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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 15, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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the aid bill is extremely important and i think president biden, you say don't there has to be consequences when others do and i think he has to support israel if they make a decision with an all-out attack on their country requires a counter attack. >> we will see. >> i agree with the speaker and president trump by the way has endorsed the supplemental as long as it's alone in the house should follow president trump's lead. second don't forget as much as we talk about iran and israel it was a matter of weeks ago that three americans were killed in jordan from iranian drones so there's an ever present daily threat to american service members in the region. >> there sure is. newt gingrich, morgan ortagus we
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thank you for joining us for the power panel hour. markets are higher trigger points higher. let's get to "varney & company" with the opening bell 30 minutes away. stuart: good morning, everyone. israel gets a win with iran in the stock market rallies, trump's trial begins in new y york. a lot going on. iran launches 300 drones and missiles and a direct attack on israel, almost all failed to launch or shutdown, what's next. president biden tells israel to take the win. america will not support take biden or any israeli retaliation world leaders urge restraint at this point. at this point it's not clear what israel will do. you might've expected the price of oil to go straight up, it did not, oil retreating to $84 per barrel. you might've expected stocks to go straight down. iran and premarket action stocks are up and sharply so, very strong retail sales figures for the month of march. look at the dow up 300 points it was down 500 on friday as the
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war loomed now it failed on israel and the stock is up. s&p up 41 and the nasdaq is up 150. this is goldman sachs strong earnings before the bell, the stock is up 3.8%, that's a big positive for all investors. interest rates are edging higher, the ten year about four and half percent, 460. no flight to safety. the two-year is getting close to the 5% level you are at 497. bitcoin below $70000. 66120. no change for gas 6.63 and diesel down 1 cent. the trump hush money trial begins in new york today it is highly political. alvin bragg has bent and twisted the law to keep trump off the campaign trail and maybe put them in prison this does not
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make the judicial system look good. on the show on drone warfare taken over the battlefield iran drones and missiles not looking good in the attack over the weekend half failed to launch or crashed soon after that was a missile the war, the markets in newark's show trial we covered on monday april 15 tax day, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ >> good morning let's start the day with the latest from the middle east. iran launched an attack of israel over the weekend the u.s. military help to iron down shut down dozens of iranian drones. good morning to you, the latest development. >> 170 drones, 30 cruise missiles and 120 ballistic missiles which crashed or failed to launch all intercepted, no
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depth will damage. iran's attack on israel failed, the question what is israel's response look like there is an all out diplomatic push to diffuse and de-escalate two words that we hear a lot frequently. it's coming from joe biden he told israel the u.s. would not participate in any counterattack against iran and he spoke with the top four congressional leaders urging them to pass aid for israel, today he'll meet with the prime minister of iraq. stuart: thank you former president trump won after biden after iran striking israel. roll tape. >> i want to say god bless the people of israel, the under attack right now, that is because we show great weakness this would not happen the weakness that we shown it is unbelievable and it would not have happened if we were in office at, you know that, we know that everybody knows that. stuart: the white house does not see things that way. roll tape.
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>> it's hard to take a look at what president biden has done and say that we've gone soft on iran was a previous administration to get us out of the iran deal and it's so much dramatically closer to a nuclear weapon capability than they were before mr. trump was elected. stuart: is he blaming the republicans, i cannot believe it. the gentleman on the right-hand side of the screen is jason chaffetz. biden says we will not support a counterstrike from israel. is he appeasing the iranians? >> appeasement never works and doesn't work on the schoolyard and this is an extension of barack obama 3.0 we gave the money, we got rid of sanctions we empowered them and allowed the price of oil to go up so they could get rich and guess what they attacked us and not just israel. they attacked is over 100 times for the proxies, hezbollah and others that are out there, the hoodies. they just took it and i'm tired
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of joe biden blaming somebody else he has no proactive way of protecting the united states of america. if you want to go after iran you got a do it ronald reagan did and you need to do what president trump did and that starve the regime. why aren't we doing this why do we allow them to enrich themselves so they continue to attack israel in the united states of america. stuart: leon pannetta who ran the cia and the defense department in the previous administrations as a democrat saying america has a responsibility to retaliate. he says israel has a responsibility to retaliate in america should agree with him, what do you say? >> on with president trump on this i think it was a huge victory for israel and the coalition and a lot of states that helped out everybody from the french to the united states to the uk that came together and sorted this. i want to solve this long-term and go after these people so
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they don't have the financial capability of doing that. it's a smarter way escalating kinetic movement so you're actually engaging and hitting. i worried that that escalates into a third world war take the victory but go after them financially and make them poor so they cannot afford to do this. stuart: we will see what's going to happen. jason chaffetz we will see you soon. republicans are going after biden for his response to iran's attacks. >> 's strategy of deterrence, handcuffing israel keeps failing. >> what were witnessing today we see joe biden bend over backwards to pander to hamas wing of the democrat party. >> this administration is failing to say there is a redline there should be a redline. >> joe biden doesn't have redlines they get crossed and it doesn't mean anything. >> to quote senator john kennedy who is put in the montage, biden
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should go on amazon and buy himself a spying piece through weakness never works. stuart: he has a way with words. john kennedy. trump hush money gets underway at 10:00 a.m. eastern. do we know how long this is going to last because trump has to be in the courtroom so is off the campaign trail. >> four days a week because of the criminal trial he must be in the courtroom 6 - 8 weeks is expectation the jury selection begins today and that alone could take two weeks the jurors will be asked for the tutoring questions but not who they voted for this is unprecedented. a former president facing 34 felony counts of falsifying business records to cover up $130,000 payment to a star leading up to the 2016 election trump claims he's innocent and hits back at the judge. >> i'll be forced to sit fully
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gagged i'm not allowed to talk can you believe it, they want to take away my constitutional right to talk there is a cricket judge. this is never happened before by the way, you do know that. fully gagged before highly conflicted and corrupt judge who suffers from tds does anybody know what tds is? correct trump derangement syndrome. >> the gagged is not cover the judge or the da, that's why you heard that this is a criminal case he will be in the courtroom four days a week he can campaign for the other three even if he is found guilty he could still run for president of the united states as he is doing but likely could not vote for himself. stuart: everything will they after the court proceedings are over donald trump will emerge and hold a press conference. >> no cameras in the courtroom but they'll be outside if you love them or hate him you're going to see a lot of them.
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>> check the market you're going to like this the dow industrial up 300, nasdaq up 150. a solid again after last week's ella jessica covering the markets. we waited for a response from israel we don't know what were going to get what is the market go from here. >> last week the market was nervous. iran had telegraph that the strike was coming and most people knew what was coming. he came of what israel proved to the world don't mess with them. they stopped the strike and they showed how strong they are the little country as big as new jersey is a force in the mideast and our number one ally they prove that that created the stabilization that we see now in the futures market and whatever israel chooses to do in the form of retaliation. i think there's a great level of confidence that they will be
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victorious. the one issue is obviously what is iran going to do and it comes to oil when it comes to the straight of her moose, what is going to happen. stuart: i see the price of oil down to $84 a barrel, that is a surprise. >> it is a surprise that one of the things iran does not have the ability to close down the street but iran has the ability to do what they normally do which is cowardice attacks of tanker ships that are transporting oil. we may see that oil will backup and it's been on a surge lately. there is other factors leading to oil price increases and it may back down. i think the trend is up and i think we have to be very concerned about that. stuart: jeff sica on a monday morning. we received 45 minutes ago retail sales numbers. they look really strong. >> up 4% in march from a year
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ago and prior month february was revised higher if you look at the control group that is factored into gdp now is higher than expected. if you want to see where the gains were online sales rose more than 11% restaurant up 6.5% rated sales fall they fell furniture by 6%. >> i got some good news i think it's wildly positive the second green jacket of the masters, it was fun to watch. >> he was able to leave to meet his baby being born for the first time. he is 27 and the best golfer in the world i think i can say that and he credits god. he married his childhood sweetheart. the first baby is due any day, great day for him, tiger woods 21 years his senior a five-time
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masters champion recorded the highest score of his career. he finished dead last, 16 over 304 but he managed to finish the tournament. i think the first time since last february. stuart: he made the cut. good stuff. the media salivated over the start of trump hush money trial, you gotta watch this. >> trump is an hail mary after hail mary to prevent his child from happening. >> the history books are good record what happens tomorrow when the history books are going to record what will happen in the day in months moving forward. stuart: how on earth is trump going to get a fair trial in new york city. joe concha will try to answer that question. iran's drones in the missiles, 50% of the missiles that iran fired off were failed to launch or shot down. the drones were knocked out by israel's iron down.
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does iran have a missile and a drone problem, drone expert gives us the details on that next. like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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valued at over $700.00. call or go online now to request your free quote.
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stuart: all attention on the middle east after iran's attack on israel. trey yingst in tel aviv, what is the latest from their. >> i got off of a briefing with the israeli air force official who indicated the central command deserves much of the credit for organizing the shootdown of the hundreds of drones and missiles launched by iran over the weekend. as we speak or israel's war cabinet is meeting in tel aviv there trying to determine what inappropriate response might look like to this attack.
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according to israeli media there are differences in opinion over the timing scale and scope of such a counter strike but we know the israelis are looking to send a message to iran never to attack from their soil in the future and the looking to avoid a broader regional work. all of this is taking place as president by the meets at the white house with iraqi prime minister. they are expected to discuss the situation in the middle east and it comes on the heels of reports that indicate the americans told the israelis that they will not help if there is a counter strike against iran. it's something that israel has to consider as a broader calculation when they look to the future following the iranian attack. stuart: trey yingst in the middle of it. drone expert brett is with me now. almost all the drones that iran launched destroyed before reaching the target. are the drones no good or is israel's iron down really good? >> we have to let people know
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this was the largest single drone attack in history from a drone community perspective that was very significant israel just has better defenses but not every single country is the capability to stop large scale drone attacks enough what we need to take note many of iran's drones have been able to penetrate ukraine's defense despite there being multiple layers of technology that used to detect them and iran has pioneered the use and export of this legal drone technology globally and slowly been increasing this in many countries including the government has sat back and watched it without much concern and iran gained attentive experience and feedback in the effectiveness of the drone technology based on the exports to russia during the ukraine russia were, these are the same drones that we saw russia used weekly in ukraine that took place during the strike in
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israel. in this case we saw attack drones not very large drones but they can fly significant distances up to 2000 kilometers about a few meters long warheads up to 50 kilograms in terms of a payload that conduct a very significant strike, their disposable and they fly at very low speeds i've had them fly right over top of me and you never forget the sound of those things lying as part of the terror that iran tries to bring with these things as they sound like very large lawnmowers and have the ability to change location and conduct precision strikes. stuart: let me get to the ballistic missiles half of the missiles that they launched failed to launch or crashed what is that tell you about the quality of their weapons the missiles that is. >> not very good quality i think definitely this is a strategic when for the israelis, they know it is a win for benjamin netanyahu to maintain his power.
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iranians were unable to conduct an effective strike on israeli territory into think we have to give credit to a number of different international players that played a role not just the u.s. but jordan and france in the british as well with their systems being used for these attacks is really defensive very strongly they have a number of systems not just the iron down that we've all come to learn about but they have a system called the arrow which was developed alongside the u.s. and is to intercept the long-range missiles including ballistic missiles outside of the atmosphere they also have david's sling to intercept medium-range missiles such as the one possessed by hezbollah you've the patriot missile system that can shootdown the drones and they are developing a new laser technology called the iron beam which is able to shootdown the missiles with laser technology and can make them more cheaper than they already are right now. stuart: this is very reassuring defense technology one the day over the weekend. thank you for being with us you
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are an expert will bring you back real soon. check futures, monday morning award going on in the dow is up 300 and the nasdaq is up 164, we will take you to wall street for the opening bell next. ♪ ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education
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>> check the market premarket opening up 300 for the dow, up 150 for the nasdaq. i'm picking up one particular stock you say that palantir is a critical element in our national defense currently $222 a share why is it important where do you think the stock is going. >> great question super appropriate for this morning, palantir is critical to the defense because it helps with targeting and logistics and decision-making and integrates so many different data points in the conventional sequence computing can't this is a stock that should be $50 i've been talking about it for a little while it's taking a little bit to get his footing is totally underestimated. stuart: palantir any way shape
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or form is part of israel's defense technology. it emerged from the weekend being particularly good to palantir help them. >> i don't know that for a fact that i would not be in the least surprised that it's not highly involved. >> samsung has overtaken apple in the global smart phone ma market. apple is second do you see a rebound for apple stock? >> this is something that given a lot of thought about samsung is like farming on some videos as property the smart phone depends on google that apple owns its own land in ecosphere and customers really wanted and feisty competitor. if you're talking about long-term success apple is the way to go in o in my mind. >> were you surprised with the sharking for the market. i know goldman sachs help in the retail sales but we had a war going on over the weekend.
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it's a monday morning were you surprised to see so much green on the screen. >> i was not, here's why were also here to your point number two the computers trade more money than humans do and the fact that global markets did not melt down overnight really gives a computers reason to come in and buy human emotion being what it is worth a play catch up with what the computer started assuming the states controlled the middle east. stuart: there's no flight to safety. i would expect a lot of money to go into treasury bonds putting the yield down.did not happen i would expect money to go into gold that didn't happen gold is down a bit. i was expecting oil would rally significantly and that did not happen, oil is down surprised at all of this, no flight to safety? >> i been doing this a long time i've been very involved in the computers behind-the-scenes and aware of the technological and financial advancement, you're absolutely correct those things should be running but that
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they're not proves the point a lot of the risk is arbitrage out of the market take a deep breath and focus on the best companies. if anything this is an advantage for individual investors that those things are running today. >> it seems like good news. exactly we have the retail sales figures, very strong double that expectation pretty much the same story that's very good news in the market liked it were not used to this. >> isn't that cool, good news means that we can move forward that spells hope, resilience and the fact that people want to live that's a good thing in human nature. stuart: in fact the truth. all good stuff. a couple of seconds, before we open the market this is a very interesting day coming off of a war situation over the weekend coming into what looks like a strong economy and you have the stock market going up what
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accommodation that is. the market is now open and as we expected the dow industrials are straight up nearly 1% on the d dow. we have two losers in the master all above the dow 30. >> s&p 500 on the upside of the very early going that is up 38 points, three quarters of 1%. the nasdaq composite, that is hired to all of them are up .60% on the nasdaq is 16271, look at big tech where is that, all of them up except for apple. second place in the iphone market, 175 is the price. meta 515, microsoft word 25, alphabet going to 158 in amazon at 186. we just touched on apple with keith fitz-gerald, yet more details. are they slumping iphone sales were second-place to samsung.
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>> it comes from idc apple lost the title as the top phone maker their shipments f fall 10% in te first figments of this year they sold 50 million iphones that the 15% market share, samsung, number 121% market share, who is in third place, the chinese company 14% market share their growth up 34%. apple downtown in second place. a chinese company of 34 and third place, where is the ceo of apple today, tim cook, vietnam. he's in vietnam because he sees what's going on in china and he sees the challenges to the supply chain and he sees how the country is pushing more of their workers and their citizens until local phones to get a beef up apple watch, the ipad, death
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iphone production happening in alternative to china. stuart: a couple of banks reported earlier this morning. one particular of great interest, goldman sachs did very well the stock is up 5.6%. >> the profits grew 28% in the quarter. >> goldman advised the next pioneer deal. stuart: schwab work under brokers down. >> the prophet did fall 15%, the stock is up to it have% the results were slightly better than expected but they had to pay higher interest on client deposit and they came out and said exactly much they are paying on average, 1.35% on deposits but a year ago it was .73% that is a big jump. stock is doing well today but that's what hit the bottom line. stuart: i'm dying to see tesla and see how they open. there down 168. >> the bad news keeps on coming, electric is reported that the cutting 10% staff that is 15000
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workers, managers were identifying the critical team members they can stay but the operating as a startup but there 20 years old. at some point you should not have to announce job cuts reportedly this big. elon musk talking about the next growth cycle for the company, what that is i don't know full self driving, robo taxis, there are also reports of elon musk has caused the deliveries for the cyber check for one week within a. issue with accelerated. stuart: one piece of bad news after another. he keeps on coming. stuart: meta, they have vr goggles. are they going to be used in schools. >> this fall. >> kids over the age of 15 will have the opportunity to wear the headset and class in the classroom for an immersive setting. if you are learning about the coliseum in rome, why don't you take a trip there, it could be
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very cool to experience history but how did giving all the kids a laptop and sending them home with covid. >> not well. >> technology doesn't always work the way it's supposed to in the classroom or outside in meta says they will not create the content for the headset and they will not be making money on using the headset anytime soon. some students over the age of 13 will get to use the quest. stuart: next is salesforce, they're looking to buy somebody. >> the journal says that an advanced talks to buy a data management software company for $11 billion. they help manage data and the cloud, they're using a.i., bold stocks are down on this news. >> data management is big on a.i. british petroleum cutting jobs that would not be normally a headline but is the key sector that the cutting jobs. >> ev charging, the cutting intent of the staff and the
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reason is, they're pulling out of eight countries that they do business in, they bet on commercial ev fleet and that has not panned out. stuart: no it's not. trump media shares, what is the price down to 29 this morning. >> the company has filed to issue new shares about 21 million of them. for current stockholders to selloff 150 million shares, you are adding 15% more stock that devalues the current existing shareholders which include donald trump was conveniently in the courtroom. stuart: it dilutes them. check the big board, we are in business for five and half minutes and were up 354 points that is .94%. the dow is up 38340 there are dow winners. on your screen now. goldman, morgan, caterpillar and american express. all big winners down 30 stocks. s&p 500, goldman 17, morgan
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stanley and charles schwab the active list coming up. the nasdaq composite. any big names on that list,. >> lululemon. stuart: that's a big name. i cannot pronounce the other one. >> mikado libre. >> mobile technology is also on the list. >> i want to see the ten year treasury yield it's been going up you are up significantly. the ten year treasury is 4.62%. as we said no rush to safety. people are piling money into treasuries in the yield would go down. instead for 62. gold you would expect in these you have a were on the weekend would expect gold to go but it is not it's down $4.2369 per ounce. bitcoin maybe that should be the hedge against the war situation, not so it's a $66000 per coin now. oil was not supposed to go up. it is down $84 a barrel.
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nat gas don't really care read is it still under $2, yes it is. no change for gasoline, regular 363 in diesel at 403. donald trump went after bidens inflation train wreck. those are his words. roll tape. >> everything he touches, when i'm back in the white house we will end joe biden's inflation train wreck and we will tell pennsylvania drill baby drill, get back to drilling. >> biden will spend three days campaigning in pennsylvania this week. on the global front biden told benjamin netanyahu they will not support a counter attack on iran. that is not sitting well with retired general jack keane he is no fan of appeasement and is on the show a little later. as a republican party going to support military aid to israel all last the number two senate republican john thune. he is here in the studio walking towards the set as we speak. great to have him back.
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stuart: strong retail, good performance by goldman sachs and were coming off a war situation. the stock market is rallying, the nasdaq is up 100. gold, surprisingly i thought it would go up, not down at 2363 per ounce. the white house says wait and see for israel's response to the attack over the weekend. roll tape. >> i think we have to wait and see what the israelis decide to do i been around allies and alliances and i can't think of a single one if it's a real alliance where you can have an honest conversation from one another every now and then and take issue with the way something might be done. were not bashful with her good friend israel but another thing
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certainly president biden has not been bashful is making sure when we say we're going to help israel defend itself. by goodness we're going to put something behind that and we did that last night. stuart: on the set in new york city, senator john thune. great to have you with us. do you support an aggressive response by israel to the attack from iran. >> i think is rose going to have to respond and how they do is would be a call that they make. clearly an attack on their homeland raises the stakes significantly. i don't think you can let that aggression by iran which attacked 170 times american troops in syria and iraq over the past five months, you cannot let that go on responded to i believe the israelis will respond. stuart: leon pannetta used about the cia and the defense department. america has a responsibility to respond directly to iran. >> i think we let them have
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their way for too long in this administration with the sanctions relief trying to get back in in the iran nuclear deal, this administration has shown weakness on a regular basis toward iran and the only thing is strength that's what the ayatollahs get we have to be supportive with israel and ensure the message gets sent that this behavior will not be tolerated. stuart: last week we relaxed sanctions and get an extra $10 billion that was a few days ago can we reverse all of that. >> absolutely we should. >> would you go so far to say you hit them financially in doing that by going after the oil facilities. the price of oil goes straight up, is that the kind of thing we should be doing. >> you have to hit them where it hurts, that are a number of options that are cyber but a direct attack that they count on the most when it comes to the economic vitality of the nation certainly we send a message.
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deterrence is really critical, particularly in the region in the world that's only thing they understand is strength in the united states projecting weakness has enabled and encouraged the types of things that happened yesterday. stuart: is a republican party united insanely support you israel and we will support you with what you do with iran. it's a republican party united on this? i don't think the president party is united. >> absolutely the president party has domestic politics that they're dealing with on this and shaping how they respond to the type of situations but there a friend, an ally and we have to be there for them and have their back, no question about it. stuart: are you a trump guy? >> on trump when it's him and biden we have a clear choice for the american people and we need to get this done, the country needs strong leadership you talk about national security being an example on the economy, on energy, there are so many issues with the differences could not be more clear, the american people are going to have a clear
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choice. stuart: you are sitting in new york city. what on earth are you doing here, a few blocks down the road, trump goes on trial today. i called a political trial, would you. >> no question about it, they turned the fed that was going to prosecute it in the u.s. attorney said no, this is something that the state of new york everybody sees it through the lens is going after somebody in a very political way and it's going to be viewed that way and is already viewed by the america people and is this progressive got the course of the week, that will become more clear. senator john thune thank you for being with us back it's nice for being with you. in your backyard as opposed to mine. >> with a voice like this this is hardly my backyard. >> actually it is. thank you for joining us. democratic senator john fetterman is breaking with the president on israel, what is he
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saying. >> we should have israel's back, here he is on cnn over the weekend. >> i don't agree with that and i think we should follow and have israel's back in the situation. i don't agree with the president that doesn't change anything that he's a fantastic president and i'm proud to stand with him a campaign and vote for him. stuart: then he was asked about cited a marco rubio who made the allegation that biden leaked the phone call that he had with benjamin netanyahu to appease the pro-palestinian protesters and guess how john fetterman responded to that. i will never capitulate to the french. that's how he setting himself up from the guy that he says he supports all the way. stuart: times of change since the election. good stuff. here's what we have donald trump goes on trial this is a show trial cobbled together by trump haters eager to put them in
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prison in a presidential election they want to slide him and tied him down in court so he can't campaign, that is my take at the top of the hour. within the next two days some states could see a sharp rise in gas prices and that's according to gas buddies why the spike, pinch under patrick answers that next. a♪ ♪ your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit
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stuart: gas prices have been going up the national average is $3.63 that's up 20 cents from a month ago. patrick joins me. what is this about a quick price rise in some states. is it because were going to summer gasoline. stuart: i lost audio that's an incomplete response, i'll try again. is a sharp spike in gas prices about to arrive is that the result of summer gasoline. >> we have a problem here.
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what i'm going to do, i get a take a look at the price of oil, that relates to the price of gasoline, right now we have oil at $84 per barrel 84.83. i been saying this all morning i'm surprised we have a real tension rising in the middle east you would thought oil would go up but it's actually gone down 83 cents to $84 a barrel and that means gas prices may moderate from the spike that were expecting because of the move to summer gasoline. this is true on the market this morning across the board, oil is supposed to go up, it is down, gold is supposed to go up, no it is down, treasury yield supposed to go down as money into treasury securities that pushes the yield down not happening, yields are going up that means money is not pouring into treasury bonds gold down $11.1150 to be precise down half
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8% of 2363. bitcoin you might've expected that to be a play i rushed to safety at a time when you have a war going on in the middle east, not so we've gone down to $66 per coin we have patrick back with us. i want to know why is the price of gasoline going to spike. is it because of summer gasoline and how much is the spike. >> this is an increase that is going to the mid-atlantic states as well as the east coast and asked to do with the transition over to summer gasoline. >> the east coast, midatlantic probably going to see an increase from anywhere to 20 to 50 cents a gallon, if your new jersey and saw the average 333 today you're probably going to be in the 360s in the next one or two weeks while the rest of the nation continues to see prices gently increase. stuart: i cannot remember when the switch to summer gasoline
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resulted in a summer spike of 20 or 30 cents a gallon, is it different this time around. >> i would say it's a little bit different refineries in the last couple of years never saw a buildup of winter gasoline and that kept prices in the midatlantic of north east much lower, new jersey is 25 cents below the national average and that is really the difference here, supplies a bit much more adequate than normal and now that were transitioning away from the supply of winter gasoline we will see a big jump. stuart: interesting news especially for me who lives in new jersey. i'm not looking forward to 50 cents per gallon spike i will flip today. thank you very much indeed will see you very soon. on the show today, charlie hurt comic kt mcfarland, nigel farage retired four-star general jack keane. the 10:00 o'clock hour is next.
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