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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 24, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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fed restarts its hiking cycle which is not our base case scenario. i think it's going to be a big risk for the commercial real estate sector. we continue to expect twothree rate cuts this year, which should be good for the u.s. economy and commercial real estate sector. kelly: we appreciate it. thanks for those insights. the dow finishing down, s&p 500, nasdaq, trying to finish out. microsoft, backed cybersecurity firm rubric debuting on public markets tomorrow. we'll have the ceo on the show. [closing bell rings] you are not going to want to miss that ipo. we'll have the ceo of triller. folks, better tune in tomorrow. that is it for "the claman countdown." ♪. larry: hello, folks, welcome to "kudlow," i'm larry kudlow.
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so anti-semitism taking over college campuses. speaker mike john about to speak on it at columbia university. meanwhile joe biden turning a blind high. trump has a plan to stop it. tammy bruce to weigh in on. story. former attorney general bill barr on the latest power grab by joe biden's sec. "breitbart"'s john carney on biden's regulatory octopus and a left-wing group think chorus will be panned by mark simone and joe concha. first up, fox senior correspondent, rich edson, he has the latest on the rise of anti-semitism at u.s. what you got? >> reporter: this was asked be at the white house briefing. they were asked about protests spreading across come puss across the country and growing calls for university presidents to resign. more for the administration to get involved.
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part of that speaker mike johnson will address students and the media at columbia university. he and other republicans called for the resignation of columbia's president. white house was asked about that, refused to say in or any private university personnel decisions but did condemn anti-semitism. >> protests must be peaceful. students must be safe. when we see violent rhetoric we have to call that out. when we see physical intimidation or grotesque anti-semetic remarks, we have to speak that out. >> reporter: the biden administration department of education is investigating incidents of anti-semitism at campuses across the country, students, students have, there have been video and pictures of anti-semetic cheers. those touting or parroting terrorist organizations and the like. republicans on capitol hill are calling for the change in the administration. we'll go to you. larry: rich, we've got speaker, yeah, there is speaker johnson.
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we're going to take his remarks for a moment. >> thank you for being here today. we have several members of congress here. we're here today at one of america's preeminent academic institutions on a very important day and a very important time. throughout history columbia's students have contributed to the great storybook of america's life and thought. visionary american leaders like alexander hamilton and john jay and jewish leader shasus knew the self-evident truth that was at the heart of this country, once at the heart of this university, and that is that we are endowed by our creator with certain inalienable right. they should not be infringed. the founders and the great leaders who would come through this institution in the past believed in religious liberty. they believed in democracy. they believed in morality and virtue and the dignity of every human person. they believed in the free exchange of ideas, and they
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detested mob rule. we are standing here right now on the steps of the lowe library. in this very building right behind us columbia university once awarded winston churchill an honorary degree and it was churchhill who said it is manifestly right that jews should have a national home where they may be reunited. we believe in that principle. today i'm here to procame to all those who nash their teeth and demand to wipe the state of israel off the map and attack our innocent jewish students, this simple truth, neither israel, nor these skewish students on this campus will ever stand alone. today, hamas issued an endorsement statement of the protesters on this campus. they called them the future leaders of america. it is detestable. all of this has to be said because the cherished tradition of this university are being over taken by radical and extreme ideologies. they place a target on the back
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of jewish students in the united states and here on this campus. a growing number of students have chanted in support of terrorists. they have chased down jewish students. they have mocked them and reviled them. they have shouted ray shall epithets. they screamed at those who bear the star of david. enjoy your free speech. they have told jewish students who wear the star of david to leave the country, shame fully some professors and faculty have joined the mobs. things have gotten sew out of control the school canceled in-person classes. now they come up with this hybrid model where they will discriminate against jewish students. they're not allowed to come to class anymore for fear of their lives and it is detestable. columbia has allowed these lawless agitators to and radicals to take over. the virus of anti-semitism has spread across other campuses. by some countses as many of 200 universities have a similar form of protest right now.
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at yale a jewish student was stabbed in the eye with a palestinian flag and 45 students were arrested. at nyu pro-hamas protesters were shouting from the river to the sea. anti-israel encampments are popping up at universities all across this country. the madness has to stop. the madness has to stop. we just left a meeting with jewish students who told us of the heinous acts of bigotry they have experienced simply because of their faith. their bravery is inspiring. much more inspiring some of the activities we're seeing here. they should never have to confront such hate on an american college campus. such a receder revered institution. anti-semitism is growing in america and it is clear why. powerful people refused to condemn it and some have even pedaled it themselves. from university professors to public officials, people in positions of authority have
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denied the horrific facts of september 11th, 2001, the attacks on the united states that happened right here in new york city, and they have attempted to excuse or to ignore the barbaric attack of hamas in israel on october 7th, 2023. where israeli women and children were savagely raped and murdered. and infants were cooked in ovens. >> we can't hear you. >> crowds of radical activists have chanted "death to america and on our own streets in this country and some public officials refused to condemn them. others openly defended these acts on campus. harassing, intimidation of innocent jewish students simply because who they are. they call that peaceful protest. some have even gone so far for the state of israel to be eliminated. these are words we expect from ayatollahs in iran, not american lawmakers and not american students.
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unsurprisingly it has given way to threats and violence in a generation of students who feel safe in their, who doesn't feel safe in their own classrooms where they live other where they worship. let me say simply, no american of any color or creed should ever have to live under those kind of threats. that is not who we are in this country. sadly, columbia's administrators have chosen to let the threats, the fear, and the intimidation of the mob rule, to overtake american principles like free speech and the free, free exchange of ideas and the free exercise of religion. they have co-opted first amendment arguments to protect genocide and to elevate the voices of anti-semitism. they have proven themselves to be incapable of achieving their basic responsibility which is keeping students safe. we just can't allow this kind of hatred and anti-semitism to flourish on our campuses and it must be stopped in its tracks.
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those perpetrating this violent should be arrested and i'm here today, i'm here today, joining my colleagues and calling on president shafik to resign if she cannot immediately bring order to this chaos. as speaker of the house i'm committing today that the congress will not be silent as jewish students are expected to run for their lives and stay home from their classes hiding in fear. in the house of representatives we have already acted to address anti-semitism on campus. we passed a number of statutes to address this matter and we call upon the u.s. senate to act upon our legislation. i have couple of my colleagues here that i would like to share a few words. i will turn it over first to the chair of the house education and workforce commission, virginia foxx. congresswoman, virginia foxx, north carolina. virginia? >> thanks, mr. speaker. larry: that was speaker mike johnson with a very powerful opening talk, i have thought,
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talking about the virus of anti-semitism spreading among as many as 200 colleges around the country. he talks about the heinous acts of bigotry and strong defense of israel and jewish people and he said, we must keep student safe no matter who they are and where they are. and, he opined that the president of columbia university should resign unless she can restore order on the campus. so it was very, very strong statement. we're going to bring in our panel. steve forbes, jackie deangelis, tammy bruce in just a moment. i had a couple thoughts about the whole story. there is a moral and political cancer of anti-semitism and it is metastasizing throughout so many of the colleges and universities and it's unleashed all manner of campus conflict and violence and joe biden's turned a blind eye and donald trump, on the other hand has a plan to solve it. that's what i want to talk
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about. mr. biden says, i condemn the anti-semetic protests. then he adds quickly, i also condemn those who don't understand what's going on with the palestinians. that is a complete political copout. it is not even remotely a solution to the education breakdown in american higher learning. known in -- no one in politics worked harder of joe biden spreading the gospel of diversity, equity and inclusion. but precisely that ultraleft gospel of dei that has spawned the new anti-semitism. mr. biden won't change a thing. mr. trump will. the former president wants to remove dei from the federal bureaucracy writ large, especially the far left federal education department. mr. trump also wants to use new accreditation standards that harken back to the traditional american and western civilization and culture. his video on truth social he said, and i quote, when i return
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to the white house, i will fire the radical creditors that allowed our colleges to become dominated by marxist maniacs and lunatics, end quote. mr. trump would also tax endowments for non-compliance. he would also explore having colleges and universities fined up to the entire amount of their endowment. he will insist on a merit-based system to replace dei. and he will also quote, direct the department of justice to pursue federal, civil rights cases against colleges and universities that continue to engage in racial discrimination, end quote. now, i think enforcing civil rights laws against discrimination is absolutely crucial here and joe biden never refers to it or talks about it, but, in this morning's "wall street journal" jason riley reminds us that the current campus violence and
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conflict not only trespasses, blocks traffic, refuses police orders and generally causing disorder and disturbance but it is illegal. and he goes on to cite former president eisenhower who sent in federal troops to stop white mobs in little rock, arkansas in defiance of the supreme court brown versus bored of education decision who were preventing black students from safely attending school. i quote mr. reilly directly. the federal government was obligated to come to the aid of an ethnic minority group being threatened by mob violence. jews in 2024 deserve no less protection than blacks in 1957, end quote. i couldn't agree more with my friend jason riley. that's my, joining me we have steve forbes, forbes media chair, editor-in-chief, former
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princeton trustee. jackie deangelis co-host of "the big money show" on fox business, tammy bruce, fox news contributor, author of the upcoming book, fear itself, exposing the left's mind-killing agenda. thanks everybody for being here. steve forbes, lead us off. mr. johnson gave a strong statement. i had a couple thoughts regarding mr. trump's own proposals such as they are. what do you think as a former trustee of one of the nation's best schools? >> well, one hit a college, hit endowments, that gets their attention. wham-o. the other thing they should get consideration, jason riley if they can't protect students, governor of new york refused to do it, mayor of new york refused to do it, columbia administration refused to do it, you send in federal troops. precedent in 195. you have to lay it out. unfortunately joe biden is incapable of making a national address the way dwight eisenhower did in 1957, need for
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laws and safety are enforced. in terms of campuses this does expose as you pointed out, other pointed out moral rot on campuses growing and festering for years. it is good coming out for everyone to see, like the covid lockdowns, parents could see what is really happening in our public schools. we see graphically what is happening on our campuses, great point. tammy bruce, there is lots to talk about here and lots to chew on here but i want to spend a moment more if we could, civil rights laws are being broken. joe biden has nothing to say about that. i quote my friend jason riley who everyone knows, everyone knows quite quell well, civil rights laws are being broken and biden and his justice department won't do a thing about it. >> true with eisenhower, even the kennedys in the '50s,
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those assaulted, being isolated also educated the american population at large t was reminder to us. it is one thing for it to be on paper. another thing to enforce it. the same thing with the constitution. if it is not addressed, dealt with, embraced and applied it means nothing. same with our laws. all the laws are on the books, a lot of laws are being broken these days and those too are not being addressed or applied. so we've got a generation here that is looking and americans of all generations are looking to see if the government will take seriously our own civil rights laws, what several generations now including my own worked for and sometimes went to jail for and fought for so that people could live freely no matter who they are is being, by a very few people, loud mouths, a mob, university president who won't act, d.a. who won't act, this is
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a small number of people who are trying to via, if may say in my book, frighten people into surrender because they're the loudest voices in the room and maybe have the biggest weapons at this point. this is the time for action. we've, been educated on it. we know the importance of it, especially for the one group in history in recent memory, for the jews. the ones that have been murdered, you know, en masse, this is clearly an act that we've got to take and say enough is enough. it is not difficult. we know what to do. it is a matter of just a few people taking action. donald trump sets the tone. americans want that tone to be set. parents want that tone to be set as well. larry: jackie deangelis, trump is trying to break through this, if he is given a chance he will but i heard this so often from professor alan dershowitz, this
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dei is the exact opposite after merit-based system. >> yeah. larry: whether that's merit-based admissions, whether that's merritt-oriented achievement in the colleges and universities or their degrees, or the departments that they have spawned in recent years. i thought americans believed in merit. biden is saying we have to believe in identity politics and you know, set quotas and standards that are antithetical to our culture. >> i believed in merit once too. i thought that is what this country is founded upon but i think when the president is saying when he ascribes to the dei theories. that is not the the way we'll do things. as a matter of fact since he has been president he has flown in the face of what america is. i'm pleased that speaker johnson got up to make the comments that he did but also reminds me our current president is a coward and is note able to get up and condemn what we're seeing across the country right now. it really speaks to who he is, progressives that he is
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essentially representing. he spoke today about the foreign aid bill that passed in the senate. mentioned a lot of money going to ukraine. mentioned israel will get money and we stand behind them which he said as a tag line since he started not really stood up in the way people wanted him to. he reminded everybody there would be money going to gaza, to the palestinians for aid to pander to that side to make sure they were represented. by not standing up this and condemning the fact that jewish students on campus feel scared to go to school and their administrators are saying stay home, do your classes on zoom. >> outrageous. >> that is their approach to fix this, he should stand up to say this is not right. president trump would. why in so many situations including this one, this probably wouldn't be happening if he was president. larry: steve forbes, jackie makes an important point. speaker johnson made the same point. emphatically made this point. jewish kids don't feel safe, are not safe on many of these college campuses. that is an outrage, that is
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utter outrage in america. >> it can happen in the 2020s when we have the history of what happened in the 1930s. it is just beyond astonishing something like that can be happening not receive almost universal moral condemnation that would have happened 20, 30 years ago. we have lost our moral bearings here. the biden administration is so craven wanting to win a few votes in michigan. joe biden says he is the franklin roosevelt. franklin roosevelt in late 1930s risked alienated big blocks of voters to help britain when they were faced with extinction, which was not popular. he had courage and political skills to do it. joe biden is just craven. larry: tammy bruce, come back, i know you're not an economic specialist but the point steve forbes made at the outset is very important point, you want to hit these schools, hit them where they are hurt. endoubtments. >> yes.
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larry: endowments are tax-free, pay total expenses for college and universities, very, very tiny tax rate, 1%, could be less than 1%. what mr. trump seems to be saying if they are in violation of his standards, then he is going to go after them. he will tax them and he will fine them up to the amount of the total endowment. now what do you think about that? >> it reminds them in fact they're at risk. this is about money. we're looking at with harvard and other ivy league universities, hundreds of millions, billions of dollars. it is a remarkable stash of cash. there has to be a repercussion people feel. you don't need to be an economic master. all you need to do is watch fox business perhaps but if you have any kind of a household budget that you work on, that you have a savings and that you know what you can afford to do and not do, what you don't want to do is have unforced error where you lose some of that money, we understand that. we also understand what it costs now to go to these schools.
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they have got all this money. they, hundreds of percentage points of increase, inflation of what these colleges now cost, for what? to teach your child how to get arrested? to teach them how to be a bigot? to teach them how to injure and frighten a jew? is that why you're paying $50,000 a year and then, you know, those degrees from usc was mine, harvard, princeton, what are they worth now? so we've got a lot at stake for everyone's economy, everyone's personal economy and professional dynamic but that has got to be the way it is because for whatever reason, that has been untouchable. it now has to be touched. for jews to be the ones who r removed from an environment and told effectively to hide in the attic and do your work there, is outrageous and has to be unacceptable. i like, as speaker johnson's remarks as well. now we've got to see some action.
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larry: jackie, i actually never talk much to mr. trump about this but i think he would like dei, not only scraped from the federal bureaucracy and especially the education department but i think what he is suggesting is, you want to keep your accredittization from me, you want to avoid taxes an fines, get rid of dei on the campuses, on the campuses, one after another. now this has got to be crucial. trustees are the ones who will do it. college presidents should stand up. i'm not hearing this. i'm not seeing anybody do this. what's happening? >> that the way you will actually effect change. we're just hoping that university presidents might resign because they think it is the right thing to do. i think it is a combination of things talking about hitting them where it hurts. taxing these endowments. taking away federal funds they receive. big donors like robert kraft and bill ackman saying no, i'm not donating to this institution
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anymore. once you pull the money away the school is literally nothing. they will be -- larry: i want to interject, i'm seeing, reading a lot of companies, including banks are now getting rid of their dei departments. they loaded them up a little while ago, getting rid of them. not seeing them from the colleges and universities particularly in the ivy league. not only this, state schools. violence today going on in the university of texas, in austin, for example. just not seeing it, reading it or hearing about it. >> because the companies suffered financial as a result of this. that's why they're pulling back. i'm not necessarily sure they're changing their ideology. >> right. >> if the schools suffer financially they will take that approach. larry: steve forbes first point. history them where they are hurt. >> hit them where they hurt. recognize dei is code word for speech suppression, conformity, don't speak out. universities are supposed to
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have intellectual diversity. we've lot it and have to get it back. larry: it is a common excuse to avoid civil rights laws that have been on the books for our lifetime, particularly the last 50, 60, 70, there are good civil rights on the books enforce them for jewish people. enforce them for blacks. enforce them for everybody. why doesn't biden say that. he has been around 1000 years. knows about the laws. he ran the damn judiciary committee. he knows the laws. he won't say that because of some tawdry political earns in a couple of congressional districts. it just flows my mine. you want to say last word, tammy bruce. give me 20 seconds. cap me off in 20 seconds. >> having to appease jew haters to keep your job. larry: oh. >> who are you and what kind of moral foundation exists? that is the issue. larry: ouch, and you're right. appreciate it. you're alter risk.
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steve forbes back later in the show. do more duties for less money. tammy bruce always a pleasure. jackie deangelis, watch jackie with her co-hosts taylor riggs and brien brenberg on "the big money show," 1:00 p.m. eastern here on fox business. thanks to everybody. we'll switch gears on the fly, it will be great fun, mr. bill barr, former attorney general, writes in "the wall street journal," the security and exchange commission is watching you. he joins us now, former ag bill barr. i think he is still a good friend of mine. you write a tough piece in the journal about a week ago. i know i would get a smile out of you for that. of course you're a friend. orwellian surveillance state by the sec without warrants, investigating information -- i score it bill as 135 million some odd investors. that is how many, 135 million people in the investment markets, names, addresses, birthdates, all kinds of
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information. you talk about 3,000 sec personnel, 20 other regulatory agencies? why does the sec need to have this kind of information and invade our privacy? >> they don't. we're crossing a real constitution allred line right now and i'm appalled there is not more pushback and people are not concerned about it. we have a basic set of rules in this country. as you know, banks, phone companies, have a lot of records, personal records of ours. and vendors, credit card companies and so forth and the basic rules up to now have been, that the government can't go and compel their production of that stuff about you, me or anybody else unless there is some specific crime they're investigating and this could be relevant to that crime. what the sec is doing is saying well, it would be much easier for us if we collected all this
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information in advance, have everyone's investment accounts, the personal information about them, every asset they own, every trade in real time so we can watch exactly what they're doing, because if a crime commits in the future we'll have all this stuff at our fingerprints. if we start going down that road, then the privacy of the american people will be utterly trashed. it is truly a big brother society. larry: yes it is. you talk about the fourth amendment requires you have got to have a warrant for probable cause of a crime to get that kind of information from all these kinds of people. so the sec is just, just walking through that. they don't care. this is all about, i don't know what this is about? control, information? i don't know what the motive is for it. i can't imagine? >> well it is part of this avalanche of regulation, larry, that is squeezing the life out of our economy, it's killing off medium and small sized business so that it makes it easier for the regulators because they only
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deal with a few big companies are usually willing to cut a deal with the regulators. this stuff is coming down the pipeline as you know at an unprecedented rate. they're trying to slip this kind of thing through. this truly has to be stopped. if we allow them to take the position that they can go out and gather up all this information just so they have it if a crime is committed, there is no stopping point to that. larry: so we need some deregulation, don't we? we need to roll back all these biden regulations. i just saw an article, he has put a trillion dollars worth of regulations on the books, a trillion dollars worth of regulations in only three plus years. you know, bill barr, old friend, on this show many times although not quite recently, it's time for some deregulation. i know a candidate for president who wants to deregulate and cut taxes and i'm, there is a little birdie told me you are now in favor of mr. trump's
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re-election, is that true? >> well, i've said, yeah, the choice now is binary choice between these two candidates, of the two i support president trump and one of the reasons is because i think many of our critical problems including the regulation, crime, restoring law and order, restoring control over our borders, rebuilding our defense in this increasingly dangerous world, standing by our allies, i, i trust president trump to do that much more than president biden i think. and, i also worry very much that in the batting circle with joe biden is vice president kamala harris. i feel that under these circumstances the republicans have to win in november. larry: well you have said it, you said in your book, by the way, you basically agreed with most of mr. trump's policies per se. you wrote a heck of a good book
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about it. at least i thought it was a good book. you were on this show several times talking about it. i assume that is still the case. let me ask you something else though on this business, this trial going on in new york. as a former attorney general twice. distinguished ag twice, bill, this guy codeangelo who was number three in the justice department, resigned his post. he comes to new york. he is now working as an assistant d.a. or something but he has become the lead prosecutor for this alvin bragg case which so many distinguished people think is without any merit at all, what's that all about? i mean we don't have terribly lot of time but does that, is that a connection? he was an appointee by biden and by merrick garland and all of sudden he shows up in this new york courtroom, does that show there are clear links, dots connected between joe biden and this lawfare lawsuit against
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trump here no new york? what do you think, bill barr? >> i don't know if they're direct links because frankly this has gotten in the way of the federal governments cases. i don't know what the federal government's posture is towards this as the administration. there are a number of people in the law enforcement community are sympathetic to this case. i think this case is a stain on the criminal justice process. this is a case clearly of going after the man, not a crime. there is no crime here. there is no crime. hush money is not a crime. trying to protect your reputation is not a crime. entering into a non-disclosure agreement is not a crime even, even if you're running for office. there is no crime here. they're trying to manufacturing one, manufacture one and they're trying to hurt, interfere with the election. that is what this is. larry: you don't think, bill, i don't have a lot of time, you don't think this colangelo person from the number three job in the justice department now to
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being the lead prosecutor in this case, that doesn't connect dots between mr. biden and the alvin bragg case? >> you know, that is one way to read it. i also think, there are federal prosecutors who detest president trump, would like to use the legal system to handicap him. so i think that could be a factor here too. larry: all right. we'll leave it there. bill barr, former attorney general, continuing friend, thank you, bill, we appreciate it very much. >> thanks, larry. larry: you betcha. take care. all right, folks we'll take a quick break and the other side of the break we're going to look into taxes and regulations and what joe biden wants to do and how, how, donald trump would could it completely differently. we've got steve forbes and we've got "breitbart"'s john carney. i'm still kudlow. sticking around.s lotsal more to come.
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larry: question before the house, how long can the economy survive under joe biden's tax and regulatory octopus? joining us, joan carney, "breitbart" coeditor and author of the "breitbart" economic digest. steve forbes back with us. listen to what president biden had to say about taxes. president biden: trump is proud of his two trillion dollars tax cut in his administration overwhelmingly benefited wealthiest and big biggest corporations. the trump tax cut will expire. i tell you something it will be deed and expire forever and dead forever. larry: that is wonderful, expired and dead forever. steve forbes, because you're so gracious, why don't you lead us off, a good piece in today's
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"wall street journal," former senator phil gramm and mike solen. real median household income, put this stat on the table, real median household income increased by $5220 in 2019 alone. that is 49% higher than the previous increase in 2015, and 11 times the average percentage gain over the prior 50 years. in other words, in one year, this tax bill that biden wants to end and expire did better for middle class people. this is median average people, average families working families, in one year, did better than the entire obama-biden presidency. >> what it underscores is, the whole purpose of government is supposed to be enable people to get ahead. as lincoln put it improve your lot in life. under trump they did. this is simply one of the tools he used, deregulation and some other ones. it worked.
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biden portrays himself as the tribune of the people is actually crushing the people. if he gets away not only letting these tax cuts expire but also putting in a 45% capital gains levy, some of the other junk he wants to do, he will have a great depression. we'll be in 1932 again. larry: john, regulatory stuff, let's just talk for a minute about that, doug holtz-eakin has put out some new numbers on regulations. president biden's final rule costs are expected to be 1.4 trillion, 1.4 trillion, in biden's. obama was a paltry 303 billion, bad enough. donald trump, 30 billion, pretty good. what do you make of that? >> exactly what you're saying about how well the american people did under donald trump is related to those numbers. when you add on these giant interesting aer regulatory burdn
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on the private sector you crush the ability of businesses to grow, crush businesses to hire people, crush ability of people to start new businesses. that is what happened under obama when it was just 1/5 of what biden has done. biden this is just the track record so far. imagine what he will do when he is a lame duck president if he gets reelected, it will be four times what he has right now. just this week they put on some regulations that the american action forum said they have never seen a week like this. they put on tailpipe emissions that cost something like $850 billion. they put in new lamp regulations, larry, because they think our lights are too bright, using too much energy. better adjust your eyes so you can read in dim light. they can't find a thing they don't want to regulate, to have punitive regulations on the u.s. economy. larry: steve forbes, to all these points, joe biden never talks about economic growth and
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he pretends to talk about middle income families but the reality is, numbers show clearly trump's corporate tax cuts will help middle income families better than anything biden or his predecessor obama ever did. why don't they ever talk about growth anymore? >> because that's not their agenda. it is very revealing what they don't talk about. because it is about control. every aspect of your life. alexis de tocqueville, french aristocrat wrote a great book about american democracy wrote in the 1830s, nibble away at individual freedoms, what you can and cannot do. now you can't have sliced cheese anymore in plastic wrappers and stuff like that. little things like that, demoralize the people. it is all about control. it is modern social. you don't have to own the things. you just control everything. larry: this was your, socialism through the regulatory state. this is what you said over three years ago, you were dead right. >> great example of that under the new tailpipe emissions
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regulations they think that we'll have to have 56% of cars be electric vehicles by 2030. guess what? , that is just a couple years away. by the time, nobody wants the electric cars they're trying to sell now. they will try to force that on the american people by basically declaring our internal combustion engines illegal. so that is exactly what steve is saying. it is tyranny by regulation. that is what we're getting. larry: do you think there will be a political revolt against that stuff, jamming it down our throats? >> we're already seeing it. look what happened to the earnings ever the big car companies. gm made a lot of money because they are selling people the cars they want to drive. silverados, gmc sierras. people don't want to drive the electric vehicles. larry: they were losing a fortune going ev. now they have gone back, putting even hybrids or gas-powered cars. they're finally making money. >> let us into our trucks, let us drive gas-powered engines, i
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think that is what the american people want. i think we'll see that at the ballot box. people will vote for freedom to drive what they want. >> pizza freedom, pizza from wood burning ovens which they banned. larry: that is fabulous. you two are awsome. john carney, steve forbes. steve, thanks for double duty. appreciate it so much. we'll take a quick break. mark simone, joe concha, they will critique and pan a left-wing group of lawyers as a chorus who are attacking donald trump on a daily basis, on some other networks that are not as smart as this one. anyway, i'm kudlow. we'll be right back.
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and textbook example of kind of anti-semitism facing jews. >> among other things it is deeply insulting and offensive a dangerous anti-semitic trope. more than that the president is severely misguided. larry: okay, some golden oldies. whatever happened to them? i don't hear them now? i just hear them attack trump. joe biden hasn't done a thing, haven't lifted a finger to stopth anti-semitism or dei responded it. doesn't enforce civil rights law mark simone. where are they now. >> hypocrisy the democrats are famous for. riots against bigotry. we have rye riots for bigotry. i never thought i would see it on a college campus. mike johnson was brilliant. the speech joe biden should have
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given. except he talked today for 30 seconds and incident say anything. larry: i want to get to the group think democratic lawyers but it is quite extraordinary. against trump they were up in arms. where are they now? >> there are no principles here, right? it is all about political expediency, what will get a good sound bite on cnn, cbs, abc, did think they donald trump's daughter who married a jewish guy, who raised jewish somehow anti-semitic all of a scudden? before he was president, you didn't hear donald trump being anything, when it came to racist, anti-semitic, or xenophobic. larry: never proved a thing. it was scurrilous attacks t was typical. here they go again. talk about another fun thing, democratic lawyers, group think, secret session. they're gearing up for other networks, discussions about the trump trials.
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laurence tribe, george conway, jeffrey toobin, john dean, very famous nixon lawyer, norm ornstein, yours towed be a conservative republican, jennifer rubin, used to be republican, andrew wise man a old trump hater going way back, joe, what kind of grades do you get them for other networks rehearsing their stuff? >> every friday this happens on zoom. if you're inviting jeffrey toobin to a zoom call, there should be a rule that says show your hands at all times. because he got the shaft from cnn for doing that. larry: family program. >> it is. so when you hear all these legal analysts on these other networks, all kind of sound a lot like each other if a memo went out or i don't know, rehearsed this is exactly what is going on. it is a cord neyed attack on donald trump who said this is legal conspiracy against me. now we're seeing it is carried out by those on these networks on seemingly an hourly basis, larry. larry: what do you think, mark? you're on a first-name basis
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with all of these people, right? >> well, yeah. larry: regulars on your radio show. >> let's remember only manufacturing jobs joe biden operate to america are these guys manufacturing charges against trump. all these dirty prosecutors manufacturing charges. the good news it takes 12 of them to figure out what to say on these shows. all these cases are from years ago, we're supposed to believe all four happened to hit as trump started his campaign. guys like andrew wise man, he is russia hoax. larry: that's right, that's right. >> him teaming up with these journalist, it is just awful. larry: john dean. famous nixon lawyer. what happened to him? john dean, famous nixon lawyer. norm ornstein, jennifer rubin used to be republicans. i don't know what they are. they're all trump haters this is part of the you know, trump derangement syndrome basically the way i see it. >> it is the most awful conspiracy. by the way everybody that they work for, those networks, nbc,
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cbs news, they all signed non-disclose sure agreements. they all paid hush money. >> they had a clean up the cbs news scan, matt lauer scandal. these organizations signed a lot more non-disclosures than donald trump ever has. larry: good point. joe, bloomberg poll out today. the biden's temporary comeback is dead. trump leading in zare own, michigan, north carolina, nevada. he has pretty big leads. ahead in wisconsin as well. trump is ahead in six of seven swing states? trial so far doesn't look like they really hurt him. >> not at all. we're cherry-picking one poll, see this is what has been happening since october. poll after poll, only states that matter in elections, north carolina, arizona, wisconsin, pennsylvania, i'm missing one. it will come to me eventually. larry: we appreciate it.
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