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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 23, 2024 9:00am-10:00am EDT

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maria: welcome back. we are about 30 minutes away from the hoping bell, we're at the highs of the morning with the dow industrials up 107 and the nasdaq also higher this morning in the middle of a busy earnings season. mark tepper, final thoughts. >> look, we need a solid earnings season. obviously, this is a very important week, but it's got to be solid to get the market back on track because the market is struggling dealing with higher inflation and the fact that the fed may not cut. maria: it's been a tough second quarter, for sure. thank you so much for being here. pardon her me. -- pardon me. "varney & company" picks it up now. stu, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria, and good morning, everybody. peace has not been restore thed to college campuses. the anti-semitic protests are spreading, harvard closes its gates to nonstudents until
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friday. columbia encouraging remote learning again, they can't guarantee the safety of jewish students. the president says, as in president biden, he says he condemns anti-semitism. alexandria ocasio-cortez says the protests are peaceful. i'd like to say there's nothing peaceful about that a rahs aing jews. -- a harassing jews. donald trump's trial in new york, the judge will decide if he violated the gag order. he could decide to fine him and possibly find him in contempt of court which could mean prison time. it's unlikely, but it could happen this morning. to the markets. first, look at tesla. this is a premarket quote, 143 right now. after the bell elon musk reports the company's finances and, perhaps more importantly, he'll pell out the future of the robotaxi. if he commits to it, as he's expected to, it would mark the transformation of the company. in premarket trading we have the dow industrials up about 100
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points and the s&p up 18, nasdaq up 72 points. interest rates staying at elevated levels. we have the 10-year treasury yielding just above 4.60. actually, it's 4.if 64. the 2-year very close to 5%, it is now exactly at 5%. bitcoin not doing that much, we're at $66,000 right now and oil at $81 a barrel, $80.96. however, got to tell you, u.s. officials report a drone attack on u.s. troops in iraq are, but the price of oil still down. gold staying at much lower levels after a big selloff this week, $2,323 per ounce. all right, politics. the president pushes his green policies. he says he will save americans from a dangerous future. trump rails against the gag order that stops him speaking out while others are free to say what they like. on the show today, who's behind the campus protests? the hamas and hezbollah leaders have been meeting and helping
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organize or u.s. campus activists. and ozempic, yes, it works, but gillian michaels says there's a rot -- can lot wrong with it also. welcome to the show. it is tuesday, april the 23rd, 2024. "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪ ♪ [inaudible conversations] >> free, free palestine! stuart: it goes on from there just the same. those were the chants yesterday during the anti-israel protests at ivy league schools. kelly o'grady with me. what's the latest, kelly? >> reporter: it doesn't seem like there's any end in sight at this point, escalating tensions at universities. and you've got a mix of students and nonstudents as well
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occupying campus stays spaces with threats against jewish students start thing -- starting to intense final. columbia a classes were remote yesterday with, the university has announced their going to be -- they're going to be eye e bid for the rest of the semester. this demonstration went well beyond new york, you've got encampments at mit accidentallerson, rallies at harvard and unc. the biggest action a came at yale and nyu yesterday, ares made at both schools. there were 133 at nyu last night. now, similar to columbia last week, nyu actually invited the nypd once they felt those demonstrations begin to interfere with the safety of the community, and deputy commissioner or dow tracy shared this statement on x following that incident, rest assured in new york city the nypd stands ready to address these prohibited and subsequently illegal actions whenever we're called upon. i spoke to a number of jewish friends last night and e said do you think this would be happening if students were
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saying go back to africa to african-american students? stuart: don't make me laugh, please. kelly, thanks very much, end deed. now, president biden did speak on the ongoing protests yesterday. roll tape. >> reporter: do you condemn the anti-semitic protests on college campuses? >> i condemn anti-semitic protests, that's why i've a set up a program to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians and how they're being -- >> reporter: should the columbia university president resign? >> i didn't know that, i'll have to find out -- >> reporter: should she resign? stuart: charlie hurt joining me in new york city this morning. i don't think that was a terribly forceful response from president biden, and i have to say it again, if these protests were against black folk or muslims, the national guard would be out in force immediately, right? >> yeah. we tend to reserve that the sort of, you know, to say if the shoe was on the other foot, but it really is important in this particular case if you were talking about african-americans, if you were talking about
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anybody else, this would be -- this would not be condoned. and, you know, you're right, it was not a forceful statement. he's, condoning, essentially, condoning all of this. but the other thing is democrats are still trying to curry favor with these people, trying to win over their votes. this is the moment where democrats say, stop. we reject this. take a leadership position. this moral if ambivalence is what leads to this. and the worst part of all of it is that joe biden is in the if process of forcing american taxpayers to pay for this. stuart: yeah. >> nonsense. stuart: be careful what you say. >> i'm doing my best. my best behavior. stuart: robert kraft, he's pulled his support for columbia because of these protests. watch this. >> we have professors who instead of teaching how to think, they're trying to tell you are young people what they
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should think. and i think one of the biggest problems that a we have to do something about is really tenure at these university. i never thought the i'd see what what's going on in america, what's happening right now, and it really pains me to see it. we can't are this intimidation -- have this intimidation that's filtering lu all these colleges. stuart: charles, do you think jews will ever again feel welcome on american college campuses? >> it's hard to see how that's possible. we don't have a choice, we have to change this so that they do. but, you know, for an industry where they talk about safe spaces all the time and they're always concerned about a safe spaces, where are the safe spaces for jewish students right now? they don't exist. and you have professors, you have university professors warning students to go home and don't come back with. as kelly pointed out, universities are changing their exam schedule, changing their
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graduation schedule in order to accommodate not the jewish student, with but the protesters here. and giving in to them. it's just appalling. stuart: it really is. it reminds me of germany in the 1930s. not that i was there, but i know all about it. >> go back to poland? are you kidding me? stuart: that's what they were shouting. >> yeah. and hamas, we love your bombs? this is no proof palestinian, this is pro-hamas. stuart: it's hate speech in the most intense with sense of the world. charlie, stay with me for the hour, please. republican senators josh hawley and tom9 cotton are calling on biden to deploy the national guard. tell me more, kelly. >> the argument is there is precedent for something like this and the situation is escalating to the point this is a major safety concern. senator hawley posted on x eisenhower sent the 101st to little rock, it's time for bind to call out the national guard at our universities to protect
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jewish-americans. senator cotton said, quote, the nays e sent program at columbia have to stop today before our jewish brethren sit for said or tonight. -- saider tonight. joe biden has a couth to take charge -- duty to take charge and break up these mob ifs. >> nothing from president biden yet. he will have to walk a delicate line come november. stuart: nothing from senator chuck schumer either. let's check the markets. we're eight minutes into the show, we'd better handle the markets. tesla reports earnings -- after the bell. what are the analysts expecting? >> elon musk is likely going to speak, and one ubs ap ab a list said expect fireworks. nothing short of a roll orer coaster. we called layoffs, misdeliver numbers, today we're expecting to hear a year-over-year decline in revenue. that would be the first drop in nearly four years.
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we're also a expecting a nearly 40% slide in profit. the biggest thing, though, i think investors are looking for is guidance. tesla is facing intense pressure from chinese automakers, weak demand in the u.s., and investors want claire dearound what direction -- clarity around what direction is musk taking. are they going to make a big robotaxi play? where's the growth doing -- going to come from? and what about musk himself, is he focused? is tesla his priority? stuart: or distracted. check the markets. we've got green across the screen, dow, s&p and nasdaq. i want to bring in mike lee on tesla. mike, i'm waiting to hear about the robotaxi because if musk commits to it, that will be the transformation of tesla. what do you expect? if. >> stuart, i expect roses and sunshine when it comes to talking about the robotaxi. we'll really know more about
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that in august when they have their awe on the -- autonomous if day. tesla's been working on this for a long time, and when you look at the speed of change that's going on with artificial intelligence and generative a.i., it's something that's going to be here, i think, a lot sooner than people think. i think the overhang for tesla is wall street's numbers for driverly ares might be a little bit too high for the rest of this year and next year. i think that has a lot less to do with macro concerns and we sixer but the hype around electronic vehicles around the last few years was huge, and so i think that a pulled forward a lot of purchases that people would have waited on. and so demand is going to take a little while to recover, and so we might have some rocky numbers out of tesla tonight. but every time the stock has been down seven days in a row and beaten up like this, in 2018 it went up 50 in the next -- 50% in the next two months and and in december of 2022 it was up
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100% in two months when it got beaten up. historically, when this stock gets kicked in the teeth, it recovers dramatically. stuart: real fast. if the tech earnings are good this week, do we go to 40,000 on the dow industrials? 30 seconds. >> yeah, looking -- look, i think it was the momentum selling to the downside, so if we get some good, positive catalysts, we're going to get some momentum buying the upside, and i think we are in a bull market, a multiyear bull market that's going to be led by tech. hope friday -- hopefully, we are off to the races. stuart: we would love to see it. here's what's coming up for you. president biden accused of undoing decades of will's rights after he changed title ix9 -- women with's rights after he changed title ix rights. riley gaines will tell us what that means for female athletes. and look at this op-ed, wall street journal, by aiding ukraine, mike johnson makes america great again. congressman chip roy does not agree.
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he says we gave up border security to help ukraine. the congressman is next. ♪ ♪ if
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stuart: all right. looking at the future, we see a little green. dow's up 120, 38,500, and the nasdaq's up about 79 points. we've got green this tuesday morning. do you remember those 100 plus migrants who were arrested for rioting at our border or in turns out a judge in el paso has cropped the charges -- dropped the charges. kelly, why did he or she drop the charges? >> if you can believe this, stuart, the judge saying there isn't enough evidence to prove participation in a riot for 140 of the 142 migrants that were initially charged even though
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you've got this video here. all 142 still face federal charges for illegal entry and will be transferred to federal custody. the public defender says they have 48 hours to get picked up by i.c.e. or be released, but this is the same story we always hear. stuart: big different from the pursuit of people active on the january 6th. >> a little bit. stuart: subtle difference there, you know what i mean? [laughter] thank you, kelly. take a look at this, it's an op-ed e in the wall street journal. by aiding ukraine, pike johnson mistakes -- mike johnson makes america great again. congressman chip roy joins me now. i'm dying to see the expression on his face. [laughter] there you go. what was your response to that "wall street journal" headline, make america great again, mike johnson? >> great to be on, stuart. that's what happens when "the wall street journal" editorial board sits up in their lofty offices in new york, hell and gone away from the people of
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texas who are dealing with this every single day. i'd love to see them the sit in the room with the parents obviously laken riley or the parents in the district in which i live in which six children died from fentanyl poisoning, how having 24,000 chinese foreign nationals be apprehended since october 1 alone which is more than all of 2023 and well more than just the simply 381 that we had in the first year of the biden administration, in '21, under the policies of president trump. our border's under assault. americans are suffering, and they have the audacity to say that it's making america great again by sending $95 a billion of unpaid for money overseas while still funding by the way, hamas? let's be are clear, all the people saying, oh, this is good for israel, we're sending billions of or dollars that can be used by hamas. i disagree with the editorial board. it's not the first, and i -- it won't be the last. stuart: so what did you win?
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you tried to delay this deal. that was unsuccessful. what did you win? >> well, look, the american people see very clearly what's going on. let's be clear, a majority of republicans voted against this bill on saturday. it's not some band of crazy e people, a majority of republicans voted no. elise stefanik voted against this bill. let's be very clear. let's remember that a majority of republicans voted against do the omnibus spending bill two weeks ago. the american people are seeing hate bare9 that the republican party campaigned using big rhetoric saying tear going to secure the border, and when push comes to shove, the speaker spent six months saying, hey, i'm going to secure the border, i demand it on the back of ukraine, and then walks away if that promise. i stand in solidarity with the people of israel -- israel, but i'm not going to fund both sides of a war, i'm not going to spend $100 billion we don't have to then back away from securing the border of the united states.
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that's hat speaker did. stuart: one more for you. biden's considering giving legal status to immigrants married to legal u.s. citizens. now, this new policy would make thousands of illegals eligible for work permits. would you support that policy, congressman? >> i mean, obvious not. i mean -- of course not. the president wants to act a unilaterally like he did with student loans, like he's done on numerous front seat. anything you do that provides status for people who come here here unlawfulfully encouraged more people to come. ronald reagan recognized that after the '86 amnesty. of we need to secure the border of the united states, we need to stand up for the people. we don't immediate to write blank -- need to write blank checks for overseas wars. virtually everybody in my district who has reached out to my office have been thanking me. i was in an irish pub on saturday night with a friend, and a military guy sent me a
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drink and said, you know what? thank you for having the courage to stand up for the men and women in uniform and the people in this country who want to defend america rather than sending dollars overseas without paying for it. stuart: congressman chip roy, we appreciate having you on the show today. >> thanks, stuart. god bless. stuart: charlie's still with me. we may disagree on this, but at the end of the day we've got millions of migrants in our country not allowed to work. if we give them work permits, they can make a living and we don't have to support them for the rest of their lives. what say you? >> here's the problem with this, and i think chip roy's right about this. when you willy-nilly bend the rules for people, you end up inviting more, which is a problem. the best way to help these people is to fix the problem at the border. and if you fix the problem at the border, then you start dealing with these situations where you have people in terrible circumstances -- stuart: i agree. job one is close the border and fix the border, then you can consider letting them work. >> exactly.
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and when democrats claim to care about the dreamers, well, if you want to help the dreamers, fix the border. democrats don't actually care about a helping the dreamers, because if you did, you would fix the border. as soon as you do that,s the entire conversation changes instantly. and i think that americans have a lot of sympathy for people who are here under in bad with circumstances or who are in these circumstances and would be eager to find a way to make it work. stuart: charlie, thank you very much, indeed. stay there, please. check futures real fast, dow's up about a 120, nasdaq up 80. the opening bell on wall street is next, and we're going to take you there. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ c'mon, bear. ♪ ♪ ♪ you don' don't have to worry... ♪ ♪ be by your side... i'll be there... ♪ ♪ with my arms wrapped around... ♪ stuart: three minutes til the opening bell, the dow's up 130, nasdaq can up 81 points. david nicholas joining us to look at the market for us. tesla reports after the bell. what are you expecting, david? >> yeah, institute, i'm a the he's are la bull. i like -- tesla bull. this really.coms -- can comes down to the model 2.
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wall street needs clarity. what is their plan for their $25,000 affordable vehicle? this is the only way you can compete with a communist china who subsidizes their vehicles and has cheap labor. i also want to hear about the robotaxi. if elon says it's on the table, this stock is heading higher, but but we need some clarity, stuart. stuart: but in he makes a commitment to it in the near future, that changes the company, doesn't it? it makes it almost a pure a.i. play, am i right? if. >> stuart, you're spot on. but i want to make a distinction, we don't want the robotaxi to erase the $25,000 affordable care. you need both -- car. and i think wall street is going to -- scared he's going to choose the robo over the affordable car. stuart: double the money in the stock if you get both? [laughter] it's going to above 250? that's what you're telling me? >> yeah. so if we can get that clarity on the robotaxi, this stock's heading high or. just to get back to where it was
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in january, that's a 75% return. my 12-month price target's about 190. i think within 3 years you double your money if you're buying today. stuart: tell me about a gold. down bigtime this week and down a bit more today, $2325 per ounce. has gold lost its luster? >> stuart, mean, a mast massive move down yesterday, the largest in two years. unbelievable. i think this is a buying opportunity. the market thinks that everything is fine in the middle east, so you see gold selling off. i think the market is wrong on this. tensions are still the high and, hopefully, it doesn't escalate. but if it does, that's good for gold. the other thing is it looks like inflation is stickier, that the means a stronger dollar. that's bad for gold. weakness in gold, i'm telling viewers they should be buyers here. i think it's a good time to get in. stuart: big tech earnings coming out this week including microsoft. if one of them, one of the three biggies that's reporting this week, if they truly disappoint, does the market slide from there on out? >> stuart, a lot is riding on
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tech earnings. the market needs a lifeline, but i think we're going to get some decent earnings out of some of these big tech names. if one of the big ones disappoints, we could see continue selling -- continued selling pressure if tech disappoints this week, stuart. stuart: ouch, that would hurt. david nicholas, thank you very much for joining us. we'll see you again later, and we'll be watching tesla this afternoon, 4:00 eastern time on fox business to see how they do. they're clapping and cheering, that means they're about to open this markets.. -- market. one of the folks on the right-hand side will reach down, press the button. we've had no significant economic reports early this morning. we're waiting for the big with reports this afternoon after closing bell. tesla today, big tech at the end of the week. here we go. we're off, we're running. please press that button. did she already? i think she did. yeah. >>, i think she did. 38,391 is the dow, and it's up
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150 points as we speak. and there's an awful lot of buying, plenty of green among the dow 30. the s&p 500 also on the upside in the very, very early going, 23 points. almost a half percent though. and the nasdaq composite, that a too on the upside to the tune of a half percentage point almost. check, big tech, please. i would imagine that most of them are up this morning. they are. the sole exception is ap. we've got some news on that couple out in a moment. kelly will have that for us. meta, microsoft, amazon, alphabet on the upside. they've got green right there. some earnings reports before the bell including general motors, looks like they did well, kelly. >> really well, actually. big first quarter beat for general motors, both the top and bottom line, and they boosted your full-year guidance which investors love to see. the stock is up over 5% right now. this was mainly due to increased retail sales in north america. of i thought this was interesting, gm has previously walked back its ev goals, this
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time around ceo mary barra said leveraging the strength of the traditional gas-powered business gave the company the ability to grow its ev business over time while still delivering strong margins, right in get rid of some of those deadlines -- [laughter] stuart: they've still got to sell these evs. >> oh, true, true, right in but it's more of that moderation, which i think was interesting. jetblue, not a good day, okay? this was really all about the guidance, the stock is down 17% right now. they are revised their second quarter sales down 10.5%, their full year was down single ding jilts. this is a really huge blow for their quest to return to profitability this year, significant cost cuts, learned more were coming and you can really see that divide deepening between jetblue and some of their competitors with those broader or networks. pepsico also out this morning. mentioned here. they beat on revenue and profit expectations, net sales rose 2.3%, but you can see the stock is down 2.3% right now. this is really all about a volume issue. it continues to be under
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pressure. you've got higher prices across divisions that's resulted in weaker demand, and it wasn't helped by a recall actually in their quaker segment. they did remain, guy dance remained the same -- guidance remained the same. stuart: show me ups, they're on the upside but only just. >> exact ally. this is about cost cutting. profit came in above estimates. their cost-cutting effortses offset weaker demand in their smaller package deliveries. remember, though, they're face ifing cost headwinds because of that new teamsters' contract. they're -- 46% in this year alone, but they are planning to focus on their enterprise clients. stuart: okay, so they're a winner. now, i'm very interested in apple, and i think that their china problem just got a lot worse, didn't it? >> oh, it absolutely did. iphone sales fell 19 percent during the first quarter according to new data, that is the worst performance that we've seen for q1 since 2020. china is one of the biggest
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markets for the iphone, but huawei --s which is also a phonemaker -- is really eating that that share. normally this is chinese new year, it's a big time for sales. huawei jumped 70%. the iphone dropped 19 president. -- 19%. that's a big, big mix there. potentially, you could see some long-term issues with their flagship product there. stuart: the iphone is now the third highest smartphone seller in china. they used to be number one, now they're number three. that ain't good. >> right. stuart: amazon. if you're a prime member, do we have a new perk coming our way or your way? >> yes, but you have to pay more for it, as you always do. for $9.99 a month, prime subscribers can get unlimited grocery delivery e applying to orders over $35 from whole foods, amazon fresh, some ore local grocery stores on the platform. this really positions them to take a run at at wal-mart and target, but i have to say, i hope when someone pix up my
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produce. e -- picks up my produce. i need to look at my grapes. stuart: great line right there. [laughter] drug maker novartis. i know they're up big but i don't know why. >> yeah. they're up 3% right now. investors love when a company raises full-year guidance, so they came in with a better than expected first quarter sales. they saw solid growth across all their major brands, really good performance from their heart nail your and psoriasis drugs, and they have a really strong pipeline. stuart: before we move on, charlie's been writing down notes. is there a stock that you wish to buy if kelly's reports this morning? >> i'm going to buy tesla. zero stouter really in. >> i think so, yeah. stuart: are you serious? >> do not take -- [laughter] you saw my checkbook, you would not want to take financial advice from me. but i mean, no, i think that, you know, elon musk is, again, it's because he's so interesting and innovative. when he talked about -- he deny talk about going to the moon p he talks about a making humans
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an interplanetary species. stuart: he's an interesting guy. one of the most interesting -- one quick one. what's, is trump getting some kind of bonus out of his social media stock? >> yes. he's set to receive up to 36 million additional shares of trump media after they close today. and basically it was set aside for hem if the company's stock met a minimum share price bench mark, this happens a lot. that target was $17.50. the stock has seen a dip since it first traded, but right now it's still more than double that price target. these shares will be worth more than a billion dollars for him right now. stuart: pretty soon you're tall real money. music stream the ther spotify. way up, i believe. show me? oh, not bad. 13% move. why? >> well, so there was some slower growth, okay? but basically what they were saying is, hey, you know, we had record numbers in 2023. the company did achieve 239 million premium subs this quarter, they said, look, we're
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going to increase our marketing. you've also got to think they might if get a bump from all that taylor swift record listening. stuart: 239 million people get spotify. >> yep. stuart: check that big board, please. six and a half minutes' worth of business so far this morning. we're up 74 points. 38,3, is the level. show me the dow winners, please. do i hold any of these stocks? the answer is, yes. i've got microsoft, bottom of the screen. verizon, morgan, honeywell, or walt disney on the big board, dow winners. the s&p 500, kimberly, quest dying nottistics, globe -- diagnostics. the nasdaq, any big names there? no. datadog. fascinating company. illumina. advance ad micro devices and meta. on that list, it's up 1.6%. the 10-year treasury, the yield up, 4.65. the price of gold, down $20, $2326. bitcoin, $66,000 a coin.
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the price of oil, is it going to break with below $80? not yet, it's at 81.45 as we speak. coming up, gen-zers are ditching college for trade schools. why? [laughter] well, maybe they don't like going for an expensive 4-year college degree. but i'm going to ask the chief executive at a trade school what's going on in his business. he's coming up later in the show. the supreme court appeared divided over a ban on homeless encampments. if the court struck down the right to camp in public parks, would seattle actually move people? our seattle guy, jason rantz, gets into that. aoc calling anti-israel protests peaceful. roll it. >> it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-let protests on campuses. stuart: wait a minute.
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joe borelli on the new york city council says what we're seeing on these campuses is clear anti-semitism. joe is next. ♪ ♪ the new dexcom g7 sends your glucose numbers to your phone and watch, so you can always see where you're heading, without fingersticks. dexcom g7 is the most accurate cgm. so, you can manage your diabetes with confidence. ♪ ♪
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and live large. stuart: aocs had this to say about those college protests. roll it. >> today also serves as a reminder of the power of organizing, of what we can accomplish when young people, climate advocates, labor organizers and and working people of all backgrounds come together to demand the future. it is especially important that we remember the power of young people shaping this country today of all days as we once again witness the leadership of those peaceful student-led protests on campuses like
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columbia, yale, we cannerly and -- berkeley and many others. stuart: okay. we just heard from donald trump. he spoke before entering the courtroom. he spoke about these college demonstrations, and he blamed biden for the signals that biden is putting out. he also said biden is no friend of israel. new york city councilman if joe borelli join me now. who do you blame for these college disturbances, if i can put it like that? >> i, to be honest, i blame the participation trophy generation for having these kids feel like tear opinions are so noble and righteous and correct that they think we need to hear all about them. and, by the way, stuart, listen to what aoc just said. she's talking about climate activists and labor unions and that's all well and good. she's standing with people who are touting hamas, who are not saying, you know, release the survivors, who are cheering on the people who murdered thousands of israelis on october 7th. and she's doing it openly, and she's doing it openly and in the
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face of countless new yorkers or who happen to be jewish or just like me who happen to believe that the jewish cause or the israeli cause is one that's righteous and noble. stuart: she never mentioned the hostages. why doesn't somebody say, hamas, release the hostages and it's all over. nobody ever says that. >> never once x. this is why there is a very thin veil between what some of these students are saying about a free palestine and what they actually mean. you know, you can have protests on october 6, 2023, for a free palestinian state, and that's all well and good. but these folks were motivated by what happened on october 7th. and now we're seeing that manifest if itself in outright threats and and outright harassment and outright barring of jewish students and jewish faculty on a college campus. this is really, you know, i say it's an a unfortunate incident, but it's way, way worse than that. this is one of -- was one of our leading institutions.
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and to go down this rabbit hole of virulent are anti-semitism is just disappointing not just for the college it, but for almost an entire generation of young people who seem to be cheering this on. stuart: there's a new poll, and it comes from "the new york times". it puts donald trump just 10 points behind president biden in new york state, 47-37. do you think trump should make a play for new york? if do you think it's winnable for him? >> i think he absolutely should. whether it's winnable or not, you know, it's still going to be a tough state for him to win, but we've seen in the last three major election cycles every region of new york state move further to the right. as you know, our dear friend lee zeldin, who i was proud to help lead his campaign, we came just shy of winning the governorship, so trump should make a play here. we are the media market capital of the country. what he says and does here will resonate around the country, and this is so many effective targets for him to go after.
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that sienna poll also had a number normal of issues where determine accurates were getting clobbered on things like crime. he could highlight all of those. stuart: he could. charlie's still with me. do you think new york state is winnable for donald trump? for example, the big rally in madison square garden? what do you think? >> i would definitely make that rally, there's no doubt about it. stranger things have happened in politics lately. donald trump has rewritten the the political playbook which has a lot of people upset, but democrats are particularly desperate. and the reason democrats, and they're -- the white house's fingerprints are all over every single one of these cases. the reason they want to put donald trump in jail is because they're terrifyinged -- can terrified of him. and if they succeed, this is the way democrats will ever run politics. stuart: thank you, charlie. this is just coming in to us, x is releasing a new tv app for realtime cop tent. can you explain what this does for me? >> welsh for investors i think
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it creates the question of yet another thing for e ron musk to focus on. -- elon musk. stuart: another distraction. >> yeah, exactly. this is going to be available on most smart tv thes like you would get with netflix, it. a couple of fee feature ifs -- for you, there will be a trending algorithm for video. you're also going to be able to watch it on your phone and wherever you are continue immediately watching it on your tv. you're going to be able to find content faster with improved search. i think what's interesting though is you've got a lot of people watching video on x. i believe the stat was 16 million days worth of video over the last 30 days. but are people going to want to think about x as t? stuart: i don't know. i -- as tv? i really don't know. it's a new thing again from musk. thanks, kelly. fitness groove. that's the9 title i wish to confer here --
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[laughter] jillian michaels is going after to ozempic weight loss trend. she says it's a devil's bargain at an extraordinary price. she's here in the studio. i think she's about to walk over onto the set. yes, she is. jillian, thank you so much. we'll be back, everyone. ♪ i want to get physical, let's get into physical ♪
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stuart: joining me now is jill january michaels joining me in -- jillian michaels joining me in new york city if. welcome to the show. you say weight loss drugs like o semitick -- to ozempic work, what's the problem? >> let's look at the side effects. at least 50% of the people who take the drug will experience nausea with, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, and many will get off of it because they can't tolerate those side effects. outside of that,s you have the side effects more rare, intestinal blockage, try ride cancer, gallbladder problems, kidney issues, pan accurate tightens, muscle loss. i mean, it goes on and on. and now we're starting to see things that are being an ec doteally reported, but there's a new article every day, one that just came out last week about
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how sigh chi e trysts believe the drug is warning our brain because of the impact on done mine regulation. and they don't understand the mechanism by which this is happening. and beyond that, right, because if you were to argue but, jillian, obesity kills people. let me be clear, i've been catching bullets for that message for years now, right? however, the drug stop ises working, you plateau between weeks 68-72. you can never get off of it because i all of the analysis shows us you come all the way back and then some, two-thirds in the first year alone. and if there's an alternative where you can lose weight by eating a little bit less and moving a little bit more over time with nothing but upside, take the it. stuart: okay. >> take it. stuart: calorie restriction is the only way to lose weight. you just told metaduring the commercial break. >> 100%. stuart: eat less. >> that's the mechanism that
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facilitates weight loss with drugs like ozempic. they can curb appetite. stuart: i've got to leave time in this interview for you what did. you left california and you went to florida. >> i did. stu tooth and you left california because of governor newsom. give me 30 seconds on what's wrong -- >> everything is wrong with governor newsom. i think if you look at the state and the status of where everything is at, it speaks for itself. how much time do we actually have? there was a law that was passed before i had left where, you know, as a matter of lgbtq rights a sex offender or within 10 years, so if a 14-year-old child sleeps with a person who's 24, then it's consensual. the 24-year-old doesn't need to register as a sex offender. the judge can decide whether or not -- i mean, i remembering with horrified by that, and that was years ago. and it became exponential. there was a snowball from there with madness. i just cannot if stand what is
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happening to california. stuart: is this a new fitness app? [laughter] is it all about calorie restrictions? >> the fitness app is all about personalized peel plans, workout programs -- meal plan, peddation, coaching and support. stuart: how much? >> gosh, i think it's, like $14 a month. stuart: $14 a month? >> yes. tour suiter cow -- you tell me what to eat, when to eat -- >> it's all personalized. stuart: i've got to do it. it takes discipline. >> discipline is tough. it takes patience, it's a matter of attrition, and it takes passion. you've got to want it. anything that requires work -- stuart: would it work for a afternoon old man like you, 75 years old? >> 100%. stuart: jill job ean, you're all right. come back anytime. still ahead, jason chaffetz, lieutenant general keith kellogg, jimmy pale la, riley gaines. if the 10:00 hour or valveny and company is next. -- "varney & company" is next.
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