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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  April 23, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm EDT

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your record label is taking off. but so is your sound engineer. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit democrats are still trying to curry favor, went over there votes. this is where democrats say s
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stop. >> when push comes to shove, speaker spent six months think i'm going to secure the border, i will demand it and then walks away from the promise. >> standing with people touting hamas or not saying released the survivors and -- >> everything is wrong with governor newsom and if you look at the state and status were everything is. >> presidential candidate in the united states of america i do think you will have a netanyahu of a judge issue a gag order and then do something that federalized the guy. you got to be kidding me. ♪ >> i'm not sure the significance of every dog hasn't but we will get to it in the next hour.
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11:00. it's tuesday april 23 and that's a rally. as a lot of selling recently, a lot of buying so nice bounce, up to 30 on the doubt. nasdaq up to 21 points. chummy big tech, i'm sure they are mostly higher, maybe not all but mostly. medical microsoft collectible amazon all on the upside. look at the ten year treasury, the guilt is coming out of it below for 60. i noticed the yield on the two-year well below 5%. that may be is encouraging public nasdaq composite and big tech today. now this. alexandria ocasio-cortez the protest on college campuses are peaceful. she's wrong. there's something peaceful about harassing jews. columbia university a few miles from ioc's district the rest of the semester there will be a hybrid system with remote and a
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few on campus classes. they were for students go remote because the kingfisher safety of jews. nothing peaceful about that. anti-semitism is spreading. new york's nyu police were met with players, arrested yelled massive police presence there this morning. menacing protest at berkeley, protest for today. protesters support hamas. the terrace group that butchered jews october 7. hamas is organizing protest. "wall street journal" reports october 7 leaders of hamas and hezbollah started working with activists in the u.s. through meetings, interviews, podcasts they are behind what's going on colleges, they are anti-semites to bring back visions of 1930s. jewish liberals stabbed in the back in the civil rights movement.
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universities are troubled by the lack of free speech now shut down by terror supporters. it's come to that. biden's israel policy compromised, scared of losing the key swing states. chuck schumer new york senior senator, highest ranking elected jewish official. under pressure to resign, failed to safeguard jews of college. democrat party is hoping to split and terrified they will rec. conventions chicago in august. now we are waiting to see if the authorities have the courage to come and restore order and freedom to campuses. third hour of varney starts now. ♪ jimmy failla is with me jewish liberals stabbed in the back and democrats are afraid there's any
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up to the anti-semites because they might lose both. i find this troubling. >> want to thank this thing never happens at my alma mater nassau community college. the only time we protested was when they ran out of beer on nickel pure night but what's wrong with these college kids? we know it's wrong. as a generation of protesters whose emotions have become their fax so they're not only getting into the street chanting anti-semitic things but they are emboldened by university that's placated this for the better part of the last decade in the university doesn't get in the way because it's good for the bottom line until donors which are recently starting to say we will pull back a little bit, the university stood silent but is disgraceful this is going on and aoc doesn't want to call out for the same reason because it's a political liability so biden has no excuse because you see how brazenly political the statement was. we condemned anti-semitism of the people who don't get why they are anti-semitic? that means you don't condemn
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anti-semitic. aoc, a woman so dumb she studied for covid test so i don't know what to make of her. >> did you just invent that one? >> you step up your game. >> you're not making light of this. >> battle. they are giving a free pass, consider my background as a comedian watched colleges do in the last ten years banning comedians because they said you make jokes but speech is violence. if you make jokes about something, people are more likely to attack get the people abandoning comedians because of job could lead to violence or have a concern with the people : court actual extermination of a race? is the dumbest time to be alive. >> you're right and i'm going to change the subject. this is a tweet from senator john fetterman, he supports the idea of mitt romney taking over the presidency of harvard
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university, the store needs to recalibrate from far left orthodoxy. >> here i was thinking fetterman like mitt romney. hostile jets check. if ever there was one but his hearts in the right place and i praise him every chance i get because he's one of the few democrats with conviction to say something. you alluded to chuck schumer standing down monkeys or his people and he doesn't want to say because he's recognized becomes back to dearborn michigan and everybody in michigan believes this. this is not a mom and pop, this is big box retail, they hate the jewish community and they don't want to lose the constituency in a voting block so what romney needs to do if you are the president of harvard, i don't know if that's the case but he does need to confront this head on because until you call it out for what it is and have zero tolerance policy, you're only going to create more. you have to attack this had on.
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foreign-policy is peace through strength. okay but if we can even maintain order on college campuses, or test we have of keeping the world on its best behavior? >> just wait until the democrat convention in chicago. that will be a mess shades of 1968 which i remember. >> you don't know what's local violence and local democrats. >> you always make me laugh and smile on most occasions. you are on fox news saturday night 10:00 p.m. eastern only here on fox. back to the market, the rally is being maintained. a brilliant balance after selling recently but the dow is up 200 and the nasdaq is up 200 points. the only thing you're interested in this week is tech earnings. >> it's all that matters. i'm looking protect to show the earnings drink we expect so if you look at earnings growth for the s&p 500 this quarter, tech
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is supposed to contribute to 65% growth. the rest of the 495 countries, 6% decline. stock prices follow earnings which they do over the long-term, it's about tech earnings so if you want to know are the markets going in the next weekend months and quarters, it comes down to tech earnings. >> i think will be strong with tesla exception. you will see strength and microsoft, ai that should help you in your retirement account and strength from that even though principal don't invest, they violate privacy, is to tell on the underlying economy because 90% of revenue comes from advertising so strong, we seen economic reports strong and unexpected, google, but is the underdog in the big tech world so want to keep an eye on. >> tesla out this afternoon 4:00 eastern 144 now. a lot of talk that imago big with robo taxi which would turn
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it into an ai company but a huge gamble. >> is putting up a façade that is an ai company, it's not. there's no robo taxes in new york city and there will not be any anytime soon. >> it's not coming? >> we are decades away from the reality of robo taxis no matter what elon musk tries to spend today, this will be the worst quarter for tesla and profits. worst quarter for sales and first year year-over-year decline so tough order. i don't know how you find good and anything about report. >> rfk junior running for the presidency achieving more government transparency. he says i'm going to put the entire u.s. budget on block chain so any american, every american can look at every budget item in the entire budget anytime they want, 24 hours a day. what you think about? >> bringing on both ever going to happen. need accountability and transparency in government, obama said he would be the most
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current president, no one is transparent in government but we need real use, i've always been negative on the coin and crypto but bullish on the block chain and underlined ledger technology so government accounting, great. it would absolutely work. >> does that mean i can read any section of it and get put back? >> and everyone verifying transactions will pay attention to every independent transaction and alerting it, crowdsourcing things in red flag that might be a little wasteful spending. i think it's a great idea but the probability of being in the presidency to make it happen. >> interesting. coming up, students in seattle planning mass walkout to protest against israel, the first day of passover, i think it's blatant anti-semitism. jason will taken on. a new report says majority of colleges are not prepared to incorporate ai into their
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operations. one of the issues? will try to title op-ed in the washington post says the u.s. and troops are vulnerable to low-flying drones drone expert will tell us what we need. militaries technology, that is next. ♪ we do with it?" bacon and eggs 25/7. you're darn right. solar stocks are up 20% with the additional hour in the day. [ clocks ticking ] i'm ruined. with the extra hour i'm thinking companywide power nap. let's put it to a vote. [ all snoring ] this is going to wreak havoc on overtime approvals. anything can change the world of work.
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her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. iran proxies attack u.s. forces in iraq for the first time in three months. jennifer griffin joining us now. do we know how america not respond to this? >> we've already seen an initial response, the uss shutdown to drones near al-assad in iraq monday. a better shop us-led coalition
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destroyed a rocket launcher sunday after the attacks. the rocket launcher was used to target air landing zone, us-based northeast syria, first attacks on u.s. bases since february 4 it is unclear if these new attacks from iranian proxy groups will continue or if these are just a one off. october seventh 15 to february 4 there were at least 170 attacks on u.s. bases in iraq and syria in attack on towered 22 jordan killed three u.s. soldiers in january. days after that, the u.s. claim struck in syria and killed hezbollah commander in baghdad with one message. don't mess with us. behind the scenes, u.s. using swiss to negotiate with iran to tell it proxy groups to stop the attacks. the negotiations u.s. airstrike then seemed to work until now.
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u.s. walking a fine line with iran, a week and a half ago rent directly attacked israel for the first time watching hundreds of missiles and drones in response to israel's drone strike on the facility in damascus april 1. but the u.s. is urging israel carried out, the limited airstrike on strike against iran on friday, the u.s. does not want to be dragged into a larger middle east work. iran has not responded to israel's strike but iran's proxy group announced it would resume attacks on u.s. forces shortly before rockets were fired near the u.s. based in northeast syria. what remains unclear is if iran is going to rain and proxies or allow them to ramp up attacks. iraq's prime minister visited the pentagon last weekend the defense department announced it reached an agreement with iraq regarding military sale of counter drone systems and helicopters worth $550 million.
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>> everyone is keen to keep the security partnership especially under such circumstances. what's going on in the region and prevent any escalation that would result in instability of critical and sensitive region of war. >> a suspected iranian spy ship and read helping to who these target commercial and u.s. navy ships in the red sea has returned home to iran chores. that may be one reason we haven't seen more attacks in the last week. >> jennifer griffin, thank you very much indeed. look at this op-ed in the washington post it is says the u.s. and troops abroad are vulnerable to low-flying drones. brett is the drone expert and brett joins me now. what defense from these low-flying drones do we need that we do not yet have? >> we need to player defenses because there is this constant cap analysis game between legal
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drone technology and counter and that will continue for the next decade in the bottom line is we need more investment in the counter drone sector, we saw one of the drone strike in the region in modern militaries including israelis, including ukrainians and russians, they start investing heavily counter drone technology, they have strong drone defense capabilities since they been dealing with this for so long, maybe even the best in the world but not everyone does so we can get a false sense of security from this iran strike sort. the ground shook his these lethal drone strikes will be more and more regular as massive proliferation and drones continue globally. >> do we need israeli tech technology? thinking of the iron dome. surely we need that, it works, do we have it? can we get it? >> we did play a strong role in supporting israeli defenses so we help them systems like the arrow system, developed with
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u.s. engineers to design to strike down long-range missiles and we have helped them with iron going systems so we have access to the technology but we have a lot of military bases around the world. we need much more of the systems and low cost highly lethal drones are more and more commonplace and no longer reserved for governing budgets. it's nothing for somebody to cause damage to get their hands on lethal drones and we need to wake up and invest more in the sector. >> there are reports israelis are getting ready to attack and finish off hamas. do you have anything, are they going to do this? >> i think so. there's a lot of controversy over israel's continued operation gaza but this is a large problem in the past israelis get attacked and they observe this pressure in gaza and international community condones israel, they are forced to leave because of this mounting pressure and that is the cycle but not this time, this is why october 7 happen,
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terrace are able to drive, enough is enough. they need to give up hamas cannot give up hamas. israel is not against palestinian people, they are against hamas and it's a group that needs to be put down once and for all. israelis have to fully eliminate the enemy, not just contain them so the attacks don't happen again. they have to reestablish deterrence and they are calling for hamas to be destroyed once and for all and we need to let them do that, we need to back them and give them the time and space to crush hamas without condemning the next actions. they have no choice to stand back and just do nothing when they do nothing, look what happens. >> never hear anybody talk about the hostages. thus the most brutal form, the most disgusting four. nobody mentions the hostages, they never come into the equation and i don't know why. >> you are right mike here's a lot of hostages eventually killed and we don't realize it
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but they are using that as a bargaining chip to stop israel from going in full force but at the same time we don't hear m much. >> are these demonstrators never mentioning the totality of taking hostages? i'm disgusted by frankly. i'm going to move on. control your solace but the foreign minister of russia warning the world is on the brink of a direct military clash between russia and other nuclear powers. is this a scare tactic to stop us from helping ukraine? >> i think it's telling became right after the past of the foreign aid package. sadly there is this sense that russia is winning overall and waiting out the time with little regard to the loss of their own soldiers and center soldiers with little to defend themselves and a lot of people didn't expect they would be slowly wearing out ukrainian forces
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over time despite the fact ukrainians are killing russians ten to one strategically i think a lot of people here could end this war with one single strike and overall we are seeing this shift of alliances, major forces that are working against us and it goes to show we are on the brink of something bigger, a new level of cooperation from countries, most americans probably don't realize how close we are to another world work because of the behind the scenes. you got large countries economically and militarily trying to hurt us. china, russia, iran building alliances to hurt us and that's why we can but countries like iran get this nuclear weapon because they are crazy enough to potentially even use it. >> exactly. crazy enough to do it. see you again real soon. a new investigation uncovering political bias. united nations elegy refugee
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agency. they discovered anti-semitic content and textbooks used in the agencies schools and they found employees posting bias content on social media. launched investigation after several employees were accused of being involved in the october 7 attacks on israel. the agency being instructed to do more to ensure workers main politically neutral. coming up, tesla reports after the bell today, charles payne will join us but see if he thinks tesla is a fight at $145 a share. more students and four-year colleges in favor of going to trade schools. the ceo of a chain trade school on the show will tell us what careers people go into. i want to know, do they have political protests? trade school campuses. he's going to tell us next. ♪
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check the markets, thousand 200, nasdaq of 28. s&p of 54 points.
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a pretty good rally but a lot of selling recently. the price of oil low $80 a barrel range, the price of gold down a lot recently. what is it today? down under ten bucks. 2336. two year treasury backing away from 5% level and that's helping the nasdaq treasury yield go up the nasdaq and when they go down from of the nasdaq does well. but going last time we checked it was pretty stable around $66000 according and that's where it is now. a new report shows significant impact on colleges. researchers say ai will bring significant changes, construction and business operations in the near future. however, just one in five employees and administrators say we are prepared to deal with those changes only one in five right now. you want to's see ai and colleges? direct has to happen. education was legs industry so
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we see the number only 11% felt they were prepared. obviously because ai came the scene in 2022 in the mainstream so what we need is the leaders in business to go back to the institutions and start accelerating the learning curve giving the market wisdom is happening how is ai deployed? we are in a rapid period of change. ai will dramatically different six months and three is so hard for education system would have to be as close as they can. >> education is always behind technology. refute the idea categorically. stay right there. vocational schools 16% and enrollment last year. people skipping colleges focusing on trades. look who's here. scott sure is the ceo of lincoln tech which has trade schools in 13 states. i want to know, where do students come from, fresh out of high school or people in the 30s and 40s changing careers? the mark we are all of them.
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26% of high school, 50% are 21 and younger the average age of students is 25 solo career changers, people who have tried colleges and wasn't right for them, people want to follow their passion. >> a lot of people when they go to a four-year college they take a lot of debt, that's pretty common. i do take on much debt if you go to a trade school? the mark you take on a lot less to average students leave with around $14000 worth of a lot less than traditional schools so less than $150 a month given wages in the way things are going, it's a good return on their investment. >> a shortage of skilled trades, they don't have much trouble getting a job out of your sc school. >> that is correct. we seen for a long time employers coming to us, people have more job opportunities than students but since coca-cola people are catching the wave understanding the need for trades, certainly proven to people there are essential
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workers, most of our students were needed during covid, they weren't in hospitals coming keeping transportation and amazon delivers getting to you so people realized these are jobs here to stay and your referencing ai earlier, ai will not take these jobs away. picture air conditioning system when the summer is hot. >> lincoln tech in 13 states, are you expanding? >> we have opened our latest, newest campus in atlanta, we have one for houston the first time we've been growing in quite some time just because there is resurgence in demand which is exciting. >> can i ask you how much? how much for one year? >> our year is accelerated so in one year you will get as much education as you would and four semesters at college so it costs 20000 -- $35000. it varies because we teach you just the skills you need to launch your career so certain
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careers would require more hours of training and others are cl class. >> one year or two years? >> one year. everything. >> in and out. >> seven months and 15 months. >> i'm sure you've seen what's going on at elite universities, shutting down over politics, you have problems with politics that trade schools? >> we do not, our students are focused on launching their careers, they come to us about four hours a day and they are either going home to take care of their families or job so they are not doing those things. >> engineers are not there over radicalism. [laughter] a real pleasure. thank you for coming, i hope you can expand and take care of people. good stuff. what you think? is college still worth the money or a trade school? >> absolutely not have a team going into college and one in college. $14000 in debt is what i paid for one semester. [laughter]
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liberal arts. have a family connection, my dad was of diesel repair shop in his biggish shortage is getting, the text, the bargain for the money job placement. i am a numbers guy, if you look at $300 worth of student loan debt going to liberal arts and can't get a job for only paying 70 grant year versus 14000 in debt and make any making 70, 80, $100,000. >> one quick thing, do people still look down on trade sch schools? >> they do but less. it's getting better which is good. the problem is with taken occasional training of high schools and middle schools a lot of students don't know the difference between phillips head or flat head screwdriver anymore so it's difficult to get people justin you don't know either. [laughter] it's difficult to get people interested in these things if they haven't been exposed so the more we bring back into the schools, it will drive more interest to support the trades overall.
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>> a good cause for micro, we should put them together. forget mitt romney at harvard. [laughter] >> thank you very much. the born a bill making its way to the senate is nothing in it for security. the latest from washington and the border coming up charles payne posting a town hall, he will tell us unbreakable invest. charles is next. ♪
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people. >> the buyout frenzy continues and i think what you see is big pharma looking for approved drugs. the treatment has proven to be very safe for approval by june 26. the treatment of copd. it's about 12 million americans impacted by this about the unique thing about their treatment as it can be combined with other treatments so it makes it a compelling takeover target. we saw this with the company prevention but after approval. the risk here is they don't get approval because the only drug do your own diligence but it could be a candidate. >> is and i po, rubric, do you like it? what's going on? >> i like it because cyber is something we have under invested in. this has received a backing of goldman sachs, microsoft has been an investor but i po has come down to groveland evaluations are growing tremendously 47%. sales growth in the last qua quarter.
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evaluation is compelling under $50 so getting ready to price between 28 and 31. if you don't get a big ipo pop, he could be worth considering. >> thanks, got more for you later. tesla. we have just coming out us, more details on layoffs. 2688 workers have been terminated from the fauci in austin texas. it's a large number charles payne with me, tesla reports after the bell, a lot of talk they will go for broke taxi. if musk commits to the role of taxi in the future, he has to transform the complete all over again, doesn't he? >> he would have to to a degree but i don't think that's what wall street wants to hear about today. february 2023, medic experienced the worst stock decline in the history 90 individual stock want lost 300 billing and value. wall street wrote them off and said that it is done in the thing with meta versus dump. we saw maturation mark
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zuckerberg and called it efficiency. it was all about running a business like a business. that's what they want to hear from tesla today. maturation of elon musk as a business operator, not visi visionary. >> do think that's what they will here? is that your judgment? >> i think that's what he needs to do today. >> testified out before the market gets the numbers, $145 a share, would you consider buying it? >> i don't like the risk reward. the last four times they reported, a week later stock was down 10%, the quarter before that 13%, portable for that 10% of the portable for the 16%. work orders are double digit declines, i like risk reward even though stock looks cheap, sometimes it will be a by tomorrow you got the townhall called unbreakable investor. that's the name of your book as i recall. what can we expect?
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>> you've never seen a business show like this before. it's going to be -- can't give it away. >> i feel the same but no one has ever done business show, it's going to be entertaining, lively. as a chapter in my book on roaring 20s but now everybody talks about growing 20s. i'm going to be focused on the next 100 years of ups and downs and opportunities because i'm comparing it to the 1800s. 1800, america was an upstart, we went anyway. 1890, the number one gdp despite the fact that had the civil war, ups and downs, how did we pull off happily pulled up again? why your audience should be investing it for themselves, children and grandchildren. >> how will pull off again. [laughter] >> i'm so excited about it.
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on the drawing board. >> you've become a power in the world of investment. >> thank you, i appreciate it. >> your friend and ally, a colleague. i think your all right. >> thank you very much. >> you are all right. [laughter] don't take that. i want to go back to tesla, what are you looking for? >> i would like him to come out in a nice dress suit. you may want to pair elon musk, he will not get more mature. i look for $100 off before it gets compelling. i was a 2023 low, the next low is about $30 covid level lows, i just don't think this is the most critical moment in tesla's history. musk has never stepped up before on moments like that. >> twenty seconds out to ask charles, which what are you
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wearing today? >> today i have the book a on. an amazing company in the late 1800s, they've been at the turbulent, and ocean based on the ocean, the watch is amazing, spectacular timepiece. >> stuart varney asking, how much did you pay for it? connect you're going to put me on the spot? okay. >> 380002 neck you are doing well. your ratings just went up. the now 30, please. it looks good to me, thou up 200 and at least three quarters, 30 on the upside and green. supreme court seems biden over a ban on homeless in camas. mother, if the court did strike down the right to camp up with places, would seattle move people in close in camas what they do it? west coast guy. ♪
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appeal come up with a new excuse and i don't know if they are going to immediately have one that will work for a public increasingly upset with the scenario but this is not just about seattle, this is every single city that's been on the west coast subjected to this ridiculous ruling and that includes the cities to have leaders who do want to get homeless is crisis under control so is going to give them an extra tool to use to go after hamas and there was confusion yesterday during the hearing, we are not talking about rounding people up throwing them in jail, it's about having teeth to the loss to say you cannot stay here and now there are going to be viable consequences for the folks chronically homeless who consistently say no to going indoors. at that time maybe you use lease
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action but this is about giving it some form of consequence to the behavior out of control and ultimately he's killing these people. >> thank you very much for being with us, i'm going to keep it short because we just restored audio to hillary vaughn is going to talk to us about whether the president is going to still do executive orders on the border. that is the question. is the president still going to do executive order on the border? >> according to the "wall street journal", the white house is considering a range of executive orders they could push through that would help deal with the border crisis. officials inside the white house and dhs the "wall street journal" one of those proposals would be granting legal baddest to mixed status spam this. as a legal immigrant, the idea that they would grant them work permits and deportation protection as a way to soften the blow of a bigger crackdown executive orders that could coming according to the "wall street journal" officials say white house discussed coming up
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before the election is a one -- two punch following executive order that would likely upset immigration advocates. white house not announcing anything or confirming the report telling us the administration remains committed to building immigration system is fair and more humane. if administration is constantly evaluating possible policy options. the idea not sitting well with republicans, house judiciary chair jim jordan saying biden administration keeps putting illegal aliens ahead of american citizens that the decision will be another flagrant violation of immigration law. the senate begins to consider massive national security package that includes aid for israel, ukraine, i want but nothing the border and some senate republic and are annoyed their party didn't stick together and refuse to play ball on foreign aid must the border was addressed first. >> this is one-shot we had something united republicans months we said we don't want to give more money to ukraine and
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if we gave an additional dime it would need to be a cash flow vehicles that would simultaneously defang the border invasion forcing biden's hand so he didn't have the ability to facilitate, who's not on that away. >> he did request order money with national security supplemental but republicans said throwing money at the border crisis would only make it worse, not fix the crisis. >> thanks very much indeed. it's that time, tuesday question. which planet is the smallest in our solar system? mercury, venus, neptune or mars. my first answer was pluto but i am informed pluto is no longer a planet. the correct answer when we return. ♪
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stuart: i like that will use it. which planet is the smallest in our solar system? no one else to play with to make, just you and i. luke:we just said pluto but i will guess randomly and save venus. stuart: i think it is mercury. the answer is mercury. re-rack the prompter.
12:00 pm
mercury. the planet is slightly larger than our moon. i did not know that but i was taught pluto was the smallest planet. a few years ago they said it is not a planet at all. lou:is mercury next to be downgraded? stuart: it's a little larger than the moon. 30 seconds left. >> what you think microsoft will do? ever a price target you sell? buy-and-hold forever. stuart: it's been in the family for a long time. does the reports this afternoon at 4:00, see what musk says about the robotaxi. that will determine where does the goes. coast-to-coast starts now. >> place your bets a week from the fed meeting, investors are


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