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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 23, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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anti-semitism, strong resident like trump knockoff federal funding colleges and take away the tax breaks, force to civil rights roz and hate crime laws. we could evelyn but as mcdonald. >> thank you so much. i hope you enjoyed the show. coming up, relations surfacing
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from unsealed court records in the trump classified documents case. showing how over-the-top the biden white house was on this in attacking trump. plus as larry was saying, how about the fix to stopping harassment of jewish college students and dozens of universities nationwide. get rid of the tax-free status. prosecute every academic supporting terrorism. we are digging into help universities reportedly get billions of dollars from the middle east. is that and lamenting these attacks in protest but first, let's get the update on the hush money case joining us now, former assistant u.s. attorney andrew mccarthy, it's good to see you again. this news, judge in the hush money case delayed the ruling on whether trump violated a gag order ten times as the manhattan da claimed. this case looks like it's collapsing into a circus. his in this overreach getting trump to begin with?
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>> i think it's not so much that it's collapsing, it's that it always was and a big part of it -- delayed bringing this case for five years, goes to conduct he says occurred between 2015 and 2017 between seven and nine years ago. the facts have been known for a very long time and michael cohen pled guilty in 2018. he delayed years so the case would be teed up for trial during the month before the presidential election and the whole reason for the gag order is to prevent trump from being able to run effectively for president just like the trial mainly to keep him chained in a courtroom in manhattan connect trauma saying is unconstitutional, a double standard. gag order. trump and responding to
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political attacks but michael cohen, a witness is attacking trump and the trump team couldn't cite case law saying it's common sense to not have a gag order, the judge reportedly said you present nothing and losing all credibility with the court. what was your reaction when you heard that? >> i'm not surprised because this is a judge who a week ago or a little more than that, expanded the scope of the gag order under circumstances where trump was making a valid argument that he has political bias saying part of the evidence is that the judge's daughter is a democratic political operative so the judge turns around and expands the scope of the gag order so trump isn't allowed to talk about members of the judge's family is it trump was trying to threaten them as opposed to make his case that he's in an unfair proceeding with the judge who's partiality is obvious so that's what they are playing and the court
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involved have not felt that they need to bend or make accommodation of the administration to the fact that we have an ongoing presidential election when the public has an interest in robust date and political speech by the candidate and trump has a right to run for president. the judges don't think anything comes before their trials and i don't think it's a fair position to put trump and because if the judge really cared most about the administration, the easy solution would be at the trial off until after the election and he can have as high a gag order as he wants because then trump wouldn't be able to take the campaign ex-president or my rights take precedence. >> unless he went. let's stay on the judge because there's issues about bias
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republicans in house judiciary tweeted the judge's daughter allegedly made $600,000 from adam schiff campaign basically about how he was leading the case along with asked democrats to impeach trump. his campaign for the senate reportedly has been campaigning off the hush money trial pulling in millions of dollars in campaign donations. da braggs team, bring up charges never filed against trump. you wonder how they claim trump committed conspiracy, election fraud, braggs team of the d.o.j. never charged trump. they dropped the case so this is an abstract case built on as you pointed out, books and records misdemeanor jury rigged up into a federal campaign dilation. let's listen to this. >> what is clear in this case trump is right. this is an embarrassment.
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you have this misdemeanor under state law where it had run out going back to the 2016 election and they zapped it back into the life alleging there was a campaign violation of the federal laws that doesn't exist. on top of that, you got actual issues laid out well by the trump take saying someone else designated this is a legal expense and he was paid in excess because it was a legal account but keep in mind this is what hillary clinton's people did. when they funded the steel dossier which they denied to reporters, they put it as a legal expense and then they fought the eventual find they received from the federal government saying but it was a legal expense. >> where is the hush money case
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against hillary clinton? >> obviously there's no hush money case but the deeper thing here is that there is collusion going on between the federal government and the state government. the federal government is the exclusive agency when the two agencies in the federal government allowed to enforce all campaign law and if any other state district attorney in the country were trying to enforce federal law, the justice department would be going crazy but because it trump, they let go obviously. >> andy mccarthy, thanks for joining us. let's bring back to the show former federal prosecutor, kt krukowski, thank you for joining us what you make of this lance goodman, launching a probe into the conflict of interest between the biden white house and hush money case sending a letter to the d.o.j. and da braggs manning answers on why hired a top biden d.o.j. prosecutor. michelangelo in december 2022, a
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few months before the indictment of trump, what do you think of this? >> is no question this is a political prosecution, this case was passed over by prosecutors, the ftc and manhattan da's office before it was be neatly brought right now so the open secret is not a secret at all, simply for election interference purposes, the irony is obviously for their accusing trump of. >> congressman gooden basically saying what you're saying, this is what trump is saying biden white house is in on this behind the scenes. he saying why would a senior prosecutor voluntarily down from a cushy justice department job to working the city? voters should know whether they are still talking to the biden white house coordinating with the justice department and other state attorneys and other trump
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related indictments. this is happening as a da -- d.o.j. knows the biden family made tens of millions of dollars around the world selling access to biden's government job and lawmakers pointed out. what you think of what he saying about this? >> i think there is absolutely concerted effort at the highest levels, thus the only explanation how this minor misdemeanor case came to be going on in the wake of an election year the american people do deserve answers about that. i think the prosecution's display has been lackluster in the american people are aware it seems more and more political as days go by but we deserve answers why the white house was involved with this misdemeanor prosecution. >> the other thing is break waited eight years to bring us to the middle of an election year angelo as part of da braggs team pushing the gag order to stop trump from talking including about prosecutors.
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>> really unconstitutional for president trump, he's going to have to wait for the appellate courts to wagon because there's court launched authority at this time. >> good to see you again. a hot show, jeff andrew, claudia tenney will be joining us, carol roth and the federal editor in chief mollie hemingway. voters prefer former president trump on the top issues facing america. a big bidenomics fail, wall street betting on a possible fed rate hike amid record inflation. got more retailers living in the bankruptcy plus president biden misleads again today. reports of behind the scenes house gop got worse over the aid package moving to the senate after promises of u.s. border security before eight to ukraine. is this president biden's
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charlottesville moment? trying to have it both ways criticizing both sides of anti- israel campus protest, campaign hit with demonstrators. get rid of the tax breaks all universities enjoy until they stop these protests. the harassment of jewish students. universities reportedly getting billions of dollars in the middle east. the biden white house verbally shut down those disclosures. fox news legal analyst greg jarrett on the new revelations surfacing from unsealed court records in the trump classified documents case. knowing how over the top the biden white house was on all of this. we got the details coming up on the evening edit. ♪
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the way it should be and you feel energized. golo has improved my life in so many ways. i'm able to stand and actually make dinner. i'm able to clean my house. i'm able to do just simple tasks that a lot of people call simple, but when you're extremely heavy they're not so simple. golo is real and when you take release and follow the plan, it works. welcome to the show fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, author of a terrific book, constitution of the united states and other patriotic documents, a must read. gregg, revelations out of the documents order released the trump classified documents case, good to see you. the biden white house rate on bar lago involved 30 fbi agents, a d.o.j. counter intelligence
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expert control attorney, prosecutor from the u.s. attorney's office in the southern district of florida here's the question, the elephant in the room. do think the biden white house work with the national archives to get the case against trump before the charges were brought? >> there's no question about it, minimally involved in this the exclusive remedy anytime former president has something classified or even a presidential record, it's exclusively under the presidential records act which is a civil statute so the proper remedy is not to bring a criminal prosecution against former president but to go to court and file a motion to compel to comply with the documents. that's how they handled it, the d.o.j. and the clinton case went to a civil judgment in the end the civil judge said under our
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interpretation of records act, former president can keep whatever he wants, even classified documents. >> what you're saying, trump set the morning of the marlborough great, a seat. reportedly the court records show june 2022, counterintelligence official talked about the fbi doing surveillance of president trump claim to see if there are documents on the plane. it's unclear what they were talking about. >> is it any surprise that the fbi was probably surveilling donald trump's claim? this is the save fbi that conducted lengthy surveillance of donald trump lying to fisa court to gain illegally a covid search warrant. this is the same james comey fbi
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was more than happy knowingly use the phony dossier eagerly paid for by hillary clinton to smear donald trump and then use it after the election to drive trump office. the fbi was probably doing this. >> then there are these reports, the trump team was not entitled to discovery of internal correspondence, memoranda, e-mails or documents on the c case. the u.s. supreme court thursday except the former president trump the claims of presidential immunity to federal criminal charges, the 2020 case get kicked back down to the appellate court? what happens to the classified documents case if he does get presidential immunity? >> both washington case as well as the florida case could be delayed. the president's already have immunity from civil lawsuits.
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as long as the actions fall within the outer perimeter of official duty come about the supreme court decision for decades ago so it's likely the justices thursday will extend the immunity protection to criminal prosecutions because the same exact reasoning applies. i don't see how it's possible to have this trial before the upcoming election. >> we love that, how clear you are and your thinking about. appreciate you so much, come back soon. fox news contributor mollie hemingway for the federalist, is this president biden's charlottesville comment? president slammed for trying to play both sides of the anti- israel protest criticizing both sides. his own campaign getting hit with demonstrators.
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is this where america is really at thanks to the far left? senator hawley urging the white house on the national guard to protect jewish student psychologist nationwide. how about excel the protesters by the professors tax-free status and tax breaks. jeff ran joke from house judiciary, the update on getting worse after no u.s. border security funding and foreign aid package. can house republicans hold onto their majority push back on biden's agenda? all this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪
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up. >> it's only a matter of time before the senate approves the bill more likely tonight. the senate cleared a hurdle this afternoon, the boat 8019 and eight gop senators will pose a similar bill in february now plan to vote yes. >> getting this done was one of the latest achievements senate has faced in years, perhaps decades. a lot of people inside and outside congress wanted this package to fail but today those in congress stand on the side of democracy are winning today. >> over the 22 of the senate 48 republican support of an earlier version of the bill but majority of all gop senators will vote yes. gop ohio senator j.d. vance opposes helping ukraine, mitch mcconnell refused to critics as when asked directly about him earlier today. >> i think we've turned the
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corner on the isolationist movement. i've noticed how uncomfortable proponents are you call it so i think we've made progress and i think it's going to have to continue because we got big problems. >> some gop senators opposed blending the bills together including a plan to curb the use of tik tok. >> battle a great to all that and israel and i wanted crane do not get the help they need support and tik tok does not get banned, it not compromise. this is legislative blackmail. >> rubio likened the process to extortion and other republicans do not like the bill because it fails to address the border and some on the left oppose the plan because it boosts israel. breaking news here in a couple of moments with learned house speaker mike johnson will go to columbia university tomorrow afternoon about 3:00 and will
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meet with jewish students on campus. >> interesting breaking news. thank you so much. it's good to see you. let's welcome to the show from house judiciary check banjo, it's good to see you. on the breaking news speaker johnson will meet with jewish students at columbia university was the thinking behind this trip? >> i think he obviously wants to show support, we are behind and the struggles they have. i think we need to do more than just build a press conference and i'm glad he's going to be a. we need to start meeting with more of these university presidents and let them know they are getting directly or indirectly from the federal government will cease the flow if they continue activities. anti- israel and anti- america. it wrong it has to stop. >> let's back to this, republican senators denounced lack of border security and the foreign aid.
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senator mike lee urging voters, tell your senators to vote no and killed the bill, can house republicans hold onto their majority and push back on the biden agenda? marjorie taylor greene still wants to vacate speaker johnson's seat. she faces a client, former president trump facts johnson, was going on behind the scenes here? >> here's the real deal, this is what i believe and record, i've spoken a lot about this on the floor. we cannot vacate the speaker's position and this is the reason why. we have to when, we need a strong majority, better more conservative majority in the house of representatives. we need majority in the senate and we need to win the presidency with president trump at the helm. when we do that next year, next session we can think about a lot of things we are doing and move forward in a positive direction including the speaker's position that we don't need a side show right now. let me say this, i want folks to
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know i'm disgusted and hard is this is usual, we spending more money and still not controlling our own borders letting people in, some of whom are dangerous and armed in the united states. we don't care our own nation get we spend money -- >> families don't want to see another they can probably worried. he worried about the house majority because here's the back story, democrats on the records saying they would rescue speaker johnson to stop any resolution to vacate him but that is hinging on the willingness to do those to the extent things like federal surveillance power and provide more aid to ukraine but not the u.s. border. final word? >> unfortunately buys with pastor the house allowing american the distance from of the appropriation bill was passed long and it's the wrong
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way to go. i'm disappointed we cannot vacate now. >> thank you for joining us. this story, president biden facing backlash for playing both sides of the fence on anti-semitic tests erupting at now the colleges nationwide. critics calling this is quote charlottesville moment. jacqui heinrich has breaking news at the white house with more. >> the president hasn't used any of his time in front of cameras to address the following on college campuses. he made no mention of it in remarks today but he also didn't bring up yesterday at his birthday event. when a fox producer shouted a question as he was leaving, he condemned both sides. >> do you condemn anti-semitic protests? >> i condemn anti-semitic protests. i also condemn those who don't
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understand what's going on with the palestinians biden decline doing and whether obvious university president should resign. john fetterman didn't hesitate calling the protests anti-semitic, unconscionable and dangerous. tiki torches and it's charlottesville for jewish students. biden has said many times the whites of pharmacy seen in charlottesville was what prompted him to run for president of the former president trump set there were very fine people on both sides. biden referenced that again today no mention of the anti-semitic protests. he uploaded the topic 25 tweets and saturday including nine about climate. there was strong white house statement over the weekend but andrew bates defended biden on air force one today. >> the presence passover statement he directly addressed the comments that circulated over the weekend with a call to action echoing the terrace organizations especially in the
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wake of the worst massacre against the jewish people since the holocaust, it's despicable. we are monitoring the situation. >> biden's passover statement didn't get into that detail but he did call on americans to call out anti-semitism at schools, online and in immunities but came after four paragraphs about passover, his efforts to get cease-fire and hostage deal, two state solution and more humanitarian aid into gaza so so far president hasn't lived up to his uncle to call out anti-semitism at least on camera not always terrific reporting. thank you so much, it's good to see you. joining us now from the federalist chief mollie hemingway. it's good to see you. you've heard jackie's report. >> an excellent thing to remind people what happened yourself was there was a -- over whether or not to tear down statues. you never president trump set
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the record people on both sides of the issue whether you should tear down batches but because there was a small group of people there who were very that, we estimate years saying he had to personally denounce them by name here you have in the united states of america right now, jewish students unable to go on their campuses across the country and these are people in the democrat party based at joe biden was jackie pointed out said he ran for office on this issue, unable to explicitly condemn what happened to these jewish students to point out some people were asking questions but it's nothing like what we saw years ago during the trump administration.every reporter set everyday demanding president trump denounce particular groups with the right words. >> what he did. at that moment, that's why the media failed. he did condemn them in that moment. he condemned white nationalist.
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now we are seeing something different. jewish students fear their lives, mayor adams says people who peacefully protest don't throw bottles and chairs at nypd police officers and he said there are organizing going on. shutting down the tax-free status, shut down money to u.s. universities. there with me. investigative -- investigator at the education department last year testified universities calling in $6.5 billion in undisclosed foreign money from 2014 to 2019. 2.7 billion from color, more than a billion originating in saudi arabia the biden white house shut down the investigations, why? there's success in shutting down the center site universities by china, why the biden white house
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shut down the probes here? >> the fbi won't say whether they are investigating current rents from self identifying of members of the terrace organization and in comparison to what we seen with other actions from the department of justice is setting are not surprised democrats and president biden are doing anything, activism has been a major means by which they have accomplished change. they enjoy having groups they can usually show their political enemies. they spent years calling republicans racist or bigoted for having different political views, they didn't maybe expect it would happen with to democrat interest groups and now that it is, they are not sure what to do about it. >> full-blown anti-semitism. professors are telling marxism on campus. get rid of their tax breaks. time to shut down, oust them. suspend the student. let's get to reaction with
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florida governor desantis. also the ceo of the tech company said in here now from democrat senator john fetterman. watch. >> if i were in charge, i would send the justice department after the universities because this is unacceptable to have this type of anti-semitism or not just that a speech, they are targeting jewish students, a hostile environment and violates the civil rights of the stu students. >> i'm telling you you are reading the papers of dangerous fake and self-destructive religion when you're sitting at your elite will pretending because you watch tik tok twice a got an a+ on crazy paper because professor couldn't get a job anywhere else that you actually understand the world. you are not welcome at my -- >> it is not appropriate for legal or helpful to advance your argument if you show up at
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starbucks with the bullhorn and start yelling at people and that doesn't make you noble, it makes you -- [bleep] i was appalled the remembers of our party democrats who can't even condemn iran and that crazy. >> democrats can't condemn iran? that's what john fetterman is saying. they can't condemn full-fledged anti-semitism in a jewish students fear of their lives? >> what john fetterman is saying is so accurate that where was that john fetterman during the blm riots? the same tactics he derives right now he supported a few short years ago. this is the natural result of ideology pushed throughout the democrat party and it's a little too late to complain about it now. >> you are terrific, thanks for joining us tonight. appreciate you wearing pink, i did, too. good to see you. still ahead, claudia teddy, we are staying on the story because
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gop lawmakers, they are not. or security got lost in the shuffle as a foreign aid bill makes its way to the senate. look at canada. justin trudeau says he's got the shut down immigration if there's no word on the executive order, president biden reported he was considering to reverse historic border collapse that happened on his watch. first, let's check in with dagen and david asman and for john coming up on the bottom line. >> i am david asman and for sean duffy. we have pam bondi, john caldwell with us here to talk about whether or not the tax dollars should be used to report all those who radical anti-semitic colleges around the nation. >> murdock on his joe biden worse than chamberlain? iran and allowing iran and proxies to recruit terrorists on american soil, that's what it looks like.
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it's getting worse. the american dream dying and will the fix out of the biden white house make it worse?ome. top of the ♪ y chase ink has supported us from studio one to studio three. when you start small, you need some big help. and chase ink was that for me. earn up to 5% cash back on business essentials with the chase ink business cash card from chase for business. make more of what's yours. (qb) this is it. one play. this is when we find out... (luke) hey, quick question. student body math proficiency, would we say it's good? fair? satisfactory? (player 1) what? (luke) like a percentage, if you had to guess. (players) hey, get out of here man. get off the field. (luke) understood. (players) security! grab him! (marci) great student-teacher ratio... (luke) marci! we've got to go! marci! we have got to go!
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promised executive action to stop historic border collapse, you will. hillary mann has the story live from the white house. you look great and peak. i guess we got the memo to wear pink. >> thank you. right back at you. originally requested $14 billion as part of the national security supplemental that the senate is moving forward on the border but the publicans rejected because they said throwing money at the border is not going to fix it, they want the policy changes. ultimately republicans and democrats in congress couldn't come together to agree on a package that would give enough votes to pastor nothing of the border today is the senate moves forward on this package to help other countries like israel, ukraine, taiwan to protect the borders, some republicans are annoyed the party didn't stick together to demand a border bill first. others say it's time to move on. >> is no border security. i hate that but we tried and failed. now is the time ukraine the neck
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we do have a secure border. people in washington are way more concerned about the sovereignty of ukraine's oregon our own. >> according to the "wall street journal", the president might be thinking of ditching congress and doing it himself when it comes to immigration reform according to the report, officials in the white house and dhs told the journal one of the proposals on the table could be granted legal status to mix status families, u.s. citizens who have a spouse who is an illegal immigrant giving them work permits and deportation protection, this is a park is a way to help immigration advocates systemic what would be a larger illegal immigration crackdown that could come from biden. according to the "wall street journal" officials say the white house discussed timing it before the election as a sort of one -- two punch following executive order like the upset immigration advocates. the white house not announcing anything or confirming the report telling us in a statement the administration remains committed to building and immigration system that's fair and more humane as we said before, the administration is
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constantly evaluating possible policy options so we will have to wait and see but it seems like the president is catapulting his breath that he's going to get congress to fix this border crisis. >> thank you much, good to see you. also from house ways and means, claudia teddy. we all got the memo it's good to see you so the president really politicized the border, your reaction on the report? is not going to do something before the election? >> he has the power to do it n now. he knows the statute and has identified it. the speaker mike johnson put it on his desk and said you can do this, close the border you can do what the, you have to wait congress, you have the power, it's like dorothy from kansas, she didn't know her ruby slippers had value. biden just doesn't want to do that and terrible. i come from northern border of new york, almost all of the
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border literally all of the border with canada and we have seen huge increases in our northern border in the biggest problem is we have new mexico and the cartels, they did passports, probably fake, to anybody who wants them, they go to canada and mexican passport does not require that in canada get to come across your get guess what we do in new york, valid driver's licenses and they can go anywhere in the country with the drivers license and even registered to vote and protected by what's called we might walk in new york which means you can't attack or address or ask or even inquire with government officials whether it's department of motor vehicles or anyone so this is a huge problem in the northern for nbc huge increases in crime rates are not getting lower, people are concerned about that. >> newsweek report president biden suffering a border flow.
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the proportion of americans who believe the united states does not have control over its borders has increased financially over the past eight months and half of gen z voters, millennial say gen z has lost control the border. gallup polls show the number posted list the border is america's most important problem more than doubled since last full. the same pull shows voters are likely to say the border is america's top problem versus the economy in general. >> say that again, i lost you. >> the gallup poll is saying american voters are twice as likely to say the border is a problem. this is it gallup poll versus any other issue. >> we had another version of hr to we can get past on the house for. many of us were willing to compromise on the essentials. for me and based on all of my
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discussions with numerous born agents, made in mexico and eliminate catch and release the two most critical elements. why don't we attach that at least get that of a jerk to? people on our side who want one 100% they can't take any compromise and when you have it one statement majority, sometimes compromise would be great. my state out to be this tremendous defense. the dictator fall violated was the reason lake and freilich was killed. mayor pete was forced to let her killer go and he ended up telling her. >> the first place are think, they didn't have prison capacity or another problem. got it. thank you for joining us, it's good to see you. story rattling wall street, wall street instead betting on a possible federal reserve rate
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hike after months of expecting fed rate cuts. president biden out with another whopper today struggling to win voters amid record inflation. more polls show people prefer former president trump on the issues facing america. wall street pro carol will break it down next on "the evening edit". ♪
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elizabeth: joining us now wall street pro, author carol roth, we have news coming in. reaction to this sound from president biden in tampa. >> you know if i have my way, in the next 4 years i'm going to make kl community college free. and we'll grow the economy. it won't cost the taxpayers, in a sense i don't know why we're surprised by trump, how many times does we have to prove he can't be trusted? elizabeth: really. making college free won't cost the taxpayers, carol? what do you think. >> i feel that sounds like someone running for high school president, and they are not having homework friday and there will be a hot tub in the lunchroom, and free pizza for everyone
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every day of the week. this is ridiculous promises, by the way, i do believe he will try to do. because he doese doesn't care about upholding the constitution or transferring wealth from middle and working class to college educated people who are making multiple thousands of dollars a year, there is a cost, a real cost to the continuance of running deficits not getting paid back when you issue debt, we felt the opecs of that for many -- the effects that for many years, we don't want to continue on that, it does not solve the problem. elizabeth: reports on wall street, they are betting on 1 in 5 chance federal reserve will increase rates went next 12 months to deal with inflation fueled by government spending, is that true. >> here is the good news, market has been dead wrong about the fed and rate cuts all year, we can't put too
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much credence in it, it is now up to a 20% chance in terms of the betting from investors. i think that the mid middle of the road sip scenario is that nothing happens we don't get cuts but no hikes, that said, i think that fed shouldn't be hiking, they need to put their big boy pants on and tell the government to stop spending, we're already in a situation we have 1.6 trillion dollars by the end of the year, the amount of interest on debt. can you imagine hiking rates on top of that. elizabeth: show the retailers now having a hard timex pressing -- expresses about bankruptcy protection, show logos if you have it. litpolitico reporting that they are worried that biden is losing the hispanic
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voters. you look at "fox news poll" trump is up in 2 out of 4 battle groups, he tied with biden on other two. >> the impacts of inflation are real. the situation at the border is real. no amount of gaslighting from biden administration will change that for people who are living with consequences every day. so, that does not is s surprise me. >> got it thank you carol roth. >> tomorrow charlie hurt and john lonski and doug burgum. i am elizabeth macdonald, thank you for joining me on fox business, we're sending it over to dagen and david. dagen: thank you. david: good to see you, thank yo


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