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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 12, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: i'm not sure this song has any relation to anyone on this said, the best, any stronger covering but market action, the best with tina turner on a gray, cold 6th ave. in new york city. it's 10:00 eastern. a downside move this friday, nasdaq is down 125. jpmorgan, that stock is down $6 or $7. it is a doubt stock that shaves a 70 points off the dow. without jpmorgan we will be done 150 on the dow, the 10 year treasury yield coming down today, just over 4. 5%. oil reached $87 a barrel
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earlier. that's where it is now. bitcoin is around 70 grand earlier back to 69-8 as we speak, latest read on consumer sentiment important for the market. lauren: inflation is up so consumer sentiment is down. university of michigan came at 77.9 down from 79. 4 in march which was the highest since july of 2,020 one. as for inflation, inflation expectations went up 3.1%, 5 year, 3%, bottom line, this uptick in inflation expectation reflects the frustration by so many consumers and voters that the inflation slowdown has stalled. stuart: i call that a negative, apple just a tad lower on that moves. now this. we have terror alerts on several fronts.
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is going to be attends we can. fbi director christopher wray said he is concerned about twisted individuals inspired by events in the middle east. as he was speaking, pro-hamas demonstrators appeared in the background with body hands. christopher is referring to terror suspects who have illegally crossed the southern border. one of them, a member of a terror group, entered illegally in 2,023, spent a year here, what was he doing, he's on a terror watch list, but twice, judges released him. apart from our security think of the politics here. if there's a terror incident here in america by people who cross the border illegally biden's open border will get the blame at he cannot say it's the republicans fault, now can he? overseas according to the wall street journal, an attack on israel is expected in the next few days. could be an attack on american assets in the region, we don't know. but think of the politics here.
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biden has appeased iran, relaxed and ignored sanctions allowing them all as to begin tens of millions in oil revenue which they used to buy weapons for terrorist. if we had a secure border, if we had a president who got things under control would we be facing this terror threat, if we had not appeased iran, a president who droned there terror chief like trump did would iran be menacing is real and america, president biden opened the border, showed weakness with iran and we will all pay the price. second hour of varney just getting started. serious stuff this friday morning. lisa, would we be facing these threat if donald trump are still president in your opinion? lisa:no but i thought you were playing similar the best because we were on set together but i digress.
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stuart: nice try. >> of course not. the world was a safer place under donald trump because other countries feared him. what did he do when he took office? dropped the mother of all bombs in afghanistan, sent missiles to syria because he drew a redline and people know he meant it but under obama, under president biden, words mean nothing, nothing fears us anymore and we see this massive instability and chaos around the world. it won't get any better. stuart: if we have a terror incident in this country in the immediate future and it's linked to people who cross the border illegally i think president biden is toast in the selection. lisa:he asked ford and we have a record number of terrorists caught at the southern border which means we probably had a record number of terrorists enter under his watch. what happens when you have open
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borders and don't enforce it. it's an open invitation. we have chinese nationals coming into the united states stationed by the commonest party of china so what do you think happens when you allow this to happen? stuart: it is his open border and biden's campaign was scalding media outlets for comments on abortion. >> trump kept his word to overturn roe versus wade in his last term and he will not rest until he has banned abortion across the entire country period. we all know this and the coverage needs to reflected. one egregiously false headline even said trump, quote, oh poses a national abortion ban and will leave it up to the, quote, of the will of the people. trump didn't decline anything. all he did was take credit for what he created. that's the news that is important here. we won where are they coming from with of this? usa today headline, the will of
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the people trump opposes national abortion ban, so states should decide, donald trump says states should decide abortion policy, where are these people coming from. >> president biden needs this issue. his approval ratings are underwater, he is upside down on all the key issues americans care about, donald trump is more popular than president biden, he's hemorrhaging young voters, hemorrhaging the black vote as well so he needs this issue. he needs to make this election about anything but the economy, anything but the instability we discussed around the world. he has to have this issue on the table. stuart: yes he does but trump has not set i'm going to ban abortion nationwide. he never said that. biden campaign says he is going to do it. >> president biden previously said roe versus wade went too far, a woman doesn't have the choice to do whatever they want with their body, he said it differently but more or less
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the message he previously said. democrats used to be safe, legal, and rare. why does president biden think it's okay to abort a baby up to the moment of birth and have the american taxpayer pay for it. this issue is a little bit nuanced, it's a complex issue when you look, most americans only believe abortion should be legal up to the first trimester, they are diverging viewpoint on this yet the media only pushes the left's point of view. they don't ask president biden why you think it's okay for child that is viable to be murdered. it is not a child after you hear her heartbeat, why doesn't president biden answer why he has such a horrendous viewpoint on this issue. stuart: they are going to exploit it. lisa booth, thanks for being here, donald trump -- trump just weighed in on rfk junior's presidential bid. >> trump said he would vote for rfk junior if he were a democrat.
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>> he is much better than biden, if i were a democrat i would vote for rfk junior over biden because he is more in line with democrats. kennedy is a radical left a democrat and always will be but he's a better man than resident biden, that i can tell you. is great for himaga, i hope he continues to run but the communists will make it hard on him to get on the ballot as they did for him as a democrat. lauren: that underscores the kennedy is a bigger threat to biden. actio's is reporting the biden campaign which is raised $100 million is using campaign money or did to pay the legal bills for president biden. don't hit trump when the rnc does that for him. stuart: thanks. got to check the markets because we have reading, screen, the dow is down 300,
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nasdaq is down one hundred 65. at 10:00, 9 minutes ago, we received consumer sentiment compact which was down. lauren: inflation expectations were up. lauren: market has gone down since then. big banks before the bell this morning. jpmorgan way on the downside, europe $9, 4.5% on the downside. octavia. give me the big picture here. what shape are the banks again after today's earnings reports? >> we saw jpmorgan come out and citigroup and i thought it was encouraging. jpmorgan in particular had a good earnings report. i don't know why the markets are punishing jpmorgan the way they are. that was a set of earnings across the board. the big banks in particular are looking very solid and in good
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shape. stuart: the problem with jpmorgan is the ceo jamie dimon, on the call he warned about head wents like persistent inflation, possible wars and the federal reserve, he says they could all hurt the strong economy. not the bank operations itself but the way the bank ceo, powerful guy, sees the future. what do you say? >> maybe the markets believe what jamie dimon is saying about the overall environment but we all swim in the same water so i don't see why those forecasts would hit jpmorgan more than others. you might argue that jamie dimon is incorrectly going to prepare jpmorgan for a serious downturn but he said things things like this in the past. 18 months ago he was talking about an economic hurricane hitting the economy which never came to fruition but jpmorgan did very well. he didn't really prepare the
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bank for this terrible time so inflation headwinds continue, high interest rates, the economy looks like a risk, let's impact all stocks in general but white impact jpmorgan more than anyone else i would know. we are down 5% on jpmorgan. stuart: do you think jpmorganed thing jamie dimon is gearing up for a shot at the presidency or treasury secretary? he is a very political guy. >> he wrote an annual letter to the shareholders that sounded to me like a political manifesto, someone putting out his palooka program and laying it out, sounds like he's trying to address a broad electorate so i'm not sure what he's going to do. he might be looking to say i am pretty old to be the ceo of a big bank at the age of 68 but he has been running it successfully, might be able to be a ceo but young to be president so attracted to that.
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stuart: nice touch. thanks for joining us. appreciate you being here. thanks a lot. let's check the movers, tesla is moving. stuart: todd: dan ives says musk moving too quickly on the robo taxi idea could be a, quote, debacle and that's not the near-term answer to the growth at tesla. they beat the catalyst, the cheaper car, the model 2. stuart: moving aggressively on the robo taxi. >> this is something you have to do just right. think about it. stuart: we have more chinese evmakers in the move, the leo, new said. stuart: they are down sharply. it started after ford cut some prices, $5000 on the f 150 lightning but the weakness in china in general and weakness for evs. you when evs are not selling well.
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stuart: i have a cruise line back in the headline, norwegian cruise line down. lauren: canceling a dozen cruises next year citing turmoil in the middle east and they say there's demand for shorter closer to home voyages like going to the bahamas. they didn't say that but i will say it. those trips are cheaper, americans trying to save money, why go far away to europe or have to go near the middle east when they can cruz closer to home. stuart: thank you. coming up, 19 republicans blocked speaker johnson's bill to renew the pfizer surveillance program. some say the bill could be passed as soon as today, they are going to put it back again. is this because trump is meeting with johnson? chad program has the latest. a new poll shows president biden losing support among black men in swing states. florida congress on byron donald's is going to deal with it.
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byron donald's is next. ♪ ♪
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you founded your kayak company because you love the ocean- not spreadsheets.
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you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit...
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: look who is here. let's bring in ozempic team. what's going on with pfizer? do we have surveillance of foreigners are not? >> the house did cross a procedural approval to get a revamped pfizer view on the floor after donald trump demanded the house kill pfizer.
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some are skeptical of the new bill. >> when we extended pfizer, there was a provision that allowed the pfizer court to extend and take advantage of that. to prevent the constitution from being applied to pfizer. >> the bill reauthorize is the controversial surveillance program for two years, republicans like that. the reason they believe donald trump will be back in the white house in 2,026. the new timeframe does not alter the thinking of some of donald trump's allies. >> changing that timeframe does nothing. if congress wants to change pfizer to protect americans or get rid of it altogether we can do that. the question, do you trust the department of justice to hold the fbi accountable because i
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don't. >> there was bipartisan concern pfizer could go dark if congress doesn't re-up the program. intelligence agencies warned that would put the us at risk of a terrorist attack. >> can't be switched off. it is our single most important collection tool. a lot more fentanyl moves into the country, russian and chinese intelligence services pop a lot of champagne, terrorist attacks happen. it needs to be reauthorized. >> the house is debating the overall bill, bipartisan coalition of lawmakers, expected to pass the bill today after mike johnson visits with donald trump at mar-a-lago. stuart: let's have some foreign surveillance please. thank you very much. a new wall street journal poll shows donald trump has 30% support among black men, more than any republican candidate in the past.
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30% support. congressman byron donald's with us from florida. why are black men leaving biden and attracted to trump? >> they remember how the economy was when donald trump was president. they want to make this political. it's not. it's the reality on the ground for every american including black men. black men are talking about generational wealth, finding ways to pass onto their kids and grandkids. that's not possible under the biden administration and their economic policies because inflation has ravaged your ability to save money, to buy assets and have them appreciate the way you need to. people being locked out of that portion of the economy and what has happened at the southern border is impacting every american, black men are not immune to that.
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they realize what's happening as well and i would at number 3, the gender identity push from the left, from the radical left of the democratic party is a turnoff to a lot of men and women and black men are turned off by that as well. that's why you see this shift in polling. stuart: if he has 30% support among black men i don't think he has that level of support among black women. i think it's more like 11%. why is that? >> i don't know, sometimes there are different viewpoints. the black community is not monolithic. the monolithic thought process, people who are very conservative in the black community. different views on churches or families like every other demographic in our country so we see the divergence between
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black men and black women but if you look at polling over the last four years and the last 8 years more black women are starting to move to the republican side of the aisle and i think that's going to continue because the democrat agenda does not allow for success of the american people, that's great because you have subsidies to further your wealth but if you are trying to raise a family, pass them on to your children, have safe streets, safe communities, the democratic agenda doesn't do that. stuart: donald trump walked into a chick-fil-a in atlanta. you've seen the video, he walks in, largely black staff, they greet him with smiles, lugs him, apparently like him. president biden could not do that. left hand side of the screen, chick-fil-a, atlanta. biden couldn't do that, could he?
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>> he can't unless donald trump always had that ability to connect with people. something that was before politics, before 2015 when he came down the escalator, the most disheartening thing has been the way the big media, the national media decided to go after donald trump because he became a republican and ran as a republican and became a republican president, they could not tolerate that so they took every opportunity to bash him over time but what has happened is americans had an opportunity to see a democratic president, in joe biden at don't like the result and they are over how the country was thriving under donald trump's leadership and they want a return. secondarily donald trump is not one of those who is faint at heart, he won't sit in the corner where people go after him. he is a counterpuncher. he will respond if he thinks he
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is wrong and i believe americans like that and respond to it and that is why you see chick-fil-a in atlanta or downtown house of pizza in my congressional district or in philadelphia getting a cheese steak. stuart: always a pleasure to have you on the show. come back soon. appreciate it. is real on high alert as they prepare for a direct attack from iran or its proxies. the full story next. ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim:
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stuart: on the markets we are heading further south, dow was off 325, nasdaq down 167. and percentage terms, lauren looking at the louvers and we have a mover in intel moving down. lauren: they are down sharply on a report that china told its telecom carriers phase out ships, down they go. stuart: that is a negative.
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the southern coffer. lauren: at new highs since june 2022. china importing more copper because industrial activity is picking up and they are major supplier of copper. we when then doc you sign. lauren: they are neutral meaning they are on the sideline but they take the price target up and they love this stock because it is a high penetration but are edging out competitors. stuart: israel on high alert preparing for direct attack on iran or its proxies. do we have any idea when an attack might happen? >> these attacks from iran on israel could be happening very soon. it could be very hard. this follows attack on iranian
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government compound last week that left several revenues, the wall street journal is floating at sources saying israel is preparing for direct attack on northern or southern israel as early as today or tomorrow. to attack israeli assets outside the country were proxies to do the dirty work. these new warnings prompted the state department to bar us embassy employees in israel from any travel around the country. the decision is down, he said they would be a response but it is also reported he doesn't want to start a full-fledged war with israel or the united states, they are talking about a non-escalatory measured response, benjamin netanyahu
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and his war cabinet on high alert and prepared. they said they would respond to any attacks from iran and president biden says between the us and his words are ironclad. pretty nervous watching and waiting as we know, there are other wars and crises throughout the region. difficult times. stuart: thanks very much. a former cia operations officer, support for israel is not popular among elements in the democratic party. what should our role be when the president says he's going to give ironclad support? >> we need to fight anti-semitism. it's despicable. abroad we need to confront iran directly.
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iran is like a parent, 13 proxies in the middle east run a market. we tried to distract the children, counter their bad behavior, time to counter directly with the parents. stuart: that is what you think we should do because we have appeased them in the past. you don't think we will do it. lauren: i hope we will. i do believe congress and the public, experts in this area are going to get started putting some pressure on the white house, this is not acceptable. iran, this is the same regime that started with terrorism. they took over our embassy in 1979. they are upset israel attacked there facility, it is preposterous. stuart: if there is an attack,
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israel will defend itself and we will help them defend themselves. that will not go down with democrats on the left. lauren: we've seen a mixture of palestinian liberation, pro-hamas, i say this as someone who should be a liberal but i am fed up. this is not okay. stuart: why should you be liberal? >> i think the historic enlightenment, if we are going to get to what traditional liberalism is, both sides, all sides of ideas, we need to have a debate back-and-forth but when it goes from let's be concerned about humanitarian conditions which we should be but excuse terrorism, hamas, they are not combatants, they are not legitimate fighters. they are terrorists.
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stuart: this is what fbi director christopher wray said about the threat facing the us. role that tape. >> has bill expressing support threatening to attack us interests in the region. al qaeda issuing its most specific call for an attack against us, against the us in the last five years. you've got al qaeda in the peninsula, in the us, isis urging its followers to attack jewish communities that don't typically see i to why but united in one thing which is calling for attacks on us. stuart: especially in the united states with terrorists coming across the southern border. are terrorists already here? >> we need to be more on top of
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it, not just terrorists but also spies. bad actors take advantage of chaos at the border. people on both sides of the aisle talk about this, there's a lot of talk but not a lot of enforcement and policy. we can deal with it. after world war ii, we correctly took refugees from europe and around the world but also stopped the nazis. we need to do that. china, iran and russia taking advantage of this. stuart: on a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being a dire threat where do we stand on the likelihood of a terror attack in the united states from migrants? lauren: legitimate migrants, 0. illegitimate actors.
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stuart: we appreciate your expertise. the prime minister of japan told congress the world needs the united states. what does he mean by that? ashley: the united states must be a leader upholding international order and what he calls a pivotal time in world history. >> the world needs united states, in the affairs of nations. undercurrent of self-doubt among some americans about what your role in the world should be. this self-doubt is arising at a time when our world is it history's turning point.
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ashley: the japanese prime minister who attended his first three years of element fiscal praised the us for shaping the global order but warned the risks posed especially by chinese military action which he called the greatest strategic challenge not only to the peace and security of japan but the peace and security of the world. >> the democrat convention in chicago is 5 months away, progressive democrats are gearing up for a fight. what's the fight about? ashley: could turn into a divisive political battle. we've got progressive activists planning to protest biden's handling of his relapse war with hamas. not the only issue, climate change and others will come up about the war in gaza and the future of military assistance to israel is such to be the most contentious fight.
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biden's approach to israel is differing from a growing number of democrats including some of the president's closest allies in congress. they want language that links future us military aid to a cease-fire in gaza now. the dnc has not publicly outlined its process, to promise to engage diverse voices across the democrat coalition. should be interesting. stuart: thanks. the trump campaign wants to debate biden before the first scheduled debate in september and wants more than three debates. don't know how the biden team could avoid it. we will report on it. round one of the masters was suspended because was too a dark for players to finish, we are live in augustine, georgia. stay with us. ♪
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stuart: still massive red ink out there with news the consumer confidence declined a little at 10:00 eastern time and the market is heading south even more, down 370 on the dow, down 214 on the nasdaq. show me big tech mostly lower, we do have apple with a gain of $0.80 but the rest of them on the downside. look at meta down 1.8%. round one of the masters picked up in augusta, georgia. round 2 is today. steve harrigan is there. is tiger woods going to break a record today?
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>> if he breaks it he has to play well today. he just started his second round that pushed things back through the rain delay yesterday, he was one over par after the first round, that's going to be right along the cut lines, he has to play well today to set the record for 24 straight masters cuts. as far as the others go it started yesterday with ceremonial tee shots by tom watson. the leader of the first round shot 65. for one day he conquered the course. >> for me, i have a level of respect for this golf course that a little different from a couple years ago. today was a great test of golf. i was able to conquer a difficult golf course today. >> that fast start is new for the champ, the past two years
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seeing some booming 350 yard drives. back to you. stuart: thanks, we will be back. the masters teaming up with ibm to help enhance the fan experience. what are they doing? ashley: something you and i would not be into. thanks to the capabilities of watson x, ibm's aim data platform, fans can get data-driven projections and analysis to every home in augustine's. it generates current and historical data breaking it down to the point where projections of a certain shot on the course could be quantified. it all sounds very geeky but if you want to break it down, the technology can provide information on every shot for the past 8 years, more than 170,000 shots that analyze
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which holes are the hardest and the easiest on the course. for example fans can see if a golfer's upcoming approach shot has an 82% chance of leading to a birdie based on where the shot landed. as for me and probably you i just like to watch the tournament. stuart: i never played golf but i like to watch on tv because those guys are so good and that's the truth. coming up, donald trump and speaker johnson will unveil a new election integrity bill about preventing noncitizens from voting. report on that later on the show. 50% of young women feel the need to hide their conservative beliefs. we will speak to an ambassador of the riley gains center. we will be back. ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: the reading mounts. we are down 400 points on the down just rules and 226 on the nasdaq. or to sell off. look at this. 50% of young women feel the need to hide their conservative. .
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a riley gains center ambassador and campus reform reporter joins me now. why do young women feel the need to hide their conservative views. >> the survey does not shock me, 50% of young women, does not shock me, as a student i know firsthand, a lot of women in my class, i have been banned 5 times on tictac for posting my conservative views because education and social media are the battleground for trying to push and reprogram women into leftist ideologies. we when you were failed in college some kind of test or paper? >> i had to take a dei required course. blue when you fail the dei course. >> i was a biological woman and trans phobic and hateful. stuart: okay. moving on quickly here. do a lot of young women have should say conservative views
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and would like to use the expression biological women but can't? >> absolutely and the problem is 60% of young women get their news from tiktok and what we know about tiktok is so many conservative posters and viewers are getting banned are just like me who are not allowed to post fake news, they are feeding 60% of young women their news at its all leftist fueled ideology. stuart: i get the impression schools, colleges are turning young women away from motherhood, denigrating the idea of motherhood, carry on the left wing idea you got to get out there and get a career, got to dominate. on my right? >> totally agree with that. i noticed in classes myself. from my peers they want to wait longer to have children. we've seen in an annual state of motherhood report that 25% of reporters in 2023 became stay-at-home mothers are reported being a stay-at-home
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mother compared to the 15% we saw in 2,022. the left is trying to erase things traditional and conservative values of family and women wanting to embrace these, when they have a chance, shows 25% compared to 15. stuart: the pendulum swings, does it not? appreciate it. quick look at the price of gold just hit another all-time high. lauren: i saw 2314. a new high. stuart: the 15th or 16th record of the year. lauren: yesterday was the first time it went above 2300 burge hedge against inflation and geopolitical risk which you are seeing, russia and ukraine and iran and israel. and up 3% this week, tremendous
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week for metals in general. stuart: i like the story of costco sending a lot of that. lauren: that democratize is the ability to buy gold and the fear of why people are buying gold. everyone goes to that. stuart: yes they do. easy to invest in gold. lauren: it hard to get because it souls out so fast which makes people want it more. wells fargo says this has become a $200 million a month business for costco. stuart: okay, you got my attention. lauren: you told me that yesterday. stuart: texas congressman wesley hunt on the university of texas clearing out all of its diversity officers, steve hilton on trump campaign wanting additional debates with biden wanting the first want to happen before september. will biden show? giano caldwell calling for commonsense work requirements for government assistance. he says welfare destroyed his family.
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the 11:00 hour of varney is next. ♪ ♪ [alarm beeping] amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at
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power outages can be unpredictable, inconvenient, and disruptive to your life, posing a real threat to your family's comfort and safety. when the power goes out, you have no lights, no refrigeration, no heating or air conditioning. the winds are not letting up at all here, and we're going to see some power outages. the number one thing to prepare for is extended power outages. are you prepared? you can be with a generac home standby generator. when a power outage occurs, your generac home standby generator automatically powers up, using your home's existing natural gas or propane, so your life goes on without disruption. you and your family are comfortable, safe, and secure.
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stay tuned to get over a $700.00 value free on the most popular home standby generator in the world. with the generac, we don't have to worry about whether we lose power or not. if the utility company does not come through, our generac does. having a generac takes a lot of the anxiety out of, there's going to be a storm. after the hurricane happened we just want to be prepared for anything. generac generators are designed, engineered and built in the usa. 8 out of 10 home generators are generac and have thousands of satisfied customers. how many times have you heard people say i never want to go through that again? well the next time you go through it, don't make it so hard on yourself. have a generac home standby generator. call or go online now to request your free quote with one of generac's nationwide dealers. special financing and low monthly payment options are available. and if you call now you will also receive
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a free seven-year warranty valued at over $700.00. the call is free, the quote is free, and there's no obligation to buy. call or go online now. so the next time there's a power outage, your home powers up. power your life with generac. call or go online to request your free quote today. when it comes to investing, we live in uncertain times. some assets can evaporate at the click of a button. others can deflate with a single policy change. savvy investors know that gold has stood the test of time as a reliable real asset. so how do you invest in gold? sandstorm gold royalties is a publicly traded company offering a diversified portfolio of mining royalties in one simple investment. learn more about a brighter way to invest in gold at >> he's using your taxpayer dollars to buy off


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