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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 7:00am-8:00am EDT

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nvestment objectives, risks, charges expenses and more prospectus at maria: good monday morning everyone. thanks very much for joining us this horn mo. i'm -- this morning.i'm maria b. time for the hot topic of the hour. a new nbc poll finds former president trump leading president biden on major issues, voters feel he is better equipped to handle a crisis, is more competent and effective, is better at dealing with inflation, has the necessary physical and mental health to lead and has a stronger record as president. joining me now, our power panel hour, former arkansas governor, mike huckabee, former assistant secretary of the treasury,
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monica crowley and columnist and fox news contributor, liz peek. thank you for being here. mike huckabee, your reaction to the polls that pretty much are consistent on and on? >> hard to believe there really would be a majority of americans who say, yeah, joe biden, he's totally competent. this is a guy who who can't find himself off the stage, shakes hands with ghosts, half the time doesn't know exactly where he is, can't mumble through a teleprompter speech and if americans said that's who i would love to have leading the world for another four years, i'd be shocked. maria: i would be shocked too, given the fact that the one question you ask in an election year is do you feel better today than you did four years ago. i mean, it's a resounding no. you don't feel better, given where inflation is, excessive spending, the world is on fire. but liz, the same poll finds rfk junior's third party bid could take more votes away from trump than biden.
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trump leads biden right now by 2 points. when the ballot is expanded to include rfk junior, biden is the one with a 2 point advantage, liz. >> it surprises me to see that. mainly because democrats are absolutely determined to keep rfk junior off the ballot in as many says as possible and have organized entire rallies dedicated to demeaning and deriding rfk junior so it's pretty interesting, maria. i actually question those. most of the times when rfk junior is included on the ballot he takes from both sides but more from biden biden and i thit voters will alie with a democrat, if they are democrats they will alie with rfk junior more than republicans are going to. there's certain issues where he overlaps with donald trump, skepticism about some as expecs of the federal -- aspects of the federal government, for example.
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old time democrats who think joe biden is kowtowing to the 15% of his party that are progressives, they may be more likely to vote for rfk junior. boy, that's the way the democrat party is operating right now, like he is the threat more than a threat to donald trump. maria: well, i'll tell you, it really is a head scratcher to see how the democrats deal with some of the major issues that matter to the american people. i mean, monica, when you take a look at inflation, hitting 40 year highs because of all of the excessive spending, that has not stopped them from continuing to spend. when you look at the wide open border leading to migrant crime, leading to in some cases unsafe streets and certainly overwhelming to big cities and communities across the country. here's ted cruz with me yesterday on sunday morning futures on his answer to why the democrats do not focus on the issues that matter to the american people.
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watch. >> well, maria, there's a unifying threat through all of this and it is that democrats are willing to abuse power and defy the law in order to stay in power. that their number one concern that trumps everything else is keeping democrats in control. people ask me all the time, consider can would allow -- we're up to 11 million illegal immigrants under joe biden. tworst in history. why would they a allow this, they view them as future democrat voters. maria: it's unbelievable, monica. now, hillary clinton is trying to connect president trump to vladimir putin in a rant on the defending democracy podcast, she tries to drive voters towards joe biden. watch this. >> trump was like just gaga over putin. because putin does what he would like to do, kill his opposition, imprison his on opposition, drie journalists and others into
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exile, rule without any check or balance. that's trump really wants. maria: i mean, monica, drive journalists into exile, what is she talking about? >> you know, maria, the left are masters of projection, accusing the other side of what they themselves are guilty of around andmrs. clinton is a leader in t area. i find it incredibly rich that mrs. clinton is out there, a two time presidential loser, once to barack obama, the second time to donald trump. she's incredibly im bittered by the fact that the american people have rejected her so many times to her life ambition to be president. the russia hoax originated with mrs. clinton and her campaign and her continuing effort to try to tie donald trump as some sort of russian stooge is tiresome and it's been discredited by
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investigation after investigation with zero proof. the fact she's out there beating this drum shows you not just her personal imbiterness about having lost but also the democratic party's desperation as they're looking at these poll numbers, seeing donald trump's increasing strength despite all of these attacks and smears frm her, the biden administration, the biden campaign and of course biden's total weaponization of government, we'll see the opening arguments in the trial against president trump which is a complet farce. everything they're throwing at president trump is strengthing him. maria: while they were yelling and screaming about russia, russia, russia, liz, they were actually allowing communist china to continue to eat the u.s.'s lunch. putting the u.s. in a national security risk by focusing on russia and the lie that trump
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colluded with russia, all the while china was getting an edge on the united states and continues to do so. >> no question, they took their eye off the ball and that continues to be the case, maria. not only have they taken their eye a off the southern border, which, look, every law enforcement official in our country has said this is an increasingly dangerous situation that so many people are coming across the border. we have no idea who they are. we're not tracking them. tens of thousands of chinese. they're also hundreds of people on the terror watch list so i don't think we can continue to pretend that joe biden is going to keep us safe. in no way is that the case, whether it's confronting china or, again, closing the southern border. they just don't care. maria: well, i mean, it is pretty stunning, mike huckabee, that the democrats just will ignore the wide open border. marjorie taylor greene as much as she has created all this
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drama and people don't want the drama during an election year in the republican party, she has a point that, again, once again more spending with no focus on the border. >> it's a frustration to a lot of republicans and i think just average american citizens. they see what the illegal immigration is doing to cities. there's just a blatant disregard for law. the federal government won't do anything about it. joe biden seems to welcome it. i find hillary clinton's comments not just absurd, but just on its face crazy. i mean, it was the biden administration that put peter navarro, steve bannon in jail they're the one withs who went after journalists like steve baker and perp walked him across the lawn and shackled him in the courtroom. this infuriates americans. a lot of americans don't know about it because most of the mainstream media ignores what is
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going on with the biden justice department. that has to change. maria: it's a great point that you make, mike. we're just getting started this hour. quick break and then big tech earnings are on deck, tesla, microsoft, google and meta reporting quarterly numbers this week. we've got the word on wall word on wallstreet panel coming. don't miss that. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. we'll be right back. ♪
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stocks, dow industrials up almost 200 points this morning, the nasdaq off of the highs of the northern, but up 95 rights now. verizon reporting quarterly earnings. we've got a busy week of earnings. verizon reported a beat on earnings but missed on revenue. the stock is higher this morning. it did post lower than expected wireless subscribers for the quarter but the stock is up better than 3%. this week we've got earnings from big tech, tesla, microsoft, tesla cut prices on three models in the u.s. $2,000 cut from respective price tags, cut, price tags, chris. your thoughts on the tech titans reporting this week. >> it's interesting. i don't think verizon matters very much. you look at the mega caps will tell us what a's happening. we think investors are looking for reasons to take gains off the table. the first quarter was -- it was good news because t the market s broadening out. q1 this year, it was 11th best
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quarter since 1960 which is wonderful. that's great news. if you look at how they performed, it was not tech the. tech did great in the fourth quarter last year. it was actually 12 out of 12 in the first quarter this year which i think bodes well. i think the whole story, the whole secret sauce is in netflix. double beat, and still we saw 10% kickback. people are expecting a little bit of giveback and again if you look back at the first quarter, the last time this happened, the average rate of return over the next three quarters was 8%. that would mean a 20% year in the market. i think that's what we're thinking we'll have a big end of the year, a little bit of giveback. people are looking for reasons in the earnings, the mega caps, anything they can look to take chips off the table and keep the powder dry in the second quarter and go in hard at the end of the year the second quarter has been tough for stocks. looking at declines since april 1 after a strong first quarter and strong 2023. part of the issue is interest
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rates. treasury yield on the 10 year, the 10 year has be rising, creeping higher and it remains at around 4.66% right now, up better than 4 basis points this morning. we'll get inflation data this week, we get the first read of first quarter gdp on thursday and the federal reserve's preferred inflation gauge on friday, the marge pce index. scott, what what are your expecn force the data? >> we think it will be in line with what we've seen most of the year, strong economic data with hotter inflation than everybody is comfortable about. that's part of the reason why we had struggling in q2. we have hotter inflation print than the fed wants, we think at the tend of the day it's not that big of a deal rate rate nof 5%, that could be a problem. lower than 3%, that's a problem. you're talking about recession
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fears. anywhere between 3 and 5% in 10 year the market can probably handle. between 3 and 4%, that's where small caps can catch fire. they'll have a hard time as you pointed out 10 year rates around 4 and-a-half percent right now. you see a 3 handle on the 10 year rate you'll want to be out of tech and into small caps at that point. maria: look, next week we have the fomc and jobs data. scott, every time you hair jay y powell speak, he says inflation will get there over time. he seems to push out the expectation of 2% because he recognizes there's not a lot of wiggle room to cut rates any time soon. >> you're exactly right. there's not right now. but that's actually okay. because if you think about the reason we're not able to cut rates, because things are really strong. but they're not stronger and accelerating getting hotter.
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one thing you need to look at b is wage pressure. they're not continuing to accelerate. if they would continue to accelerate we would say the fed needs to start hiking rates again. what the fed has done, it hasn't hurt the economy, hasn't impacted things that much so they do have time to sit and wait and just let this hot economy continue to be pretty hot but not too hot. that's actually a pretty good recipe for the stock market. maria: i don't know. i mean, there's a reason that the s&p 500 is down to the lowest levels since, what, february. the nasdaq at a three month low. chris, yeah, sure, the headlines look good in terms of the economy but i don't know if it's so goldilocks. you've got a lot of people raiseing their hands saying i'm not buying this like a jamie dimon, for example. who continues to worry about the macro story. >> i think he's right on, maria. i think the macro story is scary when you look at the debt, it those be ree refinanced in the t five years.
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they say they're more likely to see increases in rates than cuts this year. if we don't see interest rate cuts, there's a real problem coming, 250 billion by year end that has to be refinanced at higher rates with properties under valued. the president responds with snack food sizes, missing the entire consistent settlement of what's happen -- concept of what's happening right here. people don't need to worry about the late fees at their banks, as opposed to how we get this under control to make sure the commercial real estate market doesn't collapse and bring the economy with it. maria: that's right. the expectation in the market, scott, is that we're going to see rate cuts. if we don't see rate cuts, won't we see a pretty good selloff in stocks later on in the year? >> well, look, we've already priced out most of the rate cuts this year. so it's all we've gotten so far is because of some of those cuts getting priced out. we entered the year with the market being cut six or of seven times. we're down to one cut right now.
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that's what's in the market and that's not until after the election. the market has done the job of taking the cuts out of the market for the fed and that is part of the reason obviously while we have seen pullback now the cuts are out and we think the bar to hike is high at this moment. every time you listen to powell, he's trying to say over and over again, cuts are coming, we don't know exactly when. the pivot back and forth was important. i think it's something investors need to pay attention to. maria: scott, good to see you. thanks for joining the conversation. chris, you're with us in the next hour. we appreciate your time. great word on wall street. we'll see you soon. chaos on columbia university's campus, a rabbi telling jewish students to leave for their safety as violent protests continue over the weekend. the beginning of passover, no less. you plus, the white house's response, next. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. well, classes are virtual today
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at columbia university due to increasing dane a jeer among anti-israel protests with a student worker walkout planned for today. a r rabbi warned jewish students to leave campus saying it's not safe to stay as passover begins today. columbia's president is calling for a, quote, reset. monica y crowley, your reaction. >> i'm a columbia university graduate. columbia has long been a hot bed forfor rabid, left wing activis, going to the vietnam war. for the president of columbia to say she's, quote, saddened by this is a complete outrage and totally unacceptable. it's her role to make sure that every single student on that campus feels safe and secure. they are paying $90,000 a year at least at the undergraduate level to attend this university
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only to be told it's not safe for them. this is a complete outrage. these university presidents are left wing activists who are more interested in protecting this kind of left wing activism including in some caseses efforts toward domestic terrorism, taking over the campus, making the entire campus unsafe. they're more interested in protecting those folks than they are with protecting law abiding students who are just there trying to get a very good education. it is completely outrageous and parents who are sending their students -- their kids to these kinds of universities o ought to be outraged and they ought to be making their voices known as well. maria: you've got to wonder why this is going on, in fact they claim to be doing something about it. it is outrageous to sees this happening in america once again. it's disgusting. and peter doocy tried to get a response out of the white house about it, the white house is condemning the protests at
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columbia. they write this. while he every person has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and is physical intimidation against jewish students and the jewish community are anti-semetic. eric adams put ows this statement, horrified about the anti-semitism on campus. this is peter doocy. >> what does the president think about people in america saying things like we are all hamas and long live hamas? >> this is a president that has been -- since he's been in office and the reason why he ran has been very clear about what he witnessed in charlottesville, when jews are targeted because of their beliefses, because of their identity, when israel is singled out because of anti-jewish hatred, that is anti-semitism and that is completely, completely
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unacceptable. maria: mike huckabee, your reaction? >> where i live in little rock, arkansas, 1957, we had a president who saw nine black students who couldn't get into central high school. you know what he did? he federalized the national guard and sent the 101st airborne in, those students got in. they stood against the mobs. this is a president who sends a strongly worded letter that took three days to write and basically his message is one word. don't. it hasn't worked in the middle east. it's not working at columbia. this is a president who has gone awol, doesn't seem to care about those students. if these were black students, who were told go home, we can't protect you, because the kkk is rioting on your campus, the media would be all over it. this is just tragic and no jewish student, no student of any kind should ever have to feel that paying that much money for a college education means they're scared to death to go to class and you have a weak president of that university who says we'll just hold classes
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virtually. i hope every parent y sues the ever living daylights out of columbia and say i want my money back, i want my kid back, because we cannot send them to a place like this. maria: well, it's disgusting. you make all the right points. monica, i mean, look, the democrats have singled out groups before. we've seen it. they've singled out soccer moms for being, what, extreme. joe biden singles out maga republicans all the time, attacks them. so the tone is set. >> absolutely. and look, all you have to do is look at the nonviolent january 6 protesters who were there at the president's call to peacefully and patriotically protest and they've been rotting in pri ton prisonwithout due process he's, without the rule of law being applied to them t violent protesters, antifa, black lives matter in 2024 and you have
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hamas domestic terrorists having their way with college universities, in our city streets and the biden doj will not go after them, they will not prosecute these people. never mind the universities that also have a responsibility to sideline these students, suspend them. but you've got law enforcement that has a responsibility and you don't see an equal application of the law here. this is why more and more americans are turning to donald trump for law and order. the republican party for law and order. they want a single standard of justice applied across the board which is what our country has been founded on but it's been lost over the last several years. maria: liz, your reaction? >> i think this is going to be a huge political problem for joe biden and he's trying to play both sides of the fence, maria, with, yes, and underlings coming up with a strong statement about anti-semitism. meanwhile he'll throw sanctions on an idf unit in israel. that could have happened two
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years ago. why didn't it happen then? why now? wait until the convention. we'll see a lot of protests. this will be a bad look for democrats and they can't really change this. maria: why now? is it votes in michigan? >> absolutely. maria: and minnesota? is that what this is about. >> yes. what we're seeing on college campus is young people's ignorance about what is the case in israel. when you're siding with hamas, it's hard for me to get my head around that. it is ignorance. the universities are complicit in not educating these kids about the reality of the middle east. maria: also, the sanctions on idf in the my i middle of thiss they are literally facing their sur survival is just outrageouss well, it's sending a message to all involved. when we come back we're going to new york, opening statements in president trump's unprecedented criminal so-called hush money trial expected today as he
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awaits a supreme court ruling on presidential immunity this week. judicial watch president tom fiten is here with his expectations. you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪ ♪(voya)♪ there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment and benefit choices. so you can reach today's financial goals and look forward to a more confident future. voya, well planned, well invested, well protected.
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later this week. trump is going after alvin bragg truth social this morning, he slammed bragg as, quote, a corrupt soros funded district attorney who totally lost control of violent crime in new york. and in a strange twist, the man who once described himself as trump's most dangerous enemy, jailed attorney michael avenatti says he's been in contact with trump's legal team and is willing to testify in his trial, avenatti represented stormy daniels when she tried to sue trump and was later convicted of defrauding daniels. joining us now, tom fitton. what a mess. your reaction? what can we expect in all of this? >> well, we can expect bragg according to the new york times to relitigate the 2016 election, his whole theory is that trump stole the election so he's denying all of a sudden it's okay to deny election outcomes y
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suggesting that by president trump or people around him deeming a legal expense money paid to settle a legal dispute, he committed a crime and, therefore, should be t put in pl for violating also federal election law in 2016. just incredible that it's being done. obviously he can't enforce federal election law. as far as i'm concerned, this isn't about what avenatti is going to say or what anyone is going to say. this is a show trial. the purpose of this is to keep the president effectively a political hostage stuck in that courtroom while president biden is able to go around, campaigning with no opposition for the next several weeks. we already saw that last week in pennsylvania. biden spent three days in pennsylvania while his democratic political allies and donor to him on the bench kept trump in that trial for no good reason. this should at least delayed.
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it should have never proceeded anywhere, as far as it's gotten thus far. the idea it's taking place in the myof an election year is an a abomination. maria: it's incredible. then there's this. the republican nation be nail nationalcommittee filed electiod lawsuits in nearly half the states, including in michigan and in nevada. is this enough? what is your assessment of the ability to have a transparent election in '24? >> well, i'm glad they're following our lead because it needs to be done. we have lawsuits in -- we just filed in illinois to clean up the roles. we cleaned up 4 million names from the roles in just a year or so. and the justice department refuses to enforce the law so it's up to groups like judicial watch and interested parties like the republican party to make sure the rolls are clean. if you're going to have mass mailing of ballots the one basic thing that needs to be done is to ensure that people are where
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they're supposed to be and are eligible to vote and so in california and in illinois, pennsylvania, there has to be continued cleanups of the rolls in order to reassure people that the elections are going to be run fairly. maria: yeah. tom, what else do you think the rnc needs to do at this point? in that regard. >> well, they're between a rock and a hard a place because a lot of the new changes to the rules, they have to follow they the sense that mail-in balloting and ballot harvesting, but all those process he'ses generally undermine free and fair elections and i don't know -- this is going to be the year to challenge it because it may be too late but the long run we've got to ensure voter id and certainly ensure that the 10 million illegal aliens the president has let in aren't p
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ableto vote easily. that needs to be a priority, to preserve the right to vote to citizens only. right now thprotections there ay nil. maria: the two tiered system of justice that we're seeing, now trump has a gag order and you've got joe biden going to all the swing states, attacking trump, talking abou abortion, trump cat say a word. >> let's take a step back also, maria. it's not just about putting him in jail or harassing him through this process. they're now threatening his life. he had benny thompson, a leading democrat in the house last week, say they should take away secret service protection and the bill is targeted at trump. if he's convicted. so they want to get him killed if he's convicted, is that the new democratic mantra here? i of hope the supreme court when they're considering presidental immunity takes a look at what
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the democrats are planning to do here which is to he deny the president see considera secret e protection and put his life at risk. he can be prosecuted immediately upon leaving office and why can't he be prosecuted while in office, why aren't there prosecutors trying to jail trump in the various states. i don't know what the legal obstacle would be based on the justice department's new rules for trump. maria: well, it's a good point. how do you see this playing out this year in terms of trials? now they're talking about once we get the results from the supreme court on potential immunity, that if they reject that claim, we could see those two trials in september, two months before the election, tom. >> you know, my guess is the
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supreme court and even the weaker justices like justice roberts, chief justice roberts, are going to want to avoid interfering in the election and they're going to want to have the courts get out of determining who the next president be is by allowing democrats to a abuse their processes so i think that's how they're going to thread the knee dem i think -- knee dem i think. i think they're going to come up with decisions that push the resolution of these decisions past the election. how they do it, i don't know. does the supreme court want to support putting him on trial a month before the election. i have a feeling the majority won't want to do that. maria: here's ted cruz talking with me about voting and whether or not the whole plan of an open border is to get illegals to vote, tom. watch this. >> well, maria, there's a unifying thread through all of
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this and it is that democrats are willing to abuse power and defy the law in order to stay in power, that their number one concern take that trumps everything else is keeping democrats in control. people ask me all the time, why would they allow -- we're up to 11 million illegal immigrants under joe biden, the worst in history. why would they allow this invasion? the answer is simple be. they view those 11 million illegal immigrants as future democrat voters. maria: mike huckabee, jump in here. >> you know, i bo would disae with the senator on one point. i don't think it's just putting the democrats in power, it's about eliminating any opposition. they want to make sure nobody else gets close to it. the attack by the democrats toward every republican, particularly donald trump and everyone who follows him is just an outrage against a whole free country where people can view their -- or have their views and express them and then be
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incredibly punished for them. this is really a disgrace to america and the democrats own it. maria: tom? >> dangerous times we're in because if it's now the new rule that a prosecutor anywhere in the country or justice department can prosecute the leading presidential candidate for reasons like interfering in the election or lying while he's running for office, our country is over. maria: tom, thank you very much for weighing in. these are very serious issues. we will keep a spotlight on it all. quick break and then strategies to grow small business in the air at the leadership summit today, brian brenberg is live in dallas with more. brian. >> hey, maria. yeah, we're here at the leadership summit. there are thousands of small business leaders here, celebrating success, talking about the future. we caught up with them yesterday
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about some things they're not celebrating in the economy. we'll talk all about it coming up after the break. ♪ maria: this week on "mornings with maria," tomorrow, donald trump calls the new york trial a sham, constitutional attorney mark smith on alvin braggs' real motives. wednesday, will commercial real estate bounce back any time soon? industry titan steve witkoff will join me. thursday, super bowl winning coach brian billet spotlights the players to watch in the nfl draft. friday, michael whatley on why swing state voters are turning away from president biden and toward president trump.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name!
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it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. maria: welcome back. it is time for the morning buzz. small business owners attending the leadership summit in dallas to discover the best ways to help grow their business, the big money show co-host brian
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brenberg is live from the summit floor right now. he's been speaking with attendees on the state of the economy. brian, good morning to you. >> good morning, maria. it is really a party atmosphere here, even though it's early in the morning, thousands of small business owners attending the leadership summit put on by dave ramsay's group. the music is blasting. you can probably hear it over my voice. behind me, you've got people lining up already for the day's festivities. the events don't start for at least another hour. since 4:00 a.m. a, they've been here because they're excited to hear from folks like mike rowe and dave ramsay himself we talked to some of the small business owners about what's on their minds. it's not all celebratory. they've got some concerns about inflation and costs. listen to this. >> it's fuel, it's man hours, manpower, equipment costs, fertilizers and seed and
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everything added up. it costs a lot to grow crops. >> coffee beans started 10, 99, they're up to 17, 99 in four years. >> a lot of the dog foods, the pet feed is going up so they're -- we're trying to keep the prices competitive especially with the online stuff too. >> raw materials are very high, fuel is high, health insurance is very, very high. so you're always having to aadapt your numbers to keep those benefits for your employees. >> so those are all the challenges, maria. this is a really positive at atmosphere. folks want to find a way through that, around that but they're realists and they acknowledge what's going on in the comism we're going to talk to dave ramsay at 1:00 p.m. eastern, the big money show, we'll ask dave about what's going on in the economy, what he's telling
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entrepreneurs and small business leaders, looking forward to it, 1:00 p.m. eastern on the big money show. maria: i'll be watching your interview with dave ramsay. i hope you cover the regulatory environment. it seems to me that small business is getting really shackled by all of the new rules around the climate change agenda, brian. >> you're so right. and as we talked with small business owners yesterday as they registered for the event that's one of the things that came up again and again, regulation. we had one gentleman say, look, let a man work. all the regulation gets in the way of that. and a it hurts these small business owners. you bet we're going to talk about that, maria. i can't wait for the conversation. maria: i'll be there at 1:00 watching. liz peek i know agree. >> really, truly agree with that. i'm struck by a recent survey by the nation national federationf independent businesses that
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shows optimism about theirs prospects the lowest since 2012. that's really a pretty severe read of the economy. most of hem them don't think tht business is about to get better. they're looking at higher costs, higher employment problems. do you think that jives with what you're hearing from people down there? >> it absolutely does. yeah. all of those issues are issues these small businesses talk about. they're not pie in the sky people. they're realists. they want to make money. they want to grow their business. they understand they have to see reality as it is to be able to do that but the thing that distinguishes this conference i think is these folks are go-getters, they're optimists, they want to find a way through it and you're going to hear that's the message. it is positive, let's go make it happen. maria: great. i want to hear more of that today at 1:00. we will be there, we'll see you at 1:00 on fox business. catch the big money show today at 1:00 p.m. eastern, brian will
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be hosting from the leader pship summit in dallas with his guest, dave ramsay. i want to get your thoughts on this. monday car, you know the climate -- monica cay, y, you know the e change agenda is creating more costs for business. no wonder we're seeing a slowdown. >> the deal with higher taxes and regulatory regime that the biden administration put in place four years ago has been a giant wet blanket over this economy and in particular small businesses which drives 70% of all economic activity in the country including hiring as well. when you crush small businesses with a tax burden and regulatory burden that they cannot meet, you're really crushing the economy and isn't that the point of these leftists, right, the whole green new deal agenda is designed to take over the energy sector which is the biggest lever to fundamentally remake
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the entire u.s. economy. maria: mike, he wants to add even more taxes, joe biden has 5 and-a-half trillion dollars in new higher taxes in his proposal for his budget for '25. >> yeah. and the big difference between all those in dallas and the people in washington coming up with regulationses, all those of entrepreneurs in dallas have done something that the regulators haven't. the signed the front of a paycheck, paid a payroll out of their back pock t et. thethe people in washington sign the check and a their money. they have no idea what it does to small businesses. maria: i want to the thank you for being here for this power hour. thank you so much. liz peek, you're with us for the next hour. we appreciate that stay with us. we've got the 8:00 a.m. hour onh the other side oarf this break. we'll be right back. i asked myself, why doesn't pilates exist in harlem? so i started my own studio.
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getting a brick and mortar in new york is not easy. chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours.
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good monday morning. thanks very much for joining us this morning i hope you are having a good monday i am maria bartiromo. it is monday, april 22, just before 8:00 a.m. on the east coast, the house passing a 95-billion-dollar foreign aid package over the weekend, approving 60 billion dollars, for ukraine, 26 billion for israel, 8 billion for indo-pacific region includin


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