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tv   Kudlow  FOX Business  April 26, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm EDT

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see a little bit more of a pullback before the fed announcement. kelly: yeah. i've got about 20 seconds, api group. why that? >> yes. great management team, fantastic e balance sheet. you know, they continue to i grow organically and increase their market share. so i love the management team because, you know, a storm's brewing, and they're going to be able to weather the storm. kelly: yeah. good management especially with all the uncertainty we're facing, always something to look for. ed city dell, thank you. let's take a look at the markets, dow up two weeks in a row as potts tech earnings top stubborn inflation and markets end the week on a high note. the dow up71. monday -- 171 is. monday senator mark warren. "kudlow" is next. ♪ ♪ hello folks, welcome to kudlow. i am larry kudlow. president trump in court today
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again, it seems alvin bragg's case may be falling apart and nobody, including me can figure out exactly what the charge d dark. we got byron a couple of minutes joe biden stagflation preventing the bed from cutting interest rates in my lifetime. jason furman and jason rendered father use charlie hurt and alec leist and paul mauro on the real threads of democracy. the lawless biden administration was everywhere you look. call, stop and natural gas, folks will not have enough electricity to get by, former epa administrator andrew wheeler to ... a couple of thoughts tonight, a quick rift whose best candidate to defend american democracy? it's not joe biden. biden and his welfare allies watched legal campaign to tie up donald trump in court.
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corporate with gag orders. even putting him in the supreme court where his immunity is getting a fair hearing. alvin bragg trial is a farce. people can't even decide what the charges are in the charges changed data date and week to week. nondisclosure agreements legal : candidate trump in 2016 sending his own personal funds, money didn't transfer until 2017 while after the election. trump make well when his immunity argument. penny fani willis charges have completely been discredited it's going to go on quite some time if it ever comes to fruition middle. the democratic candidate will use every legal and political maneuver to block his primary opponent, mr. donald trump.
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misusing his office and people see that and more. a read of stossel's excellent "wall street journal" piece today not only about the phony two-tiered she hung against trump but also the company congressional statutory mandate biden administration is unilaterally invalidating 30 million noncompete contracts and business in the sec wants to take over internet failed net neutrality rule and energy eight taking 13 million boston acres out of use and the epa want to shut down coal, oil, natural gas and gasoline powered automobiles joe biden is the biggest regulator in the history of regulations. so far, roughly $1.5 trillion cost, donald trump cut seven everyone was promulgated. that's a big difference, isn't
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it necessarily all the rights will be thrown out in court according to "the supremes" epa versus west virginia where epa clause, the economy is not moving to stagflation with high personal cost liking the middle class while hourly wages, $11.40 when mr. biden was inaugurated tracked down to $11, that's a recent number. three and a half years, working folks have lost money hunter biden. august, the trials, the rules, regulations, cost of real wages, all of this is why polls show trump in the fleet especially swing states. why? ordinary working folks, the backbone of this country are smart, not dumb. the biden's think they are dumb.
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the biden's think they can pull people that's why they don't understand on wrong but for ordinary folks, hard-working middle-class folks, they know what's good for them, their self-interest and what's good for the country. by the way, that idea that people are smart, not dumb is the basis of the success of free-market capitalism. then mr. alvin bragg here in new york, donald trump is closing in on joe biden even in this far left blue blue state of new york. just think of it, mr. bragg. that's mike rift, i said it was going to be short. joining me now to go along is will chart, attorney for president trump for federal prosecutor running for ag missouri, byron york, washington examiner and fox news contributor. welcome. i want to let you take a whack
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at it. i tried, i'm not a lawyer. i read and read political commentary on these trials to try to understand. the bragg trial, i don't understand because there's no conspiracy, nondisclosure is not illegal, the candidate used personal funds : checks were written, checks were cashed. i still don't get any of it and vast conspiracy to overturn the 2016 election, i don't get that. how can an ordinary juror figure this out? >> i should never have been indicted. in 2017 accurately reflect the payments trump made to his own
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lawyer alvin bragg concocting an election rigging scheme for 2016 so far the facts in court, the facts and evidence having gone out battle but that's the basic problem and that's why the case should never have been brought in the first place. there's no underlying crime, no conspiracy it will play out in the coming weeks and he will make have egg on his face. >> bragg and colangelo washington with the biden connection if you ask me but that's another issue, those guys talking about new conspiracy argument. somebody said to of misdemeanors will equal accounting so it's conspiracy. what is the conspiracy? >> in opening arguments, glandular said trump engaged in a criminal conspiracy to correct
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the 2016 election and then he covered it up. the cover-up the bookkeeping stuff and we do know about the chemicals or trump is charged of the criminal conspiracy is where it gets murky. court, another one of lawyer said the other law trump broke to justify to phony, the other law was new york law, i think 15172 and that law, that makes it illegal to promote the election but unlawful means but it leaves the unlawful means undefined so what we have is everyday prosecutors in court suggesting, hinting there is a deep dark criminal conspiracy going on here and it will be top of the trump lawyers to say there's nothing there, it's not illegal conspiracy was to get
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elected which is another word campaigning. >> campaigning is not illegal, nondisclosure not illegal, look -- will, i read from the "wall street journal" editorial today, todd blanche, mr. trump's lawyer said in his opening remarks ledger entries were done by an accountant that errors she will testify later i got an wind told which of the invoice to call legal expense and that's exactly what she did and after recording it degenerated a check which was her job. okay. is not fiddling with business records? seems straightforward, i don't even understand the business records controversy. she was asked for a check, i was done and paid paid for nondisclosure reasons, we may or
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may not know, i'm not going to get into stormy daniels thing but that's not the first time politicians or celebrities want to withhold information and use non- disclosed payments and so forth. what's wrong with this? this one was given orders she wrote a check and said she mailed it out. >> the argument was on the mo money, there was no crime, these were accurate business records reported by level trump organization official new york route president trump was off running the country from the white house. the accurately reflect famous president trump lawyer and everything you are hearing, all of this conspiracy talk, talk about the 2016 election, it's a smokescreen to cover up for the fact that basic facts that they need to prove, to prove a crime was committed simply don't exist. president trump didn't do anything wrong, he didn't break the law and they can put up in
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his after witness after witness, they can relitigate 2016 election, not about what changed the basic facts that the jury is going to hear we are hopeful the impartial jury will turn an acquittal for that reason. >> i want to get to the politics in a minute, let me play a little sound from david axelrod, team obama, those guys are smart. his body said yesterday or the day before. >> if he's convicted felon, that's going to have material impact on him moving forward. a hung jury which could happen, it could have the reverse effect it could be the beginning of his way out of this legal morass that he's in. >> he will use it to detain and in the supreme court that immunity issue was favorable to
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mr. trump and even if the court doesn't make a decision and remitted to a lower court. politically the campaign as i put it is it backfiring? >> it certainly backfired in the republican primaries where we saw indictments increased trump popularity with republican electric. in the general election, the purpose is to affect those voters, swing voters who might otherwise vote donald trump but not vote or they say they wouldn't if you were convicted felon. the whole purpose of the alvin bragg trial is to be able to call donald trump a felon. we had a new pull out which is last month and this month if
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trump were convicted, but that make you less likely to vote for them or more likely to vote for them? the number of people who would take are likely went up in the last month and the numbers would make them less likely actually went down in the last month and that's when people have been able to hear what's going on in the courtroom. >> and you know what else, on this as you know mr. trump is making use of whatever spare time he has outside of his courtroom so he talked to the bodega's think it's a big crowd. he went around from our center studios in midtown new york and met with the construction workers who love the guy also became on fox and friends and said three to one union workers are going to vote for trump. the pole came out yesterday i wrote who's both, only dumped ten points in new york state and lost by 23 in 2020.
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he's closing in new york, what does that tell you? [laughter] >> maybe running for governor. these things don't happen by accident. the bodega visit was arranged ahead of time about democrats crime, specifically alvin bragg. the interesting thing about the stop yesterday, the construction site was thursday morning that happened just a few hours after joe biden and washington appear before the association so the mucky muck and suits officials there and all the hardhats and rank-and-file members working for cheering donald trump, that was not an accident that they came together. >> just give me 30 seconds, immunity, what they make a decision, remand lower court? that will postpone the trial and what happened before the
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election. >> i think the supreme court arguments yesterday and couldn't have gone better for us. a lot of fun to be there. we felt really good coming out of those arguments. i think the court is justifiably thinking about this in terms of how to protect the institution of the presidency long-term from exactly these prosecutions we see played out against president trump today. we are hopeful we get a good opinion of them. the most likely result would be back to the district court for fact-finding around immunity issue. i think the key take away as you said, it's becoming increasingly unlikely any of these trials moved to trial before them november 2024 election. >> coming up on couple, joe biden's stagflation probably going to stop effect from cutting interest rates. certainly any time and there are a few other issues about battle against, a racist tax, really?
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we'll talk about it off with jason furman and jason, a pair of jason's. monday through friday 4:00 p.m. right here on foxbusiness. for some reason you can't make it, text her favorite 9-year-old and she will show you how to dvr the show and you will never miss a trump trial or conduct. i am kudlow. we'll be right back. ♪ nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years. when i have customers come in and ask for something for memory, i recommend prevagen. number one, because it's safe and effective. does not require a prescription. and i've been taking it quite a while myself and i know it works. and i love it when the customers come back in and tell me, "david, that really works so good for me."
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joe biden stagflation will probably stop that from cutting rates anytime soon. that, among other headlines we welcome back to the show mr. jason furman, former chair of the council of economic advisor not teaching school at harvard, jason, welcome back. another jason, chairman and ceo of strategic security judgment, thank you. jason furman, furthest away, you've got an inflation problem. lingering stubborn inflation problem. we could debate the gdp up and down, i see pluses and minuses but how will the fed cut rates this year if inflation is sticky as we've seen in the deflator last three months, four and a half% annualized and so forth, what is your take on all about?
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>> i did want to take you want stagflation claim. we definitely have inflation that's too high, it's come down, much less bad than was a year ago but it is too high. we don't have stagnation, we have the fastest growing economy of the major advanced economy, unemployment rate below for two and a half years so the reason the fed isn't cutting rates is probably the bad news on ablation, it's disappointed us but a lot of it is good news, there's not worried about recession if anything, they think the economy is growing too fast, not to slope. >> i will take a half a loaf. i say if inflation is rising but growth is slowing at least from the first quarter and i was reading some of your remarks which i always enjoy the business side, business equipment having fallen for the last eight quarters, i was looking up even the.
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reporter: change for business equipment is only 1%. jason, if this is not producing, he will have regulation. >> if you look at business investments, that group of about 2.7, 2.8, don't hold me to the decimal place that. this is structures superstrong, intellectual property has been pretty good. i agree has been weakened i agree with pattern expansion that's been mostly driven by consumers. i'd rather see a bit more driven by businesses, blessed by consumers. >> that's logical enough. fed interest rate cutting looks dead for the year but what is your take on the conversation? the mark i think it's hard to ignore the fact that we are running budget deficits up 7% of gdp at full employment. only run budget deficits this large times when the unemployment rate was about
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seven so that's why i would take issue with what mr. foreman is talking about because it's not surprising you don't have a recession because there's no coordination between monetary and fiscal policy and that's why we have an inflation problem so i guess you can spike the football and get excited about growth you see in the economy but you are doing it by borrowing from the future with massive increases in the debt levels. >> i should have been more explicit in my ripped, it's personal borrowing costs are very high. mortgages, automobiles and credit cards. it makes it important, just hourly wages adjuster for inflation, biden came into office it was $11.40. today at $11.11 so they've lost money in the last three and a half years. i think that's a key reason not
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only for sluggishness and the economy but also the polls. >> you and i have talked muck we created this common cpi which is the opposite of court, it's stuff that is core, food, inflation, housing, insurance and utilities. that grown faster than wages by about 8% the past three years so the average person's revolving has declined. real wages may have started to increase slightly the last couple of months but the hemolytic effect people are responding to annette's microphone it's a solo and people are so grumpy despite the fact that your close to full employment. inflation hurts the working class but the average person notices saturday. >> you did say the other day and i agree, if you start canceling student loans, i'm going to call
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500 billion, back will add to consumer demand, no free lunch there and that in turn will add to inflation and interest rates putting higher mortgage rates. >> we have a deficit problem, i agree into look at the president's budget, he has a lot deficit reduction. if he could get congress to pass his budget deficit would come down and help bring inflation down. unfortunately he can't come close to getting that to happen with this congress. student loan think he did by executive authority goes the other direction and i think it's unfortunate that was adding to the deficit but if you look at the plan as a whole it's better than the subset he was able to get done administratively. >> you want to close the deficit with a huge tax hike depending on a moving target but basically it looks like something between
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three and five trillion dollars tax hike. your get the revenues? the economy will think, that's not deficit reduction icy and as i spending restrengthen wants to see it as tax increases. topic good for the economy? >> i think you've ever seen a tax increase you didn't think was massive. >> that is true. i don't like hikes. >> the top right because back to 39.6%, that's what was under obama, perfectly fine economy been, clinton same thing. the corporate tax rate goes to 28%. that's a whole lot lower than 35 it used to be a couple of years ago prt was asking for think 25, it's only a little bit about that so i think we have to cut spending and raise taxes. none of it is going to be easy, none of it will be super pleasant but we need to get
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toward paying bills. >> you will never get the deficit reduction with gigantic tax hikes, it will never happen but you are right, i like tax hikes, i like spending restraint, economic growth. the committee hasn't peace today from the treasury department advancing equity through tax reform. they are arguing capital gains tax is inherently racist because it helps upper and wealthy people more than it helps lower income blacks and hispanics. white do own more homes in a higher stock ownership because on to say how great it is proposing a 4.6% capital gains tax rate. what you make of that? >> out of the depths about our coming, i don't see -- the way to lift people up is not to make people important. the way to increase the quality is not to make other people for,
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is to bring people up out already. if you increase capital gains tax, less capital. less employment which means that he bought a bottle runs of the latter will be hurt the most. this is not the way to do it, not a supply-side, really not a supply-side approach for view of the world which you and i share. i can think of anything that would hurt the poor and working-class more than increasing the capital gains. >> how they will accumulate set, they will wind up paying the same among the crazy thing. we are running out of time. thank you, jason. thank you for coming on, appreciate it. coming up, the real threat to democracy -- wait for it. it could be flawless biden administration. we got charlie hurt and alec lace and paul model to weigh in on that and other things as well. i'm about, stick around. i'm about, stick around. ♪
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to the most complex therapies at the best prices. while providing enhanced support like in—home nursing at no additional cost. that's wonder made possible. evernorth health services. president trump outside the courthouse will take it live. >> i think he's going to go. i think they might have an election but it's a problem put the rest. i just want to say biden,
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anytime he wants including tonight and he set up in the administration. the attack or ability but i'm here, ready willing and able. my tonight or wednesday night or be in michigan because of not having any jobs left, no other jobs left in michigan with this ridiculous mandate. monday night, wednesday. we are ready and we will do it in the white house but tell me where.
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i don't think he will. maybe he will. i'm not sure but here we are ready willing and able will see him and i don't think he will be here. i just want to thank everybody for being here like everybody else. this is something that should never have been brought. john, every single one reporting today. this scathing report, cap leave this is happening. there's no case whatsoever, a disgrace. a conflicted dutch in a shouldn't be happening.
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>> there you saw it, he listened to it. debate, anywhere, anytime, anyplace. i suggest monday evening, tuesday evening or wednesday evening at my rally in michigan. state is in the process of destroying with the mandate in the alternative in new york city today all the probably doesn't know it. i'm stuck in one of many court cases he instigated as election interference against a political opponent in continuing witchhunt i'm just reading off truth social trump maga we all get. charlie hurt, washington times opinion editor, fox news contributor, first class paul model and fox news contributor, welcome to all of you. in new york, he loves to debate,
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going to put that aside because it's not going to happen. this is specialty, i always think of you. you went right away to the construction site and talk to the workers the union workers say union folks will vote for him by three to one, joe biden show himself in a construction site i daresay. i'm not saying he shouldn't but he won't even do it want to take on trump making hay out of a difficult situation. >> working in the railroad 24 years as a union worker, i've never seen anything like this before. they are 2020, he didn't see it the way you see it right now. union workers, they keep saying joe biden does this for the u unit, what good is anymore money you get when everything else is rising? the costs are going up from a union member's, the top saying vote for biden union members are agree with those guys you saw yesterday, sick and tired of those for every minor think they want to support that family w
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with. they can 2024. >> we talked about this with byron york but apple came out yesterday, trumps and points down in new york state. he lost the state by 23 the last time around. he's only ten points down and rising so i guess what i'm saying, this law fair g hot against trump which i personally believe comes from the biden white house, it's not working. that's what i'm suggesting. >> it's definitely not working and i think democrats will start waking up and realizing it's a terrible mistake. we had him involved down in a place like new york because the polling you are talking about the construction site visit and the visit to the bodega, he will do other things i'd like to see him ride a subway summer and show the crime there. i like to see him do something madison square garden. because of things he can do it of course the most the one think donald trump is, he's not an
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ideologue, he's a practical guy who wants to find tactical solutions and this is something upsetting to even conservatives and republican party because they want the ideologue but new york is a city that has to work. whatever you say about him or your political leanings, new yorkers marked the city to work and it not working right now. a guy like donald trump, i love the moment he's talking about how many floors of concrete his people were able to pork, three stories a day, quote president have we ever had knows how any of that would begin to work? donald trump does from a practical guy and practical solutions are what i think people are dying for. >> my wife and i want hurt him give a speech for about an hour. new york state reported party and how he rebuilds what now
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that midtown by the train station about the train station, quid pro quo strong light fixtures, roofing, the whole thing he went through and concludes the speech by saying give me a chance, i'm going to rebuild the u.s. the same time. the most extraordinary speech, jaw-dropping. probably week late 2015 when people to know him all that well. i want to ask you, you are a law enforcement guy among other things. as you look at these files in the clouds and supreme court, i don't think it is working. i don't know the outcomes anymore than anybody else but don't think is a political matter which is what i am interested in, i don't think it's working at all for the biden administration. >> i think the polls reflected and simple thing you can put on
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this and why. normally we have a high profile, murder or whatever. idaho for example, what is everybody talking about? the evidence. how can he prove he today? nobody knows the charges the conversation is what exactly he being charged with? >> the constitutional scholar and he hits the nail on the head, a due process aside the other issues that are problematic on a state level, bump into a probably and statue of limitations from all that will go with the weinstein case yesterday and will take a lot of invest but the constitutional larger issue that donald trump, thought of the way into the trial, listen to what he's charged with. we don't know the second charge actually is. >> and the public doesn't know and the changes are the jury
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does not either. it is a big thing and it may well cause one or two jurors to say i can't vote for this because they don't know what it is. not much of a case. another thing, speaking of abusing democracy. in the last week biden's, through executive orders and regulations, not congressional bills or legislation, he has banning non- complete causes federal trade commission, to take over the internet again, we stopped from doing that in the biden years. the epa wants to end coal, essentially coal and natural gas and the boys wanted to add oil and i will mean the end of gasoline powered automobiles. i would regards these tests of democracy because this is president biden going around the
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courts which like student loan cancellations, all of these epa things were illegal versus west virginia, trying to go around the courts and around congress to voice his agenda everybody. >> is climate change agenda he's trying to push this is what donald trump come these ev cars have crippled the cars, they can't get them off the lot causing nothing but trouble. this is why everyone is leaning toward donald trump only look back who will find out guys like alvin bragg and fani willis, they didn't want to get people to the polls and mcdaniel ever did, they are seeing what's going on and they will, drugs. >> don't say that but that's pretty good. they financing these ivy league campuses? what you think? apparently so and it's not surprising, hates america.
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he is a jewish faith if i'm not mistaken. >> i always try to look at things from others is back up and i tried to wrap my brain around what it is he has up to. i don't know you can come up with anything other than the fact that he hates america or se wants to destroy the value, the wealth of so many people and bite into it and write it back up for greedy reasons. it's not. >> i appeal to your law enforcement instincts. what is happening here? the anti-semitism on campuses and so forth which is part of the greater the ei campaign. joe biden said the same thing, he had one phrase a couple days ago where he said yes for israel and we have to understand
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palestine. he hasn't commented directly on breaking campuses up on hate crimes and what the kids have to go through and once again college presidents don't seem to have enough backbone to shut it down, what you make of this? >> this looks a lot like occupy wall street and later on torchlight 112020 new york, a lot of people don't realize there was a professional class a protesters particular the blue city's especially in new york and they control all of this, many close go through them, 20 different colors, hard to find the money. i think to recognize is the following : this is why you don't see a d.o.j. investigation because what we need is these cases pop up simultaneously around the country which we had last week same day carrying the same. organized and orchestrated. it won't turn the rocks of her but you are get into the funding
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various if you and pete, dark money that goes to democratic candidates, upon forming saying what you doing? close race here and working in the lake of my money flow. it will be a commonality they don't want to know about so what is your recourse? big class-action lawsuit, groups of jewish students banning together suing the organi organizations. then we might get some elimination because the discovery is going to be fascinating. >> this is another place where biden is throwing down job, i'm sure that's true but we have a number of civil rights laws on the books, good laws to prevent discrimination. aimed primarily at blacks, i get that but that includes any hate crimes, they think that is discriminatory which this is, why want joe biden or his
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justice department -- forget the politics there is blatant civil rights injustices should be corrected through legal channels and lawsuits in court appearances. >> the same people are agreeing with the people that are not allowing jewish students on universities. his what they should do, get a hamas recruiting dominic with a sign that says you want to freak palestine? sinecure. who is paying for these? all of a sudden there's 400 tenths if you do trace the money, we will find out. >> a professional protest, many of them. civil rights discrimination is against the law. why want -- this is a case where he should enforce the actual l law. >> he's the most votes, these people doing all about hating of
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jews on campuses wanting to burn israel to the ground and celebrate hamas missiles. he wants these people to like him and vote for him but the most important thing all across the country, nobody is buying into this. people are disgusted. the way they register your discuss is in november. >> i think retirement is coming. >> and he's right, the reason they can't go after these people legally is because democrats are relying on the same people for funding the campaign. >> and we label domestic terror threat here? >> were a hamas cases? a designated group. >> civil rights laws are piloted left and right joe biden says his work democracy is not for democracy.
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we appreciate you very much. joe biden want to shut down power. also people power. whole, oil, gas, cars. you will have enough electricity. epa administrator, former epa andrew. ♪ ♪ everybody wants super straight, super white teeth. they want that hollywood white smile. new sensodyne clinical white provides 2 shades whiter teeth and 24/7 sensitivity protection. i think it's a great product. it's going to help a lot of patients. (♪) at enterprise mobility, we never stop looking for new mobility solutions. because sometimes the best road forward, is the one you didn't expect. (♪)
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a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for.
4:53 pm
joe biden regulations want to shut down electric power, electricity. joining us now, andrew wheeler, former epa administrator. lemme get this right, he's going to shut down coal, new natural gas taking millions of acres off oil drilling and fracking but electricity demands going up. ai related competitions, electric vehicles, computer chips, they are going to shut down power. i don't get it. >> i don't either and thanks for having me on your show. i will try to boil it down for your items create. find new regulations yesterday attacking our plants and new natural gas. the permanent energy office projects at least on the proposed rule that this will result in 135 gigawatts optical off-line only bringing it on 20
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gigawatts so trying to make it simple, this is where our supply is today taking supply down but demand going up. you -- the federal government should be closing the gap, not increasing the gap in 2032 which is the same year the biden wants two thirds of our automobiles to be powered by electricity so increasing through regulation and demand but also decreasing supply. it doesn't add up. >> it doesn't, i like the way you put it. the risk here, brownouts, blackouts because wind and solar will not be enough, not reliable enough and they are cutting off reliable fuels. you have some points that interest me, a lot of people are saying from biden these are
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efforts to go around west virginia versus epa. no congressional mandate. the clock is ticking they are trying to get around court decisions, probably not legal. >> i agree, i think it runs west virginia versus epa but also the decision doesn't come out yet, that is which dictates how federal agencies apply lost from congress and the chevron fence, but was argued in january, february the decision is expected june. i should have waited until the decision comes out because they may have to change the recollection after the decision is out. they are pushing this out and they are rushing out because they are afraid trump administration. the other shoe that will fall unless there's a second biden administration is they plan to issue regulations for existing natural gas next year. >> that will be a killer for electricity. thank you, that little bit at
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the end, thank you. ♪
4:57 pm
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5:00 pm
joe biden's regulatory state including loan cancellation very much like us offer attack on trump is illegal and unconstitutional. it will backfire right on the biden's. i'll just say that and then we have liz mcdonald giving us the straight and narrow midweek hope so. it's already backfiring. we can, it's good to see you


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