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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 17, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.
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♪ ♪. maria: good wednesday morning everyone, thank you for joining us. i am maria bartiromo. wednesday april 17. her top stories, 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. the gop speakership on the line again. more on capitol hill say they would support a motion to vacate house speaker mike johnson as he readies a foreign aid bill with no new security for the southern border. the reaction from washington. markets in the green, take a look at futures indicated again at the start of trading as we await more regional banks for earning released today. the dow comported travelers reporting later this hour read will see the market reaction there. tented in the middle east moving the oil market, take a look at brent and crude pulling back with crude below $85 a barrel at 84 and change. european markets look like this, stocks or higher
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across-the-board as you can see, pretty much from france to london. in asia overnight and make story, the shanghai composite up to present on the session overnight in china. the house delivering impeachment articles of alejandro mayorkas to the senate today where the child faces an uphill battle. the dereliction of duty at that border on full display 1000 military aged men lining up in front of the new york city hall after reportedly being promised green cards at the number of illegal chinese migrants in the spike in dangerous fentanyl crossing the southern border continues to grow. i'll get into the ccp effort to infiltrate the u.s. and the d.o.j. refusal to hand over audiotapes abide his interview with robert hur all coming up with house oversight committee james comer. he'll join in the 8:00 a.m. hour. readily the conversation, former bush 43 white house official ashley davis back with us, president of maslansky and partners lee carter back with us and bullseye american ingenuity
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adam johnson is here. ♪. maria: time for the hot topic of the hour. while naked a campaign stop at a harlem bodega former president trump said his hush many cases having the reverse effect. watch. >> this is all politics coming out of the white house and it makes me campaign locally. i think were doing better than we've ever done. i think it's having to reverse
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effect. all i want is fairness. maria: trump raking in a million dollars in campaign fundraising after the first day of the criminal trial, the trial resuming with the proceedings resuming tomorrow. they're still in jury selection, seven of the 18 jurors has been selected now. manhattan district attorney alvin bragg filing a motion to hold trump and contempt of court claiming that trump violated his gag order after posting about witnesses in the trial on social media. alvin bragg urging the judge toward future violations of the gag order can be punishable with up to 30 days of jail time. your reaction. >> i have always thought from the beginning that all of these cases are really helping trump. if you did raise the million dollars which i believe him it's continuing to help him. when 60% of americans do not believe in our judicial system and one and three don't understand why he is in trial today.
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i do this, politics for a living and i cannot keep up with the trial states. this is 100% helping him. maria: i think we did look at the gag order it is really hard to see a candidate for president following a gag order. president joe biden traveling across the country in the swing state of pennsylvania yesterday talking about everything he wants to talk about, abortion, trump whatever he wants to talk about and if trump says anything is violating the gag order. the running for president. stephen a smith slammed trump such money trial on his youtube show. here's what he said. watch. >> to my liberal friends out there, all you are doing is showing that you are scared you cannot beat him on the issues in the merits, that's why he keeps saying it's a political campaign against me tens of millions of
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people see what extent the other side is willing to go through just to keep them out of office because they could not beat him on their own merits. everything you do shows me you cannot be him. it is a damn shame. maria: that's a term keep saying, new ap center for public affairs research poll finds 35% of adults think that trump actually did something illegal in this case, 31% of americans believe trump's actions were unethical but not illegal. another 14% said trump did nothing wrong. lee carter, your reaction. >> i think this thing is fascinating. i agree completely, this benefits donald trump was on trial is not just donald trump it's a system on trial. people believe the system is rigged to favor if you not that many. when people hear things like katie couric talking about how republicans must be brain-dead if i get a support donald trump.
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when you see the way people are reacting, you think this is unfair. you think this is it about donald trump you think is something much greater. the fact that there's so much pylon makes people actually fight back even more. if you look at the polling, what people want they want somebody going to stand up for the issues. two thirds of americans are looking for a fighter who will fight back on the system and that's what donald trump is doing from the courthouses. that he is fighting in. it is resignation. everyone on the left is really surprised that this is happ happening. if you're trump supporter and you see it in your like obviously this is going to create more support for donald trump. >> trying to have a dispassionate conversation about the trump trial with the democrat is like trying to have a logical conversation with an alcoholic. it's not possible. they cannot get past the emotion, they can't get to the central issues.
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it is amazing to me there were even half of the conversation and this even came to trial. that doesn't just come from me, think of the legal experts on your show who said there's no basis for what's happening here. maria: if he gets convicted of talking about jail time, multiple jail time, multiple years. >> it will backfire. >> it's good to continue to divide the country. i don't have a country moves forward after trials like this. >> is unbelievable just getting started a new house report accusing the chinese communist party are directly manufacturing and exporting deadly fentanyl crossing into a southern border. we knew this was coming out we have the evidence. the explosive story all morning long. federal reserve chairman jay powell admits to the lack of progress happening teresa federal reserve target of 2% inflation how investors are poised to move admitted the uncertainty. you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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it's waiting for you. mere minutes away. the future is nothing but power and it's all yours. the all new godaddy airo. get your business online in minutes with the power of ai. maria: take a look and features a rally underway, the dow industrial .69, nasdaq 48 and as a behavior by 21 even as interest rates stay elevated take a look at the tenure ahead of the federal reserve, of course a debate on where rates are going federal reserve jay powell saying rates would be higher for longer if inflation persist and certainly looking at rates pull back down to nap basis points, here's the chairman yesterday. >> we said that the fomc will need greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably
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toward 2% before the appropriate to ease policy. the recent data has clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate it's likely to take longer than expected to achieve the confidence, that said we think policy is well positioned to handle the risks that we face if higher inflation does persist we can maintain the current level of restriction for as long as needed. maria: joining is now 42 macro founder and ceo darius dale, thank you for joining the conversation. maria: i noticed jay powell says overtime, overtime, will get to the target overtime. he is signaling it almost feels like he is recognizing he's not going to get to 2% anytime soon on inflation, what are your thoughts on the feds moves. >> yesterday was a step in the wrong direction in terms of the feds policy. it looks as if the fed is starting to guide for hire for longer but the reality and the perspective of asset leases kowtowing to physical dominance
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this is a fed that is going to accept implicitly is accepting much higher than 2% inflation that's likely to do that for quite a while. maria: what will that mean for rates is there a chance that he hikes rates were three rate cuts off the table in your view. >> would you look at 100 years of data whatever the monetary authority of physical dominance that the structurally bullish dynamic for at-risk assets stock, credit and parish dynamic for the bond market. i think that's exactly what we saw this far throughout 2024. maria: kowtowing toward fiscal policy accepted the fact that this buddy discontinuing it inflation will be elevated? >> if you go back and look at 2023, the federal budget deficit grew by $364 billion and we are still filling the impact in terms of consumer spending and inflation. as long as we continue to see excessive budget deficit were likely to have a structurally higher nominal environment it's great for stocks but terrible for bonds.
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maria: i hear you talking about the fed's best efforts. congress keep spending money in an election year. here's what i wrestle with. help me understand, formations of inflation, consumer prices, producer prices, personal consumption, expenditure in gdp prices. of the four, three are below three only one consumer prices above three, the average of all together is 2.4, the feds target is to. that sounds like were getting close in the world does not see it that way. >> if you look at inflation on annual spaces you look at super core inflation which the fed is expensively guided to be in the norstar for inflation. were running a 8% through super court inflation and running 5% if you look at median cpi. remove it in the wrong direction for sure we don't know the transitory and inflation is sustainable but ultimately we do believe inflation is likely to bottom at a level that is existing to 2% inflation.
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maria: yesterday we reported the chinese communist party saying economic growth was at 5.3%. i'm not sure if i'm buying into the numbers, 5.3% but you say march activity in china is supporting your china frontloading stimulus, tell us about that. >> if you look at the breakdown the gdp report from january, february march is slow toward the end of the quarter we saw significant downside in production if you look at the property market which represents 25 - 35 of gdp those numbers are abysmal if you talk and supply down 5% demand down 32% in the property market. in our opinion we think the ppo see is poised to continue supplying liquidity to chinese financial sector and that's building to global asset markets and one of the reasons we remain bullish over the medium-term. >> bullish for risk assets. were still in the reflation market regime at office expense correction that we call for back in the beginning of this month
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but the reality is we do believe that a lot of the fundamental themes that are driven asset markets higher over the last couple of quarters we believe most of those are st tech. when you're in a reflation market regime. >> i am with you. it is interesting you're not intimidated by inflation staying higher for longer you're still comfortable putting money to work. there is a wave against me on the idea. >> the difference between risk on reflation and off inflation market regime is a policymaker that is trying to curtail the higher-than-expected nominal gdp environment right now we have a federal reserve can enter concerns but we don't think we'll see a full policy pivot back to official hire for longer even rate hikes until you get the second half of the year. maria: great to talk to you, thank you so much.
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a quick break, to congressional members are supporting the motion to vacate house speaker mike johnson as he readies a foreign aid bill with no new security to the southern border. ryan zinke will tell us what is happening in the house with the latest on the funding fight. stay with us. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" i'm thinking company wide power nap. [ employees snoring ] anything can change the world of work.
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okay, that's uncalled for.
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>> i am not resigning it is in my view of certain notion that someone will bring a vacate motion and we are simply trying to do her job. it is not helpful to cause to the country and it does not help the house republicans advance our agenda and the best interest of the american people. maria: that was house speaker mike johnson valley not to resign after kentucky congressman thomas massie joined marjorie taylor greene and threatening to force a vote to oust the speaker over his foreign aid plan, massie and the georges congresswoman marjorie taylor greene calling for johnson to resign the text of the foreign aid package was supposed to be released yesterday as possible the house may not have the bills ready
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this week, joining montana congressman ryan zinke house appropriation science committee and a member of the joint commission on china, thank you very much for being here, the drama continues in the house of representatives today with thomas massie joining marjorie taylor greene. you want mike johnson to step down? >> no, mike johnson is the most conservative that we've had in the history of this country. secondly a constitutional attorney. third he's a christian there's no doubt about that and i think he's kind and where hyper- partisan people are angry about everything. running in a kind laying is not a bad thing. i think it's a distraction he is not going anywhere. i have been a navy seal and been to a lot of battles in my life and i tell you not every commanding general is george as patent. generals don't win wars the front line when wars in the
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front line and this case is the members. mike johnson will be successful as a speaker if the members rally around as they should and focus on getting the job done and not the distractions. maria: let's talk about the job getting done. why is it so difficult for mike johnson and you and your colleagues to secure the border. >> i think the border is the number one issue. the house passed hr2 house resolution to which secures the border in the senate has yet to pick it up and were trying to find a way to force the senate to pick up hr2. i mentioned with the speaker this morning i said we should start every day from now to the end of the session with a prayer, pledge and hr2 to secure the border that is what our constituents are telling us, that's what my gut says the number one issue in the country is securing the border. this administration by the way has full authority to do so in law so he has the authority and the funding but refuses to do so, so the biden administration refuses to shut the border down
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even though he has the authority, were just trying to say rather than shell, he will shut down the border. maria: what way to shut down the border is today again and say you're not going to do anything until the border is closed. >> the issue is this there is other things happening in the world we have ukraine, israel on fire. maria: we know there's going to be other things happening but laken riley is dead people's homes have been taken over, people are getting robbed, we are migrant crime, you say you want to close the border, why can't you do it. >> there is an extent of congressional power to do so. why can't we make sure we get appropriation wise as president forgiving student loans and the supreme court says is not. you're right. i think it's about over going down to focus on the border and get something across the board and make sure the senate picks
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up. we'll use as much leverage as we can. maria: how many times can you go through the exercise of more spending bills and agreeing to more money being spent elsewhere with no security at the border. i recognize the drama within the house is ridiculous and it makes the house look like a joke that you cannot unify it all but on the other hand we are still waiting for the border security. >> absolutely. republicans has circled the wagons and chewed out rather than in. if a we have to focus on the number one issue which is the border. i 100% agree. maria: is mike johnson focusing on the border. >> he is, his position we can walk and chew gum at the same time. maria: what does that mean you haven't walked, there's no border security. i don't understand what that means. >> absolutely right. i'm not sure we're going to lay the foot of our border security and the congress but the
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president has a full authority in the funding to do it so what is congress going to do, remove the funding? and remove any border patrol at all, hr two is our path to secure the border and were trying to find some way to get hr two on the table for the senate and whether it means holding everything up, were getting close. maria: instead of having a fight within the membership, maybe you really need to be tougher with the senate to get hr2 through. i don't know what to say at this point. we only needed 19 hijackers to take on the trade center. it feels a little like where it up it of a sitting duck given the fact that we have the wide-open border and all these people on the terrorist watch list and all the chinese nationals coming in which we have no idea what they're doing. >> don't forget the fentanyl. i was just down at the border, we don't have a border, we have a processing unit all you have
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to do is say i live in fear and then the country somewhere and we don't know with the piece of paper that says show up in three or four years you're exactly right the border is the number one issue. how do we put the border up upfront, i would say in the morning let's do a prayer and hr2 in your right force the senate to take hr2 up. how do we do that it's a tough call because obviously the senate doesn't listen to us, the president loathes us and in some ways we have to get together as a republican and circle the wagons and shoot out don't shoot in. >> therein lies the issue with marjorie taylor greene and thomas massie. the select committee on china releasing a report accusing beijing of manufacturing and exporting materials used to make fentanyl and other somatic drugs, the ccp gives tax rebates and grants to companies that
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make certain fentanyl and synthetic drug precursors used by the drug traffickers as long as they are sold outside of china. what do you think about when you see this the fact that the ccp is assisting in aiding and abetting the killing of american citizens with the poisonous fentanyl. >> i said in a bicameral china commission, they also harvest oregon from political dissidents this is the new china. china typically is in the axis with russia, iran and china that is axis of evil. there are no doubt sending fentanyl, we've known this for a while the reports are true, the bar has an excellent article and poinsettia on the actions we can take china is not our friend we should realize that in we have to get off the china dime and a lot of our supply chain goes back to china. we have these companies that allegedly men to companies that produce and china interfere an environmentalist, 90% of the
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world's plastic comes from four rivers in china. on all sides economically, militarily and environmentally china is an adversary. maria: for sure president biden has yet to call them an adversary. he will not, he only calls communist china competitor. >> this is the same guy that doesn't shut down the border, he has the authority and the money to do it. maria: we will be watching your work, thank you very much, we know you have a lot to deal with with an unwilling partner on the other side, thank you, sir. >> absolutely, god bless. maria: march arrest at the southern border declining due to enforcement from texas that of governor greg abbott. the immigration studies tom todd bensman is here. john cougar mellencamp has amount onto meltdown when he makes his constant political. we're on it, stay with us.
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local. maria: this week on "mornings with maria". tomorrow citibank's leon reveals the biggest 2024 m&a deals on his radar. friday the power hour is back, jason chaffetz and kaylee mcghee white debate the biggest issues. all right here on "mornings with maria". ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story.
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maria: welcome back a dangerous storm system stretching across the midwest injuring two people. cheryl casone with all the details. >> tornado sirens in iowa as powerful storms ripped through the midwest dangerous weather blasting the region with tornadoes, heavy wind and twisters in iowa marking the first widespread severe weather threat of the year, over in kansas, one tornado was on the ground for 20 minutes with wind speeds reaching 100 miles per hour and destroyed several buildings into people hurt after the rv flipped over from the wind. former president trump's media company trump media and technology is launching a streaming platform in his statement the company said the streaming content is expected to focus on live tv including news networks, religious channels, family-friendly content including films and documentaries and other content that has been canceled is at risk of cancellation or being suppressed on other platforms
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and services. the lifestream channel will expand outside of true social and have its own standalone app streaming to home tvs. shares of trump media technology as you can see are lower by 1% the premarket, then this john mellencamp was not singing about jack and diane instead he used the live show in toledo ohio to promote the agenda of joe, joe biden. his fans were not having and neither was a singer, watch what happened. >> before i was so rudely interrupted, i stopped the show right now and go home. since you may think so wonderful and get a cut ten songs out of the show, here we go. the show is over. he storms off the stage after fans were booing and annoyed by mellencamp and he returned and finish the set for the night. i only show you part of that
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because there was a lot of profanity come being from him at his fans that is not safe for morning television. maria: first he talks about joe biden and he gets booed. they said sing a song go back to jack and diane and he didn't want to hear it. >> that's the world we live in, singers want to talk politics, football players want to talk politics on anon, sing your song and throw your ball. >> they can't believe that people don't agree with them, he so frustrated that everybody is not on the same team he's like i gotta get out of here, people might have a different opinion than you injuring ohio. maria: know your audience you're in ohio. red state ohio, just throwing that out there. maria: thank you. house lawmakers delivering articles of impeachment against homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas to the senate
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yesterday, senators will be sworn in as jurors this morning for the upcoming impeachment trial. mayorkas was testifying on capitol hill for the 2025 budget request and he dodged questions about terrorist threats at the border, watch this. >> how many persons on the terror watch list have gotten into this country. >> mr. chairman i be pleased to provide you with that subsequent to this year. >> will you provide the names of background. >> let me assure you the security of the american people is our highest priority. customer border protection have arrested 76 people on the fbi terrorist watch list in fiscal year 2024, joining the center for immigration studies fellow and author of overrun how joe biden unleashed the greater borders crisis in u.s. history. todd bensman back with us, great to see you. it feels like the border is overrun in various places. what about the people on the terror watch list in the exchange with mayorkas.
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>> it was kind of to be expected the administration does not want to talk about the suspected terrorists crossing the border. i would've liked to of seen it somebody ask him about the latest case of an afghan was accidentally released into the country who was on the terror watch list for an entire year and released once and released the second time, two times the sky was released ready to run the country for a year end they finally caught up to him in texas and san antonio and that is a six or seven time that is suspected terrorist was accidentally released into the country directly due to the volume of people crossing the border has overwhelmed all of our systems and now were making terrible mistakes and fingers crossed on that. maria: fingers crossed on that we were talking earlier in the middle of the break it took 19
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people to take on the trade towers back on 9/11, how worried should we be and how do we get a handle on it. >> absolutely very worried if we talk to any of our national security intelligence officers, is higher than it was pre-9/11. in the numbers that you had with the terrorist watchlist coming over the border in 224250 that we know about came over in 2023 and that's only what we know about. how many of these people because of the biden administration or throughout the country planning and waiting to do something to american citizens. maria: customer border patrol data reveals a slight decline in arrests of illegal border crossing in march in texas and that's due to the texas governor abbott and his security measures in mexico cracking down on migrant crossers despite the march slowdown illegal migrant encounters skyrocketing to record high in the first month of fiscal year 2024.
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i know you're at del rio texas border what are you seeing and what can you tell us. >> del rio sector is typical of a lot of the texas sectors which the mexican government under diplomatic agreement with joe biden has deployed 30000 troops to clear them out on the northern mexican side i was just there last week and i watch them do this and i watched him hundreds of mexican officers and that something for political objects in the probably keep trying to do that through november. i want people to remember this is a temporary thing, the mexicans are asking for $20 billion in exchange for this. we cannot tell if money has changed hands but this pic is wide open in arizona and california where we see 4,005,000 a day coming through from all over the world
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including all of the muslim majority nations. this is still a major crisis and i want to mention one other flow that nobody's paying attention to and that is the flights under parole the bringing thousands more in under quarter quote permission directly from foreign airports into the u.s. airports and they're also walking thousands more every month o'er the land bridges and into ports of entry under cbp a phone app that nobody is counting. when you see these numbers you're not seeing the other numbers and that is by design. maria: you're also not seen the got away numbers. >> the flights that biden is leading or making the border look better. but you cannot forget these people are being flown in. when they get here what are they being given. i know another alleviation for
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the migrants that joe biden has led is work permits. are they five-year work permits? >> all are immediately eligible to once flown in and walked in o'er the land ports, eight different land ports, there being given work authorization almost immediately which makes them eligible for a whole range of other public welfare benefits not to mention what local states give them. in illinois i think you're giving them thousands of dollars every month for rental assistance. they are supposed to have sponsors, financial sponsors but nobody polices the sponsors at all it could be anybody, they make them up and they make up addresses that nobody is checking anything. i talked to the border patrol agent just yesterday who said when they come in without identification, our orders are
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to write down whatever name they give us and then we put them right to the turnstile. maria: that is incredible, each city or state is doing it the way they want to do it like the $53 billion in the prepaid debit cards that new york city is giving to them as well since october of last year there were over 24000 chinese migrant at the southern border encounters. i would get your take on this. the majority of the crossings are happening in california 135 in arizona, 91 in texas and four in mexico all of the california crossings happening in the san diego sector were the total amount chinese border encounters so far this year end that is since october is 24000 that surpassed the last three years combined. what are your thoughts are what are you hearing about the motivation of the chinese nationals who are coming across. >> i think the majority are going to be economic migrants.
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they're coming here because they want to live in the united states. the problem the administration used to have up until a few months ago 20 different questions that they would ask everyone of them to try to discern who they are are they military or espionage and they reduce that to be asked to five, get them through as quickly as they possibly can. the chinese government is not stupid they understand this is a great avenue to import into the united states agents of economic espionage, military espionage for the next ten or 20 years we will hear about that. maria: exactly, that's what and make the point, you cannot get up and leave communist china you're either being directed to come here were certainly approved to come here to carry on whatever work it is whether it's surveillance or the production and distribution of
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fentanyl. >> there is absolutely no question that the chinese government knows that this is happening. most are coming in going into south america on tourist visas like the co-op okay silence and of course they never return. in the chinese government knows this full well and they're going to bring agents in here mostly economic immigrants we just don't know who they are and that's the problem. maria: thank you. we so would push it your time and reporting there at the border. a quick break google employees taking over, "coast to coast" offices wait until you hear their protest. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪
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>> google google you can't hide. you are a funding genocide. maria: that is the morning buzz anti-israel google employees
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storming the company's california new york city and seattle offices protesting google's ties to israeli government and the contractor has in place with the israeli government. employees are part of a group no tech for apartheid calling for google to cancel the participation project nimbus this is a one point to billion dollar contract that israel has involving google cloud and amazon web services the group using social media accounts on x and twitch to post images and live video of the office takeovers. ashley your reaction. >> i think this is something we were talking about during the break and started during george floyd and how ceos and corporations are not taking social stands. i think it's a slippery slope they had to do it during george floyd and during the abortion and other doing it about the palestinians and israel. lee you had good data backing this up it's not what the american people want anymore.
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>> two thirds of ceos think there's supposed to take a stand on the issue and only 18% want them to do it. it's a big slip from george floyd in 2020 and accompanies her victim of their own problem. when you look at the companies that have the most trouble the most progressive companies that took the biggest stands on some of the social issues few look at google, starbucks, target a lot of these two progressive stands and now they lost control of their employees coming and saying we have a voice work and hold you hostage of the company. is that the other companies that didn't take a stand it's something that we see is a trend that you raise a really good question, will he continue when employees don't have the same worth as they might have a couple of years ago. employees are losing and they don't have the upper hand in the negotiations so what's going happen and maybe that's why they're wearing masks. maria: it's amazing they don't look back or refer to october 7
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remember the video where hamas was taking girls in children on the bikes in dragging people o out. >> is a trump's supporters that are not intellectually curious that's what were hearing is not all these people pro palestinian who are not curious about what's going on because her going on a motion. it's a real problem. this is something incredibly complicated but in many ways very simple. for taken lists side of palestine, it's fine to support palestinians but when you go against the two you're not understanding your supporting a terrorist organization. unbelievable what is going on and shortsighted. maria: what do you think this means for joe biden versus donald trump. >> when you look at what's happened and why rfk junior picked the running mate she's vocally anti-war she will peel off a lot of the anti-war pro palestinian voters that would've supported joe biden otherwise.
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this is really going to hurt joe biden in the general election and a lot of young voters turning to donald trump because they think he will take a stand on issues that matter like the economy and immigration. but if or is the issue that is most support you're not going to vote for joe biden you going to vote for rfk junior and we see that in the polls. >> how unfortunate with corporate america as employees and leaders et cetera take a view on everything. for crying out loud do your job. i'm a stock picker my job is to pick stocks and make people money. the not paying jan of politics but somehow we have to have a view. >> that's what consumers and investors are saying don't force your opinion on mine. a 80% in your forcing your opinions on me and that's not what they want they want companies to do with they do best, be responsible businesses, do the right thing and charge the right fees and treat your employees the right way and get out of the social business. maria: when we come back to
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house delivering alejandro mayorkas impeachment articles to the senate where the child faces an uphill battle. it's coming up next, "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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