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tv   Mornings With Maria Bartiromo  FOX Business  April 24, 2024 8:00am-9:00am EDT

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condemn any form of hate and out of the port under president has been consistent throughout this administration. maria: it is in anti-semitism strategy being and plummeted. >> we are working ever so diligently. >> what is anti-semitism. >> it's empty words once again from the president's representative, it is unbelievable to me, talking points upon talking points, actually unfortunately what we have here is college presidents hiding behind the banner of free speech, this is not free speech violence is not free speech. if you violate the code of your community in this case, columbia university, if you're acting violently and threatening students you have violated the code of that community, you lose your right to express herself it is no longer free speech it is hate speech and threatening and you should get shut down if not
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expunged from the university. by that not only kicked out, it's as though you never came so you never have any credits you can transfer somewhere else, you violated your pack. maria: you get the follow-up what is anti-semitism strategy on msnbc, your implementing it, fine, what about the things that tom cotton just said revoking the visas of the foreign students who don't belong there and in fact originating and spiking all this trouble? >> i don't see universities cracking down on this regardless, if you zoom out, you have the university negotiated with students on campus and enforcing everyone else to take online classes. i don't see the university having the backbone to stand with the majority of students who cannot participate fully in education that they have invested in. it is a massive failure top down this is been years in the making. i graduated from a left-wing in college in 2021. groups like these run campus. when they are told no for the first time ever it was bound to blow up like this.
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by continuing to negotiate with students were breaking roles on campus you're giving them the green light to do the same thing. it is super disappointing. maria: in the meantime and all of this, jewish students are afraid to go to class and into the university they are afraid for their lives. >> is interesting with the left wing schools decide to support speech it's really telling whether priorities are they don't support free speech is a pathetic to the cause and members of the faculty joining the protest. you can see where their alliances are and i don't think they're overly concerned about what's happening to jewish students on the campuses. the press secretary statement was ridiculous what strategy, be specific what is actually happening. i'm not saying i support the federal government getting involved i think it comes down to the ministry just need to take action to enforce their own policies and they have a duty to keep kids safe on the campuses. end of story. maria: when they don't follow or follow-up it becomes a consequent is.
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just like the spike in crime in big cities, no consequences will encourage more. >> correct, you have to draw the line and you have to take a stand. by the way you cannot be afraid to take a stand. instead celebrate taking a stand, celebrate restoring order, celebrate establishing rules and saying this is what we believe in this is what we stand, this is acceptable and this is not, if you don't like it not only are we going to ask you to get out were going to tell you to get out. maria: we get the empty promises talking points from karine jean-pierre. >> this is typical for the administration to make an empty statement about something not to put any action behind it and do hope that that will appease voters long enough but the fact that the white house is even speaking out about this issue and saying anything to the students is sounding for me because you're so many of the progressive groups that mobilize voters for joe biden and instrumental in his victory in the fact that is even speaking
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out shows how serious of a problem that he's in, he's been trying. maria: i said earlier, i think the communist party is long, this, they want to upset and create disruption in america. in its quest to overtake the united states as the number one superpower. we are trying to find out who is behind this. it is eerily they all have the same tent and they have similar clothing, who is funding and who gave them all the stuff. >> i think we need to look into that and that needs to be investigated and that's the likely cause, we also need to talk about the protesters themselves why are they not speaking up and distancing from the violent hateful and somatic people, you are hurting your cause, if i were on those lines he cared about the palestinians the first thing would condemn terrorism and condemn hamas they
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could stay there for the palestinians while still doing that is not a difficult line to toe it's inexcusable, china is funding it in so many of our students are falling for their not disavowing these messages. maria: if china's behind it as carlos gimenez told us earlier in the show then where is the response from joe biden, here is carlos gimenez from florida with me earlier this morning. >> who is funding the. >> if you look really deep into who is funding it the ccp is involved in the communist china party tried to destabilize. i have information that somehow through another organization the ccp funds organization who is funding the people et cetera and without a doubt there's outside agitators we had that in miami during george floyd riots around the world we knew that they were here and they try this for two days and we were tough with them and they left to other cities like portland or seattle or they had a lot more luck. maria: go back to october 6 and look at tiktok and look at
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facebook not a word about gaza and the israeli-palestinian conflict and suddenly after hamas enters gaza and completes the worst terrorist attack the israel had seen since the holocaust all of a sudden all the propaganda coming from tiktok on october 7 and october 8, that was coming from the ccp and the propaganda from tiktok, i just wonder if it's a repeat. all of a sudden it was pro-palestinian anti-israel coming out of tiktok. >> suddenly tiktok is a national security threat and social media more generally is detrimental for young people and i think we see this play out, young people are able to buy the messages so easily from social media is a real issue for me in college campuses are not teaching students how to reason on a very basic level, students should not be buying this student should be patriotic and should not be out there defacing american flags
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and calling on the death of allies, more than anything why are they by the propaganda of his being given to them. maria: how much time if they have to take gender studies. >> were just getting started, quick break, president trump calling anti-israel protesters a disgrace, blaming the nationwide protest on breasts under president biden nancy maces here with reaction, don't miss that, you're watching "mornings with maria" live on fox business. ♪ ♪
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>> what's going onto college level, columbia, nyu and others is a disgrace and it's really on
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biden and he is a wrong signal, wrong tone, wrong words and he doesn't know what he's backing and it's a mess. >> that was for president trump speaking outside of the new york city courthouse yesterday blaming president biden for the knees and check nationwide into israel breaking on college campuses house speaker mike johnson meeting were jewish students today, he is going to the university later today, the school has said it made progress negotiating with protesters who been camped out for days claiming they've agreed to take down tents and remove protesters who are not affiliated with the school, south carolina congressman nancy maces the house oversight and veterans affairs committee, great to see you thank you for being here. >> what do you think about this. >> now you have mike johnson what's he going to do speaking to jewish students. >> showing that we support israel and the jewish community
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and i represent internal sink south carolina one of the historic jewish communities in the country and wholeheartedly with president donald trump's comments that joe biden's actions are a lack thereof have encouraged much of the anti-semitism that receipt of our college campuses today we have jews in our community in south carolina that are afraid to walk out of their house. it was 200 days ago the hamas butchered and burned alive moms, dads and babies and they prorated hamas through the streets and here you have joe biden not saying a whole lot about it, locking arms a few days ago with the leader of the pro-hamas caucus, aoc, what he's doing and saying is not showing much support for the jewish community that should not be happening we should so support for juice and they should be able to go to school and college without retribution because of their faith, it is really disgusting. maria: it is disgusting, how much are these people getting empowered by the comments coming out of the white house in chuck
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schumer's office, it was less than a month ago that chuck schumer stood on the senate floor and said that he wanted to see new elections and he wanted benjamin netanyahu out and he no longer serves the people of israel in the next day joe biden saying this was a great speech to chuck schumer and saying that we are unhappy with the way the israel is dealing with this, make it israel the bad guy forcing them to do a cease-fire even though you haven't heard a word about any hostage release, how much of the town was already set because of joe biden in the administration. >> joe biden and the administration set the tone and in addition to that, joe biden and his administration warned the world what the u.s. was not going to do it for 0 retaliated giving iran and hamas and hezbollah in the who these the u.s. playbook that before israel did anything but you can't say you support israel one day —-em-dash israel's leader the
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next and basically joe biden is bending and need to hamas wing of the democrat party, they exist feel empowered and embolden because of the way joe biden has handled the situation. >> meanwhile you lost your leverage at this point the senate passed the $95 billion foreign aid package that provides money for ukraine, gaza, israel and taiwan and legislation forcing the parent company bytedance to sell the or face abandoned the market, president biden claims is going to sign the bill today, now what you go for the rest of the legislator. and tell may and you go to the summertime we have an election in november no more closing up the border no more security at the border. >> what we saw joe biden and the left and others prefer to ban tiktok over shutting down our border we did lose our leverage and there was really great bills even brian fitzpatrick at a pennsylvania had a bill that
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would've curbed 80% of the illegal crossings by reinstating title 42 and remained in mexico there are a lot of great ideas i had a bill that i wanted amended to aborted bill and that was the violence against women by illegal aliens if you raped or assaulted a woman here illegally you should be sent home immediately deported and i could not get the as an amendment on the border bill last weekend. i think there is frustration and i agree with the frustration we need to make sure that we place the blame for the wide-open portico where it says in that since we joe biden the first day he was sworn into office he literally reversed all the good border policies of donald trump's presidency that kept our nation safe, donald trump had over 550 miles of wall on our southern border in joe biden has done nothing to secure the border or keep our communities safe in every town has become a border town. maria: people are scratching their heads as to why republicans could not move the needle on any of this stuff and why it seems that the republicans are always in the
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losing position, house speaker mike johnson's office says the senate will not allow a vote on any border security legislation this year they said only way to solve the border crisis is a like trump november, we have eight months it only took 19 hijackers to take down the trade center, what can happen in eight months while you lost the leverage and no new security and now democrats will not allow a vote of any kind for security at the border. by the way, why not? >> we just sent over articles of impeachment two impeach secondary mayorkas and they're going to sit in chuck schumer's drawer in the senate and is not good to do anything about that he's going to allow the administration in joe biden to lie about what's going on at the border and leave the border wide-open and i agree the only thing that's going to change is donald trump getting elected he can fix this problem and we know the american people need to know where the fault lies we get hr2
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in may of last year the strongest toughest border bill's untrained drafted by republicans we did the appropriation bill to secure the border last weekend we voted on another border bill the massive that chuck schumer will continue to ignore this is chuck schumer's problem and we articulate to the american people we are doing network and passing legislation i drafted my own border bills and if you go to nancy and read about that nothing is happening with any of it, it is disgusting. maria: you tried to get an amendment that says if you rape a woman you're going to have to go back and you cannot get any support? >> correct they said it wasn't ruled in order in germane to the border security bill last weekend this is the crap in d.c. that we deal with it is wrong and i told my story a lot i'm a survivor and i do a lot to protect women and i did protect women to the border, it's very
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easy very germane and very common sense bill and i could even get it on the floor for a vote. >> that is disgusting. it feels to me like the democrats one reason that they are often times be the republicans because they all stay online, there is not all these factions and not all the fighting within were maybe they hide it but they don't let you see it, at the end of the day when they want to get their agenda through they all get in line and they agree you think the republicans can learn something from that? >> absolutely, you talked about unifying the republican party and how we need to come together we want to win the white house and maintain the majority in the house. i've been in private meetings with different factions with leadership and i see the firing squad we put on our own people and there's factions that refuse to allow border security legislation tied to ukraine last week and they made a lot of
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threats behind the scenes and that's why that was made to not allow border security to be tied to ukraine i've seen her own party sabotage really good legislation bills and amendment it's sad to see but i have a front row scene that's wagon trouble sometimes because they speak out about these things i want to make an people to know the truth. maria: you think the republicans can make a difference because you have a new president someone in the white house who will make it happen. if you still face the democrats leading the senate or if they take over the house you're still going to have the problems. at the end of the day is similar to people who are the losers. >> absolutely i believe in donald trump and if he is to win the white house to be different in change on the hill and congress, the anti-semitism and hamas never invaded israel russian never invaded ukraine with these were not bombing
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under donald trump and those were the facts i believe it would be safer in the world would be better off. a lot of toxic behavior going on right now in washington we are watching it and we will talk along the way. thank you so much. >> think you have a great day. a quick break a big week of earnings and economic data, meta reports after the close tonight alphabet and microsoft out tomorrow, about ten minutes time will bring you the numbers and see if they impact markets, dow industrial up a fraction. stay with us. ♪
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maria: take a look at futures with earnings season a spring, did lot two points but the nasdaq on fire up 127 big tech is about to begin after the close tonight with earnings, we have s&p 500 up 13, boeing reported a double beat, the jet maker $4 billion in the most recent quarter, dave calhoun
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says the 737 max production will slow the plane maker's recovery but they're doing everything they can to make sure regulators, customers and employees and the flying public are 100% confident. earnings begin tonight meta after the close tonight and then alphabet and microsoft reporting tomorrow after the close take a look at the stocks up across the board this morning boosted the nasdaq, er joel shulman great to see you do you see the euphoria around tech etf's what is your reaction to all of this. >> this week the last week was a tough week in tech and overall the markets, this is a big week, 25% of the russell 1000 road coming out in the next 24 hours and we had tesla this morning, after hours yesterday so it's way up in announcements i think it would be the big winner is looking strong premarket, the earnings dominate a lot of people might not realize they
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have 3.6 billion customers around the world, 77% of all the internet users use a made up application. so they are well-positioned long-term and all the magnificent seven i think it's a mag six and tesla for 41% so far this year and apple is also brought down the mag seven so those two stocks of tesla and apple brought down 2% of the russell 1000 growth of the others are fine and we see a lot of companies from elsewhere earnings. >> adam johnson. >> joel raises a very important point if you look at the magnificent seven it's not necessarily seven so much anymore as it is five, they called it the fab four, i'm with you on that. if i look at the fab four or
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five it's pretty impressive they're all growing at 20 - 25% in trading anywhere from 25 - 30 times, it's not that they're cheap but there's so consistent. i'm comfortable owning them, are you? >> were very strong and better we have it owned apple in many years and were very strong in google and alphabet and you can void nvidia we've been over ten years of $5 stock and there is near place of this smc eyes which peaked to 1200 dropped to 700, the strongest performer, the s&p 500 which recently joined there are some tech companies, spotify announced yesterday that their earnings are up and they turned the quarter, what were seen many tech companies are expanding margins, cutting costs, widening the gross margin which is bottom-line, they cut the sales general administrative and widen the ebit margin and they turned
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the corner from losses of profitability so the market responded strongly yesterday and there is another company called apple 11 which is a tech company and we also like some companies that are in the payment business and very similar to the mastercard and visa accompany called fleet core which is the payment system and they recently changed the name to court pay it is making money in this market. maria: we had a good rally yesterday the dow at 263 the nasdaq twitter 45, look at where interest rates are this morning, the ten year treasury yield right now ahead of the first rita first quarter gdp hovering around 4.6%, at 4.64% up for the quarter basis points we will get the gdp tomorrow annual growth expected at 2.4%. will get the preferred reading on inflation, the march pc index on friday but before all of that
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in a minutes time will get durable goods orders how important are the reports to you in terms of indicating the macro story. >> you've known me for a long time and i tend to be very bullish, even when the market looks down i tend to be bullish i bullish this week but overall we have to understand inflation is not good to go anywhere anytime soon were you to be stuck at the point to, .4 month over month and were currently running three to half% in the fed was able to get it down to 2% below, i don't see the fed cutting interest rates anytime soon, 2024 may be off the table and one of the things a lot of people aren't talking about in terms of the narrative we may be stuck of this level of inflation at 2 - 4% for a while because the biggest driver is not going anywhere, you're going to see young couples tried to start families, there to be shut out of the housing market for many, many years and this is going to be a fundamental problem in the
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we have commercial real estate on the horizon with potentially a trillion dollars they cannot get insurance in the coastal areas so the real estate problem which took china with evergrande collapsing you brought that economy down. things on the horizon, i tend to be bullish and i like a lot of the stock pickers market there is companies doing very well it is the winners and people taking the lunch of others like nvidia and some others are growing and others are losing market share it's not everybody being treated the same but with the commercial real estate comes to it's going to be tough around here and a lot of people might not recognize the. >> steve switchman ahead of blocks of the largest order of commercial real estate thanks rent is going down and hasn't caught up with the numbers and we haven't seen evidence of that in any way and were watching markets move because durable goods orders is crossing, stay right there as we get the breaking news on durable goods
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orders, gerri willis. >> the top line up beat, this is important durable goods at key measure of industrial activity 2.6% increase of expectation of 2.5% that is a beat, when you look at transportation in expectation of pretense of 8% it was 0-point to percent, the court right on the money 0-point to percent inching up for the quarter this is something that the federal reserve will be watching. back to you. maria: thank you so much, your thoughts on the durable goods order is in line with expectation although the dow is positive ten points. >> the one good thing about this market, interest rates are rising, people are looking at the fact interest rates off the table anytime soon maybe for the year, the one thing that is keeping the market solid is the gdp growth is not altered is still running to an a half plus% we looked in the last week we've
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got over the last 40 years and data and generally when inflation is the holding steady and if gdp does not drop, those are the two drivers and if inflation is rising in gdp we are in trouble and inflation is falling in gdp is constantly that is a good market, the only thing that is keeping her market still stable right now, gdp is not falling off we have a strong economy right now and that's what's driving us even though it's been a little choppy and so forth with interest rates cut people are hoping on the bright side with interest rates coming down. inflation is still done from last year of a little concerned that is stabilized in the three to half% range which means the gdp has to be strong to maintain the markets being positive and we have periods going back over the last three years were markets like this were up for the year. for gdp to support we are in trouble. the aer shares, we'll be right back.
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maria: welcome back, former president trump slamming the gag order in his so-called hush money trail yesterday saying he should be able to campaign for president just like joe biden is doing instead of dealing with the trial, watch. >> the case is a sham and it shouldn't even be tried with the gag order which to me is totally unconstitutional i'm not allowed to talk but people are allowed to talk about me they can say whatever they want they can lie but i'm an not allowed to say anything, every time he opens his mouth he gets himself into trouble. maria: truck 2024 national press secretary caroline levitt thank you for being here, you have had some week you been in court with the 45th president all weekend
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long, how is he holding up what can you tell us about the preceding. >> president trump remains defiant in the face of the witch-hunt it is such a shame to see the former president of the united states being prosecuted like a criminal and a criminal court in new york city when they are real criminals running free in the streets, this is a case being brought by democrat prosecutor alvin bragg was a clear event that untrimmed vendetta against president trump and overseen by democrat partisan judge who donated money to joe biden's campaign in a democrat jurisdiction and they know it's nearly impossible for president trump to get a fair and impartial jury so it's despicable to watch this take place and as the president just laid out not only is this a witch-hunt, it's also an unconstitutional violation of the first amendment rights, it shows the disdain that the judge has for the president that he put the gag order on him, not only prosecuting and they don't even want him to speak about it. it's terrible to watch. >> especially as you see joe
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biden traveling to the swing states and attacking trump maga republicans he says whatever he wants to say. >> were in the midst of a presidential election and that's why this case is coming that had eight years to bring the alleged crimes which aren't even crimes by the way president trump did nothing wrong, alvin bragg and his team had to do legal gymnastics to bring this case forward rita would've been thrown out of any other courtroom in america but is being brought here because joe biden is behind all of this in there a leading this election interference to keep president trump off the campaign and confined him to a courtroom so he can't bring the winning message to voters across the country. unfortunately their strategy is backfiring in the underestimated the power president trump he's in earned media machine everywhere he goes the cameras follow him and he will continue to speak out despite the gag order and he will continue to hit the campaign trail as hard as he always has. >> prosecutors are alleging that trump committed conspiracy to promote or prevent election saying he tried to cover things
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up before the election by falsifying business records trump pled not guilty to all 34 counts against him caroline i mentioned the 2016 election when hilary clinton paid for the dossier and basically her campaign called illegal expenses, was that not exactly what they're trying to penn on trump right now. >> they are literally prosecuting the president with the alleged crimes, 34 felony counts for paying his legal personal attorney in markina as a legal expense, what else is he supposed to do it was perfectly legal they had manufactured and fabricated these charges eight years later because it's an effort to protect joe biden and we can president trump ahead of the next election that's exactly what this is legal scholars on both sides of the aisle agree with that and you brought up the point about hilary clinton and i would like to bring up how about joe biden's corrupt family set up 30 shell companies when he was vice president of the united
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states and become a multimillionaire selling off his public access as vice president and no trials for biden because they are being led by him against president trump. >> jump in here i think if you are talking about the fact it's an election year, shouldn't you be able to bring up both sides. we have the house oversight committee making serious allegations against joe biden and his family, money laundering, influence pit in tripoli were not allowed to talk about it, nobody brings it up and they're all over trump for something that hilary clinton infected in 2016. the censoring people, kicking them off-line shutting it down they don't want have a conversation there should be investigations is a common complaint against republicans they need to go on offense the democrats we know how they're going to play and operate but at some point you have to rise up and fight back, i don't see that really happening and i think they're winning this round and i agree with caroline is not playing at the public eye like they hoped it would it's backfiring and i think it's
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playing an evidence of a hate sacramento justice system and completely corrupt i love seeing the exposed. >> we saw how much it backfired when president trump went to a bodega in harlem, new york city at democrat jurisdiction harlem residents outside of the bodega chanting line bragg because they know the district attorney is a liar and he is corrupted he spent their tax dollars going after the former president of the united states who made the people in new york lives better any spending all this time and money going after him but not the real violent criminals in harlem who are robbing the day goes and raping women and killing innocent americans. >> when president trump went to the bodega, let's take a listen. >> is everything good. >> one more year, one more year, four more years. >> the crowd is chanting four more years outside of the bodega and joe biden tried to copy that by going to the gas station he
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didn't exactly get this kind of crowd but the supreme court will hear arguments tomorrow on whether trump should be granted presidential immunity from special counsel jack smith election interference investigation. what is your team expecting. >> we expect the supreme court will rule on the side of justice in the law and all president trump and his team are asking for is not just for him they're asking for the protection for all future presidents of the united states that they be granted immunity for official acts when they are president into presidents do not have this immunity they will be inhibited, prohibited rather from making official acts as president they will be entitled to witchhunts by the political opposition in indictment like racine right now and we hope the supreme court will rule not just in favor president trump at all future so they can act in their official capacity to do what's best for the united states of america, you have to have immunity, our country will not function in our founding fathers knew that,
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that's why this is the first time in more than 200 years since our country's founding that the president of the united states is being prosecuted for official acts as president and the supreme court must do the right thing to protect her democracy for the years to come. maria: that will be one important ruling, good to see you, caroline love a onset. a quick break one judge in el paso, texas refusing to charge 146 migrants for the tactics used across the wide open southern border we have all the details will be come back, "mornings with maria" live on fox business. stay with us. ♪
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
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maria: a texas judge ruling to have state charges dropped for 140 illegal migrants accused of cutting the wire fencing at the southern border earlier this month the group given misdemeanor charges for riot participation expected to be transferred to federal custody. your thoughts. >> i thought this was ridiculous you can't prosecuted people.
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the hole in this country we got to a place where we no longer prosecute real crimes, we prosecute hope and to think that should be crimes when it comes to property and violent crimes we don't do too much of that we cannot be too surprised, this is ridiculous you cannot have law and order if you don't uphold basic property and individual rights. maria: i think alexandria ocasio-cortez is really leading the no consequences. >> i think what were talking about cutting the razor wire, i think what it really is is getting out a much larger issue where the state of texas put down the razor wire but the federal government says you can come in. what you really have is a group of migrants to cut the razor wire violating the texas state law but superseded by a federal policy of just being able to come in. were still dealing with states versus the federal government. maria: how do you see it. >> a cycle of dysfunction i spent time down at the border and since the federal government to your point is been assuming that everyone coming to the border illegally are
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asylum-seekers, this is putting so much strain on the cbp officers who are supposed to turn away people entering illegally instead of they have to process folks. a whole idea that people are coming here for asylum and have to be processed, processing people who are cutting down razor wire should not really into this way it's really nonsensical anyway. maria: some of the 49 migrants into martha's vineyard remember from florida back in 2022, they may given the right to work, three have been granted work visas claiming florida officials trick them into boarding the planes there applying for a special type of visa designated for crime victims known as a you visa and immigration services say that those visas are set aside for victims of certain crimes who have suffered mental or physical abuse and helping law enforcement and government officials of the investigation or prosecution of criminal activity there b being given the work visas. >> the administration is
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bringing everyone is at asylum-seekers and part of the deal you get a work visa, to me this that even backfires and it took two years to get them work visas and how deep the backlogs are in the administration cannot do what they're trying to do which is assumed the everyone gets the same protection as asylum-seekers, taking two years, the courts are backlogged decades, it's a disaster all the way around. >> the craziest thing for my point of view, the whole conversation is that we are capping h1 visas for highly talented people, capping them at 85000 per year, if you are a lawyer or a doctor or a professor with a specific expertise and phd degree you have to apply for the h1 v visa and their only 85000. if your migrant come on over, no problem. it is crazy, it's backwards.
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maria: a lot of unknowns come all the chinese nationals coming into the country, why are they here. xi jinping creating a mini army in america. >> let's talk about the consequences this hurts asylum-seekers and people trying to do things right in legally i spent some time at the border and that's one of the top things that you hear stories of people trying to do things right in the legal way in their being harmed in the process, this is not benevolent or pro-immigration this is not what he's doing to hurts immigrants as much as it does anybody else. maria: when you think about why why would any president in any administration allow a wide open border and with all of the unknowns with the drugs coming in and would be terrorist committed on the terrorist watch list texas editor ted cruz thought about that he join me on sunday, here he is with me. >> maria there is a unifying thread throughout of this democrats are willing to abuse power and defy the law in order to stay in power there is number one concern that everything else that's keeping democrats in control, why would they allow,
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were up to 11 million illegal immigrants under joe biden the worst in history why would they allow the invasion in the answer is simple they view the 11 million as future democrat voters. >> i know there's a real impact on the census but you're not allowed to vote if you're not an american citizen, your thoughts on what you heard from ten cruz. >> the broader strategy to send the signal to american people in a peace activist. the president doesn't care about the collateral that comes from that a lot of the corrado lot are asylum-seekers have to do with the deck is a backlog because of an studying of coherent border policy the president said everyone come in and forget about border security and forget about border control. maria: we will take a short break. you were watching "morning with maria" live on fox business. stay with us.
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maria: welcome back. time for the big buzz of the morning. signed, sealed and delivered. i had a great opportunity to walk the beach the last couple of days, and look at what i ran into, this beautiful seal. i wanted to share it with you. i went over to the seal, tried to figure out if he was hurt, needed help or what the story was, but i think i may have scared him away because as soon as is i said, hi, baby -- [laughter] he went into the water. >> that's amazing. maria: look how cute. there he is saying, okay, bye-bye. and then after that amazing sight, last night's moon. did you check it out? this is what's called a pink moon.
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it's april's full moon named after one of the nurse flowers that blooms in the united states. i was so astounded to see this moon last night, i started snapping away. it is so beautiful. i am a geek that a way. i like beautiful moons and suns. >> yeah. you're a great forever -- photographer, is this a side talent we don't know about? maria: i always had my camera last night. did you see the moon last might? >> i did not, but how wonderful if you had three guest rooms and you invited your three friends from tv to come out -- [laughter] maria: oh, boy. i want to thank you all for for being here this morning. thank you so much. great to have you. adam, thank you, hannah, have a great day. we're 30 minutes away from the opening bell, a market that is decidedly mixed, dow industrials down 61, nasdaq up 9ing. --9 8. let's get to very any and company. stu, take it away. stuart: tesla's stock zooms. elon musk gave the outlook, and that's what invest


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