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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 15, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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save $200. you'll see. life's better under a sunsetter. larry: i've got to trifecta, number one, back israel. number two, close the border. and number three, flatten tax rates. that solves all problems best i can determine. i'll just let liz macdonald follow through.
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liz: absolutely, larry. we're staying on what you said. you took the words out of my mouth, larry, again. thank you so much. good to sea you againment coming up, the sound of former president trump speaking outside the court slamming the hush money case that began today and why legal pros call it an absurd embarrassment and that it should be toss ed out. but first updated on this. israeli special operation veteran aaron cohen and former pentagon official brent sadler. gentlemen, how do you expect -- first to you, brent, how will israel respond to iraq attacking for the first time with more than 320 missiles and drones? is it going to attack iran's oil fields, nuclear sites or what would you tell them to do? >> well, first and foremost, israel and the united states cannot allow this massive and very coordinated attack from various vectors of yemen, syria,
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yak and ' iraq and lebanon to s tand. it's accepted behavior on behalf of the mullahs in teheran and it has to do a few things. get attention of those in teheran and other capitols that wish to do israel and united states interest more broadly. liz: aaron, what do you think? finish your thought, brent. >> i think you're right. as far as specific targets, you can go from easy to hard. easy would be taking out the iranian spy vessel and helping systematic and global attack on all of shipping and imfacting everyone to something more targeted and irgc leadership more aggressively than israel has and clearly that's getting getting the ability to support their proxies.
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liz: got t aaron, what would you tell them to do? >> well, liz, i can tell you what i think they're doing. it so he understand a strong psychological message number one and completely diffuses the command structure of iran and their capability and the other says reel lead joint attacker the king fisher unit. that unit will be able to put missiles on the third here in the barnyard. anywhere in western iran where the 300 missiles were launched from so all those missile batteries and all those p redator -- all those suicide drones are going to get attacked and, and wouldn't be surprised if israel starts putting boots quietly on the ground, comando
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capable recognizance units and getting them in place. iran made a mistake. israel is not going to wait. now is not the time for submissive -- middle east and farseeing air -- far farsi andr bibbing, which biden doesn't speak. they respond to strength and israel is about to wind it up. liz: brett, why did the biden white house -- brent, why did the biden white house convey to iran via turkey that iran's attack must be "within certain limits". brent, why is the biden white house anywhere near talk withs iran on striking israel? >> it defies logic and certainly not very much the behavior of an ally to be acting this way and green lighting some limited attack. this is the same type of logic that got us into a war in ukraine quite frankly in the weeks leading up to it, you had the president saying a little
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encourage or invasion is acceptable and now we're two plus years in the war in ukraine depleting our munitions and own treasure trying to make them able to see. military presence would have prevent that had war and same logic at play for another war in the middle east. liz: aaron, they're playing both sides of it. air defense systems that shut down 99% of the hundreds of cruise missiles and going think and hoping for the saudi arabia, jordan and france and how can the biden white house take a victory lap here. >> speaking farsi, liz. there's an expression that the old intelligence is going
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[speaking non-english language] it means we're going to get to every one of those leaders and that's what everyone understands and we understand the culture and mindset and you want peace in the middle east, do it through strength. that's how you get peace and biden doesn't get it and blinken doesn't get it and we get it in israel and we're going to have it. liz: president biden keeps saying the word don't to iran or russia or china, don't. but u.s. enemies ignore that issue brent. show the track record of biden saying don't. it's not foreign policy. then they deploy u.s. assets app the fact, nbc is quoting former policy pros that this biden white house is failing miserably and biden is sleepwalking the u.s. into another catastrophic war in the middle east. get your reaction to senator john cotton and tom kennedy.
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>> my advice is, mr. president don't, support israel. with respect, go to amazon and buy a spine online. peace through weakness never works. not with these hard, hard men. >> but the kind of parade of horrible you just mentioned and i want to stress is happening and joe biden is projecting w eakness all around the world. russia did not invade ukraine on donald trump's watch. he did on barack obama and joe biden's watch. iran would have never thought to shoot 300 missiles and drones at israel when donald trump was president. russia and iran and china not mutually supporting each other in wars of unprovoked aggression the way they are now when donald trump was president. liz: brent, is the u.s. safer under biden? >> absolutely not. i think that the evidence bears that out time and time again. this notion that you can simply talk yourself out of a confrontation when another party is dead set on challenging you
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or attacking you is not going to work. only peace coming through strength and they're echoing that same point and one in which i firmly think we are long past due exercising. liz: sorry we ran out of time, gentlemen. great to have you both on. appreciate you both so much. update on the stock market and going by the risk of the middle east and going for this and maybe we only have two interest rate cuts due to inflation and markets are expecting seven cuts at the start of the year and gas prices are up and 52% under president biden is he already drained the strategic result and record 40-year lows and edward lawrence hitting the white house hard about this and edward, you took them on hard. reporter: it all comes down to the price that people pay in america and talks about gas prices and they're on the rise and no change in administration and going for policies and
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related to gas and triple a saying the average gallon of gasoline is $2.73 and 20-cents more than last month and a little less than one year ago and the white house secretary was pointing out gas prices were cheaper a year ago april 4, 2023, without mentioning how much though. >> there's only three-cents l ower than a year ago. it's up 52% from when president biden came in office. any talks about changing in policy to encourage the future investment of oil and gas. >> the president is committed to lowering costs. he s. that's something you see at the center of every economic policy and hear him giving remarks he's talking about l owering costs and understands how the american people are still being squeezed. reporter: she talks about i nvestments the president is making and eluding to the transition to electric and the interior department increased royalties on federal lands and by 17% skin creased minimum bond
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for a lease by 1400%. the president of the american petroleum institute says that the new fees are designed to discourage future investment in oil and natural gas industry in the u.s.. >> the less we produce in the united states, the more people are going to pay. the real concern i think we have again during a time of incredible geopolitical instability is that this sends the wrong signal to the marketplace at a time when we need more oil and gas. reporter: white houssaying that the president needs more time to make his transition to electric and that eventually will bring down gas prices. liz: yeah, we heard that story, edward. thank you so much. welcome to the show from house energy congresswoman debbieless koenen. we hear that -- debbie leskod telling ukraine not to bomb russia's oil facilities? >> they're really desperate. as you've said, since biden's
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been in office, our gasoline price haves gone up. in phoenix it's $4.35 a gallon right now. that's about $2 more per gallon than when biden took office. it's just -- they know they're under water on this issue. liz: okay, turning to anti-israel protests and how account democrats do their convention in chicago as democrats reportedly fear riots again like those that hit the convention in 1968 and they blocked o'hare airport and blocked the golden state bridge and protested down on wall street and how is the dnc going to do this convention in p rotesters are shutting down airports and bridges? >> i don't know, should be very interesting and here in washington dc and committee h earing ands we have protesters and four palestinians against israel and better constant p rotesting here and it's a real problem for democrats and it splits their party in half. liz: okay, so here's the other
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issue, how is the islamic dictatorship of iran the victims that iran has killed hundreds if not thousands of it is own citizens. brutalizes and kills women and children and hamas victim and hamas terrorists slaughter 1200 innocent israelis and the horrible tweets and they're c alling for ceasefire without demanding anything from hamas, congresswoman. >> i totally agree with you. i mean, it is absolutely ridiculous. i'm a huge supporter of israel. i've gone to israel several t imes, and i support united states supporting them. they are a key ally and have been for many, many years. so when we have congresswomen here in the united states house of representatives supporting the palestinians over israel, it's very infuriating. liz: congresswoman, we'd love to get your reaction to former
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president clinton here and also you'll hear from hbo host bill march and pierce morgan. get your reaction to this, w atch. >> i killed myself to give the palestinian as state and i had a deal that they turned down and would have given them all of gaza, all of gaza between 96 and 97% of the west bank and co-compensating land in israel. you name it. hamas is really smart. when they decide a rocket is real, they inosineout themselves in the -- insinuate themselves in the hospitals and schools and highly populous areas areas and they're smart. so they try -- wait, wait, wait. they try to put the israelis in a position of either not d efending themselves or killing innocents. >> when you're chanting death to america in america and the
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charlottesville attacks were horrible. >> i've not changed. i've always liked america and thought death was bad. >> why don't we say, fine, listen, we understand, you'rer and sizing your right to free speech. go to gaza and chant death to hamas. see how many seconds you live. liz: congresswoman, final word. >> i stand strongly with israel and these people are dead wrong. enemy number one is iran and enemy no. 2 or maybe one is china, which gets it is oil frm iran and we cannot deal with iran. question support israel. liz: congresswoman lesko, thank you for joining us again. good to see you. >> good to see you. liz: senator roger marshal, miranda devine, former labor secretary andy puts fertilizer and former federal prosecutor
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katie trikowsky. do you feel saver under biden? we've got a new gaffe and a blunder from president biden and these reportedly will make a speech tomorrow about wanting to raise taxes and talking about triple as under the trump era and more on mayorkas facing the music. we've got the details on house lawmakers and they're going to send the mayor kasam impeachment article -- mayorkas impeachment article tomorrow and later the supreme court going to decide the case and up end special council with the prosecution and former president trump. plus, former federal prosecutor francey hakes and alvin bragg hush money against president trump on today. if it's so legit, why did they
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drop it. they're calling an absurd embarrassment and a stretch. all of this coming up on "the evening edit".herkasky
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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liz: well welcome back. former president trump in court today for the manhattan da hush money trial and not letting him attend his son's graduation and nate foy is joining us with more. reporter: hey, liz. what a busy day. he said he may have to miss his son's high school graduation depending on how quickly the trial will proceed and he'll have to miss supreme court arguments last week regarding presidential immunity and ped to attend in person and the judge said he wanted to be here for the criminal matter and has to be here every day of the trial. things started with the jury selection process and several potential jurors with a personal reel of feelings about former president trump as well as
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logistical he arrived in court this morning and it's a trial he seemed to be more engaged in the afternoon session making several ruling ands he did not re-cruise himself after allegations of buy ins and he said he'll hear arguments and possible and going for former president and they ruled 2016 access hollywood tape cannot be played in court and evidence related to the former playboy model can be used. and 2018 and the campaign violations and cannot be used for evidence and president t rump's guilt and cohen's credibility will be central and
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entering the courtroom in the morning and another time moments ago while leaving he was very critical of president joe biden he stricts him to only speak about the judge in and manhattan da alvin bragg and he did it several times speaking today and court will resume at 9:30 tomorrow and back to you u liz. liz: notify, thank you so much. francey hakes, welcome back to the show f. this case is so legitimate, why didn't the doj and fbc bring it? instead they drop it had and da bragg is scotch taping 34 felony accounts onto bobs and records misdemeanor and asking a jury to
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contribute trump for stealing the election for hillary clinton? where is the evidence here? >> well, we don't know what the evidence is yet, liz, that's one of the many constitutional problems with this case is we have really no idea exactly what crime it is that he's alleging president trump committed because remember, this business records violation is a misdemeanor that's been time b arred and he's boot strap that had in to some kind of felony, what felony exactly we're not quite clear on. something that doj and no fan of president trump and sec declined to prosecute. you have hillary clinton and barack obama both getting away with campaign finance violation withs civil fines and the whole thing smells. liz: democrats led by nancy
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pelosi and chuck schummer and helped suppress hunter biden laptop as russian disinformation and federal election fraud, how does bragg have jurisdiction and why not in a federal court? >> that's a great question, liz, i don't think he does have jurisdiction and will have to prove that donald trump had specific intent to violate the campaign finance laws and that is to do this business record violation that he alleges for the purpose of the campaign and for no other purpose. he denies having an affair but lots of reasons why people want someone to be quiet and not talk about a potential scandal in their life west side beside a campaign. liz: watch trump here. take a listen. >> if you read all the legal publishers and scholars today not one said this is a case that should be brought for trial.
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it's a scam for politico. going to sit. liz: cohen served time for tax evasion and he's been accused of perjury and it's zero perjures going to be the misdemeanor felony and he's a convicted felon himself. >> he'll certainly be impeached by the trump team and i think the important thing here, liz, is this looks very much i ncluding the judge and his behavior and daughter and like politically motivated law fare and, liz, that is patently un-american and i cannot believe it's going to be allowed to continue in this courtroom and country. liz: looks like the whole point is to get the trial done before the election and trump called on the judge to recuse himself and the merchant daughter working as
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political consultant for democrat and biden and adam schiff. this is the constitutional rides and 4.6 and also eighth amendment rides and going for that and >> this case is a state misdemeanor and run out on the statute of limitations and bragg was forced after he declined for long time bringing this charge to do so. his predicting cespedes torr reject it had so they -- predecessor reject it had and took a -- rejected it and took a misdemeanor and trying a federal crime here under election law was rejected by the department of justice and he brings a charge that he would never bring against anyone else. he takes felonies and turns into a misdemeanor.
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liz: let's back up. they leak trump's tax returns and they already impeached him twice and tried to get him kicked off multi-it will state ballots, francey. they rioted the day he was inaugurated and they said we're going to impeach him within days of being inaugurated and then we have this frankenstein case, final word, francey. >> law requires equal protection under the law and that's constitutional. president trump is not getting the equal protection that the constitution demands and hope this case will be tossed by the jury and it'll be tossed by appeal and that may be too lavement liz: got it. francey hakes, that's templet we love having you on. this story and update you on this one. secretary alejandro mayorkas is facing the music and sending the mayorkas impeachment article and tomorrow afternoon and labor secretary nominee and andy puzder and this new whopper of
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gaffe and blunder by president biden. he's going to talk about raising taxes and tax act tomorrow and the day after you suffered the tax filing day today. grover norquist want as massive $5 trillion increase and tax increase on americans. really. that and more coming up on the "the evening edit".
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liz: welcome back, voter polls show increasing concern that president biden and welcome to the show and former labor secretary and andy puzder. sit tight and listen to more biden whoppers and gaffes and then you'll hear cbs report on inflation . >> i'm in the 20th century. i hope i kept my word that i sent and we're going for them to
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help change the life of ordinary people and they reduced prospect of more and -- liz: no idea why he's in the 20th century and he's talking about vietnam and this whopper, andy, the president is talking about tax hikes tomorrow and when inflation and mortgage r ates have tripled under biden is what do you think of that for taxes and taxes on small businesses and he wants an energy tax and going for capital gains and he realized and he wants to add on extra estate tax and this is absurd and i hope voters see this for what it is. this is a power grabby the federal government. joe biden really doesn't know what he's doing at this point
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and doesn't know what century we're living in and getting away with tax increases would be absurd. liz: yeah, grover norquist said $5 trillion in tax hikes and this is the biden campaign cochair tammy duckworth claims trump is bad and joe is good. isn't that way off? real average weakly earnings after inflation is down 4.2% under biden is they went up 8.2% under tram and economist like mohammad mohamed el-erian surpassed it by 20% and expecting seven rate cut this is year. you're >> you're looking at for the first three years that trump was in office, looking at 6 or 7% inflation versus almost 18-20% for biden is to argument that things were better under president biden when these
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interest rate -- these ininflationary things people live with every day at the gas station and grocery store is ridiculous and i'd be surprised if we have two rate cut this is year and thinking at this point, we had so many misses on the experts trying to predict what are the consumer price index and what inflation would be up. they've gotten it wrong last three months in a row. if it keeps doing that, the fed can't cut interest rates and already increasing interest r ates. liz: wow, this is where we're a t. we need you back on the show to break it down for the viewer. you're so good. thank you so much >> any time. >> secretary mayorkas because of biden's border collapse and policies there and house republicans are about to send their impeachment articles to the senate and fox news senior congressional correspondent chad
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pergram is backing the story all over the place. what's happening now? >> liz, good afternoon. there was chatter over the weekend about a second delay in sending the articles to the senate and not now they can conduct a full trial and otherwise threat ton tie the senate in knots. >> senator schumer coming up with all kind of excuses and talking about happening to lawyers to advance on the end of a pen and trying to muddy the water to make it look deep. it's not deep, it's simple. >> chuck schumm service connected coy about how he'll handle the articles and schumer is expect toddies miss the articles when the trial begins in earnest wednesday.
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>> we're going to try and resolve this as quickly as possible as i've said in the past and it's absurd. >> testimonies want to end the trial quickly and it's not guaranteed that all republicans favor this and >> going to convict and my republican colleagues may have followed the lead of the democrats and they've presented information that rise to the standard of misdemeanor. >> a two-thirds vote is required to remove the senate trial and it's a split screen for mayorkas tomorrow and in the morning he appears on house side of capitol hill facing tough questions from the homeland security committee. liz: chat pergram, great reporting as always. thank you for that terrific update. joining us from senate budget,
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senator roger marshall. great to have you back on, sir. your reaction to that report and where is the mayorkas i mpeachment trial going to land in the senate? what's going to happen? >> like chad said, weir going to get it tomorrow at 2: 2:15 and g etting articles of impeachment but for the first time in american history, we're not going to have an impeachment trial and that's goal of chuck schummer and having 11 million people across the border i llegally and invasion if you will. death of 250,000 americans from fentanyl poisoning and this t opping was so toxic and don't want to have a trial and he's planning on the table and americans get this realizing there's no vote for the trial and helping them and laken r iley's fame we don't care and a vote to tell the 250,000 american families that have lost a loved one we don't care. that's why we'll do everything we can to flip two or three senate deputies and if we can get two or three senate d
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emocrats to vote for the trial and have the hearing. then we'll have it but if event title one of the democrats line up and vote against it, we'll table it and we'll hold them accountable for this november. liz: we're unsure if biden and lawmakers are watching the polls and latest axios ipso polls and latino and hispanic voters want a border wall to deport illegal immigrants and let's watch d r. phil for his take. watch. >> prevent rushing supra aural headphones from having a border. that's not a turnstile. i've been there one time and not saying i'm a border expert. i'm certainly not a politician, but i've talk to do the border agents down there.
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these are dedicated men and women. they are. they are so frustrated that they're not allowed to do their job. liz: let me understand this, senator, you've been so good at this. you heard dr. phil and let 11 million illegal immigrants into the country including got aways and biden is not only examining the power he has to shut down the border when he let the crisis explode for three years and collapse it had with nearly 100 executive action in the first 100 days and by the way, we're covering the names of innocent victims killed by illegal criminals and show their names and ruby garcia, elizabeth medina and leah gomez and maria gonzalez and research center points this scout why not the immediate jaire and everyone s aying, hey, innocent killed for the biden border collapse. >> all that spot on, elizabeth. all that american latinos celebrate heritage and proud
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americans and doing faith and family. liz: thank you, we had a lot of real estate to cover with you. we hope there's more. new york post columnist coming up and we have the latest poll with former president trump ahead of bidens going with 46 and going to explain what's going on and voters continue to struggle with the question wanter: do you feel safer under president biden? how is that question going to hit the polls? first, we got to check in with our friends dagen and sean. what's coming up on the bottom line. >> hey, e smokers mac. e mac. we have congressional leaders pushing funding for ewe drain and israel. but will it pass? we'll speak to congressman mark greene and anti-israel p rotesters that take the streets and shutting down the golden gate bridge and chicago o'hare for liz peak to discuss.
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>> he's on with liz peak and jumping in on the fact that people remember president trump fondly in this country and joe biden who's still in the white house, not so much. and on day one of president trump's hush money trial, alina habba is here. the judge telling president trump if you go to your son's high school graduation, y ou'll -- i'll throw you in j ail. that and more. top of the top of the hour.
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when you switch to comcast business mobile. don't wait! call, click or visit an xfinity store today. liz: look who's back with us. new york post columnist and author miranda devine. welcome. president trump's rally in pennsylvania saturday night and new york times reports voters are nostalgic for president trump and liked his economy. now manhattan prosecutors may want to slam trump with contempt of court for speaking out against the hush money trial that started today. what do you think, miranda? >> hi, liz. well, look, those two things are linked. president trump's popularity and the sort of rose-colored glasses that people have because they realize how dreadful biden is and he's not the man he p retended to be during the campaign and they're looking a
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new at president trump and t hinking they like what they see and therefore the democrats, they can't change their candidate so they're trying to destroy this one and i mean, it's a very difficult situation that trump finds himself in and the alvin bragg case is just the beginning of it. >> going to get trump to the rally in pennsylvania. watch this. >> going to defeat crackle joe biden and going to make america feel great again and we'll return the world to peace through strength. everything just tends to [bleep].
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rising 13 times faster than under the previous -- think of that, 13 times faster and the previous seven years and i'm back in the white house and joe biden's inflation and going to welcome them and pennsylvania and they'll be drilled and get back to drilling. >> heist on the winning ticket and look at polls and not just this latest one and all of them with the economy joe biden is under water. the latest one is 80% of voters that are not happy with the economy and they're 23409 happy with the gaslighting coming from the white house and look at inflation and i've got it under control and he has it and it's just cumulative obviously and we've seen 3.5% increase in inflation annualized and so
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that's on top of 9% previously and so people feel it in their hip pockets and see it when they go to the grocery store and g oing to the gas pump. he can't fade patterns light because we see it ourselves and i think the disillusionment that's come from the lies and gaslight from the white house is what hurts. liz: yeah, now the debate is overweather and biden sits down with a debate with trump. watch this. >> trump would destroy bide anne donovan a live debate. >> the media and staying for a period of time taking questions. there's a reason. >> there's the debate and i don't like underestimating joe biden is i know we look at him and looks like he's a stable
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person and he's done this before and sources calling 2020 debate. not getting too far ahead of ourselves. liz: saying they probably will and biden may pull it together. miranda devine, good to have you on and good to see you. >> thank you so much. liz: interesting supreme court case going to possibility start tomorrow. will it up end and overturn and hit special council for jack smith and going for gratuitous and katie cherkasky will break and katie cherkasky will break it down next.coming in.. big or! starting a business is never easy, ng i
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>> the supreme court is going to hear a case tomorrow that could affect jack smith's case against trump. this is why we need former federal prosecutors to break it down. katie, can also affect the hundreds of january 6 defe defendants. the appeal by january 6 defendant joseph fisher says the government has to toss this out is incorrectly using and expanding the enron error law
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scope. it was a massive corporate accounting scandal, how is this at play. >> i think that they have a very good argument essentially the statute that president trump and many of the january 6 defendants were charged under is an obstruction statue that was intended for use for what they call evidence impairment so when people destroy documents and leading up to proceedings the d.c. circuit of the trial court dismissal initially agreed that the statute has never before been used in the context that it was used for trump's prosecution and all of the other defendants. now the supreme court is going to weigh in on what the meaning of the statute is whether it can be charged in this way which i'm doubtful over myself. >> it can be tossed out, the 21 gop lawmakers editor colin, jim jordan filed amicus brief saying the enron law can't be used as an all-purpose weapon in the
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enron law is about falsifying books and records is that about an incident about january 6. is that the issue. >> that's a big part of the issue. essentially when the courts look at his statue and a big part of how they do that is to look at the statutory history in the ledger tory history and whether in the way it's been interpreted it could be endless theoretically if you let it ended defendants are saying that that can't possibly be the case and of course the amicus brief agrees with that and i due to its stretch to a point that was never intended when the statute was passed. dagen: you use the enron losses stop lobbying and protest. we needed you. we hope to have you back soon. thank you so much for watching "the evening edit". it is good to be back. i'm liz mcdonald. we hope you watch tomorrow night for the rest of the week. we got ascended over to dagen and sean. a ho


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