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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 19, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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maria: friday morning. thanks so much for joining us this morning. i am maria bartiromo. i am hoping you are having a good friday morning it is friday, april 19, 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, we have breaking news this morning following it all morning long israel has launched limited retaliatory strikes on iran overnight in response to the unprecedented drone missile attack on israel last weekend, fox news senior national are correspond pt. >> that limited strike did not include a manned aircraft we're learning about this strike, that it kas targeted, overnight at air base in isfahan province u.s.
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officials say israel notified united states in advance antony blinken traveling in italy stressed u.s. played no role in the overnight attack. >> united states has not been involved in any o offensive operations you saw israel on receiving end of unprecedented attack, but our focus has been, on of course, making that sure israel can effectively did he have its deescalating tensions avoiding conflict. >> home to iranian missile production nuclear fasts including natanz uranium site these did not hits no nuclear strikes it is with an firestormed no damage to nuclear facilities enwill brisk up to 60% purity, republicans --
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>> the biggest thing that this administration can do to help israel to tamp down the violence is cut off the cash in tie cut off oil selling 90% illegally oil to china, and that is flowing through tehran. >> yesterday biden administration announced sanctions on iran military leaders also targeting missile drone production. maria. maria: rich, there is an expectation, that these strikes will lead to broader war, engagement with middle east with u.s. involved? >> that is what looking at atth the white house right now they have tried to tamp down any type of escalation, the biden administration, tried convincing israeli government props not retaliate for massive strike saturday right now the response from israel iran, downplaying consequences, and there is hope that this will be it
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won't lead to wider -- war. maria: are and iran, by the way, is sending ought propaganda state media said them acknowledged drone workers' compensation from israel it failed propaganda from iran, brent sad looer senior research fellow heritage center national defense former pentagon official navy capacity, kaylee mcghee white. >> jason chaffetz thanks very much for being here brent your reaction on state of affairs. >> thanks, i think first foremost very limited from israel a similar target took hits from iranian attack last weekend, airfield for airfield
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so to speak clearly, in nearby isfahan, nuclear will facilities a conscious addition is to keep strike limited in scope in significance by not going after nuclear facilities. maria: do you think that is because of the pressure that the white house has been putting on israel in such a public manner leaking phone calls, of biden and netanyahu with biden pressuring him not to go into rafah. >> i think the mis-- right now of the you will israelis of current administration rightfully high how much for warning was given this white house, i do think americans support does play a significant roll in israeli callations the is railees know mullahs facing domestic
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prospers if they can make a strategic message, that they can reach them, i think they will go for it i think that balance was definitely in the israelis minds. >> there is a feeling out there that the strike from iran last weekend was very transparent and indicating weakness on the part of the regime. i spoke with reza, crown finns of iran urging authorizing let people rise up, up in iran to send the regime packing your thoughts whether or not, any of this tells us that iran's regime is actually weaker than most people know? >> i do buy into that, in a regime is very fragile, as most authoritarian regimes are it was no surprise in months leading up to october 7 attack there were a lot of protests
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several suicide bombings, iran not a monolithic state very secure domestically so a lot of fractures interest the last thing to give them cause to tamp down from tamp or rally around the flag, i think very much in folks in israel the threat hezbollah, quite frankly, also israelis have to worry about the direct fight with iran, let me bring in our panel, kaylee mcghee white, and jason chaffetz kaylee the "the wall street journal" is reporting that president biden is now weighing more than a billion dollars in new arms for israel reportedly considered would 7 hundred million dollars tank mission 500 million tactical vehicles 100 million mortar rounds require approval from congressional leaders could take months or years he to be delivered we are seeing in
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fact they are considering this your reaction, weigh in here. >> well we will see whether biden goes through the unfortunate fact the president is trying to tell a very fine line between, doing what is needed in order to preserve american interests abroad and trying to win reelection for whatever reason he thinking those two are at odds we have seen him temper support for israel extreme concerned about losing support of leftist activists in swing states like michigan will oppose reelection campaign if he is seen as too sympathetic to the israeli cause so what we need here from the president is courage to stand up to leftist flank say no. this is actually going for israel, but also for the united states. >>. maria: great point omar's daughter was one protester at columbia university yesterday, i am sure the pressure is coming from that flank, in -- on president biden, jason you
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weigh in your thoughts? >> yeah, look, president biden extension of what president obama did it was one of appeasement, they are the ones that gave tens of billions of dollars flowed money to iran tried to play soft with them appeasement doesn't work on schoolyard with bullies out there doesn't work in politics. and doesn't work joe biden tried to walk that fine line, and meanwhile, we don't have a strong leader that communicating with the world that israel gave a proportion ate response i am tired of hearing implement new sanctions why haven't we implemented every sanction we already have why allow gem to continue get money to fight doesn't make any sense. maria: a china supporting iran, is another issue, they are not held to account braent weigh in on all this including
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this idea that we could be sending new armament to israel. >> well, i think the panel is right, this administration has been trying to have both ways, strong and support for israel the same time, undermining israel in eyes of far-left supervisors walking a fine line that leads to further chaos destruction correction well past due on all fronts, as for munitions, it should be expedited two fronts israelis engaged in ground war with one gaza against hamas needs to be he rad indicates, gaza,ed on case to exist as functioning terrorist organization hezbollah has thousands missiles mortar rounds troops to the north of israel, that is the spread needs feedback
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confronted munitions help. maria: i see so there are so many threats we are getting reports that iran has no quote/unquote immediate plans to retaliate, as of this morning, iranian state media i mentioned earlier calling this attack a failure your thoughts on what is next, and whether or not we will see, a retaliatory attack from iran again? >> we're not out of woods yet, i mean there is still, a few days before -- there could be more follow-up it seems to be israelis will condition follow-on attacks being to what iran does indications i think in a lull in the back-and-forth militarily, now the proxy war a that has been going on for years between israel and iran i think that is going to continue the place that i would look what additional actions are going to start to see begins iranian
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revolutionary guard in syria iran lebanon seems weak point in regional efforts to undermine israel spurth security i would think a place we continue to see proxy war heat up in coming weeks. >> are you saying weak spot of iranian regime is proxy region? >> the -- irgc leadership is key when u.s. took out soleimani immediate twaekt tamping down activities same from kwurdz when israel took out a commander in damascus, very significant straying over target, thickest the israelis after irgc undermines our ability to control support proxies you want to reduce houthi act hezbollah ability to threaten israelis, hamas to operate
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take out irgc connected tissue to root of all this evil. >> brent sadler joining us as we follow breaking news stay with us. we'll be right back.. . - it's apparent. not me. - yeah. nice going lou! nothing like a little confidence boost to help ease you back in to the dating scene. that includes having a smile you feel good about. fortunately, aspen dental specializes in dentures and implants made just for you. and with flexible financing, you don't need to sacrifice quality work for a price that fits your budget. at $0 down plus 0% interest
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maria: welcome back environmental protection agency keeping up aggressive goal to quote/unquote electrify heavy-duty trucks in america the industry i object veerings say dangerous. >> good morning, maria. epa has big goals for big trucks like the one i am in right now, 2032 they want 25% long haul trucks nonpolluting 40% medium sized like box truck i am in to be nonpolluting by that time. right now 2% of the trucks fit that bill. the ceo 100-year-old trucking
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supply company, they say the interesting isn't just illogical it is dangerous. >> 3200 -- every 200 miles the to stop charge it making a long time drivers run other of hours, you know heavier vehicles for the payload less on thrust as i said, more trucks -- you know the weight of the truck is more longer distance to stop, and just -- a pipe dream. >> pipe dream other consequences maria to going electric trucks heavier payload how much truck can carry is less distance also much less trucks can travel 300 miles on compared, diesel more like 1200 to 1500 means there would need to be more trucks on the road, he is make changes where they can all
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forklifts, to electric investing in hybrid box trucks like the one we're in, a driver for 10 years sam you are driving a hybrid, compared to diesel what is it like compared to driving a fully diesel box truck. >> great experience i don't innovative difference between diesel and hybrid this has enough power to get where i am going to make delivers. >> peter was saying can travel murth more miles per gas. >> about 30 miles here, with diesel elect working together. >> versus just electric, or just diesel elect shorter range with diesel midrange with both together hybrid and diesel longer. >> sam there you go, there a is the thing they want
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solutions that make sense transitions viable. >> jennifer granholm joined the view to push ev hybrid being very agenda watch this. >>, in the market for a new car you decide you want to look at electric vehicles. >> hybrid. >> this is the hiem. >> hybrid electric you can get 7500 dollar tax credit if played in united states. >> what if you live in projects don't have a home. part of the agenda to maybe we have charging stations everywhere, where there are gaps if you need a charger go to one of these areas where multiple chargers to charge up or looking at ways like be able to pull down a charger from the street light the goal to get 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations across the country take away
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range anxiety people feel not being able to find place to charge. maria: yes, jason from cabinet member could not answer senator mike lee's very easy question the other day what in fact is the goal in terms of temperature she had no idea, your reaction. >> they don't, they have not justified this i think the -- answer for the country, is all of the above energy i happen to own a ford i1250 consume a lot of gain i have a tesla i like it a great car, does an amazing job, but you don't have the capacity to charge it, in big cities, and certainly on the long hauls you see out, particularly in the west you just do not have the capacity and the transmission silence to supply enough electricity most people don't realize where electricity comes from so much of it comes are from coal. maria: that is right kaylee
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look, you know, i mean jason is fortunate to have two cars a lot of people are not they are promised what? credits to buy this electric vehicle like you harder from jennifer granholm federal government trying to create demand where none we have examples how poorly this works in real world. >> student loan issue higher education facing subsidies for other renewable forms of energy solar wind guess who is paying for all those subsidies? the american taxpayers neither doing very well, the same thing going to happen with electric vehicles, if the biden administration, continues to force these on the public. maria: we are about an hour away from the opening bell, taking a short break we've mot more on breaking developments of the morning, israel
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retaliating against iran overnight and the impacts on the market. stay with us. . ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya helps you choose the right amounts without over or under investing. so you can feel confident in your financial choices voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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, take a look at futures an hour away from the opening bell for friday the dow industrials well off the lows of the morning we were down almost 200 points earlier the dow industrials down 34 right now nasdaq down 26, overnight
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session actually market down 400 points when we first learned of the retaliatory strike into iran from israel, the s&p 500 now flat gold and oil meanwhile, take a look they are pulling back this morning despite israel's striking back at iran in retaliationing for last weekend's attack limited strike targeted nuclear facility air base gold down 340, price crude oil down 60 cents, level 82.13 joining me trendmacro chief investment officer donald luskin great to see you. thank you so much for being here. your reaction to the geopolitical backdrop? >> well, look. i think the most important thing, remember is that we keep calling this retaliation israel iran fvl at war for decades this is just another page of the same script, nothing special about what is happening now, the only thing that we have learned recently
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a we can ago saturday night we learned israel learned they can survive a massive attack across a broad front but they need united states, britain, france, even jordan to do it. israel needs allies israel can't do it alone. allies don't want a broader war they want tiny pinprick surgical strikes like illed did observe the all illed can do guardrails this is going to be fine, that is what markets are telling us right now oil is now lower in an it was 24 hours ago. >> yeah. so i am wondering your take on commodities in this environment where so many unknowns, look. interest rates this morning are -- take a look, higher, the 10-year treasury yield this morning, is sitting at around 4.59% actually reversing course down 4.2 basis points sitting at 4.59%
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new york federal reserve president williams, bostic both said no the urgency mad dash to cut interest rates, kashkari said we could see fed holding rates steady rest of the year departure from what markets were expecting this year where, people were saying we're getting six rate cuts. >> well yes, you hit on it exactly a hiej departure at beginning of the year we would have thought that that defeat of expecting 6 or 7 rate cuts would cause a bear market, stocks higher economy booming we've got to stop listening to public hounds at the fed we adopt need fed to rescue this economy cutting rate don't need to be rescued we're doing great fed doctor can't see you for six months give you medicine i've got good news you are not sick. so my fellow texans rand paul
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says abolish fed they are irrelevant economy booming move along. maria: if market was expecting six rate cuts, three rate cuts still expecting some rate cuts they are we don't get any isn't that a mainly disappointment would that spark a sell-off in stocks later this year. >> i don't think so we have gone from expecting seven rate cuts to fewer than two been now and january stocks 10% hire while supposedly horrifying expectations the home come home to roast. maria: you ever look at second quarter versus, the first quarter first quarter was you know very strong as you know, but second quarter down 5%, has not been a good quarter, i would say i would argue the reason stocks are down second quarter is because, people have are coming to realization not getting rate cuts. >> no, no first of all, not second quarter first 19 days
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of the second quarter, all of the disappointment in rate cuts happened in the first quarter while stocks boomed where amuse came out we had chance to see market reaction the heart attack shrugged. >> so you don't really read into any that the dow and nasdaq and s&p down 5% since april 1. >> oh, sure i read plenty into it i don't read fed i think we need other explanations just don't forget, we were up 10% first quarter, 10% is considered a good year. we did it in three months, so, you know you've been around markets as long as i have you know they go up they go down tend to go down after they've gone up a normal correction in right now would have happened for any reason or no reason. so, no i don't think anything to do with fed i think news out on that one. maria: what about earnings? have so, you don't know the reason that markets changes direction from first to second
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quarter. >> earnings booming not that i think markets. maria: i don't think a disappointment of the fed? >> no, because that disappointment was impounded in the market stock process during january february, and march during, when time market rallied so nothing substantially changes in month of april. >> don great to talk with you thanks so much. >> thank you. >> donald luskin joining us quick break more on breaking news owes of israeli all morning long president trump's trial begins after all jurors are seated you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . . to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio.
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maria: welcome back, hunter biden is now turning to appeals court in hopes of
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dismissing the tax and gun charges against him cheryl casone now. cheryl: that is right, maria. , hunter asking appellate court both criminal case to dismiss this tax and gun charge tones paelths to third circuit court of appeals to drop three felony charges remediated to 2018 gun, biden claims part of the previous plea deal was in effect a delaware judge rejected. >> nordstrom family weighing taking private a special committee formed to help work out a potential deal the chain struggling with sales down 50% the past five years company, hasn't had deal like this on and off a few years, stock three-quarters % higher. maria: thank you, meanwhile, 12 new york jurors selected in former president's so-called hush money trial one sworn in
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earlier this week excused yesterday after revealed he was once arrested for tearing down right leaning political will advertisements, president biden taking a shot at trump's legal battles in pennsylvania joking this 45isth president a little busy right now trump's response. >> well -- >> the new york scam, more -- leading candidate leading, the one should be in jail he is a crook, he should be in trial with all the stuff he has done and the family should he be at trial but the one -- top people are here, working with the da's office to make sure everything goes right. maria: fox news poll a tight 2024 race trump leading in georgia, michigan both located in a tie in wisconsin and pennsylvania kaylee mcghee white how do you see it, it.
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>> really interesting next several months especially as trump faces every single day in court, in manhattan, if you watched some of the or raid some of the reports out of the trial from this week where they were choosing some jury members it is stunning to actually think that trump is going to get a fair trial. in manhattan. one of the jurors dismissed before judge admitted it had been a close call had a previous social media post called trump a racist sectionist narcissist would not believe a word out of his mouth even if to think were notarized the judge admitted a close kill a apparently she apologized to the former president, this is insane stuff most other jurors dismissed admitted openly they don't like the president not just policies don't like them personally so how can we expect him to be given a fair
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trial? >> what do you think jason? >> i think it is a sham trial intlefrns nobody else would be brought up a political vindicatedictiveness to get him off the trail i don't think going to work america understands fairness don't see this as an application of justice. i think there are so many americans would i venture to say majority americans do not believe there is an equal application of justice so they are going to keep doing this to donald trump america will see how wrong it is it will move in his favor, put he should be able to be on campaign trail, it is just so fundamentallied wrong that he is not. >> immigration the border major topic for voters in 2024. dls secretary mayorkas, homeland security home committee yesterday one day senate that's completely dismissed be. trial before it could begin gop lawmaker blaming mayorkas for death of laken riley
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calling him out in never reading impeachment articles cognition to the hearing unprepared. >> how many people died from fentanyl in this country unin the last three years what would be your guess. >> senator i don't want to guess. >> how many of those have committed a crime how many people that you apple roled have committed a crime what percent would you say or range would you say are released. >>. >> i don't want to get whatever data. maria: how can you come to this hearing not know these things. >> josé ibarra if we can you know. >> i know what accused of doing. >> which is. >> murdering a young woman. >> we all know the reason he was apple roled into this country was because a, lack of detention pass this is your policies in action he commits a crime against a child then gets a work permit! >> i am confident justice will be vindicated in the criminal prosecution of the case. >> jason how is it possible that mayorkas shows up so unprepared has no answers for any of this?
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people just watching it know -- >> oh, he knows the answers to these questions. are you kidding me? he is a professional at testifying what he has done why got promoted i believe why in roll that he is not there to give truth and interaction with senators when chuck schumer and democrats didn't allow that trial that is so wrong for this country, to do that. he was impeached they have an under advice and consent he should have gone through that trail will nevertheless you know what? they continue to move forward with open border policies, america has to make a choice. if they are so offended by this i am i think most americans are they have to make a change they do that at the a ballot box. maria: kaylee. >> you know the reason mayorkas doesn't bother to prepare doesn't bother to answer questions with straight face because he just ride through teeth what he has done every single year since
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appointed to the dhs that is all biden administration does when it comes to this issue they lie to the american public repeatedly, stories like laken riley's hit the point home impossible to ignore the facts here which is that every single crime committed by illegal immigrant is trail or preventative not allowing them to cross the southern border parolling them refusing to detain them in the case up in new york, where one of the illegal immigrants was given a work permit for illegally crossing the southern border preventativeble crimes they look at a face like laken riley's know that. >> they are giving out a lot of work permits for sure issue many want more answers to, we will fwraing when we come back i spoke with the president of poland president duda about sending aid to ukraine yesterday he told me he believes israel has every right to respond to the attacks on its country, we will bring you some after this exclusive interview after the
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break you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . . my buddy's
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being a loan? >> the president has said many times, that, yes,, he agrees money should go to ukraine, but it should be a loan to be paid back. >> that is -- >> translator: of course, to large extent an issue of domestic policy is being implemented by the united states to me most important that ukraine gets support. i believe that thanks to support also thanks to the support, of the united states, as most powerful power of the free world able to defendis, basically able to defend itself we participate together in reconstruction of ukraine, has a lot of natural resources a huge development possible do i believe i am convince that had ukraine will on defense for every kind of help repay any kind of loan if such a loan granted but this support is indispensble for ukraine i
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urge, that this support -- is given as soon as possible, because russian aggression has to be stopped, to support with equipment, with funds up ukrainians i firmly believe are able to stop russian aggression so it did not spill out over across the globe. >> part might have exclusive interview with president of poland, andrzej duda, to aide for ukraine to stop russian imperialism, making the point nato members need to get stronger ramp up military he wants them to go to 3% gdp, poland spent 4% gdp, on defense, your thoughts? >> that is right thing to do. president trump was really good at pushing nato members poland one of our greatest allies, i want to highlight
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what obama and biden did the first year obama administration, they scrapped the missile defense going to go into poland got nothing no concessions out of russia for doing so, that hurt poland's ability to be able to defend itself with, the program first put into place in romania, he is there in support looking for allies, in the obama or in biden white house. but what a great ally poland is to the united states. >> a big ally of president trump kaylee met with trump, the other night, in new york, and he was telling me about all the deals he did with trump buying i-35's from defense contract apatch helicopters would like to continue that. >> they respect trump i think the big difference between trump and biden, the way that theyible handled foreign
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policy, is that it is very difficult to respect a president who projections weakness he constantly what joe biden has done the topic additional aid to ukraine, eastern european countries as poland most reliable in meeting nato standards of their own defense spending as president was mentioning there, while russian european countries have been failing marks a very long time again one of the things that trump really nailed when he was president, is forcing western european nation to carry their share of the burden here. maria: exactly right, and, you know talking a lot about his experience, with president trump, but quite worried about emboldened russia right now jace owner telling me, about the ideas that putin wants nothing more than to have take ukraine and then move on to -- to poland, and all the others in that region, he wants to
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create a new soviet union. >> he does. i mean putin actually talks about it out loud thinks one of the biggest, things went wrong, in the last last lun degree years baltics lithuania to say teen of states very worried need unequivocal support of united states to push back on russia, biden is all about appeasement, he continues to allow, russia to enrich itself not doing what pate reagan did president trump did that is go out play off financially sanctions making sure we are independent in united states don't allow russia, iran to enrich themselves in energy sector. >> great point that you make, also, these failed promises kaylee that joe biden makes like, you know, other day goes to the unions in pittsburgh
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starts talking about all these -- sanctions, and fees and tariffs going to put on foreign steel, chinese steele i don't know, i would like to see it what it happens actually, president trump obviously, but sanctions as well as tariffs on chinese goods biden is trying to take page out of his book now six months before election how come he didn't do it before that he never holds xhooin to account do you actually believe we are going to see tariffs on chinese steel. >> no -- >> the common denominator is joe biden trying to have it both ways, ukraine is same way, in the regard, in that joe biden wants to continue sending billions of dollars in u.s. aid to ukraine with the goal of uk defeating rush pushing back putt, according to report this week he was reportedly you recall o disencouraging yufrm military from target infrastructure, because worried about price of
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oil and gas would affect reelection chances, you can't play both sides here, either you want ukraine to win or apparently you want to win reflex again he thinks he can't have both. >> joining me with polish president andrzej duda, conversations with not just president biden but president trump this week in new york stay with us you are watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. . next week, "mornings with maria" monday senate democrats killing impeachment trial against alejandro mayorkas, before it each started senator rick scott with reaction. tuesday donald trump calls new york trial is a sham constitutional attorney mark smith on alvin bragg's motives, wednesday will commercial real estate bounceback anytime soon? industry titan will join me.
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thursday super bowl winning coach spotlights players to wash in the 2024 nfl raf rnc chairman michael whatley why swing state voters are tufrng away from president biden towards president trump all right here on "mornings with maria."
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(guitar music) i've struggled with weight my whole life. i'm sure you're like me and you've tried diet after diet. if you want to stop the insanity, try golo. maria: welcome back. we've been covering breaking news all morning longer, israel a launching limited retaliatory strike on iran overnight respond if dog attacks on israel last
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week. antony blinken speaking earlier saying that the u.s. is committed to israel's security and committed to deescalating the conflict. final thoughts here, jason chaffetz. >> we will not achieve the peace that we want when you have a president that waffles and tries to play both sides. he's playing domestic politics more than he is making a definitive line in the sand. hamas, as long as you hold the hostages, your not going to get any help or sympathy from the united states of america. that should be the clear message but it's not. maria: yeah. kaylee. >> yeah. instead, biden wants to build a pier outside of gaza in order to help hamas continue to gather u.s. resources. look, israel's approach is the correct one. they're trying to avoid escalating conflict within the region, but they're e doing so through strength. and last night's attack on iran simply proves that. martha: maria: you know, you've got antony blinken in italy saying we are committed to israel's security, but we know that they leaked a phone call between president biden and benjamin
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necessary an ya hue where -- netanyahu where biden told them not to go into rafah, you know? it's too much, don't retaliate. and even though israel is fighting for its own survival. and they're leaking this call in the middle of the public so that the public knows what biden is saying, again, so he gets the votes in michigan and missouri. >> yeah -- >> yeah, that's what's so wrong -- maria: go ahead, jason. >> look, the president does not is have -- maria: yeah. >> -- the respect of the world. he just doesn't. maria: right. final word, yeah. >> donald trump does because when he says something, he's actually going to do it. maria: kaylee, final word. >> a small minority of voters continue u.s. support to israel. maria: we will leave it there. kaylee, jason, thank you so much. i'll see you tonight on maria bartiromo's "wall street" at a 7:00, fox business. tu, take it away. stuart: good morning, everyone. israel launched


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