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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  April 22, 2024 12:00pm-1:00pm EDT

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big. i'm going with 15. >> i did not win my geography when i was in school so i'm going to go with nine. >> the answer is 18. we are all wrong i was right because i defined the sunbelt as big. here we go the sunbelt includes parts of california, north carolina, south carolina, tennessee, georgia, alabama, louisiana, oklahoma, texas, new mexico, nevada, utah, kansas and colorado. thank you for being with us, kelly thank you for being with us for the entire hour you are a glutton for punishment. we appreciate it, "varney & company" is done in "coast to coast" starts now. >> ahead on "coast to coast" tech companies face a big test this week after shedding nearly
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$1 trillion in market value last week and things are really starting off rocky for several stocks in the magnificent seven. a potential tiktok band causing a tit-for-tat with china, the ccp responded hitting u.s. tech companies and i'll talk with reach public and cognizant cory mills on why he voted against both ukraine and israel aid all that and more this hour. welcome to cavuto "coast to coast" i am edward lawrence and for neil cavuto. tack on deck, investors are waiting key earnings from the magnificent seven, let's get to read from the asset management cio scott martin an expert press the io dave. dave i want to get to you and start with the dow today, the chart looks like the california adventure, what is going on now are edging back up again. >> i think there is a lot of
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mixed signals. i don't know any other way to look at it. yup so much uncertainty on so many other fronts but maybe not as much as the market fell last week. it seems we pattern answer on rates, they're knocking to go down anytime soon and we have this preview of a.i. as a driver in the markets and i think people are wrongly questioning whether the driver will extend across other companies other than the suppliers to the gold rush. edward: scott i would get your take go back to the magnificent seven, so much investment in the a.i. that dave mentioned, so much in other technology upgrades, do you think the earnings report needs to show those results in the investment pays off or will the company stock be punished if it doesn't. >> some, it's going to have to show the best coming to for wishing it's a hope upon hope that everything's going to work
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out via a.i. i love myself a good roller coaster one being the sphere in las vegas this weekend and living to tell about it and today there is hope in the selloffs and the fact that the market is freaking out about rates and that some of these companies like nvidia and crm and amazon on friday five or 10%, that gets out the weekends of the market, the company's coming down the line and next intact report earnings i think they'll be pretty good, the weak hands will be out of the stocks so the strong hands are going to come in off the sidelines and pick them up when they pull back. edward: do you think there's more room for the magnificent seven even at the values where they are now. >> it's hard to say when i take a look at them i think the categorization together does not hold up to the examination and
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the companies were very different eras and found it to do different things. some compete directly with each other some of them don't summary dependent for sales and i find that group, i get it seven incredibly dynamic american companies. i'm not sure the grouping makes sense. the other interesting thing about the trade of having magnificent a.i. trade is if you believe if you believe in the magnificent seven of which several have big stakes in the a.i. game you have to believe in the coming earnings story for others because a.i. is not powerful. if the market could be all wrong on the a.i. bit i don't think it's given enough credit to other companies and what's likely to happen earnings.
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>> investors do not hope because they're all wrong because the green would turn to read quickly. how much of the stock price do you think the magnificent seven rest with them federal reserve because money is king what they'll do next week and what is signals in the meeting in the news conference next week. >> a lot in reality very little in the next six months we got hyped on that we have to get back to the reality that rates can be flats not hire for longer it's normal for longer and where rates should be in as long as the market which could take the rest of this quarter up until the end of june and to hansa by the rest of the tech market. i wanted to ask you following up on that in a little bit, we had
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to pull back last week maybe a 10% pullback at some point do you think we could see the pullback is there another pullback in big tech and would there be a buying opportunity and tech investors in common manner and every year, we don't have one it's kind of weird, when you have a 10% pullback in a 15% pullback in 10% s&p you have to jump into the water and start buying the stock that you like. >> when you talk about the magnificent seven are we looking at a scenario where we could get to object too big to fail we talked about banks with the influence that they have over our lives, could that be a situation in the future, what are the things of the a.i. wave drives is massive scale.
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it suggests it's only a game you comply at massive scale and ends up triggering subsidiary in other companies, if you don't like big business and big corporation you are really not going to like what this a.i. wave is going to drive. my guess that scenario we can see the ftc finally start to win a few cases it began to pursue what is coming down the pike over the next two or three years. >> i wouldn't turn to tesla, i want you to talk to me about tesla we've seen a huge push back against tesla this year, is that the ev demand. >> you come out of inflation but
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i think he will do it again. the ev turned publicly is behind the stock price there and the other companies caught up in tesla is a number one if you look at ev's and to dave's point you want to talk about big business, tesla is good to be a big part of that we have a kit. >> but if all the but more, we have weekends and it jumps later in the year once the ev stops to research. >> i gotta leave it there, thank you so much, all of the inside on this will continue. nasa capitol hill speaker johnson forging ahead with this plan on foreign aid despite the threat of ousting congresswoman marjorie taylor greene, the bill heads to the senate, chad pergram live on capitol hill the house speaker doesn't seem concerned about the chaos with house speaker kevin mccarthy or former speaker kevin mccarthy. >> afternoon the house packaged
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all four bills into a single measure the senate meets tomorrow to line up in house speaker mike johnson sidestepped to oust him by marjorie taylor greene conservatives are livid. >> mike johnson has betrayed america and republican voters under his leadership he passed the democrat agenda impasse provided a administration policy and fully funded them. mike johnson speakership is over and he needs to do the right thing to resign and allow us to move forward in a controlled process. if he doesn't do so he will be vacated. >> 101 republicans voted yes on the ukraine bill but large loss of house republicans voted in favor of the other three bills the senate hopes to pass the bill tomorrow or wednesday. gop members want to reopen the bill and include border provision, however, that is unlikely. >> the house passed nothing to secure the southern border, there is nothing in the bill the biggest issue in the country we
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have terrorist, drugs, criminals, flocking across our southern border. i want ukraine to win and russia to lose. but i want to secure southern border. >> also gop ohio senator jd vance opposes money for ukraine there is inviting between vance and other republicans who do want to help ukraine. >> our capability. >> is wrong that we can't deal with multiple problems they can have f-16s, this idea give up on ukraine makes the world safer. if you pull the plug on ukraine because you do have an effete capability there goes the timeline. >> the senate approved another version of the foreign aid bill two months ago with 70 yays' to expect a similar outcome this week and don't forget a new provision in the bill a plan to curb the use of tiktok in the u.s. unless china divests. >> thank you, the next guest
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voted against ukraine and israel aid representative cory mills on the armed services and foreign affairs committee representing the seventh district. why vote against both of those aid packages. >> we need to identify what is it that is a successful winning strategy would came to ukraine which they could not define, there has been no actual accountability there the 19th most corrupt nation, let's start with that. also i don't think america is responsible for the world's credit card the $35 trillion in deficit there's only been 20 plus in the world who's ever seen 130% gdp expenditure and one survived which is japan were setting ourselves on the exact same path printing more dollars that we don't have leaving ourselves into an economic default that we cannot recover from. when i look at this i think about people like david sullivan
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that you sanctions chief who is admitted 190 billion, 206 billion u.s. and frozen russian assets were there making three to half billion dollars in profit on the actual money, why is that money which should be utilized against russia to help ukraine and from that you at greatest risk, why is that coming opposed to the american taxpayers that are having to live through higher inflation in not even allowing us to secure our own border or trying to add more opportunity for the american people that is who is elected to serve. edward: let's talk about the ukraine aid to the ground russian because of the military aid has not come through. is that a concern for you when you vote no on this? >> if you and your buddy goes to the bar and you pull your credit
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card out or your cash out he's going to stop retreat in his pocket that's what america has done we continue to reach our pockets to pay for the interventionism in the neoconservative warfare when is not a responsibility. this should be handled by germany, italy, by france the people that won't pay 2% of gdp of nato but they want the benefits of america in the benefits of nato we need to get the even other nations to step up and those most at risk. i look at it very simply, has to hit three critical things, has to be about america, american interest with it doesn't hit those three in the constitutional principles why am i going to drive into economic deficit that we cannot recover from it not help the american people but secure the border of another nation. >> in the last minute and 45 seconds i want to take a step back if you go back two years ago divided administration slow walked arms and they held back some of the best weapons eventually getting to that point, do you think that is part of the issue that the president didn't give ukraine everything that he needed fast enough to years ago so now were left with the prolonged war.
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>> i think we need to go back to 2014 when joe biden was a vice president and they failed to see that 94 memorandum being violated which is an international treaty by the fire duration of russia, the united states, ukraine in northern ireland which is a non- peripheral aeration that recognizes sovereignty of the border. we should've been taking this before the international community as a treaty violation but instead you have this warfare under the myths that allow them to continue to do with her doing now in the peaceful instability operation but more warfare, the stock could be beneficial to the american people or the ukrainian people. edward: you want the european union to step up, cory mills, thank you for your time. coming up despite a crackdown against anti-israel protests at columbia university they are back and escalating, where there popping up right now.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. [shouting] >> from the sea to the river palestine will live forever. [shouting] edward: protests repeat across college campuses today as the
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president of columbia university moves all classes online alexis mcadams is at columbia with the latest. >> we know that all the protests really erupted here at columbia university but now they've spread across the country to other campuses, these agendas happened this morning, it's very active at campuses across the country from new york city to yale even chapel hill north carolina this is nyu and yell, large crowds of students gathering waving flags and chanting slogans on and off campus at yell in new haven connecticut, chaos as they gave students a warning to get out or get arrested, if you're looking here right now, you can see columbia at the university there is a press conference happening right now with elected officials who were calling for the university to do something more to protect these jewish students. it's become so bad that the rabbi told jewish students to go home because he doesn't think the campus is safe.
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>> a pro-hamas mob started chasing us, calling us in the middle of campus colleen is inbred, we have no culture, they through hard objects at him and started harassing and tried to light his flag on fire and nothing is done with this. >> overnight the president of the university at columbia calling for a reset. we'll have to see what that means. president shifting to virtual classes to de-escalate and consider next steps asking staff and students who could to stay home and do remote work and she saddened by what's happening on the campus. it comes as tensions have remained high for days. the university called in the nypd to sweep the encampment, more than 100 students were arrested for trespassing and then suspended. students are planning more walkouts and more protests
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across the city at the campuses including columbia demanding more from amnesty for protesters also calling on the university to divest from israel. we just checked in on edward with nypd who said they are ready and they have a large law enforcement presence outside of the gates of columbia but they cannot go when unless somebody is in extreme danger or if the university that some common. we'll have to see what happens. >> this is not going away political correspondent and democratic campaign strategist at president biden condemning the protest but they're coming from a demographic that is hard to sway for the election, first to you how is this going to affect first the election when you talk about the issue set aside from the protest and outgrowing violence were seen within it. >> i think about it administration has tried to distance themselves from the campus and the white house released a statement but the more the joe biden is seen as capitulating to the demands of that faction of the democratic party whether by criticizing israel and his foreign policy, siding with the radical democrats in congress who
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embraced this anti-israel somatic rhetoric the more vulnerable joe biden is on the issue because it reinforces the perception that joe biden who ran as a centrist is embracing a fracture of the democratic party that most americans view as radical and out of touch. >> we heard calls in new york of were all hamas, we're protesters say that, there had been yesterday a student at yell hit in the face with the poll, could the violence be attached to president biden. >> is an interesting point into what sarah just said, the white house is very clear in condemning what receipt of the college campuses contending the rise in anti-semitism not just on the college campuses but attacking synagogues and jewish americans walking on the street, this is horrifying across the board.
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young people represent a key coalition of the president's winning team in 2020 we sell recent pulling out of harbor that shows the president is maintaining the lead with young people especially young women who were animated particularly on the abortion issue, the president is traveling to florida to talk about that. it's going to be a key concern for sarah's point. >> you talk about the league with young people enthusiasm the president has struggled to get enthusiasm out of the energized crowd, he tried the forgiveness plan how does the president do that. >> the enthusiasm problem could be a bigger issue for donald trump, one could argue donald trump has thrived in 2015 and became very close in 2020 on a coalition of voters who have been disengaged from the process and the most politically engaged are biden voters in the trump trials could if trump is convicted on charges that is able to convince americans that are politically motivated and unfair that could address some of the enthusiasm but the gap in enthusiasm could benefiting
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biden. >> what about biden's age you talk about enthusiasm, it's hard for younger people to get enthusiastic for somebody who may be the age of the grandfather. >> to your point the white house is making a concerted effort to reach out to the individuals not just with the student loan forgiveness, the president in virginia today within hours talking about earth day in massive investments in climate as part of the inflation reduction act, that the key issue for young people tackling gun violence another key issue for young people becerra makes an excellent point with the enthusiasm and joe biden is now leading a most national polls from npr in the key factor not just the head-to-head of registered voters is likely voters, the president support actually jumps higher when it's actual voters a plan to engage in november. >> that you think there's exhaustion, you have the
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protest, yet fresh invading ukraine, israel the conflict in the middle east that has been growing and iranians you have proxies to hit u.s. forces, is there exhaustion over what's happening around the globe people might be tired the selection did not show up for the democrats. >> is an interesting point i think were all exhausted across the board this is the earliest general election with the two nominees coming forward obviously it's a rematch, in 2020 we saw the highest rate of voting in over 100 years between joe biden to donald trump clearly to animating figures whether you like them or hate them, i think really see just as much turnout come november because of the two individuals. edward: we gotta leave it there. unfortunately were out of time i would like to keep this going all day. in person onset, the clock maybe taking down on tiktok the push to sell or face a ban will talk to the founder of the conservative dating out who says the ban is censorship.
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absolutely. >> that was the rumble ceo right here with neil last month talking about the potential tiktok purchase, the idea could be take it a step forward after the house passed a development or a ban for the app, fox business hillary vaughn is at the white house digging deeper into this. >> the tiktok bill is one step closer getting to president biden's desk the senate is expected to begin the voting process starting tomorrow, this could be something that biden signed into law this week. if he doesn't start the clock on tiktok a one-year deadline for the parent company bytedance to sell to a u.s. copy or face a ban, the new version of the bill, the senate will extend the timeline from six months to a year the white house as they support the changes. there's been no improvement we think that matters.
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the tiktok company is going through internal changes after their efforts to kill the bill seem to fail the general counsel eric anderson is tasked with working the u.s. government to address any national securities concerns is stepping down the tiktok spokesperson says he wasn't fired it is not leaving broadway the general counsel says he plans to step down from his role but that's happened immediately in the fate of this is in the hands of the senate, some democrats are forecasting legal problems ahead of the bill becomes law. >> i don't think it's going to past first amendment scrutiny is a vessel restricted alternatives we could've made it a crime to transfer americans data to an adversarial foreign nation or interference. >> i got to scrutiny in the supreme court. >> some national security experts warn that the deadline delay pushes divestment that
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leaves the door open for a campaign like the biden campaign to take advantage of tiktok to the election to the potential for tiktok to have influence of our election. >> the president posted 110 times since he's been on tiktok, his campaign has done that. thank you from the white house, let's turn to the right stuff cofounder john mcentee who argues that the tiktok bill is new sensor for power for the government. p if you look at the both incredibly broad if the media companies acting at the direction of a foreign adversary it could be ban you don't need a vivid imagination to see how that could be abused, what if a news outlet is saying it is against the war in ukraine in the spending bill there going to say you're acting at the direction of russia you can be banned, it singles out tiktok and it doesn't address the actual concerns. what are the concerns american user data going to china, ban that, tiktok doesn't do that but
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other american companies do, facebook had four data sharing agreements with four chinese companies, where was the uproar then, it shows the unipart in d.c. when they want to get something done they will find a way. it's information they can't control and they want to ban it. >> you understand all the concerns of the data from tiktok go back to china allowing the communist party to profile americans possibly, also the accusations of the app algorithm pushing division into the u.s. why shouldn't it be banned or sold because clearly is not following in the chinese ignore everything that the u.s. does. >> it actually does not do that, the trump administration raise concerns about this issue and tiktok did a massive plan where they move the data to america and is hosted with oracle and american company. there's third-party oversight over that. there's something deeper going on, would you look at the wishlist of the unit party wants
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in d.c. and the ukraine spending, israel, taiwan and tiktok. it should be a red flag for conservatives. the bill was written by biden d.o.j. the house republicans kind of on themselves on this by going along a given the president knew censorship after everything that we've learned about the vita administration in truth a administration about covid. >> your former boss former president trump was being tiktok the director of the office of presidential personnel under former president trump the federal government the ends out from its phones, you don't have any concerns about the app and the way it pushes content from national security perspective. >> i have no concerns there's no recorded instance of chinese propaganda on the app in the federal ban for federal workers to have it on their phone was absurd as well, the trump administration that was five
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years ago that was early on tiktok was new and was very popular with young people, i think maybe they were right to raise concerns then but looking what tiktok did sense, that address the concerns. why does this continue. >> the app sends studies of groups that have looked at this and it pushed certain images towards folks and concerns about kids getting images about body shaming and concerns about what's happening in college campuses and pushing the anti-israel message we heard the concerns from a number of different groups and organizations over the tiktok app in the algorithm. >> only thing that tiktok does it moves information very quickly, tiktok doesn't push anything it's a reflection of american public opinion, tiktok is a younger platform and that's what you see thing like less pro-israel content because the younger generation is less
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pro-israel make your case about the issue but tiktok is actually pushing anything body shaming or any of the other things i don't think it's all that anything. >> i appreciate the debate all voices in all size on the interesting perspective. coming up after the break up i did a administration signaling more restrictions on the oil and natural gas industry while trying to get gas prices down, we will get into all of this after the break. ♪ [alarm beeping] amelia, turn off alarm. amelia, weather. 70 degrees and sunny today. amelia, unlock the door. i'm afraid i can't do that, jen. why not? did you forget something? my protein shake. the future isn't scary, not investing in it is.
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>> the white house announcing 7 billion for solar energy projects to mark earth day this is the administration moves to block oil and gas truly not a massive alaskan reserve jeff flock is limit pennsylvania a key fossil state to win the election. what is going on there. >> do you know there are 50000 sites in the u.s. that are protected in some way from
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development i'm at the maple akers farm and as you can see from the sun, the big news is what the president preserved as the national petroleum reserve. in drilling for oil the president says no and 23 milliof alaska. set aside in the 1920s and the navy was transitioning from coal to oil and famously the president approved a drilling project last year that wrangled the environmentalists, the willow project you may be remember the protest in now media goes the other way. a 10 million acres of the mpr being preserved. and on the map, the other map shows you another action that the president took as earth day approached, the ambler road project was a big road design to
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access copper and zinc deposits in the central part of alaska, he shut that down as well. people in alaska not too happy, some are happy and both sides in the person of the senator from alaska in the president's press secretary. >> this a administration has issued 63 executive orders in executive actions singularly focused on alaska to shut our state down. >> this a administration will continue to take ambitious actions to meet the urgency of the climate crisis protect america's land and waters and fulfill our responsibility to the next generation of amer americans. >> kinder for your own good. i leave you with the solar thing that you mentioned at the outset, solar for all, 7 billion, 60 grants just announced to various states for
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low-income solar described as disadvantage so that means poor people about a million of them and they say it's going to save them 8 billion with a b in their electric bill, you don't have to pay for the solar installation definitely you're going to save money with solar, the problem you and i have to pay upfront to install the solar panels. >> very expensive, be careful that may have electrified the fence behind you because they know you like to walk around. >> you scared me for a minute. >> are trying to keep you contained, thank you we appreciate it. through all of this president biden understands all the people will feel the price pressure and he wants to keep those prices as low as possible going into the election, here to break it all down is the power of the future founder and ceo daniel turner, thank you for being here, on one india president by doing everything he can to possibly restrict the demands or
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expansion of gas and oil for the future and on the other hand gas prices as low as possible going into the election, the two things that really fit together. >> no they don't the commodity industry for oil is future looking and oil has been stuck around $85 a barrel for months now and we haven't seen a ton of volatility which is good for the american people. 80 is very, very high in order to bring the price down the market has to get a sense of the production is going to increase in in order for that sense to come we are to c-axis to land and permitting and the administration continues to refuse that. on the other hand they want us to buy more oil from places like venezuela and iran and other opec nations. there is a real lack of understanding of energy policy and the american people are suffering as a result. >> you can see the dow is not really concerned currently about
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the oil or the situation right now as a dow is going up 174 points. how should this transition to electric be done because it seems like the biden administration wants to rip the band-aid off and cancel or get rid of oil altogether. >> to remember a couple weeks ago secretary buttigieg on fox made a comment that he likened to people in the 2002 didn't want to give up their landline and refused to take a cell phone and a pejorative, where were all a bunch of troglodytes. the difference of federal government never banned land they never gave $7 billion to people to buy a cell phone. it's amazing what happens when the free market works you not only get a better product but when you get changes in behavior that this a administration wants and yet they refuse to allow the free markets to work, i don't know if the future is going to be wind and solar. as of right now i can tell you the technologies are expensive
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there intermittent and made and communist china with slave labor and they don't work, subsidizing them or seen them on the american people is not going to get us better wind and solar it's going to get us a continued week electric grid but the biden administration doesn't believe in free market they believe them free government. >> the u.s. was forced to snapback sanctions on venezuela because the dictator didn't follow through with opening fair elections the uss ancient iran for the direct attacks on israel but only the uav industry not the oil industry, the president has shied away from restricting oil's exports. is this cynical politics with the green push trying to get more global supply from folks who may not be our friend while restricting on supplies. >> it's deeply cynical we produce oil cheaper and conscientious to the environment and more ethically we create better jobs, we do invest in america yet this a administration wants us to get this product from foreign
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nations and nations that are hostile to america and to our values. if we decide all the oil and gas production we wouldn't care what's happening in venezuela were opec nations, we no longer have the luxury. >> the power of the future, thank you, i appreciate the comments on the ongoing debate. thank you. >> thousands of small business leaders gathering in texas discussing how to grow their businesses in this time of economic uncertainty brian brenberg taken part in "the big money show" on the road. >> there are thousands of small business owners down the hall right now there to be filtering out soon and we're going to talk to the guy dave ramsey about the future of entrepreneurship in america we're going to talk to small business owners as well about the issues they're facing and what they want to see happen in d.c. and what they're trying to do to make money. all that's coming up at 1:00 p.m. eastern time of "the
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fact have human rights violation in doing this publicly is a place or time to be doing it right now. the fact that the age should be coming is a great thing for israel and sends a strong signal to everyone at the region in the same token, what is happening with the battalion in the state department could be handled quietly and more effectively in the body to administration choosing not to do that. edward: does that give iran not a green light and confidence to so their unrest in the strong signal were to hold iran accountable or will raw in the strike that occurred and you have the state of were existing between the countries of israel and iran direct taxi groups,
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iran to pay the price. >> the u.s. has been privately in public and holding back israelis from other operations, as the effort draws out, is this trolley the effort out, you believe as a u.s. public and privately endow going to rafah right away and scale back operations in playing a role in the protest here in the u.s. in college campuses and telling israel to be very careful going into rafah some of the impact that it may have on the civilians by a full-scale invasion going in, doesn't fact drive a degree of caution into the planning and may in fact benefit israel and allow them to wager more effective campaign to destroy hamas which must be destroyed and it can be done
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with extreme caution he needed to make sure you're taking the humanitarian disaster that might occur. but nonetheless, let israel have the freehand that they need, hamas must be destroyed. >> has the balance been met, i think israel is going to look out for the own national security and self-interest, they are at a point where the going to say we will never suffer and october 7 again, we are going to hold those who put this together accountable and i think at the end when you see hamas being held accountable, iran for israel will penn it to iran and say we're going to hold you accountable for what you did. >> the house passed the aid package and it goes on and it looks like the taken up on tuesday and maybe the passage on wednesday. it seems like the uss pena, should other countries pay up. >> i think you see the number of countries, especially in europe when it comes to the aid package whether for israel or ukraine,
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what it truly demonstrates despite the whining that you hear on capitol hill from the gop members is that america first does not mean america alone we have to have allies throughout the world that are willing to work with and for us in order to achieve not only our national security objectives but things that will protect them out well in the long run. edward: always a good conversation this is something will have you back on because it's not going away. that does it for us on "coast to coast" we're going to be going to "the big money show" we see the guy what 200 points as we speak, and the dow moving forward, markets not that concerned over the oil prices at the moment. next week the federal reserve likely will be a pause on a rate hike in there looking at the next rate hike, take it hello. i am jackie. >> i am kelly. >> and i a


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