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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 17, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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larry: just saying it's time to slam down the china-iran oil trade. and you know what? if you have to do it, double or triple the tariffs on all a chinese exports to the united states. joe biden won't do it, but i bet you donald trump will. and then liz macdonald can
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take it from there. elizabeth: yeah, we are. larry, we've got news coming in, thank you so much. it's good to see you again. great show, larry. we've got the breaking news out out of the senate. critics say it's time to vote out all 51 senate democrats. it was a partisan, party-line vote to shut down the impeachment trial against secretary mayorkas. 48 republican senators voted, yes, it is the constitutional. all 49 voted yes that mayorkas is lying to congress, but senate democrats said no to all of that. let's bring in former michigan gop gubernatorial candidate tudor dixon, former u.s. attorney guy lewis. tudor, polling shows americans do not feel safe under biden. do democrats care more about their own power and party than america? >> absolutely. that's all this is about. right now democrats cannot handle more talk about the border. they certainly can't handle a trial where we're actually putting that on trial, that we have an open border that is incredibly dangerous especially in the wake of tragedies like
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laken riley's death and ruby garcia's death. they cannot handle republicans or the media talking about this, so they just shut it down because, you're exactly right, power is more important. elizabeth: guy, what tudor's saying. voter polls show voters have had it. they're endangering american families. they don't trust washington at a all senate republicans saying illegal migrants are murdering americans, terrorists are entering the u.s. and social services are overwhelmed. but so the biden white house, again, lawless, picking and choosing which federal laws to enforce? >> i've got to tell you, liz, shame on the democrats. shame on those senate democrats for not looking at the evidence here. there were two charges. one, failing to comply with the law. how can you look at those pictures night if after night if after night on tv watching people pour through the borders and then connecting some of those same people to some of
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these heinous crimes, murder, other crimes that are happening in the u.s. and then vote no? that this secretary of homeland security is complying with the law? shame on them. elizabeth: let's show trump in harlem. voters in harlem and residents there were cheering trump spontaneously singing the national anthem. we're moving on to this story. now this rare move, tudor, gop senators, republican senators mitt romney, senator john cornyn and j.d. vance in a rare move, they're speaking out against manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. they say his hush money trial is preposterous, untenable, off the wall, incompetent. mitt romney says it not move the political need at all. what do you say, due tudor -- tudor? is. >> i think it actually is moving the political needle but not the way the democrats would like. when was the last time are -- a republican nominee went to harlem and had them chant his name in this is geniusen on the part of donald trump, and the
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fact that they're having these trials, he doesn't even have to campaign. his mouth is in the -- name is in the mouth of every single tv anchor every single day. and as they talk about him more and more and these unfair charges against him, more and more americans are coming over to the side of donald trump. as i said,-you seen this in harlem? -- when are you seen this in harlem? i have to say shame on the democrats, but this is what happens. elizabeth: yeah. what tudor just said, guy. you know, i thought the media and democrats were saying that, you know, blacks and hispanics don't like trump, you know, trump is racist, you know? they sang the national anthem. this was the after day two of alvin bragg's hush money trial. they say we love trump. you hear it. you see the polls from monmouth, ap, nbc. trump is leading biden double digits on things like the border collapse. they think, these voters think the biden white house is turning them. >> i've got to tell you, liz,
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the american people, the jury out there in the american heartland in american cities, they are smart, smart people. the thing they understand, liz, they understand fundamental fairness. they understand due process. they understand whether somebody's getting a fair shake or not. and i've got to tell you looking at this judge, looking at these witnesses, looking at this prosecutor, the people are saying he's not getting a fair shake. and i agree with 'em. elizabeth: you know, tudor, what guy said and, i tudor, what you just said, trump did flip the script on d.a. a bragg. he went to the bodega where its owner fatally stabbed a career criminal in self-defense. that criminal had attacked the bodega opener. d.a. bragg arrested jose alba on murder charges which were later dropped. take a listen to what trump said yesterday in harlem. watch this. >> we're going to come in and,
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number one, you have to stop crime. the police have to be given back their authority, they have to be able to do their job. and we're going to come into new york, we're making a big play for new york. other cities too, but this city. i love this city, and it's gotten so bad in the last three years, four years that we're going to straighten new york out. they've destroyed so many people. the african-american community now is not getting jobs. migrants are taking their jobs that are here illegally. hispanics are not getting jobs. they're coming from prison, i don't know if you know, they come from mental a institutions, they come from prisons, today come from places you don't want to know about. elizabeth: it's interesting, trump is talking to the voters out there in harlem, tudor, and, you know, the voters either you look at ap, quinnipiac polls, they show that voters don't care about the trump trials. final word, tudor. >> you know, it may -- people may think that new york is not going to vote for trump and this is great to keep him trapped in new york city, but the voters love new york. everybody has a heart for their
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lovely new york, new york. and when they see trump out there taking care of the people in new york, the people in the heartland are all about that. this is going to be a winning issue for him, and it's going to boost his campaign like we've never seen before. elizabeth: tudor dixon, guy lewis, thanks for joining us. let's get right to "wall street journal" columnist bill mcgurn. we love having you on the show. bill, what do you make of this? this is a rare move. republican senators mitt romney, john cornyn, y.d. vance speaking out -- j.d. vance speaking out against manhattan d.a. alvin bragg. basically, this is a highly politicized prosecution of trump and the hush money case. senator mitt romney said alvin bragg,s quote, made a poor political choice. this will not move the needle with voters. senator john cornyn called the case, quote, untenable. senator j.d. vance called it, quote, prepostif rouse. what do you say, bill? >> i say they're saying the obvious, right? everyone knows what this is. this is a farce. it never should have been
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brought. it was based on a misdemeanor where the statute of limitations had expired, and they tethered it to federal law to come up with these 34 felonies. it's just crazy. it's, like, throw anything at the wall and see what sticks. i think it's going to, like most of this, is going to redound to donald trump's favor. he's playing it in the media even with the gag. and people can see it's just a game. i think the new york legal system has been permanently tainted by this kind of thing. if it was anyone else but the name trump, it never would have been brought, this case. elizabeth: yeah. you know, senator john cornyn is agreeing with you, saying he's baffled why bragg brought it in the first place. the statute of limitations long since expired. bragg waited seven years before the election to bring with it, and he scotch taped an unindicted campaign violation to a state books and records
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misdemeanor. the doj, fec already dropped it. you know, here's the thing, where is alvin bragg's proof this changed the 2016 vote count? where is alvin bragg's proof that this basically stole the election away from hillary clinton? >> yeah. i mean, look, it's a political prosecution. there's no secret why they did it. remember that movie from the '60s, it's a bad, bad world, had all these stars and they were in this race to find a golden pot of money, a suitcase of stolen money in and it was a comedy. but, this like, a tragedy. they're twisting the heel system just to go out -- the legal system just to go out and get trump. and it seems to be a competition among prosecutors about who can be the most outrageous in this effort. i think so far donald -- alvin bragg is winning that. elizabeth: yeah, i think your colleague, kimberly strassel, said it's a charge in search of
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a crime. i love that movie, by the way. it was great. [laughter] so it's also constitutional issues. this so-called lawfare, what the democrats have been doing, the real danger is it's basically giving and torquing -- twisting and torquing the justice system to their own political desires and demand to stay in power. watch former deputy independent counsel sol wisenberg speak out on this. watch this. >> this gag order is clearly overbroad and violates the first amendment. but there is some case law indicating that because it's a judicial order, you still can't violate it. it's a real, it's really terrible, this order, i believe. i think it impinges on trump's core first amendment rights to comment if about the case. no, he can't intimidate a or juror, he can't do anything to do that finish. >> right. >> -- or intimidate a witness. but the idea that michael cohen can be out there --
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[laughter] talking about the case on tv and that former president trump can't comment about it with his liberty at stake, to me, is a classic first amendment pop. elizabeth: classic free speech problem. legal analyst gregg jarrett said, quote, the most corrupt aspect of bragg's case, he still has a not identified what underlying crime trump allegedly committed. you know, or it's a clear violation also of the sixth amendment. there's so much going on here. by the way, why doesn't d.a. bragg go after crime that's really hurting new yorkers? final word, bill. >> yeah. i think this is what they mean when they say bad cases make bad law. all sorts of bad things are coming out of this trial. it's a case that never should have been brought in the first place, and i look forward to next year when the appeals process is all done. i think trump's going to win some of these cases. elizabeth: bill mcgurn, always great having you on. thank you so much for joining us. you're terrific. good to see you. coming up, former trump
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white house official diana fur. cot roth, monica crowley, former energy secretary and texas governor rick perry and radio talk show host jason rantz. we've got a hot news hour for you. we've got new details of a veteran boeing engineer warning boeing's 787 dreamliner or could, quote, fall apart mid-flight, in midair? whoa, what's that all about? we've got the sound. and the president, pride if, he was hit with -- president biden, he was hit with protests again. this time in pittsburgh today. also we've got polls show he is losing hispanic voters. we're going to dig into why. and all this, why can't energy secretary granholm answer in testimony whether biden's massive climate spending will actually lower temperatures? wasn't that the point? we've got the sound. and we're going to explain why you along with all shoppers face new privacy violations while you're shopping in stores.
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it's because elected officials let retail crime soar. and we've got new sound of chicago residents, they're really angry, they're outraged at chicago's overspending of their money on illegal migrants and more on this historic moment angering senate republicans, senate democrats and a party-line are vote shot down the impeachment trial of dhs secretary mayorkas. all of this coming up on "the evening edit." ♪ ♪ moving forward with node-positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive, her2-negative, node-positive, early breast cancer with a high chance of returning as determined by your doctor when added to hormone therapy. diarrhea is common, may be severe, or cause dehydration or infection.
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we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. elizabeth: let's bring in house oversight congressman pat fallon, he's from house oversight. congressman, okay. we're monitoring the action in the senate. republican senators are outraged. i mean, they're really furiousful all a 49 republican senators said, yes, hold the impeachment trial for mayorkas lying to congress. 48 said it's constitutional. only republican senator lisa murkowski voted present, but all senate democrats voted no, stopping this in do they care more about their own party than what a polls sew that mens are really concerned -- show that americans really are concerned about their safety and their families' safety? >> liz, clearly, because they haven't -- the senate has a constitutional duty to hear the arguments for and against
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impeachment. particularly of a cabinet officer. this is historic -- cabinet member. this is historic. and chuck schumer didn't want to do his constitutional duty because it was bad politics for his party. and the, and president biden. the last thing the democrats want the talk about is the border. they want to pretend it's not a crisis. it's really a cataclysm at this point, so they shirked their duty, and they should be ashamed of themselves. elizabeth: you know, let's get your reaction to chicago voters. chicago voters of all races, of all cultures, they're angry. chicago is now spending, look at this, $320 million total on illegal migrants. that's cutting in to social services and more. watch this. finish. >> take their vote on this city continuing to be a sanctuary city. you turned id to yourself to speak for us. you turned it to yourself to speak for the public. [applause] we pay you. you work for us. >> however, i'm an individual in
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the room, one individual. y'all mismanaging this. failing, actually. because once again july 15th, 2021, it's july -- what is it, now, anybody? april 17th. i didn't sleep last night worrying about this. >> you vote for the money for these immigrants today, and we're coming for them seats. elizabeth: they're coming for the seats. congressman, by the way, let's show the viewer about -- listen, we get it. immigrants are for legal migration. show the crime crossing the border. show the stats about terrorists crossing. we're seeing reports coming in across the u.s. for voters speaking out about this. two counties in colorado now suing to overturn colorado's sanctuary laws that block local law enforcement from cooperating with i.c.e. if more and more grass roots people are saying we feel less safe under this biden white house. >> well, liz, the statistics
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bear this. first and foremost, there's a limited amount of resources that we have in this cub, and -- in this country, and apparently the democratic leadership doesn't want to acknowledge that. in texas alone from 2011-2024, we've had over 514,000 crimes committed by criminal aliens that has led to 187,000 convictions. that is the just in texas in just over the last 13 years. you can imagine when you prorate those numbers over the width and the breadth of the country. joe biden as has made every state a border state, and i find it also very interesting that no democratic congressman is housing migrants in their homes. i think it's a double standard, and if they didn't have double standards, liz, they'd have no standards at all. elizabeth: senator john kennedy says senator schumer and democrats won't hold a trial because they don't want voters to see in the earthed about how biden collapsed the border. they downplay it as just a policy disagreement. senator ted cruz says senator
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schumer argues mayorkas' defiance of federal law, he's actively abetting a border crisis that was the largest in u.s. history. not sure how that doesn't institute constitute a misdemeanor because, look at this, sheriffs in your home state of texas have been warning south american gang members are mixing in with asigh lumbar seekers including two new gangs out of peru and ecuador in addition to the dangerous represent the la agua. congressman tony gonzalez, your colleague, he's saying this is causing significant threats to the homeland. texas sheriffs are saying these gang members are coming in as part of organized crime and violent human traffickers. not, they're not little kids off the street. >> no, liz, that's absolutely right. and there's a reason why. now, you have to ask yourself who's controlling the southern border right now? the federal government should be, but who's really controlling it? the mexican drug cartels. this is a reason why this is been a flood of democratic voters leaving the democratic
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party along the southern border and voting republican. we elected ryan ganz switched parties in the texas house and jamie lopez. so there are a plethora of republicans that are being elected on the border because they know the truth. elizabeth: got it. congressman physicalon, thanks for joining us -- fallon. quite a day of history in the making right here. also this story coming in, now axios, axios, the media outlet axios is saying this, the u.s. may be entering a new era of chronically higher interest rates. we're going to dig into why. and president biden today hit with more protests in pittsburgh. new polls show president biden also faces a surprise drop in support from hispanic voters. plus, we've got dianaer if. cot roth, new alarm bells being rung by a veteran boeing engineer. he's now a whistle blower saying boeing's 787 dreamliner could,
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quote, fall apart in midair? really? boeing denies this. we're going to dig in on "the evening edit" next. ♪ ♪ so, what are you thinking? i'm thinking... (speaking to self) about our honeymoon. what about africa? safari? hot air balloon ride? swim with elephants? wait, can we afford a safari? great question. like everything, it takes a little planning. or, put the money towards a down-payment... ...on a ranch montana ...with horses let's take a look at those scenarios. j.p. morgan wealth management has advisors in chase branches and tools, like wealth plan to keep you on track. when you're planning for it all... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management.
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elizabeth: okay, let's get you upday-to-day on this crazy story. boeing's been hit with new scrutiny, potentially unsafe airplanes? it's getting pretty serious. hillary vaughn, she's now live on capitol hill. this whistleblower, hillary, is a veteran boeing engineer, hillary vaughn. he testified on capitol hill today the, the right? >> reporter: senators heard bombshell testimony from an engineer who is blowing the whistle on major safety concerns saying that the 787 dreamliner jet has sections of skin that are not properly fastened and could bust apart. he also raised questions about parts of the boeing 777 jet that he says were being forced to
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fit, a shortcut he says could turn fatal for passengers. the whistle blower says boeing ignored his concerns and muzzled him from talking to experts to try to fix the problem. >> boeing hid problems pushing pieces together with excessive force to make them appear that the gaps don't exist even though they exist. effectively, they have putting out defective airplane as. i literally saw people jumping on the pieces of the airplane to get them to align. i was told to shut up. i received physical threats. my, my, by boss said i would have killed someone who said what you said in a meeting. >> reporter: boeing disputes this saying, quote, we are fully confident in the 787 dreamline because of the come prehennive work tone to insure the quality and research safety of the aircraft. these claims about the structural integrity of the 787 are inaccurate. today we also heard disturbing reports about an alleged toxic safety culture at boeing as lawmakers spent the morning hearing claims that if employees
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at the company raised concerns about safety, they were punished. the whistleblower saying he at one point found a nail in his tire that the repair shop says did not get there by accident. boeing is disputing this saying, quote, they encourage all employees to speak up when issues arise. retaliation is strictly prohibited at boeing. and, liz, the boeing ceo was invited here today to testify. he did not show up. instead, boeing says they're cooperating by handing over documents and offering closed door briefings. liz? elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thank you so much for your great reporting, as always. let's bring in diana fur. got roth who served in the trump white house. what did you make of what you just heard? we've got a veteran boeing engineer testifying these dreamliners could fall apart midair, and hillary vaughn just said that a nail that was in a plane tire was not put there accidentally? that sounds like sabotage. what's going on here? >> it really does, liz.
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if and the faa pays a lot of attention to such accusations. it's very important that that americans know that they are safe when they fly. and america has an excellent record in terms of flight safety. one reason for that is that when the faa hears whistleblowers and other people who raised concerns, they go to boeing and they ask them about it, and there are times where they have consent agreements and they make them change their processes. elizabeth: well, are you confident? from what you heard, are you confident this is getting fixed? i mean, this whistleblower did send documents to the faa. do you think the government's on top of it? >> i think that the faa is investigating. the faa investigates all these different kinds of accusations, and america has an excellent flight record. boeing is also coping with problems with its suppliers. it needs to put in place a
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mechanism that all the inputs for its planes the from suppliers meet its standard. and you have other companies such as tesla where they have vertical integration where they control all the components. but the faa does take these accusations scheeres -- seriously, investigates them and makes companies change. elizabeth: okay. so this veteran engineer at boeing, he gave his first on-camera interview to nbc. he worked for boeing for 15 years. he says he will not put his own family on boeing airplane as. watch what he said. listen to this. >> what would happen if you had a fatigue failure in a 787 at altitude? >> the plane will fall apart at the joints where the, we're talking about. once you fall apart, you're going to descend all the way to the ground. >> you think the plane could literally break apart in air a. >> absolutely. >> should boeing ground the 787 right now to check the gap sizes? >> i would say they need to. >> the entire fleet worldwide? >> the entire fleet worldwide,
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as far as i'm concerned right now needs an attention. elizabeth: the entire fleet worldwide. what do you say? final word. >> well, i say that this is obviously something that needs investigation. but these planes have flown millions of miles without any problems. elizabeth: okay. >> and these have flown millions of miles without any problems. but every accusation needs to be investigated. that's why we have the faa. stuart: elizabeth: diana, thanks so much for joining us. it's good to sew you. let's get to this kauai-opening new report out of axios saying we may be entering a new normal of chronically high er interest rates. is this the really the reason why they're blaming government overspending flooding the bond market, chasing fewer or buyers of treasuries? we need kelly o'grady to break it down. kelly has a long background in business. she went to harvard, worked at mckenzie and disney. you're live in new york with more. what's happening here?
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>> reporter: that is very high praise, liz, i will try and live up to that. inflation is hardter to tame than expected -- powell admitted rate may need to remain higher for longer. so what we're seeing if the bond market is really interesting. so both short-term and long-term bond yields have soared in the last few months, and that's a period when folks originally expected multiple cuts this year. but treasury yields, remember, they're predictive of what investors think the fed's benchmarkshort-term rate will average over the life of that bond. so with these rising yields, it's kind of an admission by investors that a rates may stay higher for longer. what's weird though is when you're in times of inflation or gee. >> political uncertainty which we very much are, you see a flight to safety. investors move money to more stable asset classes like government-backed bonds. that's not happening right now, liz. we've hat a number of weaker than expected treasury sales numbers recently, so the supply is very much there, but the demand is not. now, if government-backed bonds
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aren't perceived as safe, it represents a lack of confidence in the dollar, a worry that the interest payment you get on a bond won't be worth much over the course of the bond's life. it and also, liz, indicates a concern about runaway government spending which is a big driver of inflation. remember, the imf even warned this week about the dire implications, so it's very likely that you are seeing the up easiness in the bond market imply that those higher for longer rates trend is here to stay. elizabeth: well, kelly, i understood that. you deserve high praise, okay? i'll keep doing it, kelly o'grady. good to see you. look who's here, trump's former treasury secretary for public affairs, monica crowley. okay, monica, this story coming in. protesters again demonstrating at president biden's event in pittsburgh. he was talking tariffs on steel out of china. it looks like the news is overtaking what the campaign is trying to do. you see the news coming in,, axios, ipsos polling, new york times sienna if poll, biden is using support from hispanic
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voters, down double digits since 2020. why? what's going on here? >> it's not just latino voters, liz, it's all of the core democratic constituencies, black voters, hispanics, asian-americans, women, young americans. they are leaving the democratic party in droves -- elizabeth: why? >> for a whole variety of reasons. i think for young people, it's primarily the hamas-israel war. they're for pro-palestinian. they take exception to biden's foreign policy particularly his support of israel at least so far, so they're leaving the democratic party for that. but for the other groups, and it includes younger people as a well, it's primarily the economy. and jobs and inflation. and so there's two things militating against joe biden's re-election. one is the quality of rife issue which is -- life issue which is the wide open border, the collapse of law and order, skyrocketing crime, and the other is the cost of living crisis in this country. so so many people having a very difficult time making ends meet
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because we're in this inflationary spiral created by joe biden and the democrats' outrageous spending. elizabeth: you know what's really interesting, chris jackson, senior vice president of public affairs at ipsos polling, he's saying the big story, the real story that's noteworthy is how biden has fallen with hispanic voters, that tear the biggest worries, as you said, are inflation, cost of living, and trump is getting a hot of credit for the pre-pandemic economy. -- a lot of credit. so that's what they're saying, they're saying it's really striking, the numbers. let's listen to this, watch this. >> you know, if you ask voters about who they think is better to represent the middle class, you go with back to 2020, joe biden led on that metric against donald trump by a pretty clear margin. it was 7 points back in 2020. now look at the 2024 polling. who is better for the middle class? donald trump leads by 9 percentage points. this, to me, more than anything else sort of encapsulates the problem joe biden is facing. >> if donald trump is found
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guilty on one of these whether it's the trial happening right now or one of the trials in the future, do you think he's fit to be president of the united states? >> i don't think he's fit, but i'm voting for him. >> i feel like we're not going to be able to survive another four years with the democrats in charge. elizabeth: you hear that? we're not going to be able to survive with biden in charge? >> yeah. yeah, i mean, most of the american people see that this is an historic catastrophe, liz, under joe biden in every direction, economically, the border, law and order, the collapse of our cities. two new hot wars, maybe a third one, china and taiwan, around the corner. people don't feel safe, they don't feel secure. they're economically uncertain as well. they can't make ends meet because inflation is so astronomical. and so like that woman said, i may not if like donald trump, i may not if like his style but with, man, things were so much better when he was president,
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and i'm going to vote for him anyway. elizabeth: maybe it's a new upgrade on what reagan said. instead of are you better off than you were four years ago, do you feel less safe than four years ago? >> in every direction, right? do you feel less economically secure, do you feel less physically secure? your border is wide open. national security is falling apart. e again, this is an historic catastrophe, and i think most of the american people see it very clearly nows which is why you're seeing these core democrat, demographics falling apart for the party and for joe biden, it's sending them into a massive panic attack. elizabeth: i don't know how they're going to do the democrat convention in chicago given the specter of the '68 riots. they're continuing to demonstrate and protest against bind at every campaign stop. monica crowley, good to see you. coming up, former u.s. energy secretary and texas governor rick perry. we're digging into, he's going to take this on, how come energy secretary jennifer granholm could not answer in testimony whether biden's massive climate
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spending will actually lower temperatures? so really what was the point of all that? and go gop senators call out conflicts of interest in stock trades made by energy department workers. we're digging in. we've9 got to first check in with dagen and sean. we love their show, "the bottom with line." what do you have coming up next hour? sean: thank you, e-mac. as threats of illegal immigration grow especially from china, senator responsibler marshall is here -- roger marshall is here. best selling author, star of "the five" and host of prime time, or jesse watters, to discuss jury selection in the trump trial. dagen: is now the best week to sell your house? mauricio you man sky, the founder of the agency, is here. don't we hope people sell so there's some doggone inventory on the market with the 30-year fixed now at. 7.5%? and then tomi lahren is here. national public radio, the ceo
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all bunched up that people are digging up her old posts on social media. why does it even exist with taxpayer dollars? top of the hour.r st♪ new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. spring into savings this moving season with pods. save up to 25% now on moving and storage... and see why pods has been trusted with over 6 million moves. but don't wait, save up to 25% now. visit today. morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator.
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it's great to see you again, sir. okay, what do you make of this? the biden is literally spending trillions on climate change. that's what economists and congressional watchers say. but energy secretary jennifer granholm could not answer in testimony if that will drop temperatures after all that massive spending? if how come she can't answer it? >> well, just pull a number out of your backside. that's, frankly, -- nobody know, elizabeth, is the reason she couldn't answer it. instead of trying to answer a question, frank arely, very few people have an idea whether it's correct or not, she should be talking about how we're going to get the country back on track if the standpoint of our energy production. they're literally -- there are literally dozens of countries in europe asking us to get back into the liquified natural gas business,es to let the
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permitting go forward so that they can have the energy to keep the lights on in those countries over there. they're transitioning back to old dirty-burning coal plants because of this administration's decision making. they're going to have a pause. and why we need a pause is totally political. t because the environmental a -- it's because the environmental left went after them, and so they, they reacted with this pause. and i'm sure after the election's over with, they may find that, gosh, american clean-burning natural gas is the right thing to deliver to the europeans and create the jobs in america. elizabeth: you know, it's why this biden white house is an epic, colossal failure. it is a debacle. [laughter] you know, even governor doug burr rum -- burr -- burgum of north dakota, he said is how about common sense? let's get your reaction to
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jennifer granholm's performance in testimony before the senate about her stock ownership in companies. she said she sold them last year. she was hammered about conflicts of interest, energy department workers making stock trades plus foreign dark money and overseas billionaires funding energy department conferences? let's get your reaction to this. watch. >> okay. but let's get back to my question. if we get to net zero, when we get to net zero, how old we get there at some -- should we get there at some point, if we get there, what impact will that have on global temperatures? >> as i say, striving to net zero is to prevent the temperatures from rising before then 1.5-2 degrees. >> it's still not the answer to the question. the question is what impact is that going to have? we just talked about the fact that it's going to cost $275 trillion to get there. i fail to understand how you can
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definitively say that a complete transition to net zero is necessary when you don't even know the impact that it would have on global temperatures. >> when you were here last, i talked with you about the fact that more than 130 initials in the energy -- officials in the energy department reported more than 2,700 trades of shared bonds and options in canes that ethics -- in companies that ethics officers said was directly related to the agency's work. this is institutionalized corruption. i asked you point-blank do you own any individual stock, and you told me, no. it is outrageous that hundreds of officers in the energy department are trading shares. it is outrageous that you misled congress. >> incorrect. >> it is outrageous that you are continuing to mislead us. >> incorrect. >> and it's outrageous that you'reo conferences and events using dark money to try to influence our politics. this has got to change and, frankly, you should go. elizabeth: sir, he said you should go. is this a sleeper story, corruption at the energy
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department? if because, you know, kimberly strassel at "the wall street journal," the biden white house set up a $400 billion climate spending slush fund. what do you say? >> well, just to the issue of personal stocks and anyone who's going to be a cabinet member should know you should have staff that's wise enough to know that you can't do that. you just is, your wisest thing to do is either put all of your holdings into a blind trust or you absolutely get rid of all of 'em which is what i did when i was moving into the department of energy. i got rid of everything, i stepped off of every board so there wasn't even the appearance of any improif priority. the democrats for some reason think the rules don't apply to them. if they can, well, you know, that's for other people, that's not for us. it's either that or they are incredibly inept. elizabeth and hijacked by idealogues. they don't, they're not thinking of america. they're not thinking of common sense stuff. people get it. they understand about pollution and climate change, but it's
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like they're hostage to their own left wing and their idealogues. rick perry, thanks for coming on the show. >> you're welcome. elizabeth: we really appreciate you. okay, this story, an alarming increase, l.a. times is reporting, of californians catching crime on their own home security cameras. we're also looking into why shoppers nationwide are getting hit with new privacy violations because elected officials let retail robberies and theft get out of control. seattle talk radio host jason rantz is going to break it down on "the evening edit" next. ♪ well done, viv. you got the presents, the balloons and the raptor cake. now, how about something to put a smile on your face? aspen dental provides complete, affordable care with dentists and labs in one place
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got to this point because of political decisions made, there are choices to keep -- out of jail, they feel emboldened to go one step further, and at some point, when you start defunding police and run cops out of the departments, you are going to have to lean on these kinds of strategies, to track some of these people down, sad reality is, unless it is an extremely severe crime or violent crime, you can have all ring camera footage you want but they might not go to jail at all because of prosecutorial decisions. elizabeth: americans are upset with it, it is fair american shoppers are more likely to get their biomettic information, secretly taken by stores they shop in without knowing it because the stores need to track robbers. after elected officials weakened the laws on
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shoplifting and retail theft, like target, macy's, amazon go and walgreens. >> at some point we were probably going down this pathway anyway, having nothing to do with crime. maybe we're having that conversation earlier than we otherwise would, this is new, they want your information track your mood and emotions to target you with ads, however, the fact is they are doing it right now because of the crime crisis. and this in a lot of ways is the only thing they truly have to go after some of these bad guys. the fact is you have security guards who are not necessarily allowed to touch individuals, who are shoplifting, that creates a problem, you want to do at least something, that is capture it on camera, put it out there and even if it's not prosecuted, at least we get a hold of it in media to shine a giant spotlight on the problem, to hopefully move some voters in the
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right direction. elizabeth: this is highway it is going -- this is how it is going, now our privacy rights are v violated. retails are having a hard time, red lobster is considering filing for bankruptcy, you have to feel for the franchisee owners. >> we're seeing businesses close down, one that we're used to and grew up work whether we're talking retail spots or red lobster or mom and pops. at some point, you know, you start to see this judge feel depressed -- see this and feel depressed, you can vote. elizabeth: got it, vote. jason rantz thank you so much. thank you for watching i am elizabeth macdonald, have been watching "the evening edit" on fox business, now it is time for my buddy at the "the bottom line." dagen: thank you emac. elizabeth: you'r


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