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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 23, 2024 10:00am-11:00am EDT

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stuart: desperate man. i wonder what desperate man you have in mind today. it is 10:00 eastern, straight to your money, the numbers in one second. the dow is up 170, nasdaq 150, solid green on the left-hand side of the screen, the 10-year treasury yield has been moving up and it's down a fraction, 460, significant, you are at 458 down two basis points. price of oil very low, 60 right now. bitcoin is at 66,500. latest read on new-home sales. lauren: it is the highest number we've seen since september. i don't think it will have a
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huge impact on the market, we are seeing an increase in interest in buying new homes but freddie mac is saying the rate is 7. 30 one% on one% on the 30 year making it tough for people so these are people who are able to find what they want, what they need. they are still out there and market tanked as a result of that but not as robust as it once was. stuart: you are right, positive for the housing industry, not doing much for the market. that the market, that housing, now this. with elon musk, one crisis after another, never a dull moment. these are mercurial character, never happy unless he's on the brink and stirring things up. you doing that right now. has a is in turmoil. he canceled a scheduled trip to india which he hopes will be a huge market for tesla, stayed home and stayed home to deal with fallout from the price cuts he put in place and the
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10% of the workforce he laid off had a dramatic stock price decline, tesla has lost tens of billions in market value. this afternoon comes the much-anticipated earnings report but everyone is waiting for the statement musk will release about the future, specifically the robotaxi, what musk sees as the future of the committee. if he commits to it and he is expected to do just that it would transform the company. the robo taxi is essentially nai product, it would make tesla nai company. it's typical of musk to go out on a technological them. is done it before and he came out a winner. will investors accept another musk driven crisis from amanda so much on his plate. musk is the most dynamically creative entrepreneur in several generations, there was steve jobs. today we will see how far down the ai road he wants to take his business, the stock price, investors will back him in one
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more adventure. second hour of varney just getting started. the gentleman in the cow jacket is back, scott sheldonaddy a resident of the show, must goes from crisis to crisis couple investors back him one more time on the robo taxi? >> if they are smart they will stick with him. the only way when i got this topic when i thought about for two seconds my initial reaction was would you rather be, know what you know about the future going forward, what you don't know about the future going forward would you rather be ford or elon musk at tesla. i think the innovations, the
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technology and overall vision of this man and his companies, not just chesler but space x and the like have some better place than any other company on the planet to take it vantage of the new thing around the corner like the robo taxi and i think about what if he announces he's going to have a drone that will also be a taxi, personal drone you can drive to work no longer on the road. that's the type of thing that will come out of this guy's brain and i will bet with this guy because he doesn't have the constraints of the big three big twee through, so if you want to be ford or gm or chesler going forward we still have to put your feet in the camp of tessa. stuart: that's fascinating, the stock is rising as we speak. by the way, are you moving money out of gold and copper and other metals to the stocks? is that what you are doing right now? >> for me personally no but i
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am thinking what to do with that. i like the story that gold has gotten back from bitcoin, bitcoin took the luster off of gold, no pun intended or unintended. it moved back towards gold, the fact that things seem down that are supposed to be up and up that they're supposed to be down, crazy things like what's happening on college campuses, the giveaway of student debt. things that don't make sense to the average person are unsettling and they want to keep something safe going forward and holding onto something like gold is better than holding onto something like bitcoin, going to cosco and hanging onto the little gold bar might mean something so i still like the metals but use sentiment change yesterday that said maybe with gone too far too quickly. maybe we've done too far too quickly and we have to retrace. in the long term i think it's
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still a good thing but there has been some money that is moved out of metals and gone to the stock market in the short-term? >> quick question if i may, when you travel do you wear that outfit? >> there is a man that you know who's a good friend of mine, neil sean, he and i are very good friends and he told me if he saw me ever outside the studio without wearing something black-and-white like a cow, he would never speak to me again so to make sure i keep our relationship happy i've started to wear everything black and white. it's been 8 years since he told me that and it matters because it keeps the brand going, people stop me all the time and it's been a tremendous boon. i don't wear this jacket per se but the shirt i have underneath has black and white, the sleeves, i don't leave the house without something holstein on.
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stuart: we will remember that. you are all right and we will see you again soon. let's change the subject. president biden claims is inflation reduction act is the most significant investment ever. >> president biden: when i got to the senate, organized the first earth day. i introduced the first climate bill in the united states senate and all these years later as president i was able to sign into law the inflation reduction act, the most giving -- [applause] >> president biden: the most significant investment ever anywhere in the history of the world, just getting started. earth they pushed the country forward, leading to the environmental protection agency. we when the most significant investment ever. what do you say? >> that according to him. of course he's going to say that but his right to say it is
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a climate bill, it's $890 billion spending with a huge chunk for green initiatives. it's not going to reduce inflation. it hasn't hit the market yet and when it does it is just additional spending at it will reverse the inflationary downward trend we've seen from 9% to where we are. that's one talking about, not the recent trend up but will stimulate the economy as you put more cash into it. that's why inflation went up in the first place after the pandemic big several was spending so much and they said 6 trillion more the we didn't need so just wait for that whiplash, not going to feel good. stuart: it is a greenville, that's what is. thank you. donald trump back in court for day 6 of his hush money trial. we are waiting to hear ruling from the judge on whether or not trump violated his gag order. it's a very serious thing because if the judge says you violated it, you're going to be
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fined and held in contempt of court. hard to believe in an american court we should tell former president you've got to keep quiet. what's going on? >> the absurdity of it drives people nuts, this is lawfair, the democrats relentlessly saying we will continue to go after him, suppressing everything they can about donald trump, his ability to communicate, a leading presidential candidate in the united states, you think you have a yahoo of a judge issue a gag order and do something to penalize the guy, you've got to be kidding me. i thought we were the land of the first amendment, the president of the united states has a right to defend himself, to go out and speak other people don't have gag orders. stuart: what do you think would happen if the judge says you violated the gag order, i'm going to find you and hold you in contempt of court. what would happen at that point?
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>> if i was donald trump i would say i'm not stroking you a check or giving you any money, want to put me in jail, go ahead, put me in jail, see how america reacts which america understands fairness, this is not fair. we went you think trump is winning this issue, being forced into court on these charges, having to sit in court, do you think he wins politically and biden loses publicly, is that the state of play? >> i think if you add up, look at the four different things coming up after donald trump, what they did with russiagate america starts to understand they are trying to take this guy down because he's a political and become a this case goes to 2016, just now they are bringing it up, this app is to come up 5 months before the presidential election, america is smart enough to figure out what's going on. stuart: thanks for joining us,
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always appreciate it, see you again soon, donald trump doubling down on his calls to debate president biden. what else does trump want? lauren: i won't speak for him because he doesn't so eloquently himself and he spoke on the radio, let's listen. >> i say anywhere anytime anyplace i am willing to go and i think it's important we do and i think both candidates should be drug tested too because i watched that state of the union and there were strange things going on up there and we can't have. i think i said this before, drug testing should take place. lauren: the drug test is what he wants and a lot of people have questioned the president's ability to get on the podium for the state of the union and be so energized when we've seen him having to be pulled away by
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the easter bunny in other situations and handlers don't want him speaking. high don't think donald trump is making a bad point. stuart: he seemed amped up. and new data shows facebook, tell me more about this. >> in the united states it interfered with 39 times since 2008 but also talk about google saying google has interfered 40 one times over the last 16 years, brent bussell made some comments there interesting about mark zuckerberg versus meta, versus google saying zuckerberg is still in some way a patriot of free speech but
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either way when you look at these companies power and influence in this country and their ability to reach people they have that and use it and are led in many cases by people on the left if not somewhat progressive. that is what kids today are getting. stuart: thank you very much. the state department says hamas has moved the goalpost and changed its hostage negotiations with israel. jeff paul has the latest on tel aviv. iran's proxies attack two us bases after a three month pause, the pentagon says the us does not want to see a wider regional conflict, how should we respond to this latest attack. retired general keith kellogg on that next. there are some things that work better together. like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. voya provides tools that help you make the right investment
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move with xfinity. stuart: us official saying hamas has started to move the goalposts in hostage negotiation. jeff paul, what is hamas demanding now? >> state department says hamas made demands. some of those demands but hamas changed its mind on what it wants. that signals that hamas doesn't want to come up with a deal or a plan of the families of the one hundred 33 people who were kidnapped on october 7th of this is a devastating reality. we spoke with one of those families. daniel leftschiff whose mother
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and grandmother were kidnapped, his grandmother was one of the first to be released by hamas but his grandfather is being held, marks 200 days, passover just began, celebrating liberty. displays like those in central tel aviv, daniel says it is one of those moments so many are realizing that. >> impossible to celebrate, people from his real doing that with waiting for the last 200 days, and i think it would be this passover would be the saddest.
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>> the seventh month of the 7 month mark, new settling images show a compound of tents in the southern gaza. egypt is in preparation for is relapse possible military operation, thousands of people displaced by the fighting, currently seeking refuge there. including the biden administration, but benjamin netanyahu long said will happen but the timing of that remains unclear. >> in iraq and syria, the first attacking us troops in us months. is this iran testifies against
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us, >> and reaching out and touching us. i'm terry lee sorry to interrupt you, reach back in touch iran, what do you mean? >> the united states of america attacking forces on the united states we should go out and do hit targets. the israelis did it and look what happened to the israelis, they back down quickly. when you hit subsidiaries and surrogates out there, to the home base which is iran they
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keep responding like this. we did with general soleimani, a clear message to target this. this will continue. attack after attack after attack, we push back on the irani ends. stuart: we have reports that is real is getting ready to attack rafah and finish hamas off. if they did that, they would be ignoring president biden's calls for restraint. >> the fact of the matter is they are going to rafah, they have 2, hamas, fighting italians that are still rafah. running into the seventh month, no proof of life that the hostages are still alive. there are american hostages out there. i don't think the hostages are alive to a great extent because they can't prove they are alive. the israelis should go into rafah. that's the last bastion of
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hamas and they have to eradicate hamas and i'm talking about the leadership. there will always be cells but this has to be done. i get the collateral damage. i understand the concerns. this is an essential fight. the israelis didn't start this. started this fight. we should be supporting them to clean out hamas and we don't do it, we equivocate and say don't go into rafah. why? that's where the headquarters is, where the fighting battalions are. in all probability that's where the hostages are if they are alive. stuart: what are the chances of a wider war, you suggest america should reach out and touch iran after this attack on our troops and israelis must go into rafah to finish hamas off. they do those things do we end up with the water war? >> i don't think so. what happened recently with the israelis going into iran, the
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nuclear facility shows the weakness that iran has, you have to respond to strengthen the middle east. we should put everybody in their back heels, need to do that, we've proven that in the past, strength does matter, there's always risk, it's not a gamble but if you do that it resets the situation in the middle east and more importantly establish deterrence in the release which is not there now. stuart: risk is not a gamble. thanks for joining us. appreciate it always. president biden spoke with president zelenskyy over the phone, do we know what was discussed? >> more aid, we have this bill that was packaged, all these separate bills going to the senate, they are going to get there aid and get it soon when the senate passes the package
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to gather, 61,000,000,004 ukraine out of 95 billion. what is urgent is the israel aid in conversation with the general, they are using this as a vehicle to get everything they want if they roll the tiktok ban as well. stuart: the tiktok band didn't get much coverage. lauren: border stuff absent i guess. lauren: ship roy very angry about that. the ftc suing to block the merger of two luxury brands, the deal would limit competition and lead to higher prices. they don't mind that. lydia has the story. the administration set a new several for title ix that would release the number of trump era policies, riley gains will tell us what it means for female athletes. riley is next. ♪
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the need for domestic lithium production is crucial. surge battery metals is filling the demand and reducing our reliance on foreign sources with its best in class lithium discovery. surge battery metals, energizing our future. stuart: on the markets, the dow
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up 140. look at the nasdaq go, 200 points. a modest bounce back. apple announced a special event, let loose, expected to be new ipod hardware and accessories, based on this logo in script and news on the apple pencil. the ftc filed a lawsuit to block tapestry's $8 billion acquisition, lydia who is following the story. >> ftc, it would drive prices higher. and well-known fashion brands,
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and and the $8 billion deal, the ftc, they are asking for a lot of information. even though the european union, and threatens to deprive million of americans, and the divine marketing and advertising. and we are getting it all wrong. look tapestry, capri, head to head with brands, and karen which owns gucci, tapestry said
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this, and they operate, capri sews the market realities overwhelmingly demonstrate the transaction will not limit, reduce, or constrain operation. there are hundreds of handbag options every price point across the channels. the ftc is not only targeting luxury retail, the latest move to scrutinize mergers and acquisitions. look at your screen, dozens of efforts to block an airline, grocery, energy, video games, they were asked about this merger and what it does with retail and luxury retail brands, they are pulling back, prices are high amid inflation. then you see the government taking so many actions, it was
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about competition or anti-business. stuart: it is anti-business. great stuff. the administration released changes to title ix. decades of advancement, decades of advancement for women and girls. riley gains joins me. let's get straight at it, what does that mean for women's sports? >> what the biden administration has done, title ix, federal civil rights law with discrimination, this was implanted in 1972, legislation was 37 words. the biden administration has rewritten general identity, for
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the proposal. equating sex and gender identity means full access to bathrooms, academic and athletic scholarships, potential to be housed in dorm rooms, your speech is compelled whether you are faculty, professor, student, you are retired to use preferred programs and if you don't, if you're a 17-year-old girl with a mailing your dorm room, if you go to the administer janette expressed discomfort with this, under this new rewrite, you would be guilty and charged with sexual harassment. not is not the man parading around your locker room, that's considered stunning or inspiring or whatever word he wants to use, but you calling a spade a spade is grounds for sexual harassment. stuart: hard to believe this is going on in america. i want to bring this to your
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attention. a transgender female, biological mailing west virginia won a shot put competition by three feet, a big margin. the other contestants refuse to compete against this person and forfeited the event. so people don't compete, nobody wins. people don't.a. this is not the right way to go about it. >> i hate to say it but we need to see more of this. this is the most effective and powerful way as women, female athletes, to say no, enough is enough. we are rolling up our sleeves and saying no. it is a sad day when 13, 14-year-old girls, 13, 14-year-old girls have to be the adults in the room. 70 fingers to point blame whether is the coaches,
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parents, the biden administration, what have you. i could not be more proud. they say i know better than anyone easier said than done to concede and not get on the block or jump off the starting block when the gun blows. we need more parents, new administration in the white house, this is a public call to donald trump to make it a campaign issue to promise to reverse course, to implement title ix. stuart: you started this movement when you objected to losing the swim meet race to a biological male who beat you by a long distance. that started things rolling the. when you objected to that what happened to you? >> i will tell you, the
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scenario here was despite time, the ncaa, 100th of a second that thomas had the trophy as it was necessary with photos, ultimately reducing everything we worked our entire lives for for a follow-up to validate the feelings and identity of a man but in the past two years of taking this public, i have received overwhelming amount of support which i initially believed when i was told i would be ousted, lose friends, lose opportunities, wouldn't get into grad school, none of those things happen which shows me the overwhelming majority of the general public is on our side, take away republican versus democrat, this is -- stuart: what you are talking about is fairness and i think americans value fairness. that's what this is all about. i am out of time, could talk to you all day, see us again soon please.
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president biden is getting back lash for updates to title ix. she was pushing back? lauren: the stop is -- basically telling schools ignore those new rules and saying that because she saying the new rules could potentially conflict with existing get state and federal law that protect people in a more organic way. this is a state that's fighting that fight. we have lsu national champion top selection in the wnba draft, she doesn't have to say more than that but 1.4 million people and ultimately the concern is missing from these new rules is a policy that would forbid the schools from enacting outright bans on transgender athlete, from that,
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the campaign issue -- lauren: it is no secret that americans are coffee obsessed. >> i need coffee in id. stuart: and he has the report, he's on camera after this. ♪
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stuart: coffee prices, and jeff flock is a café in philadelphia. how much do they shall off in that café. jeff: i don't know. they continue to take this stuff. from el salvador, this isn't the diner cup of coffee. i never drank coffee. this is from el salvador, haiti. where is that? >> they roast them up. people pay everything. 67 people surveyed say they had coffee in the last day. she is an investment advisor.
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what are you drinking? >> vanilla syrup is awesome, they make it themselves. jeff: how much would you pay? >> i believe $4 to $6 depending where you go. lauren: how much would you pay? >> five is my limit. there's a ceiling. lauren: i will let you get back to your breakfast. this is not a real-time cup of coffee. it comes from everywhere. you talk about craft beer and pallet and complexity, coffee the same way to different plants and varieties, they would pay. jeff: stuart: may i jump in for a second? you are missing the point.
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coffee contains caffeine which is a drug that works. it's legal and you get hooked. you get up every day and get going get. jeff: it is cheaper than street drugs. stuart: i would love to banter with you all day. where are we with all this? put it on the script. okay. biden is considering giving legal status to immigrants married to us citizens meeting thousands of illegals eligible for work permits. we will have the tees. anti-israel protests continue. police make arrests at columbia and yale, lawmakers calling for the president of columbia to step down. kilmeade on-campus chaos next.
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stuart: the rally is up 200, the nasdaq is up 200 points, the s&p is up 50 points as we speak. here comes brian kilmeade. i want to know when will the
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authorities get a handle on anti-semitism at colleges like columbia university? brian: the president asked the cops to come in at 7:00 in the morning and they did that, they got a semblance of order that lasted a few hours and tents went back. they have anti-semitism raging to the point where yesterday they said if you are jewish don't go to school, we don't have anybody go to school, your jewish professor, we will nullify your card to get in because we don't think it will be safe. the nypd weight on the outside unless things sense of a crime, being harassed, they can go in or have a lawmaker on from oklahoma who says this never happens in oklahoma state, we would have pulled it up and said we were out of here and
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you are suspended. that's not what you do, how you protest, you cannot stop the academic performance of everybody else because you have an idea what our foreign policy should be. it has gone from humanitarian to gaza, anti-semitism, anti-american. stuart: the new york police department is asking who is paying for these protests? the tents are the same, the bullhorns are the same, the wall street journal says it is hamas that is organizing and paying for this. i think they are right. brian: the student organizations, it is an opaque sense of where the funding is coming from. they have to get to the point where america is no longer supporting israel and americans are no longer supporting israel. politicians who want to get elected can't support israel
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and without america israel vapor rises within six months or a year, have to find another major way to get arms and weapons into backup. it took the world from the uk to jordan to the us to france to knock 300 missiles out of the sky, the us pulls back, israel gets devastated today, so you get the next generation. i hope the jewish community realizes they've got to push back and until these institutions, you lose federal funding and lose other funding for successful people that graduated unless you change policies because it's anti-american and if you are pro hamas, 80% approval rating, the only way to find out if they are being held hostage, don't believe the ratings, the israelis wipe them out in rafah and wipe them out as a military
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force you find out what people think. the palestinians lovely hamas government. we won president biden could give legal status to merit to legal us citizens, reportedly make hundreds of thousands of people, migrants, illegals eligible for work permits. what do you say to that? >> came in here illegally, that, you can't get married to somebody who got here illegally and gets innocent -- that's fundamentally wrong and challenged the courts but it's not unusual to meet someone from another country, you know this personally, when you get married to somebody from another country you have to prove it, they want to see a history. they want to see receipts and
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submit interviews, the immigration system is harder than ever, costs more than ever, really stand up ready to go, maybe loosened up a little, there's another part that is wide open and you cannot allow this to happen. stuart: see you again soon. it is time to say thank you to jackie for being here. we will make sure we watch you, "the big money show" week days at 1:00 pm. still ahead, the irani and proxies just attacking us bases again. do we need israel's military technology? jason rantz says the supreme court decision on homeless encampments could save seattle only of seattle takes action. jimmy failla on jim fetterman wanting mitt romney to be the next president of harvard. the 11:00 hour is next. ♪
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