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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 16, 2024 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. so iran's attack on israel was stopped cold, now we want for an israeli attack on iranian military assets, and hopefully a final annihilation of hamas. we hear from alan dershowitz and gregg jarrett on alvin bragg's dumb trial against trump. and today is tax day. do you know where all your tax money has gone? no one knows. but first up, aishah hasnie with details from capitol hill. reporter: house republicans are headed back to th the hill, huddling in a conference meeting, if he has not already speaker mike johnson will get an earl earful about how to bring israel aid to the floor, what that package will look
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like. he has heard from president biden and the white house with leaders schumer and mcconnell and also house democratic leader jeffries are calling on johnson to take up senate pass foreign aid package, that includes ukraine aid. this urgency comes as white house is trying to defend president biden from using the worthe word don't to try to prevent that attack. i think we have the sound. >> has president biden considered beefing up the public iran posture to be more than just one word. >> you are referring to don't. >> and they did it anyway. >> let's talk about what we did, peter, don't and did. let's talk about saturday night. he made it clear, he didn't want to see is escalation in
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the trojan, he added more military resources there. more destroyers that were cape ain't o able of shooting down ballistic missiles. reporter: let's not talk about don't, he said talk about what he did. going tboo back to speaker johnson, he failed at the stand alone aid bill earlier. the house freedom caucus out with a letter that saidnese forever israel aid is a bogus justification to ram through ukraine aid with no offset, some senate conservatives pressuring johnson to hold the line. >> hold your ground, show cajones, you have passed aid to israel, tell chuck schumer, when he is ready to take it up, but it will be paid for, it is a great precedence, if speaker johnson will stick by his
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guns. reporter: so, we'll learn more after tonight's conference meeting, could get contentious in there. larry: aishah, a quickie, i know no one knows, no human being on the planet knows, they meet at 5:30 today, do you think that mr. johnson's speaker johnson will keep a border provision in whatever foreign aid bill comes out? reporter: well, that is the one thing that has been lost in this, so many conservatives wanted border provisions as a part of the foreign aid package. that got lost in the conversation with senate passed the ukraine aid/israel aid package. i want to remind you, larry, the house is going to send articles of impeachment for secretary mayorkas tomorrow about 2:00. and once they do, that the senate freezes, cannot take any more action so schumer
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has to figure out how he will do both at the same time. as soon as they get the carl articles, a lot of conservatives told me, border has to come first. even before israel. larry: i heard the same, already aishah hasnie thank you so much appreciate. >> couple words from me. take the win mr. biden reportedly told prime minister netanyahu, but, that seems about as useless as don't. which was mr. biden's statement before iran's assault on israel, done work well either, did it. one of our distinguished fox news reporters lak libeled don't a while back the biden statement before russia invaded okay, you eublg, the label don't is something you say to your dog who insists on pulling your sock, i think "wall street journal" ed stoeditorial pain has a better idea that israel is justified in attacking iran's assets, including
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military, don't is just failed u.s. deter epts. deterrents and does not work with iran bidens eased economic and oil sanctions then freed up tens of billions in frozen funds and tried to renegotiate a nuclear deal and another don't, don't blame it on donald trump, who enforced the sanctions and bankrupted iran. and took out sol soleimani. i supreme court -- i spoke with robert o'brien. and o'brien believes that israel should bomb iranian drone and missile factories, which would be a proportioner at, limited and carefully targets act, probably well received by the europeans, welcoming an end to iran's drone sales to russia in the ukraine war, mr. o'brien has a long track
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record as suburb national security strategist, then, the next important israel action should be to finish the job accordin o'brien against hamas, he frets that israelis have waited too long to cover hamas, jewish state is always concerned about israel casualty toll and the hostages. against, iran and wipe out hamas, i think this is wise words from a tough america first strategist. someone that knows defending freedom. for more on all of this, let's bring in iowa senator zonjoni ernst. welcome. i think disoan don't
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doesn't work and you won the game does not. why not listen to robert o'brien, a proportion response by i israel would be to knock out the drone factories, what do you make of this? >> i think it is the right thing to do. thank you larry very much former nsarobert o'brien is spot on and israel does neat to target and does need to target and push back on iran, this cannot go unpaid back. we simply must see them respond in like to iran. unprecedented iran directly attacking israel. not going for a proxy, not using hamas or hezbollah but directly on israel. the united states also has a role to play in this, one we
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need to pass this supplemental package in whatever form is takes provide them munitions and platforms necessary for israel to defend itself. but we can also provide targeting, we can support with logistics, whatever it might happen to be, we have a role as well. to help our friend and major partner in the middle east israel. larry: you know, just strikes me senator joni ernst that the biden advice unlike the oh, brian advice, to israel is do nothing else. . i think that short changes israel and plays into iran an hands and to the whole axis of evil, you know china, russia, north korea iran, that is not helping buanyone but our enemies. >> we have discussed it before president biden is on a mission of appeasement, he
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has to step up and show leadership, he has failed in every aspect, as you mentioned from iran nuclear agreement, where we basically unlocked billions of dollars for iran to use on purchasing the drones, and missiles to target not only israelis, but american service members in the middle east. think about the 3 service members that georgia, they served in army reserves at tower 22, they were killed, by the very missiles that or drones that were purchased by the dollars that biden freed up for them, not enforcing iran's sanctions on is their oil alloying i a-- allowing illicit sale of oil, the funds go to terrorist productses and for targets of americans
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abroad. it needs to stop. the president needs to stand up. i have a bipartisan bill in the senate, it is mirrored in the house, which would force the president to enforce the iran r iranian sanctions on their oil, he needs to do it today. larry: probably should have done it yesterday. senator joni ernst, the distraction is need for israel to close the deal on hamas. cover hamas. destroy hamas, they will make some action presumably to retaliate against the iran. most people are for that. but they have to close the deal on hamas. in terms of existential fight to maintain israeli state, to me that is really the biggest single issue. hamas. end it right now. just knock them out. >> i agree. hamas has to begu to be,
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gone, they need to release prisoners, hamas was holding 8 american prisoners, 5 of whom are still presumed to be alive. we need them home with their family today, but hamas has to go, they are funded large in part by iran, israel should take them out, and americans, you need to understand this will always be a threat to the existence of israel, they need to be allowed to move forward with whatever they choose to do militarily, to get rid of hamas. the united states and others should not be interfering with what israel wants to do militarily. this is -- we would not accept it if someone came to us after 9/11 and said, stop going after the terrorists. larry: senator -- >> we should not allow this in israel. larry: last one, a potential heartbreak story.
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we don't know, no one seems ton, what hostages are still there are alive. israeli hostages, american hostages, i am sure you saw very disturbing reports in the "wall street journal" on friday, and saturday, before this iranian attack, what about the hostages, who knows? >> exactly. we keep pressuring the egyptians and qatars to st qataris to step up to do more to get the hostages home, we have been working with officials in israel to make sure that hostages are returned, we know that hamas is not treating them well, they don't allow the red cross to go in to deliver min medication to see for welfare of the hostages, we stay on this but bottom line, we have to get the folks home to their families, they need to be cared for, and hamas needs
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to be wiped off of the face of the planet. larry: thank you senator joni ernst we appreciate it. >> thank you, larry. larry: coming up on kudlow, 8 years later, certain months before 2024 election, a trial that should never have happened in a case that d.a. alvin bragg should never have brought, come on. we'll talk about it with alan dershowitz and gregg jarrett, election interference nonsense, can't get a fair trial, kudlow will return, you can catch kudlow, monday through friday, 4 p.m. every day here on fox, if you can't catch us as 4, text your favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show, you will never miss a single thing
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>> trump trial 8 years later, 7 months before 2024 election, this is a trial that shouldn't happen in a case that alvin bragg never should have brought, joining to us talk about it alan dershowitz. gregg jarrett. author of the constitution of the united states gregg jarrett, what is up with this?
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really what is up with this case. >> you know this is the most tortured convoluted cock miami case i have ever seen a prosecutor bring. i have been a lawyer for over 40 years, i have tried cases this is outrageous, this is punitive. littlpolitically motivated, bragg is contorting the law by taking an expired misdemeanor attaching it to a federal campaign finance violation that is not a violation at all. what is more he is not changes that underlying crime because he has no jurisdiction and authority to do that. the federal election commission, and department of justice looked that the said this is not a campaign toy nation th-- donation, there is no crime, but enter alvin bragg who thinks he knows better and can prove the case, but, all he has going for him is a based
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trump hate -- biased trump hating judge and a jury pool i'm afraid is you know adverse to donald trump, it will be tough for him to get a fair and impartial jury. >> proes from professor dershowitz, the justice department looked at this and rejected it, the other thing, vy vance didn't want to bring it, why is bragg bringing it other than the fact it is pure electtion year politics, is there an irk otiota of judicial meaning to this case. >> no, of course, not, only reason they are bringing it to keep donald trump out of pennsylvania. when biden out of wisconsin.
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keep him out of arizona and out of other states, this is direct election interference, the purpose of this trial is to keep him from campaigning. to give the advantage to joe biden and his campaign. i'm not a trump supporter politically, but i know unfairness when see it. i would like to see trump defeated on the merits without election interfer ence in a way we can't complain and new york district attorney is denying the people of america the right to a fair election, there is nothing to this case. nothing. whatsoever there is m no misdemeanor here. no bferrnobody in world
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history has ever been indicted for failing to disclose hush money, why would anyone pay hush money if they had an be on dpa obligation to disclose it this is an oxymoron, this is not even a misdemeanor, then they turn that misdemeanor to a felony by evoking -- a prosecution that federal prosecutor decline to bring, this is outrageous, i hope that trump's lawyers would bring -- right now and say at the very least let trump out of the courtroom. let him campaign, if he makes a decision, that he would like to waive the right to be there there nothing in the contusion, that gives prosecution the right to keep him there. it is only a defendant's right, if different dav waives that right and leaves the courtroom to go to his son's graduation from school, when judge did not front or campaign in pennsylvania, he has the right to do that, that is a
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constitutional case that should be brought immediately. larry: gregg jarrett. can you get a fair trial in new york? >>, not. >, of course, not. >> i am skeptical, i would want a working class juror who hates and really recents the fact that crime runs ramp arampant on streets of new york and you have a progressive district attorney alvin bragg who does not care, whether shooting or assault on street, he allows people to go free, instead he is bringing this victimless crime that is so specious on its face, against donald trump, and the judge today, ordered trump to be there every day or he was going to toss trump in jail. the professor is right there
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is a election interference that i want to take him off campaign trail for next two months to benefit joe biden and damage donald trump. i think they are under estimating the intelligence of the american voter, they see it for what it is, dirty, legal tricks, lawfare to interfere with an election, you know, look at poll numbers, there is a backlash against the this, in favor of trump because they see him not as a villain but a victim of a crooked system of justice run by biden democrats. >> i would agree with gregg jarrett. we're on television, but american public is denied the right to see how the american justice system is being distorted there is no reason for this trial, not to be on television if we saw this case of day on television, voters would be appalled at the case.
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they will read about it in "new york times" and hear about it on msnbc and cnn and think this is a strangestrong case, we have a total distortion, go could back 25 years polls show people who watch cull o.j. simpson case on television were not surprised result, but if they read about if in network times and saw about it on cnn they were shocked, they didn't see what really went on the courtroom, same is true here. if they just read about it 32 through the filter of left wing media they will think this is a good strong case, if they actually straw themselves they would be outraged and appalled that is why this case should be on television. larry: we'll do the best we can here at fox, try to cover those. on fox's best we can, professor alan december doctors thank dershowitz thank you, and gregg jarrett thank you. >> on kudlow, today is tax day. april 15.
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so, where did your taxes go? no one knows, no one has a clue. we'll talk about it with steve moore and kevin hassett and steve forbes, kudlow is available as a podcast every weekday right arch the shafter the show. we're a supply side tax cutting podcast or something like that. we'll be right back. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that. and they believe they can do the same. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business.
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larry: april 15, here we are tax day, do you know where your money went? no one knows or own grade gragrady trimble is standing by, do you know? reporter: some is going back to taxpayers in form of refunds which are higher this year than last, irs adjusted standard deduction
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and tax rates higher to offset inflation, treasury department and irs say average refund over 3 thousand dollars this year, about 123 bucks more than a year ago. taxes as you know are a major political issue this election circle, former president trump touting his tax cuts on trail, pushing for more cuts and president biden saying he will raise them on wealthy and corporations. >> house republicans with that one vote majority are only things standing in the way of high are taxes that high are inflation that joe biden wants to impose on the families. reporter: president biden is taking his tax messaging on the road tomorrow. speaking in front of a hometown crowd in scranton, pennsylvania, we got a little bit of a preview today in the press briefing. >> the way we see the economy is very different than the way that republicans see the economy. how we make sure we have an
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economy that works for all, making sure that the wealthiest among us, billionaires and corporations pay their fair share, we believe is the way to go here, not putting that burden over day americans. reporter: as white house talks, about raising taxes, this tax day more americans than of are say in our latest fox news poll, that the taxes they are paying are just too high. >> grady, i am so tired of listening to, that for hef know's sake, top 1% pay almost half of the income, i am sorry. you are just the reporter we appreciate it very much. all right. honest to god i am sick to date odeath of this bringing in steve moore. and kevin hassett. and steve forbes.
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what it is. steve forbes, you look oppressed today. do you know where your moneys that gone, honest to god, she says that, what all biden has to say, the full extend of his tack policy analysis is rich should pay their fair share, and they pay fortune and everyone knows that. >> fact of matter s inflation is a tax. >> oh, yeah. >> a his up tax, who gets hurt the most, we know who tens of millions who live paycheck to paycheck and up to their eye ball in credit card debt, interest rates going up, what is real rate of inflation it is 7% including interest payments. high as 18%. so joe biden's tacking the people who have least, he is babbling on about getting the rich, this is not about revenue about control, it is go controlling people's
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lives. larry: we loo looked, kevin, we -- one of the producers, total revenues through 2022. fiscal '22 last year. 40% above where they were in 2017, 40% increase in revenues, i add also we're still running a roughly 2 trillion dollar budget deficit, no matter how much money you tax and how much revenues flow in biden deficits are endless. >> this is true, shameless thing, you were angry listening to those fake talking points at white house, amazing thing, they keep saying it over and over, year after year, they don't real have a commitment to the truth about economy policy, i don't understand how an honorable person to the economy team could stand
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there and allow them to say things like, that your job is to run the economy with smart policies. to just lie about it wait they do over and over that is infuriating, the fact is that corporate revenue almost doubled since we cut corporate rate because of the laffer curve affect, and share as you have shown steve in news letter, share of taxes paid by top 1% has gone up not down, the idea to raise tax rates is incorrect, and inconsistent with the tax. larry: steve moore, fix the tax cut. >> i would love to. larry: you have 306s.seconds. >> i have best adviser steve forbes, ran on flat tax, our enemies could not come up with a tax system that makes less sense, this is a disgrace do u.s., how about
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this one, how about optional flat tax. you can either have the complicated system that no one can figure out, or you pay what is the rate. >> 17%. >> 17%. >> after 53 thousand of salary for a family of 4. >> and dediction f deduction for yourself and kids you pay 17%, i think post card return, i bet vast majority americans would go for that, rocket fuel for the economy, imagine a 17% tax rate biden wants it up at 50%, i want steve forbess tto be treasure secretary. larry: kevin hassett, how about starting with extending the trump tax cuts, they were contrary to karine jean-pierre and joe biden, they were successful, they are bipartisan economist academics that look added corporate tax cuts and said they were
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successful, and every got a tax cut, and correct me if i'm wrong, the tax code became more progressive not less progressive. >> that is right, and real wages went up as well, you are helping out the little guy, the fact is, that is where election comes up tax cuts almost are all of set to expire, some are phasing out, steve scalise could say only thing is the tax hikes, they can't stop it, it will happen unless there is active legislation. larry: the personal. >> yes. >> personal side, all personal income tax stuff expires, it will expire in unless there is itself action, you have to control congress and control white house. larry: recommend me, there is a little bit of unfair, recommend me an suspicion. trump -- option, trump comes in say argument sake trump wins. >> we would make tax cut
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permanent and in-- reduce corporate rate more, and i would think about cutting spending a lot and using it to finance a payroll tax cut, because, i think that payroll tax is a tack on work -- tax on work we need more workers to increase supply and reduce inflation. larry: merits of a flat tax notwithstanding, the reality s you have to be a lot of spending restraints, and economic growth. to fill in the gaps, to extend the trump tax cuts, and or do something like a payroll tax cut, which by and large is a middle class tax cut. >> mm-hmm. >> otherwise we'll get a wealth tax that is the real agenda, but tax cut start with trump, but, double it. cut rates. and realize this is a down payment for a real hall of tax code -- real overhaul of the tax code. and removing the burden on you, why do we send 6
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billion hours a year, 300 billion on this corrupt code that no one knows imagine if that went for medal research, opportunity costs is, huge. >> can i grow the economy at 3 1/2% a year. >> 6 1/2. >> we can't. this is average we had. >> if you make it pay more to work. after tax, if you make it may more to investment after tax. why won't you get an incentive that would get us out of this 2% growth, and into something much greater. >> i love the way you of thinking, what is the cbo, 1.7% or something, we should be -- twice that. >> i know. >> look at what reagan came in and they did tax cuts in like 8 months, you grew -- ain'18 months the economy grew 18%, do you know what country in europe has fastest economic growth.
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larry: yes. >> ireland. >> you know on 34 their corporate tax rate is 12 1/2%. >> do you know who defended prime minister in oval office, i did. and after people were ganging up on the poor guy. that is right. if you tac tax something less you get more, that is why i raise the point, if president trump is reelected he would look to extent the tax cuts and look for something that might be more directed at middle class that is why i asked you. and your point you have to cut spending, i'll do it not a bad goal, you have to have a planned budget approach -- balanced budget and rest could be made up by growth? >> yeah, but, there is a lot of room to cut spending, spending right now about a trillion higher than we thought it would be when we were in the white house. precovid that is a strillion trillion a year the biggest fiscal policy tune in
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history, republicans get in with reconciliation, if they cut spending to where it was set to go in 2019. >> 350 billion green energy slush fund, that a third of what you need. >> green schemes how the. >> that comes to a trillion, misnamed inflation reduction act. is come doing a trillion. according to pen ward. steve forbes, the actual economy today. long term interests, up 4 to 4.63, 10-year treasury, retail sales out today, probably stronger than wall street expected. the price of gold is soaring, i think moved to 2400 dollars. today, what is your read to the economy. >> the economy is growing. however, the gold price, commodity prices are telling us, the dollar is wobbly. another currencies are worse, the fed has problems ahead, and you don't raise interest rates and depress
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the economy. stabilize the dollar, make the dollar as good add gold add gree greenspan did. you will see the economy grow, and fed could take a languaa long-term vacation. larry: there will be a million polls, but, the gdp tracker from atlanta fed is now moved to 2. 8%, for the first quarter. which ended march 31. this would mark third straight quarter of all call it 3% plus growth. the economy surprise you? >> well, yeah. it is better than i thought it would be, but reminding you, you know what fastest growing sector of economy is. >> i do. >> government. >> right. >> real counts -- >> i passed ireland test, i have to know government spending. >> we should not count government spending as part of the gdp . larry: so, government
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spending. >> i'm dead. >> presumably stimulating consumer spending, we have demand. are we getting it on the business side? or and or is that demand outstripping supply of business equipment machin machinery. how lopsided is this economy? >> it is very lopsided. and you mentioned right thing, equipment investment has been declining for a few quarters in a row and gdp is grow we're borrowing money from chinese and mailing it to people, they are spending it on stuff. the retail sales was strong, is that really blockbuster sales at gas stations, reasons why, triple a average price of us two 3.30 last month to 3.60 this month, that is money people will not have to spend. think this economy is more
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roro wobbly than data suggests. larry: i am leaving it right there. >> and fire the irs. larry: ireland has fastest growth in europe, steve moore, kevin hassett and steve moore thank you. >> tax day, a dreadful holiday. >> coming up iran's attack on u.s. u.s. was stopped cold, now -- on israel was stollestopped cold, and mayorkas' prim impeachment is right around the corner we ask senator mars wh marsha blackburn about that when kudlow returns tax day, i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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would watch you on this will the border battle continue? >> indeed the border battle will continue, larry. people are living the consequences of this open border every single day. they see it in deaths from fentanyl in gangs in communities, crime this that is rising human trafficking sex traffics, they know that everyone town is a border town and every state's border state. so indeed this battle will continue. and i will tell you, this, tennesseans want to see secretary mayorkas impeached and brought to trial. and they are looking forward to this senate taking this up. now that the house has signed their impeachment papers. larry: what you to reckon -- walk us through? what happen tomorrow. at 2:00 or 2:15, it is sense over some mess e messenger
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sends it over to senate majority leader, chuck schumer what happens then. >> follows that, either tomorrow afternoon later on wednesday morning, we will be sworn in as a court of impeachment, every senator is sworn in. then the articles will be presented. we know that chuck schumer is going to try to table the articles, we have three members to present organizings resolutions one from senator lee, one senator kennedy and trial committee resolution from senator cruz. there are several ofs that you have points of order, that we think should be addressed. and we want to bring this to a trial as we have previously done. you know the articles of impeachment have never been tabled. never been tabled. and this would be a first.
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>> senator schmidt told me friday that basically, you all can block business other business if for some reason schumer trying to break precedent and table to impeachment resolution, you could just block business and that will put him in a very difficult position, what is your thinking on that? >> we should be blocking and bringing this to a trial. as i said has never been done, tabling the impeachment articles? not bringing it forward when the american people are saying this open border is issue number one? and open border is the biden border policy, larry, our secretary of homeland security does not believe in securing the homeland. of course, he should be tried in the senate. and we should up hold that impeachment and have him removed from office.
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the american people fully deserve to know, i mean today, we got the stats of chinese that have entered this country, more in the first 6 months of this fiscal year than the entire last year, why do you think all of these chinese, primarily young, single men, are coming into this country? you don't leave china unless they tell you, you can leave china. so someone is paying the cartels to bring these individuals here. we need some answers. larry: just the last 20 seconds ma'am, there will be a lot of pressure for an international funding bill, you can keep the border in that bill? >> well we're going to do this evening, i will be on the floor with fully fund israel's request without any
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offset. we will do that after votes this evening. >> all right senator mars mars sena (♪) is bad debt holding you back? ♪ the only limit is the sky ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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a larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.


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