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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 19, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ larry: what would reagan do? peace through strength. reagan understood that and trump understands that and mr. biden does not. reagan would help retire joe biden. whoops, i said it. now we must all watch liz macdonald. liz: thank you, larry. we don't mind you saying that.
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have a good weekend, larry. the big fight in the house over funding of ukraine and not u.s. border security and a previous letter surfaces from michael cohen's lawyer and is it the silver bullet that could cut alvin bragg's hush money case against former president trump? opening arguments start this monday and bring in that letter later on in the show. first update you on this. brigadier general robert spalding, general spalding served in u.s. air force for 26 years and he was a top china strategist and the joint chief of staff and also with us and special operations officer and garret exner served in the marine corp. for 13 years. thank you for serving our nation. here's to you, general. the strike inside iran.
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>> if they're smart, they'll let things cool down but i don't think they are. based on foreign minister's comments, i'm kind of concerned about potential attacks here in the united states base odden what's been going on on the southern border and more importantly, i'm concerned of the future and using nuclear weapons and there's a lot going on with iran. liz: what the general just said and are you worried about a broader mideast regional conflict? iran's looking farley im impatet and if i'm aran, and i'm leaning on hezbollah to maybe conduct attacks in northern israel.
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that's something that israel has to deal with as soon as they're done with rafah in the south. liz: general, what the officer just said and the adults in the room in iran and deterring war in the mideast? >> no, this goes back to octobek to 2020 and when they started really reproaching iran and encouraging them to do what they've done. liz: what the general just said, do you agree the white house needs to stop appeasing iran and go hard after iran's oil and even sanction chinese companies that buy it? >> 100% i agree with them. it was insane to me and just after the iranian attack and biden administration going with the $10 billion waiver and for the iranian attack and bringing
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iraqi line in sue dam in the white house and going for the front shop and asking zero pressure on iran and the administration leaves office. liz: 10 billion more in revenue and now iran is making tens of billions of dollars of oil with the funds and raising price of oil and gas? >> i think the president surrounded himself with people that are trying to support the
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iranian regime and very propalestinian and not sure where they came from and crept up for the last decade in the country and all the protests in the universities and something we've been going on the country and happening in the administration. >> if the biden administration doesn't have a foreign policy, it's projecting on the world and see israel in the same light as the united states and same people that hate israel hate the united states. they're like the general said very pro iran and pro all of america's adversaries right now and someone needs to stand up and take the mantle of being pro america and it's not going to come from the administration. liz: interesting insights and per spigottive from brigadier -- insights and perspective from brigadier spalding and garret
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exner. congressman, what do you make of this? how serious is the threat and fbi director wray warns the cyber hackers are inside the infrastructure and dealing a below to the power grid and create "induced panic. is that serious? >> this is a major threat and not just fear mongering and this infiltration has happened and it's generally in the infrastructure space and think water, waste water, and telecommunications and obviously what we found we've been able to root out of the systems and the question would be of this big initiative, of the chinese communist party, volt typhoon, how much have we not found and biden administration one good thing they've done in their budget an extra $13 billion to invest in cybersecurity and we need this investment. this is where the battle of today and tomorrow will be
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fought. our defenses are not strong enough. liz: spend more money and tens of thousands of chinese nationals are crossing the border illegally and we'll get your reaction next, sir. we want you to also react to what fbi director wray here. take a listen. >> he's made clear he considers every sector makes our society with fair game and it's good to dominate silicon-based indian and prc targeting of the land structure and it's broad and un-relenting and it's using that mass and those numbers to give itself physically wreak havoc on the infrastructure at the time of it is choosing and vital sectors and talking about everything from water treatment facifacilities and energy gridso
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transportation and information technology form the backbone of our society. liz: goes beyond that to u.s. transportation and information technology sector. and at a time of it is choosing. you heard the fbi director. what's your aerodynamic action? >> unfortunately he's exactly right. we've not been paying enough attention and we're finally starting to wake up to the 360 degree threat that is the chinese communist party. for a long time we've understood the mill stair problem and china has more fighters, more ships, more missiles. i get it. people are trying to fire inward
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and throw the house in disarray at the very time we should be making defenses up against china. liz: aren't tens of thousands of chinese illegal migrants crossing the border in the border collapse? >> absolutely. it's been 20,000 chinese have cross that had open border since october how to get past the border wall and americans are allowed a certain inner connections and technology and plat for the purposes like tiktok and boarder and precursor chemicals for fentanyl and all inter-related and we're going to be moving in the wrong direction. liz: why not do that? >> it is absolute i the kind of thing i wish was hospital and
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it's absolute failure and we've tried to months and it simply doesn't work. we've got to be persistent and we've got democratic senate and joe biden in the white house. secure the boarder and too naive to be in congress and bold enough and resilient enough to be in the play we leave in the huddle and another play and failure is not an option. liz: people are getting murdered murderedand people want to feelc
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is getting stuff done and they're not. >> liz, we can't live in fantasy land. liz: yeah, baa border security is not a fantasy leeanne. >> unfortunately it's not. it's a nightmare and we need people strong enough and focused enough and resilient enough to be able to find a path forward and pick one st strategy and kep going someday in and day out and that sounds like a good way for failure and all of your eggs in one basket doesn't get the job done. liz: the other thing too is this backwards looking kind of pointing the finger and a lot would not have and border security officials say that senate border bill would have been a failure and it's the first u.s. states to only sue for for example for dc court of appeals and they didn't like the white house policy and so many
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things wrong that with that bill and people are saying oh, trump basically torpedoed that and senators didn't like it at all. >> not at all convinced it's with the right bill and i would mention that. one of the real downsides of having american populous that's so angry and i understand why they're angry and i'm angry too. they think they can get a whole loaf in part because there's prominent members of congress if they scream loud enough, they can get a whole loaf. you can't get it with the arab divided government. listen, even if we get half loaf, they don't want to accept that either. liz: got it, heard you congressman johnson, good to see you and thank you for joining us. >> thank you. liz: congresswoman maria salazar and lee carter and fox news byron york and president trump leaves the front end of saying
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that the economy too and are you ready for $5 gas? president biden again may tap the u.s. reserves to stop a gas price rise that could ruin his reelection and plus the ever growing group of top democrat insiders who don't like bidenomics and criticize inflation. also this, the trump campaign is set to deploy thousands of workers with the poll sites this november. end of story, will republicans use control of the house and moore stepped down and controversy of president biden is doing 50 years of progress for win's sports and changing -- women's sports and changing title 9 to open the door wider for biological males to unfairly compete and this is the opposite of title 9's intent and taking it on. fani willis in the georgia 2020
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liz: a jury now seated and opening arguments on the phone this monday and getting right to nate foy standing by live with the details and, nate, first this report. a man set himself on fire today outside the courthouse and police provide an update and going for them with a historic moment and involved in president trump's criminal trial and everyone talking about this man that lit himself on fire and he's still alive or at least was as of a couple hours ago in critical condition at the cornell burn center. police also say that it doesn't appear that he was motivated by this trial involving former donald trump but he did post conspiracy theories online.
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listen to this. vascularized we do not believe this was targeting any particular person or group. we're labeling it as a conspiracy theorist. >> we're looking through his social media and what he did online pyre prior and he did post something in regards to the prior incident. system of articulation he was un-aware and looking for car and associates and the investigation in the early phases here and back to the trial on day four and the jury is seated and 12 jurors and aches alternates all sworn in and opening arguments set for monday and court ends early at 2:00 p.m. on monday and tuesday for the passover holiday and former president trump spoke to reporters while entering the courtroom and just moments ago and while leaving he criticized the judge and the court's gag
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order and it's unfair that other cans talk about him and he can't respond. at the end of court and former president trump stood perhaps a bit early and judge juan told him to sit right back down. trump expressed frustration he feels the judge is pushing the case along faster than he'd like but that's the schedule and monday opening statements will happen. liz: always great work and reporting by nate foy. talk to the show and former acting u.s. attorney general matthew whitaker and good to see you again, matthew.
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>> unfairness and in the conflict and going for them and going for what's seen and doesn't end with the judge. i should be allowed to speak and they're taking away my constitutional rights to speak and that includes speak to you. i have to lot to say to you and i'm not allowed to say. everyone else can say what they want about me and there's a lot better. >> hi, liz, stormy daniels coming out with the netflix movie asks saying whatever she wants to say and michael cohen on the podcast every single day and he says whatever he wants to say and donald trump gets candidate and president trump being able to speak his mind and
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should not have the ridiculous gag order in place and protecting the defendant and the defendant from speaking. life-threatening liz: this case could fall apart over reasonable doubt with jurors and we want you to hear this and the case would not exist for the 130,000 but then trump's lawyer then michael cohen paid out and sent a letter to federal elections commission to 2018 saying trump had nothing to do with that. i mean, this raises reasonable doubt and letter reads "in 2016 before the u.s. presidential election, mr. cohen used own personal funds to facilitate a payment of $130,000 to stephanie clifford or stormy daniels. neither the trump-appointed organization or trump campaign was a party to the transaction of stormy daniels neither re-elmore boarsed -- reimbursed cohen and directly or
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ingregory". >> obviously this case is weak on many fr fronts and their they and it's falling apart and the payments if michael cohen is lying with the payments made and fearing the election with finance argument is very weak as well, liz. so you take all the legal arguments and i think it's one of the rea reasons that the jurs are lawyers and they're helping the jury understand how weak the legal arguments are in addition to any facts that just don't lineup with the alleged behavior and going for him. liz: da alvin bragg scotch taped and stapled an expired books and misdemeanor past and he's trying to claim a federal campaign violation and this is a case of doj and fac dropped and bragg said "we allege falsification of
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business records and keeping information away from voter but actual business records happened after trump was elected in 2017". that's reasonable doubt. and it was rejected by the ftc and it's weak on the law and facts and can't believe it's getting to the jury on monday and opening arguments on monday. liz: we'll cover it. matthew whitaker, thank you for covering this. >> thank you. liz: gop carter and biden's economic push is falling flat and former president trump leads biden in michigan and georgia
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and tide in pennsylvania and wisconsin. that's the latest fox news poll. plus, congresswoman all this on "the evening edit". ameritrade is now part of schwab. bringing you an elevated experience, tailor-made for trader minds. go deeper with thinkorswim: our award-wining trading platforms. unlock support from the schwab trade desk, our team of passionate traders who live and breathe trading. and sharpen your skills with an immersive online education
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liz: maria salazar and great to have you. this night in the house and vote expected tomorrow on the $95 billion aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. congresswoman mar marjorie taylr green wanting to oust speaker
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johnson for working with democrats and border security is not in there. >> well, so where should i begin in i think that johnson is not going to go anywhere. i think the three colleagues that you mentioned, they have their own ideas, but we still have to remember the rest of the republican conference remembers we're the united states of america. and that we're the leader of the free world. largest economy, largest military. we are the leader of the free world and we have to be there for friends. that means israel and ukraine. it's going to pass and they don't have any problems working with the democrats when it's reasonable and it's divided 50% republicans and 50% democrats and it's time to work together and for a noble effort helping israel and ukraine. i'm cuban american from miami and what know what the russians do to you and they real i did
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don't want to -- real i did reat want to bring glory or anything to the american people. russian, vladamir putin and going to not send soldiers and it's time to get $60 billion to ukraine and what's wrong with that? liz: conservatives on the boarder and it's in gang members and more. repeated propses where there'll be no additional money going forthe securing the border and >> it's terrible and that border
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needs to be sealed. liz: but it's not in there. >> we're going to be voting on a fourth bill that's going to re-instate hr2. but you have to understand that the dems, we have not been able to come to terms with the democrats in congress to seal the border. also need to remember that the immigration is in the hands of the executive. and president biden has done a horrible job in sealing the border. not even obama, clinton or bush in the last 35 years we don't want to see what's happening or illegals or fentanyl or cartel but that doesn't mean forget ukraine and israel. you can do both at the same time. liz: move to this. are you worried about turnover in the house cutting into the gop majority? congressman jack laturner not seeking reelection and others leaving and house republicans
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expect even more republicans to leave in coming would he bees. it says more than a dozen democrats are leaving with another dozen seeking higher office. are you worried about the house gop losing the majority here? >> not at all. we're going to have elections in november and the american people are going to go to elections and vote for the republicans to keep the majority. you know why? we may not be perfect, we may not have it the way people would like to see it, but we're not socialist and look at the economy. look at border, look what's happening with the embassies and look at disaster, the name of the united states is right now in shambles in the international forum because this administration is weak on every one of those segments that i've just mentioned. specifically the economy.
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donald trump will be able to bring back glory to the economy. exes if i cannily to the united states. we have to be back. we have to go back to being the leader of the free world. there's no one else china, iran and russia cannot fill those shoes. we're still the ones that have to do it. thank you. liz: congresswoman salazar, good to see you again. >> of course. liz: we'll have you back on again soon. right to gop voter for carter and what happened for the kids and what's the crowds of the convenience during harlem earlier this week and president biden went with that and anyone showed and you happen what did you think? >> i think you can see a huge enthusiasm gap between the two and it's polling now and look at polling about how people feel about each candidate and there's an overwhelming response how
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people see him and stark contrast with the people and talk about joe bind. >> a neighborhood, a rural town in the west going to see big signs that have a trump sign in the middle that says f biden and having a little kid standing with his middle finger, 7 years old, 8 years old. well, i promise, it happens all the time. >> 61% of people in america say they're living paycheck to paycheck. 59% say hey, i'm one paycheck away from being homeless.
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40% withdrew from their already insufficient 401(k) just to avoid losing their home. 19% of 65 and over are still working, that's double from 35 years ago. a lot of people say that's not okay. that's not meritocracy. that's something our government and elected leaders should be appalled. ashamed of. and fixing right now. liz: what's your reaction to dr? >> my reaction is he's very much in touch with what's going on with the american people. three in four americans feel like the american dream is dead. you know, more than 55% of americans are worse off today
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than they were a few years ago. and then there's some saying they're still struggling and it's really bad out there. looking at people viewing joe biden is donald trump on issues like immigration, they view donald trump by more than 20 pointpoi20points feeling he's br suited to view these issu i issd it's it's not enough and donald trump never led in the polls not once in 2016 or 2020 and he's consistently leading the polls both in the general election and swing states that matter most. liz: that's interesting. >> that's a big issue for joe biden. liz: that's interesting what you just said. trump is never ahead in 2016 and now he is ahead. he won in 2016 and trump did. only one in six in each state
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feel they're getting ahead. look at this, biden's top economic adviser with a lot of brain art and energy secretary grandholm indicating they're going to tap the u.s. strategic reserves again to stop the gas up tick and gas it up 52% under biden. >> that's a huge issue for voters and it's the economy and factors like jobs and the price of gas and price of goods and it's the price of homes and rent. most americans say their paycheck not going as far today as it did before and it's a real feeling of pain across the board and republicans, independents and democrats can agree they're worse off today than before. liz: got it, lee carter, you're terrific. thank you for joining us tonight. good to see you. >> look who's coming up, fox news contributor, columnist is author liz peek.
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president biden dismantled and undercut title nine today with rules that open the door wider to biological males in women sports and title 9 rev luisizees pollutionized and helped women -- revolutionized and helped women succeed and it's a reversal of title 9. krugere is democrat senator elizabeth warren focused on start ago new fight over iphones? first, checking in with dagen and shawn. what's coming up on the bottom line? >> hey, emac. thank you. oil prices rise and joe biden takes off billions of acres in alaska for heavy drilling there and we have mark morano here to discuss that and hush money trial continues and jury seated and trump calls for the gag order to be lifted and brett tollman will discuss. >> the boston globe preponderance editor here on the columbia protest and fallout and
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pro terrorist and anti-israel and privileged way lori harmons and take your -- whalers and take your mask off and see your faces and jeff van drew on the getting in line and it's not a ban, it's joe biden. ban, it's joe biden. top of the it's doug... ... of doug and limu. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. anyway, we got a bit of a situation here. ♪ uh-huh. uh-huh. ♪ [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ ghostbusters: frozen empire. in theaters now. everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product.
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liz: let's welcome to the show fox news contributor liz peek. liz, good to see you. what to you make of president biden, he just put title 9 into reverse and it revolutionized women's sports for the last 50 year asks now added gender identity and women athletes are saying this means biological males can join women's sports teams and take away athletic scholarships and advertising hundred for them and it's a direct opposite of what title 9 is about. >> yeah, liz, it's a tremendous repudiation of the intent and purpose of title 9, which was as you say it's a guarantee to women equal access to facilities and most particularly to sports. that's really what the intent of this legislation was. area, they're basically opening the door wider to biological menu usurping those
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opportunities for women and it's extremely unpopular and not by the way, maybe biden's going after the transgender vote and it's a lot of women being offended by this and by the way, it is also a re-versus frequency cal of the trump administration rules that guarantee young men and due process when charged with sexual assault on campus and there's been mere idea of times -- myriad of times when young men consider accused and under the pre-ponderous of evidence rule and trump scrapped and convicted and thrown out under charges of sexual assault and this is heinous and there were, by the way some of the men had those decisions reversed in courts later because it's unfair rule and biden has put that back in place. the whole thing is a travesty. liz: how did you think american parents out there are going to respond to all this? congresswoman, getting back to the women's sports issue,
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congresswomen like lisa mcclain say it's a real gut punched by women athletes and it's loopholes for biological males to unfairly compete against women and men and colleges as well. >> i cannot think there's a big push among women to allow biological men to enter into competitions when all -- set all the records and win all the trophies and seeing what's happened in women's swim asking it's absurd. it's men we know there's no way for men tremendous biologic advantages and they're stronger allow these people and going for them and they're not using victorious and sometimes hurt women in the competitions. and physically and there's some
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sort of physical interaction and it's so stupid and liz liz: we have threats of war and chinese hacking the water grid and more and border collapse and senator elizabeth warren getting roasted on twitter for wanting to start a new fight over apple's iphone. she wants to break up apple's smart phone monopoly and is there a monopoly here, liz? >> there's not and samsung would deny that and they're going after and if i send you a text and i have an iphone, it's blue .x if you answer from a different kind of phone, it can be green. apparently that is causing great aggravation and hurt and feelings of exclusion from young people who really just need to get their head straight. this is about the dumbest most trivial pursuit.
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well, joe biden started the trivial pursuit thing by talking about junk fees and the number of chips in a bank. and honestly democrats are dumbing down big issues to silly things and this is silly. liz: got it, liz peek, thank you sore joining us tonight. good to see you again. >> thanks, liz. thanks for having me. liz: still ahead, new potential problems for da fani willis in the georgia 2020 case against former president trump. will it reignite that continue controversy again and byron york will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪ to me, harlem is home. but home is also your body. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio. getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy.
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and when i got there, they have the sushi- this is clem. like sushi classy- clem's not a morning person. i'm tasting it- or a night person. or a... people person. but he is an “i can solve this in 4 different ways” person.
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and that person... is impossible to replace. you need clem. clem needs benefits. work with principal so we can help you help clem with a retirement and benefits plan that's right for him. i'm short but i'm... i'm confident. you know? let our expertise round out yours. liz: look who's here fox news contributor byron york. good to see you again i hope you had a good friday. , what do you think of this the new potential minefield for avani willis in the georgia 2020 case against trump. here's what's going on county commissioners down there in fulton county said this week, because she gets taxpayer-funded number office they can your ethics complaints against da willis, is that what's going on? >> it is, goes back to the moment in the legal proceedings,
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not the trial, the legal proceedings were a number of defendants are trying to have the case thrown out and the judge said i'm not going to throw out the case. either vonnie willis or nathan wade her boyfriend assistant are going to have to leave but i will allow other governmental agencies in georgia to challenge or investigate vonnie willis behavior if they so choose. that's what happened. what you have is a fulton county board of commissioners which controlled the fulton county board of ethics and they are going to look into vonnie willis hiring her boyfriend to be her top prosecutor and painter hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars, this was pretty predictable once the judge gave the green light to continuing investigations. liz: this is about jurisdiction over taxpayer money spent. what is ago what do you think
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going to happen. the board of ethics could find a problem with her behavior is certainly look that way in the investigation as far as the trump trial is concerned, not enough to throw out the trump charges but certainly enough to cause a disciplinary action to being taken against her. liz: let's move on to the trump hush money case on monday, opening arguments start monday, where do you think this goes? >> a lot of legal scholars in legal experts and not just republicans and he said this case is really, really weak. what alvin bragged the prosecutor has shown at best an out of date misdemeanor charge for falsifying documents against trump and alvin bragg has never been entirely clear about what made the out of date misdemeanor
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charges into current felony charges against the president. i think you're going to see two things from the trump defense. one they will continually attack the credibility of the lead star the witness on the other side michael cohen and two, they're going to question why this is a trial at all and why these are felony charges at all. liz: the other thing is about the $130,000 that trump lawyer michael cohen paid to stormy daniels. the books and records allegation of the misdemeanor happened in 2017 and that's split there this letter surfaces again were michael cohen's lawyer sent in 22018 reading in 2016 before the u.s. presidential election mr. cohen used his own personal funds to facilitate a payment of 130,000 of stormy daniels, neither the trump organization or the trump campaign was a
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party to the transaction with stormy daniels la directly or indirectly, that is maybe a silver bullet, what do you think. >> trump ultimately did reimburse michael cohen for this, the problem is use all the news accounts called the hush money case in the hush money trial, hush money is not a legal is known by another name nondisclosure agreement that many, many companies have with former employees and all sorts of other people so the problem here there may be no there there. >> thank you for joining us we will be covering that case much, much more next week. have a good weekend. thank you for watching "the evening edit" on fox business. we hope you have a good weekend. it's time for the bottom line let's send it over to dagen and sean ♪ ♪


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