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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 16, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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theaters are there in new york city? 37, 41, 45, 49? ashley, since you are in florida, you get to go first. ashley: thank you very much. i was going to say 49. i will go with 45. stuart: lahren. lauren: 41. >> i will go number one, 37. stuart: i'm going to go with 37. the answer is 41. coincidentally today is the 1-year anniversary of when phantom of the opera closed on broadway, it holds the title of the longest running show on broadway. i think there were more theaters before the pandemic. the pandemic shut a couple of them down. thanks to everybody, see you all again tomorrow. if i count on correctly, coast-to-coast starts, 4, 3, two, here it is.
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adam: the dow hopes to snap a 6-day losing streak, the one thing that could stop it, this, the 10 year note climbing again, 4. 7%, investors trying to ignore this and focus on oil prices that are soft, building permits are soft and market rates keep climbing, some anxious about whether stocks can keep climbing especially technology stocks, sensitive to rate movements, shaping off these inflation fears. that's the story right now. and what do you think? >> everyone is focused on tech stocks. and a clear ai story.
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and demand problems are the short-term challenge but you have microsoft, alphabet, nvidia, amazon and other chip stocks. they have ai story, this is happening at the same time people worry about corporate real estate, household debt and pernicious inflation in the geopolitical stuff happening with wars in 3 theaters, it's crazy how the market is shrugging that and focused on ai at the same time. neil: may be assuming what's going on in the middle east, what is real is going to do. that too will pass like other international develop its pushed aside. you can't keep doing that endlessly. >> no. it is interesting. you see what is going on in corporate housing and real estate. we are short on homes, interest
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rates still going up and not enough housing demand. on the other side the empty office space sitting around and cities are filling to 40% capacity in terms of vacancy. it is crazy what is going on and the number is are contradicting each other across the board. neil: the market, but they are focused on is the dow, unitedhealth, we are not part of that. would be a wash but it it is what is, the others happening under pressure. we will keep following it and how markets are adjusting to this news out of the middle east and now in washington amid talk the speaker could have problems on his hands. another member, another republican says he's got to go. aishah hasnie has the latest on that. >> reporter: that republican is congressman thomas massey who sits on the rules committee, very important figure in the republican conference and he is
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joining marjorie taylor greene in cosponsoring motion to vacate house speaker mike johnson was what they are asking or demanding is johnson resign, announced his resignation without stepping down without plunging the house into the kind of chaos we saw last fall when they were looking for a replacement for kevin mccarthy. they want to give the conference time to find a new speaker. they want the current speaker to acknowledge he will step down. >> i'm not going to call the motion to vacate but if it is called, there will be a lot of people who vote for it. >> reporter: marjorie taylor greene is telling me more and more people are saying they are very frustrated with johnson's leadership and promoting motion to vacate and haven't come out publicly yet.
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johnson saying he's not going anywhere. >> i am not redesigning. it's an absurd notion. we are trying to do our job. it is not helpful to the contrary, to advance the agenda in the best interest of the american people. >> reporter: massey sits on the committee, the fed republican to say johnson's plan will not make it out of the committee which means the speaker needs democrats to get on board. democrats would be willing to seek johnson's gavel if he delivers on ukraine aid. is johnson's plan that getting folks up in arms, he's dividing up israel, ukraine and taiwan into 3 separate bills and 1/4 bill offers conservative ideas like the deal for military aid for ukraine adding the tiktok as a nice sweetener.
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they don't want to cut ukraine a blank check. the speaker is trying to give members political cover from taking tough votes but conservatives have said they have a problem with the package because it leaves out border security. >> seemingly abandoning the border which is the hill we said we were going to die on for a long time. >> this is weekending the speaker's hand when it comes to trying to negotiate with the white house and senate democrats, makes it looks like the congress is divided but they would say the speakership is already weakened and the speaker answers to the democrats. neil: thank you for keeping track of that. congressman, always good to have you.
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let me talk about how the speaker should go, do you think he should go? >> it would not be good timing. i believe it runs a risk of us losing the house if we have another speaker debacle. i haven't decided where i am on that but when i go home and talking to my constituents, they are not talking about vacating him but they do but he has not to live it on some promises he made. they are more concerned we will lose the house which could be a bad thing for us all in november if that happens. adam: red wave materialized, this would be, any speaker in the environment with more flexibility than the current one does, whether republicans, the abortion issue or others that are popping up might be vulnerable again. >> i think republicans, there's
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a few messaging issues they need to get behind him a we all know abortion is a states rights issue and i am pro-life but that's a states rights issue. people can still have their convictions, without founding fathers engineered this country. democrats are trying to make about abortion, but what's happening with the economy, home prices are not affordable, a lot of people afraid of getting drafted, to hear those service members think they might get drafted i don't want people to have 2 years that. we are seeing weak leadership but i will give you an update, i left a meeting with the speaker and some of my
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colleagues, what i am hearing negotiations on is to attach hr 2 which is about a strong border security bill to ukraine which i don't know where the votes are but that in discussion, we are the house of representatives, we can stand strong in our convictions and the speaker understands we are not here to see the speaker fail but when you have an open border, you have a war in israel where our administration is not backing our ally and the financial date of this country without a request for more funding for ukraine i don't think that's sustainable. neil: your in the battlefield of this one that's a fifth measure the speaker might consider taking and has already looked at four independent funding measures including a separate one for israel, separate one for ukraine.
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it gets convoluted, is it safe to say this is a mess and you're the reason it is like this. >> that's the case. there's a lot of frustration but the american people need to realize the tensions that exist in congress have been a decade in the making, there's a lot of bad blood, people frustrated other members resign leaving us with a supermajority but let's get back to legislating, we can actually find money to take from to pay for these things if the speaker wants to go down this path but we have to ensure it's coming, we are not spending money we don't have not to mention i am concerned what's happening in israel and the foreign policy perspective and the biden administration in september 11th, occupied money to iran, hostage negotiation and you saw the attack in
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october, we are not looking like we are in a strong foreign policy perspective. that's why i have been so vocal about my support for donald trump. neil: very good seeing you again. still waiting to hear what israel might have in its pocket talking about a response to the uranian missile attacks. you heard president biden didn't think it would take the wind to move on and that's the message for the united nations and the g-7 nation saying to a nation, let's not agitate this. we have wesley clark with us, former supreme allied commander, great having you. can i get your take on the position israel is in. we are saying enough, they did their thing and you've done your thing, no reason to
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compound this. do you agree with it? >> israel always had escalation in the region. whoever hits it we hit back harder and if israel doesn't do that, they lost escalation dominance surrounded by hostile forces so the inclination is strike back. iran probably has nuclear weapons, one or two. that could set off a disaster us problem. israel understands it doesn't have the capacity to go after those nuclear targets in iran without american support coming. the most likely thing is some kind of israeli response, not a decisive strike and the united states's past to establish this long talked about alliance, the
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israelis, kuwait, to give the region a shield against uranian threats. neil: you mentioned arab nations, to a nation, they are not inclined to support israel should it launch another attack on iran or their airspace, there is a dividing line here, what it did in 1980, when an oil depot, there's a history when doing this on their own. >> that is it. israel -- this is why you are not seeing anything out of his real yet and there are some complicated issues. israel would like to be closer to these states in the region.
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israel is dependent on the nuclear deterrent, israel doesn't want to be in a position where it can't do anything if iran strikes that is held back. so off of these competing issues, it is a real dilemma for israel but it will be soft. i expect we will see some kind of israeli military action. neil: i want your take on palestinian anti-israeli protests that popped up all over the country in chicago, san antonio, they were fortuitous timing after the israeli attack by the iranians and this is well-planned but again, the tone was anti-israel. did the tempo of that surprise you?
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>> not really because in 1999 we established the us information agency, leave them behind any information war space ever since. so when it comes to ukraine, when it comes to israel, whatever us policy is, we don't have the information infrastructure and get our views out to the world after our own people in some cases so it has been a real problem for us. we were caught off balance on october 7th because the world suddenly turned against israel despite the horror of the attack out of gaza. suddenly everybody is sympathetic to the palestinians and even hamas. so israel knows what it must do. the question is how do we convey the balance of this and help the people in the world understand that a nation that attacked has a right to respond. somehow that has been lost. infrastructure to get those
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messages out and that has been part of the problem. neil: in the clinton years, if there were differences, to my memory, rarely did they become as public as they are now with even aid being threatened, in no uncertain terms, another prominent democrat, people like chuck schumer, advocating special elections, disruption in the sovereign nation, individualities that we've long stuck to, what do you make of that? >> as these restrictions become clear it is important for israel to show its independence of the united states, that means striking iran, throws israel back more reliant on the united states and understanding the volatility, the vagaries of the democratic system, no one
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wants that, it is always the case that different states have different national interests, national interests have never been the same as his relapse, we been a strong supporter and israel has always counted on that. president biden has assured israel they will continue to rely on our support and that's a very meaningful pledge. stuart: if israel goes on its own, do you think that will stick. >> that's the issue. sounds like you have your doubts. >> that's the issue. can the president say it and will it stick? israel is making that decision but israel may not have much choice given iran is probably nuclear at this point, it's too late to execute the kind of military strike against iran they want to do.
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stuart: neil: general wesley clark, 97-two thousand. a very different world right now. it is day 2 of the trump hush money trial and one thing we are watching is the sound of while it is folding. after this. ♪ ♪
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”.
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you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free. now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least $10,000 to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-217-3217. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country.
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they provide the potential for regular income are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. >> i should be in pennsylvania, florida, many of the states, georgia, campaign, this is coming from the biden white house, he can't put two sentences together, he can't campaign, and it is not working. are you have to do is look at the polls. jack: of the polls are tightening. that might be news to the former president.
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having said that, day 2 of the cash story, and donors working apart that. >> i had a dream last night. and the the president forging nuts and eating baklava. and the sea eo, tweeted, it was kamala harris. that is a ceo dream or something. it can worry donors where if you are convicted you don't know. or rally them. charles: i spoke with three
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people targeting wall street executive types. very rich guys in the hedge fund business and they are getting calls from the trump people a lot in the last couple days. what they are trying to do, there's a lot of problems with global unrest. he's trying to say look at me and look at the world when i was running things, president biden and trying to use the trial as the unfairness. and how crazy this story is. and this is the short-term in just, my guys are not giving. i don't know.
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neil: do they were if he is convicted, all bets are off? charles: couple hundred grand. and and he just. 200 grand, and that's a lot of money. and todd: the polls are all over the map. >> some of these polls tightened a little bit in battleground states. tightening a little bit in pennsylvania where the numbers are a little bit -- is any of this court stuff impacting that? charles: donald trump is outperforming most republicans
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with black men, not the case for republicans and hispanic men and hispanics in general. he underperforms republicans in that crucial sector which is the white woman and they vote and they are out there and generally vote republican but he has a problem with that voting bloc so the selection, everybody i speak to, it will be razor thin and comes to the ground game, who has the better ground game in 6 or 7 battleground states and he had a pretty good -- i remember in 2016, i reported on your show, looked at my old tweets but i went back and reported something trump people, this came from the bannon types, the trump people feel it showed he's gaining ground in battleground states toward the
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end of the election and they had a decent ground game in michigan. adam: people in battleground states -- charles: trump can't afford internal -- he has no ground game and exactly right. may be they are blowing smoke but they won't. this thing is not over and will be really tight. the fact that it is this tight and he's three times indicted, how people view the biden presidency and the economy, inflation is bad but don't know the financial side. adam: anything could happen. if i was dreaming of you, we forge for some nuts and eat some cannolis. neil: you are the best.
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neil: charles: i will fly to npr now. neil: in the meantime, i don't know if this is rich but the president of the united states, and how unfair the tax situation is, the rich aren't paying their fair share that i had a chance to catch up with the irs commissioner who said we will make doubly sure that they do after this. (vo) what does it mean to be rich? maybe rich is less about reaching a magic number... and more about discovering magic. rich is being able to keep your loved ones close. and also send them away. rich is living life your way.
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>> we are scrutinizing complex letters, talking the largest corporations, the most complex partnerships, and the wealthiest americans, that is where the irs fell behind in the years of underfunding. neil: you always hear, that $2,000 level, they will be up. >> they will not. i want to assure your viewers we have two agenda items under current inflation reduction act era, one is better service for every taxpayer and the others increased scrutiny for complex
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violators. neil: they are under the 400,000 level. adam: that, if they are cheating on your taxes. and the target of this push, much approved, hire more accountants, and and more bang for the buck, so more money coming into the irs, it is staffed up. >> you have to look at it, how the irs operates, the return on investment.
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they go to where the money is but the easiest place to get the money, there's a lot of reports about people making $200,000 being audited by the irs. the reason they are going in that direction is those people are not hiring accountants or attorneys to fight the irs so it's easy pickings for them. when you get into these higher earners, tax returns and corporations, they are lawyering up, now the process takes a long time for the irs to collect the money which they don't want to have happen. neil: we are following them is showing a full-screen, the top 1%, there's a reason for that. having said that, i want to repeat what i just said, the
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top 1% is 45, 6% of the taxes. if you are looking for a fair tax system, that's double what they represented, they seem to be paying it already. >> they absolutely are. this whole business of the wealthy not paying their fair share is simply not true. the top 1% make up 46% of the income taxes, accounting for 26% of the income so there is an imbalance. 47% of the people pay no income tax, the bottom 50% are only paying 2% of the tax. and a political talking point.
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neil: the accountant, if there terrorist about the irs audit. something just doesn't jibe and we are told the irs is the more aggressive in that regard. >> i told him not to worry about it. if they've done something wrong. you can audit and audit and audit all you want. if your tax return is clean, there's nothing to worry about. if you didn't pay the tax, you need to be concerned and depending how much you, quote, cheated, moves from civil or criminal. neil: really good at timing on this stunt. it is a huge antitrust lawsuit, all over the world.
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madison alworth has more. madison:the justice department is close to filing in antitrust lawsuit coming as soon as next month. according to the wall street journal, what alleged the biggest concert promoter in the country leveraged its dominance to prevent competition. when it comes to the specific claims, we actually have to wait for the lawsuit on those. on top of the anticompetitive practices, the company has faced accusations of exorbitant fees and a very flawed customer service experience. the investigation started in early 2022, but was thrown into the spotlight following them blow up, they emerged in 2010,
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legal experts, tapping about happy marriage coming to a end. >> we very well be heading for a breakup. the government let this thing go through. the doj has the right to look and they have something now the ftc didn't have. they have 14 years of experience of what happens as a result of the merger. >> no one wants to comment on the story but ticketmaster did direct us on local affairs who said last year, quote, tickets are priced by artists and teams and they get to decide what it costs to get in and the service charges, ticketmaster's way of lowering ticket prices and ticketmaster does not set the targets than you do and most of the money goes to venues. let's talk about those fees and charges. they can add 15% to 20% on average to the referral and
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some fees as a consumer reducing redundant. you get a service fee charged once per ticket and there's of the to process the ticket and to deliver your ticket even though people often get tickets sent to their phone and finally a facility fee charged as well. onto all of this, there's also the complaint the ticketmaster has not done enough to tackle the issue of scalpers who want algorithms to buy up as many tickets as possible and flip them for profit. this could be a big change with regard to how we buy tickets. neil: did remember what these ancillary fees are 4. thank you for that. madison following that closely and we are following the fallout across the nation. bill melugin is keeping track of each and every one and when we will start seeing more after this. ♪
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are federally tax-free and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. her uncle's unhappy. 1-800-217-3217. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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[chanting] adam: these are part of the protests that were nationwide, one in new york city and later on on brooklyn bridge to get out there and get the word out that is real is evil, what we saw in san francisco and san antonio. and on we go. bill melugin monitor ring at from that. >> highway patrol says what happened on the golden gate bridge was illegal and incredibly dangerous. they are committing charges against those protesters and the charges could be serious. this was the scene on the golden state gate bridge as pro-palestine activists chained themselves to several vehicles and each other, they held up signs, the result you can see here, they shut down in both directions on the bridge for
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five hours. california highway patrol released a newly minted showing protesters bound themselves to each other using pvc pipes that stuck them in the cars. chb telling fox 20 protesters were arrested. the san francisco da may charge them with false imprisonment, unlawful assembly, conspiracy, and unlawfully stomping on a bridge. at chicago's o'hare airport, leading to the airport, they were trying to get out of their cars with their luggage and walk a long way to catch their flights. chicago pd confirmed 40 protesters were arrested. those anti-israel protesters coordinated protests across the country yesterday, they end of getting a helping hand from democratic party dark money. a 15 action is the group responsible for organizing the protests. the website directs users to a legal defense fund through act
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as the democratic party's online fundraising powerhouse. this asks people to, quote, donate here to support community members who are criminalized in the us for their solidarity with palestine. some of the protesters went to extreme lengths to make themselves difficult to remove. in oakland, california highway patrol says protesters chained themselves to 55 gallon barrels filled with cement and put their arms in pvc pipes and stuck those pipes in. send it back to you. neil: just incredible. how do they win over people when they are missing flights and can't get home? how are you marshaling support? >> exactly. that's the question. neil: bill melugin on that. we were told none of this was timed in response to the missile attacks israel had to endure over the weekend. we discovered a couple things that dome that israel has, and had a lot of support not only
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from western allies but from those in the moderate arab community including saudi arabia, jordan, offered their airspace, protected the airspace, shot down some of those missiles toward israel. israel is pondering the possibly of responding to iran but here is where the likes of saudi arabia, we won't help you with that one. the abraham accords negotiator, in the fall of 2020, for reproach went among his real and arab countries including at the time than the united arab emirates and bahrain, that was a diplomatic tie in and this remains to this day. this gentleman is a key reason for that. that was a president breaking development. we see the continuation of it
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in arab countries, this goes too far with a country like iran trying to take out israel and we will stop that but now they are saying we have drawn a line on a follow-up attack on the part of israel. what do you make of that? >> iran is the great uniter. iran united everybody and that enabled the abraham accords in the first place. in this particular situation, what you say versus what you do is kind to imagine saudi would be upset if israel attacks iran and iran attacks saudi. the one draw together, truthfully probably the only people the dislike iran more than israel are saudi and other countries. this brings them together. neil: everyone tiptoes around iran. some suspect it already is.
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do you agree but that? >> it is pretty gray. going nuclear is a huge step for a country that has shown they like to act through proxies. if israel does something it should be quick and tactical. anytime you have an opportunity to respond, you want to do it in a tactical way and if they do it, that's my suggestion but i doubt it goes anywhere close to that. neil: the proxy thing is done. they put that aside and let it be known to the world that they were the ones behind this missile attack. that has got to be a game changer too. >> i think it makes it easier in some ways. when you attack two proxies it's difficult to respond directly. this makes it easier to respond rightly. when iran does something it gives an excuse, it has been hard. everybody is afraid what will happen if you are first to make
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a direct attack. i'm not sure that was a good idea on iran's part. neil: it is risky for israel to follow through with a direct attack. >> the riskiest thing is western pr because everybody, the united states right now is in a total defense mode. the administer agent doesn't want to play offense. even the houthis are very cautious and want to play defense. israel plays offense a little bit, it's more pr. i'm not that worried about uranian response because i don't think they are very strong. . 20 thank you very much. we will be following the oil market reaction to all this, decidedly contained, sort of a non-event. at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water.
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neil: waiting for israel people are nervous about that and it's planned response to the iranian attack over the weekend but you wouldn't see it from the oil markets. phil flynn follows this closely. why is that not happening? >> i think it's because traders are hunkering down, afraid to sell because they don't know what's going to happen next. if they are bearish, you don't want to be short in case something does happen in the middle east and prices could explode. if, on the other hand, you are bullish, you are cautious because you don't know what will happen next. one thing we did see which is very telling about the mood of this market, if you look at the brent crude oil which is trading just below $90 a barrel, we saw a record amount of car buying in the market yesterday after the attack. what that means is a lot of
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people are protecting themselves for a potential response by having upward exposure covered with a record amount of calls. that is where the market is, they are cautious but preparing for the worst case scenario. adam: how are we looking at that? >> i pray not. i hope the response is limited, i hope we can contain the situation and not only for the piece of the world but the economy, people are struggling. we got gasoline prices back on the rise, shortage of oil, that could add to inflation so adding more attention to the middle east and the price of futures won't help anybody. i see that too, and it is surging back again. adam: "the big money show" guys coming


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