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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> i don't think there's a lot of people walking around that don't find themselves situated in ideological camps that they can see can and cannot. increasingly when they look at joe biden, they're just seeing cannot. >> if we did another vote and removed another speaker, i think we could lose the house and endanger the republican majority in a dire way. mike johnson is our speaker. >> we have the compassion to lower energy pr prices and if i sound a little frustrated, i am. we have more energy than any other company in the world. >> there's a group of right wing students on campus and targeting the lgbt student center or the muslim student life organizations, and they were saying the school should cut ties with them completely. i wonder how that would play out.
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stuart: why don't we play some diana ross and supremes. i go back that far. you don't. 11:00 eastern time and monday, april 22.v. did you know this is earth day. you do now. check the markets, dow up 45 and nasdaq up 8 and s&p up 7. didn't start out like this. 9:30 eastern, open the market and they shot straight up. a bounce back from last week's heavy selling and it's faded, dow up 40, nasdaq trying to hold onto seven point gain. big tech, they were all up. not now. we have microsoft -- microsoft for heaven's sake below $400 a share, 396 and meta at 474. both down. 10-year dreary yield moving up and moving 4.62%. there you have it. now this, there's two events of
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national significance taking place in new york city today. neither makes new york look good. opening payments of donald trump's hush money trial. this is a political trial. it's deliberately tied to keep trump away from the campaign and gagged him and threaten to hut impeachment in prison for speaking out and they want a conviction before the election. it is hard to believe that judicial persecution like this is taking place in a american courtroom, but it is and it's in a new york courtroom to boot. across town, columbia university and all classes virtual today. that's right. college cannot guarantee the safety of 4,700 jewish students and anti-israel demonstrators are taking over the campus and it's come to this: jewish students chased by mobs chanting anti-semitic slogans. surely that shades of jerkinsny in the 1930s. you have to ask -- germany in 1930s. why is new york's senior senator, chuck schumer? highest ranking elected jewish
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official in the land. he's a democrat and at this point not condemned anti-semitism in columbia and it's spreading in the city. if this were white mobs chases blacks or muslims, the national guard out in force and every politician demanding action. but with jews in new york, it's apparently deferent. if donald trump were a democrat, you know he'd not be sitting in a new york courtroom fighting political persecution. democrats run new york, they've run it into the ground, third hour of varney starts now. steve forbes, a new yorker by any standard is with me now. where's chuck schumer? >> where's waldo? he proclaims a true friend of
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israel and it counts and he's not this. that terrible agreement with iran came up and he was obstructing cerumen stensively against it and now iran is on the cusp of a nuclear weapon and in terms of israel itself, he wants to impose a two-state solution. two states means two states want to coexist. they gave hamas control over gaza, gave a gaza independence and hamas took over and see what a two-state solution means. chuck schumer talk as good game, but when it comes to action -- effective action, he's missing in action. stuart: i think he's held captive by domestic politics and wants the democrats and biden to win in michigan, and the way to win in michigan is deny israel support. that's what he's doing. >> the way to win is show the american people you stand for something that can make this country great again. how about that as a slogan? stuart: not bad at all, steve. let's see, we've got google, last week we reported this, they fired 28 staffers for protesting a cloud contract with israel.
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okay, 28 fired at google. now companies are limiting or dropping their diversity goals all together. give you an example of this, steve. kohls used to cultivate diverse leereds now just leaders. you welcome these changes, don't you? >> calvin coolidge said you don't get in trouble for what you done say. it's one thing to get a pool of applicants and try to mentor people to bring them into the regular work force and things like that. but quite another when you pose quotas and what the supreme court did in terms of harvard case in terms of quotas is reverberating in the board rooms. even though the board rooms weren't directly hit by the case, they know they're next and lawsuits are coming and lawsuits have been filed and you've got to go back to a meritocracy. stuart: in my editorial i said
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democrats have run new york and run it into the ground. am i being too harsh? >> no, very mild. they run it and they've ruined it. some day voters in this town will wake up again just as they did in the 1980s and 1990s when elected mayors who took a bankrupt city and made the city great again. stuart: hard to remember, but it's true. 25 years ago, this become a republican-run city. the mayor was a republican. and said so publicly and he won. how about that. >> won twice. stuart: yes, twice. and seriously, can you see that happening again? >> well, michael blockburg even though he's a democrat ran on the -- bloomburg ran on the republican label and that's three. it can happen. stranger thing haves happened. stuart: stranger things have happened. >> they can happen and mets are winning baseball games. that shows anything can happen. stuart: okay, ruin my argument. in my lifetime, i don't expect to see a republican elected for state-wide office in california. my lifetime. so my life expectancy is somewhat limited but
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nonetheless, i don't expect to see a republican in california win. steve? >> in the next 40 years, you'll see it happen. around your 110th birthday, it'll happen. stuart: you're very generous. time do change the subject and go back to the markets. jason katz is with us this morning. i see a bit of green on the left hand side of the screen, but not that much. first question, what are the odds of a rate hike? >> i heart you said hike; right? stuart: yeah. what are the odds? >> the odds are slim to none, and slim just packed his bags and left town. stuart: really? not going to happen. >> the forecast is for longer with a chance of higher. but think about it, the bar for a rate hike is extraordinarily high. and if they were to raise rates, it would completely and utterly up end the market. i don't think that's happening. it would be too political if they did. stuart: exactly. what a federal reserve leader raise interest rates right before presidential election
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when he no doubt wants to serve a second term? no way? >> so, it's really counter intuitive but if you think about it, the fed trying to be a political is turning out to be political. if they don't contrates by september, the election is around the corner and if they're not cutting then, we're not getting a rate cut period this year. both parties whether it's a cut or no cut or going to spin it, that it was political. they're between a rock and a hard place. stuart: all my friends are asking, is this the beginning of a bear market because we've had lots of selling this month. what say you? >> i don't want to be dismissive over a 5% poll-back on the s&p or 8% pullback on the nasdaq, but for crying out loud, we're up 30% off the bottom. we've been at this a long time. what do markets do? on balance, they draw down 10% a year. that's the average pullback. so all the haters piling on this is a precursor for something
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ominous, i think they're sorely mistaken. i'm not all bulled up here but look, earnings should deliver. i think that you have gdp that could be upwards to 3% this year. the vast majority of americans that want a job can get a job. maybe not the kind of job they want. earnings must put up or shut up and that's the pivotal point with the bear market or not. they'll walk the walk and on a company level seeing last week and you've got big tech reporting in week, you'll get very binary reactions on a company level. stuart: got it. jason katz, thank you for joining us. mow google popping up ai development and kelly o grady is here to explain. >> this is smart. they're consolidating a lot of ai development under one team. this is all about fending off challengers to its lead in the
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search market and your beloved microsoft being one of them. stuart: that's well formed and thank you for that . >> the change moves all teams working on ai models into one department and streamline and development and communication and scale that capacity as google's ramping up ai product offers and moves responsible ai teams under that umbrella so ceo representative shared this quote "we need to be the best in class at deploying accurate trust worthy and transparent ai products were users and customers and remember this comes after the very public failure of gemini's image generator, that female pope and theory consolidation versus disparate teams and avoiding as a matter of toos. it's no -- snafus and reorganizing around efforts to maximize efficiency, cross business collaboration and wall street loves to hear that. stuart: big tech faces a
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reckoning on ai. put up or shut up. thank you, kelly. you're with us -- that's you. you're with us for the hour. thank you very much indeed. i was reading off the prompter. i'm like biden, i need a script. varietialists have a new -- environmentist is have a new target, individually wrapped cheese slices. a threat to the planet. we'll explain that one. trump campaign said biden's recent bunt proposal includes the largest tax hike ever. how much biden's plan could cost you. the senate could pass a $95 billion foreign aid package as early as tomorrow and $26 billion for israel. does that mean we get access to israel's fine military technology? we'll ask retired navy seals commander dave ser sears next.
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ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: house just passed a $95 billion foreign aid package and includes $61 billion for ukraine. greg palkot is joining us from kyiv. what is ukraine getting and when will it get there? reporter: it's going to get stuff they sorely need and could be arriving pretty, pretty soon and couldn't come soon enough for a lot of u.s. military, un crew yanisen military and poll -- ukrainian military and politicians here and russians have been outfiring ukraine military by ratio of 10-1 and air defense sparse and russian rockets are reeking havoc on the ukrainian infrastructure and more of both of the categories are on the way ahead of looming
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spring summer offensive by military and moscow had been taking swaths of ukrainian territory and no wonder ukrainian zelensky was thrilled to see house republicans and deputies to pass the aid bill and weapons experts are breathing a sigh of relief. take a listen. reporter: could we have seen defeat without the aid? >> for ukraine it would be more difficult to keep continuous front line and it would have came late and certain point would be very difficult to defend the current position. reporter: people are in kyiv and meeting with the officials shortly and aiming for an exact idea where your taxpayer dollars are going. it's not completely finished yet, stuart, the senate has to okay this package and once again
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that is expected to happen on tuesday and then president biden has to sign off on that making it law and could happen too. stuart: thank you, greg. the aid bill tomorrow and it includes more than $26 billion for israel. retired navy seal commander dave sears joining me now. dave, i have a question for you, we're giving billions to israel. do we get more israeli military technology in return? i'm thinking iron dome. >> the u.s. has around 40% of the tech startups and israel one 36th the size of us has 26% of the tech startups and we've gotten reactive armor and antitank missiles, night vision equipment and the sharing of
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technology is massive. stuart: politics has nothing do do with it. we need their technology and we're quite prepared to pair for it and that's a good thing in your mind; right? >> i do believe it is a good thing. we should be -- definitely return on investment is better than 2 trillion in afghan tan or 2 trillion in iraq or even the we're talking about like 90 billion in ukraine. you're getting no technology other than testing of our own equipment. stuart: at least 22 people, including 18 children were reportedly killed by israeli air strikes in rafah over the weekend. in gaza. will this upset the apparent quietening of the israel versus iran situation? you expect a response of somebody in the middle east because of this report? >> i don't know when that's going to cop. frankly, i don't think iran really cares at all about palestine. iran goes with whatever solution ends upcoming out of there. they care only about palestine and the people in palestine to irritate and try to defeat
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israel. they would happen think throw them to the wolfs and sacrifice them to the wolfs and hezbollah as well and and they're still reeling from their -- seriously failed attack on israel and then the israeli response to that so iran is trying to figure out what its next steps are. stuart: is the main military conflict in the mideast in the immediate future going to be israel taking rafah and taking out hamas? is that where the military action will be concentrated? >> i believe the military acts on the ground will be concentrated there. israel can't stop, they have to take rafah. pastina indians could stop and release the hostages and that's the underlining peace. iran has been for 40 years the me lined actor in the region behind all this. stuart: you're a form earmuff i have seal and navy seal commander. how would you judge the
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performance of the israeli troops going house to house, urban warfare in gaza so far? >> incredibly well done. it's very difficult to do urban warfare and control civilian casualties and not take your own amount of massive casualties and the technology between the drones scanning the streets and overhead surveillance and the troops are showing amazing amount of restraint in what they're doing. extremely difficult, and i'd give them an a for what they're doing. stuart: got it. dave sears, retired navy seal commander. thank you for joining us, dave. we always appreciate it. see us again soon. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: now this, learning more about the white house's role in the conflict between israel and iran. kelly, how far in advance did we know about the attack on israel? >> so, we knew it was coming but didn't know anything specific on timing and scale. i think we're learning about that lack of communication and significant uncertainty, and that's really concerning. i want to share a wall street
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journal article headline with you yesterday and calls the white house's scramble to avert a full blown war frank siller net ick. that's -- frenetic. that's not the word to hear as a u.s. citizen and. 19 day period of israel failing to confront them and the concern that iran could strike back against the u.s. presence as a proxy. ultimately iran did strike israel directly, but the biden administration officials shared the sheer scale of the barrage was a shuang and in the situation room senior members could not be sure the antimissile system would block for their missile blocking. that lack of communication and that doubt, it really raises questions of what happens next time stuart: yep, and probably will be a next time. >> of course. stuart: kelly, thank you. check the markets, please. almost two hours worth of trading right now. we have still just a tiny bit of green. we started out at 9:30 with a straight up movement for the dow and s&p and nasdaq.
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now we've got virtually no gain at all. flat to slightly higher and dow up 16 points. coming up on the show, chipotle raised prices six times in three years. despite that, sales still growing. we'll tell you how they managed to make that work. and in honor of earth day, the white house announced $7 billion in new grants for the solar industry. they're also blocking oil and gas drilling across millions of acres in alaska. jeff flock is guarding our planet, he has the latest after this. ♪
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with the push of a button, constant contact's ai tools help you know what to say, even when you don't. hi! constant contact. helping the small stand tall. hello, ghostbusters. it's doug. we help people customize and save hundreds on car insurance with liberty mutual. we got a bit of a situation. [ metal groans] sure, i can hold. ♪ liberty liberty liberty liberty ♪ in theaters now. stuart: we're up 20 on the dow and 18 on the nasdaq and s&p up a mere 8 points. remember, huge selling last week. not much of a bounce at all. price of oil in the low $80 per barrel range at 82 right now. bitcoin, not much action despite
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the halving. white house marking earth day by announcing $7 billion worth of solar power grants. jeff flock is live from plymouth meeting, pennsylvania. jeff, where is all this solar money going? reporter: i'm surprised earth day wasn't your lead story today but there we go. we have an answer to your question, no, where the money is going and going largely to states and put the numbers up on it and and $7 billion going to 60 different applicants and indian tribes and other organizations providing solar to what they call disadvantaged folks and think about a million before the program is done, and that they say will save them $8 billion, with a b, electric doldollars and steve moore said that's a bunch of b bologna.
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if you get free money up front, it helps on electric bills. one of 50 sites in america that's protected. this is a private farm outside of pennsylvania -- i mean outside of philadelphia in pennsylvania. the big news though is what the president did in terms of protecting lands. that would be in the petroleum national reserve and the map gives you a sense of the northwest and 23 million acres set aside by president harding and i think you remember him as well as i do. that was when the navy switched from coal fired chips to oil. set it aside and it's been approved by congress for ebbing moray ration but it's -- exploration and it's whatever the admin vagues is charging power and president shutting down about $10 million acres now in terms of drilling. it's their famously here last year and willow project and conoco phillips drilling project and he approved that so he really ticked off the
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environmentals on that one. and oil producers on that one. we have a road into a big disassociated deposit of copper and zinc and says no to that as well. it was going to be about $8 billion worth of co copper ad zinc out of there. the administration says you might not like it but for your own good. listen. >> this administration taking ambitious action to meet the urgency of the climate cry i cans and protect america's lands and water and fulfill our responsibility to the next generations of americans. reporter: the president has succeeded in these actions and sort of ticking off both sides, both the oil producers and environmentalists and, you know, i tell you, i've been think a number of divorces as you know and my sense is when you make everybody mad, it's generally a fair deal.
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but that's just my perspective. stuart: perspective, precisely. and also, happy earth day, jeff. i'm sure we'll see you again, jeff. i just can't wait. reporter: maybe. stuart: let's get serious really. senator dan sullivan, he's really slamming the admin vagues' move to restrict drilling and mining in alaska. he's a senator from alaska ask he don't like this. roll tape. >> it's lawless. he doesn't have the authority to do it and i could go into all the laws that support me on that. it's as i say national security suicide. national resources energy critical minerals, that's an american strength. this should concern all kinds of ameramericans. stuart: i have the former chief of staff at epa. are these drilling in terms of national security? >> yeah, absolutely, stu.
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energy security is national security and what we've seen this behind allegiance by the biden administration to the war on fossil fuels not only undermined economic opportunity here in the unit, but it has been another tool that those who wish to cause harm to our national security as well as the security of our allies abroad have been using against us. and this administration just keeps cutting certain resources of which we're abun dunnedly blessed and know how to -- abuntly blessed and know how to safely and officially remove to market. this administration will not let us do what we do best and it's danging to the national security center and ed sullivan said it well. stuart: back to the solar powered grants and biden pushing the green energy products and at the same time he's killing oil and gas. really doesn't seem to make sense to me.
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how about you? >> it doesn't make sense. what would is letting the market decide which should take off and they're undermining the development of the very technologies and resources that we know how to use, we know how to use quite well, and we need, we are in a country of growth and opportunities so we need to create a future of energy growth and dominance and not one of energy scarcity and unfortunately team biden is so committed to propping up these inferior technologies that's causing all sorts of havoc on the national security front but also the economic development front, and it is limiting the development of the very energy resources that we need more of. stuart: strange question, mandy, if donald trump wins and if you were to go back to epa and work there, do you think the deep state will be out to get you? >> i know they will. i'm on a couple of their lists,
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stuart, but, you know, this is really important work and it's life changing not just for the individuals who are directly apart of the oil and gas communities and i'm from a small town where oil and gas gave the community a opportunity to grow and i've seen it firsthand and i don't care about the deep state. i'm not scared of them. if i go back in there, i'm doing what's right by the american people and what the president of the united states expects. if it's president donald trump, we know he expects a future of energy dominance and how to actually get there. stuart: we wish you the best of luck. mandy, thank you for being with us today. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: this next story takes some believes. the intro, the greenies in new york are at it again. okay. i know what the story is all about. you explain it. >> well, stuart, the environmentalists are coming for cheese. kraft singles, those slices of cheese that are in plastic if
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you believe this. stuart: that's what's wrong, they're in plastic. >> exactly. for context, the new bill targets companies that have net income over $1 million that sell or distribute food and would require them to reduce plastic that ends up in the landfills or water ways by 50% over the next 12 years. it would impose a fee on the plastic packages and one of the products in question would be these kraft singles; right, they're wrapped in the plastic packaging but far from the only food that using plastic packaging and this bill is sparking a lot of backlash and the argument is that plastic is deployed for health and food preservation and on top of that, it could increase grocery bills for new yorkers. get fees, alternative packaging and passed on to the consumer and folks that eat the kraft singles and it's a lower-income buyer and there's no alternative and i said this sounds familiar with how the environmentalists push these things but seems to be no alternative. stuart: push to the n degree.
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>> now it's cheese. stuart: i don't mind getting rid of plastic but the cheese slices. makes it seem ridiculous and you get push back from people saying i'm not going that far. i want to save the planet but not doing that. >> right. stuart: thank you, kelly. fine report. one home depot outside of new york, they hired private security with a guard dog. they're trying to deter aggressive migrants and thieves. we've got the story. thousands of small business leaders gathering in texas and discussing how to grow their businesses in this tame of economic uncertainty. brian burg is there and he'll report live from -- brian brenberg is there and will report live from the summit, next. ♪
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stuart: trump campaign taking aim at president biden for proposing the "largest tax hike ever".
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kelly o'grady is sticking with me for this hour. she's still here. break the numbers down for me. >> haven't scared me off yet, stuart. they're losing thousands due to biden's record-high inflation. and biden's proposal takes aim at wealthy and corporations and calls for minimum 25% tax hike for households making over $25 million and raising from 21% to 28% and could have a trickle down effect and this is the a re-crept study by the tax foundation and predicts this could result in a 2.2% drop in economic output, wages slashed by 1.6% and close to 800,000 full-time jobs would go away. so, you know, you think about trump aerodynamics plan and very much at -- trump's plan very much at odds with biden's on
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corporations and taxes will be a key debate point come november it tells me. stuart: hope they don't get that 25% tax hike for people making a great deal of money. that is a wealth tax. >> it is. stuart: income tax is a wealth tax. that's unconstitutional. >> could play well with lower income voters. stuart: it l. that's called jealousy. kelly, thank you. smooths of small business leaders gathering in texas for the leadership summit and how to grow their businesses and brian brenberg is there with them in dallas. what's the biggest problem these business owners are facing? reporter: hey, stuart. yeah, thousands of small business owners and leaders here and see them mind me filtering out from their morning session. i got to tell you, the energy is unbelievable. that morning session started about 9:00 a.m. and here local time, they were lined up for hours before that to get in because they wanted to hear what dave ramsey and others had to
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say. the environment is electric and there's a lot of optimism and small business owners have real concerns about the environment they face as small business owners, and one of the big ones is regulations, stuart. we talked 20 some owners about regulation and what a problem it is for them. listen to this. >> we're starting to see more of the regulations that you would in a corporation, and we're not -- we are yous nut -- we don't have the same resources that a corporation does. >> people are willing to pay cash for their healthcare now because insurance has so many rules that they don't really want to follow anymore. >> with all the new regulations and laws coming out, increase ily less connectionive to operate a business in california. >> let a man work. just good old fashioned hard work and callouses. let him work. reporter: stuart, i love that last one, let a man work. that's a theme we hear here. people want to grind. they want to do the hard work. they're not asking for any
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favors. so i think that's the one thing about this place and find people that want to overcome their challenges and we'll talk more about that at 1:00 p.m. on the big money show and we've got dave ramsey and small business owners and we'll dig into it. what do small business owners need and what does it take to succeed and the best at vice out there and we've got thousands of people here to help have that conversation with. we're looking forward to it, stu. 1:00 p.m. on the big money show. stuart: bring it on, brian. we'll be watching. thank you, brian. i find this intriguing. chipotle raised prices six times since 2021. i have to -- what's that doing to their burrito business? >> nothing, it's increased their sales if you can believe it. i find the story interesting and i'll tell you why in a second. basically a lot of fast food restaurants, they have seen their sales erode over the past couple of years because prices are increasing and not chipotle. the proof is in the data and they saw same store sales from q4, fourth quarter of 202
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actually increase 8.4%. wall street was expecting 7%. so the reason that they're saying their customer base is unique. they're loyal, health conscious and affluent and calling them gym rats. i find this interesting because i could tell you my husband is this exact customer. after every gym session, there's a chipotle by the gym and he goes and can customize everything there. he can put on more protein, more vegetables and fit within the diet. customers love this and allows them that flexibility. i say you're walking away and the burrito is like $20 but helps me stay within my diet. gym rat. stuart: that charge of the stock price. straight beautiful line going straight up. >> it is. stuart: that's a good thing. see the 30 dow stocks going for the same thing and it's a sense of the market. well, it's about even split. winners and losers and the dow is up a mere 50 points.
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next case, israeli brewty queen assaulted bay pro hamas mob in new york city -- i mean connecticut. an anti-israel mob at yale university turned environment and one jewish student stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag. jon levine is here to take it all on and he's next. after last month's massive solar flare added a 25th hour to the day, businesses are wondering "what should we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote.
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or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. stuart: new york police gave an update on anti-israel protest that created chaos oturu columbia university here in the city. what they've said so far. the department is limited in what they can do because the school is private property. the university did you want want a steady -- doesn't want a steady nypd presence but the university will response if someone is being harassed, threatened or in danger. protests have gotten so bad and classes at columbia today are forced to go virtual. we'll bring you anymore updates as they come in. is the university going to invite the police in to clear the campus? that's what we're waiting for. haven't got there yet. now this, a former beauty queen
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assaulted during anti-israel protest in new york city. former miss israel that also seserved in the military and the police told her they couldn't do anything after she was hit in the vase. jon levine with me now. violence is escalating and what are you seeing being done to stop it? >> nothing. nothing is being done. police say we arrested 100 people. but that doesn't mean anything to get arrested in new york. take you to the precinct and released after about five hours with a summens to come back in a month much the next guys are released the next day and records get ex-ponged. it means nothing and -- expunged and real consequences are suspensions and expulsions like ilhan omar's daughter. nothing is being done and i'll say the police don't need permission to go to columbia if there's an unsafe environment. stuart: they don't? >> you just reported -- >> they have to be invited in? >> no, not if someone was committing domestic violence in your home, the police don't need invited in to stop that either. stuart: they have to be invited
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to clear the campus? >> they have a responsibility to ensure public safety of new yorkers and reported two seconds ago someone at yale was stabbed in the eye. well past the point of unsafe situation. it's so unsafe and they had to dot classes virtually and the barfs reached and go and clear it and i have a right to do it. stuart: where's senator schumer and senior official and from new york and he's a jewish official and he's not said anything and he's oturu to lunch? >> where are all the new york jewish officials and they're all out to lunch. who's been leading on this in new york is richy torres, who's not jewish and one of the youngest members of the state delegation and he's been a consist leader and voice of moral clarity and putting all the jewish leaders in new york to sham. every single day. stuart: all right, jon, change the subject ever so slightly. home depot, a home depot in new rochelle, new york, outside of the city reportedly hired
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security guards for their parking lot and they're concerned about thieves and migrants gathering afternoon around the store. jon, tell me more about this. >> it's a continuation of a very, very long trend and police don't want to arrest people because they know that they won't be prosecuted so why am i going to waste my time arrested someone and put my life at risk when there's no consequences and the prosecutors don't prosecute, and if anyone break as nail, you'll have ten lawsuits in the aclu will be there bearing down everyone's neck. the picture is -- i'll tell you, i have friends in south america who say to me in their countries, rich people have private security, they live in gated communities and just have a bubble that's protected by very heavily armed private security and everyone else is just kind of like up to their -- left to their own devices and good luck to them. and they worry 10, 15, 20 years from now a lot of american cities will look like the countries they left. shouldn't be that way. shouldn't need to be rich to have public safety.
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everyone in america is entitled to be safe in america. unfortunately that's not how it is in a lot of cities now. stuart: my son-in-law drove in to new york for the weekend and had car valet parked from the hotel and picked it up the next day and it was filthy. migrants were living in it, eating, sleeping and doing whatever else in his car. it was a wreck. that happened in new york city this week. >> i completely believe it. stuart: jon, thanks for being with us. appreciate that . change the subject completely and go for the monday trivia question. how many states are within the sun belt? doesn't that depend on how you define the sun belt? it's a properly defined area so are there 9, 12, 1 15 or 18 stas in it? jon, you may play, but i'm being generous. you may play. >> i get to guess an answer? stuart: not now, later. the correct answer when we come back. ♪
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>> before the break we asked within the sunbelt however, you wish to define the sunbelt, john has gracefully decided to stay in attempted answer, what is your answer. >> 12, final answer. i say with a lot of authority. >> i'm defining the sunbelt as
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big. i'm going with 15. >> i did not win my geography when i was in school so i'm going to go with nine. >> the answer is 18. we are all wrong i was right because i defined the sunbelt as big. here we go the sunbelt includes parts of california, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, georgia, alabama, louisiana, oklahoma, texas, new mexico, nevada, utah, kansas and colorado. thank you for being with us, kelly thank you for being with us for the entire hour you are a glutton for punishment. we appreciate it, "varney & company" is done in "coast to coast" starts now. >> ahead on "coast to coast" tech companies face a big test


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