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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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keeping kids from school and intimidating jewish students not only at yale but other schools in new york including columbia this is unconscionable but also where was the whole concept of hate speech, you are not allowed to be anti-semitic and not allowed to issue these things, thankfully now some people in the administration, not only in new york but in d.c. are calling this out as anti-semitic. maria: a jewish el student was stabbed in the eye with the palestinian flag during the protest. mob behavior. >> is the tierney a minority, frankly i think it's been fabricated by tiktok, i'm so happy were getting this away from the chinese hands there and stealing the ideology. maria: tiktok is definitely part of this with all the propaganda, liz peek, we will see everybody tomorrow morning. "varney & company" picks it up now. stuart: good morning, everyone. over the weekend that signs between iran and israel may be quieting down but that may
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change, reports of an israeli attack on rafah and gaza that killed a number of children, iran's foreign minister said over the weekend we are done but this was before the attack, separately the house voted in favor of military aid to israel, here's the market reaction to all of this, the price of oil staying in the low $80 per barrel range of 8255, the price of gold has come down were down $62 an ounce at the moment and all the way back to 2351, that is a must $ $100 below the recod price last week, stocks rallying a modest bounce after last week's heavy selling, the dow could be up 200 and the nasdaq 120. 20 of green this monday morning but not as much as we had in red ink last week. the s&p is having the worst week or did last week since march of 2023. look at tesla, it announced a range of price cuts over the
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weekend and elon musk has delayed a scheduled trip to india. investors don't like this, the stocked out another $6, down 4% euro $140 a share on tesla, no serious bounce for bitcoin. despite the having event you look at $66000 per coin. interest rates rising a little, the ten year yield what about for 16 hours at 464, look at the two-year very close to 5%. 4.98% right now. politics, trump's hush money trial opening arguments first witness david packer the former publisher of the national enquirer i witness for the prosecution, across town all classes of columbia university will be virtual today rita ministry to shut down classes because they cannot control demonstrators who have taken over the campus threatening jews, where is new york senior senator chuck schumer. a political prosecution for trump ramp it columbia new york city does not look good, further
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north mobs of pro-hamas demonstrators quarter jewish students at yale and one required hospital treatment. new polls show trump ahead of biden of handling key issues, the worst performance, asked to is best prepared mentally and physically for the presidency it is 45% trump, 26% biden. on the show today with speaker johnson lose his job because aid for ukraine past the house and if he does he takes his place, the house republican mass is on full display, we will go right to the heart of the columbia university situation a student describes what it's like to be jewish in new york. it is monday april 27, 2024. it is earth day, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪
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♪. stuart: we had a bad day. does that refer to last week's market or today's polls for biden, i'm not sure, again not that much activity on sixth avenue in manhattan. we're going to start with the new nbc polls, more trouble for the biden campaign, trump has the edge over him and some very important areas. in a crisis voters prefer trump 46 - 42, they believe trump has a stronger record as president, 46 - 39, trump b biden by 11 points on competency and effectiveness and when it comes to the necessary physical and mental health to be president trump leads biden by a whopping 19 points, look at this trump holds a 22-point lead over biden on dealing with inflation and
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the cost of living, and bc describe these numbers and erosion of public confidence. roll tape. >> you as a strong record as president and again, trump outpacing biden on that front and you have to mention this necessary mental and physical health it is now a clear liability for joe biden. these are all troubling numbers for biden. >> will cain joins me in new york city. are the alarm bells ringing in the white house to the point where the democrats are seriously thinking of replacing biden as candidate. >> had to be on the table the entire time the numbers suggest you can't sign up for a certain loss. i will say these exact polls from nbc show rfk's presence pull away from donald trump they may take a ray of sunshine away from the storm, that is also, the number that is the most awful is a 19 points on mental and physical capability that is
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your average voter and i think there is a lot of people walking around the don't find themselves situated in ideological camps but they can see can and cannot. an increasingly when they look at joe biden they see cannot. stuart: they see the contrast of donald trump who is robust a slightly younger man robust out all the time does not slur his words and always on track and answers any and all questions he is the energizer bunny, the contrast makes biden look bad in this case. >> i would love to know trump secret eat fast food, sleep on four hours a night and go to your point. he is the one that would say and i think we have to take away he has good genes. >> is an inspiration to all of us in her 70s. next one for you trump hush money trial into the second week today, do you believe that the proceeding so far will have her trump. >> not so far.
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>> this'll be a fascinating thing to play out i wish it were on television, first of all i think the entire goal of the prosecution is to come away with one single line donald trump convicted felon a line that would not survive on appeal and if there is law and justice and rule of law it will not survive but that does not matter it's get the line and have a will through november, the people the audience should be able to watch this and see the misapplication of the law in new york it is terrific. i don't even think as we sit here today i do not think it is weighing heavily on donald trump the biggest impact will be the inability to campaign. stuart: do you think you should take the stand. >> answer the defendant should not take the stand, donald trump should take the stand. stuart: he would be good at it. >> he went every public
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interaction from debate to a rally why would a legal scan be any different. you make good money for that. thank you for being with us in new york city. you belong in texas. >> watch the will cain showed 12:00 o'clock eastern fox, fox youtube. stuart: i will repeat that, don't miss his podcast. one historian believes that the nation is that a moral crisis. watches. >> overall since we become too much of spectators watching what's happening to ourselves. and what are the things dante said, the lowest place in hell are for those people moral crisis to remain neutral or silent we are in a moral crisis right now and i always feel so positive about what history can teach us because we live through hard times before and these are hard times in a won't get better unless we act unless we take seriously our citizen
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responsibility and use the quality of character that we need to bring into politics. stuart: that is famous historian talking about political divide, maybe we should also look at the left were progressive democrats side with terrorist, i call that a moral crisis. president biden will speak in florida tomorrow will hold an event focused on abortion with four to six week abortion ban set to go into ten days time this is been a winning issue for the democrats, i would expect a lot of similar events as november draws closer look at futures as monday morning, you have to remember an awful lot of selling, especially friday the nasdaq was down 2% that was on friday and bounce back a half 8% two thirds of 1% that is not real strong bounce back after last week's heavy-duty selling, jeff sica with me on this monday morning, i would start with tesla the stock is down 40% this
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calendar year they just announced price cuts around the world, elon musk council scheduled a trip to india in the stock is $140 a share what is your analysis of tesla's position. >> unfortunately for tesla i think the trouble has just begun. as you said the stock is in freefall nothing has gone right for elon musk at tesla the bloom is off the rose for ev's, young china that is able to produce evey's very inexpensively, they have access to the batteries in the components that are needed in ev, and 60% of all electric vehicles are being purchased in china, elon musk cannot compete unless he beats the chinese market, right now he is protected in the u.s., big tariffs, 25% tariffs so the chinese cannot compete here but he can compete there and that is
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crushing them. >> the stock is $140 a share it's lost 70 billion in market cap, do you think the stock is going lower. >> i think it is the entrance $100 a share and i may buy it but it's going to go lower. >> this week big tech earning several major-league tech companies will announce the earnings, they have got to show the a.i. is helping their bottom line. if they cannot show that they could be disappointed. >> the three companies that are coming out, we have data, we have alphabet and we are microsoft. when it comes to a.i., nvidia is the most important company because nvidia had this 180% return it is off 20% so far in just a short period of time showing the big tech companies are not spending as much on the component in on the graphic process, what we have to see
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there is a lot of hype and enthusiasm and we have to see if that's going to translate to the bottom line. stuart: i hate to see what happens if these companies disappoint, that would not be pretty, thank you for being with us on a monday morning, thank you coming up anti-israel protests have forced classes at columbia university to go virtual today one of the rabbis warns jewish students stay home and don't come back because of extreme anti-semitism, all of the latest. speaker johnson getting more aid to ukraine in israel through the house but through doing that will he lose his job republican congressman pat fallon next. ♪ (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more.
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stuart: one more, there is a market plenty of green on a monday morning, the dow web 200, nasdaq 120, one more issue with jeff sica who remains with me. i want to talk about taylor swift i saw bad reviews of her latest offering but i also saw she sold 1.4 million copies of whatever is that she came out with. >> i refused to leave the set because as the self-appointed expert on taylor swift. i have to say that these critics are delusional. in my opinion i listen to the record the double record all weekend and i thought it was among her best work. granted supposedly i was as a psychology major in college but one thing i will say, she is
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dealing with a lot of unresolved relationship issues and she ported out in this music but she is taylor swift, she could do anything she wants to do, she is incredibly creative and everybody wants her to be in the poppy bubbling mold yet now she's getting serious and i thought it was great. stuart: you just had to get it in their. >> you came to new york for this. let's get serious, speaker johnson forged ahead with this plan on ukraine aid despite ousting from congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, the bill heads to the senate. chad pergram, when does the senate get to take this thing up. >> the middle of the week the senate comes back tomorrow possible vote tuesday or wednesday there was no vote to oust johnson on saturday but there was in fact a de facto vote to support him. that was the vote to aid ukraine
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conservatives are mad. >> speaker johnson refuses to use his power of speaker of the house to do any type of negotiating to secure the southern border and stop the madness in our country the people criticizing me are not the american people the republican party and charges no different than the democrat party it is one big unit party that serves the world first in america last. >> marjorie taylor greene likely would've lost if she demanded about to remove johnson. democrats backup johnson since he brought ukraine bill to the floor. republicans are upset that johnson did not include border security in the bill, four republicans voted yays than nays on ukraine. >> we all know the most important thing is an obligation to defend our own borders in many republicans were angry that there wasn't more in the way of protecting our own borders encountering administration that will fully that over 10 million people into the country it was a
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protest vote. >> the senate scored 70 yays over the winter, this version probably receives a bullish support, ohio republican jd vance argues against helping ukraine and others reject that. >> i just got back i was there two weeks ago they changed our laws, they have all the manpower they need weapons i challenge jd vance to go to ukraine to get a briefing from the ukrainian military and talk to the ukrainian people and then tell me what do you think. >> the senate takes up the bill tomorrow, the house rolled all four bills into one to the senate. it must clear a filibuster first. stuart: chad pergram in d.c. pat fallon republican for the great state of texas. it speaker johnson, clarify this for me, speaker johnson going to lose his job. >> i hope not and i don't think so and he doesn't deserve that
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and so much as is been speaker for all of six months was thrust into a difficult situation to probably one of the toughest jobs in the country and is doing his best to be doing a good job. >> a lot of people are wondering if this is going to affect the november election. every member of the house is up for reelection of the republican party is not put on a strong performance so far, do you think has a negative effect in november? >> if we get together and removed another speaker i think we could lose the house and it would endanger the republican majority in a dire way if we were to do that we will be getting italian parliament removing the leader every five or six times a year. mike johnson is our speaker and i hope he stays speaker for a very long time given the chance to go through the appropriation process fully as the leader of the house. i think conservatives like myself are going to be very
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pleased. >> obviously a lot of talk about aid to ukraine into israel but what was left out of the debate largely especially in the media was actual tiktok. as i understand it tiktok you have one year to sell this and if you don't sell it we ban it. i approve of that position, how about you. >> what a present. we cannot let our greatest adversary in the globe the chinese communist party infiltrate our society like this. if you read the terms of use and service for tiktok it is chilling and to remove the chinese communist party from the ownership and from control of the social media app it is critical for our national security. stuart: canopy gun? i don't how much it would be sold for but north of 50 billion, who has that money to spend on that social platform even as successful as it is. >> i think it be institutional
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investors and pulling money together and i do think it will sell because there's billions of reasons to sell it and a lot of profit moving forward. i know my sons 17 and 14 years old and all of their friends have this. despite the warnings of their parents by the way, despite our warnings they do it anyway it's not the only thing i'm sure. but i do not have it, i do not use it. i would never do that i caution all my friends and i caution my teenage boys. i think it'll work out and this is happened before on a smaller scale, i think they will divest and they will sell it and move forward. stuart: i would say the same thing to my grandchildren by the way. i know for the fact you will lose the youth vote if you ban it. pat fallon, think every joining us. check features, it's monday morning, we have green this
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morning the dawa 200, nasdaq 115. the opening bell is up next. ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning. trade brilliantly with schwab.
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stuart: look at futures, nice on
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a monday morning, the dow 200. keith fitz-gerald joining us. i say big tech earnings this week rna i bracketing they have to produce the results from a.i. were they disappoint. >> 100% in agreement this is good to be the confidence from the institutional investors. stuart: can earnings put a flaw under this market this week? >> they can but to obvious big caveats the middle east situation and russia. i think those will weigh heavily but is absolutely possible. stuart: were expecting prophet gains from microsoft and off about in the range of 20% that's what were expecting and looking for. it would be a huge disappointment if they don't measure up to the lofty expectations. >> that is an interesting point,
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here's the point its expectation according to whom analyst you don't work in the tech industry who may be have never worked in the tech industry but the public hanging onto every single word that they utter. for investors regardless of what happens today look at the guidance to or three or 45 quarters that you can find your value. stuart: what you make of tesla's barely holding onto hundred $40 this morning it is not 140. how low does this tango. >> i don't know, that stock if i had hair it would be standing straight up it's driving me nuts. but this is a pivotal moment straight out of apple's playbook it's right when they pivoted subscriptions. i think the fsd in the autopilot and the data is going to make the case for rebound. how low does ago i'm not smart enough to figure that out. stuart: i know you expected rebound but you are not buying yet at 140. you think it's going lower?
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>> i'm going to be buying what i did i slowed down and i slow down how i'm buying but i'm going to put chips on the table because i think this plays out over three to five years that's my time horizon i'm confident even though the stock is making me bananas at the moment. stuart: the big tech stock companies we should report which is the most important which one are you looking at most closely. >> microsoft, bar none that's about a.i. the pivot globally is key and were looking at 19 maxwell billion dollars on the top line and it begins to introduce a.i. to the entire product 30 or 40% 100 are on board that revenue figure is going to go up. >> those who own microsoft are worried when it drops below $400 a share, were kind of greedy. i won't be worried, thank you very much. we'll see you again soon, the market is now open and we opened with a smaller game with the dow industrial half a percentage
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point in most of the dow 30 are in the green so there's plenty of buying first thing this morning. the s&p 500 to the upside, bear in mind that last week the s&p had the worst week in a year, that is a modest rebound this morning up a half percentage point and shy of the 5000 level, nasdaq composite is up 100.70% it was down very sharply last week, that is a modest bounce. big tech all of them higher, meta still shy of $5 at 489 amazon, alphabet, apple, 165 you could only get 63 cents higher, microsoft of $400, we've been talking about tesla all morning the big story of the day a lot of price cuts over the weekend look who's here to take us through. jackie deangelis. tesla has had a little bit of a bumpy ride we had the layoffs that were announced last week the big news over the weekend is a self driving package in the
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united states is cutting the price they're cutting it by a third to $8000 in trying to make that more attractive. elon musk said there launching the robo taxi august 8 and they're trying to forge ahead but they're dealing with sluggish sales, low demand because ev's have not caught on in the united states the way everybody wanted them to so elon musk is in a tight bot and elon musk invigorates things, it's down $6 right now. stuart: it looks like they have a crisis on their hands each canceled the trip to india you would not do that if everything was fine and dandy. now $7, 4% at 140. morgan stanley what are they saying. >> they like apple and i've been saying we cannot count apple and tim cook out the stock is a little bit higher traded in the session but basically may 2 will be the earnings, morgan stanley thinks sell top the expectation in the guidance might be for
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- 7% under so people are looking at guidance almost more important than the backward looking earnings that we are considering but they're basically saying look ahead to the worldwide developers conference they will develop new a.i. everybody loves the a.i. story and ac 12% downside to the bear case but 30% upside price target $210 maintaining overweight. stuart: 210? is that wishful thinking. the mag seven put it all together and last week they lost market cap of $950 billion, close to a trillion dollars of the market cap last week. which big tech earnings do we get this week. >> last week was not a good week but this week will hear from tesla tuesday afternoon and will hear from that on wednesday afternoon, thursday we will hear from alphabet and your beloved microsoft again everyone is going to be focused on the
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numbers repeating expectation even though the bar has come down slightly because the hard-earned macroenvironment but they want to hear about the guidance and that was the problem with nvidia a little weak on the guidance side. big tech law weighing on it when it comes to the mag seven some say maybe it shouldn't be all of these may be a should be less. stuart: please don't disappoint. >> i'm going to pray for you wednesday night. stuart: salesforce are up fairly sharp, not bad 2.7%. >> they are abandoning or it's been reported that the talks to buy informatica have fizzled a little bit. that is a data management firm and we know salesforce loves the acquisition with the shareholders have been saying slow down a little bit, let's see how things go in there evaluating a $10 billion, is there actually that kind of value did they need to make the combination acquisition. the market is saying you are okay, leave it alone right now.
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stuart: investors walked away, $7. earnings before the bell, verizon. >> verizon first-quarter earnings fell year-over-year but they topped analyst expectation, stock trading higher adjusted was a dollar 15 a share down 4% year-over-year but still over what wall street was expecting, the revenues were pretty much in line at 2107%, $33 billion and this is a seasonally weak quarter but i don't know if you looked at your bill have you seen small price increases because they have been implementing those to help on the wireless side and that's what help during the quarter. stuart: the grocery chain albertson's reporting. >> it was pretty much in line it wasn't a record on revenue they topped the earnings-per-share and you could see trading a little bit over the flat line there.
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interesting over the last two years this is a company that peter e ps 100% of the time they've done that again 88% of the time on revenue, this is a grocery company that will tell us a lot about consumer spending but the big thing here they're selling more stores, 160 more stores in preparation for the kroger merger because what they wanted you is they were not divesting any more assets, we did the cleanup before we get the merger. stuart: we not done so much on bitcoin is not doing very much, 65700 to spike the having event which i believe is taking place. the coin is stable. >> will close on friday was 64000 and change. it's a little bit higher when the having happened. over the course of history with bitcoin we see the tapping it takes the supply down and increases the demand for bit bitcoin. every incrementally as they've done every time, the price has gone up because there's more interest in bitcoin but all the analysts were saying we think all the excitement is baked into the numbers and now that i see
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what tapping, i would tell you that is probably true. it got a little pop from friday's close, it takes the supply of bitcoin down making it more valuable and more rare and harder to get. stuart: 6570 bitcoin at this moment. take a look at the big board we are not down but we've come back, we opened with a strong gain now up 89 points less than one quarter of 1% the dow winners, who are they. salesforce, then amazon, verizon, amgen and merck. s&p 500, good opportunity to see your stocks, global, nvidia up $70 nvidia 779. a couple weeks ago it was 900. amazon 178 for $12, salesforce. nasdaq composite, lululemon, nxp, astrazeneca, the ten year treasury well above 460, 464 right now the price of gold way
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down. $2400 an ounce last week now it's 2349, down $60 today. bitcoin 65000 and change, the price of oil below $80 per barrel, 8206 to be precise. thank you for being with us. >> always good to see you on a monday you brighten my day. stuart: very good. thank you. coming up the lady on the screen hilary clinton suggested that trump wants to kill his opposition. roll tape. >> trump was gaga over putin because putin does what he would like to do, kill his opposition in prison his opposition, drive journalist and others into ex exile. stuart: is an abiding that's trying to put trump in prison we will tell you how the trump team responded to what hilary had to say. diversity disappearing from company's annual reports.
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employers are finally pushing back against activists that is what google is doing, steve forbes get into that little later. a host the msnbc says were producing more oil than ever before but the saudi's and the russians are keeping gas prices higher to help trump. >> these prices are not the fault of president biden. we have the highest oil production in the u.s. history and overseas oil producers who would like to help djt. stuart: she is right, we are producing more oil than ever in america. we're going to talk about that when stephen moore is next. ♪
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stuart: a nice pop at the opening bell but we lost a lot, the dow is up at only 40 points higher the nasdaq was up over a hundred points now 96. one tiktok star says the ev industry has not quite worked out all the kinks, roll tape. >> there is still some issues with the range that is the primary issue that a lot of people have. if you like americans in particular like to go on trips and travel far and sometimes i'll be gone for several weeks at a time. sometimes my tesla will sit there and lose battery while i'm gone especially when i have the camera rolling for securit whatnot. i've come back from trips and i literally have 1 mile on my car or completely done. stuart: that kind of thing and why it's on tiktok is not good for the ev industry and this administration continues the crusade to ban gas cars without a reliable alternative, more on
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that later in the show. msnbc calling out a conspiracy to keep oil prices high to oust president biden, watch this. >> the last thing that president biden wants or needs is rising gas prices. but do you know who wants them, saudi arabia, russia in their best, donald trump. these prices are not the fault president biden. we have the highest oil production in u.s. history and some overseas oil producers who would like to help djt. stuart: stephen moore joins me now, she is right that oil production in america is at an all-time high, therefore biden is not responsible for high gas prices, what say you? >> a couple of things, let's go back to when trump left office. he reported this many times, the gas price was 250 a gallon.
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now it's running 3.69 a gallon that's about a dollar or a dollar and 10 cents tax that you pay the gas pump every time that you fill up your tank. it is true that we are producing 13 million barrels a day that was about what were producing at the end of the trump administration. here is the big but, when the price of oil goes up what happens to oil production in the united states, it goes up. we estimate trump were still president we will probably produce 15 or 16 million barrels a day, my point msnbc is saying is the opposite of the truth do you think the saudis want donald trump back in the white house. you think putin wants trump back in the white house when the first policy, i talked to the
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president many times, the first thing were going to do is drill, drill, produce more oil, gas and coal that were reduce the price and hurt the saudis. this makes no sense. stuart: we have the epa the environment protection agency that wants to spend $7 billion on low-income solar projects in low-income areas the goal is to reduce energy cost and low-income communities. will this reduce lower energy costs and low-income areas will it do that. >> no, this is the opposite of the truth. if you look at the states that have high requirements for solar and wind power, their utility bills are twice as high as states that use old-fashioned and get the electric power from nuclear power and natural gas and coal, solar and wind don't save money this is the reason the government has to flush dollars into them, very inefficient ways of getting electric power. if you live in phoenix, arizona you can get a lot of the
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electric power from solar power. i'm from chicago, i guarantee you cannot get a lot of solar power from a city that is cloudy all the time. stuart: there is no way around much higher electricity prices in the very near future, am i right in saying that? >> it depends on who wins the next presidency. if we continue to shut down coal plants, not allow lng terminals and not build nuclear power plants you are right but we have the capacity to lower energy prices by all in energy policy. if i sound frustrated i am we are more energy than any other country in the world. stuart: thank you for pointing that out, we appreciate and will see you again soon. now this santa monica, california approved a 123 million-dollar housing unit for the homeless, there will be 122 apartments, that means each unit will cost more than a million dollars, the news comes
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days after an audit found the state could not account for $24 billion that is spent on the homeless crisis, how about that. los angeles mayor karen bass victim to a breaking in her home early sunday the mayor was home during the robbery, her and her family not injured, the police to have a suspect in custody. the supreme court today takes up this issue all the homeless encampments disfiguring big cities the famous liberal ninth circuit court of appeals has ruled that arresting the movie the homeless is cruel and unusual punishment. hopefully the supremes will reverse course. giving to the homeless has been a disaster. that is my take at the top of the hour. oral arguments in trump such money trial, down the street letitia james asking the judge to reject trump's 175 million-dollar bond for his civil judgment. new york is not looking good these days we will break it down after this.
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serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: opening arguments and trump's hush money trial lydia
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hu is at the courthouse and ben hatton. there's news about trump civil fraud case, what is it about letitia james to avoid the 175 million-dollar bond what is going on with this. >> we're going to have a hearing on the very issue and lawyers have taken their seats as a hearing is about to get started any moment but lawyers for the attorney general want the court to invalidate the 175 million-dollar bond, they have questions whether the insurance company underwriting the bond could pay for if they had to lawyers for the ag office is writing this, knight specialty insurance company is a small insurer that is not authorized to write business in new york and that's not regulated by the insurance department and has a total policyholder surplus of $138 million which is less than the $178 million needed. executives with knight specialty say the former president put up
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cash in a brokerage account as collateral in the ag says trump has access to the account and they argue it is not secure, you may recall an appeals court previously reduce the you now should amount to $175 million from 464 million that was a move that many legal experts say appellate judges may be sympathetic to trump's appeal on the emirates by convening the hearing today on this issue is judge arthur a arthur engoron he entered a half a billion dollars against trump and his codefendants. the bond is set aside in the ag says he wants to give him, trump another seven days to post a new bond and if trump is not able to do that as assets become burnable once again. stuart: political prosecution in my opinion. thank you for a great report. check the markets a tiny bit of green 50-point up for the doubt,
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the nasdaq holding onto a 100-point gain. still ahead joe concha deals with nbc polls showing mental and physical fitness, big liability providing, the dea says adderall abuse is becoming the next opioid epidemic. doc siegel deals with that. with the israel aid package give us access to israel's military technology, retired navy neil commander next on that. one jewish student was stabbed in the eye with a flagpole, new york post jon levine has details. the 10:00 o'clock hour of "varney & company" is next. ♪
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