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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 12, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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maria: good friday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning, i'm maria bartiromo. it is friday, april 12, you 7:0. time for the hot topic of thunder shower. the trump campaign be calling for additional presidential question debates, and for them
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to start earlier than proposed by the debate commission. they want to start these debates in september. former president trump putting out this message to president biden yesterday. watch. >> time for crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states, and i to debate. we have to talk about what he's doing and where we're going. we owe it to our country. we owe it to all americans. any time, any anywhere, any pla. >> donald trump will debate you right now. do you accept? will you debate him. maria: if i were him i would want to debate me too was joe biden's answer. two thirds of voters think it's important that biden and trump have a debate. if water going to see the first presidential debate between these two in september, that's awfully close to the election and some people may have voted already. >> we have the projected
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numbers. this is exactly why it's important. by the first debate, a million people would vote, the second debate, 3 million would vote, by the third he debate, 9 million people are likely to vote. democrats pushed early voting. they wanted this for generations. now we have this. you have you to the live up to it. joe biden it's pretty clear why he wouldn't want to debrat bait debatedonald trump, not just the cognition issues, it's because the presidency has been indefenseable to this point. the person that that benefited e most from the pandemic is joe biden. that's not an option this year. the american people demand they have this discussing of problems. a big part of this is they're seeing how the american public is starting to react to policies under joe biden.
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another morning show on a left leaning network had a panel with nine people, nine you diverse people demographically, geographically, all of these people unanimous raised their hand and said donald trump's policies are better for america than joe biden's. the democrats cannot ring having us this be exposed on the stage with a guy what that gums his ice cream as he leaves a store as we saw him. maria: all nine of those people said trump's policies are better. has joe biden ever been on fox snynews? i sat down with president trump in january for an hour and-a-half. we sat there, i threw questions at a him over and over and a over of again for an hour and-a-half, he sat there and took my questions and answered every one of them. would president biden be able to do that and as he ever given an interview as president to fox news? >> as far as i'm aware, i don't
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think so. maria: youngs. i don't think so.they've done t. i don't know that joe biden was part of it. .>> the strategy that worked fr them in 2020 is the one they're leaning on now because there's so much media attention and media outlets focused on kind of the fitness, the mental fitness of the current president and his mental acuity or his age a. look, i know age can be different he depending on who you are. what's interesting too, for the first time during the gop primary you would see the candidates come out and debate and donald trump said i'm not going to debate in the gop primary, i don't have to debate. that might hurt him now. biden's coming back around and saying you don't think he debates are important, i'm not going to debate you. that could help joe biden if he's not on the debate stage against donald trump. the one thing i'll say about
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tthis election versus others in the past, we know these two. and to joe's point, they've made up their minds. it's the spring. the undecided -- they're chasing the undecided voters. we know the candidates very well. maria: the idea that we're not going to have a debate, one on one, until september, you just heard how many people will have voted by then. joe ha has all the numbers. that's not fair to the american people. >> i agree with you on that point. it just seems that the rhetoric we're seeing from the biden campaign and the white house that he's not interested. maria: chris, how about this one. because joe biden obviously the age is an issue, the mental capacity is an issue so a lot of people feel like a vote for joe biden is a t vote for kamala harris. do we know what we're getting there? here's the vice president yesterday with the prime
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minister of japan. of watch this. >> secretary blinken mentioned that the prime minister made reference in his presentation to the joint session of the flintstones, many remember the cartoon. i thought it was particularly poignant when he said he's not sure how to translate yab a adabado. maria: your reaction. >> it matters. the president matters. the vice president -- i'm sure they don't have confidence in the vice president. that type of comment -- maria: yabadabado. >> it doesn't p build confidence. my mom said she feels the cognitive ability of the president may be an issue of the election, it is an issue for her in the election. i think people have made up their mind. any one of those debates brought forward would change things dramatically. that's why they're trying to duck it so much.
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yabadabado is deeply troubling. maria: i think that was maybe an ad lib. maybe they put it in their script. doug burgum is here with us with reaction to christopher wray's warning about president biden's wide open border policy and the state of the presidential rail. the power b panel is back, guy benson and kellyanne conway weigh in on the biggest news stories of the morning. before that, it's the word on wall street, hear what top investors think about earnings season when we come right back. stay with us. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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letter editor, dennis gartman. also with us is chris mcmann. done this, thank you for joining the -- dennis, thank you for joining the conversation. chris, futures this morning are indicating a decline, we're at the lows of the morning, the dow industrials down 118,s nasdaq down 98, s&p lower by 22 led by the bank stocks, jp morgan and a wells fargo reporting strong numbers, double beats in fact this morning. jp morgan posted profit and revenue that beat expectations. the full year outlook for net interest income came in light. the stock is down as you can see, 3 and-a-half percent. wells fargo profits fell short. net interest income falling 8% and that stock is down 1 and-a-half percent. we will hear from citigroup this morning at 8:00 a.m. eastern. we'll get those numbers and see what citi is seeing. we'll hear next week from goldman sachs, morgan stanley, bank of america which will set the tone for markets. chris, what's your reaction to
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the earnings so far. what are you expecting this season? >> we're seeing it, there's a disturbance in the force, how do we have a double beat from jp morgan, the stock goes down. there's a general concern about real estate and bond portfolio, even the strongest banks. what we're seeing is an over-reaction. people are so concerned about, particularly the regional banks, they're projecting concerns on the bank industry as a wheel. with these interest rates, where they are, some of the big banks, b of a and jp morgan are going to be able to weather this thing and make quite a bit of money. thend of the day, we're hopeful that earnings season and the banks should be okay and we're seeing great numbers from jp morgan. across the broader markets we're going to see good earnings season and i think we're hopeful that this is nothing more than a slight overreaction and we knew what was happening with wells. of course there are huge concerns they the retrofit portfolio but i think these interest rates are covering a lot of that up right now. maria: jamie dimon told us that
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the company is going to be prepared for whatever he's thrown at is. it jamie dimon is a skeptic on the soft landing idea, the impact of the stimulus, the impact of the spending. when i spoke with him in january, at the healthcare conference, he was pretty bullish on the capital markets business and on the loan business. here's jamie in january with me on this program. watch. we're coming off this little bit of a drought in capital markets activity. i'm wondering if you're getting a sense the log jam will breaks this year in 2024. >> i think you've seen part of the log jam broke early last year. you see ipos, not as many but they're coming back, slightly different types, saw a such he'll big healthcare ipos, m&a you're seeing. if you want to do a huge deal you can do a $30 billion deal, $30 billion financing, probably today. so yeah, it's open. maria: of course we've seen
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capital markets hit record highs in the first quarter. >> the capital markets are looking -- i don't know the president is providing as well as he should. i hope we'll see stable interest rates for the end of the year. if the that's the case, i think capital a markets could drive good profits for the big banks. the other concern is we have $2.2 trillion of commercial real estate financing coming due in the next four years, 2.2 trillion. and as many of these properties are under-valued compared to - they're under water. that's a huge concern, 50% of all that didn't is carried by the large banks. that's an issue. but i think you're right, capital markets are going to help, higher interest ritz are going to had help in the short run. we are optimistic for earnings as we go forward. maria: not to mention there's $6 trillion in money market accounts. that money is movable. so do you want to put some of that money in big tech? look at apple this morning. the company had its best day
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since last i may yesterday. the stock up during a strong day for tech stocks and there were reports that apple is producing a.i. focused m-4 chips for the mac book model. a.i. driving this group. stock is pulling back this morning but amazon stock also rallied yesterday, a record close at the close yesterday following the release of ceo an ceo'sannual letter to shareholds where he touted the future of a.i. should we read into a.i. as a pivotal story for tech or another sort of head fake like initially dot-com was before things settled out. >> we haven't figured out where a.i. is going to work exactly. they said 300 billion -- 300 million jobs across u.s. and europe will be affected, replaced by a.i. we have to make sure we're aware it's coming. it is transformative. it's going to change everything that we're doing. it's bigger than the dot-com bubble. it's unbelievable. and certainly i think these
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guys, particularly apple, is going to be uniquely situated. they were in correction territory a couple days ago. they bounced back. what a great way to come into earnings season with a little you bit of a haircut. which rather come if ---i wouldn't rather come in on fire rolling in, i would rather have a haircut. i think we'll see good things out of apple. maria: there's a story in the journal and throughout media that iran is expected to attack israel in the next two days, the wall street journal writes this, iranian attack exacted on israel in the next two days. dennis, that's the kind of backdrop one would reach for safety, perhaps gold, and it did hit another record high yesterday after the softer than expected march ppi number, gold has -- get this. you've been talking about gold for so of long. dennis, gold hit all time highs in 10 of the last 11 trading sessions. would you buy gold at these levels after all of this move. >> i would not buy gold at
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these levels af after this move. i'm bullish of gold. university of akron bought gold two and-a-half years ago. i wish we bought more. i own a fair amount of gold on my own. would i buy gold today on the breakout that we've had with the velocity that's put in the course of the last week and-a-half. no. i think the fact we've gone from $2,000 an ounce to 21 to 22, 23, now at $2,400 an bounce, would i buy gold here? no. if we broke 50, $60 in the course of the next week and-a-half, i would be a buyer again. would i buy today? no. maria: where do you want to allocate capital? >> to the gold market and regional banks. they've tumbl tumbled and undere
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pressure. another place i would look at r.e.i.t.s that have been hit hard in the course of the past several months but i still own gold and that's going to be -- that's been my focus and also the fact that you can get almost 5% now on two year notes. that's a difficult hurdle to overcome. but if i have to allocate capital to the sock market, r.e.i.t.s and regional banks and still owning gld. maria: we will leave it there. dennis, good to see you. thanks for joining. chris, you're with us the whole morning and we appreciate it. you're here for the rest of the hour. thank you. great word on wall street, gentlemen. quick break and then the house is ready to try again on bringing a fisa vote to the floor today as fbi director christopher wray highlights the foreign threats in a plea to reauthorize the fisa. indiana congressman victoria sparks is here with reaction. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. people couldn't okaysee my potential. for. so i had to show them. i've run this place for 20 years, but i still need to prove that i'm more than what you see on paper. today i'm the ceo of my own company. it's the way my mind works. i have a very mechanical brain. why are we not rethinking this? i am more... i'm more than who i am on paper. >> section 702 is indispensable
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in keeping americans safe from a whole barrage of fast moving, foreign threats. it is crucial to identifying terrorists in the homeland, working with or inspired by a rogue gallery of foreign air wrist organizations who publicly called for attacks against our country. maria: that was fbi director christopher wray testifying about the importance of fisa section 702 during a house appropriations subcommittee hearing yesterday. multiple lawmakers telling fox there's a new plan to pass the fisa reauthorization bill. they'll try to vote again today. jim jordan told me yesterday he wants to see a warrant requirement for the 702 program. watch. >> putting more regulations on the fbi on how they search the 702 database is not enough. you have to go to a separate and equal branch of government. you have to go to the judicial branch and get the warrant to do
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so and we even provide exceptions. we say if it's an emergency situation, imminent threat to the safety of the country, you can do the search. but short of that, go get a warrant. that's how our constitution works. maria: joining me is indiana congresswoman, victoria sparks. she's the commissioner of the you u.s. commission on security and cooperation in europe. thanks very much for being here. your reaction to the fight over fisa, where do you want to see this go? >> well, maria, unfortunately this section has been abused and use a loophole to do enormous collections on americans. i would like your viewers -- i feel bad this current version will come as a strike to violate the first impeachment rights, for two years. it's truly ridiculous. no one is auditing what they're collecting, what they're retaining. the only good thing, that's what
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i think jim jordan points out, we fought and we're going to have judiciary committee fought hard on that to have an amendment on the floor, if the fbis is running query on u.s. citizens they're required to obtain a warrant. that's something i would encourager your viewers and all americans to pay attention the how your representative will vote on that. this has been used, a complete loophole and you abused and national security to abuse the constitutional rights of americans. maria: what does christopher wray say when the issue is raised with him that the fbi abused fisa time and time again against political enemies of the democrats. they did it to trump and his officials in 2016 and into his presidency they 2017. what is christopher wray's answer that the fbi's you abuse abuse ofthis fisa allowance is e
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reason he's getting pushback on the reauthorization. >> it's the same story all the time. they say yeah, we acknowledge, we'll do better and they do it again and again because no matter, no one got punished. no he matter what they did to trump in 2016, no one went to jail. they all -- nobody gets punished. until there are consequences they'll continue to tell all these lies to us. our job is not to worry what they have to say. our job is to protect the rights of americans. and there is nothing wrong -- it's actually our job to errs always on the side of the constitutional aamendments. fourth amendment is a very important issue. this is a crucial vote and if it's going to be authorized without it we'll y allow
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lawlessness. maria: mike johnson speaking with white house negotiators about a new ukraine aid package. i want to get your take on this. the journal recently wrote a piece about you, titled the only u.s. lawmaker born in ukraine is now skeptical of more aid. tell us about it. >> listen, maria, two years ago i said we don't have never ending money and we don't -- ukraine doesn't have never ending lives and any war you have to have a strategy, a line. we took down the soviet union because we had a strategy and unfortunately biden likes to have slush funds he can spend whatever all over the world without any accountability to the american people and neglect internal issues, domestic issues like our border so i thinks congress needs to put a stop to it. i understand the importance and really what's happening right now for -- to lose to china, russia and iran, around the
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world. we have leak le weak leaderships not going to deter. we need to be more serious and do lethal aid, a loan, for the ukrainian military to hold their ground and hope any we'll have better leaders to try to do something. it's disgraceful what's happening. maria: do you believe the aid is being put to where we think it's being put? do we have documentation on where the aid is going? why not just send weapons? >> that's what i said. why don't we do a loan. we passed the land lease two careers ago. it was unanimous -- years ago. it was unanimous in the senate. we should hold governments like ukraine -- we don't do that. when i pass an amendment, i want to know which country and companies are geddi getting the. the senate took it out. they don't want to tell us.
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if they don't want to tell the american people we should get tougher on that. this is our responsibility. when i criticize them, they say tcongresswcongresswoman dares tt accountability. we need to make sure we don't have never ending wars. they end usually not very good after 2 trillion spending in afghanistan. maria: you can't k keep sending money without recognizing the threat this country faces. joe, jump in here. >> you made an effective case on maybe pumping the brakes on aid or at the very least being deliberate and transparent about where the money is going. some have drawn a red line. how vulnerable is speaker johnson if he goes forward with the aid packages proposing? >> well, listen, it's a combination of things. a lot of my conservatives are upyou upset that we're governing
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through suspension and with democrats. i have to be fair. he inherited a lot of difficult situations from previous speaker and previous congresses and we have a tight majority so from my perspective this point to try to deal with another speaker it's not going to make any difference. we need to find how we can hold the ground. tprobably have abetter presidend hold the house. my colleagues are upset and it's an accumulation, a fight with a lot of bills and ukraine so it's all together and the potential could be a risk that some of them might decide they want to have different speaker, they're very upset that we don't vote for the rules but it's hard. i understand that. maria: well, it's because you haven't been able to secure the border. i mean, had this is the only thing that republicans have been talking about now for over a year, secure the border. but your colleagues on the left will not do it. >> well, i think the challenge
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is -- i feel the same way. we could leverage. we should leverage the aid. i moon, we should have leveraged our appropriations and say you know what, we're going to pick a hill to deion and it's going to be -- die on and it's going to be border or we'll shut down the whole government. it's disgraceful. it's dangerous what's happening. we can do the same with the aid. unfortunately, there's a lot of talk but people are not willing to dig in. i understand why my colleague's upset. i probably belong to the same group of colleagues and i didn't like what kevin didn't do and was very vocal but i probably wouldn't at this point but i hope he will hold the ground and maybe at least we'll do something on the border still. maria: quick break and we'll talk with the governor of north da co-take. doug burgum is here. say with us.
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maria: welcome back. president trump and house speaker mike johnson holding a joint press today on election iintegrity. cheryl casone with details now. >> mr. trump is going to meet with johnson this afternoon, they'll discuss a range of issues including fisa reauthorization, fisa sets rules and procedures for gathering foreign intelligence, section 702 allows the government to collect communications. that, piecer april 19th. ththe house could vote on a new fisa authorization bill as soon as today. trump and johnson will hold the press conference this afternoon and will be talking about the issue of election integrity during their remarks. a move by the chinese government, a swipe and intel and amd. beijing instructed china telecom carriers to phase out foreign chips which would cut american p
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chip makers out of the nation's telecom systems. china is intel's largest market. accounting for about 27% of the company's 2023 revenue. a a md has provided the bulk of core processors used in networking equipment in china and he globally. both of these stocks are in the spotlight today. both are lower in the premarket. intel is down almost 2%. amds is down a little more than 1 and-a-half percent. well, rite aid announcing it's closing another 53 additional stores in nine states as part of the company's bankruptcy proceedings. stores in california, maryland, massachusetts, michigan, new jersey, new york, ohio, pennsylvania, and virginia are on this list. rite aid filed for bankruptcy in october to try to stem and deal with their high debt. the stock is up almost 4%. well, an a interpreter has been charged with bank fraud a after he alleged stole $16 million,
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the la dodgers considered a victim in the case. the interpreter is negotiating a gilguilty deal with prosecutors. he allegedly placed bets with my stolen are from a bank account. those are some of your headlines. maria: cheryl, thank you. meanwhile, former president trump closing the gap on president biden's massive re-election fund raising hauls, trump attending two fund raisers in atlanta and or o orlando this week, the campaign said he raked in more had than $1 m $15 millin from those events. he raised $50 million at a fundraiser last weekend. president biden attacked trump's donors at the fundraiser. watch. >> this campaign is scranton versus palm beach, this is a grass roots campaign of nurses and teachers and firefighters and cops versus donald trump and a couple billionaires looking
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for a tax cut. maria: joining me is north dakota governor, former 2024 republican presidential candidate himself, doug burgum. always a pleasure to the see you. thank you for being here. you were at the fundraiser at mar-a-lago last weekend. tell us what you got from the donors. do you see a change, a pivot toward president trump? >> well, good morning, maria. first of all, joe biden's got it completely wrong. i mean, this is not about scranton. the workers in scranton are supporting president trump. maybe the union bosses are supporting him but that fundraiser, the man hat hat taken a -- manhattan and hollywd thing they had in new york with joe biden, there were no cops and firefighters on stage. you know president trump was with the family of fallen officers while they're having that event and the event that happened in flo florida a week o saturday that was about job creators.
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the people in the room built companies in america, being buildingthe things people need d they're the ones driving inflation down while joe biden is bringing it up. maria: joe biden likes to play amtrak joe. we get the information that he and his family accepted millions of dollars from foreign adversaries and he's acting like he had nothing to do with it. we don't know if this is true but the house oversight committee wants him to get in there and a answer questions. >> well, absolutely, and foreign influence, i mean, the whole -- that whole thing is crazy but i think, again, back to the way this election is shaping up, part of the reason why president trump is leading in the polls is because people understand that he -- america was better off, more prosperous when he was in office and joe biden's trying to sell a story that somehow the economy is stronger, inflation is down. none of that's actually true.
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and everybody knows that they were better off when president trump -- the world was safer and there was more money in their pocketbooks. maria: are you expecting to be part of the trump ticket? >> pres?>> president trump has o many options, so many wonderful people are supporting him. i'm still the governor of north dakota. the most important thing i can do for the people of dakota, if you're someone that puts food on the table, gas in your car, has to pay b pay rent and pay for electricity, the thing i can do the most for this country right now is make sure that trump is elected. that's what we're focused on. maria: i want to get back to north dakota if a moment. but what's your take on the trump campaign calling for additional presidential debates and for those debates to start earlier than the initially proposed debate debate commissn
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saying september. if you're going to start he det babaiting one on one in septembr you're probably too late to speak to everybody. people will have voted before the november election. president trump put this message out on truth social yesterday. >> it's time for crooked joe biden, the worst president in the history of the united states and i to debate. we have to talk about what he's doing and where we're going. we owe it to our country. we owe it to all americans. any time, anywhere, any place. >> donald trump says he's ready to he debate you right now. do you accept? will you debate him. >> if i were him, i would want to debate me too. maria: pr.maria: president bid by saying if i were him i would want to debate me two. two thirds of voters think it's important that biden and trump debate, governor. >> well, maria, you make a
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great point at the opening which is by the time these debates would happen, 13 million americans could have already voted. joe biden's trying to play this from the basement like he did last election. i had an opportunity to be with president trump last night. the guy is totally has had his game on with a group of job creators last night. listening, digging in, asking questions, trying to solve america's problems, doing it for all the right reasons. i mean, joe biden, the contrast, anyone that's had a meeting with president biden understands that the difference between these two individuals right now is such a stark contrast. american voters need to see that before they vote. so there should be more debates and they should be earlier. maria: yeah. fbi director christopher wray meanwhile facing questions about biden's wide open border policies. i want to get your take on the impact on north dakota. here's christopher wray, watch this. >> can i get a simple yes or no response to the question, does the open border policy make your job easier or harder? are we safer or less safe as a
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result of the open border policy? >> i have been consistent over the years, frankly, in citing my concerns about the threats that emanate from the border. and as to the long narrative that you entered at the beginning, needless to say i disagree very strongly with a number of aspects of it. maria: we keep hearing how dangerous the open border is. what are they doing about it? are you seeing the impact in north dakota? >> well, absolutely, maria. of course, we're a big border state on the northern border, 20% of these i'll legal crossings are coming across the northern border. we've had troops at the southern border. i've been to the southern border more than joe biden. it keeps getting worse and worse. the sector i was at recently, there have been over 20,000 crossings just from china in a 30-mile segment since october 1, so christopher wray his job is getting harder.
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the threats to america are greater. but it's because of joe biden's open of border process and the number of countries, 140 different countries, people coming in, people on the terrorist watch list. we know that the lowest number of crossings in modern history were under president trump when he left office. if you look at the chart of those illegal crossings, 15 million people have come across. think of a second joe biden term, what would we have, 30 million? 40 million. the only way this will stop is when president trump is elected. maria: the leading group coming over is from china, you mentioned the chinese nationals. what do you think they're doing here, it's a long hike to come through the southern border if china. many are doing it without detection and they're all appearing to be men in their fighting age. >> well, maria, some of these guys aren't walking. there's video of chinese
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crossing across the southern border, pulling roller bags and neck pillows. they fly to a border city, like tijuana and pay somebody five grand to drive them in an suv to a hole in the wall and they hike into the country. they're not hiking through the darien gap for nine months. it's known information that this is happening. it's an y a atrocity, every stae is a border state. we lost over 330 of thousand 3s to overdose deaths since joe biden took office. we're in a cold war with china. we're in a cyber war every day with china. and now we've got in add a digs to this mass invasion, we are taking mass deaths because of the fentanyl that's coming from china. maria: and i wouldn't call them overdose deaths, by the way, governor. these people did not say i want to get fentanyl and let me overdose on it.
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they were poisoned. let's face it. they're thinking they're something else. everything is laced. these are poisonings coming from china. >> yes. agree completely. fentanyl poisonings. maria: thank you. governor, good to see you. thank you so much, doug burgum joining us. quick break, how big banks are giving a new read on economic conditions, fox's kelly o'grady live with details. >> reporter: good morning, maria. it's kind of the unofficial kickoff of earnings season this morning, all eyes on the big banks. they're coming off record profits in 2023. what does 2024 have in store for the financial sector? i'll break it down next.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly.
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you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. well, we've got the banks coming out. jp morgan, wells fargo, citi, reporting earnings for the first quarter. fox business' kelly o'grady with the impact for consumers. >> reporter: the key things i'm watching for today from the banks are net interest income, loan demand and loan quality and full year guidance. now, net interest income is driving the stocks today, that's the money the bank generates minus what it pays for deposits. here's where the rate story will play out. higher rates for the big banks means they reap the benefits of the credit card loans, large investments. if the economic data take
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doesn't support a rate cut soon that could impact loan demand and a consumer spending. we heard from jp morgan and wells fargo, a double beat but 4% drop for nii. we were hoping for more positive full year guidance for ni. the lack of clarity for inflation and rates hitting hard there. on the loan front, banks that have a good deal outstanding on their books for refinancing this year, the good news is provisions for credit losses were down for jpm, flat for wells fargo. the more important thing to look for on these earnings calls today with the big banks is any hint on existing loan health like auto, credit card. when it comes to full year guidance, a big focus is m&a and capital markets activity. that enthusiasm certainly helped bank stocks gain ground this quarter.
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what would hurt from today from the big banks it's encouraging, i would also want to highlight blackrock reported, they passed connexpectations with assets unr management. we're going to hear citi in a few minutes. on these calls, keep an eye on unrealized losses. that's a figure that seemed to peak for the sector q3 but it's something that wall street wants to seeshrink further. back to you. maria: your reaction. >> loan health is critical. something we have to look at for the banks, customers are getting smarter. wells said it was a problem, customers are switching to higher yield accounts. they're getting 1% and their friend says you can get 5 when you switch to a money market. no one told them. people are upset. there's a revolt going on from the customer side. an informed consumer could spell bad news for the banks.
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maria: as interest rates were going higher, the banks refused to move on deposit accounts in terms of the really pal ttry rae there. your thoughts. >> i was looking at the comments from jamie dimon. he talked about inflation and the uncertainty about the inflationary picture. he was clear about that he talked about deficit spending on a federal level and then he also talked about the issue with global conflicts around the world but certainly again, as kelly highlighted and we talked about in the last hour, it was that net interest income story and kelly's right. look, we had silicon valley bank fail last year. we're going to have mnt bank on monday, new york community bank. there's some concerns about some of these regional names. we've got $929 billion in commercial real estate loans, maria, that ar due this year. i know we talked about it a year ago and the world didn't end and we had good market year but i'm
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going to say it again. there are worries about these regional banks and there's one bank in particular that -- if they've got the value of a commercial property and that thing falters, and the value is less than what the loan is, that's a bad flip for the bank so that's my kind of insight into next week as i'm waiting on citigroup right. maria: we want to look at those banks in california in terms of those regionals that may have that exposure to the real estate that you're referring to. joe, one thing we didn't get into this morning was the crime situation out there and of course we talked about that before when you're with me. we haven't seen any movement there in terms of the impact on big cities from these soft on crime policies. >> no. and we won't until legislatures change around the country at the mumunicipal and state levels and
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prosecutors change. you ask everyone how they're allocating capital. this weekend i'm allocating capital on the masters this weekend. maria: i want to thank you for being with us this morning. we will see you soon. >> thank you. maria: we will take a short break and come back with our power panel, guy benson and kellyanne conway weigh in on the biggest news stories of the morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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