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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 17, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: a little slow moving music. this is not designed to get going. lauren: this song gets you going in. you need to hear more of it. stuart: it is wednesday april 17th. 17. the left-hand side of the screen, the dow is 150, some green there. the 10 year treasury yield coming down a bit this morning down 3 basis points but still at 463. oil, low $80 a barrel level, 84 right now. bitcoin about $10,000 below where it was two weeks ago, now you 're at 62-5. you need copper for the green
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revolution to make ev batteries, wind turbines and powerlines, the price has skyrocketed recently. why can't we get out? huge copper deposit in alaska but biden says it can't be touched, you can't build a road to get to it. this was leaked to the new york times cover the democrats mouthpiece, the administration went to get the word to the environmentalist, we will protect the caribou and the fragile ecosystem. alaska is bigger than texas, california and montana combined, there's no room for 200 mile road. this is purely political. biden wants to punish his green credentials in an election year, does he care about alaska? alaska has electoral college votes, he is appealing to suburban greenys who wouldn't be caught dead in alaska. the cancellation of the amber road project is a landmark in
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the amazon, no can do america. if you are in the natural resource business, you are constantly told what you cannot do. even though copper at the end trail would have america go green, that's politics in the biden era. do nothing and blame the republicans for trying to kill the planet. donald trump okayed the project in 2020 but when biden was elected the new interior secretary said the road's environmental impact had not been studied properly. kill it and biden did. second hour of varney just getting started. liz with me wednesday morning, biden is interested in keeping the greenys happy even though this would help america go
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green, all politics. liz: we need cobalt, we need copper, we need lithium to continue down the green path which is not going well, facing all kinds of speed bumps including the fact we don't have critical materials to make the products we need, who does have those, we would think with the white house trying to oust china's influence in america's economy from critical materials, critical machinery, semi conductors, this would be an arethey takseriously but they don't and the reason is what you say, they are trying to appease the green environmental movement on the one hand by furthering clean energy and evs and on the other they will appease the more,
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this is one of several projects which have been held up. there's another one in minnesota, some out west. the environmentalist saying no dice, we won't do it. to your point it isn't just the environmental issue holding up the green policies. it is also preventing jobs, strike against our economy. there's nothing intelligent about this. this is the biden white house problem. they on the one hand doing something else and on the other hand conflicting on all kinds of issues. stuart: this one is ministry, google workers staging sit ins across the country upset over google's $1.2 billion contract with israel. watch this. >> google google you can't hide. >> google google you can't hide. >> you are funding genocide. >> you are funding genocide.
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stuart: i say fire them. liz: one of the offices they occupied was the ceo or coo of google, pretty high-ranking guy, he should say you don't like what you are doing, you out of here. the bigger issue to me, think about who is creating ai, who is going to be in charge of the thinking in the next generation. they will be telling the world what our history looks like, what our policies should be. this is a real problem. it is not just google. these younger woke people who have been indoctrinated by america's colleges and that is a fair statement, they have been taught certain things like israel being an oppressor nation that are simply not true, they are going to determine the path forward in so many industries, social media and the media in general and education. stuart: that is an aspect i
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haven't thought about, just angry at people for doing this. >> the worst yesterday in new york and other cities were chanting pro hamas chance. it is not just anti-israel but supporting terrorists. do they not know that on 9/11, arab terrorists, muslim terrorists attacked the united states. those are the enemies. and stuart: how is it young women support iran. >> they are ignorant. >> you need to start this. >> black popes and all the rest. it is really stupid stuff and
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very, very unsettling. stuart: thanks for being with us. president biden claimed he's head of donald trump in 35 polls. is that misleading? lauren: he's doing better in some or shrinking trump's lead. here's the president. >> president biden: hard to paul these days because, even in polls, 35 polls. >> edward lawrence said he didn't mention those polls were taken over four months, let me give you the clear political polling. trump is up. 45. 6 trump to 45.4 biden so it is so slim but biden is not up in all these polls. in battleground he's downing 6 of the 7.
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stuart: back to the markets, the dow upper hundred points and nasdaq up ten. let's look at bitcoin, 62 grand, just at 62,100. david, the bitcoin having event is saturday. why is bitcoin down ahead of something that is supposed to help increase the price of bitcoin? >> reporter: that's the question because we are getting this timeframe with half as many bitcoins produced every day. supply and demand dictate prices going higher. this decline is historically set by a president. ultimately, there are traders getting price markers, they sell at the same time, that will cause prices to go down. people looking at all time highs saying let's taken off the table.
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as we look at bitcoin, there is also this concern when we get this low and the amount of money made from bitcoin producers will they stay in business? there is concerning that. ultimately these compressions lead to large bull markets. stuart: that is what you are predicting. if jay powell says there' s insufficient progress on inflation how do you get a stock market rally? >> i think inflation is dictating fed policy as opposed to fed policy with inflation. last quarter, 3.4.4 and we annualized that, looking at 4.8 cpi, different from where we are sitting now.
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and let's drop rates, talk about a lot of the same things like inflation is transitory. things like bitcoin and metal minors do well and the economy will go forward. i see inflation rising, that is the cause of inflation. stuart: i will stick with bitcoin and gold. where is the movers? alcoa used to be a big stock, into that. >> there up today, and president biden called for tripling of tariffs on chinese, steel and aluminum imports from 7.5%. 's proposal is 25%, good for
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domestic producers so companies like alcoa are up sharply. stuart: nike, adidas reported, didn't they? lauren: great numbers out of germany, old shoes are new again like the gazelle and samba. rising tide lifting all boats. that's why nike and other stocks are up. nike has a problem and the ceo mentioned it. work from home. there sales are dipping because their employees on zoom, how do you build an innovative ship? you need people back in the office. stuart: i wonder if they will come back. children's place, they have -- 4%, tell me more. lauren: a deal with majority shareholder out of saudi arabia affects capital and that loan has significant -- stuart: stock is up 46%.
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trump's truth social stock has plunged since his market debut last month. president biden is using that is ammunition on the campaign trail. we will tell you about it. in california telling residents to be on the lookout for sophisticated crimes come most of the crocs are not from this country. sheriff chad beyond go has the one. in el paso, texas on tuesday alone, law enforcement sounding the alarm about gang members mixing with asylum-seekers. mike tobin has the report from the border next. morikawa on 18.
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their
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“price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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stuart: border patrol agents saw 1500 migrants crossed the border in el paso in one day. texas officials are warning about gang members mixing the in with these migrants. what do we know about them? >> reporter: are pretty alarming situation in the el paso sector seeing a sudden spike in new crossings despite the extra wire the texas national guard has been installing. a group of one hundred 50 approached the border yesterday the day before that two groups of 200. the el paso sector seized less than a thousand border crossings per day, the number jumped to 1400. more alarming, two dangerous out american gangs are mixing and their populations.
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and the border patrol tweeted, apprehended migrant with a tattoo of that trend to a rival gang, 270. >> the number one things are violent crime, human trafficking and sex trafficking is big on these groups. >> reporter: pictures from our flight team, this is a with migrants that arrived overnight at 70 stronger, women and another section to begin their processing. what we see are two types of approaches, those who want to turn themselves in at the border and those, for the us
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and detected the. the anti-climb barrier is fencing with razor wire on one side of it, some migrants are cutting their way and making a hole, we watched a final hole this morning so you have a game of cat and mouse on the border and people making it to the us side. stuart: californians are buying guns as border patrol dumps thousands of migrants on southern california streets. chad, are people buying guns to protect themselves from migrants and do you approve of that? >> i approve of it. i have owned guns my entire life, everyone in my family owns guns and i encourage everyone to buy a gun for your protection. they are buying up guns because
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of what is going on on the border and some of it is caused by it but increases in crime, coddling of crime by the government, by the legislators, people are tired of it, they are afraid to be in their homes last night in southern california a homeowner shot and killed a person breaking into their home, a home invasion robbery and the resident was able to shoot that intruder and good for him because who knows what it could have turned out to be. stuart: you are warning residents about the rise and sophisticated crimes. what is a sophisticated crime and who is doing it? >> we are finding in recent years, in our counties this year, we've not experienced it and all the surrounding counties have, sophisticated crime groups, foreign nationals from other countries, from
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chile to romania, china, and these gangs, if you will, groups of criminals are extremely sophisticated in how they are attacking our residents, conducting burglaries or robberies or white-collar fraud crimes and it is getting more and more common almost to the norm, these criminals, these people conducting these crimes are all foreign nationals and it's very disheartening that our government knows it is happening, is contributing to the problem. in california we are prevented by law from doing anything about it. our southern border is being invaded by criminals, and law enforcement would be criminal if we did anything about it. stuart: how do local people feel about this? some are buying guns.
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how do they feel about the migrants? are they really up in arms on this? we can't take this anymore. is it that strong movement? >> it is getting to that point. i need to separate it. it is not about migrants. it's about the criminality of it, the drugs that are coming across, the human trafficking, the sex trafficking, everything that's increase because of it, drug cartels controlling the border 100%. it is not united states government but drug cartels. they are finally believing law enforcement or border patrol instead of washington. they are becoming fed up. they know they are unsafe and these things are happening, starting to speak up and get loud. stuart: in riverside county, appreciate it and see you again
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soon. governor gavin newsom has some advice for president biden. what is the advice? ashley: newsom suggesting biden could take ravaging. and over-the-counter supplement that supposedly promotes brain health. you can see commercials for it on late-night television. in an interview with atlantic magazine the california governor defending the 80 one-year-old biden saying attacks on his age and mental abilities are in his words grossly unfair. the polls continue to show large majorities of americans believe biden is too older to run for reelection but gavin newsom continues to defend the president saying his age should be regarded as an asset, not as a meme on snl. newsom knocking back suggestions he's running a shadow campaign for president saying his focus is on getting
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joe biden reelected. nothing to see here. stuart: you are on top of it all. have a look where we are. the nasdaq has turned negative. we were all green. dow is holding on to a 40 point gain, nasdaq is 45. college decision day less than a month away. some students waiting to hear back from financial aid. the new rollout, a complete disaster. many viewers going through that. former education secretary betsy devos takes on. 7 jurors selected in the house money trial, they are making progress to get an impartial jury. matthew whitaker has doubts about that. the former acting attorney general's next. ♪
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stuart: almost an hour into the trading session a mixed picture here, the nasdaq to the south half of one point. lauren is looking at the mover is.
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i want to know about google. there's a lot going on. lauren: stock is going to 170, sustained user engagement and ad revenue in search and social. chat gpt was eating google search's lunch. stuart: jb hunt, transportation services. stuart: lauren: domestic shipping is down 8.2%, the worst decline around the s&p for declining profits, declining revenue, oversupply of trucks and the pricing is weak. stuart: you get a lot of contradictory signals. this is weakness in the trucking industry. lauren: it implies businesses are ordering loss. what amazon say the same thing? lauren: exactly. stuart: is that --
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lauren: the sleep apnea machine at eli lilly says its weight loss drug reduces the severity of the sleep disorder by two thirds. lily is up 1.6%. it is amazing. stuart: thank you very much. president biden marked trump on the campaign trail in pennsylvania yesterday. what did biden say a? lauren: he made fun of donald trump. shares of the president's former media company had fallen sharply. listen to this. >> president biden: i have to say, if trump's stock in truth social, his company, drops any lower, he might do better under my tax plan than his. [applause] lauren: ashley: biden was touting his tax plan vowing nobody under $400,000 will pay extra in
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taxes. the trump campaign responded to biden's job saying seeing as president biden regularly posts to his campaign account on truth social, we have faith he sees the value of free-speech, social media startup that has no depth, $200 million in the bank. stuart: thanks. seven jurors have been seated in donald trump's hush money trial, 11 more still needed before opening statements can begin. the former acting attorney general joins me now. it seems like they are making progress on jurors, seven seated after two days, i thought it would take weeks but there's progress here. >> it is progress and they are having to choose from a large jury pool. more than half the folks that showed up as potential jurors, seven is a good start. they need 12 plus four
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alternates to start the trial. it will be interesting if any of these jurors were not honest in this case, when lawyers and judge asked them question and either stilt anti-trump or pro-trump jurors, it's going to be fascinating to watch. stuart: how do you winkle out somebody who already has an opinion? as a lawyer how do you do it? >> especially something with as much publicity as this case, donald trump generally receives on an ongoing and daily basis. he's going to have a hard time getting a fair trial. new york city voted for joe biden by 70% and in a recent poll, 2000 people in manhattan,
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60% judged the case. they will find these jurors, once the trial starts you will see how weak this case actually is. stuart: he says a very weak case. do you believe it will be thrown out on appeal? >> i do. there are several issues at play. one is the extension of the statute of limitations, every charger was a misdemeanor before was elevated to a felony. campaign-finance violation is alleged. once the pieces of this are dissected, ignore the facts which were equally week, the law is not there and out and brag made too far and extension, on the january 6th defendants and the charges they've been accused of, and to
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extend the law too far, appeals will smack prosecutors back. stuart: trump says he' s not allowed to attend his son baron's icicle graduation. the judge has not made a ruling on that. suppose, what happens? if the trump ignores the judge, says trump should just go to his son's graduation and ignore the judge. what would happen to trump if he did that? he ignores the judge and goes to high school graduation? >> it is outrageous the court can't allow him a day to see one of the most significant events in his son's life. the second thing is fundamentally, are they going to, if somebody wants to go to high school graduation prevent him from going and he goes anyway, are they going to put him in jail? i don't think so. if the gag order is violated,
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it's usually used to protect the defendant, whether it is a violation of the gag order or graduation without prior approval from the court, i don't see court putting donald trump in jail. will be completely offended by that. stuart: you go to prison because you attended your son's graduation. always good. thanks for joining us. >> good to see you. stuart: former prosecutor warning about safety of the jurors in the trump case. what is being said? lauren: worried about the personal information being made public by these seven seated jurors. >> i'm worried about their safety. it is up to them if they want to write a book after this but that is there option. they are not supposed to be out
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of this. lauren: so far, four men, three women, a man originally from ireland who will serve as foreman, a grandfather from puerto rico, middle school teacher, two lawyers and software engineer. this is a landmark trial. it will shape their lives. it will shape american politics. trump will be here for two months. he will be in the courtroom four days a week, trying to turn new york red. you think it is divisive now? as he garners more support in manhattan where 12% of the vote, trying to up that number and might be able to, their verdict will be i don't even know what the right word is. stuart: i am fascinated by his appearance at the bodega in harlem. he was cheered. four more years. it was a diverse and large crowd, they loved it. lauren: he speaks to them.
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he invited them because he will do something about crime. is in a courtroom for crime but they are the ones experiencing crime. made the little guy feel important. lauren: he thinks he can win an american blue city. it is not planned but i would like to see it. thank you. now this. denver defunding its police department to fund services for migrants. there will be an $8 million budget cut. president biden rolled out his new plan for student debt relief. turns out the bailout will benefit hundreds of thousands of wealthy people. edward lawrence breaks down the numbers next. ♪
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stuart: on the markets the dow was struggling to maintain a 19 point lead. not much change at this point. new data shows the new plan will benefit the wealthy. edward, how does it benefit wealthy people? >> reporter: they get student loan debt forgiveness, this broke down the president's numbers on changes he is making to the student loan forgiveness plan, the president could not wipe out in one lump sum, the supreme court knocked that down, his changing rules to existing plans widening the amount of people needed in student loan forgiveness. the combined cost of existing rural changes with cost to american taxpayers, $59 billion over 10 years, the shocking part, 750,000 borrowers
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received average student loan forgiveness make an average of $315,000 a year proving the figment this plan help the wealthy. the faculty director surprised the new rules came without income limits. >> looking carefully several times, it was a high value. the provision itself is pretty clear that it does not have an income limit to it. stuart: president biden wants to include 30 million americans in his student loan bailout, the rest of the one hundred 65 million people who file tax returns paid for it. >> president biden: i never never stop to deliver student debt from hard-working americans, it's the interest of america to do it and to our economy, growing stronger and stronger than it is.
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billions of americans from this crushing debt of student debt means they can finally get on with their lives. >> reporter: the president tried to energize younger voters, he believes the plan will galvanize that group. stuart: look at this. 50% of public school students were behind on their grade level at the start of the last school year. former education secretary betsy devos joined me now. wise education is what i call the failure of public schools not a top issue in this election? i don't think it is at the moment. >> if you look closely at the state action around school policy you see in states like texas republicans are being defeated for not supporting school choice and programs to give parents more control being implemented across the country at the state level. at the federal level president
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biden's policies are not going to get him reelection so instead of earning vote he's trying to buy them through this student loan forgiveness scam. forgiveness is a fallacy, nothing but attacks shift, a burden shifted from students who elected to take the loans out, to taxpayers across the country, many who pay their student loans back. of failure and these new regulations i don't believe will stand up to legal scrutiny. stuart: college decision day for high school seniors less than a month away, many students haven't received the results from their financial out locations. one of our viewers is really upset about this. is this bureaucratic incompetence or something more? >> many resources were shifted
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from the process updated as mandated by congress to the student loan forgiveness scam and instead of paying attention to what they needed to do to get up and running they shifted resources and today it is a disaster. secretary cardona should explain it every day. and richard corcoran who is responsible for it should be fired. millions of students are not getting the information they need to make decisions for college and it is unconscionable. stuart: can i synthesize it like this, how could you apply which college you are going to apply for if you don't know how much you can afford. that's the nutshell problem. >> absolutely it is. the bigger problem is the federal government has a monopoly on it.
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we need to allow private sector to do lending again and put accountability back into the student loan and higher education process. stuart: my first question, why is it the failure of public schools is not laid on the hands of the teachers union, you don't think it is a political issue, the presidential election campaign. i don't know why it is not an issue. >> i don't understand it either. at the state level in the most local level, parents voices are being heard and as we get further into the campaign cycle, this will become an issue and i hope our presidential candidates have a healthy debate on this. we know the biden administration is bought and paid for by the teachers unions and all their allies and cronies at the detriment of all our students. stuart: agreed, thanks for joining us. always a pleasure, come back soon please.
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donald trump greeted by throngs of supporters outside of bodega in harlem. role tape. >> four more years. four more years. stuart: seriously. do you think president biden could go to harlem and be greeted by cheering crowds? that's "my take" at the top of the hour. bird flew spreading to derry across the country. trying to stop the spread. jeff flock at a farm in pennsylvania right after this.
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with dexcom g7, the most accurate cgm, you can achieve diabetes results without fingersticks. see how exercise affects your glucose, making it easier to spend time in range and lower your a1c. ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients.
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stuart: an hour ago the market opened and it was all green. now it's all right. the nasdaq is also down 50 points and then there is this. cows in at least 8 states being affected by bird flew. jeff flock is on a farm in pennsylvania. i want to know how big a risk this poses to the public, to actual people. how would bird flew through cows, affect us?
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>> reporter: for the first time in the us not only have the but a cattle rancher in texas caught it from account so it is -- 8 states, you might ask where they are, look at the map, 8 states across the us, no particular concentration, michigan, ohio, north carolina, texas, no mexico, kansas, south dakota, idaho, 26 dairy farms impacted by this. bird flew killed millions of birds but never cows. 18 states have banned the movement of cattle for many of the affected states into the unaffected state so precautions are being taken.
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first human to get it from a cow took place in texas. the good news on this is the following. it's not killing the cows so maybe it won't kill people either. they are reducing their milk output so the dairy industry is getting impacted. it can get into the milk. that's the bad part of it. we pasteurize our milk in the us or supposed to, to drink raw milk which i wouldn't recommend but there we go so pasteurization does kill the virus. but around the world in the last 20 years bird flew has killed people in economies where people are living with the animals but don't panic and make sure you cook your state. stuart: i understand we've been warned. jeff flock in pennsylvania.
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then we have this. the grocery store chain testing a new way to shop. what is this new way to shop? ashley: it is check out free shopping. the technology allows all these shoppers to skip the line by using computer vision to identify and keep track of every item in the store or in your shopping cart. allows shoppers to get out of the store without waiting in line or scanning items. there are special shelves at the entrance. when done, shoppers pay with their credit card or debit card near the exit. alternatively, if it's too much for you you have the option, checking it in storage cargo, partnership with a california tech company or if you want to
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say it slower, grab and go. stuart: molly hemingway, john jay, republican michigan, bill hemmer plus all of that. we will be back with the 11:00 hour of "varney and company". what does a good investment opportunity look like? at t. rowe price we let curiosity light the way. asking smart questions about opportunities like clean water. and what promising new treatment advances can make a new tomorrow possible. better questions. better outcomes.
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