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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 6:00am-7:00am EDT

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larry: thanks for watching. have a great weekend maria: good monday morning everyone. thanks very much for joining us
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this morning. i'm maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 22, your top stories 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. today congressional drama after the house passed a $95 billion package of foreign a aid billsd no new security at the u.s. border. democrats seen waving the national house of ukraine on the house floor after agreeing to send $61 billion in ukrainian aid. house speaker mike johnson maintaining he did the right thing despite the threat of a motion to vacate still hanging over the house leader. >> mike johnson's speakership is over. he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't do so, he will be vacated. maria: we will get into this morning, markets meanwhile seeing a nice rally this morning as we kick off a new week. take a look. we've got another big week of earnings and triple digit move for the dow industrials. the dow up 170 points right now, the nasdaq up 118, s&p 500
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higher by 27. big tech reporting this week including microsoft, meta and google along with key economic data on tap. you've got lots of buying going into those tech earnings. we will get the first read of first quarter gdp out this week on thursday and the march pce index out on friday. expectations call for gains across the board. commodities this morning are pulling back, take a look at the price of oil which is down as is the price of gold. oil right now sitting at $82.83 a barrel on crude, brent as at 86, 71, the price of gold is down 1 and two thirds percent. european markets seeing a strong rally. ft 100 is up 111, cac quarante is up 22 and dax higher by 105, two thirds of 1%. asia overnight markets finished mostly higher. the weak spot was china, shanghai composite was lower by
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a fraction, hang seng up 1 and three quarters percent. opening statements in president trump's unprecedented criminal hush money trial expected today as trump awaits a supreme court ruling on presidential immunity this week as well. joining the conversation all morning long, columnist, fox news contributor, liz peek is here, as well as chris mcmann. "mornings with maria" is live right now. ♪ maria: it is time for the hot topic of the hour. all 12 jurors and six six alters are seated for president trump's hush money trial. the new york post is reporting michael often avenatti is, quo,
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happy to testify in trump's defense. he said he's been in contact with trump's legal team. house democrats have stripped a bill that would strip secret service protection if you have been in jail for at least one year. they want to remove his secret service security, liz peek. your reaction? >> this is one more step in their ongoing determination to humiliate and abuse this former president, maria. i just can't get over the lengths to which democrats are willing to go, to which the white house is willing to go to humiliate donald trump. all in the service of making him look weak and battered and unable and unfit to run for president again. this is an entirely political trial, another one on top the of the horrible latisha james trial. she is not letting go of that
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one. bragg isn't going to let go of this one. i think most americans are watching this and they're just horrified by the spectacle of a man who basically served very well as president, now having the entire legal establishment of the federal government against him and the new york state government. it's pretty appalling. maria: they want to have that narrative, one candidate is facing 91 indictments, the other candidate is not. that's the point hillary clinton made the other day in an interview so it's working for them. >> except that donald trump is getting a lot of attention, a lot of air time. some democrats are pushing back saying maybe he's too much in the lime light. the new york times ran a big column, no fan of donald trump, basically talking about how he looks diminished, he looks like he is no longer in control. that's what this is about,
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presenting to the world a beaten and bruised man as opposed to a strong leader which most voters think he is compared to scro goa. maria: latisha james asking the judge in trump's civil fraud case to void the bond payment he already post. she claims she's questioning whether knight specialty insurance company has the funds to back it up. so chris, he puts the -- first they try to get him to put up 475 a million in bond. hen a judge cuts it to 175 million. gets the money. he pa-- he pays the bond. now she's trying to get the judge to void it out. you can't write this. >> it's unbelievable. this weaponized charges is isridiculous. people are seeing this for what it is, weaponizing our criminal justice system. i believe ultimately trump is
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going to be seen as strong and angry and righteous which is not a normal position for him to be dealing from. i think this will ultimately ben be fit him despite incredible tribulations. maria: they're mer making him e victim. >> they absolutely are. maria: we want to hear what supreme court says. they're set to hear arguments on trump's presidential immunity case, to determine whether he should be immune from prosecution for jack smith's investigation. trump posted this, if they take away my presidential immunity, they take away crooked joe biden's presidential immunity. how's that going to square. >> i think that's a veiled threat, if trump wins in november, guess who will be looking at federal charges? i think this is a horrific idea that presidents should be -- look, they have to obey the law but the fact that a successor or
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competitor can go after illegally for actions they took while president, imagine what this could open up. this may not be a good rational or good case on which to hang that but i think the whole request of presidential immunity is somewhat tricky and i think trump's lawyers are going to have a pretty good case to make. i want to say one more think about michael avenatti. if i were the trump team which be very careful about enlisting the help of michael oft avenatto lies for breakfast, lunch and dinner and who cannot be trust. maria: i'm sure they're thinking that way. you've got to put it out there. it's weird that he claims he's ready to testify in trump's favor. >> i think that's the last witness we would ever call. don't worry, michael avenatti would come from prison and save the day.
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the concept is absurd. i ti thinkliz is right on, sayiy careful what you hope for. maria: big tech is on deck, tesla, microsoft , google, meta on track this week. phil orlando has expectations coming up and we'll talk about 2024 investing. at 7:00 a.m., mike huckabee is here along with monica crowley and liz peek will join as well. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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maria: welcome back. take a look at futures this morning, we are expecting a big opening this morning on the upside, dow industrials up almost 200 points this morning, three hours before the opening bell, up 189 on the dow. the nasdaq up 132, s&p higher by 30 points. earnings season is kicking into high gear this week. particularly with big tech, reporting quarterly numbers. tesla, meta, microsoft, google, all poised to report quarterly quarterlyearnings this week. joining me now, chief equity market t strategist, phil orlando. do you attribute this big rally to expectations of good numbers for the big tech companies this week? what are you expecting? >> good morning, maria. thanks again for having me on. the rally we're seeing this morning i think is come by nation of -- combination of two things. firsts is the s&p 500 is
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actually down about 6% over the course of the last couple of weeks. the nasdaq composite down about 8%. and i think that pulls back some of the gains that we've seen in the market over the last couple of months. the s&p was up 10% in the first quarter. and it was the best first quarter we've seen in the market since 2019. but from an earnings perspective, we're about 15% of the way through the first quarter earnings season. earnings season is coming in pretty good. revenues so far are up about 4 and-a-half percent year over year. earnings are up about 7 and-a-half percent year over year. so the season's been pretty good and the companies you mentioned are among the best companies we have in the u.s. you economy ect now. i think the expectations are tthat earnings are going to be pretty good. i think investors are enthused about this week. maria: enthused going into the
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quarterly numbers. what we're focused on is what companies will say about guidance an the rest of the year. let's take a look at interest rates, where we stand ahead of the first read of first quarter gdp p and this comes out on thursday recall economists expect annual growth of 2.4%. yield on the 10 year is at 4.65%. we'll also get in addition to gdp numbers, we'll get the fed's preferred reading on inflation, pce index out on friday. gdp is expected to be up 2.4%. what are your expectations for first quarter macro story and beyond into the rest of the year? >> nothing like easy questions, maria. so thank you for that. [laughter] >> gdp in the first quarter we thithink is going to be 2.2% sot too far from consensus. the key is the trend here. remember, in the fourth gdp was up 3.4%. in the third quarter of last
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year, 4.9%. so we are decelerating in terms of economic growth. into what we believe is a soft landing. we do not have a recession forecast. at the same time, inflation cpi, ppi and this week's core pce, inflation bottomed at the end of last year and has accelerated the last couple of of monthsnd as the work that of we've done suggests that the base effects on all of those inflation readings are going to be rolling off over the next couple months. we expect inflation to continue to move higher over the balance of the year. so what you're looking at is sort of a stagflationary environment. you have inflation going higher, economy slowing, federal reserve officials who are back pedaling furiously in terms of how many cuts they're going to have this year or even if the they're going to have any interest rate cuts so from that perspective the bond market has backed up,
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bencher marked 10 year treasuries from 380 up to 470 over the course of the last couple months. the equity market i think has been largely ignoring those developments, up until a couple weeks ago. and then it got to be too significant for them to ignore any longer and i think that's what precipitated the 6% correction in the s&p and 8% correction in the nasdaq over the course of the last couple of weeks. maria: yeah. chris mcmann, jump in here. >> phil, i was thinking about netflix, for example, had a double beat last cr week, great news, sill went down 10%. that shows investors want to take a breath. we're concerned we're going to see even if the numbers are good for the mega caps coming out this week, we're concerned we're going to see a real pullback, 10, 12% pullback. what are your thoughts. >> chris, i think you're spot on. our target for the s&p 500 for this entire year was 5200. we got there a month ago.
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you know, in mid to late march. stocks are up 28% since the end of last october. so in our case stocks are ahead of themselves and we're due to have a healthy correction. you made a great point. netflix great revenue, great earnings, stock down 10%. our view is we could see 5 to 10% correction here over the course of the second and third quarter and i think we're seeing the early stages of that now. maria: all right. we will leave it there. phil, great to see you. thank you so much. we appreciate -- >> thank you very much. maria: coming you, the threat of a motion to vacate the speakership hangs over the house but house speaker mike johnson claims he did the right thing on foreign aid bills. congressman ralph norman is here with where things stand coming up. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business.
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maria: welcome back. the house passing foreign aid bills over the weekend, approving total of $95 billion, it breaks down 60 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel, 8 billion nor the indo-pacific region, they announced a national security bill to crack down on tiktok there will be one vote this week. texas senator ted cruz was with me yesterday. >> i think it is likely to pass in the senate when it comes over on tuesday. there are elements of the bill that are good, elements that are not so bad. best parts are much needed 34eu8 military aid for israel. maria: it was the ukraine aid that democrats were celebrating, house democrats waving the ukraine flag on the house floor. in response, florida congresswoman kat cammack says she is working on legislation to ban foreign flags in the house of chamber.
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joining me now, south carolina congressman ralph norman. good to see you. thank you for being here. walk us through the d ma that tt took place with the passage of the bills on saturday. >> it was interesting. the real reaction came when the ukraine bill passed. the senate wanted that since day one. that was the linchpin, the leverage we had to get more of what we wanted. we eventually took the senate bill and they're going to pass it and there will be very little debate. when that passed, when all four of them passed, that's when the flags came out. and that's against the d decoru, chip roy stood up, paulina stood up. they shut it down. it should have never happened in the first place. i'm is what it is. imagine the american flags, for instance, if that had been flown. they they chose ukrainian flags because that's what they wanted. maria: house speaker mike
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johnson is maintaining he did the right thing he despite the threat of a motion to vacate hanging over the house leader. i spoke with congresswoman marjorie taylor greene yesterday on sunday morning futures, she didn't have an alternative plan. i pushed her, what's the plan. you keep making this there. you have no plan. she maintains that mike johnson surrendered any leverage you all had to secure the border at this point. watch. you wanted mike johnson out. what is your alternative plan? >> mike johnson has betrayed america, he betrayed republican voters. under his leadership he passed the democrat agenda, past the biden administration's policies and fully funded them. we're going to fight in congress to do everything we can to stop this part of uni party leadership. mike johnson's s speakership is over. he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't do so he will be vacated. maria: again, she had no plan, congressman. but she still is pushing that
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she wants change. she wants the border secured. your rehe action to a -- reactin to all of this? >> she is right, maria, that we expected a more conservative speaker. americans don't expect us to win every fight. they do expect us to fight. that's what's been shocking about it. where i disyou agree with marjorie and i told her, we've got to have an election coming up. we have got to win this election to preserve the countries. you ask most americans who is the next speaker, is that at the top of the agenda? no. inflation, border, crime, all of the above. now is not the time and who is in line to be speaker, who wants it? they don't have anybody. we've only got, what, six months left, two months we're going to be out of session. the american people don't deserve the drama that took place the last time we picked a speaker so she's right. we're d disappointed in mike.
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i'm not going to support it. he is a good man. i'm not going to criticize him. he needs to get in the fight more than he's doing and to borrow more money with no offsets is at the center of a lot of what he's doing that we disagree with. maria: the timing of all this, this is an election year, to have this drama a makes the gop look unable to govern. liz peek, jump in here. >> good morning, congressman. i would echo your concerns about mike johnson perhaps not having played his cards terribly well but to your point, marjorie taylor greene and the other critics really didn't seem to have any plan of their own or an alternative to mike johnson and i guess the question to is, what do your constituents think? don't you think they want the republicans in congress to look capable, to look like mike johnson can herd the calves. we have very few months left until the election. the last time we had a big blowup about the speakership,
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republican approval ratings went through the floor. we started the year very strong. so i hope you and your level-headed friends can keep this motion to vacate at bay and at least get through this session without any more turmoil. do you think that's possible? >> i hope it is. and liz, here's the danger of it. we have a one seat majority. if you want the democrats to basically take over, then go into turmoil, trying to pick another speaker, it's not the time. there's other things that have more priorities than this. who wants the job? i don't see anybody lining up to the take it. we owe it to the american people to do what we can, try to super suede mike johnson -- persuade mike johnson to stop some of the -- to fight, that's the best word i can think of. and hopefully we can do that. maria: quick break and then congressional drama continues after the house passed the $95 billion of foreign aid
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bills, still no security at the u.s. border. my next guest says more funding won't bring the war to an end. general keith kellogg is here with more on two the ongoing wars. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ you got the best of my love. ♪ oh, oh oh,. >> you got the best of my love maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow donald trump calls the new york trial a sham, constitutional attorney mark smith on alvin bragg's real motives. wednesday, will commercial real estate bounce back any time soon? industry titan steve whitkof will join me. thursday, brian billet
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spotlights the players to watch in the nfl draft. and friday, rnc chairman michael whatley on why swing state voters are turning away from president biden and toward president trump. it's all right here on "mornings with maria." starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant, that's a different story. with the chase ink card, we got up and running in no time. earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on every purchase with the chase ink business unlimited card from chase for business.
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maria: welcome back. california governor gavin newsom is warning about coverage of president trump during his unprecedented hush money trial. gerri willis with details now. >> the golden state governor telling former white house press secretary jen psaki that overindulgence following the trump trial may have unintended consequences for the democrats. listen. >> while we're focusing on him i worry that he has a slight advantage and so i'm a little concerned about the
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over-indulgence around the day-to-day. i get it. i totally get it. the consequential nature of a criminal trial is profound and outsize in some respects but not more outsize than democracy. >> he went on to he say less is more, implying the former president wants the spotlight on him at all times. opening arguments in the hush money trial expected later this morning. elsewhere in california, one person is under arrest for allegedly breaking into the home of logs angeles mayor karen bass, happening at the official mermayoral resident early yestey morning. they were promptly arrested at the scene. the mayor's family was home at the time. no one thankfully was injured. and tesla cutting prices to three of its models in the u.s. including its top selling electric vehicle, the model y, x and s all seeing a $2,000 price cut from their respective price tags. this happening after tesla's
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stock is seeing rough road, last week dropping below 150 bucks a share, ceo elon musk also announcing a 10% cut to the global staff in he calls an eft to increase productivity. tesla a reporting earnings tomorrow. the stock price is down almost 3%. and a gouda use of their time cheese slices could be banned in new york if environmentally political figures get their way. the packaging reduction and recycling infrastructure act would require certain companies to reduce their t plat pplastic use by50%. companies the h that use plays e plasticwrapping would face a fih money going towards s recycling
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efforts if the state. maria: iran's supreme leader thanking the country's armed forces for the yo attack on isr, saying h iran, quote, demonstrated its power. iran says it has no plans to retaliate. but the new york times is reporting this morning that israel, quote, planned a bigger attack on iran but scaled it back to avoid war. joining me is america first policy institute co-chairman, fox news contributor, former national security advisor to trump and mike pence, lieutenant general keith kellogg back with us. great to see you this morning. thank you very much for being here. where do you see this iran/israel conflict moving next? >> maria, thanks for having me this morning. good morning. i think everybody's starting to -- to use a military term, taking a knee, taking a deep breath for what happened. iranians to launch a pretty
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significant attack against the israelis, used ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, drone as well, around then israelis responded quite well with an attack on iran. here's what actually happened when you look at it. the israeli defense system worked really well. it's a tiered defense system with the arrow, the upper end againsts ballistic missiles and then against the cruise missiles and the iron dome against the drones and allied support. they were able to defeat most of the systems coming in. here's the kicker. when you look at where the missiles were heading, the ballistic missiles, they actually hit an air base which is next to a nuclear site for israel. israelis responded. they went against the 23450u new clearfacility of -- nucleary of iran.
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they're thinking we're at a level that's pretty dangerous now. they created a bit of a deterrence level. we didn't do that. this is an administration that said to the israelis don't -- or to the iranians, don't, and they did and the israelis, take the win, don't respond and the israelis disregarded that. you've seen a level of deterrence established by both sides which is good. good for the israelis in the sense that they can focus on hamas, focus on going down and finishing the job in rafah and completing the mission there and iranians saying we'll take a bit of a win and back off from there. maria: the next story is pretty stunning. i want to get your take on how israeli leaders are criticizing the reports that secretary of state antony blinken is about to put sanctions on an israeli defense force's military battalion, they're y accused of violating human rights in 2022. prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu posted this on x, if someone thinks they can impose sanctions on the idf, i will fight it with all my powers. where are the sanctions against the aabuse in communist china? instead, they're turning their sanctions on the idf in the middle o of this war? >> we really send very, very mixed signals, this administration does. this is called -- this is orthodox jews. when you look at the population of israel, it's 16% orthodox. they want to bring the man power in. it's actually a unit that operates in the west bank, not gaza itself. you look at the administration a. it's almost like look, start supporting your friends, make a clear line of who we're with. the adversary and enemies always look for a gap or seem.
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seam. if they say the gap cree can created bythe united states, sae going to be equal handed, it's wrong. we should say we're with you full stop and go from there. maria: the house passed the foreign aid package on saturday, including 60 billion for ukraine, 26 billion for israel, humanitarian aid for gaza, $8 billion for the indough passc region. it could pass tomorrow. yesterday i spoke with utah senator mike lee and he said this was a bad bunch of bills, particularly the 9 billion he said was going to hamas. your thoughts on that human tearan aid that is going to gaza -- humanitarian aid which is going to gaza which mike lee seems to think it's going right to hamas. >> it is going right to hamas. where do they think it's going to? of course it goes there. hamass is the ruling entity within gaza itself. you look at the ukraine bill, it's almost like a pox on both your houses.
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ukrainians fought valiantly against the russian aggression. you look at the house and say look, there's ways you could have sold this to the american people. i would ask them look at your history. if you go b back to 1941 when president roosevelt was in a lot of trouble with the american people who were isolationist at the time, there's a way to sell an aid package to a concerned public and that's a perfect way to do it. and when you look at the ukrainians, i also push back a little bit on them. if you're in a fight four life, then mobilize, 100% mobilize. they reduce the draft age from 27 to 25. i say pull up all of your peop. fully mobilize your country to go to war. saying that again, like i made the comment, ukrainian% in the fight for their lives and have fought valiantly against russian aggression. when you look at what's happening here in america, owe to it to the american people to explain how we're doing this and what we're doing and i blame the
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biden administration very strongly because they have not come up with a strategic plan. as long as it takes, as much as it takes is a bumper st sticker, not a strategic plan. they owe it to the american people and they need to deliver that. maria: liz peek, jump in. >> i could not echo what you said more aggressively. there is no plan. i don't think from the beginning what joe biden has articulated or our military articulated a plan for victory. they didn't even ever talk about winning this war. so to your point, i think what the american meme want to know, what will this incremental $40 billion mean. how will it be spent in such a way to shorten the war, to bring it to a conclusion, to win the war? do you have any thoughts about how they could frame that? >> yeah, as a matter of fact i do. i actually testified in front of the senate armed services committee a little over year ago, the republican study commit at this as well. when you -- committee as well. when you look at what they're
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doing with this administration, it's whistling past the graveyard. over a year ago they had the russians on their heels, if we provided the correct supplies, aircraft, defense system, arrest tillly, they probably would have changed it. right now russians are on the move. i will say candidly, this is the way russians normally fight with attrition, they throw more people, equipment, ammunition, armor, arrest till youl artillen handle. if you get in an attrition fight, the ukrainians are on the back foot what is thend stage? donald trump said everybody take a deep breath, figure out how to get to the next steps and if necessary negotiate. negotiate doesn't mean you give up something. that means you get everybody together, slow it down, take a deep breath. they're not doing that because there's no plan to do et. again, i made that comment earlier and i believe this. the plan the biden
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administration doesn't have a plan. again, when they make a comment as long as it takes, as much as it takes, doesn't mean anything. doesn't mean anything to the russians. you have to make the russians pay a price. you have to help the ukrainians. saying that, i will be candid, the most important national security issue we have in the united states is our southern border. and they're ignoring that. they ignored it this weekend as well. they need to you address that aa primary way. i think the world is exploding on us, not only the southern border but what's happening in the middle east and t the far east, in europe, major problems and this administration is avoiding it h that is the plan, do everything else other than the border. that's their plan. ignore the wide open border where with we are watching national security at risk as a result of this. lieutenant general, always a pleasure to see you. thanks very much. >> thanks, maria. thanks for having me.
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maria: quick break and then the strategic petroleum reserve is down more than 40% since biden took office. my flex guest says biden's energy policy is harming producers and helping rivals. gregory zurzan is here with more on that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪ when you're down that's where you'll stay. ♪ in the city. ♪
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get connected on the day of your move with the xfinity app. can i sleep over at your new place? can katie sleep over tonight? sure, honey! this generation is so dramatic! move with xfinity. maria: welcome back. oil prices are lower this morning on u.s. crude inventory rising, since president biden took office the strategic petroleum reserve levels have fall engineerly 40%. joining us now, former principal deputy solicitor of the u.s. department of interior under president trump, gregory zerzan back with us. gregory, good to see you. consider do you think oil is trading down in the middle of all of this upset in the middle east? >> well, maria, thank you for having me this morning. i think what we're experiencing is probably a temporary lull. i think the israeli, iranian conflict thus far has not played
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out as terribly as it could have. but i think unfortunately if you look at it, the overall trend line for gasoline prices certainly much higher than it was under president trump. maria: yeah. no, but i was surprised because i would have thought that oil prices would have spiked with the unar unrest happening in the middle east. gregory, you have a new piece out for real clear energy called biden's energy policies harm u.s. producers while helping america's rivals, you write this, the biden administration spent the last three years actively discouraging american fossil fuel production, the policies are supposedly aimed at battling climate change. the primary beneficiaries the americas' global rivals. tell us more. >> well with, thank you. your previous segment with general kellogg, you really got to the heart of the issue, which is a complete lack of a strategy by the biden administration. and they some ways it's worse than a lack of a strategy.
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it's having the wrong priorities. so what this administration has done is locked up literally millions of acres of federal lands, preventing us from getting oil, gas and critical minerals from these lands. meanwhile, our rivals, the chinese, the russians, the iranians, are the primary beneficiaries of these policies. so what we're seeing unfortunately is a world that is degoing further into chaos and countries aligned against the united states and this administration is looking to he protect its interests and preventing america from producing the critical energy supplies that we need to keep us safe. maria: let me get your take on what's happening in poland. i spoke with the president of poland on sunday morning futures about his country's use of coal. he also thanked former president trump for his help with lng gas. watch this.
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>> we are building nuclear power plant in cooperation with the united states, want to build the first plant in the region and we have to depart from coal, we need to decarbonize, we need to depart from fossil fuels and we have to say good-bye also to gas and producing energy from gas. the only alternative is the nuclear energy as the safest time of energy new r trail for e -- neutral for the climate. it is tightening polish, u.s. bonds. i'm really grateful to president donald trump for the decisions that he was taking in this respect. maria: gregory, your reaction? >> yeah. well, look, nuclear is a fantastic source of energy and again, we have a ton of uranium here in the united states that we could sell to the poles right now, a huge portion of the world's nuclear energy comes from russia. so once again, if this administration were to encourage mining on federal lands, we
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could actually help the poles switch to nuclear and could provide revenue for the united states of america. unfortunately, those aren't the policies that are being pursued under the biden administration. maria: gregory, i mean, the climate change agenda is going to continue, this administration has made it a priority and the implications are far and wide. you write about some of them in this piece. >> right. right. well, i mean, look, at the end of the day the united states is the solution to the climate issue. the united states is where we innovate, where we produce new technologies, we do that largely because we have you affordable, reliable energy. the policies that are being pursued by this administration are actually threatening us having a clean, reliable supply of energy. again, they're going in the completely wrong direction. maria: okay. we will leave it there. gregory, good to see you this morning. thanks so much. greg zerzan joining us. quick break and the power panel
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is back. former arkansas governor mike huckabee, former assistant treasury, monica crowley and liz peek will be here when we come back in the 7:00 a.m. hour. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ luck let a gentleman see. ♪ how nice a dame you can be. ♪ i know the way you treated other guys you've been with. ♪ luck be a lady with me. ♪
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fund investment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at maria: good monday morning everyone. thanks very much for joining us this horn mo. i'm -- this morning.i'm maria b. time for the hot topic of the hour. a new nbc poll finds former president trump leading president biden on major issues, voters feel he is better equipped to handle a crisis, is more competent and effective, is better at dealing with inflation, has the necessary physical and mental health to lead and has a stronger record as president. joining me now, our power panel hour, former arkansas governor, mike huckabee, former assistant secretary of the treasury, monica crowley


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