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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 18, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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larry: hello, folks. welcome to kudlow, i'm l arry kudlow. well anti-semitic protests spinning out of control at new york columbia university, many arrested, some suspended, the hate crimes deserve nothing less in my view. professor alan dershowitz will we weigh in congressman jim jordan talk about collapse of bidenomics. and we have senator tommy tuberville on why democrats will pay a price for killing the mayorkas impeachment. monica crowley and alex marleau to collapse a donald trump jury in new york and claudia tenney. we go to cb cotton live in colombia. >> great to be with you,
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columbia university has -- can you hear me. >> go ahead. reporter: i think you may be able to hear me, columbia university, campus, closed off to everyone except for those with a columbia i.d. that has not kept people from coming here to rally just outside of campus main gate. you can see this large crowd has formed. we have a lot of activity here over the past 48 hours. several arrests this morning. another crowd is back pro palestinian demonstrators waving signs, waving palestinian flags. chanting things from like from river to the sea. free palestine. against phrase from river to the sea, one critics say is anti-semitic and calling for an annihilation of
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jewsish people and state of israel, we have seen nypd deploy heavily to columbia university since this protest started on campus. then now spread off-campus. we have several officers here in riot gear. who have a defensive posture as number of protesters continues to grow. larry, as we have been talking over on the channel, there was a large encampment of students who were protesting, they pitched more than 60 tents on the south lawp lawn here at columbia. university president sent a message to student body to say that students had been warned multiple times she made the decision to authorize nypd to come in and to remove the protesters.
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these pro-palestinian student groups, they risked interim sus -- suspension, i will not be allowed on campus, they will not be allowed to turn in course work, several student organizers said they did not care, they would stay on campus. until they were removed. even if force was used we saw this this afternoon. the nypd came in, and removed though the student protester, we're waiting to find out whether all of them will be suspended from campus, trying to find out more details about that we're watching the numbers continue to grow here outside of the campus. where several people continue to come by the hour, they are chanting and banging on drums, and as this crowd grows more officers continue to be mobilized to this area. back to you. larry: cb, i don't know if
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you can hear me. when did columbia president short the warnings? do you know? >> we're told that members of faculty started yesterday morning, going to the student protestors who by the way pitched their tents at 4 a.m. yesterday. we're told this university this the students received several more warnings. we're told if you remain on campus beyond 9, you face interim s suspension, they have been talking about they did not care, they were willing to face that risk.
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now we're watching as some -- a group of social workers who appear to be affiliated with the university, in some sort of activist sense, affiliated with university, they appear to be social workers and they are activists they are now trying to get support for the students who have been detained by the nypd. so we're watching to see when develops with this, a lot of action here at columbia university. larry: great stuff cb cotton thank you be safe yourself. >> all right, just a couple words, after being grilled and bombarded yesterday in congress before house education committee today, columbia university president dr. minouche within home to new york and summoned police to remove t ain't israel
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protesters. she was grilled in washington yesterday, today she called in the cops, her message, these were extraordinary steps because they are extraordinary circumstances, i am sure that is right, she wants to sound and look tough to keep her job and contrast to for example harvard university a claudine gay, who you may recall got the axe. anti-semitism is the issue. columbia shafik had new york cops clear campus, many of kids will be arrested many suspended many will not be able to take exams some not graduate, me? i see the problem for elite ivy league schools as their presidents and bores -- boards of directors are afraid to label anti-semitism a hate crime,
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we have kids out there scream being are hamas, and the, of river to the sea, they are anti-semitic statements they are hate crimes, imagine student protesters who are attacking blacks or transgenders or other week identity, how fast would ivy university presidents kick them out, i guess shafik comes out better she delay down the law and put in a true rid line of sorts and several warnings. so better late than never. but shafik said to congress, she has more work to go, school is not prepared for these situation, in fairness, she did fire an seanti-semitic se, processor. but, like most of big time schools, officials are afraid to talk about jewish history and experience back
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back to the holocaust and about persecution of jews that is a hate crime, after all, sudden a hate crime a hate -- after all isn't a hate crime a hate came, and anti-semitism, seam same. anti-semitism. there is not be any room for any of that in our schools college presidents have a lot more 2, do, at least shafik brought the coops in i will score this one for some aproip appropriate santee, maybe there some progress, let's talk about alan dershowitz. and author of war against the jews, how to end hamas b barbarism. you know more about this subject than me, probably than almost anyone on the planet. i am givenning this columbia president's little bit of a plus, she seems to have done something but more
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importantly, what do you think, sir? >> she getting a bminus with great inflation, she has not dealt with problem. the core problem is dei, diversity, equity and inclusion. and these dominate universities today, they are the sources of anti-semitism, let me tell you a story about a professor, joseph mass add, he is the one who praised hamas, on october 7, and said what they did was a wonderful thing. he is pro hamas. i opposed his tenure before he got tenured, i told the university he was a third rate academic, he called on a. >> yjewish student as a teacher when student started talking the professor said, you seem to have an israeli accent, he said are you israeli, he said, yes, he said you can't speak in my class, unless you are prepared to say that israel
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has committed war crimes this is a professor. high did not have tenure yet, columbia university gave him tenure because he was anti-israel, they want the them on faculty they were getting funding from ain't israel countries this is a depper problem, this -- anti-israel countries, there is a deeper problem this goes back years and year, until and unless the universities get rid of, uproot, from top to body dei bureaucracy, this will continue, and will destroy every major university in america. and turn american universities into the same third rate institutions that professor joseph massad is. she has work to do, here faculty will not support her, many of her students
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will not support her, the problem is deeper than when we see on television today, this is the tip of the iceberg, don't call them pro palestinian, they are anti palestinian, they are pro hamas. hamas has been destroying the palestinian, they hang gays, they it discrame discriminate. >> professor dershowitz, am i wrong, i look at in and say you have college presidents, big time schools, and borders director -- boards of direct ors who are running show, they are afraid to label the anti-semitic statements as hate crimes, just say that. >> you are right. >> am i wrong? >> you are 100% right, a friend of mine, a president of major college said one
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criteria that does not exist is o courage, those folks have no courage, no guts, they want everyone to love them, they can't do that, this is the time to make hard decisions, and universities are not good at, that we'll see today of and tomorrow, is universities, being responsive to congresswoman stefanik who has done a great job in exposing this they will do one of two things but don't problem of continuing to have a bureaucracy, that is against equality ein favor of equity, what is the opposite of equality. 24they won't do anything to dismantle the real problem and stop hiring people because of their hatred of israel. or even the numbers of students, i was teaching at harvard, 10 years okay h
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hharvard, jewish students were 23% of student body, now they are 9%, dei t bureaucracy is anti-semitic, until it is gotten rid of we'll see this problem get worse and worse, no president, is prepared to take on this bureaucracy. i spoke at cardosa law school. and i spoke against the dei, and the dean of the law school said, we're doubling down, everyone has to support dei, dei is part of what cardosa law school is about, she is part of the problem not the solution. and many of these administrators are cause of the problem. and today, just demonstrates what will happen to american universities,. >> yjewish students today are not safe at many american universities. >> well put. thank you so much tough
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stuff, i know you are on target, talk soon thank you. >> coming up on kudlow, congressman jim jordan, on collapse of bidenomics, and fate of speaker mike johnson's foreign aid package. will mr. johnson hang on to his speaker ship, remember, you can catch kudlow monday through friday, 4 p.m. right here fox business every day, but, if you can't, just text our favorite 9-year-old, and she will show you how to dvr the show, then you will never miss a thing. i'm kudlow, we'll be right back. om unlimited card. and i'm gonna' cashback on a few other things too! starting with the sound system... that's caaaaaaaaash. cashback like a pro with chase freedom unlimited. how do you cashback? when enamel is gone, you cannot get it back. but you can repair it with pronamel repair.
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larry: edward lawrence has details on the decline of bidenomics, he so joining us from the white house. reporter: you know imf is calling out united states saying that huge deficit in united states are posing a risk to the global economy, imf calling out u.s. one of 4 country that quote needs to critically take policy act to address fundamentally implant imbalance between fund and revenue,
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president biden signed over 7 trillion in spending to law, defset this fiscal year 1.5 trillion. they look at nation, and inflation, they say president biden is making this same mistakes at former democratic president. >> caused by that spending in washington dc . as they say everything that goes around comes around, so much of same mistake of carter administration. reporter: with growing federal debt, faculty director, put u.s. fiscal path into a time frame. >> fiscal policy in general is not sustainable, we estimate that the p we have 20 years before it comes crashes down. >> the death would co cause inflation spiral and
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government would pay money. then the bond yield would respond as higher rates. >> people say, that is for you know latin america a asia and zimbabwe, no, that is here too. reporter: in interview with local news outlet, president saying, that he is lowering junk fees that helps costs with americans his spending is reducing anonymouses in, inflation from the peak. larry: sure it is, he is very o orwellian. reporter: you have to pay attention to all of home together, they are fitting in the pieces you talk inflation it is connected in the the globe. when our bond yields are higher other countries
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condition handle this -- can't handle it pushing it to -- >> no junk fee with you. migrate friend. jim jordan. ohio congressman an economic expert. you want to talk about the economy. even the imf is criticizing us. there is not supply ciders there. you have the guy from penn wharton model. and too eve much spending, too much borrowing, too many deficits. inflation, interest rates, joe biden is out there today of, talking about junk fees, and we should not have to pay baggage fees or whatever. if i had any harry would be pulling it out. this bidenomics thing is not working. >> it is not working, and imf knows and tells us about
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it. for goodness sake, record deficit, record debt, caused by record spending bad t tax policy and bad energy policy. you wonder why we have record inflation. because of bidenomics, that does not work that is a key reason, why thing president trump will win, that and border are front and and in voter's and citizens minds that is why president trump will win this election. why he is up, in 6 of 7 swing states, and even in wisconsin, but he is winning in all other 7 swing states. larry: he will carry harlem and the rest of new york, they can't keep him down, they let him out of jury for a minute he goes to harlem and all bodega they endorsement. that is great. very cool. interesting, here is biden talking about junk fees,
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but, the imf is talking about 7 trillion dollars of spending. and equivalent number of deficits now the borrowing story is moving toward 35 trillion, on its way to 50 trillion according to cbo 10 year baseline. people -- okay. people condition can't afford -- can't afford to live in biden economy, pricings up 20%. wages unless than that. they have an affordability crisis, no one in white house wants to address this or be honest about it ordeal with it. that is what is so incredible to me. >> yeah. and that i want to continue it. they just keep spending whether -- we'll forgive your loan and pay for this and pay for that just exacerbating already rally dangerous problem we have, you keep spending, and debt
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to gdp ratios are way out of whack and this kind of interest, you -- over a trillion in interest, as imf said you cannot sustain this, we have president trump, real wages and your tax policies and president trump's tax policies, real wages were up across the population, all demographics. real income was up more take home pay, prices down, then we got what we have now with joe biden. larry: biden lies about this. he just does, all of the time. people are smarter you are right. another one for you. this latest tranche of stustudent loans whatever it is election year vote buying the penn w wharton modemed model same out and said this will cost 500 billion
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dollars,. >> half a trillion. larry: it is unconstitutional and illegal, that is what biden is trying to to do, he disregards any parameters of reasonableness, he is not fighting inflation but buying votes. >> trying to buy votes and exacerbate the problem we just talked about, and also morally wrong. how about people who did pay for their education, families who paid or that individual who said i'm working my way through school, i will go a longer time and work my way and pay myself or one that skipped going to higher education and started their own, or trade school how is that fair. there is economic cost, what that does to our country and economy. and to budget. but there is moral cost, it is morally wrong to do that. other people made other decisions and paid. larry: couple more things. speaker johnson was on the show last night, with his paces about foreign funding
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bill. attached with border bill. what do you make of it jim jordan? can it get through. >> i think it, can i am not a big fan of structure, i am 100% of helping israel. i will s vote to-israel, the segment you had with professor dershowitz, talking about the college campus that is so wrong, we'll put this package back after the individual votes, and then we'll see how that goes. yeah, i'm for helping israel, not so much ukraine issue. i think we should focus on faithi -- fix are our border. larry: air tiktok is in there, should we sell it. >> i voted for bill, i have to tell you, i walked to floor it was a tough call. we have so much of this congress where we focused on censorship effort and what government was doing
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pressures tech to take down speech. you have that concern, but then you know parent company bytedance is i affiliated with chinese communist party, there is a 4th part to the bill, israel, and taiwan and ukraine, this element. we'll see how that gets put back together after we have the individual votes. we have have not seen that yet. how that fourth part will be put together. larry: joe biden keeps -- you hear the rumors, you know reported from axios and politico, whispers from white house that biden will exercise executive authority, i heard it for a month, i don't see anything, he has authority, as you know. he could have closed that border and enlisted help from police forces. he las not done a damn thing, not one thing. >> no he continues to move
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in wrong direction on pa roroll the -- parole, they created this problem and train i.c.e. agents you don't ton want to detain or deport certain people, people with guilty of larceny and thre theft are allowed to remain. then you wonder about the tragedies we have. most recent is laken riley, pla, mayorkas and dhs will not share the it with us. larry: thank you for your time. will speaker johnson stay as speaker johnson? >> i hope so, i really do. mike is a good man in a tough situation, we do not need a third speaker in one congress, i hope this motion to vacate does not come, i
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was against it with speaker mccarthy, wrong now. so, let's hope not, let's stay focused on what needs to happen in 6 months, we need president trump in white house, we need to win back united states senate and keep u.s. house, we could address craziness of biden economics and you know get -- t turn control, get economy growing and stop craziness in today's left. larry: jim jordan you are the best of the best, i agree with what you said. let's focus on what we need to be focusing ot on, change and a retirement policy in white house, jim jordan the best of the best thank you, sir. >> you bet. larry: coming up. senator tommy tuberville talk about democrats will pay a price for killing mayorkas fundament -- impeachment articles then we have monica crowley coming after this, i am kudlow we'll be right back.
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larry: joining me new now b alabama senator tommy tuberville. chuck schumer stopped the mayorkas impeachment. the question is will democrats pay a price. you have swing states senators who voted with schumer, away from you know they didn't want to touch the impeachment hearing and catastrophe at the border, how do you make that, what do you think about that, will it be an election issue. >> that is politics 101 for chuck schumer got his ducks lined up in the a row. i would think that probably mitch mcconnell needs to go by some of those rules he put trump on trial twice as majority leader of senate, he goes by rules of senate, yes, i think they will pay the price. because people across the nation understand what is
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happening at the border, it has been publicized too much, first couple years in biden administration, mainstream madia said that border is closed don't worry, but now they are hammering the border, everyone has seen what is going on. yesterday was a debacle in the senate as my worst 4 hours since i have been here, a shame we have people that care more about other countries than our own but they will pay the price. larry: i thought there would be a g.o.p. effort to just sshut down senate business, period. if schumer did what he did. but i don't see that effort. >> we don't have enough people to do it, we have people m -- here in republican side, they will do what they think is right, we don't fall in line b like the democrats we're individual thinks, think for our own states, you have john tester that votes against this impeachment
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trial, she he is from a red state, he will pay the price for that, others should. you represent the people of your state. not yourself, there are too many individual thinkers here, we have some on our side, they don't have many on their side. larry: let me switch gears. another subject. iran attack on israel. and, biden is telling everyone he is not helping israel if they retaliate. that si insane. national security a adviser says -- and janet yellen and says same thing. we'll putting sanctions down on iran. they have some paper sanctions on. i don't know steel is latest one. iran not known for steel making. not once since they loosened
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sanctions senator not once have they gone after iranian oil exports. which have gone from 900 thousand production from 900 thousand barrels a day to 3.5 million. as ud you may know virtually all china, china is importing 1.5 million barrels a day from iran, china is financing iran a's war of terrorism against israel, russia too. the bidens would rather keep price of gasoline down then help protect israel independence. >> we have two wars happening right now, one with russia. with ukraine. and there is oil involved in, that but china is bailing them out because china is buying their oil, we could not put the sanctions. on other hand, iran we made them rich. we have not been able to block the sale of iranian
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oil, and we're buying it, joe biden speaks out of both sides of his mouth, he better back israel, he won't last too much longer in this office if he does not back israel, people are giving him a lot of money want him to back israel, they are our ally, joe biden speaks out of both sides of his mouth, they are riding the fence on this, it goes to this do what is right, he is not i doing what is right, in either war this i can think of. larry: i don't know this with certainty, i think if donald trump were president and iran kept selling oil and china kept buying that oil, i think that trump would double or triple the tariffs on china, just stop their trade cold. tariffs can be used as an important diplomatic weapon, not all about trade. like in remain in mexico.
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that is how trump got that done, in white house, i would say trump would say to xi jinping, either you stop buying iranian oil or you will stop selling anything to the united states. >> right, you have to be tough, if you are tough play tough, and use you're cards. we don't play our cards on any situation that we're in, we have not played them right with iran, or with china and russia. we have not played our cards right as republicans with sending money overseas, we could have stopped that people at border if we played our cards right but we folded them i'm and gave them and let hand be played by democrats there say well the thing that president trump would have done, and all been sit illeded -- settled by now, we would not be in either one of these wars had he been president, the lack of leadership in white house right now is nowhere to be found. larry: yes, sir, senator tuberville thank you for your time,er. >> thank you.
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larry: we'll talk p politics, joining me now monica crowley, and a alex marlow. alex, the trump trial, jury in new york, was suffering from shrinkflation, they keep losing jurors but i'm told, they lost two but made two back, i have to till you, look at this, apart from legality, jurors and out, it is fracical. i think that democrats this is backfiring on the democrats. >> if you look at polls you see joe biden close some gap we talked about last time, i'm a bit concerned because it is so inappropriate, so insane that we're doing this. donald trump is months away from a national election,
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the republican nominee, he is not able to campaign, because he is tied to new york. for him he is. this is such third world stuff, we're treating it like it a joke, this is not a joke this is serious. larry: can trump take new york, zeldin lost on 5 1/2 points. and watching tr fru paprespresident trump at bodega yesterday. >> he should, if he is chained to new york for next 6 to 8 weeks over this bogus trial, he should maximize his time there, i am for him with the mini-rallyys, and trying to flip deep f b
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blue places like new york and new jersey there are times where even the deep blue voters hit a wall, he had thousands of people in harlem chanting 4 more years, the deep blue s voter cease cost of living crisis, they can't make ends meet, and they have a quality of life crisis. they are militating against joe biden and democrats and for donald trump, it is up to him to maximize it. i have seen him work miracles. >> alex, marlow not to bebelabor the point, he will schedule a rally in new jersey. another deep f blue state. in new jersey governor -- incumbent governor did not win very much gain someone
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who is unknown. as you know, the issues are affordability, and wages and the border and crime. its rep resonates. >> we're are looking at poles at breitbart, noting how much progress that president trump is making with 18 to 29-year-old voters, they don't like joe biden, they don't like the economy and they are concerned about the border, i think that trump will build a unique coalition, is it enough? i'm for trying such great theater, and that tool he has to play with right now. larry: it ties up biden and his minions and money. and not supposed to happen, i have to get out i'm sorry. we run short of time, monica crowley and alex marlow thank you. larry: on kudlow, congresswoman claudia tenney will talk about joe biden and iran.
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i want to revisit this trump would have slammed china with massive tariffs if they kept being oil and financing the iranian war against israel, that is my take i'm kudlow be right back folks. feel more confident with stock ratings from j.p. morgan analysts in the chase app. when you've got a decision to make... the answer is j.p. morgan wealth management. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis
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larry: welcome back great claudia tenney, from upstate new york. i am reading about you, you are so famous, up big interview in breitbart. representative tenney slams biden for boosting iran, and saying israel is fighting for the west against islamic terrorism, you make a point about appeasement. i want to make another point, the bidens refused to do anything about china buying all of the oil from iran which is their major source of fundings. they are up to a million and a half barrels a day, chinese imports from iran. and the sanctions that trump had down, the maximum pressure campaign it was about zorro. this and zero, and bidens don't want to do a thing about it. >> it is is -- you are right, it was a hard focus on iran with maximum pressure campaign under probe and coordination with
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secretary pomp and circums pomp pompeo all that that money is flowing to iran, they are using it for their proxies not for prosperity of their own nation but to disreturn and take out israel. that is their stated goal, that goal is against the united states, sanctions expired last year. guess what they shot on israel, first time ever, that iran shot missiles from its own soil to israeli soil without their proxies biden out there hemming and what hawhahawing. >> this could be decided by the -- rashida tlaib if
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biden makes a fall move that district could decide that swing state, president trump would win. all they care about is politics not preservation and protect of israel, they are stall stalwart against islamic g jihadism. >> i have suggested that bidens are more worried about election year gasoline prices than they're israel's security. you know, they lifted iranian sanctions, selling that oil to china, and not saying a th thing, they lived venezuela sanctions, there is a communist country in our backyard sending millions of illegals up here, they are lifting sanctions. >> and this is not about free election but raw power,
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a power grab. that is all they care about, when they are in power, they abuse power, that is what they are doing, they have no interest in our allies or safety and security of the united states, that is why we have so many problems at our border, now crime is at aian incredible rate in new york, the scandal is they are not reporting it. we just had a judge in a tiny county, that was forced by new york laws and letitia james to who should be disbarred and removed from office, this guy was let go, just like laken riley the person that killed laken reriley, he was forced to let go and killed laken, the same thing happened but we got the detainer and i.c.e. on this issue, this is happening every day, good knows how many there are, we're unsafe and unprosperous under this
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terrible administration. we have to do all we can to get president trump elect neighborhood thank you claudia tenney, appreciate. >> you i'll be right back with my last word. (fisher investments) we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client'' best interest. (fisher investments) so we don't sell any commission-based products. (other money manager) then how do you make money? (fisher investments) we have a simple management fee, structured so we do better when our clients do better. (other money manager) your clients really come first then, huh? (fisher investments) yes. we make them a top priority, by getting to know their finances, family, health, lifestyle and more. (other money manager) wow, maybe we are different. (fisher investments) at fisher investments, we're clearly different. clogged gutters can cause big problems fast. until now. call 833-leaffilter today for your free gutter inspection. i've had terrible flooding problems on my porch. now i understand why. right now leaffilter is offering a free inspection, on your schedule. leaffilter is a permanent gutter solution, so you never have to worry about costly damage from clogged gutters again.
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8:00 pm
larry: that's it for kudlow, thanks for watching, folks. -(theme music playing) -♪ bad boys


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