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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 19, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> that american policy, weak american leadership creates a world ablaze. >> iran is extremely vulnerable to highly fist indicated
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capabilities of the israeli military. >> it's a joke. he's eager to speak to the public. it's porn that he does. >> he is conscious enough to be able to wander around and give speeches and walk into a gas station and talk about donald trump and pound his fist. he knows what he's doing and he doesn't care. ♪ stuart: kenny chesney. it's a friday. but new york sixth avenue looks deserted. kenny, you know this city, that's a e did settered city. >> yep. stuart: thank you. it's 11:00 eastern time and friday the 19th. dow is up and nasdaq down about 140 points. split market. show me big tech. not doing well today, they're all down.
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microsoft at 402, ouch. in danger of dropping below 400. alphabet, apple, apple at 165 and amazon 176 and meta well below $500 a share. 10-year treasury yield. not doing that much, but it is 4.62%. now this, it's hard to understand why students at our elite universities find hamas and iran attractive. both vigorously deny the most basic human rights yet at these demonstrations you see young women screaming support for the mullahs and murderous hamas leadership. meanwhile in iran, the morality police began a new crackdown on saturday aimed at women not wearing the hi hijab. they're arrested and reportedly sexually abused. is that what these women want? how can they support a regime that aggressively suppresses
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women? i saw a sign that read gays for hamas. i thought it must be a joke because it's so bizarre. homosexuality is not allowed in most muslim societies and it's a crime in gaza. don't the demonstrators know who or what they're supporting? apparently not. maybe it's wishful ignorance. maybe it's group think. very much in fashion these days, especially at universities. h ey, if you have to pass on diversity, equity, and inclusion test, you get used to holding the right opinion. and above all this, profound anti-western ideology. it's taken hold in colleges over the last generation. america and israel are seen as colorist, land grabbers, o ppressors. we're so bad. free speech, individual liberty and fro dom, they're out. watching these demonstrations you know that ignorance and hatred of jews is in. third hour of varney starts now. ♪
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stuart: steve hilton it we. are the protesters willfully ignorant or what, steve? >> yes u , but there's more to say. one thing to the brilliant explanation of what's going on, another choke of rotten meat to through in the miserable stew of hypocrisy and the persecution of women, the people goen o about gender equality the whole time and persecution of gay people and lgbtq and these are the same protesters screaming our democracy, trump's a tick day torr and -- dictator and d eciding -- siding with a brutal dictatorship in iran against a democracy in israel. it's so true of this and so many other issues and it's ideology trumping any kind of reality or practicality and you see this on the left. in every single issue on their
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climate extremism and crime and everything. ideology is all that matters and never mind what happens in the real world. stuart: i want to ask you about california's huge budget deficit and it's over $70 billion. what's all this talk about a new covid tax to deal with all that red ink? >> so we have in california the highest taxes in america. now, they're going to double the taxes that employers pay. why? because during the pandemic, remember, they blame it on the pandemic. it's not the pan pandemic. it's the longdowns. we had the longest and most stymed lockdowns and people had to pay out unemployment. you borrow, states borrow from the federal government when there's excess in demand and happened in california and everywhere else. other states paid that money back including the american rescue plans and funds and
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california. what did california do with that money from the federal government? they handed out those dollars in bribes to voters in the 2022 election. they call it had inflation relief check sos they spent the money. now they still owe the money for the federal government and now who's going to pay for it? not the bratty politicians that did this to our people. the struggling small businesses already crushed by ridiculous climate regulations and endless fees and permits from the ridiculous swamp of brock seizure disorders in california. bureaucracy in california. they can't take it and they're going to double the taxes on small businesses and people r unning restaurants and it's a miracle that anyone can run a business in california at all. there's one last thing i'd say. there is good news. help is on the way. we are seeing a change for move. my organization golden together and on policy report and turn this around and take us from the worst business climate in america, which is what we have
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now to the best. there's going to be change in california. this nonsense can't go on forever. stuart: that was a fine performance, steve hilton. his english there with bloody this and bloody that. that was good. see us again soon. great to see you on a friday. you're all right. now this, jury selection underway for the fourth day of the trump hush money trial. kevin o'leary with us. this makes us as america or new york look like clowns in >> i've been talking about them for a few months now and it's not about supporting trump. i get a barrage of hate mail. it's very polarizing and nothing to do with trump. my point, you think about the office of the president of the united states, the executive of the united states, the united states brand and for decades a president that leaves office has never been pursued this way. i would get it if he was accused of murder, but everything else you cut a really broad swath
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because you're protecting the american brand. i was in geneva and made these comments about 150 countries at the conference in geneva and the number one topic. it was embarrassing to hear them say tell me about the porn star thing again. how does that work? she said the porn star said and the ex-president said. it makes us look so dumb that we'd do this to the office of the president of the united states this. is not about trump. everybody can back off on the trump thing. you hate him, you hate him. if you like him, you like him. i don't care about that. we should be protecting our brand. i have a self-interest in this. i bring capital to the country and number one place to invest on earth, and everything new york is doing is damaging the brand towards that mandate. they're damaging the brand of america, and somebody should call it out and i'm one person doing it. stuart: well done. i agree 100%. you say you're bringing capital to america. do you want to use some of that capital to buy tiktok? >> yes, i do actually. tiktok is a very interesting situation. you know we're only hours away
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from this bill. by sunday, this bill could be passed in the morning and i'm one of others putting together. i have a new idea for this i think this. it's going to be a game changer forever in terms of policies and regularity is integrated into social media and could be the model fertilizer the future. i'm proposing let's go with international team to rewrite the algorithm and embed the government it n it. inside it and have complete transparency on what we're doing and be assured and tell the american people as their representative this is clean, the supreme leader of china is not seeing any day that . i'm willing to do that. number two, 7 million b usinesses, american businesses, my team and shark tank generation in their 20s and 30s and spending $9 billion. i want them to be shareholders beside me. i'll file an s1 on this deal and let every single one of them become an equity shareholder beside me with $100 or $200,000. i don't care. i want their bay in and it's
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their platform. i want to change from china tiktok to america tiktok only by americans used by americans because the matt form works. it's a fantastic advertising idea. stuart: quite a plan 6789 thanks for revealing it on the program. >> i have to do a shout-out to the chase producers. they're the unsung heros. allie in particular. she's wonderful. stuart: allie, you're great. >> she work withs me team. i love her. stuart: the markets drop like a stone when the news came that israel had retaliated against iran. dropped like a stone. now they've come back significantly. what's your reading on the mideast situation versus the market s? >> the markets are treating this like a skirmish and not all out war and always risks and lots of phone call this is morning and knew this last night was coming and these are strategic moves just to save face, i really hope this doesn't scale with the
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horribly. at some point in jaire knee vascularized talking about t he -- jaire knee vascularized and they want to get work out and -- jaire jaire knee vasculd and all -- geneva and looking at big movers and super myorow is moving big. lauren: it's a hardware company down 15%. the news is quite boring and simply they're not updating their preannouncement for e arnings report on april potato. they usually do. so -- april 30s. they usually co. maybe the results might be a bit soft or not impress us as much as we once thought. the stock is more than tripled this year and up more than 750% in the past 52 weeks. stuart: show me netflix, please. dropped like a stone yesterday and down again today off 8%.
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how much market capital are they going to lose? lauren: 16 billion and they're going to stop reporting subscriber additions and averae revenue per subscriber next year and growth has slowed and password crackdown had the impact. each results got a downgrade but an upgrade at needum. generative ai will benefit netflix going to 700. stuart: we have mark saying it's 640 or 650 today. it's 560 now. the house voted to pass the rule to too tee up debate on the foreign aid package, 316 yes and 160 no. donald trump has to win says liz truss and the prime minister is
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here in new york and she's with me on the set momentarily. ♪ ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight,
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super white teeth.
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municipal bonds don't usually get the media coverage
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it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. stuart: new fox polling showing trump and biden in a tight race and brian llenes joining me now. reporter: stuart, good morning. former president trump is m eeting or exceeding his 2020 results in key battleground states while president biden is
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underperforming. his 2020 numbers and let's take a look at first poll and shows trump ahead of biden in georgia by six points and ahead of biden in michigan by three points and it shows the candidates are tied in pennsylvania and wisconsin. now, interestingly, when you add independent candidate robert f. kennedy jr. to the mix, biden benefits in wisconsin pulling ahoed by two points but trump goes ahead in pennsylvania by two points. it is no coincidence that biden campaign chose philadelphia yesterday to announce the formal endorsement of biden by 15 of r fk jr.'s own family members and concerned kennedy name will take democratic voters from biden in pennsylvania, which is the largest battleground state with 19 electoral votes and the fox news poll finds 44% of pennsylvania voters feel they're falling behind financially almost as many say they are h olding steady while just 14% say they are getting ahead. the economy is the number one
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issue in the commonwealth. polls show voters trust trump over biden on that issue. now as for mental acuity, when asked 55% of pennsylvania voters say president biden does not have the mental soundness to serve effectively and split with trump about 50/50 saying he does and issue of biden's mental acuity at age 81 is a concern and biden campaign release an ad in campaign called sharp. >> i want to tell a story about meeting president biden because when you meet him, he's as sharp as a knife. reporter: as for rfk jr., he's qualitied to be on the ballot n nine states and making it yesterday. so much n indeed. stuart: former prime minister of great britain, liz truss. thanks for coming on the show.
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>> i put forward conservative economic policies and got rouge resistance and what i say now is those same people are now starting to question tram and his economic policies saying the markets won't like them and all the same kind of things that i heard when i was prime minister and my warning is to american republicans and conservatives is the left being very effective. climate change extremist and we need to make sure we're ready to fight back and vital that conservatives. stuart: infiltrated by the w
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okist. >> biden and england undermined what i'm doing and concerned about is what the federal are serve will do and congressional budget office will do, and what the wider market sentiment will be around trump economic p olicies, which we know we need. we know that bidenomics is not working. we see huge inflation in america and massive debt and we need to see getting on with fracking and oil and gas ex-employer ration and i worry about the -- exploration and the establishment here and there's a establishment in britain that don't want to see that change happening. stuart: generally speaking, is trump popular in britain? >> trump supporters and there's constant articles about how material trump is and many people in britain that voted for brexit and boar borris want toi
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think thises change and they want to see things change and they're not happy about america not being strong and not taking on our adversaries around the world. stuart: you've got a new book called ten years to save the west leading the revolution against globalism, socialism and a liberal establishment. we've got ten years to make the changes. >> we have. stuart: you're talking about a real systemic change in our politics. >> what's happen second-degree we've seen decisions that used to be taken by elected poll c igses outsourced to unelected butler joined issue politicians outsourced to unelected bureaucrats and they've been captured by the left and wokism in the schools and universities and the idea that we've got 100 genders and whether it's the climate change, extreme climate change policies undermining our competitiveness. that's been doing on and we need
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to seize back power of the democratically elected policy asks that's what was successful and that was successful in the 1980s when we took on the ussr. we need that same confidence in the uk and the united states. we need the confidence in our values and we've got to stop the people who are undermining our countries. and take on oured aerer sayres overseas. on our adversaries overseas. trump needs to win and people can see that across the world. the world felt safer when trump-appointed was in office than -- trump was in office than it does now. stuart: i can say that you've got the former title. prime minister, thank you very much. >> thank you. stuart: thank you and great to have you with us. on a related note here, scotland paused all new prescriptions for puberty blockers for minors.
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that's a bold move. ashley, tell me more. ashley: indeed i will. scotland is the sixth country in europe to limit the treatments following a sweeping review in england 25 concluded the evidence of youth gender treatments was "remarkably weak and pressing questions remain about potential long-term r isks". the changes pause prescriptions of puberty blockers and r estricts hormone therapies and teenagers turning transgender support groups groups in scotld criticizing them motivated by a rising backlash against transgender people and sweden, norway, denmark and england and national health guidelines to limit medical treatments for adolescents with so-called gender distress. stu. stuart: a bold move indeed. ashley, thank you. coming up, one study claims that climate change will soon cost us $38 trillion a year.
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we'll try to explain how that may have arrived at that shall we say ridiculous number. president biden starting a m ining project in alaska. it's in the name of e nvironmentalist and i think he's trying to appeal to g reenies. we'll take that on next. ♪
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square two hours into trading session on a friday. what a split market. dow up 160 and nasdaq 170. big tech not doing well. lauren is looking at nvidia and i presume it's down. lauren: the chip stocks also micron on holdings and intel. look at declines. arm is down 9%, nvidia down 3. they're down on worries of h igher for longer added geopolitical resident and can very well investors are taking profits off the table. stuart: nvidia down 818.
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lauren: bank of america is s howing clear signs of gaining market share in trading and investment banking and that is expected to contribute to more stable feed growth. stuart: $42 a share. i'm used to big tech going up 10 or 20% in the year. lauren: financial with 3% gains not good enough for you? stuart: never invested in a bank in my life. none, never. environmental protection agency pushes electric trucks and madison alworth with us now. you're talking to ceo of transportation and logistics company. what's his take? reporter: stuart, he says it's a pipe dream because the epa has big goals for big trucks like the one i'm in. by 2032, they want 25% of long haul trucks to be nonpolluting w. it comes to medial size t rucks like the box truck i'm i n, they want 40% nonpolluting by 2032 and the challenge is 2%
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of those kinds of trucks fit the bill. the ceo of a 100-year-old t rucking and shipping company say the transition is illogical and dangerous. >> heavy duty trucks, they take 2-5 hours to charge, they have a range of 2-300 miles, and they're heavier so your payload is less. utilization is less compared to a diesel that has 12-1500 miles, takes 15 minutes to fuel and at the end of the day it's going to put more trucks on the roads and it's time for people to stand up and say there might be a application but heavy duty t rucks, no. reporter: and pile is finding applications where they can by investing in things like hybrid trucks which we're in right now. sam is letting me tag along for the day. sam, we're in a hybrid truck but you got to test out some of the electric box trucks and that
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pile tested and what was experience of the fully electric box truck? >> there's not enough range and we have to be a certain amount of range to make deliveries and what we can do and can't do to service the customers. reporter: sometimes you'd be on deliveries and have to turn back and go back to charge up; right? >> correct. we had to make sure we had enough battery in the truck to get back and charge it and continue with our deliveries. reporter: and not get stuck. we're in a hybrid and it's shutoff which a lot do when we're stopping and not emitting any fumes. for the first 15 years you drove diesel, real quick, how does this compare hybrid to the de-sill? >> no difference. the only thing that you guys told me because it was a hybrid, there was no difference. actually one real difference is it lasts a little longer. reporter: there you go. it's a business solution. this truck gets further because it's both electric and gas and it just makes sense.
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ceo saying fully electric doesn't, stu. back to you. stuart: we'll take it. madison, thank you very much indeed. staying on green, administration set to halt a big mining project in alabama a.c. >> they don't don't like development and m ining and can't do this in the country and biden issued all the mandates and electric trucks and cars cars and wind turnovers and b onnes and solar panels and wind turbines and we're making ourselves dependent encomia that and biden administration is actively blocking our ability, you know, even if those goals
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were worth wile, blocking the abilities to produce minerals and here. stuart: he wants the vote of the climate crowd and that's his way of getting it and needs them for the election. >> of course. it's totally cynical. joe biden is not doing this because he's stupid and the people behind him are stupid. they have half shah gilani country for this -- half this country for the climate agenda for some reason. climate is a total hoax and emissions don't change the climate or cause warming or anything like that. this is accomplishing nothing. even if you believe that emissions are warming the climate, the reality is that the climate is ever shrinking and china and indonesia and developing wormed. china has coal power coming online in addition to the coal fleet and we're being told to drive evs and save the planet.
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it's ridiculous. stuart: steve, take a look at this. energy secretary jennifer graham on the view pushing green e nergy. roll it. >> one of the biggest things you can do is to be able to w eatherize your home and there are tax credits associated with doing that. so for example, if you want to install windows that don't leak out the heat in the winter s tormer and cold in the summer, you can get a tax credit for that. >> what if you live in the projects and don't have a home? >> this is super important. part of the president's agenda is to make sure we have charging stations everywhere where there are gap sos there are gaps in urban areas. stuart: new windows and chargeable stations. is that the trick? >> well, stu, fossil fuel use at all time high and china building coal plants like there's no tomorrow as far as chargeable
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stations over the last 2.5 years of biden administration has built exactly 38 chargers with 7.5 billion to meet its electric truck mandate and having to build 15,000 chargers a month between now and 2032. this is impossible. stuart: yeah, it is. steve mall loy, thank you for b eing with us. see you real soon. why are they sacrificing this. >> people isn't working and the way they have to deal with all this is the climate agenda and including green tech and all of it. ask everyone and doesn't matter the politics and do you want security of energy yes or no? do you want security of
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commodity supply, yes or no? and right now, i'm not against green tech and i don't believe there's any elimination ever in our lifetimes and it's going to be transitioned and as long as you get them to buy off on security, you have to start fracking and everything else to get up to 20 million a day or whatever it requires. otherwise you're buying this oil from unfriendly countries and everything else including in issue around china and the rare metals. this is crazy and it's nuts i think. stuart: yeah, they've got it and i want it. thank you very much indeed. a new study, another one. this is remarkable. it claims climate change costing us $38 trillion a year. come on in, ashley. that sounds farfetched. explain how they arrived at a number like this. ashley: yes, i wish i could. the german study published pubn the journal nature claims around the gonna be in the next 26 y ears and the climate is b
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ecoming warmer and the warmer climate leads to trillions in losses and scientists say glome warm asking responsible for a litany of economic setbacks along with more severe h urricanes and wild fires and the attentions have been especially harsh&from agriculture and forestry and fisheries and study also claims reducing worker productivity not only for outdoor jobs for for those that work in non-climate controlled environments and no a /c. there you have it, stu. stuart: yeah, that's all i need to know. thanks indeed, ash. big entertainment news today. this is the day taylor swift releases her new album. you know we've got the details for the swifties. obviously, got it coming up. the king of collectibles is ken goldin and he's here with a whole new batch of sports memorabilia including a used mickey mantle jersey. ken is next. ♪
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stuart: this is from taylor swift's brand new album dropped today called the tortured poet's department. kelly o'grady is with us. is this album on track to be cassioppi successful as the e ra's tour? >> yes and no. albums and tours are on totally different playing fields t hinking about success and artists don't make money from albums anymore and it's about touring and taylor is unique and makes an album drop into an experience that fans are clam clambering for and fans got a double express. it's a surprise double album and
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released part 2 at 2:00 a.m. f ans all over the world stayed up till 2:00 a.m. and even representative maxwell frost said i have votes in the m orning. do i sleep or listen? i find this really interesting and we've talked a lot about it's a complete experience and restaurants and bars across the country selling swiftie drinks and hosting listening parties and unlike most albums, the tortures poet's department will rake in the do and last album brought in $230 million and taylor finds ways to squeeze more out of her fans and she seems to be un-abashed capitalist and releases limited edition secret tracks and swift reigns leadings are frustrated and go out and buy it. she's on tour. her fans might want to go buy tickets to an eras tour they've seen but there's new music and if you're travis kelce and listening to this music, she
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writes about her ex-boyfriend. she wasn't very kind to her ex-boyfriends on this most recent work. stuart: she's a billionaire and that's very interesting point. kelly, thank you indeed. look who's back. ken goldin with truly iconic sports memorabilia. welcome back, ken. >> great to be here. stuart: i want to start with mci mickey mantle's jersey. how much? >> 1957 game used mantle jersey. he wore during mvp season and also in one time in the major league career did he hit for the psychoand will wore this jersey when hit for the psychoand will photo matched to that and multiple other home run games and this is easily a seven figure jersey and three very unique items and all three part of ultrahigh end auction and called it goldin 100 and top
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best items. stuart: the jersey there got a john logo man card. seven figure s? >> easily seven figures. easily over a million. everything on the table is at least seven figures, something here might go for over $ 5 million. stuart: okay. >> could be this one. this is the 2003 ultimate logo man of michael jordan, and this card was pulled in 2003 and it's been hidden for 20 years and it is the first chicago bulls logo man of michael jordan with a bulls logo on it and it's game worn. it's psa authenticated as autograph 10 and this jersey was game worn. to me, this is the most valuable and most desirable michael jordan card ever produced, and the current record for a jordan is $2.7 million for any card and that's what we're hoping to break with this one.
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>> could be $3 million. >> definitely. stuart: kobe bryant signed l aker's jersey. >> yes, this is not just a s igned jersey but the jersey he wore in 2013 when he tore his achilles. it was the toughest moment in sports and showed mamba mentality and went down hard and laid on the floor and limped to the free throw line and made both free throws and limped off the court and said he may never play a game again. he rehabbed for the next eight months and came back the f ollowing year and lakers won that game and kobe was not leaving the court till he sunk both free throws and it comes with the letter of authenticity from the nba and multi-seven figured jersey and could be the most important jersey of cobb e bryant to hit the market. stuart: i happen to have kevin o'leary sitting next to me and investment question for you.
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is there a better investment than say gold? >> i think logo man right there. this space i've been looking at quite a bit now for about 12 monarchies. this is real. this is an area i'm going to be investing in. i got to tell you something, i would rather own piece of g oldin. i want to buy a piece of your business because i think you guy haves mastered the art of c reating value and excitement in the way other auction haases have not done. you do an amazing job and you always bring incredible pieces. these cards have a massive international appeal, including including including in asia. these logo men are very valuable and i predict is goes well over 3. stuart: see what i do for you, kevin. >> i'm being tranqs parent. >> i have to buy a piece of you. >> and auction went live as we went on the air. stuart: kevin, thanks for s ticking around. >> absolutely. stuart: don't go anywhere, s
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ports fans. friday feedback is next. ♪ ♪
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♪ stuart: this music takes me b ack. way back whether. that's good. lovely shot. that's port washington, it's wisconsin and it's only 48 degrees. that's cold. all right, it's time for it. friday feedback. ashley, lauren, let's go going here. we've got two more e-mails on this week's hottest topic, pet bereavement leave. first one comes from mari, m -a-r-i. i found my long time pet rock deceased one morning rolled over dead. i took the day off and the day following and the pain is the same as i feel for my human friends and loss is very difficult. ashley, first you. you want to add anything to t his? ashley: i'm totally there with adel. take a personal day for sure. it is a most horrible experience
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and like lose ago family member. i sympathize. lauren: my sympathies to ashley because you lost two of your d ogs last year, this year? ashley: yes, last year. we have a new one. we adopted a new older dog so, yeah, it was to believe. lauren: i'm sorry. stuart: okay, let's move on. another hot question this week, should airlines remove reclin clining seats seats economy? first thing on a flight and i go to sleep and get rid of upright and make all chairs in reclining position and if they get rid of reclining, i won't be getting on a flight any time soon. cassie and tom, my husband and i feel seats should not recline. there's minimal room to start with and the guy in front of you reclines and takes up a lot of already small space. lauren. lauren: cathy and tom are so right. if you're going to have seats that recline, make them actually
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recline. they go back ever so little. and you have no room if you're in the seat behind them. i'm cellly challenged and -- vertically challenged and hurts my legs. stuart: this is from john, fun seeing varney's grand kids t oday. please ask lauren to bring her daughter back. she was great. going to do it? lauren: no, because i'd have to bring all three this time around and you don't want that. stuart: that was me yesterday. lauren: just yesterday. such is life. i want to thank everybody for friday feedback. now is the time for the friday trivia question. how many [inaudible] in america? the answer when we come back. nt to mi
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11:57 am
you'll get your sunsetter for as little as $799. but, this is a limited time offer! for over 20 years, sunsetter has been the bestselling retractable awning in america! call now for this free awning idea kit packed with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often. plus, get this $200 discount certificate that will bring you your sunsetter for as little as $799. but this is a limited time offer. call now! sunsetters are backed with up to a 10-year limited warranty! more than 1 million families in america own and love their sunsetter. now, you too can discover why “life is better under a sunsetter...” it's like putting an extension on your home. and talk about options: choose motorized or manual and for just a little extra, add led lighting for evening enjoyment. there are so many incredible styles to choose from in our free awning idea kit. get a custom-built awning, without the custom-built price! call now to get the whole sunsetter story.
11:58 am
you'll get this free awning idea kit. plus, a $200 discount certificate and there's no obligation. with sunsetter, you'll create the ultimate outdoor living space. perfect for entertaining friends. call now for your free awning idea kit, with local dealer info and $200 discount certificate. “life is better under a sunsetter!”act now and save!
11:59 am
stuart: we asked how many hospitals are in america? actually is first. ashley: 4500, 4500. neil: sound so convinced. number 4, 7305.
12:00 pm
stuart: walking in the door, 7000200. the answer is -- 6120. texas has the largest number of community hospitals, 509 and that state, 10% of all community hospitals in the united states and now we know. 20 seconds to tap dance on this, suggestions? ashley: going to the beach this weekend. what are you doing? stuart: hanging around in new york. very disappointed in soccer. five seconds to coast to coast, 3, 2, one. united airlines is canceling


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