build this pier. you're talking about a us military mission in an area that is well armed and hostile to the united states of america. this is a mistake to build that pier. the risk to building that pier far outweighs the benefit of it. and i can tell you, our us troops will be fired upon if he pushes forward with that proposal. well, you know, there's another risk about being coddling iran, as some would say he's doing by by the sanctions relief they are now, or at least the
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revolutionary guard in iran is threatening to take over the straits of hormuz hormone, which would essentially cut off a huge section of oil traffic between the middle east and the rest of the world. we already have prices of oil up above $85 a barrel. that could that could make oil skyrocket to above 100 bucks. absolutely. and you've got the alliance between china, russia, north korea and iran. why would we want to do anything to help any of those people with with all of the things that they're doing in the disruptions that they've created throughout the world? and so the one thing i will tell you is that we should have never become dependent on any foreign source of oil for our energy inside this country. and so when joe biden talks about being concerned about things happening overseas, that increase the price of a barrel of oil, a lot of that's his fault with what he's done to our oil and gas industry right here inside the united states of america. so he's he's talking out of both sides of his mouth when he talks
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about these issues. and we're all concerned about the price of a barrel of oil. but but you know, i'll tell you, we could pump more of it right here inside the united states of america if we simply supported us. industry. well, what one thing, one thing that and we got to make this the last one. but but there is a political calculation going on with, with democrats right now trying to appease some of the, the muslim muslim contingent who, who might not vote for joe biden in michigan and minnesota and rashida tlaib is probably the best example of we caught up with rashida tlaib. hillary vaughn did yesterday. i just want to roll that tape and get your reaction. roll it, congresswoman talib, fox news i don't talk to fox news at a rally in your district. people were chanting death to america. do you condemn, not talk to fox news? but do you condemn chants of death to america? i don't talk to people that use racist tropes. why can't you just say whether or not you condemn people chanting death to america? is it a racist trope, congressman, to condemn people
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who chant death to america? absolutely not. and not only should they be condemned, but if they're not u.s. citizens, their visa should be revoked and they should be sent back to the country that they came from. so i don't need anybody in this country or believe that anybody in this country that's screaming death to america is an asset or an ally or a friend of the united states, they should be sent back to their their home country. if they're not, if they're not a us citizen. congressman austin scott, thank you for being here. appreciate it. well, a new report showing that universities nationwide are mandating di courses in order to graduate. this is house republicans move to terminate these types of programs in the federal government. but first let's check in with our friends dagen and sean to see what they have coming up in the next hour. on the bottom line. hey gang. [ applause ] on the bottom line. hey gang. hey
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity.
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their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. david: a new report revealing 1655 universities are mandating de or i -- 165 universities are mandating dei. madison alworth, that's a lot of schools. >> reporter: this new report shows universities across the country are requiring students the take dei classes in order to graduate, and according to this study, it is a majority of universities. so speech first investigated 240 schools and found that two-thirds of them mandated a dei course to satisfy general education requirements. and then within that group, 59% are taxpayer-funded public schools. and in some cases they're actually the located in states that have specifically passed legislation to remove dei from
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campuses. >> i do think most of the universities that we are looking at are bad actors who do want to in some way impart their own political ideology onto students and try to get students to become part of their own activism core. however, there are some who are just pressured into this. they think this is what people want. >> reporter: take florida, for example. despite the state law that bans dei initiativetive -- can initiatives, the study found five public schools requiring at least one class in order to graduate. fox business reached out to all five schools. uf denied the dei requirement saying, quote, the university of florida is in compliance with the state law and the board of governors' regulation and has no dei mandate. however, when we looked at their general education subject area objectives, we found that guesserty is cheerily included. -- diversity.
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it says that diversity content, quote, should be a sister-in-law defining feature of -- substantial defining feature of the course. then going on to say that in these diversity courses, quote, students critically analyze and evaluate how social inequities are constructed and affect the opportunities and constraints across the u.s. population. we asked the university for clarification on this discrepancy, david. we're still waiting to hear back, but it does seem there's a bit of semantics. they say dei is gone, but they are still requiring diversity classes to graduate. david: yeah, mixed messages once again. madison alworth, thank you very much is. joining me now for reaction, let's welcome fox news distribute deroy murdock. well, it's -- contributor, it would be enough if it was this report, but it's happening in the federal government. the state department itself apparently has now a dei loyalty test that you have to get, you have to pass in order to get a job there. >> yeah. when i first started looking into this, i figured they had a
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dei office that would have celebrations and parties and banners. it goes well beyond that. if you want a promotion, you have to certify that you are loyal to the idea of dei and basically take anout you will be pushing dei in all of your activities. this at the same time we've got chaos in ukraine, the a maas war on israel, you just today heard the iranians are threatening to shut down the straits of hormuz -- david: the chinese are threatening to invade our country. >> you got it. coming across and walking onto u.s. military bases, and the department of state should be focused on those things, not having loyalty oaths related to diversity, equity and inclusion. david: congressman alford, who we had on yesterday, is starting a new act, he's putting it into motion, it's called the dei doa act. you don't think it's going too far? do we need some legislation in order to stop it in its tracks in the federal government? >> we might at that point actually just need a law that says we can't do this stuff. the state department has a
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bureau of talent management, office of diversity and inclusion. and if you're at the state department, you feel like you're a victim of racial discrimination, you ought to be able to go somewhere, my boss didn't give me the promotion and get whatever justice you deserve. but sitting around and sayinging you're white, you're an oppressor, i'm black, i'm a victim, it's totally destructive and and unnecessary. that david the one sector that does seem to be faigz out the dei world is the corporate world. probably because of all the contact you have between the seller and the purchaser in the corporate world. the amount of references to it are apparently coming down. we actually have a graph we can put up. is that, is that a good thing? are the days of dylan mulvaney on beer cans over? >> i'm not sure they're over. i think they're diminishing, for sure, and i think part of what's slowing us down is people are understanding dei and r crt, terse not just about, look, black people made a great. >> contribution to america, there are wonderful things about
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america, a lot of it is pure anti-white racism. there's one woman who was at the pentagon, the chief diversity officer there k. and she said i'm exhausted by 9% of the white men in -- 99% of the white men in education, where can i get a break from white nonsense for a while? can you imagine if a white person said request i get a break -- said can i get a break from white non-- black nonsense? david: by the way, you got the memo about coming in a tux here today, right in. >> yes. i'm going to a fundraisers for soldiers save lives, and they help provide the military gear for the idf to defeat hamas. david: great stuff. thanks for being here. the white house is at a it. once again internal e-mails revealing biden administration officials successfully pressured a web site to alter its rating on a fact check it conducted regarding a potential federal ban on gas stowes. congressman russell fry with the house oversight and
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accountability committee will break this down for us next on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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a fact checking web site, snoaps to alter its rating about the story that administration was considering a ban on gas stoves. u.s. safety commissioner said that gas sto stoves were a hidden hazard, white house got a lot of negative feedback and tried to get snopes is label on false even though the story was true, welcome to show, russell fry. thank you we have e-mails, what do you think could the white house still be up to its old tricks. >> you look at twitter files, and disinformation, governance board, the oppression of the h hunter biden laptop story, this is a continuation of this pattern with that administration, if they don't like the stories they will suppress it a month ago they be absconded press,
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now we have that story, someone is fact checking the fact checkers. david: just to be absolutely clear, let's put up on the screen when richard trumka said, the commissioner talking about gas stoves, gas stoves are a hidden hazard, any option is on the table, products that can't be made safe can be banned, that is what he said, it is in black and white, they changed it because of house pressure. >> snopes, bills itself as fact checker, here, careerly there is outside -- clearly there outside pressure, altering a story that he clearly said it was on the table to ban the products, more of the same, unfortunately from this white house. david: i want to get into issue of fisa attempts made to make it a more honest
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institution than it has opinion when it was working to unseat donald trump during his presidency. fbi director wray is concerned. >> let me be clear, failure to reauthorize 702, or gutting it with a new warrant requirement would be dangerous and put americans lives at risk. >> congressman are you trying to gut it or just change it to make it more accountable to the people. >> trying to make it more accountable to the people this tool of the given to our agency to protect american citizens from foreign adv adversaryys, terror suspects it has been used, am amongst presidential candidates and is thes -- citizens, having clear guardrails is important, look to the
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constitution, the fourth amendment is a require. if it makes it more com cumbersome, they have to proof their case, and a judge is uniquely qualified to review the warrant, just like everything else there are exceptions, when you need to get a speedy warrant that you can do it, but you can do it in a lawful way that adhereses to the cob the constitution. david: we have seen many examples of that, some people are worried about an october surprise coming before the election with intel community, maybe using fisa, good to see you thank you very much appreciate it. david: joining us tomorrow congresswoman maria s salazarra. "new york post" columnist miranda devine, i am david asman in for elizabeth


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