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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 23, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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benefit a company like lowe's, as additional construction that we're seeing a rebound in. kelly: yeah, definitely. my parents are redoing their bathrooms right now. we're definitely seeing some of that. we also saw existing homes sales go down, so really the renovations there. that is all the time we have today. thank you so much for your insights, david spika. okay, so let's check the markets. all the major averages in the green. it is the fourth day in a row of gains for the dow. that is the longest win streak for the month of april. that is going to do it for "the claman countdown." tomorrow we're going to be all over tesla earnings. remember they have, they're going to be reporting after the bell. [closing bell rings] stay tuned because "kudlow" starts right now. ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow. well a growing avenue the
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anti-semitism on college campuses, school presidents and their woke culture are reaping what they have sown. former trump advisor stephen miller will weigh in on the whole story. somebody has to tell me how you can retroactively steal an election in 2016 by making undisclosed payments in 2017? ask alvin bragg, i guess owe will know. my pal kevin hassett on new currency wars with japan and china. the planet is getting cleaner and biden greenies are having a bad earth day. senator john hoeven on that. first jacqui heinrich with the latest on rising anti-semitism across the u.s. jacqui, what have you got? >> reporter: since saturday columbia university decided to offer virtual classes for the rest of the semester to insure the safety of students. new england patriots owner, big university donor robert kraft pulled his support from the
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university. there also have been growing calls for the university's president to resign but president biden has not used any of his time in front of cameras at least to address any of this. in his remarks today there was no mention from him. he also didn't address it in his earth day event yesterday, except for when fox shouted a question as he was leaving and he condemned both sides. listen. >> do you condemn the anti-semitic protests on college campuses. president biden: i condemn the anti-semitic protests. i set up program to deal with that. i also condemn those who don't understand what is going on with the palestinians. >> reporter: biden declined to weigh in on whether chum yaw university east president should resign. senator john fetterman did not hesitate. calling it uncone shunnable and add tiki torches it is
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charlottesville for them. he slammed former president trump saying there were very fine people on both sides. in fact biden said that again today. but biden's made no mention of the anti-semetic protests in his 25 tweets since saturday, including nine about climate. there was a strong white house statement over the weekend but it was from deputy press secretary andrew bates who defended the president on air force one today. >> in the president's passover statement he directly addressed the vial comments that circulated over the weekend with a call to action echoing rhetoric of terrorist organizations especially in the wake of the worst mass cue of the jewish people since the holocaust is despicable. we're of course monitoring these situations closely. >> reporter: biden's passover statement didn't get into that detail t did call on americans to speak out against anti-semitism at schools, online, and in communities but it came after four paragraphs about the rituals of passover,
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his efforts to get a cease-fire and hostage deal and also a two-state solution, more humanitarian aid into gaza. so far the president at least on camera has not lived up to his call to call out anti-semitism, larry. larry: jacqui heinrich, thank you very much for that whole run-down. now folks, you probably think i'm going to riff on anti-semitism and dei on the college campuses. i'm going to save that to my interview with my good pal steve miller in just a few moments. instead i want to talk briefly, failure of joe biden's green new deal climate bank etf and failure of all the biden subsidized offshore windmill projects. this an earth day follow-through. many of you have may not know this just to go back in time but the first win mills were built in 1200 ad in holland.
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you can see a picture of them up on the full screen. they were vertical and they were land based and i'm sure they worked reasonably well for their time t was a technological breakthrough. it was created to grind grains. by the 19th century there were more than 9,000 windmills in holland, an important power source. they were mainly used for various industrial uses, okay. trouble is, many of today's joe biden greenies want us to go back to the 19th century, actually, i suspect many of the greenies want us to go back to the 13th century but that's a separate topic. here's the problem. the bidens have spent a fortune on subsidizing these gigantic offshore windmill projections which just don't work. please read today's superb "wall street journal" editorial on the collapse of new york state wind development. ge has lost a fortune,
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1.4 billion lost last year, following a 2.2 billion loss the year before. new york state subsidies come from? the misnamed inflation reduction act, which spent well over one trillion dollars to subsidize everything outside of fossil fuels. these huge wind turbines apparently, they fall over, require extensive repairs, and are completely non-economic. the journal editorial states that more than a dozen of these projects in the u.s. and europe have been canceled or delayed in just the last year alone. meanwhile the cost of offshore wind. at least in new york is about $150 per megawatt hour. but wait a second, the wholesale price of natural gas is around 30-dollars a megawatt hour. so you would think businesses and consumers would go for the cheaper natural gas but no, no, natural gas is a fossil fuel and
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the greenies don't like fossil fuels. actually natural gas is a clean-burning fuel and it is part of the long-term solution both for economic growth and climate change. in the last 20 years or so the increased use of natural gas has led to huge reductions in lead, particulates, smog and carbon monoxide. according to the committee to unleash prosperity hotline, over the last five decades our gdp is up nearly 800% while energy consumption has increased only 29% and get this, carbon emissions have actually fallen 60%. this is the biggest carbon decline of any of the major economies in the world, by far. of this grand clean air progress can be traced to the increased use of natural gas but the bidens are stubborn.
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they won't acknowledge it. heck, even europe has reclassifieded natural gas as a clean-burning fuel. instead, the bidens are doing everything they can to stop, for example, liquid natural gas development and exports and of course they celebrated earth day by closing down 13 million-acres in the alaska federal petroleum reserve. if mr. biden were to be reelected with his green new deal gang, get ready foremassive electricity and other power shortages plaguing the american economy and everything in it. and at that point, 13th century holland will look better and better, all right? now that's my riff on that subject. we will talk about all this later with north dakota senator john hoeven but now, after that digression, i'm going to talk to my good pal steve miller about this education catastrophe now unfolding in america.
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so welcome back steve miller, pardon me for my digression, i wanted to get in a little earth day stuff. steve miller former senior advisor to president trump. he is the president of america first legal. steve, i have want to begin with joe biden's obsessions with dei that i think have spawned this wave of anti-semitism and campus violence. let me get your take on that piece of the story. >> well, yes, it is all connected, larry, so dei, diversity, equity and inclusion is about using the power of the state to advance a radical left marxist agenda. it wraps itself in the banner of race but fundamentally, larry, it's a vehicle for establishing state control over every aspect of our lives and they're pushing this poisonous ideology to deconstruct western systems,
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western heritage, western beliefs and western law, individualism, limited government, all of it borders everything. they're pushing it in our universities day after day. of course that is leading to the kinds of radical pro-hamas demonstrations that are taking place now. joe biden owns that, every bit of it. but this is also connected to the war against donald trump in our legal system as well too. because justice is no longer blind, larry. they're not using the department of justice, they're not using left-wing prosecutors in new york and elsewhere to go after hamas supporters in our country, who are terrorizing jews, terrorizing americans and terrorizing their fellow students. they're using the power of law, the power of the state only to persecute their enemies, not to go after criminals, not to go after drug dealers, not to go after felons, not to go after criminal aliens, not to go after even murderers, not even hamas
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sympathizers. the power of the state is being used to go after joe biden's political enemies. so all of this, all of this is connected. it is about the destruction of the western system of law in this country. larry: i don't see any, stephen miller, i don't see any effort by biden or his justice department or his fbi, for example, to deal with the crimes of hate speech and hate crime actions. i don't see any deal. everyone of these schools should be subjected to that, disciplined. there are laws on the books for many years against hate crimes and hate speech for that matter and i don't see these presidents, columbia, yale, doesn't really matter, i don't see any of them, nor do i see the trustees of thee schools taking any action and so my question is why? these are clearly hate crimes. why aren't they doing something about it? and they includes biden and his
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justice department? >> this is civil rights laws what we're talking about here, larry. so as an example, just a few days ago, maybe your audience is familiar with this, joe biden and his eeoc, the equal employment opportunity commission, took legal action against a chain of convenience stores for having background checks, just background checks, saying that violated civil rights law. yet here on these college campuses you have plain blank letter violations of federal civil rights law. students fundamental civil rights are being violated through violent intimidation, through aggressive physical confrontation, clear violations of civil rights. biden's justice department is nowhere to be seen. joe biden is nowhere to be seen because again, he is not using civil rights law to uphold equal and impartialal justice.
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he uses it only to go after his enemies, to advance his agenda, to go after the targets that he doj, his fbi have in their sights. there are many threats, larry to the future of this country and the west but surely the greatest of them all is the politicization of our law enforcement from an instrument of justice and neutrality into an instrument of split vengance. that is happening every day under joe biden. larry: what about on the cultural front steve miller, what about the role, non-role of the education department? what about the role of federal funding for all these schools that are practicing woke cultures and have permitted this kind of anti-semitism? very little, other than dispersing students, other than calling off classes for a little while, i don't really see what
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columbia has done to chuang it. at first, i i thought the president would be tough but she has done anything since then. harvard is defunct. nyu, a lot of schools are in turmoil. i don't see anything changes. i think myself what could the federal government do in a trump administration? what would a steve miller do, if you were running the education department out there, what is out there, what options could be looked at steve miller? >> well i mean, donald trump has made clear that he would use the purse strings at deo, which are subsidizing these schools in in order to stop their lawless behavior. you don't have the right to terrorize jews on campus. you doesn't have to the right to terrorize americans on your campus or citizens on your campus because they're the not in support of hamas. nor do you have the right as a foreign student in this country, to support hamas.
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you get your risa revoked and you're out of here. since the department of education subsidizing all this nonsense, you use that leverage to bring universities into compliance with federal law. it is very straightforward. i would note while we're on the subject, that the department of homeland security can with just a simple phone call say to these universities, you don't get access to our foreign student visa program if you're a safe haven for hamas sympathy. if you're going to be a safe place for hamas, why in god's name are we going to let you have unfettered access to foreign student visas? so all of this, the federal government has enormous tools to stop jew hatred, america hatred, west hatred, christian hatred on these campuses and to tell these biden radicals, these pro-hamas biden radicals, you're not in charge, the taxpayer is in charge. larry: steve, before we lose you, i just want to play some sound from president trump.
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i don't know whether it was this morning or yesterday. take a listen. >> what's going on at the college level and colleges, columbia, nyu and others is, a disgrace and it's really on biden. he has the wrong signal, he has the wrong tone. he has the wrong words. he doesn't know who he is backing and it's a mess. larry: i think it's a mess. if these colleges persist in supporting dei, in permitting anti-semitism, if they don't make significant changes, then the president, working through the department of education and maybe homeland security, i like that idea, the government has to take action and at least at one level federal funding is the place to go but also, these schools have to measure up. dei, you know we've had professor dershowitz on steve,
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we have had other guests, this diversity, equity, inclusion, which is left-wing, you know, cultural marxism, it is pure woke stuff, it is also hatred stuff, it's deep into the sinews of all these universities just like it is i guess throughout the federal government unfortunately but they have to cleanse themselves of this. i don't see them doing that, steve miller. i don't see them cleansing themselves. this, these disturbances will come and go but what exactly is going to change? >> nothing change unless you use the levers of power on behalf of the taxpayers to change it. they're not only receiving direct subsidy in the form of actual cash grants but these universities, which have massive endowments by the way get preferential tax treatment, and as you know, all of the student debt that accrued subsidized too in the form of student loans.
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so at every level, at every level, these being subsidized, these universities are being funded, they're being backed, they're being financed by taxpayers. why would we finance hatred of our own country? dei, diversity, equity, inclusion is a form of radical racism. why would we finance racism? why would we finance hatred of jews, hatred of christians, hatred of americans, why would we pay for any of that? there has to be an accounting. there has to be complete top to bottom reform of these universities which are and have been living off the federal government for generations. their entire business model, larry, only exists because it is backed by uncle sam. without that, these universities aren't anything. so there has to be action and there will be action. larry: yes, well, let us hope. steve miller, thank you for all of that, we appreciate it very, very much. take care. all right, folks coming up here on "kudlow," someone has to tell me, another subject, but also difficult, how can you
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retroactively steal an election that occurred in 2016 when your undisclosed payments were made in 2017? i don't get that. we'll talk about it with former trump department of justice counselor, kerri urbach. catch "kudlow" every monday through friday at 4:00 p.m. every day on fox business. if for some reason you can't get "kudlow" at four, text your favorite nine-year-old and she will teach you how to dvr the show. i'm kudlow
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call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217. ♪. larry: so we turn to the trump trials now and the question is, how do you retroactively steal an election in 2016 with undisclosed payments in 2017? i mean i don't get that. joining us now, keri urbahn, fox news legal editor. former doj, justice department counselor. i'm reading andy mccarthy's excellent piece, that is in the "new york post," he said basically this whole thing is predicated on the notion that donald trump stole the 2016 election, even though they don't come out and say that, but he then goes into it and says, trump orchestrated a scheme to suppress stories that could have
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damaged 2016 campaign. that's what they're trying to say but wait a minute, the payments weren't made until february through december 2017. but the election was in 2016. so i don't get that. maybe you can explain it. or maybe only alvin bragg knows? >> yeah, it's because it doesn't make much sense and suppressing stories is also not a crime. entering into an nda is not a crime. a catch and kill scheme is not a crime. these are the questions, larry i had sitting there, larry, during opening arguments and i thought to myself, when the number three person from doj who left that spot to go work for alvin bragg, standing there presenting oral arguments, this is about election fraud plain and simple, i thought to myself how? what exactly makes this election fraud? larry: this chap colangelo, this
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brings joe biden very much in play. colangelo was number three guy in the justice department. he is a presidential appointee. now he left his job in order to take alvin bragg's job in effect running this trial because brag can't do it. doesn't that bring joe biden very close to this? doesn't this look like the white house is orchestrating this? >> it is really surprising just given the fact that spot in doj is a highly coveted position. i think probably as much, a notch below being attorney general and that's because typically it is the straight path to becoming a corporate bigwig, making a lot of money. so for someone to step doesn't from that spot in the department of justice to work for a local prosecutor, you've got to be a true believer, it has to be pretty personal. give you example, one of my colleagues who held that spot at doj, is now the top person at walmart. when rudy ghoul held that spot in the 1980s, head sgy.
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this jent men went to work for alvin bragg to bring the case against donald trump. larry: yes it is a political thing. i don't understand nda. why are they against the law? andy mccarthy is writing, these non-disclosed counts are used to settle civil litigation all the time. in fact people will hide information but both parties agree to it. that is the whole point of an nda, so why is that illegal, why is that bad and what does that mean that trump somehow stole the 2016 election? >> right. donald trump entering into an nda with stormy daniels is not illegal. it's not. now, maybe it's sleazy or people don't like that, but dirty doesn't equal illegal. so that's fact number one. two, labeling that as a legal expense in one's ledger, i don't really, i don't really see, larry the problem with that.
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compensation for an nda could be characterized as a legal expense. i suppose the state wants, would have liked for him to say reimbursement to michael cohen to pay off stormy daniels, at the end of the day it can fall within that bucket can. lastly it is not even clear that donald trump knew how this expense was characterized in the ledger. apparently it was done by someone else at trump tower, a lower level associate who was told to do so by her boss. it comes back to what exactly is the crime here? larry: exactly. let's talk about the gag order. let me get this right. michael cohen, who is supposedly a serial liar, he is allowed to take shots at trump wherever, whenever, news shows, podcasts, whatever. i guess stormy daniels too, other people, but trump can't fight back. now i have never heard of a gag order like this before. of course we're in the middle of a presidential election. he is the primary opponent of
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joe biden this is so rigged. this is so lawfare, it is so weaponized, yont belief to me. >> it is fundamentally unfair nor this judge to impose a gag order against donald trump and not against michael cohen. michael cohen even yesterday was speaking publicly about this case and donald trump. he has a podcast where he talks obsessively about donald trump. this is how he makes his living. we know michael cohen has done what? lied toe congress, lied to the court, lied tote media. trump makes an interesting interesting argument unconstitutional stop to his speech. you know who made that argument? the aclu, who is no friend of donald trump. filed a meek discuss brief in the civil fraud case about an order being imposed against the former president. one could argue that everything from now until the election is political speech. this case would not have been brought against him if he had i believe been president, wasn't potentially going to be president.
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retraining him in this way impedes his ability to run for office. larry: right. it is a campaign. it is a presidential campaign. he is supposed to be able to talk. people are supposed to be able to hear him, listen. >> that's what the aclu said in their brief. larry: there you have it. kerri cue peck urbahn, thank you very much for sharing. >> thank you. larry: up next own "kudlow," kevin hassett donald trump calling out the currency wars japan and china. you won't believe how the yen, the yen has completely collapsed. stick around, we have my pal kevin hassett we'll talk more about that and what is gdp going to look like when it comes out on thursday? i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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♪. larry: first up let's talk about donald trump calling out japan and china for currency manipulation. anyway we've got kevin hassett, former chair of the council of economic advisors.
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there he is out there in stanford university. here's trump truth social posting that dollar hit a 34-year high against the yen, a total disaster for the u.s. when i was president i spent a good deal of time telling japan and china you can't do that i put limits on both. et cetera. we will put up on the screen, dollar worth 155 yen, something like that, which is remarkable. the actually the chinese yuan not quite as bad but it's gone from 640 to 740s. so the question here is, kevin, is it the dollar's too strong or they're too cheap? let's start there. >> right, well the president is 100% correct. this is an academic literature that shows the japanese especially have been like the most guilty of currency manipulation of any country on earth for a really long time. so the fact that even with that,
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that we're looking at value of the yen that we haven't seen since i was an undergraduate, larry, is really stunning and it's i think the way to think about it, it is a failure of the biden administration and specifically janet yellen at treasury. the job of the treasury secretary is to pick up the phone and talk to people when things like this are happening, hey, you need to support your currency, it is getting out of line with fundamentals. they have utterly failed do that, and on everything but send their top justice department people to work for alvin bragg. larry: japan has zero interest rates that is part of the story. our interest rates are much higher. that is part of the story. japan is -- they're our friend, they are our ally they're getting away with it with cheap exports. that will come back to hurt it. >> yeah. larry: i don't think china is clean either in this, okay? i think china always knows,
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china does like to manipulate its currency. we know that from our experience in the government in dealing with the chinese. so you have got, it is maybe not quite as bad as the yen but the yuan has fallen quite a lot. i think as i said from 1.64 to 1.74. i'm sorry from 640, to about 740, if i get my numbers right. we have a picture of it on the full screen. so what happens there? the chinese don't listen to anything, kevin? >> right. well one of the things that's going on, i called up one of my friends, wall street friends, part of my job for you, larry, talk to the people in the middle of it, what do you think is going on in this currency market and my friend is saying one of the things going on because of the a.i. revolution in the u.s. there is incredibly surging demand for u.s. a.i. services and, so the u.s. economy is actually going to surprise on the upside. i know we're talking about that next while everybody else is doing kind of weak.
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it is making people bullish on the dollar. the people trading this think it is related to fundamentals. interest rates are low in japan, for example, but their inflation is high for them. there are some fundamentals driving this. it could be that our massive increase in export of digital services is in part, you know, creating a boom in the u.s., that is driving this factor as well. larry: so the hotlanta fed is saying that the first quarter which ended march 31st, that gdp will be released on thursday. their guesstimating 2.9%. so it would be another strong quarter. what you think? >> yeah, i'm actually above that. i think i'm sort of almost 3 1/2. so i think it is actually going to surprise on the upside. again one of the things i think is going on is that the a.i. revolution is showing up in productivity. it is showing up in services demand and exports of services and so on. so my expectation is that the number is going to surprise on
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the upside by quite a bit. larry: inflation may also surprise on the upside. a lot of this gdp stuff, i grant you the a.i. applications are helping productivity and so forth, profit margins, but you know, they are spending, the government is spending a fortune. they're stimulating consumer demand, not business. that shows up as a big gdp, but, inflation was, i don't know, the cpi was 4 1/2% at an annual rate in january, february, and mash. that's a bad number. >> right. that's what happens when you spend like a drunken sailor, right? is that you get a short-term boom and then you get inflation and the problem of course is that this massive increase in spending by joe biden is ultimately going to have to be paid for by somebody. at the point you try to pay for this in some way, unless you do it with a big supply side tax cut and lots of growth there will be a big cost to it and you know my estimate of the biden spending is that it is about a trillion dollars higher than you
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and i thought it would be this year and i think that's a major, major factor sort of keeping the economy afloat but driving inflation higher and higher. real incomes are declining because inflation is surprising on the upside. that is what economics is all about. larry: i think we should have big supply side tax cut and more growth. wait a second, you just said that laugh half. >> i don't know where you got that. larry: i don't know where i got. kevin hassett, the best of the best. appreciate, buddy. talk soon. >> good to see you, larry. larry: get back to the surge of anti-semitism on college campuses. liz peek, syndicate the columnist, fox news contributor, rich rich lowery editor in chief of "national review." he wrote, nothing good comes from columbia university radicalism. this is like columbia 1968 except this is the anti-semitic version. i think that is tongue in cheek. i think you're right.
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>> bigger event in 1968. they seized buildings. kidnapped a dean for a while. this was a sign the left would take over higher education. these kids at columbia today are the grandchildren of those radicals. they have taken this strain of that way of thinking, that the u.s. is always bad, the west is always bad, our allies are always bad and applied it to the conflict in gaza and conclude that israel is evil, the jews are evil and we're with hamas. larry: and liz, one of the problems with all of this is, this is going to last, dig in, i say in the sinews of these colleges and universities from dei. you have cowardly presidents and cowardly trustees. >> i was just thinking about that. because actually what we've had since 1968 is faculty shift embracing all those things that
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radicals were talking about. that was mostly vietnam war. you could be deferred if you became a teacher. teachers became professors. basically the entire academia shifted pretty far left. it was anti-american like it is today but now you have generations of people being educated by these left-leaning people, people who basically don't like the united states. they don't like capitalism. they don't like free enterprise. they don't like opportunity and all the things that traditionally americans stood for. that is really a bad thing, larry, and that's what these kids have been taught. the good news about 60 eight, completely torched the democratic convention, chicago convention, i'm hoping it does the same thing this year. larry: but you got richard nixon. >> that is that. larry: biden advisor, democratic pollster, doggesses nick.
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>> yeah. larry: he says, biden's not going to win the sunbelt swing states, which is nevada, arizona and georgia. not winning working class votes. not winning young votes. not winning minority votes. he has a big problem. we'll put it up on the full screen. polls show trump taking six out of seven swing states, what do you make of that. >> one of the points of his piece is trump has better electoral path. electoral tiltings republicans way. you can win california by one vote or 10 million votes. the democratic vote is mall distributed in places like california and new york. trump has a narrow national lead but a bigger lead in swing states. i think he will win north carolina, i think he will win georgia, you have optionality. you have to win a blue state. in michigan the polling looks
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incredibly strong for him. larry: so what happens, mr. trump is stuck in this goofball trial which no one understands except alvin bragg and his mentor from the justice department, colangelo who was appointed by president biden once upon a time, trump can make use of the microphone, not just to trash bragg and company but he can talk issues. he will have the mic. i know it is limited. it is a terrible situation. he is being gagged. he can talk about issues. he talked about the currency issue on truth social for example. he is blasting biden's handling or not handling of the anti-semitics on college campuses. trump should message. >> there are after hours. he is not there overnight. we know he never sleeps. he has a lot of hours in the day where he can still be out there talking to reporters, making points, et cetera. i wish he would do that. i think, i think he should talk a little less about the trial, my view, talk more about the
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issues. because biden is out there every single day going to a swing state, giving them a new manufacturing plant, giving them new water treatment. giving them something from the inflation reduction act or american rescue plan. it is unbelievable the amount of goodies being spread around which is pretty effective, right? he is not effective. money talks and it is talking. only thing i would say going back to the conversation about the swing states i am very anxious that arizona has abortion on the ballot. nevada has abortion on the ballot. what we've seen in 22, that drives money and also drives turnout. that is the one thing that keeps me up at night. larry: you think all that money, handouts, student loan cancellations? i'm not so sure that stuff works anymore. that is really old decrepit politics. >> it is what they have, they will use it. the problem people concluded after afghan withdrawal. flexion of the biden presidency. he is not competent. not a strong leader. that is what he has to overcome.
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larry: all of that causes inflation which is still the number one issue. every poll shows it. >> the imf said so, then it must be true. >> exactly. larry: liz peek, rich lowery and the imf, lord noise cumming up here on "kudlow," sorry to the doomsday climateers but earth is getting much cleaner. i'm having a much better earth day because of clean air, because of natural gas, because of everything joe biden has done has backfired against him. i'm kudlow. we have senator john hoeven. stick with us please. ♪. ok y'all we got ten orders coming in.. big orders! starting a business is never easy, but starting it eight months pregnant.. that's a different story. i couldn't slow down. we were starting a business from the ground up. people were showing up left and right. and so did our business needs. the chase ink card made it easy. when you go for something big like this, your kids see that.
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we've done a good job and i think it has a lot to do with natural gas which unfortunately the bidens hate! senator, do you read me? >> you cut out on me for a minute. larry: sorry. >> your point is well-made. we're producing energy, we have the best environmental standards anywhere and we're producing energy from a lot of different sources and we can continue to do that but the biden administratiputting this regulay blizzard, this regulatory burden on our energy producers. we need to remove the handcuffs. we can produce a lot more energy with the latest, greatest technologies, that give us not only food environmental stewardship, create jobs here, create national security and you see what is going on in the world today, help our allies. so really important. larry: no, you know, senator, what i don't get is, their obsession with all fossil fuels including natural gas and
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including lng and you have on the other side of the pond in europe, they have reclassified natural gas as a clean-burning fuel. why don't our greenies, why doesn't joe biden understand the importance of that? the thing that goes with it, because of natural gas, here, lead is way down, particulates are way down, smog is way down, carbon monoxide is way down, overall emissions have fallen by more than any other mace in the developed world. so it's like why don't the bidens understand those factoids. >> well, again, nobody is more innovative, more creative than our industries here in america, if we let them do what they can do. that's exactly what we're seeing in energy, this baseload that we need badly for grid reliability, these regulations are forcing them out of business. that's the wrong approach. we have to empower, in my state
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of north dakota we're a huge energy powerhouse for this country because our energy policy empowers our industry tot sources, again with the latest technologies. and it's so important, note just in terms of our economy being competitive in a global marketplace, it is a national security issue. you and i talked about this so many times. instead, his policy is driving up price of energy, for example, oil. that's what's fueling the russian war machine. larry: yes. >> iran and their terrorism. hezbollah, hamas, the houthis are being funded by iran's oil sales. it is not only a national security issue, it's a global security issue. your point is right on the money. we've got the best environmental standards. they're getting better. take the handcuffs off. let our energy producers here at home do what they do, better than anyone else in the world. larry: senator john hoeven, happy earth day, sir. thank you for coming back on the
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anti-semitism, strong resident like trump knockoff federal funding colleges and take away the tax breaks, force to civil rights roz and hate crime laws. we could evelyn but as mcdonald. >> thank you so much. i hope you enjoyed the show. coming up,


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