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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 18, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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all a that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks.
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♪ ♪. maria: good thursday morning everyone. thank you for joining us. i am maria bartiromo. this thursday april 18. at 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. high-stakes spending. house speaker mike johnson pushing for a saturday boat on a foreign aid package for israel and ukraine and after much rebellion from within and threats to remove him from office from two house members, the speaker says he will push a vote on a separate u.s. border security bill alongside the foreign aid bill, reaction to the new spending plan coming up after senate democrats voted to kill the impeachment articles against alejandro mayorkas adjourning the trial an unprecedented move. investors are focused on earnings, features indicated again at the start of trading dow industrial 32, the nasdaq and 47, s&p 500 higher by eight
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and a half as oil prices on the move amidst the mideast turmoil, crude oil below $82 a barrel lowest level since march 27. the biden administration says little re-imposing sanctions at his way in oil after pressure from gop senators. bitcoin backing down from the all-time high, $61000, will get into all be talking to the state of digital assets in an exclusive interview with brad golly house. the european markets look like this, the s&p 120, cac 31, the dax index lower by three points. in asia overnight the markets finished higher across the board, the best performer was korea cosby index up almost 3%. strategic wealth partners ceo mark tepper, former acting ice director jonathan fahey and minority leader joe borelli. "mornings with maria" is live right now. it is time for the hot topic of the hour, alejandro mayorkas will testify today before the
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senate homeland committee after democrats voted to kill impeachment articles against him. chuck schumer proposed a point of order deeming the first article on constitutional. the he said it fails to meet the high standard for removal, jonathan fahey, your reaction. >> it's amazing to say doesn't meet the high standards for removal there's never been a cabinet secretary that systematically undermines and refused to enforce the law and he said more harm to the country than anyone ever. maria: what harm are you referring to. >> specifically 100,000 drug overdoses a year, we have crime, national security at risk and all of these cost that are imposed because of the migrants coming in. in new york billions and billions of dollars that are imposed on the taxpayers all because of him. maria: and?
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maria: they said it was unconstitutional chuck schumer would not even hear it. >> he gives up the game he said we should accuse people policy differences. if your policy is undermining the rule of law and not enforcing the law, you should be impeached. this is absolutely ridiculous. the reason they do not want a trial, not because they were right, they're wrong and they don't want the american people to see how bad this is and how it's a plan and deliberate action to undermine the law for purely political purposes. i think i'll pay a price and senator tessler will pay a price in november. maria: democrats are in charge of the senate we knew it would die in the senate. >> it pains me as a republican to say this don't hate the player hit the game chuck schumer is better at mangling his conference in india the legislative leader in washington and any other leader around the country the jig was up the minute it came to the floor they had the majority. the american public sees that the way you see it. if somebody is not doing their
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jobs are entitled to be removed and they should be removed. if you hide a plumber who didn't fixture link or a cleaning person you left crumbs on the table you would not have those people employed that's how the american public are going to see this the border is probably going to be the number two issue driving voters to the poll and the american public will have their say in november. maria: people are sick and tired of politics and everything even when it relates to national security. u.s. customer border patrol reporting chinese nationals entering the country illegally have exceeded the endor missed number all fiscal year 2023 this is in six months this is sense october here is susan collins pressing attorney general merrick garland about this issue while china is sending citizens here illegally into the u.s. to establish marijuana growing operations. watch this. >> do you have a theory on why the chinese are sending people illegally enter a country to establish these grow operations.
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>> at this point i do have a theory there are a lot of obvious theories including profit motives and transnational criminal organizations oper operating, the reason we call them transactional is operating all over the world. i can't tell you what the specific motivation is. maria: there just flowing and we don't know why. whatever. >> america used to be freedom and opportunity and under president biden's leadership is just become a free-for-all. come here, you don't have to follow any laws whatsoever. were getting keep the border open, people have no property rights, we can apply the first amendment and it's okay if you laid down in the middle of street and block people to from getting to the airport. if you sit in front of an abortion clinic and pray you get ten years in prison. that's how idiotic this country has become. everything that we see, specifically as it relates to
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the border, you look at what's happening with the drug operations. you mentioned the fentanyl issues. obviously they set it up marijuana operations and all of these to seek profit or just to destroy our country. we talk nausea over the course of the last several months about what the chinese are doing in regards to tiktok with our youth. for the chinese nationals who were in china on tiktok they're getting taught math and science. overhear how to steal hyundai. maria: to say, we don't know their motivation i guess they want to make money and ended their seems such a dereliction of duty, we have the chinese nationals who look like engineers, they don't look like migrants that their writing for persecution. what are they doing their starting new business whether marijuana growing firms or human trafficking. this is good to be an issue at
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some point and we have varsity and attorney general shrugging his shoulders saying i don't know whatever the motivation we don't know. >> when you watch them stumble to the question and he really doesn't care which is the scary part but he shouldn't have to be asked that question. if we had a secure border we would not have to worry about it but they've invited people then and he shrugged his shoulders, we don't know we don't care because only thing that this administration cares about is politics they put above public safety national security every single time. maria: holding onto the grip of power that is a priority. were just getting started, a lot coming up despite gop backlash, mike johnson is releasing the text of three foreign aid bills totaling $95 billion. will the new border bill help the speaker save his job, outreaching north carolina as that actually gets a student for using the term illegal alien during class is making about this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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we'll be right back. ♪
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b1 will come back take a look at futures another firmer tone expected a higher opening for the broader averages, dow industrial 65 nasdaq of 40 s&p higher by nine and a half, ten year treasury yield this morning investors are wondering whether or not the fed is going to cut rates at all this year, the yield on the ten year city not 4.57% and that is down almost one basis point, jay powell signaling rates will be higher for longer if inflation persists, what you been saying from day one is finally becoming obvious for many, many more on
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wall street. >> it seems like rate cuts are getting pushed out we went from june to july now the expectation from the fed fund future market is september. i don't think that's going to happen at all. with inflation accelerating is seems to be a very, very weird situation where the fed would have any reason to cut rates. i think they will begin to talk about potentially hiking rates at some point in time and let's not forget right now the treasury general account after we factor in all the tax receipts will be about $1 trillion i am convinced janet yellow between now and the election she will drain the treasury general account down to 250 billion which is where they typically keep it in pump $750 billion of liquidity into the economy that will hurt anything the fed will be doing anyways. maria: when you look at the second quarter it is not been a good quarter for stock market investors. look at where we stand for the
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second quarter versus the first quarter. is this the beginning of a pivot for investors is this the beginning of what will turn out to be a much tougher year for equity investors than we tho thought. >> this is definitely setting up to be challenging quarter. i think at the end of the year the market will finish higher. typically when you come out of the gate september 7 the first quarter. the next nine months happened to be strong but we should expect a pullback some sort of a correction and it seems like were heading down the path right now. this is the time where you're an investor you need to think about recalibrating your portfolio and getting into sectors and stocks that will do better on the back half of the year. maria: even if you look here today the unity numbers are so strong in the second quarter selling has taken a bite out of that joining us wealth management group president gina bolvin, is the beginning of the second quarter indicative of what were supposed expect for the rest of the year.
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>> it's been a great year in the pullback and we've been expecting a pullback. i think it's a great opportunity for investors to get in, this is coming on the heels of very hot cpi report, hot retail sales the consumer is still spending money, interest rate cuts are getting pushed down and the reason is because of the strong academy. i think it'll be a good year for stock investors. maria: where you want to allocate capital in that regard. >> what were looking at we really like technology, large-cap growth they are but not offensive and it's also a defense of play, they're not interest-rate sensitive because they have such strong balance sheet they're not relying on credit to make money. we also like comms services and
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netflix is coming out "after the bell". it will get insight into technology earnings which are coming out next week and rebalance large-cap growth with some of the energy sectors we like that and see strong demand for energy. maria: one of the things that allowed under a lot of clients have been asking how can i get into the a.i. play how can i get into ozempic. the one thing i would want to mention. as an investor you want to see the forest for the trees you don't want to miss the derivative or ancillary place that would benefit from a.i. such as nuclear energy we will need more power to the data centers data center would be a good opportunity with the a.i. subsector. then you look to ozempic glp-1 weight loss drugs what about becton dickinson the largest syringe maker. there's somebody place right now
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that i don't know that enough investors are considering because of focusing on nvidia, eli lilly and it makes sense to broad now and really see the other beneficiaries and the other companies that will get hurt from the big major investments that are playing o out. maria: do you think will see a broadening out. for example we've been waiting for small-cap to get a bid for a while now and a lot of people saying small-cap stocks are where you want to be that the broadening out that is expected to have a taken hold yet. >> they have been broadening out we've seen financials do really well, materials, industrials small-cap stocks have had a tough three years and they haven't done much. the reason is interest-rate sensitive we recently upgraded from underweight to neutral with small caps but most small caps unprofitable companies i would've put more than five or 10% of your portfolio in small
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caps anyways. i think it's going to take some time. regarding the a.i. question that you had. i think this is a huge technological revolution and it's going affect all stocks and make so many companies much more profitable and it's not just about nvidia although that's the posttrial. maria: we just all graphic of the second quarter numbers were the major averages are down 5% that was the beginning of the realization that the federal users may not be there with all the rate cuts, as you said the ism number and the hotter than expected cpi number. it's great to see you, thank you very much. gina bollman joining us, your morning murder, micron technology up in the premarket after the company is expected to get over $6 billion in grants
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from the commerce department next week the grant will pay for domestic factory projects to bring semi conductor production back to american soil they have previously been announced for intel, taiwan semiconductor and samsung the stock is up 96% in the last year it's up again by 1%. a quick break, no consequences for secretary alejandro mayorkas as senate democrats and his impeachment trial before it began. that's coming out, stay with us. ♪ (luke) so... i hear some of you are concerned about the fact that i'm taking over the company. well, rest assured, company's in great hands.
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unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back the house releasing the text of foreign aid bills that total $95 billion, the breakdown goes like this 60 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel and a billion for taiwan speaker mike johnson announcing the rules committee will announce the text on a border security which includes remaining mexico, fixing the broken asylum and parole process and rebuilding portions of the wall. these items in this border security bill come out of hr2 which the house is already past
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in the senate can pick it up but it's not. what are your thoughts on what were seen with the three bills for foreign aid which is one package and you have this border security bill coming out of the rules committee. maria: it's unclear why speaker johnson was so eager to make this deal with chuck schumer when this wasn't necessarily forcing the hand of the senate to take up. a bill that is almost congruent to hr2 pass last year, this is why he is getting fairly criticized from some of the members of his congress. i think they would not be well served by trying to make a motion against him we don't need another speaker fight, however, there really has to be an accounting within his conference of why he was so willing to give up the ship without a fight we know how bad democrats want the funding on ukraine and congressman wants broadly funding for israel and a good opportunity there and i think this is was his first pickup as
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speaker. maria: he keeps blaming the fact that there hanging on by a string. >> service chuck schumer chuck schumer does not have as big of a majority as anyone else certainly if not bigger or smaller than speaker johnson. maria: that's a great point. >> the real issue on the border issue, then play into the hands of the biden administration by accepting a narrative that congress responsibility in congress' fault in fact no matter what they pass if they possibly enter greatest porterville upper wave administration that will not enforce the law but to undermine the law and obstructing efforts to enforcement. we saw there willing to throw their own border agents under the bus and lie about them and they're afraid to speak out against the most horrific crimes like blake and riley and things like that. about what congress has passed with this administration it is not going to be a force in the open border will continue. the only thing to change it is with the new administration committed to enforcing the
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border. maria: there is expectation that johnson will actually await joe biden doing something that impact the white house will come out with an executive order in the coming weeks on the border. this guy has been in washington for 40 years, joe biden has not done anything on the border and suddenly were six-month away from a will and election and were hearing whispers that he might do an executive order on the border. >> if he does that a few month before the election is he at that point admitting he's been wrong for the last three and half years. maria: hill blame republicans, have to do something because they can't get it together. >> of people are reading into what is going on, the republicans want more enforcers at the border, they want to get back to building the wall and remaining mexico, these are reasonable things, what the democrats want more processors
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to get people more expeditiously silly so they can submit the permanent majority as it relates to voters. >> is all about voters that's why their bullying benjamin netanyahu so they can keep the pro-palestinian about michigan and missouri, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu said it all do whatever it needs to do to defend itself as they're planning a response to iran's attack the president of iran is vowing to completely destroy israel if it proceeds with the tiniest invasion of iran. this is getting real dangerous real fast. >> is getting real dangerous refasten this administration only seems to want to put guardrails on one side of the conflict. we only hear about guardrails on israelis, don't go too far drunk go too far this way don't do that don't do this, you never hear joe biden outside of his one comment where he said don't it was laughed often they attacked anyway there was only an effort to restrain israelis. it's not the iranians keeping
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americans hostage is not the israelis keeping americans hostage, it is hamas and the guardrails have been in place not just with respect to iran but also with respect to how the israelis are going to operate in gaza that is really a misfortune for the biden administration how they are not seeing the farce from the trees the good guys versus the bad. maria: i don't understand how this a administration of the democrats can tell israel how to act after israel is the victim here. >> exactly you know what's amazing you would not think we have it american hostages over there, this administration never talks about it the first thing they should say before we do anything these hostages are return but they're afraid to say that. it's truly remarkable and cynical politics comes ahead of everything for this administration and the world is much less safe because of it. maria: right in step coming up with the election hearing, president biden claims he's ready to take on china calling for raising tariffs on chinese
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steel he told the unions that in pittsburgh yesterday keystone institute gordon chang is here with a reaction. comedian and actor john losing after latino supporting president trump will have the late-night meltdown the everybody is talking about this morning. you're watching "mornings with maria", live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back hundreds of anti-israel protesters occupying columbia university campus yesterday. cheryl casone you with the details. >> for more than 24 hours hundreds of students of columbia university forming a human chain on the lawn calling it the gaza solidarity encampment to show support for palestine while demanding more from an end and
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the universities complicity and genocide. >> free palestine. >> free palestine. >> there is only one solution. >> as part of revolution. >> since this started three simultaneous demonstrations have formed near the university in support of the liberated zone despite orders to evacuate in washington, d.c. the president of columbia testified to congress about her administration's record addressing anti-semitism. >> death to the zionist state, jews out you don't think that's anti-jewish. >> is completely unacceptable. >> you change your issue so there have been anti-jewish protests. >> anti-jewish things were set up protests yes. >> a protest that was against muslims, have you seen running
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in syrup. >> no i have not. >> ivc morning as palestinians. >> no i have not. >> the university has to suspended students, restricted protest and investigative faculty members one who celebrated october 7 attack. 28 google employees fired after they staged a protest after the business ties to israel the pro-palestinian workers storm the executive's office and employees held at ten hours sitting in protest in new york city and california. a google spokesperson says they were fired for physically impeding other employees work in preventing them from accusing and accessing our facilities which is a clear violation of our policy and completely unacceptable behavior, nine workers were arrested and immediately after the protest. chinese diplomats are quietly meeting with staffers on capitol hill politico reported that
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chinese are lobbying against a bill that would force the sale of tiktok by chinese company bytedance, tiktok continues to deny a has a relationship with the chinese government and the chinese embassy appears to be using his political weight to protect tiktok feature in the u.s. that's according to the report as well. several staffers have been approached about this issue. the chinese are quietly secretly let's go ahead and say it on the offense. maria: i'm not surprised. maria: a lot of lobbying going on. >> it would be in our best interest if tiktok were hosted by microsoft, worker, google. maria: it was going that way under trump with a workable. maria: the question about what's been said to the staffers and that's what we don't know how much monetary pressure there is trade in so many issues of the chinese could use. maria: on the google story what hubris to see if you could go to the ceos office and camp out what is wrong with you of course you're going to get fired, what are you doing. maria: look at columbia
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university i am shocked. the whole thing. >> i'll take that off my daughters college visitation. or making an effective case for state public education, spend less money get yourself a college degree and go to a party on the weekend and come in home in four years. maria: a lot cheaper. president biden calling for higher tariffs on chinese stealing aluminum while speaking to the united steelworkers headquarters in pittsburgh yesterday biden plans on asking the trade representative to increase from 7% to 25%, here's what he said. >> america is still working as long as they have a fair competition. for too long the chinese government has important state money into chinese steel companies pushing them to make so much steel as much as possible subsidized by the chinese government because the chinese steel company produces more steel than china needs and ends up dumping extra steel into the golden market at low prices,
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they're not competing to achieving i made sure we have the most advanced technologies that we developed and they can't be sent to china because the undermine our national security and for the tough talk on china and never occur to my predecessors to do any of that. maria: joining me now gates to in the coming collapse of china and china is going to work, gordon chang, great to see wish every year was an election year that we could see a president take action, president biden. he's been in washington 40 years he hasn't said anything about any of the steel tariffs even as president trump was ramping up sanctions and tariffs against china but here we are in an election year talking to the unions in his god to get the boat. >> biden has been president for more than three years and this issue has not bothered him until right now where he's losing the
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rank and file. president trump as soon as he took office in 2017 started laying the regulatory groundwork for section 301 tariffs which impose in the first quarter 2018 that was lightning speed by washington standards in february president trump told you in your interview that he wanted to impose tariffs greater than 60% to take section 301 tariffs and increase them there is only one person in the selection he wants to get tariffs and protect the american worker and that is president trump. maria: when trump first stated he was panned by the globalists out there who were worried about a trade war. i spoke with president trump in february about all of this and he said it's amazing to me that joe biden can talk about something and say his predecessors never did it but this was part of president trump's key agenda. here is president trump in
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february with me. >> your critics are saying you're going to start another trade war with china. >> i did great with china with everything. china came in and they we're going to destroy our steel industry and i put big tariffs 60%, 100%, 50% for the most part. it stopped it. i have steel people and they start to cry and they had me and they said you saved our industry but now were letting it go. maria: the washington post is saying you're talking about 60% tariffs on chinese goods is that in the cards. >> no i would say maybe it's going to be more than that i want china to do great, i like president xi a lot he was a very good friend during my term. maria: house select committee on china investigation finds that beijing has been fueling the fentanyl crisis by subsidizing precursor chemicals used to make the deadly drug. it's happening despite president biden and chinese president xi jinping steel to curb the flow of defense at all precursor,
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that deal was supposed to have been made during their meeting with they took a walk in the park in san francisco last year, you joe biden trying to act tough as if he's tough on china but we seen the evidence that is anything but tough on communist china. >> xi jinping is a mass murderer he's trying to kill americans with fentanyl but i'm more angry at our political establishment especially joe biden because biden knows that the chinese are doing this. remember xi jinping made the same promise to president obama and trump any violated both of them. when you look at joe biden opening the border which means the chinese fentanyl is coming across the impose no cost on china for fentanyl. this is been permitted by biden and the american people ought to be outraged, this is the one issue that should drive the american people to the polls on november 5 and say were no longer going to allow the chinese to kill americans
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because this is been permitted by the current president of the united states. maria: all of this in the face of the bad behavior from communist china what is america doing we keep sending cabinet officials to meet with her counterparts. janet yellen just back anthony palenque, trying to get the communication going between the u.s. and china. lloyd austin speaking to china's defense minister on tuesday claiming to reestablish top-level military communication for the country for 2022 this was austin's first time speaking to the defense minister who took over the role back in december. we have no evidence that received real communication between the two militaries but this is apparently why the biden administration keep sending cabinet members there begging for a report. >> the chinese look at this and treat the united states as vassals because we goaded beijing.
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by the way the defense minister is not really a top chinese military official. lloyd austin counterpart in the chinese system is xi jinping in his role as chairman of the communist party central military commission. china always had our senior officials talk to mid-level chinese officials because they believe that the way that they can demonstrate that there in a superior position. we need to stop this. if lloyd austin wants to talk about military matters with china he should insist talking to xi jinping not an mid-level official. maria: the treasury secretary of the united states goes to china to meet with her counterpart and they feeder mushrooms, psychedelic mushrooms. she comes back from the trip and laughs about it. can you imagine if the u.s. did the same to the treasury secretary while in new york or washington.
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>> we've seen and as you're showing right now janet yellen vowing to a guy who is actually lower in the chinese political system then she is an hours. already self importance of chinese officials and talking sounds responsible but is produced horrible results over the course especially the last three decades and what we need to stop talking to china that them come to washington if they want to talk to us, let them worry about what we think this is producing really bad results of what the administration is doing. maria: the fact that janet yellen decided to go to a bar in beijing with the ambassador to china and throw down a few beers that in itself, then they have video of it. that tells you she does not understand the threat of communist china this is a very serious situation with the
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trying to overtake the united states as the number one superpower who doing more and more things to kill american citizens either through surveillance, through fentanyl or surveillance balloons and here she is in a bar in beijing in april having a beer. >> we understand that china not only wants to be number one, they want to rule the world. xi jinping has been pressing this imperial error notion where he says the mandate compels china to rule the world. since 2070 chinese officials have been talking about the moon and mars in the part of the republic of china this is a regime that believes in the united states as an s substantial threat and there's only going to be one survivor is would be the united states of america or the people's republic of china, not both we need to start to understand that were were going to lose our country
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were far stronger than china but we could lose our country because were not protecting ourselves because we have a president who does not seem to care, fentanyl death 70000 a year, no big deal. maria: how do you think europe views the communist china. i've seen the hard stance that georgia maloney has taken in italy, what about the rest of the eurozone. >> you people trying to get along with china like victor and hungry but you also have others throughout the european union who have given up on this. what they're looking to his leadership from the united states. if the united states has an appropriate response they will if we don't play well cut a deal with china. maria: great to get your insights. gordon chang joining us this morning on communist china. a quick break outraged north carolina as a high school student is taking action, the school is taking action against a student rather. the student said illegal alien
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during class and was punished for it, it's making a buzz you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ [alarm beeping] amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is. you're so dramatic amelia. bye jen. 100 innovative companies, one etf. before investing, carefully read and consider fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at (sounding horns) at enterprise mobility, we never stop looking for new mobility solutions. because sometimes the best road forward,
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is the one you didn't expect. (♪)
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: welcome back, time for the morning buzz. a north carolina highschooler was suspended for allegedly using the term illegal alien in the classroom. the student was given an assignment to use words like alien buddy question the term alien asking if it referred to space aliens or illegal aliens without a green card, his comments offended another student the school suspended him for three days. the student says he did not make a statement directed toward hispanics because everyone with other countries needs a green card and the term illegal aliens has been in the news and dictionary. your reaction. >> is also the law that's a proper term and the amazing thing you get on board trouble with immigration issue when you tell the truth. if you told lies and he told the
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newcomers in the euphemistic language he would not have any trouble at all and if you take a president biden a couple of weeks ago when he referred to laken riley's killer as an illegal immigrant yet apologize for saying the truth and the preferred youth and is something newcomers, i would like to say this is unbelievable but it's entirely predictable and that's a strategy of the american left to prevent people speaking the truth to intimidate and if anyone says anything they try to ruin them. in this kid might have his chances of going to college reduced because he said something that was factually truthful if he said at all. maria: that is unbelievable the family is worried about that, they're worried this is going to affect his ability to get a football scholarship and affect the rest of his life, the school central davidson high school in north carolina how databases sprinted for three days. >> i went into the weeds to make sure this kid was not a bully in
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doing as a threat. it turns out this kid was doing this as a matter of fact of saying let's get x or y, illegal aliens is codified in the law that the alien acted in congress and this reminds me more than anything else of nick sandmann where he had the media pile on this kid for a scenario that did not happen. he ends up fighting the media companies in the court of law and restores his name, that's what happened to this kid because every time someone googled his name whether college application or an employer down the road his name will be associated with these races comments. maria: the teacher set him up, she came up with ideas or areas to use alien. what happened to her she's the one that asked him to think about aliens what other alien incentive space alien or a legal alien is there.
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>> thankfully for him he asked the clarifying question that got him suspended for three days had he written a full-blown essay the kid might be permanently. our educational system is failing us we should be focusing on math, science, english. maria: how about history. >> instead woke is them and to share some personal experience i have a family friend whose child was expelled from school for calling someone the wrong pronoun. none of this surprises me anymore this is the direction we are heading in this is why we need to push forward with school choice all those things need to change. >> president trump faces a gag order by president biden is talking up about the election campaign and pennsylvania and is making all about donald trump attacking the former president's economic policies. our panel is here to reactor watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. good thursday morning, everybody. thanks very much for joining us this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. i hope you're having a good thursday morning, it's thursday, april 18, just before *u7 a.m. on the east coast. i'm for the hot topic of the hour. president biden campaigning in pennsylvania yesterday and making it all about donald trump. biden is running a newed a trying to appeal to the working class, attacking the former president's economic policies now. watch. >> we listened to four years of
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donald trump talking about infrastructure you because it was a lot of lip service with the previous administration. joe biden delivered on it. i see jobs coming to the area, i see infrastructure being fixed up. maria: biden also making a stop at a gas station in pittsburgh yesterday, he bought sandwiches for construction workers. this is a page out of trump's book, it comes a week after former president trump's chick-fil-a visit where he treated customers to chicken and milkshakes. that was when one african-american woman told mr. trump bye-bye biden, your reaction, joe. >> it's pretty funny how president biden is basically following donald trump's lead. [laughter] >> the a amazing thing about the ad is the democratic partiey has abandoned the working class. a lot of the working class hasn't realized it yet. if someone asked him are you richer or poorer than you were four years ago, if he's the averaging working class american he's substantial


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