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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  April 24, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm EDT

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s on golo(guitar music) with other programs i've tried in the past they were unsustainable, just too restrictive. with golo i can enjoy my food and the fear and guilt of eating is gone. ♪ me and my friends ♪ ♪ life is better with the credit gods are on your side. rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. credit one bank. get cash back rewards, and live large. mike johnson and number two, provocateurs of anti-semitism are violating civil rights laws and should be busted accordingly. it's time to enforce civil rights laws and it's time to watch liz mcdonald and you are so right, we are staying on this
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news you just broke moments ago. speaker mike johnson backbite gop lawmakers spoke up at columbia university. speaker johnson forcefully condemned the poison of anti-semitism in israel pro- hamas protest flooding more than 200 college campuses joining free speech. this is a civil rights fight. speaker johnson demanded president biden take executive action to stop all this but wire president biden, kamala harris enabling this, nowhere to be found. former president trump has an action plan to stop it. for more, let's welcome to the show washington times and pinion editor fox news contributor charlie hurt and political reporter jon levine. how can biden and his team are not at these campuses speaking out but speaker johnson is? why they awol? >> i think it's the simple reason, because the biden campaign still wants to win
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these people over as voters in november. they will do anything they can do within their power to commit these people back to the democrat party, back to voters because he wants the boats. what he should be doing is looking at these people and telling them to jump in the river himself. make it clear he doesn't want their support but this is how conflicted the democrats are over this. >> to what charlie just said, your and an alumnus of nyu and here's the thing, johnson was emotional, he said basically hamas put out a statement reporting these students and call for columbia university president to resign if she doesn't stop it but the present biden has yet give a speech about it, he's walked away from questions about it, what's going
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on here? >> i think the issue is even worse than just trying to win young people, the root of the problem lies in michigan. the practice shortly after october 7, there's a poll conducted which found 57% of american muslims said they believe what hamas did october 7 was justified. you can all will that and it goes to the heart of the problem, michigan is a swing state, a very large muslim population that very upset about the competence sympathetic to hamas and president biden is afraid of pushing too hard in this because he doesn't want to alienate those voters because he's afraid of which any michigan but it's a moral failing in the same way and the close election it would be totally inappropriate to reach out to the ku klux klan for their votes. you need to win this country without the votes of extremists. >> it feels so cynical what's going on. back story is colleges and universities are getting billions of dollars out of the middle east, qatar and saudi
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arabia to fund anti- israel research centers on campus. senator chuck schumer refusing to answer questions about protesters demonstrating outside his home in brooklyn. also texas state troopers cleared up protesters so this is what costs pay for? university campuses are hosting calls about the annihilation of israel even before the terror attacks. >> chuck schumer is lifted by the same forces joe biden is conflicted by and john is right, this is a moral moment, a moment when these universities are supposed to be teaching these children both history and how to be good citizens, they are failing to do it because they are driven by profits and make massive amounts of money from these places.
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>> you guys have talked about this, students are about micro aggressions, not about macro aggressions by hamas terrorists, they started the war. they claim there about women's rights, gender equality, where are the protests against hamas and iran brutalizing brutal attacks on women and children? fire protesters demanding hamas terrorists release hostages? >> of course is nowhere to be god. in new york city you have a man arrested for insulting the prophet mohammed, got something you could google. the police involvement has long been reached, we reported no somebody at yale was absent in the i and the speaker spoke about that common misconception columbia needs to invite nypd onto campus to disband, that's not true. just as if there was domestic violence occurring in someone's home, he would not need the police to come disband that situation. the barker police activity involvement has been long
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reached, they should go in and clear out the protest. >> the other thing going on, show the full screen of the republican senators firing off a letter the biden white house demanding they protect jewish students, the letter said biden's words are not enough biden is just delivering rights, they are saying take action, restore order. you will see on fullscreen, we will show you what the senators are saying. words are not enough. president biden is so cynical thinking words are enough because he wants to preserve the vote so watch what florida governor ron desantis is saying how they stop this in florida. >> when you're chasing jewish students around, not letting a jewish professor entered the building targeting people like that, that's not free speech. that's harassment, it violates appropriate conduct. these administrators and the universities are week, scared and they don't do anything.
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you do that in florida at our universities, we are showing you the dark. you will be expelled. when you do that. the minute people start to face consequences, you are not going to see this nonsense going on. >> what you think? are facing if they come from overseas, provoked the pieces and deport them? >> without a doubt. this notion that their argument a lot of these are not our students, they are coming from elsewhere. if they are not students, what are they doing on campus in the first place? of course these universities operate often as autonomous zones and pretend like they can handle, adjudicate a crime on the campus and involve the police. that's not the case. police have a responsibly an obligation in the university has a responsibility to accommodate the police and enforcing the
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laws. they are not kingdoms. >> they are not interest striking biden is awol. thank you so much, good to see you. joining us now, civil rights attorney leo terrell. the events of today, what's your reaction biden is awol giving out words in the far left democrat aoc getting criticized for claiming protests are peaceful, attacking jewish students and cops. what do you think? >> aoc is lying on the students are being intimidated must harass and can't enjoy the likelihood go to school. i would be very clear, they are articulated by joe biden, meaningless. she if i was attorney general, cattle six these universities state and federal funding, where is merrick garland? is the fbi? i'm old enough to remember when the fbi went into private churches and started
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investigating private churches. this is nothing more than a political stunt and you notice this is happening and blue cities, not texas there taking action. what i'm telling you is jewish community is a sacrificial lamb all for politics at the expense of their civil rights. >> it's about politics. diversity equity and inclusion push under the cloak of that, 6.5 billion loan into u.s. universities overseas. billions from the middle east. the outside groups, students for justice in florida on florida campuses, he sang it materially supporting terrorism behind for 23 anti- israel incidents on u.s. campuses. and by definition leak sent a letter to universities saying they support terror, hamas so
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that is the back story. why isn't biden and kamala harris and the team going in like speaker johnson did to give a speech or any speech to shut it down? >> because they basically stole their souls to the money. these are photos. i'm old enough to remember the federal government often in arkansas, university of alabama they took action. if it's a handle policy all about power and control. the democrats see these individuals as part of their base. one last thing, they arrested 248 people the other day in new york. they released him. no criminal charges. there's no deterrent. >> trump says they operate tax-free. tuition gouging american families for years.
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this is not what college tuition is supposed to call for reports coming in columbia university student group got a quote resistance 101 seminar from the terrace whose band for a speech reportedly the senior member of the popular front for the liberation of palestine and is behind a string of attacks of israel closely aligned to hamas and hezbollah. that guy was a student at columbia. >> no blowback because it's columbia university. if these liberal wings of our institution. as a schoolteacher before it became a lawyer, 35 year project. hijacking public and private institutions and taking a marxist position. what you see here is the finality of the takeover of public and private universities by the far left.
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they've done a good job, take universities back, we have to cut off the funding and expelled these individuals who do not believe in american -- >> is this an white house so corrupted by power, so corrupted by the desire to stay in power that he's not going to get a speech condemning this, he's going to continue to walk away from reporters asking about and basically going to let propaganda arm? have called it, tweet out for just make statements on tv as if it's good enough. is that good enough? >> let me think about that -- yes. that's all he's going to do. he's not going to do anything. he's going to play out until november. you are right. nothing. >> will stay on it. thank you. thanks for joining us. still ahead, anthony at columbia today and we are going to talk to him. congressman eric, former chief
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economist and "wall street journal" columnist bill mcgurn, we are staying on the action plan, former president trump has to stop the civil rights violations against jewish students and why the biden white house is on it. bottom top but no action to stop. is he really afraid of the growing protests boycott vote against biden? a new bloomberg poll, voters have deep economic, so much so it's pushing president biden down below former president trump and six of seven swing states, new data on the and the president signed 95 billion-dollar foreign aid package. more florida governor desantis hammering house lawmakers for not getting border security done and families of crash victims meeting with the justice department urging prosecution plus former whitewater deputy counsel sol wisenberg, very
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smart man. major errors in manhattan da alvin bragg's hush money case versus jump, totally undermine it for good and bragg is attempting to paint a damning portrait of trump but the case will hang on facts and reasonable doubt for the jury. all of this next on "the evening edit". ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it (just a little bit louder) ♪ ♪ it's our time ♪ ♪ you don't want to miss it ♪ ♪ it's your moment in the spotlight ♪ all your ambitions. all in one app. low fixed rates. borrow up to $100k. no fees required. sofi. get your money right®.
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look who's here, former whitewater deputy counseling sol wisenberg, it's good to see you. they seven -- nice to have you on. we need your brain on this. they seven hush money trial against former president trump. we got reports coming in that da bragg's team revealed the underlying crime they accused trump of that he allegedly violated new york state law called conspiracy to promote or prevent elections. with he basically stole the 2016 election from hillary clinton but we looked at the law, a new york state law, is still says it's a misdemeanor and only covers new york state elections and local basis and not federal elections. are we wrong here? >> it is a week.
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i think. in order to elevate this from misdemeanor to pony, which they had to do because the statute of the petitions on misdemeanor has already run, they had to claim trump ossified records in order to correct a felony or commit a felony and that felony is apparently shipped strategies on this quantity eight office but the main felony they are talking about this federal election law and a problem this caught the department of justice look at the and decide if there was no case. alvin bragg's predecessor look at that and decided there was no case biden gets elected in his justice department decides there's no case and alvin bragg originally decided there was no case. he changed his mind under pressure. you're talking about events that happened eight years ago, even liberal prominent liberal law
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professors and commentators have said this is a real strain and unusual case so even though he's in a jurisdiction where the jury pool heavily weighted against him publicly, he has a chance to at least pull out a hung jury at trial and if he doesn't do that, to win on appeal. >> what's happening now is a lot of atmospherics da bragg painting a portrait of trump but doesn't this hanger reasonable doubt? just one juror feels trump paid-up money to protect his family and life, isn't that reasonable doubt? >> reasonable doubt, you're right. it only takes one juror to hang the jury. i think it's possible he could be acquitted by the jury in this case because the case is so week. don't let anybody tell you that
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it's a strong case or a normal case. this was brought for political reasons, no question about it. when bill barr was attorney general, when people were collaborating for him to indict various people, he said not every corrupt act is actually a crime. he actually kept several people from being think that is, there was no one here to stop alvin bragg because he is popularly elected da, it's shameful. i'm not crazy about the other cases but they are much more plausible at least theoretically in this case that bragg has brought. it's quite remarkable shameful in my opinion. >> the other thing was the judge's gag order on trump is yet to rule on whether to hold trump in contempt. trump saying that's unconstitutional, michael cohen
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is attacking trump or weeks now. watch this judge on cnn. >> i think the problem this yesterday he's going to have to tighten this order up because there are instances there is a collision between the former president first amendment rights and what's happening here. i don't follow michael cohen on social media but if i were the judge, among call the prosecution aside and say i know he's not the client but he's your witness. tell him to stop posting because in a sense, he's inciting the former president. let's not a justification for violating the gag order but fair is fair and he could drop a gag order on everybody as opposed. >> the judge of the gag order, i'm not sure why he's taking so long to decide on whether trump is in contempt. there is conflict involving the
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judge. it's been pointed out the judge's daughter is president of this consultancy article consultancy that she previously worked for vice president kamala harris and that presidential campaign. something like 10 million from the out of shift campaign, more than 15 million, her company, from the senate majority democrats since 2019 so what you make of the judge not get ruling on the gag order? >> first of all with regard to the clip you showed, it appears prosecutors have spoken to michael cohen because he apparently announced today he was going to go silent until the trial was over and i don't think there's any question that there are portions of this gag order in unconstitutional infringement former president trump free speech rights and particularly when you respond to people like michael covid is allowed to
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speak with total abandon the problem from trump's perspective is apparently lawyers are told even if a gag order is unconstitutional, it doesn't mean you have a right to violate it so i think the judge is going to rule quickly and i don't think he's going to be putting trump in jail. he will say he violated the order and hit him with a fine. >> thank you much for joining us. it's a pleasure having you on, good to see you. >> thanks for having me. >> still ahead, anthony from house clement security, with the speaker johnson apple columbia university today will get his take on it. president biden did find the $95 billion foreign aid package. ron desantis hammering house lawmakers for failing to pass border security, who got the sound plus president john polonsky, are you hearing biden? he's not talking bidenomics
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lately. crickets on that. a brand-new poll explained that. biden is behind trump in six of seven swing states. why? voters not feeling bidenomics. instead, they've got deep economic pessimism. all of this coming up on "the evening edit". ♪ trading at schwab is now powered by ameritrade, giving traders even more ways to sharpen their skills with tailored education. get an expanding library filled with new online videos, webcasts, articles, courses, and more - all crafted just for traders. and with guided learning paths stacked with content curated to fit your unique goals, you can spend less time searching and more time learning.
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are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. joining us now, former chief economist at moody's, john polonsky. good to see you again. we are not hearing president biden talk bidenomics lately : do you see that? a bloomberg poll, voters have economic pessimism, trump is ahead of biden in six of seven swing states, ahead in arizona, nevada, north carolina, pennsylvania and wisconsin, biden ahead in michigan. what you think is going on here? the consumer is still in good
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shape. >> the consumer is in good shape because they are borrowing heavily. let's not forget inflation was much lower during the trump years and moreover funds were affordable when trump was president and i would add the race about the job market. reality is, recent gains in employment have narrowly been focused on several industries. government, healthcare and leisure and hospitality. 75% of all jobs added to the u.s. economy during the past 12 months. that's not good. moreover when i speak to college students, they tell me this is the worst job market for college graduates since the covid recession. let's face it, we got consulting firms, accounting firms are not
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hiring like they did jersey during recent years. >> the industries that are hiring including the government, they are not high-paying jobs. manufacturing jobs for goodness psaki. let's listen in get your reaction to this primary voter, who she's voting for. >> i voted for donald trump macdonald jake trump and i voted for him the last time very disappointed because he did an excellent job and i would vote for him again and again. i'm praying it will be there. as long as it's fair, don't pull any castings, i think he will do a good job for us. >> kubota for trump. president biden wants to raise taxes. how's that going to bring down food inflation and cost for
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families? >> i don't know how that's going to happen. if he hikes taxes, business taxes, that would reduce the supply of food from farmers and food processing companies. we might actually see prices move higher. this aim through tax hikes, he wants to slow consumer spending but at the most suicide politically. his other option is to slow government spending, maybe toss out all of these earmarks we have in the latest budget. by doing that, not only what he help put more pressure on inflation, he would also help lower what are now skyhigh mortgage yield. >> biden wants to get rid of the trump tax cuts. $4.9 trillion tax hike. federal tax revenues increased 48% after the trump tax cuts. two thirds of taxpayers got a tax cut. biden wants a shocking top 44.6% tax on capital gains and
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dividends, that will lock the economy. show images of libertarian leader of tena. he's coming back on the size of government. he's got historic $315 million surplus, cutting back the size of government. >> is the first surplus since 2008. perhaps we learned from what's going on in argentina today. if we want to make progress in budget deficit reduction, it does not harm the economy, the best way to raining government spending. >> you are terrific, it's good to see you. joining us now, house homeland security congressman anthony, it's good to see you again, sir. you are just with mike johnson moments ago speaking to jewish students at columbia university, they face threatening anti- israel protests and civil rights
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violations, what did you see? >> speaker johnson and i visited the campus of columbia university and spoke to jewish students there and they talked about what they've been dealing with the last weeks and months. being assaulted and spit on, being accosted classrooms and they've reported these things to the administration with silence, not getting any regards up for what they are concerned about. i know we did a press conference and i will tell you, it was a sad sight to see terrace sympathizers and individuals just this morning were endorsed by hamas, a terrace organization endorsed the protesters, i think that tells us -- as i looked into the crowd, not only did i feel bad for the future of this country but i felt bad for the parents and guardians and 93000 year for their child to run around campus with i love hamas
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and hezbollah t-shirts on. >> shocking and disturbing and disgraceful. we got to move on to this, we are going to talk about this with bill mcgurn, a separate issue -- critics are asking why did president biden make son of the cross at an event of florida where he spoke in support of abortion? >> then we come back to the state of florida where ron desantis like he needed to run for president of 15 weeks wasn't good enough. we had to go to six weeks. >> what was that about? what's your reaction? the mark i think it's another opportunity for the american people to see how confused joe biden is. he makes some pretty crazy decisions, one which is watched. think back to the time when he was standing on the tarmac when brave soldiers bodies were being walked by from afghanistan and thought that was the perfect time to look at his watch like
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he was in a rush some of the decisions joe biden for making the american people have to look back and wonder why and how. >> a giant truck with a billboard of laken riley's image drove around in tampa, laken riley is a 22-year-old university of georgia student recently murdered by an illegal migrants. laura, desantis going after lawmakers for not getting a bill to get security at the u.s. border saying they lost leverage watch this. >> the number one issue our voters wanted them to address is the southern border and massive influx of foreigners by the millions coming into this country and we don't know who these people are and they basically surrendered on the border. they now have no coverage to do anything on the border. they had an opportunity to insist that biden except the border if he wanted before and they decided to capitulate.
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>> what do you think? >> i think it's a constant reminder of failed policies joe biden at the southern border and the government should look back to hr to, passed by house republicans over 250 days ago. it's been sitting on chuck schumer's desk, thus the start and that's what would secure our border and where we should be had. >> thanks for joining us tonight, it's good to see you again. >> thanks for having me. >> has transportation, we will get reaction to grady trimble's report on the justice department doing a public going. families of going met with d.o.j. prosecutors and get you updated on that. the big push for so-called equity and california, voters madden said clogging up airport to get rid of clear service. basically get processed rapidly. first we will check in with
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dagen and david asman see what these like-minded geeks and nerds have coming up. >> we got ron johnson, senator to be here to talk about whether we some subsidizing radicals on campus. kind of a no-brainer. kellyanne conway joining us on white president biden stopped talking about economics and the border in his campaign stopped talking about climate change and abortion these days. >> he's got nothing. former fcc chairman is here, biden signed the bill into law forcing the sale of tik tok the communist party of tik tok that will happen? steve mark, joe biden says he's going to get rid of the trump tax cuts and left wings chair, why? two thirds of americans got a
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tax cut. the biggest tax cut went to the middle class. we try to figure out top of the hour. ♪
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some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. i suffer with psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. i was on a journey for a really long time to find some relief. cosentyx works for me. cosentyx helps real people get real relief from the symptoms of psoriatic arthritis or psoriasis. serious allergic reactions, severe skin reactions that look like eczema, and an increased risk of infections, some fatal, have occurred. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms, had a vaccine or plan to or if ibd symptoms develop or worsen. i move so much better because of cosentyx. ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. we got news about going and problems with its airplanes. not crash victims families urge the justice department to prosecute going over fatal crashes killing nearly 350
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people over the years. grady trimble lived with the story. what a day on the single. >> it was and we are expecting to hear from the families of the crash victims any minute now about how those meetings went today and i can tell you from my own conversations, they are extremely frustrated and feel going to miss led the department of justice and other federal agencies and they say that led to the more recent problems. you might remember in 2021 boeing struck a deal with the d.o.j. in which it paid two and a half billion dollars to settle claims they misled and defrauded the faa during the approval process for those 737 fax planes. under the deferred prosecution agreement, the company could avoid criminal charges if it met certain terms related to quality and safety.
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now the d.o.j. is reviewing that deal in the families say it's clear, boeing hasn't held up at the end of the bargain and they should face charges. >> we are going to ask they don't dismiss the case and they extend this agreement have an outside monitor look for fraud because boeing is good at writing paper and paper and over things that signify that means nothing ultimately. >> and earnings report this morning, boeing said in the first three months of the year it lost $355 million after a series of incidents including the door plug blowout in jan january. attached to slow down production as it faces heightened oversight by the faa for its part, boeing ceo dave calhoun is leading by the end of the year says will take the time necessary to strengthen our quality and center management systems and the work will cost for a stronger more stable future. the d.o.j. is separately
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investigating possible criminal charges related to the january blowout on the alaska airlines. >> what a story. you are always terrific, thank you so much. it's good to see you. let's welcome to the show congressman eric burlison from has transportation. sir, thank you for joining us tonight. your reaction to the report? boeing whistleblower recently broke out saying he is worried planes could pull out of skype mid air. he would not put his own family on a boeing plane. how concerned are you? >> i think we should all be concerned about the impact, diversity equity and inclusion are having. let's take and hold at boeing and boeing is it its pursuit of diversity, equity and inclusion and lost sight of quality stock metrics and lost sight of safety
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and performance and profitability this is just a result of failed experiment that is diversity, equity and inclusion. >> so how do you stop it? the mark at the end of the day, the market is telling boeing how it feels and mistakes are telling boeing what they need to do. if they continue down this path, boeing is not going to exist so they either will have to write the course will focus on quality, a great product at an affordable price for their consumers, customers, the airlines. i think when they do that, there shareholders will improve. >> you talk about moral vanity project, self regarding vanity of di and so-called equity. look at california, california is making more changes inside the state based on so-called
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equity. now it wants to restrict the expedited airport line service called clear in its new airports, they say the service raises equity issues because it effectively let's upper income people skip ahead of passengers to do tsa checks but not discriminating against anyone. anyone of all incomes can buy it. >> this is just another example of how progressive's never took econ 101. a private company, clearly doing a better job, faster job processing passengers then tsa and people who work for the government. >> in the state get in the middle of federal tsa decisions? >> i don't believe so. we hold a lot of federal programs and money that flow in to the state based on their adherence, at the end of the day the airlines are controlled by
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the faa, not by the states. >> congressman burlison, thank you so much, we appreciate you so much for coming on the show. they are staying on the action plan from former president trump to stop civil rights violations against jewish students at u.s. campuses now spreading to 200 universities. the biden white house is a wall, a lot of talk, all talk and no action to stop it. is the president afraid of growing protest boycott vote against him? "wall street journal" columnist bill mcgurn will take it on "the evening edit" next. ♪
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we'll get you there.
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♪ looking good, guys! thanks! vacations are better with the credit gods are on your side. i'm coming up! rewards once available to the few are now accessible to the many. earn points for travel with credit one bank, and live large. elizabeth: let's welcome back to show main street column icht for " ist for "wall street journal," big mcgurn. speaker johnson, spoke out at columbia university, speaker johnson forcefully condemning the poison of anti-semitism, and pro hamas protests, flooding he said through more than 200 college campuses, bill this is a civil rights fight,. >> yjewish students getting attacked. why are president biden and his team awol. >> for reason they think
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coming down hard on protesters will lose a vote. maybe lose them the election. i don't think so. i think if they show they could be strong against the protesters, no one likes it. these are people interfering in other people's lives, you have the right to your view. you have the right to think israel is guilty of genocide and hamas is innocent. even though that is crazy, but you don't have the right to menace jewish students at your school, interrupt them as they go around the university life, universities used to pride themselve osbying the best model for -- themselves on being the best model, now they are among the worst. elizabeth: president trump has an act plan to stand -- action plan to stop it tax the university ep d
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endoendowment. president biden has yet to give a speech. high walks away from reporters when they ask him about him, do you think biden would do an executive act on it. >> no biden's policy toward israel and hamas is kind of bequeeghting columbia toward protesters, hope they moderate and come around, they will not come around university this take the hint. and nip this in the bud rather than let it gather until it is more difficult to put down, they have rights to their opinions as stupid as they may be. elizabeth: but not the right to menace. hamas put out a statement supporting these students. >>, of course,. elizabeth: nearly 7 billion dollar that colleges get
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from overseas include billions from most middle east to fund anti-israel research centers, desantis of florida banned the outside group. he said no, they are not in florida. they support terrorism. they are behind over 400 anti-israelins incidents on u.s. campuses this is an outside group. >> i could come up with a hundred reasons to not give federal funding to colleges, i think on principle i wouldn't give them a dime, but i don't think they will reform internally ever. i think whoever you put to replace columbia president, would likely be justs bad. but there is an opportunity as it was in the '60s for some of the university presidents who are tough, and genuine liberals to make a tough stand efficient their school -- for th
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their school. elizabeth: we could be watching the destruction of the ivy league in real-time, not sure parents will put up with the over stuffed tuition charges. >> i agree and cities, democratic mayors, where are they about this, this is a disgracism. it really is, bill mcgurn thank you. >> thank you, lizi. elizabeth: we appreciate your smart brain, tomorrow night, a legal eagle and jason chaffetz will join us, thank you for watching i am elizabeth macdonald that does it for "the evening edit" on fox business, time to hand over my geek squad to better w geek squad, i'm teasing, david and dagen. david: you gave us two seconds, thank you, liz, appreciate it. elizabeth: sur


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